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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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a way that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the destruction this fall as the i can see. following and knights of intense is running, foaming across the goal is to strip the main site dissolved. is there a life from data also coming off? because that has become the digital modules that 3030 has been destroyed. w h o chief of payrolls for an immediate safe spot in order to allow humanitarian aid into going,
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searching close to an illegal is rarely supplement may occupied eastern, risen inches, many leaving one passing dead and off to israel's, we'll put some more than half a 1000000 children out of school when each one teach in rockford, determined to help children with education, the beginning golf, where the is there any minute tree is continuing its targeted attacks on residential areas across the strip. at least 10 palestinians have been killed often as strike on a home in bed. la, here in the north lay, some victims women and children. such opperation is on going to search for survivors dropped onto the rubble. a female and southern gauze, a number is rarely strikes, hit residential buildings in russell overnight. at least 3 people were killed in a home. in the north, the city children were among the wounded casualties. have been mounting in the area
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with one and a half 1000000 displays. palestinians sheltering is really strikes on russell. so targeted a most in algebra, refugee camp. hundreds of historic sites and buildings which of pods of gauze heritage had been destroyed since the war began in central gone. so it'd be as riley ministry, boned a residential building in the crowd it out. is there a refuge account? nice. 14 people were killed. dozens wounded or we can go live to rough it. well just there is huntington that's new to standing by for us. so yet more is riley strikes, targeting russia, honey, bring us up to date with what's been happening. yes . well, within the past half an hour and there, there seems no lit up in the tax on the central area that seems to be very
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confident freight. it's been fairly hours of this morning. but right now, we're looking at as the why the area of that for the western part of the central area where a residential homes would be evacuated. filtering inside the building was targeted and destroyed. and number large number of people arrived loc, so hospital in the city, we were told there's a large number of people who already arrived there. morris still under the rebels as the house was described to us as very, very populated though a lot of people were inside of it showed during and up i think there was in the home but an overnight attacks in dropbox city. that is the across the dropbox city, everywhere from the eastern part, the northern part near the gibson, gauze, or border where more farm lands were targeted and destroyed. a mosque here in northern part of rubber and the silver neighborhood was destroyed. and not only the most by the start, but also the vicinity, more of the residential home in the vicinity of the mosque where severely damaged,
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causing more internal displacement. there are at the total number as we're getting now from the overnight attacks in the central air. y'all rough city a close to a 38 people, but we're still waiting for an official. the statement of the, the latest, a total of the 25th 24 past hours of the intense uh tox, across the gaza strip. okay, honey, thanks. have a reporting honey. my me that for us in russia, the of the palestine red crescent society says that it is rarely siege is causing catastrophic conditions at the amount of hospital in come units. soldiers and times have been targeting the medical facility for a month and charge the operates the hospital in southern gaza and is wanting it could go out of service any moment. world health organization has won the scale of killing and hunger in guns that will only increase unless there is a ceasefire. on
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a broader level, guys that has become additional modules, the territory has been destroyed. more than 29000 people are dead. many more are missing, presumed dead, and many, many more are in george c. if you had a multi attrition has showed up dramatically since the water started from under one percent to more than 15 percent in some areas. putting more lives at risk of this for you good will arise the long go to the world, goes on and supplies uninterrupted. there's been a shooting incident and occupied a source. and this morning it happened next through the mail that i domain, which is an illegal is really supplement. at least one person has been killed an 8 all those injured several we believe on critical condition. let's go to within knox, who weighs. i don't can potties source and for us, what more can you tell us about the shooting?
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well, i mean, we know that at least 5 of these 8 injured have been rushed to a nearby hospital. this is an attack with took place 2 or 3 comments. it's just east of where i'm standing. it was at a check point on one of the major roads coming in search fight, east jerusalem from a settlement. not too far from head for be about 5 kilometers away. there was a traffic down the vehicles waiting to go through the check point. when these 3 attackers arrived. according to his raised security services, they came from the best for him area. at least 2 of them being killed beside us, being to use the terminology these ready face neutralized. we've seen video of a mind being placed in hand. costs is not yet clear whether he remained alive or not, in terms of the frequency of these kinds of the types. and this is important the context to we've seen at least 3 searching attacks in and around jerusalem since october, the 7th. that has been a huge amount of tension about access to the alex a mosque as you can imagine. but this is also a really contents that you inside is really politics of the moment about the ongoing violence inside the west bind,
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including incidents like this. but target is ready, settlers the been a v, is there any national security administer was just on the scene? what did he have to say? it's a mob been given it was that within about an hour of the incident money and he's been talking for months about the need to all more is randy settlers, tens of thousands of weapons of already being handed out to individuals in the occupied westbank base today he's that he want to see much smotts more that he want to see further check points. he said the freedom of movement for palestinians allowing them into his rights are a treat for walk around. the purposes was something that he was dead set against. and he said this kind of a time was a consequence of that very freedom of movement. okay, now thank you. when a mock sat for a said, ok party service. is there any forces have carried out overnight? res. across the okey pod, westbank, a bulldozer destroyed around about in the act that job
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a refugee camp in jericho. joining forces have been conducting raids, i'm destroying buildings and facilities nearly every night since october. the 7th is really on the vehicle, is what we'll say seeing, and i'll be re ramallah until chrome the another day of hearings into the legal consequences as well as occupation will get on the way before the us top judicial body in the coming hours. several countries will be making submissions today, including china are in iran, island, jordan, and 11 on. on wednesday the us us the i c j note to all day as well as immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories. stuff, fastened reports from the hague. for 3 days, the 15 judges of the un stop court heard from one country after another. the
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clearing that is false occupation of palestinian territories is illegal until it was to us as turn any movement towards israel. withdrawal from the west bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of those security needs on october 7. and they persist, and the palestinian foreign minister dismiss the us arguments that the court advice good and the age of peace negotiations that should lead to a palestinian state. we tried the other for us uh for the last 75 years and you know, we confronted exactly the, the, them, uh, the, the us, vito and the last page on a, you know, over decision making processes within the system. and that's why we came to the a i, c, j because, you know, we felt that the, that, that makes sense, you know, the cut off to perform in the same way. like have you have the, the performed in, in, in the, you're not to mention system russia
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a long time. it's really ally also participated in the k saying the occupation is illegal and should stop but cannot accept the check of those officials in these that are on some risk that i'm confident. what type of defense in disagreement violence against civilians, by referring to is it l duty to permit that it's nationals. violence can only lead to more violence, hate threats and brings hated. this vicious circle must be broken and that are supposed to use security to both for each level and the police. danielle can only be unsure if the course of the current crisis is addressed, but the rush i did ask the court not to go into detail. one is responsibility. taking a stave can only be brought to the world course by its own consent. after the invasion of ukraine in 2022, russia is itself involved in the case at the highest court. international law is
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not an a la carte menu. it applies to everyone where it's the judges heard on the 3rd day of an unprecedented case, asking for an advisory opinion on as well as occupation. what stands out after 3 days is that the vast majority of the countries, one palestinian people to be treated equally before the law and israel to be held accountable stuff fast. and i'll just say around, take as well stuff austin, a is now live for us outside the international course of justice in the hague services. day for step. can you give us a rundown of what we can expect? well, so far we heard of for 24 conference, and as i just said, the foss majority has said that the occupation should be declared illegal to basically only 4 countries, including the us, but also hungry and friends who had a different opinion. today we're going to hear from 12 more countries and the country that will kick off this morning. it's china. and what we are expecting is
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also to china will give a statement. so calling the occupation illegal the for a minute. so china as far as 4 minutes, the me was in the munich just a few days ago at the unix, secure with the conference. and he said that the fact that the palestinians don't have a state is one of the most to the longest running injustice as he sat in content contemporary times. so off the china, we also are going to hear from iran from iraq. jordan as well. and we will have a 2 minutes so, so also presenting cases so far it's mostly been invested us or legal advice as of now today we will have to administer the 4 minutes of jordan is expected to arrive in the next hour or so later today we also have the 4 minutes of malaysia in the afternoon. okay, thank you for that. that fast and buffers at the hague and the, those hearings are due to begin in about 45 minutes. we will of course,
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be taking them live here on out there. a go ahead on al jazeera. so don's on a takes back control of some areas near the capital of to 10 months sufficing with the power ministering units. we have a report from the ground. there are many villages like this in china, where for generations, people have been moving overseas in search for a better life. but now many are taking the risk of illegally crossing into the us from the mexican border and not just for economic benefits. the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice,
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informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial morgan. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 a l . just the
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missing out is there a minus on top stories based out of these 10 palestinians have been killed often astro, like on a home in this law here in the north of gauze based eviction is all women and children satcher operations own. going to look for us, the volume is trumped under the rubble of a series of as rarely strikes of tolveton, residential buildings in rasa. in southern golf, at least 3 people were killed in a home in the north pacific children among the wounded and the world health organization says gone, that has become a dead zone and wounds of the scale of killing and hunger will only increase unless
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there is a ceasefire is there any attacks of killed, more than $29300.00 posts in the instance? october, the 7th ambulance crews all struggling to reach the dead and the wounded on the ground. soldiers of open fire at fleeing civilians and tanks of destroy the tents belonging to displace families, many of whom, who are ready, destitute, tart, assume reports now from rasa in southern gaza. one last in price of draw man's daughter weiss, i'm to lose what killed and that is really a strike in the home in rough i suffering cause just a few hours before he had been playing with his toddler drinking tea with his family had been problem. hey i my arms lies my soul. kenzie, i'm going to settle so she was a yeah and a half old in the summer and then todd building was level to the ground. why these really won't pick up enough from their bodies,
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which are 2 pieces off to the united states, yet again, vito to un security council resolution cooling for an immediate cease fire be removed. palestinians safety have been let down. is the accepted for the images of more than a $140.00 days award? did not push the world take action, then what are they waiting for? and what does the world waiting for? are they waiting for all of the palestinian people and all the children to die? civilians say they're being targeted is very forces to crowd street east to ruffle, repeatedly on tuesday. and there was newly tapping the bombing in central goes like the, the, with thousands of people were killed. 6 of them in that strike when a call. but the threat is no longer just from this calling that discount for displaced people in a more senior con eunice families say it's very sore just through sound bombs into their tents, hold them to leave. and finally,
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those who run away. that's not really terrified. we run for our lives best leaving all of belongings and attend these ready soldiers rounded up the women and the children on the beach. we spent the night in the cold, out in the open, on the beach without even a scarf or covering tanks destroyed tents, personal belongings, and precious supplies of sues. at the time when 8 don't see a warning of famine, a, this is a more see an area that use very all me designated as a safe. so people are losing coat that they will get any help from the international community. israel funding comes, they is hitting targets. of course, the goal is a strip as palestinians will have feet or read the posts from the homes, have nowhere to hide. terica wazoo. how does the rough, rough all southern guns is there as well on guns that has destroyed universities
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and schools disrupting the education system? a 162 school buildings have been directly hits, biased rarely strikes, which effective 625000 students. 92 percent old school buildings on use, the shelters for displays, palestinians, and you on the says 3 universities have been completely destroyed and others have been damaged, depriving 88000 students as a full academic year study. palestinian officials say 95 professors symbols they've been killed. but despite all these unique challenges facing students as a result, as well as occupation literacy among palestinians is that 97.7 percent. one teacher in russia is on a mission to not allow israel's war to rome. children of the future. and a hash him has the story. more than half a 1000000 students in guys are out of school. even if the war comes to an end,
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they won't be able to resume the education. thousands of them have lost their lives . but for those who have survived, as well as will on guns out, there are no schools to come back to. most of the 800 schools of either being completely destroyed or have been turned into shelters for the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have lost the whole loss. well, try double time. i decided to back to the time to turn the library of the thought if made school and drop off into a classroom. but i think at all, uh, the idea started during my presence here as a curator of the library. it is known that all schools have since the beginning of the war, turned into sheltering centers of children started to flock to the library, asking if they could borrow some books or stories and was instead of addresses. i recorded 10 numbers in the library borrowers registered with time. a student name holmes suggested if they could sit and study, you see, and that's how the initiative lights and come to came about on the team of teachers
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. i'll volunteering to instruct these children on different in now, and this is a little bit of this initiative is one and a half months old. it was a brilliant tied to knowledge is the cornerstone of, of the future. we must continue with the education in order to be able to build a country of future know your we come here every other day. we are taught many subjects at a big science match. in addition to register and poetry. the teachers are also providing the kids with psychological and moral support to fill out for me if the physical being for riley, this is a great positive impact on children's emotional healing. were striking a balance between teaching and providing mental and psychological help. the children, well they are hit with tons of misery sufficient enough. these young palestinian students in gaza are striving to get kind of dictation despite all. now how yeah, now i'm on now. what about one of them went up there is not even
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a pen and paper to write or story to tell, except for the story of death and destruction displacement uninstalled ation. despite all this gloomy life, we are adamant to continue with the education to light a candle of hope for our fellow students. while the war and guns that continues unabated, these children are choosing hope over despair. resilience over the field, clinging on to any semblance of normal life, despite the desk with them and college that surrounds them. hashim edges here on the seat homes on a has broken a siege by the power ministry rapids support forces and one of the spaces near the capitol. 10 months into the conflict. the armies slowly regaining control of the areas around the call to the seas had cut off supplies to people living near the base and undermine table moving reports the vis base houses, the sudanese armies, engineering court in the city of them through man for nearly 7 months it was under
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siege by the parent, military rapids support forces or r s f. but in recent, these, the army was able to break through and deliver supplies to its troops. how does if i took the reading and this is a gift from god and the defeats of the rebels of criminals, terrorized people and carried out to the trustees like never seen before. this is the 1st phase because of the will, will not hand until i'm going to month and we'll next to done is cleared of the malicious. the streets near the base are as cards by the bottled spots over its buildings destroyed by artillery fire from the recess when he tried to seize the base barriers built on roads to keep the fighters away. the power military group has been fighting the army for control of sedan. for 10 months, it's fighters were stationed in districts surrounding the base to prevent the weapons and ammunition from reaching the soldiers inside. what's in the past few weeks, it's been forced to retreat from some areas. the army has made game here and i'm
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the man, but are selling by the parent. many 3 on the be at the area around discontinue. and while the miniature was able to bring in reinforcement, it wasn't the only site that was affected by the our staff. and it's located for the title of mind. mohammed lives near the base. after days without eating, he collapsed. had i said this was the kind of tire, not the past 10 months have been indescribable. there was hunger, there was sickness. the shops were burned in the shelling. people were allowed to bring us food, or medicine yourself, prevented people from going to the market. they either rob you of your money or kill you. as i said the other day. yeah. has opened to her home to those in need. she says the lack of supplies wasn't the worst thing about the seat of the daughter should be there. plus there was incentive shedding to the point that people couldn't walk around. heavy weapons where use the weapons use,
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which we didn't know the names of include an identified and coordinate. we live through tough times. people would be cut to pieces for walking on the streets, looking for medicines. kids looked up, having see, for the eyes, payments left their children. the battles in under mine are far from over, which with the army gaining ground, many here hope their lives would return to normal again soon. he but morgan, alta 0, i'm the man for them. unprecedented number of chinese nationals have been a legally entering the united states across its border with mexico. money on driven to make the trip by china slowing economy on the say they escaping and increasing the repressive environment. on a be low reports from shoe by proteins. a large gated homes in rural china, but the streets are almost empty. many residents of this village in hope a province are working overseas and sending home money to help their families. yes,
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lots of people here to migrate overseas, and it's to make money. in the late 19 ninety's as much as 85 percent of workers leaving to provincial capital officer at the one for jobs abroad or from here. there are many villages like this in china. we're for generations. people have been moving overseas is search for a better life. but now many are taking the risk of illegally crossing into the us from the mexican border and not just for economic benefits. this was issued yet to long in january last year. the post says these people are applying for passports with the intention of going to the us. it was right around the time the government dropped it. strict corona virus rules the to cover your policy meant almost the chinese feel, the service or how routes or the system is so one, the 0 call me policy was over
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a $510.00. these people wanted to go out. wanted to escape with the chinese nationals made up less than 2 percent of the $12500000.00 migrant, documented by us authorities at the southern border in 2023, but the fastest growing group with more than $37000.00 detained last year. that's 50 times higher than in 2021. many apply for political asylum. the approval rate is higher. so that phosphor tanny's measurements that really is like a motor, 50 percent, sometimes more than 67 percent. so that means here the 2 are for those uh, migrant and guides. uh, a sign up in a statement sent out to 03, the chinese foreign ministry says it isn't aware of the situation but to pauses and punishes any form of illegal migration. but tips and how to make the journey,
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often long, costly and arduous stop hard, excessive or online in china and consult experts say the influx of undocumented chinese migrants is likely to continue for as long as this economic future remains uncertain. and at least until the us presidential election in village, just like this, where people are desperate to earn a living, could multiply a barn below algebra 2 in charge long of a province, china. okay, that's it for me not inside. you can find lots more information on our website knowledge. is there a dot com? when that is next, then inside store, it looks at how israel can be stoltz from using salvation as a weapon. to saving us the the
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hello. we have a big change on the way across the western pulse of cheer up in terms of that type of just a spring light conditions around the way out is going to be a little more like winter as we go through the next couple of days. these files are cloud and rank humphrey spec like a shout cloud and some of those showers will be winfrey in nature of habit of cloud into a central pile. so if you have something of a southerly element to our wins here, so it does stay miles have as it go through the next step. so you can see the blue is already pushing into west and pots. so if you have single figures for london, paris, a full boat, and that will continue to be the case as we go one through the next couple of days . but that volts does continue into those central areas. mother tried by the for central eastern pots, either towards the northwest though some very heavy rain, very strong winds go forth, wins. one is in forced air because parts of england, the wells to the west, and when the weather moving through on the remainder of the stay that went by the comes down of course, much of prompting to west. and there was a gemini, through the low countries cloud and right into making his way into spain and
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portugal, increasingly when the last street and city weather coming in here to move towards the latter part of the week may well say some very heavy rains in northern parts of nigeria, the dry season missing 17 millimeters afraid. we're not going to see that right. slipping by the south. the already under relentless as rarely bombardment for months. palestinians in northern garza are also going hungry. but you and food agency has halted a deliveries saying civil order has collapse. so how can israel be stopped from using starvation as a weapon of what this is inside store the .


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