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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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thing ever seen access to health care. so what we want to know is how do these things affect people we revisit places day even when they're no international headline. houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege as a journalist. the is there any as strikes, hasn't building in the middle of a crowded area image, a body of refugees, and open the midst of the attain. this is out of their life from don't also come desperately from college in this morning. my last one friend to help inside killed 97 people. in the past 24. is there any forces raised the homes, have had
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a standing suspect accused of a shooting yet, and illegal settlement close to occupied east tourism till one passed. so slow to resume is a growing gators, its victims are innocent. palestinians, their homes and their livelihoods. and jordans representative to mon israel and its occupation, that kind of thing and territory during the hearing after you went to the hall, we begin in northern jaws that we're in is really, as strike has progress with the giovanni refuge account. we understand that this one person has been killed. many more injured, the attack damaged palestinian police vehicle and building that at least 29410 palestinians have been killed since israel launched its war on garza back in october. well, let's go straight to talk of was there and he's across all of this for us from rafa . and saw on dogs. that's tara took us through what happened it jabante at the
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awful yes. in fact, so now the flood, the value that is full of metric s twice that kid found. thing being tell you cause was trucking the cost a few hours. i've been seeing that the value of refuge account, which had been previously multiply talk. i said, why do you spell the occupation forces had been also windy, bombarded with a police station had been directly hit by. it is very fine to jet. besides destroying the majority of its buildings alongside with parts of you and facility that is adjacent to the police station will run impact of palestinians that have the report. it ended up being transferred, that trust for to, to at the end. to be sure hospitable to receive the primitive medical card, the us that this part of the ongoing mandatory complaint did not only devalue refuge account, but also it extends to other parts of goals and particular in a breakthrough refuge account when one of the latest attacks just a few minutes ago targeted
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a residential building where 6 thompson and children have their report. you can just do for us voted to the hospital and as well. people who were waiting for humanitarian supplies to be transported to the north of gulf. this trip i do, most of them bought it today. i'm exposed to these very fine is were and i'm a products and used to help her with, with a cube an injured um its a very clear search of famine that is hitting the intel. you know, they're part of garza tarik, we've been hearing about the seemingly system ethics attacks on age infrastructure across the strip, where all we with a to at the moment is any getting in or people receiving it. well uh, the situation on the ground in different parts of garza is extremely tight. uh we've been talking about very limited number of humanitarian trucks. for example, yesterday it's only 30 humanitarian troops. that's awful and load. the device had been allowed to get into the 2 or 3,
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and none of them had been transported to the north sea due to the lack of old safety procedures for the majority of the international organizations. tough on the ground. and this is a part of the on getting systematic policy that does use by the is very mandatory to excessive pain. and to make much more deterioration for the humanitarian side. for the gone, since he has a cost of pressure on how much movement to accept or these valley to month. but to this very moment will be happy hearing and seeing more signs of his talk face and in the north for people to they have nothing to eat. and i'm at the various calling height. roxanne prices as bank overflow, for example, in the north had past the $700.00. and this is absolutely insane and light to the ongoing east valley from bottom. and that is unfolding to another part of garza where people have know what type along side they have. nothing to eat in the pos of gauze tire. couple assume describing the situation for us on the ground in the gaza strip. thank you. time a call from north to south is really bombardment has killed nearly 100 pallets.
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opinions just in the past 24 hours ahead of the world health organization has described to call as a, as a desk thing. michael apple reports, this is what's left of a 3 story building and beta here leveled by is really a strikes in northern gauze. much of the north of the strip resembles a wasteland with no building and no body and touched by his rose wall with an old sick lady with her daughter in law and grandchildren were sleeping in their home. the house was leveled and they are still buried under the revel. we managed to recover only bits and pieces of some of their bodies. there were at least 15 people inside. we could not recover a whole body, only bits and pieces. rescue workers and neighbors face of daunting task. tons of debris has to be moved slowly and carefully by hand to retrieve the bodies,
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slide some, some of the lead and it is very difficult for us to search without any equipment. we are simply using up. they had, apparently, women and children were the only ones inside the we haven't found a single survive up in rough and southern gaza with 1500000 displace palestinians. a sheltering is really planes targeted outside root mosque in the city center. the resident said, how's the library with a collection of historical text, the families forced to say good bye or inconsolable mazda then the stop we heard the airplanes just after midnight. we looked out of the window and saw flames, and people screaming. there were more than 25 to 30 people in the house when he collapsed. everybody scattered the grease and loss go hand in hand in gaza
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on what the u. n. is called the denser mike level of the 0 all these really minute tree has to go into the village and face time or east of best to him in the occupied westbank. its forces rated the homes of suspect and the shooting attack that occurred earlier on thursday. around the 25 is really minute tree vehicles was seen in that area. not choosing incidence happens me ok. police for reason. it took place close to the legal is ready supplement of money on demand in the sand. at least one person was killed. 5 others were injured. 2 of the 3 gunmen was shot dead need. abraham is near the i was, i on check point with out attack happened. what we know is that 3 tell us the needs of arrives to this area into separate cars and they have committed issue thing that's led to the injury of 5 is really is a police at the other 5 that have with this lady who we were told them that they
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had suffered the queue, acute minor injuries, and some anxiety. this is why we're talking about the number is decreasing, but also we're talking about one is really has been killed. now we are in this read this read the things illegal is where the supplements to jerusalem allow me just show you a little bit of a the street huge we need because there is a check point towards the end of the 3 that there is some traffic but also in the recent years, a new section of the road has been open to allow palestinians coming from the south of the occupied west bank to be able to use a section of this road to go to the rest of the occupies the west bank and this is why we've been seeing kind of thing is being allowed to use this road. now we've been hearing from sources that these really produce is looking to prevent the movements of palestinian cars on this route until a certain hour that we understand also that there has been
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a lot of situations. what else of a projects that have been planned in israel to kind of separate further, the palestinians from these really is to give them separate throws and we've been seeing. also in the past house, the sufferers enjoy the infrastructure to suffer through is what have you want to go through bypass road. now again, this is a check point that usually it needs to with jerusalem, but it is a huge way to link is really supplements in the occupied was thing to choose the well, it's day full of public hearings. the ones talk course on the legal impact of israel's occupation in palestinian territories. jordan's foreign minister has told the judges said that there can be no peace until israel's occupation ends. of the patient is unlawful. it is and humane. it must end. yeah,
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it is right. it has been systematically consolidating their corporation that is blatantly denying simians rights to self determination. it's illegal to the left side of majors creating new facts and the guns that are getting older prospects for peace settlements and legally under international growing numbers on our spreading father. and occupied palestinian land that i'm very settlers has gone from 208201993 when the us the codes were assigned to over 7 100002 day. nearly a one, but 150 percent increase settler terrorism is a growing either its victims are innocent, palestinians, their homes and their livelihoods. honda saw her standing by force and occupied the stories from the fest. i'd speak to step boss and that she's across those hearings for us in the hate step as we were saying, it does feel like
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a number of countries in the submissions have been directly addressing opposing what the us on to say. yes, that's correct. so we have her now from 30 countries. the 31st is speaking right now. it's qu 8th, and the ambassador is completely overwhelmed by emotion. so can hardly finishes so speed. so this shows the significance for the whole international community on this issue of the legality of the occupation this morning. we heard from other countries and that should say they were fairly much paying attention to what the us have to say yesterday china island, iran. they all pointed out to that's what the us said that this is just a bilateral issue between israel and palestine. it's not a valid argument and said this is definitely something that the un highest court here has to give an opinion on. because it will definitely give guidance for any
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view, a future based negotiations that you are sad that could have any negotiations. and also what they side is that these negotiations so far have flat to, to nothing, basically. and also any resolutions that were adopted or even vetoed have not resolved to, to anything. so basically this is sort of the highest last resort, the international court of justice, where the countries have now turned to also the argument. the us has pointed out that it was a south defense from israel to occupied the territories because of any aggression that they could expect. basically, countries also, like ireland said, there is a limit to self defense. it has to be proportional. c and it also has to be relevant to this is not, of course happening for 56 years this occupation. alrighty. so it is a totally not more, not an in any proportion anymore. and what china side as well is that the south defense basically comes more to the palestinian side because of the palace,
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the palace thing. entire latrice are occupied by a 4 and 4. so they have all the right to defend themselves. so all these arguments the u. s. has broad forward for so basically found to and from the 30 countries that we've heard so far, only for had a different opinion. all the others overwhelmingly have said that the occupation bias role of the palestinian territories is illegal unlawful and has to stop immediately. step voss and watching proceedings for us in the hague. thank you so much that let's now speak to him to selfhood. unoccupied is true some way, as we know the old. so to use the haunts of is randy occupation on the complaint. on the we know jordan's been instrumental in managing the holy sites that they've paid a t regional role. we has the criticism of israel in, in their experience of how israel's experienced order of this and in their submission today. that's right. jordan's main point that they were trying to get across is that if the occupation
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is not stop, the consequences in the future could be dire. they also were saying that israel's practices, really, without a doubt, according to the jordanians, means that they have every intention of continuously and explain occupied palestinian land. in the old city of jerusalem. you can see the occupation playing out in real time and its consequences on palestinians across the city. and as we've been speaking about just yesterday, our teams down at the mask escape, we witnessed it 1st hand the check point set up by these really forces just for palestinians checking ninety's, checking bags of security check that was set up just one posting and starting to arrive to damascus gate to head to the opposite for afternoon prayers, whereas jewish israelis we're able to bypass it just walks around it and go through without any sort of check whatsoever. but this is not the only thing palestinian
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space everything but they do in their life. is monitored here, there are restrictions on everything from movement to freedoms of expression, meaning that there are laws around even flying to the palestinian slide, which if you are flying one, the police or as really forces will come immediately to stop that. there are also a series of other things we have continuously been reporting on like home demolitions and raids across occupied east jerusalem, where the is really forces is really police and the political apparatus a like showcase their policies every single day when it comes to the average life of a palestinian and occupied is to russo on so what the jordanians and other countries really speaking out against israel's occupation at the hague. the point that they're trying to get across is that the right for the self determination of the palestinians has essentially been wiped off the table by these railings. and remember, it comes on the heels of these really government pushing through legislation that
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would outlaw really bad. any sort of talks be unilateral, moved to establish a palestinian state while it is non binding. it was a message to the international community that these really are going to continue on with these policies of the occupation, whether it's a legal settlements more restrictions on palestinians, continuous home demolitions restrictions of movement restrictions to holy sites like bill of some of these relatives are seemingly going to continue in those policies that are being argued against as we speak at the hate the stuff here. and that's how hesitate giving us a little bit of context from occupied the story soon. thank you. as hostile a had to here on out of their funding games to overcome the full model. how is school and goals that stream children's back to the cost on the speaker versus parliament and hot water mealy,
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60 and he's cool for his removal of the gauze. he's 5 or to defend the frank assessments his essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok, some of them are struggling. let's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions. we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in a new colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks.
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge risk both we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the the the welcome back to watching all of those here on that to remind you about top stories here to sound at least one palestinian has been killed,
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often is really as tried talking to the giovanni or refugee camp in northern casa, detect damaged the palestinian police vehicle and building. shooting has taken place maint occupied these to reset. it happens close to the legal is there any sacrament of money? a 100, we understand at least one person was killed, 5 others injured, to if this week on the shop and it's day form and the ones top costs of public hearings on the impact of israel's occupation promised an entire trees. china island around and jordan are among a host of countries and say that israel's nearly 6 decades i'll keep patient as a flagrant violation of international 7 on is to report its case before the course in the coming minutes. while israel's will, and garza has destroyed universities and schools disrupting the education system, the u. n says, a 162 school buildings have been directly hit by is really strikes, which is the fact that around 625000 students,
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92 percent of all school buildings and alvin use the shelters to displace palestinians view and says 3 universities have been completely destroyed and all those ulcer damage depriving $88000.00 students a full academic year of study. palestinian officials say that 95 professors to have been killed. last year the electricity rate was 97.7 percent. one teacher and ross is on a mission to not allow israel's war to run the children of the future of the house and has, has store of the more than half a 1000000 students in guys are out of school. even if the war comes to an end, they won't be able to resume the education. thousands of them have lost the lights . but for those who have survived is visible on guns out. there are no schools to come back to. most of the 800 schools of either being completely destroyed or have been turned into shelters for the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have lost
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the whole loss. well, try double time. i decided to back to the time to turn the library of the thought if main school and drop off into a classroom. but i think at all uh, the idea started during my presence here as a curator of the library. it is known that all schools have since the beginning of the work turned into sheltering centers. children started to flock to the library asking if they could borrow some books or stories english instead of addresses. i recorded 10th numbers in the library borrowers register with time. a student named holmes suggested if they could sit and study, you see, and that's how the initiative lights come to came about on the team of teachers, are volunteering to instruct these children on different in now. and this is a little bit of this initiative is one and a half months old. it was a pretty and tied to knowledge is the cornerstone of all future. we must continue with the education in order to be able to build a country of future. know,
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you know, but i do. we come here every other day. we are taught many subjects at a big science have the match. in addition to register and poetry. the teachers are also providing the kids with psychological and moral support. philip bold, it can be a fairly, this is a great positive impact on children's emotional healing. were striking a balance between teaching and providing mental and psychological help. children, well, they are hit with tons of miseries. these young palestinian students in gaza are striving to get out of cation despite on. now how? yeah, now i'm on now what if all of them went up there is not even a pen and paper to write or a story to tell except for the story of death and destruction displacement uninstalled ation. despite all this gloomy life, we are adamant to continue with our education to light a candle of hope for our fellow students. while the war and gaza continues unabated, these children are choosing hope over despair. resilience over the fields and
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clinging on to any semblance of normal life, despite the dash with them and carnage that surrounds them. how should i just see on the associated press news agencies reporting that a ship has been such a blaze of humans coast and believes that governments with the rebels are behind that attack in the gulf of aidan temperatures. minute 3 says 2 missiles we used in the attack, but didn't identify the vessel, the strong and the debate on whether to call for a cease fire and cause i brought the british parliament into disarray with the speaker of the house. now, a curious a policy politics nearly 60 mph, according on speaker lindsey well to quit his handling of that problem entry session. let's go to his national policy, which a table the motion and the conservative government have both condemned him for selecting the labor parties. amendment used to speak of trying to avoid internal divisions within the labor party, despite his juicy impartiality, hardy,
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for several ports from westminster. and when such a policy puts forward an ocean, usually it would be that motion. i don't need the conservative governments or the governments of the days amendment to that motion that will be brought to the phone . if that had been the case on wednesday, that would have put labor in a very difficult position because labor would have seen it. and he's either having to vote with the scottish national party for an immediate c spy, and garza, without any sort of the covey asked him about as in labors amendment, that was about the israel. if it continue out of the case, a threat from thomas and the very of the various other targets along those lines. and so his decision to dispense with tradition and the usual running of things to allow that labor amendment really allowed labor to uh, have its own end piece, but with it and not have a potentially politically damaging results. another one in the house of commons in
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the run up to an election. so that's why it was controversial. the scottish national party says that it wanted to have its own mason budget upon as well to exit mention collective punishment of palestinians and gaza. labor. it uses the scottish national party of playing politics itself by trying to engineer such a division and rebellion within labor rank. so all of this is really being sort of leveraging to some extent of what release is being seen by many to be leveraging what's been going on in gaza as part of a sort of domestic political game and calculation. and that is why so many people have expressed such dismay all the conflict and also has also been overshadowing amazing of g, 20 foreign ministers and brazil. earlier this week, result president accused israel of genocide and green birth it. and it's outlined the united states as they were, as teresa bar has been covering the missing for us and has this report from we're as well the foreign ministers of members of the j 20,
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but also other countries invited vipers in our meeting today, here in rio there's and 8 is the 2nd day of this meeting happening here, which shows the big divisions at this point that exists within the international community with thorny issues being discussed on wednesday. we sold a foreign minister of brazil modal v condemning the paralysis of the un security council when dealing with issues like ukraine and guys of the united nations security council. it has failed to act, for example, during russia's invasion of your plan because of russia's veto power and has failed to call for a ceasefire because of the united states veto power. so what brazil is proposing in a ways twins forming worlds, governors carrying out deep transformations within the united nations. within the tweet world trade organization making, developing nations have a sage in many of the world affairs. however, it's not likely whether brazil will be able to achieve this because of the comments
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made by president new without the scene of us comparing the war on guys up with the whole coast. this has generated diplomatic fire storm here, and we are the 181 among the foreign ministers. preston's here today on wednesday, we saw secretary of state tend to be blink contributing all the way to resilience for those capital to meet with president of the field. what we're hearing that point administer surgery lab. rob is going to be doing the same thing today. so there's lots of divisions within this. the g 20 uh, the g 20 members of the following ministers here. and we are, there's an angel. we're hearing that there's not going to be a joint statements because of the failure to reach consensus among the member states. ukrainian forces, however, fortunately killed at least 60 russian soldiers and an attack in the southern kasan region. now this is the 2nd time this week. the new can, you know me has announced its operations cause heavy russian losses. on tuesday it said that thousands of russian soldiers were killed and the don't yet screech. and
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that's where russia took control of the front line town of, of do use got last week from the bride, isn't to meet pro with me of these a being claimed by ukraine as to significant strikes against the russian forces. apparently inver. busy thing, according to russian sources and russian blog as these very precise long grains high mas massages that ukraine has been using and has used effectively in the past as well. that the 1st strike is set to a bed taking place in a have so on. this was just yesterday when drove the 4 digit pin to show a group of soldiers gathering. it's sold that they were from some sort of apple and brigades. then an explosion happening amongst them, resulting according to ukrainians and also to rest involved with this being confirmed by them. schools of deaths and injuries. and this was just the day after a very similar strike happen to the east in dalton bass, reaching again according to clips on russian media as brushing social media. it was
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a 2 companies and soldiers being brought together and under a very similar circumstances, a direct strike. apparently, the problem is all this comes as ukraine is also claiming victory in the air. it says that in the past week or so, it has shot down 7 russian jets, which is a relatively high number under the premiums have been looking up, trying to boot booths. it's a capabilities as a way of trying to shift the dynamics. and this will everybody's expecting, of course, the arrival of at 16 fights is over ukrainian skies. if that will make a difference. and it does come as things seem to be stalemated on the ground and defend the thing. moving in the rushes direction with its capture. recently, all of these hold us president joe biden has endorsed the dutch prime minister mafricia to be the next head of nature. we say who is also backed by the u. k. would be taken over from the current nature chief to insult him back. he's expected to step down in october. i'm sure there needs the backing of all the t one nature members before. he can then be declared that that was the general. he currently has
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the backing of 20 members so far older. he is the only official candidate for the job right now. the us delegation of republican and democratic lawmakers is visiting taiwan to voice their support as tensions grow with china. the delegation sold to a short time pay that washington would stand by it in the face of the question from basing cohen's president saying when it said that you hope to see more exchanges of delegations with us in the future. but this visit is expect as a goal criticism from china. the delegation will stay in taiwan for 3 days before then, continuing a tour of the region. today we've come as democrats and republicans to show our bipartisan support for this partnership, which thanks to your leadership, i think is stronger and more rock solid than ever. and today, freedom is under attack from a storage area in aggression. and we need to be more vigilant than ever if we want to pass on the.


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