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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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step peps unsurprising, the strident defends, posting and writes from the wrong yeah, absolutely. iran that just called on the core to make what they said to a story landmark opinion on the occupation of uh, of palestine. saying that this should immediately and, and give the right of self determination to the products to the end people. uh, he also said that it's the longest military occupation in modern history. and he was also referring to the situation to the current situation, of course and gaza. saying that as well as the killing 250 people a day and saying this is more than any other conflict happening. and it's also the calamity of guy is the calamity of human kind to. that's what he said and interesting before him was the chinese representatives for speaking and they very well listen to the united states have to say a day earlier,
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basically countering all the arguments that the us brought forward. a interesting saying that you asked for example side, it was a bilateral issue between israel and palestine and to you when the court should stay out of it. according to china, it was definitely a matter for the you want to talk about the self determination of the palestinian people that's been talked about, of course and all of the resolutions in the past. so that argument that the last broad forward was completely invalid. they sat and also the argument the us made about to it's the right of it's route to self defense and that's why the occupation has to continue. while the chinese, a representative said that it was a loud um struggles if a country is occupied by a foreign nation, basically saying as well as the foundation of to fi file is fine. so the right to self defense basically lies more with the palestinians. then with the is for
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a lease, so it was a very interesting statement that did chinese a made also. they said that the, for example, that the advice or opinion should give guidance and it's not disrupting any peace negotiations that could take place. that's something also the us brought forward yesterday. no, uh, there's a china side. it is actually very important to have this advisory opinion coming from the highest court because it will guide any future negotiations. step boston, the following orders. there is proceedings at the hague for us. thank you so much that. well, let's not dig into this with mullin. bashar i'm out of here, a senior political analyst who joins me here in the studio. moment is we would just stay in saying that with step, but we see no surprises from the run. did anything from the job you statement stand out to you? what is the fact that it was just a position then with the american space? i thought it was also interesting either way, the chinese made the argument that i knew you're running by the court or by the,
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in the guy that the of these are in the occupation would help me not hinder future negotiations or present piece process, or diplomacy. if you were, the 3 is right and the process is very much in direct contradiction, right? imagine that. and the other point i thought was very interesting about chinese, of course, have a history with the japanese and others. is that the, uh, is that they occupied out all right, for the resistance of a right. so it is by all available means and i think that was especially important because you don't hear this stuff anymore, right? as if so, as this, i mean nation, i gained its independence and the right of self determination for the v. a satellite colonial power by negotiations just never happens. and that comes insisted yesterday, but just leave it to the 2 parties that figured it out. but we have some charges of
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history, but the 2 part there's never figured it out. either one of them has to desist by all means available in order to vanquish the occupier for the international community. these separate. yeah, and i think, judging from the statements before, i'd ask that yesterday, but also including us that the, like the russians on i think that's the one that the palestinians are looking for, an international conference for peace. because the way things had been squeezed on the, the american sponsorship that's basically us back is read, write negotiations per not foot for what it's interesting to see these dynamics now, because within the current geo political situation, i've been wondering whether this is also an opportunity for policies like china, ron russia, to, to, i guess, try to consolidate some, what on anti western sentiment? there's no doubt about that. in fact, the opposite is also true, right?
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meaning, the united states has used this probably particular issue, in fact has used it as occupation of palestine and out of territories in order to stay relevant to them. at least. i mean in fact, as we were showing yesterday, the figures and, and, and facts about the history of the us is our versions in the 1st 2 decades before 1967 is really a war and occupation of the palestinian territories. american age was something like a 1000000 plus dollars over 2 decades. and the following 2 decades of the $9067.00 occupation, the present, the $50000000.00 plus. so it was an annual investment. i mean, actually america, invest in the occupation was a better thing and people are very pressure, oppression, and so on. so for using them as a leverage or using visual compassion as leverage and hold the to better position
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itself in the out of world is a v at of countries on other middle eastern countries and names, america is not a neutral party. and this is, you know, a pro is right for america, but the end as well, if we're seeing deepening on to west and on to us sentiment in the region as a result of this as well, of what is the strategic thinking then all on the part of the wrong, there's obviously been huge phases of escalation. tyrone has links to many of the groups. you've been very active over the last few months. what is terrell? i'm thinking right now it feels like it's been fairly calibration so far. well, in terms of its position, as we've heard it anyway, the last half an hour, it's clearly sticking with the so called international mutual international legitimacy. or, you know, you on charter, i do understand you should international law as well and so forth, while making certain opinionated statements. if you're order, which i happen to agree with about a party then by the side and why it is to be, uh, you know, uh, remove them so on,
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so forth. but in terms of its regional rules for, of course, it's also using the is there any, is there any doctor patient high that kind of thing and resistance in doctor if i that has what as well as the knees resistance as assets for here ons own originally so that's why, unfortunately i would say the question of front of started has become a proxy, somewhat right, between the airline and the united states, each side trying to is and get to become or to be more relevant in the middle east . and that's why we keep talking about widening the war, which for the time being sent for the united or i'm over the united states is interested in doing all which because it could end up burning the whole origin. but that does not mean that the 1st thing it should be, contain the pet a senior should be silence. the 2nd, but essentially the remainder of the front. because once again, my last comment on this yesterday or the day for you, so that the american, what,
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what we need, you know, got my attention on the american statement was that you wish that the court should not ask is read immediately and to talk your patient there's nothing immediate about it. it's 56 years. 56, you found the sharp always great to get your thoughts. thanks for joining us. as news out of the, well, let's show you what's been happening on the ground as these hearings have been taking place in southern dogs, a number of his riley strikes had residential buildings and rough mode of life. at least 6 people were killed. children are among the wounded casualties, have been mounting in that area where at 1500000 and just based palestinians, or sheltering is really a types of shows at least 29400 color spending. and so, since october is really strikes on, rafa also talk, i said the out from last in the i shall bore refuge account hundreds of historic
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sites and buildings which are all part of causes. heritage had been destroyed since the school began and as strike on a home in big law here that the northern garza killed these 10 people. first of the victims of women and children on the search for possible survivors is still we understand underway. people i believe, to be trumps, down to the level and in central garza is ready, minute treat, found a residential building in the crowd and understand what refuge account of these 26 people were killed. thousands, moving on. let's go live now to rough on where we can speak to a correspondence on the ground. i'll just bear with me about 400. now the visual nights of as strikes took us through what's been happening and why yes. well the, the past, the 12 hours have been very, very difficult across the gaza strip and we're talking about a very definitely not here in the city as well as the central area. and the
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northern part where there is an actual famine going on, people are not dying of bonds versus right now the bought the dying because of this to our vision going on. but here in overnight a tax and broadcast, the more residential homes being targeted and destroyed, including other public facilities and a mosque within the vicinity of the with hospital. not far from here, we're talking about couple 100 meters. a weight of fargo loss been destroyed completely up the place used to serve as that as a place for distribution of trade. and for those who are in need of daily, daily news has been turned into a pile of rubble. as a 60 want to be reported, kills the majority of them from one family, happened to be at children and women in the central area. a more residential home been targeted and destroyed, including get a residential homes in the site or the cabin dated by city of the very particular area where people were told to evacuate too, because it is safe only to find themselves
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a. the victims of these are the predictable at all in the bonds. the seminar situation is, are taking place in hon. you and is, we're not only we're seeing the vast majority of hospitals, the remaining operational hospitalized, and also to the hospital in the old urine hospital in the eastern part of the city completely pushed out of service with a great deal of destruction to the proper design the facilities but also received ongoing system medic, demolition control demolition of residential homes. and what seems to be this really is proud of a clearing and much of the areas for what it seems to be a military tactics that for the trip to stay there for quite a while. and in the northern area, the patterns of bombing so far, not all that has been causing further civilian casualties. but the fact that the most eastern area of the city of atlanta and the tunnel being completely cleared of the residential homes on the, the farm land. if for the purpose of establishing a buffer zone is continuing to create very difficult conditions on the ground that
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are not only causing the debt, so 1000 a palestinian so far, but also a, causing a great deal of damage to the aid mechanism on the ground causing famine in the north, but also causing people to struggle on daily basis to get food and water. and you talk about how the ada infrastructure is being systematically destroyed. you've also been telling us about how people have been starving that for weeks, especially in the north, where are we at with a dozen miles and as well that the whole a mechanism is broken. unfortunately, starting from where, where they are stored in a day, gyptian side, the mechanism of security clearance that has to do with 2 different locations of, from rough ahead crossing all the way through an area controlled by these really a monetary for security clearance. it just, the process takes very long,
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it hinders the, the mechanism on the ground and the ability for the crew members on the ground to deliver it to most desperate and most needed a population right now there's almost equivalence to non or 0, a delivered to the northern part people within the past weeks, the a, the role very hungry and a girl very devastated because of the situation. they resorted. reading dynamo, speed, and implants, and whatever they are able to do, you just to sustain themselves and be on the stage, surviving in the face of these calamities. we're talking about the children and i haven't been eating properly and causing great damage to their growth and their health. those with, with health complications, including women and with health complications are facing dire problems right now. here in the southern part of the gods group. not only was seen in depletion of basic necessities and resources in the market, but also if they are available, prices are double and a triple for some goods. at the same time, there is
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a financial aid in capabilities for people here. people haven't been paid for months. that private sector is completely damage and out of service. the people don't have enough cash flow to buy what they are, what, what they need to keep them alive. on top of that, we have the trick of the amount of re it has been delivered to the entire gaza strip. all feeds in one narrative. it's not only bombs, but also starvation is used as a weapon and food has been weaponized. unfortunately, just do cause and effect much and on the really displace over loans population. honey, my point that with that latest report from the for us from the ground in southern goals and thank you, honey. a well has been a shooting incident now occupies tourism and happens near the knowledge. i do mean an illegal is rarely settlement that at least one person we understand has been killed. 8 others are injured. several of them are in critical condition. well,
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let's speak to need to even haven't shoes near the outside on check point with that shooting took place. need to tell us exactly what happened. so what we know is that the 3 palestinians of arrives to this area in 2 separate cards and that's committed is she? thing that's led to the injury of 5 is really is a police at the other 5. how did we were told them that they had suffered the cute, cute, minor injuries and some anxiety? this is why we're talking about the number is decreasing, but also we're talking about one is really has been killed. now we are in this week this 3 that things in the goal is really supplements to jerusalem. and let me just show you a little bit of the st. jude we need. because there is a check point towards the end of this tree that there is some traffic. but also in the recent years, a new section of the road has been open to allow palestinians coming from the south
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of the occupied the west bank to be able to use a section of this roads to go to the rest of the occupied west bank. and this is why we've been seeing kind of city is being allowed to use this road. now we've been hearing from sources that these really produces, looking to prevent the movement of palestinian cars on this route until a certain hour. that we understand also that there has been a lot of situations. what else of a projects that have been planned in israel to kind of separate further, the palestinians from these really is to give them separate throws and we've been seeing also in the past, how the sufferers enjoy the infrastructure to suffer through is what have you want to go through bypass road. now again, this is a checkpoint that use what it needs to, which to select what it is you would need to link it is really supplements in the occupied was thing to choose. nita, i understand that after the attack that you're just describing is ready,
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forces have started conducting raids. what do we know about those? yes, indeed. and associated those rates that have started with these really forces waiting to villages where the 3 attackers are from. we believe that 2 of them are brothers, and the 3rd 2 of them have been killed. one has been arrested. we don't know who was killed. that was the rest of the among those 3. but these really forces of raises the homes. they are conducting searches, and as we usually see in these cases, sometimes they arrests from the members of those for, for 3 years. the bodies, of course, remain with these really forces as for the policy of withholding the bodies of palestinians that they deem responsible for killing is really, is or attacking is where it is. now we know that the rates are still ongoing, and there's also a report of confrontations taking place between palestinians and is really forces in separate area in
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a separate area in bucklin. but what we expect is for these we new forces to demolish those homes in a process that you could usually take weeks. but that gives you an idea about the tension. now what the aftermath of the sr to continue keeping an eye on that for you here on, is there a need to abraham the force at that check point on the scene. thanks need. it's overturning now to the situation on the ground in gaza. and the palestinian red crescent society says in his rarely siege his clothing catastrophic conditions at the alamo hospital and con eunice. soldiers and tanks have been targeting not medical facility. now for a month to charge, you operates not in a hospital in southern garza, its wanting it could go out of service at any moment. well, we can now speak to a level 5 soc. she's the sports person for the palestine with present society. she joins us now from ramallah. about this is a hospital that will save and show what does it look like inside of them. all right, now. good morning, guys. talk to you soon and thanks for having me. it has been over
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a month for targeting and pcsing, the kind of standard, the defense alignment, whole speaker, and at any time you want us continue westwood apartments and guns player and continue without even a break. the situation inside the hospital is catastrophe. there is absolutely dire the lives of patients and medical staff is at trask. this has resulted the continuous impacts how the result of to completely blocking move mess an order out of the whole speech and patient's medical staff are increasingly terrified for their lives. with continuous home apartments and gun fires and the situation became more catastrophic with even extreme shortage of fluids, medical supplies of medications. and you talked about sort of just that i understand drinking water has been an issue for some time, but now it could run out within days. if not alice. what do you think of the last
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attack is really occupation of forces also targeted targeted the water, diesel emission to station at the hospital for the drinking water. now could only last for a couple of days because now as i said, the, even the water. this how the nation station was completely disabled and a volunteer talked about how people are terrified, how many people trapped inside right now, do we have a sense of how many patients, how many stall we do have inside the hospital, 180 people including medical staff, patients based companions and almost 40 other d i the piece will to wear at a, but you were not able to evacuate during the past weeks. you know, we and there was almost a 1000 people who were taken shelters and signed on, on, spits in. and those 8 thousands were forced to leave. i'm in the hospital during
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the past weeks because the is there a evacuation orders, in addition to hall dangerous? the situation became because of the continuous bombardments, dozens of people were killed inside that i'm a hospice and, and the product time through the presence headquarters during the past a month. this includes at least how well with kills why and side i'm a boosted in the past under the present and execute we're talking about complaints . pc is no one is able to go in or out. and this has forced to medical teams to bad . big bodies in the yard of the hospital because people are not even to take these bodies to be buried at the symmetry. you're talk about the papers and killed in the hospital. i understand stuff. some of your stuff had also been detained. where you told on, on what grounds they were detained and what have they been telling you about their
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own experiences in his rarely custody a 2 weeks ago, it's really up to patient forces, read an impulse that they have destroyed a medical stuff and they have treated and medical staff in, in a very bad way, forcing the medical team to sit down the ground blinder eyes and tie their hands on their backs and even not allowing them to drink water or even to go to use the bathrooms after this phrase is right in the occupation forces between 9 this task in addition to 9 insurance people and their companions, 7 of the staff are still under detention. their feet is on the one we don't know anything regarding them. and as we have here from 2 doctors where he lives legally, they mentioned how they were tortured beat and you related. and we are now
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extreme the what is the regarding the safety and health of 7 of the products under the present workers. whereas the from inside and i'm in full speed. good and kind of a brave medical stuff. then about 5 o'clock these folks pass in for the palestine with crescent society joining us from romano. thank you for joining us again on elders here in the bottom. we wish you and the agency all the best with your one of the world health organization has been wanting, but the scale of killing and hunger and garza will only increase unless the sci fi on a broader level. garza has become a digital module for the territory has been destroyed. more than 29000 people are dead. many more are missing, presumed dead. and many, many more audion, george, cbs, and my electrician has showed up dramatically since the water started from under one percent to more than 15 percent in some areas. putting more lives at risk of
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this for you good will arise the long go to the what goes on and supplies uninterrupted associated press news agency is reporting that a ship has been such a blaze of humans, cost humans. ruthie is all suspected to be responsible for that attack in the gulf of age and the british military. it says 2 missiles we used, but did not identify the vessel that was stock is moving on and you can't in forces have reported the killed at least 60 russian soldiers and an attack on the southern coast on region. and so 2nd time this week, the ukraine, you know, me, has announced that it's operating in schools heavy russian losses on tuesday it said the dozens of russian troops were chosen to don't yet screech and not swear. russia took control of the front line kind of of dick's as the guy last week. well, let's speak to rob mcbride. he joins us now from to meet pro and the central. you can run on dynamics shifting hit. it feels like like something's changed and the
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new cranes suddenly got more than a hand and it's had the some time. yeah, these are being claimed by ukraine as to significant strikes against the russian forces. apparently inver. busy being according to russian sources and russian blog as these very precise long grains high mas massages that ukraine has been using and has used effectively in the past as well. that the 1st strike is said to event taking place in how to solve this is just yesterday. when drove the 4 digit pin to show a group of sold just gathering it, sold that they were from some sort of apple brigade. then an explosion happening amongst them. resulting according to the pregnancy, those are directly involved with this being confirmed by them. schools of deaths and injuries. and this was just the day after a very similar strike happen to the east and dunbar reaching again because it's
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eclipse on russian media, especially in social media. it was a 2 companies, the soldiers being brought together. and under a very similar circumstances, a direct strike apparently problem is all this comes as ukraine is also claiming victory in the air. it says that in the past week or so, it has shut down 7 russian jets, which is a relatively high number. and to the premiums have been looking up front of boot booths. it's a capabilities as a way of trying to shift the dynamics in the small everybody's expecting. of course, the arrival of at 16 fights is over ukrainian skies. if that will make a difference. and it does come as things seem to be stalemated on the ground and defend the thing. moving in rushes direction with its capture recently, all of of data. it also feels like it comes at a significant time knowing it's now what the 2nd anniversary of the full scale invasion if i'm not wrong and we're looking now basically down the bottom of a 3rd year. that's right. i mean both sides a mocking disadvantage. it is the 2nd,
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the full scale invasion of looking ahead to the prospect of a 3rd year of these grinding will, with very similar debates happening in russia as it's happening here. when it comes to can scripts in mobilization. how do you replenish your that false? is it is an intense debate here in ukraine with the many of the military saying that they need hundreds of thousands of new troops. other people saying, well, if you craniums come back to crime because they've obviously so many have left the country if they come back and contribute by working and keeping that tax is that is contributing to the, the war effort of the people. again volunteering, we are seeing this movement to people. i have bowlens hiring, getting building skills in joining the various efforts are involved in reconstruction, all across ukraine here into the pro where they have damage, but also have more significantly, perhaps in the more badly damaged areas such as hard keep in the northeast of the country. the organization is called the robot,
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which roughly translates as the fatality and that does good operating in areas that were on the front lines at the start of the full scale invasion on the russian occupation. what's the opinions and buildings and the starting causes and the rules into places where there are some invades as well as people turn to us. so we are helping them as much as we can. these blocks will provide you homeless people internally displaced by the will being worked on by volunteers such as victor, himself, displaced from a positive ukraine now under russian occupation. yeah. so call what i'm about to i decided to volunteer because my heart and soul heard from everything that i'd seen from the rooms in the shattered futures. so i decided to help in reconstruction is especially needed around hockey's invaded retake and with a counter offensive and still under attack. while the fighting around ukraine has buried in intensity, hockey region has been targeted consistently for all of the past 2 years,
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destroying thousands of homes and buildings, leaving many more in need of repair. for young volunteers, the work is an alternative to fighting while still making a contribution to the war effort to say for and i've always been interested in learning something like this and working with my hands. that's my motivation for the younger generation, scott, by rule. but hopefully emerging from it with something good to show for themselves personally and the communities that helping rebuild public broad. i'll just say era khaki, if you pray. so don's army has broken a siege by the time of the true prophet support forces on one of its basis near the capital 10 months now into that conflict, the army is slowly regaining control of areas around the capital. cost to the sage had cut off supplies to people living near the base and undermine removing levels or visit base houses. the sudanese armies,
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engineering court in the city of the man for nearly 7 months. it was under siege by the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. but in recent, these, the army was able to break through and deliver supplies to its true hazards if i took the reading and this is a gift from god under the feats of the rebels of criminals and terrorized and carried out to trust these like never seen before this is the 1st phase because of the will will not stand until i'm pretty much and all of the done is cleared of the malicious. the streets near the base are as cards by the battle spots over its buildings destroyed by artillery fire. from the recess when he tried to seize the base barriers built on roads to keep the fighters away, the paramilitary group has been fighting the army for control of sedan. for 10 months, it's fighters were stationed in districts surrounding the bays to prevent the weapons and ammunition from reaching the soldiers inside. what's in the past few
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weeks, it's been forced to retreat from some areas. the army has made games here in the man, but are selling by the parent many 3 on the be at the area around discontinue and why the monitor was able to bring in reinforcement. it wasn't the only site that was affected by the, our staff. and it's located for the title of mind, muhammad lives near the base. after days without eating, he collapsed. had i said, this was the kind of how the past 10 months have been indescribable. there was hunger, there was sickness. the shops were burned in the shelling. people were allowed to bring us food or medicine yourself, prevented people from going to the market. they either rob you of your money or to you. a saturday yeah. has opened to her home to those in need. she says the lack of supplies wasn't the worst thing about the seat. nobody thought of it should be there. but there wasn't a sense of shredding to the point that people couldn't walk around the heavy
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weapons where use the weapons use, which we didn't know the names of and couldn't identify them coordinate. we lived through tough times. people would be cut to pieces for working on the streets, looking for medicines. kids loved the parents in for the eyes. payments left the children, the battles and under mine are far from over. but with the army gaining ground, many here hope their lives were returned to normal again soon. he but morgan, alta 0 on through mine for them. a well still a head here on our families and democratic republic of congo. say that tired of running from one cell to $25.00 and escalates between them. 23 flights of government for the hollow. we have a big change on the way across the western positive here up in terms of that type
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of just a spring light conditions around the way out is going to be a little more like winter as we go through the next couple of days. these files are cloud and rank come for spec, like a shout cloud and some of those showers will be winfrey in nature of habit of cloud into a central pile. so if you but some of us suddenly i live in 2 wins here. so it does stay miles here as we go through the next steps so we can see the blues of what he pushing into west and pot. so if you're single fingers for london, paris a full border, and that will continue to be the case as we go one through the next couple of days . but that will, does continue into those central areas. mother tried by the for central eastern pots high but towards the northwest. those some very heavy, right. very strong wind scuffles, wins wasting, forced air because parts of england, the wells for the west and windy weather, moving through on the remainder of the stay that way. but it comes down to cost much of front into west, and there's a jeremy through the low countries cloud and right into making his way into spain and portugal. increasingly, when the last street attorney was coming in here to move towards the latter part of
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the week, may well see some very heavy rains in northern parts of nigeria, the dry season between 17 millimeters afraid. we're not going to see that right. slipping by the south, the ukraine falls in the front line, a mother and children a 10 this time of the seas future. when the sky is clear, the sign is without and the ukraine escaping the dock with our african narrative from african perspectives. the inter company to this tim rush, i have to show documentaries, by african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo.
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andrew c r e z on, if i need to go, i'm, i'm on the drive and reinventing cassandra for a new series of africa direct on how to sierra the welcome back to watching out of here on an associated to here. and uh huh, that's remind you about top stories. base 10 palestinians have been killed, often as strikes on the home page last year, and then most of casa, most of the victims of women and children. such operations are ongoing looking for survivors. trump tons of the problem. a series of as ready strikes has targeted
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residential buildings to and rough uh, and southern gaza, least 6 people were killed, that children are among the wounded casualties on mounting in the area with 1500000 displays palestinians are. so let's stay for the you and stop quote. for public hearings on the impact of israel is occupation of the protestant, entire change. china runs representatives of outlined israel's violation the palestinian people's rights to self determination on the contract. and also it has also overshadowed a meeting of g 20 foreign ministers in brazil earlier this week because it was president accused as well, of genocide angering as well. and as i like the united states, to raise of our reports from virginia foreign ministers of the world's leading economies mentioned, we are these unable to discuss a roadmap head of the head of states so many november. what is it, what is the results for administer model? the ada criticize the paralysis of the un security council on the wars in gaza and
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ukraine as it should discharge multilateral institutions and not equipped to deal with the current challenges as we have seen with the unacceptable paralysis of the un security council. with ongoing complex, this inaction results and the loss of innocent lines result does not accept a will that results differences with the use of military force. but during the meeting, the attention was sol, so on the spot between israel and brazil's press and let us see by who compared is rails worn guys, with a holocaust, us secretary of state antony blinking, met with caressing and blue light in the capital brazilian where they discuss the war in ukraine, but also guys a, a clinton said he did not agree with louis comparison to the whole low cost or live here at the g, 20 summit or on the latest scots, between brazil. and this really is not the 1st time the press and the feedback shows it's important for the palestinian people back in 2010 of your
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personal founder of zionism. but his criticism of israel has generated tension with the opposition and the jewish community and was held over a 120 lawmakers, many of them support as a former president, as a boy. so nato are now hoping to impeach president lula saying his comments, so hostility towards the following nation. we feel ashamed that the president of our nation does not respect another country is not impartial in this war. a request for impeachment is not for ideological reasons, but because he committed a crime which is the cheapest, most done, at least so we, it is unlikely the proceeding will move forward, but it's brazil says it's trying to make the world more equal and give the developing world a say in international affairs, and that's why we're hoping that g 20 meetings and really on eto will be the 1st step towards change base. i will as
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a see to really janetta and the united kingdom and parliament descended into chaos on wednesday during the vote calling for cease fire and casa, the motion was tabled by discussions. national policy was for its labor and the conservatives proposing amendments. tempest fled on the speaker of the house, apologized for his actions within 50 m. p. 's of now signed a no confidence motion in the speaker. how he feels that explains the outside parliament protested demanded a vote. backing the scottish national policies cool for the immediate c side and gaza inside a flurry of controversy, the side of things to come is to speak unexpectedly put forward the prospect of allowing a vote not just on the government's amendment to do so. in one, put fluid by the name of position late the party support for this motion with for the move, not ever sending veal of legitimacy that the u. t is continues to support gifts as
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bill tasa with wall and gas off today. but there was political danger, hit worried that many of its own and peace might vote with the s and p as they had in a similar debate in november. hence its own amendment is that the 1st time inducing an immediate cease fire, but with caveat, so it must by the substitute b, it's uh, filed the same song. yeah, that's why we all clear it's rel panel. the expect to, to see spicing is to mass continues with violence is right. these have the rights to the assurance of the heart of the sub. what type of kind won't happen again. but the very fact of labor had been allowed out of a tricky situation. infuriated the ruling conservatives pulls out of the process entirely. the government will play no part in the decision this house takes on today's proceed. i would like to stress that the government's position on is random golf, that remains on chains. a number of conservative and s and p m p 's been worked out
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labels and well, that's and i'll return to the hague. whereas reason reporting it stay for the public hearings and the ones trump course into the legal consequences of israel's occupation of how the spring entire trees. islands attorney general of assigning is making his submission specific international community as a whole or as a member of the community. ireland is committed to the protection and promotion of a global order based on respect for international law. the backdrop to this hearing is a matter of profound concern to the irish government. the attacks launched by a mouse against israel on the 7th of october were rep principal, and we have condemned them on the critically the rate and murder of civilians, destruction of civilian property,
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the taking of hostages. the use of human shields and the firing of indiscriminate rockets as urban centers comes to choose serious violations of international humanitarian law for which those involved must be held accountable. however, international limits the use of force in self defense to no more than fault is necessary. and proportion us islands view is that these limits have been exceed us by israel in its ministry response to the mass attack. this is manifest from the spiraling jeff to the extensive disrupt destruction of property, including homes, through live casa, the displacement of up to 2000000 people. i'm the and suing humanitarian catastrophe. ireland has repeatedly called for
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a ceasefire and we are dismayed by the implications that these licensed tough tennessee's in gaza may have for the prospect of resolving the wider is really palestinian conflict. the members of the course. this is a tragic conflict between 2 peoples and any solution for it to endure requires each to respect the rights of the other. for thought, reason, ireland has been a consistent and the vocal supports are of a comprehensive 2 state solution to the conflict. we lament the lack of progress made towards achieving that subject of puts in the absence of any imminent prospect of a negotiation. as i've come. we believe that our reputation now white this course
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of the international law issues raised by the prolonged occupation of the palestinian territory, will assist in providing a stable foundation upon which to build a just resolution on the fresh old question of jurisdiction. arden's view is that the questions put to the course are legal questions within the meaning of article 961 of the char, sure. of the united nations. further, the request for an advisory opinion is in our view, within the complex sense of the general assembly. finally, and as the court has itself previously acknowledged, the fact that the legal question may have a political dimension does not exist the court's jurisdiction. moreover, for this is well established that the course enjoys discretion, re power,
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not to provide an advisory opinion. it should only so decline for compelling reasons which has never happened before. and arden's view should not happen. no, or several states have suggested that this request for an advisory opinion is an attempt to resolve a bilateral dispute without the consent of one of the parties to the disputes. we very much regret that israel has chosen not to engage with the subject matter of the request in our discussions with the israeli government. we encouraged it to participate in these or on the hearings so that the course could have the benefits of its perspective. however, in our view, the issue of the occupied palestinian territory is directly of concern to the
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united nations itself. and it goes much further than a mere bilateral dispute. as this cork nauseous in its advisory opinion on the interpretation of peace treaties with bold, guerria, hungry and romania. even if i were a request for an advisory opinion, relates to a legal question actually pending between states. its opinion is given not to the states, but to the organ requesting us. in this case, the general assembly is, has also been suggested that this course or not to a pine, because the questions are wilton's side just in nature. however, it is well established that the courts may interpret us or even reformulate use a question if it is not adequately, formula exist, or where the question does not reflect the legal questions. really an issue.
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similarly, where a question is vague or i'm big, it was the court make power requires before providing its opinion to a further argument advanced by some it is that the court should narrow the question to a request for advice regarding the role of the general assembly in promoting a resolution to the conflict within the established negotiation framework. however, the court has previously reject us. a similar submission holding task is not for the course itself. cooper, port to decide whether or not as an advisory opinion is needed by the assembly for the performance of its functions. the general assembly has the rights to decide for itself on the usefulness of an opinion in the life of its own needs. we do not agree, therefore, the ruling by this course would undermine the established negotiation framework of the country. this courts solve
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a sense of clarification of the important legal issues raised would provide the essential foundation upon which to build a lasting, comprehensive, and just resolution of the israeli palestinian conflict. mister president's israel has been an occupation of the palestinian territory since 1967. accordingly, in the territory is obliged to respect up clickable international humanitarian law, including the little military occupation and international human rights law. the defining feature of israel as occupation of palestinian territory in the west bank including east jerusalem has been continuous settlement activity. in our written statement, we have drawn on the sources of reports of the secretary general and the high
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commissioner for human rights to specialize. the numerous different ways in which this has occurred. but in summary, we say the following. israel has used different means to take and exercise control for non military purposes, over as much land in the o p t as possible. ones in control, israel has undertaken permanent construction on this land, in particular, developing or encouraging the development of permanent settlements onto which it has incentivized large numbers of its own citizens to transfer through its actions. israel has fundamentally altered the demographics of the west bank as of 2022, almost $700.00 times and has rightly citizens were living in settlements in the west bank,
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including in east jerusalem. israel has extend that the application of domestic is really loyal to those living and supplements, blurring the distinction between israel and the o. p t. us and israel has transferred to the exercise of a pharmacy in the o. p t in certain areas from military command to civilian control, integration administration of the territory, into the office of israel. by transferring parts of its own civilian population into the o. p t. israel has violates his article force he 96 of the 4th geneva convention is, has continued to do this, not withstanding the courts confirmation of its own lawfulness. in the wolf case, i'm the spikes being exhausted by both the security council. i'm the general
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assembly to cease best practice. israel has also continued to lawfully destroy and appropriate property throughout the o, p t. as part of its policy of encouraging, i'm facilitating the expansion of supplements this destruction under pro creation of proper. she cannot reasonably be justified by military necessity, rather, is clear that it has been done to facilitate you sounds indeed encourage the expansion of settlements. such destruction of the appropriation of property clearly breached as the 4th geneva convention. i'm the laws and customs of war, codified by the 1907 page regulations. there has also been a recent marked increase in reports of palestinian civilians being subjected to sustained serious violence by his rightly settlers with little or no protection
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from the as really security forces country to international humanitarian law. the security forces have been, report, has, and record has not so many watching this violence without intervening, within some instances, even participating in us themselves. this has escalates us since the 7th of october . and the secretary general has warned the tensions have now reached boiling point . the secretary general and high commissioner have expressed concern that this violence, particularly when considered in life, of the appropriation of destruction of palestinian prophecy, has compelled palestinians to leave their homes, their farms, and their grazing grands. the secretary general has noticed that the co worship environment created by israel qu domain to forcible trans fair,
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a grave breach of the 4th geneva convention, which may a mind to a war crime to let me know turn to the question of amex ation the evident permanence of the settlements can only be explained in the redlands assessment by israel's intention of mixing the land upon which they are built. in our view, the development and expansion of settlements clearly demonstration that israel is and has been engaged in a process of amex ation about land for decades. the absence of any declaration of our next station or formal your a active incorporation. over most of the west bank isn't material. despite references in the current is really government's coalition agreements, which the secretary general describes us promotion
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a policy of the application of sovereignty over the west bank. previous history suggests that no and 9 summons or formal active incorporation may occur in the near future. nevertheless, in arlington spew, israel is already engaged in the process of annexing palestinian territory. it is doing so de facto true, it's policy of encouraging demographic change in that territory by population trends fair. i'm by the continuous development and maintenance of permanent supplements and infrastructure. arlington is concerned that it may also be doing so j your a by you increasingly extending the application of domestic is really low and civilian administration to the settlements in the o. p t. thereby integrating them into its own territory under raising the
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differences in law between israel and the settlements. let's, let's, whether de facto that your a or both. this process of next ation is in clear breach of the prohibition in international law against the acquisition of territory. by fresh for use of force, a fundamental principle of international law. to assert that this is not the case, simply because israel has not formally declared on x, ation, would render the preservation devoid dival meaning that would permit states to acquire, to retreat by force, without legal consequence. simply by declining to adopt a formal act, labanic station or incorporation. international humanitarian law does not classify military occupation as either law, full or law,
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full per se, rather is recognized as the military occupation may occur. during the course of an armed conflict. did set stand rules to regulate the conduct of the occupying power in particular, its armed forces. military occupation is necessarily temporary. in so far as international law prohibits the acquisition of territory by force, occupation does not compare sovereignty. rather, it is a temporary exception to sovereignty. and accordingly, it cannot be of indefinite curation, a prolonged occupation over an extended period of time. therefore, unavoidably raises legal questions. in particular, whether it constitutes a disguised form of amex, ation, and door, a determined efforts to deny the people of an occupied territory. the exercise of
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their rights to self determination. in either case, the legality of the occupying powers presence in the territory, it never simply arises. while this is of course possible. doesn't military occupation affected by force may be undertaken in the exercise of the rights in international law to the use of force in self defense? any such occupation may involve no more intimate and your no longer than is necessary and proportion as to the armed attack. to which is a response. in the case of b o, p t. israel's military occupation commenced in 1967 and has continued now uninterrupted, for some 57 years. it has also entails, as i've said, extensive and continuous, permanent and deliberate,
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supplement building needs or the duration of the occupation, nor the scale of the extent of settlement activity is an island this view justified or permission by the law regulating the use of force in self defense, or indeed, if the security of one people can only be achieved by the occupation over so many decades of the territory of another people. one has to wonder whether there can be any military solution to the problem that's it purports to address. in our view, the only effective solution to the problem can be a political one. mister president, i wish to turn know to the question of self determination. as submission or written statement, arlen has conclude just the whites prolonged occupation of palestinian lands and
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continue a settlement activity on those lines. israel has prevented the exercise by the palestinian people of the rights to self determination. the principle of self determination is a fundamental principle of international instructions and the charge for with the united nations and the $21966.00 international covenants on civil and political rights and on economic, social, and cultural rights. the content about principal was an upper races in the 1970 declaration on friendly relations adopters by consensus at the general assembly. the declaration makes clear passion. every stage has the juicy to promote true joint and separate action. realization of the principle of equal rights and self determination of peoples. bearing in mind that subjection of peoples to alien
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subjugation domination and exploitation constitutes a violation of that principle. as well as a denial of fundamental human rights and his country to the charger. this declaration solemnly proclaims that every space has the juicy to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples in the operation of the present principle of the right to self determination and freedom and independence. in the wall case, the court finds that the construction of the whole and its associations regime severely impedes at the exercise by the palestinian people of the right to self determination. if therefore breached is rails obligation to respect us rice in arden's view, the combination of israel's prolonged occupation of the o p t and its escalating settlement talking to.


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