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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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even through on the remainder also stay that when it comes down to cost, much of prompting to west america, jeremy, through the low countries cloud and right into making his way into spain and portugal, increasingly when the last street and city weather coming in here to move towards the latter part of the week may well say some very heavy rains in northern parts of nigeria. so the dry season missing 17 millimeters afraid. we're not going to see that right. slipping by the south. the already under relentless is really bombardment for months. palestinians in northern garza are also going hungry, but you and food agency has halted a deliveries saying civil order has collapse. so how can israel be stopped from using starvation as a weapon of what? this is inside store the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much of june the world food program is suspending a deliveries to northern gauze because it's too dangerous. you an agency says the decision wasn't taken lightly and it knows more people risk dying of hunger, but it's adamant conditions need to improve and the safety of its trucks and staff have to be guaranteed. the move leaves hundreds of thousands of palestinians facing possible famine. just how bad is the situation in the north of the strip, and is israel's offensive a war of starvation? this is what we'll be discussing today. but 1st, this report from dmitri residential of the, at the beginning of its war on gaza. israel control supplies of everything, palestinians needed to survive. closing its to border crossings and bombing rough up the crossing, linking egypt to the strip of the what the living we are imposing
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a complete c, john gaza. there will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fee, when every thing will be closed. we are fighting against the human animals and we are acting accordingly that before october, the 7th, $500.00 trucks would enter guns of daily. most of the population depended on humanitarian assistance. after a week of relentless bombing, these rarely ami issued an evacuation order for northern casa one point. 1000000 people have 24 hours to move to the south for the strip, for their own safety. it said many left, but others did in the months that followed, even those so called safe sevens came under attack, and some families made the difficult decision to return home or to what was left of it. it was weeks into it's a salt before israel allowed the 1st trucks back in and fall below pre war numbers . the un has repeatedly accused israel looking almost all
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a deliveries to the north. this year it says only 10 of more than 60 planned convoys have reached northern casa this is a red day when one made it through desperate for anything to eat. people, russia, i still was that southern, she, why does it kilogram of russ customer $19.00. there's no flower, we're eating animal free to stop f cells from feeling hungry by within about a half hour. then hotter with people who used to have money at the beginning of the war and no longer have any. how can people eat or drink? this is the last of ation, autumn. in january, the international court of justice forwarded israel to take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of humanitarian assistance in gaza. but palestinians in the north say nothing has changed. hunger, disease displacement and non stop is rarely attacks to be treatment, but didn't go out to 0 for inside story.
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the. so what's the significance of the w a piece decision and it's a good question for our guest today. joining us from occupied east jerusalem is shayna low communications advice there for the norwegian refugee council in palestine in ramallah and the occupied westbank is about 5 stuff smoked 1st and for the palestinian red crescent society which had deliberate, essential services developed indians since 1969 and from london were joined by sarah pennsylvania. i know the chief executive of o d. i a respected humanitarian policy. think tank a one. welcome to you all. and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story about let me start with you today. more than a 1000000 people used to live in the north of the gaza strip. now, the area is mostly destroyed for those who chose to stay, or for those who chose to return just how difficult has life become for them. how desperate is the situation, and how dire is the suffering? or is extreme the dire? we're talking about almost $700000.00,
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but it's demands who are now in costa city and, and those people are completely denied access to human maternity and aids. we're talking about the w r, p. c. soon seasoned corporation and distribution game and goes to city bar. we all know that since the beginning of the war and gaza is there and have in both the seat on the gulf of city and the north. and this area is a nearly completely corrupt all humanitarian aid. that's why the situation there as a camp hospital think people are literally starving. most people they struggle at eager to have one the mean most essential supplies are not available at the markets . and the even uh, items which are available are extremely high. we're talking about 10 a 20 times about higher prices than normal just having the one egg is almost a $2.00. i have a here closely,
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long from i work for leaks in giovanni and most of casa, and they have been telling me how they struggle every day in order to find food for their families. shayna you heard about their talk about how the situation is catastrophic. now the w, if he previously warned of famine light conditions affecting 2300000 people in gaza, they said that it's teams witnessed unprecedented levels of desperation in the north just recently. now, how bad from what your hearing is the situation and how fearful are you and your teams of how much worse it could get? you know, we're hearing similar reports about the cost of to just simply be having phenomenal if anything can be found. we had colleagues who wants to remain here in northern got the city, and they have run out of flour and they run out of the core and they're running out of animal water. they don't have any cooking oil. really. they are struggling to
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survive. we've seen that the people that around 16 percent of children under the age of 2 are suffering for acute mountain friction in northern god. this is only going to to arrive and as the con, when cannot because of these, it's simply the see. these are unbelievable conditions for humanitarian to be trying to work in and imagine if it is difficult for you ma'am, and tearing, how difficult it is all over the civilian population that struggling to survive. yeah, i'm sure that you were talking there about logistics and i wanted to follow up with you about that because there are so many agencies who have complained about the cumbersome is really procedures that slow these a trucks from getting into god's at that slow the flow of aid from getting into guys, i want to ask you about specifically how difficult it is getting the aden notches that but also once the aide is actually in. and it's not
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a huge amount that's getting in. but once it actually is in how difficult it is for those 8 and just need to actually pick up the 8 and then distribute the 8. the worst of all is the d 6 really cumbersome screening process. these which delayed, it's been difficult to track a when it's coming in to be able to anticipate that we've all seen recently that as well as the targeting of a con ways are the police officers rather were company caroway, whichever led to the police, no longer being willing to provide that service, meaning that the convoys are b. bye bye desperate cause to me, i'm struggling to get anything. so when, when the trucks are managing to get people to go to the haven't and it will travel from rock. oh, we in the south up to northern, but it's very, very difficult for probably to be able to meet that journey and arrive to their destination with the aid that with the complete package of,
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of 8. because so much of it is being uh, booted along the way, were being forced to be distributed to people who are in desperate need and struggling themselves. we desperately need in addition to the match scaling up of the reduction of these commerce, the screening process. these we need additional access points including from the north, from aaron, from the attorney crossing. we need additional waiting to be getting the in so that it reaches people more efficiently and can reach the old who are in desperate need, but particularly those in northern god that is there. i so the world food program is now saying that it's halting food deliveries to northern cause that because conditions are too dangerous. obviously this is of huge significance when it comes to the impact it will have on people in northern guys are getting that hugely needed aid. i mean the w if p is essentially the backbone for food delivery in gaza . so if they are pausing their distribution,
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what does this mean going forward and can we expect to see other agencies essentially taking the same decision in the near term? and i have very real 0 being just that, or you might and supplies and all the gods of we'll stop and do this in the context of the situation that that's how my colleagues were adjuster. describing these is desperate to go. we are seeing, you know, suffering these unspeakable drug government, particularly in the north where people to really be left without seem to print and support. i'm, i have very dear friends and colleagues was, you know, responding in these emergencies, people that work in some of the worst causes and rhonda ward from some donte and they're telling me that what they're see now, what they are witnessing is sunday. there's never witnessing the very long because he uses the money to act as a around the horn. and i just love a few fi gets to what my colleagues have really said. douglas, be thoughts about, you know, potential funding,
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but we know the how familiar you guys are already in funding like situation and that, you know, being spent a lot of keep the stopping because a lot of the population of god that is made of young people is made of children we're seeing, you know, broker diesel homeboys repeatedly. i mean the un said that from the 1st of january . so these are february, 51 percent of long it'd be just the northern garza where be nice access but he's right. new told me these at the end of the month, old john woody. only think of the 60, why don't you know you're going to need nations and then asked for what allowed by you strength. know somebody garza and i think that is needing porton to no stress. because east is a boy. in fact, he has an obligation for cd page meditative assistance which will allow me to assist together actually that i know begin should i say no to find papa to supplies to be the thing down to a week. and they are, you know, feeding is a big issue to be sure to take a look forward to you to a service center services and also to protect the desk. so actually,
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when the big town said the opponent is obligation, the mosque, the absolutely most you know, according to the nationally, they don't do a lot on tv truly made in bows. and what we're seeing is that it's just the trickling of, you know, they all try to you are there for 2.3 new people. and about up sarah was talking there about the risk of famine that is now being detected in gaza. also talking about the responsibility that an occupying force has when it comes to the delivery of a. now i want to ask you about the fact that the palestinian red crescent has been warning that a number of people have died as a result of israel's deliberate starvation. and famine and gaza. so i want to ask you is what we are seeing right now. war by starvation and our israel's actions in gaza, causing a famine. almost a quarter of population and goals are literally starving and the rest of the
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population are all of them suffer from uh and secure uh, c, and secure access to fluid food insecurity or is something that's everything you promised in, in, in god's done now suffer from old people are suffered to have a food water and even a medicine. and i've also stressed out the importance of, as, or, and as an occupying power have responsibility to fulfill the needs of civilians in casa, although, and despite this, as well as using the humanitarian aid as a weapon against the palestinians as a collective punishment. to let the entire population starve, and we have been seeing people are literally starving all the time you regarding our experience and our medical boost went to the which we have established in giovanni and most of casa, according to our volunteers. there they are telling us and the medical post is
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receiving many cases for children who suffer from severe malnutrition. and those children are literally starving because they don't have access to fluids. many of them as well. i started getting infection was a disease that secretary just a, according to the figures, at least that 700000 palestinians in goss. this trip codes and contagious diseases such as it is throughout to the disease of the skin, diseases and other diseases. the situation is extremely dangerous as palestinians of they don't lose their lives directly because of the environment they well because of a star ration and infectious diseases, but limited also starbase in particularly in cost of city and the north has reached a very dangerous is page. so i want to come back to you about
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a point you were making about the obligation under international humanitarian law when it comes to occupying forces. when it comes to the delivery of a, you know, in january, the international court of justice ordered israel to take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of humanitarian assistance in gaza. but the palestinians in the north and gaza say nothing has changed the things and only gotten worse. agency stay the same. the framework for international humanitarian law. it's being challenged in ways now that it has not been challenged before. isn't that correct? it is some of the really correct and, and very dangerous because, you know, we have seen the past few months has just passed by a mass on the 7th of, of october. he's a floating of international military law at the level i'm seeing before. i mean, obviously have my attack was unconscionable, but you know, receive different crimes against humanity and not be accept as a proxy. you know, the laws of war exceeds super serve. you might be in the need of high,
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but you know that they're really to give us a, a more complex to, to lead me to suffering those to meetings. and, and, you know, the boxes are required to exercise restraint and abide by, you know, did you just interest, you know, to explain what this means? is it the boxes need to exercise the distinction between the cd and has to be thought if the need to use do precaution to prevent having to cbs. they need to make sure that the dollars supposed to be that this proportion of berth 20, you know, i think the basic needs of the a positive thing. i would argue that he's really sitting with these tests and you know, we sent them so far is looking to print them out of people seeing the i to j input including has to be, you know, change anything, not even if he's already stopping in, says to be friends, you know, even these come us, you know, continue. so what hostages, maxine elections, these, i'm not used to justify what is really the collective punishment. so i'm point 3
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medium augustine. you guys are, you know, the majority must you this already site and they can be justified. it can be used to justify a forcible approximate of student population bombardment of city and will probably be on the feeder of providing you might see underneath or things that are, you know, i buy at least that's what it's a little. and i would also add to the fee the are of august space, a fit factor space preventative violations east basically for police. if they know we've seen western democracy, the violating themselves, some moves from the international law, human rights slope, shayna. i saw you reacting to a lot of what sarah was saying there, and it looked to me like you wanted to jump in, so i'm going to let you go ahead. no, i'm going to tear that only right that, that we're used originally used as a weapon of war and that is completely completely ignored. and they denied its responsibility towards the occupying population.
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that it was israel. remember who, within the 1st day or 2 of this war declared that they would cut off electricity, water, and fuel supplies. and then we thought of the international court of justice reaffirmed as well as role and responsibility of the occupying power to provide for the basic necessities of the protected population in the, to the ends in god. i think what we're concerned about, and we see ro, particularly in where they are. now, this isn't just another measure that israel taking to the, probably more in regard to forcibly transfer in violation of international humanitarian law. the population there. and, and sort of them really out to the south of why the god, the to the middle area to harm units, or perhaps even out to you, to egypt as we see. not as is it, as is moving routes as a round operation in,
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in rama continues to be to the preview. and so it's, it's essential that we continue to 1st and foremost, demand of these firewood for the allow our for conditions that are better for an appropriate for your military needs to be responding. but we also need the international community to more pressure on israel to facilities obligations under international law. and if they are not willing to provide the basic needs, 1st arrival of the protected population stated the very least need to facility a 3rd party if humanity or any disease the weather in, in, in fulfilling the applications on their behalf. and about, um, i know we touched on this a little bit earlier in the show, but we need to remember that the world food program had only just resumed a delivery to northern gaza after a 3 week suspension that had taken place. now they're stopping yet again. they say
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it's just simply too dangerous. this really underscores how dangerous things are for civilians in the north to right. exactly is the civilians, since the beginning of the world have been denied access to humanitarian aid. i absolutely understand how a human is turned in agencies struggle to get the age into casa, especially after many attempts wire for used by the fuse of from. is there any authorities to i know the entry of a humanitarian aid and even the number of the human attorney, i need the drugs that are allowed to go into gospel city and the north. we're talking about just a few number of 8 address. that's why we have seen people very disparate trying to jump into the drugs antique, anything they can take because people only want to survive that the live and the
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siege of dangers of how people are literally starving in costa city and the north. it's can be imagined, we have separate that repeats of the people, the store, the even to rent animals a b as in order to have is lower and to make it brad. the situation there as dire and we also continue to confirm that the situation generally speaking regarding the humanitarian a is the one who is obstructing the injury over humanitarian needs into concepts before uh, the war on god's uh, garza was receiving around 580 the trucks daily today, even when both crossings a raw has kind of, i was kind of open a maximum of 178, the trucks are getting and that's me and we are far away from the number of the trucks that shouldn't be allowed to be in. so we can fulfill the needs of people in
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the and the trucks. that's hard on our own tickets and doesn't even to scratch the surface. we're talking about a 5th month of war and gaza. there's many needs that as it relates to the emergency situation. we are em, which means we need to have release items in order to be provided for almost a 90 percent of the population who became part of the piece. this was lynch i needed to before the word. this is something that is in you and it's related to the emergency situation. and instead of increasing the, the truck we're getting less is the trucks. at least if we take this into consideration. in addition to the increasing the means of hospital since they are dealing with more injuries and they need more supply is more medicines. we need to have the distributive drugs in order to food, the needs of people, i'm sorry, sorry, in a row i own areas because the city
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a not just to leave go the city and the north completely denied access over human. it's for an 8. and sarah, also just to contextualize a bit more, you're talking about the fact that before october 7th, there were around $500.00 trucks of 8 per day that would interguards. and even then, most of the population was dependent upon humanitarian assistance. so the fact that it has massively decreased since then only showcases how much worse the situation is getting right. just a few weeks ago is the suspension of funding to all of our which was you know, the lifeline for so many august premiums in the, in gaza. and the, practically, it has no, you know, no money to continue to support the policy. and so we can just imagine how does this, i'm going to do a suggestion that was already really, you know, deeply desperate for, for so many people is shayna. if i could ask you, the facts of the matter is we're talking about how, as you said, more international pressure needs to be applied in order to get more 8 into gaza.
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but let me ask you this. even if there were more crossings that were opened, does that immediately make the situation better, or are there still a lot of obstacles to overcome? well, according to the situation in the, it's more than just the opening of crimes we need and the need, the devastation and destruction driving. oh, scarlet is going to take years to, to rebuild, let alone of course, the psychological trauma that will, i'm sure. life for generations after all of the people that have experienced over the last 4 and a half months. but it is a 1st step in terms of allow me for the entry of mor good. the other thing on top of the, of just having more entry points, that would be easier to access. oh, more areas of government is that we need restrictions to be limited in terms of what can enter got left the leave item being denied entry,
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including things as simple as 10 full or to kids to help me that are included in shelter kids to help the law home, so we need those restrictions to be listed as well to allow not only for a reader influx of good, but a greater variety of goods that are in during that can help and support their relief efforts. that also includes machinery. one of the major issues right now, but also in bring the delivery of age is the lack of even things as simple as for the lives to be able to warehouses and be able to tease victoria. you're actually distributed like fuel to be able to get to different areas of gauntlet and be able to distribute need rotors. you have to what communications, all of these channels are needed for their time. your last, i'm sorry to interrupt them. we just don't have a whole lot of time left at the bottom. i wanna ask you one last question. we have just about 2 minutes left from your perspective right now as dire is the situation
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is what needs to happen right away in order for the situation to improve we have to continue to call on se, sprayer. we can't uh, the humanitarian agencies operate under such head of thing conditions this word need to be and, and we needs protection for civilians since we're talking about 70 percent of the victims are children and women. we don't want people to just to die, to die with the full stomach. first, we need them to be protected, and 2nd, we need a safe on em, but the, the human nature of the, i need access into casa to foreigners sending you points. and we need also to be able to distribute to 8 and older. yes. in garza and not to to break the sees. that is impulse, since the beginning of the board on the, on the, on the area does the city and the north gulch, the city and the north,
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$700000.00 people. there is our super against and they do have a right to have access to food and water. and we need this access to be given to you. we need also a safe access for the us of the human nature and not to be targeted when we are implementing a live saving missions, trying to elevate the suffering goals. people think also. all right, well we have run out of time, so we're going to have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much to all of our guess. shayna low about a lot of stuff and syrup. anteriano to thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just you or dot com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ag inside story. you can also during the conversation on x r handle is as a inside story. for me, i have a gentleman, a whole team, bye for now. the
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ukraine. a father front line, a mother and children can this time of the seas future? one of the sky is the sign is without, and the ukraine escaping the dog with outages in unsettled tongue upfront takes on the big issue. there is a close to what is happening now. it is of call thanks. 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0 examining the impact of today's headline. if objectivity is still possible for you, we're not only a fortune the most is looks we are moving this algae, is there a sense the stage a guy is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really
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hope that what i'm doing improved, it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on ouch is here as are discussing the defining issues about time is what military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper hyper powerful, they are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrating surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b. p a. i series on a just the you the asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of our know understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with phil. this gentleman is just
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behind me. hundreds of people have been and back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future on fossil fuels, no renewable. i'll just use teams on the spring. you closer to the heart of the story, the destruction as fall as we all i can see on the 9th of intense, is there any bombardments across the goals and strip kills close to a 100 people? the i'm on the inside. this is out. is there a noise coming up? goes that has become the digital module for the 3030 has been destroyed. the w h. a
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chief appeals for an immediate c spot to allow humanitarian aid and gone to a shooting close to an eagle is rarely assessment. now on p potties tourism kills one person, wounds 8 officers. and so.


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