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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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a serious spouse of violence in recent years. we brave bullets and bonds because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides, the the hello i'm about to send this has been use our lives, some doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes is really strikes target know, $100.00 of the latest bombardment at a crowded area of a monitors and there's a volume of refuge account, a mosque in rafa is destroyed by his ready attacks. residents pick through the rubble in a desperate search for bodies of those can. is there any forces, right? the homes of palestinians suspects accused of shooting near on the legal
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settlements close to occupied east jerusalem and circular terrorism is a growing beetle. it's fixed in our innocent palestinians, their homes and their livelihoods. jordan's representative demands, israel ended so here patient palestinian territories during your hearing that the un topcoat news, 1600 g m t. that's 6 pm in gaza, where israel's war shows no sign of using and after 4 and a half months, it's mother who has been targeting both ends of the strip. guys, us health ministry says nearly a 100 pablo studies are being killed in the past 24 hours. and then this size is where the air strikes, flattened the mosque, and rough and destroyed at least 4 residential homes. more than 1500000 palestinians are in rough and have no place left to go. and in the north is where the war plain struct targets. in a crowded market,
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a vehicle belonging to the palestinian police has been destroyed. honey mode begins our coverage. this is what has left of a 3 story building in bethlehem leveled by his regular air strikes in the northern gauze. much of the north of this trip resembles a waste land with no buildings and no body untouched by israel. as was the bid. an old sick lady with her daughter in law and grandchildren were sleeping in their home. the house was leveled and they are still buried. under the rubble, we managed to recover only bits and pieces of some of their bodies. there were at least 15 people inside. we could not recover a whole body, only bits and pieces. rescue workers and neighbors faced the doubting task. tons of degrees has to be moved slowly and carefully by hand to retrieve the bodies or what has left of them by some uh,
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some of the reasons it is very difficult for us to search without any equipment. we are simply using update hands. apparently women and children were the only ones inside the we haven't found a single survivor. and rob by and southern guns that were 1500000 palestinians are sold 3 is really play and targeted on foreign mos in the city centers. residents say it, how's the library with historical tax? the families forced to see good by our inc. consolidate mazda and then the find out on the start, we are the airplanes just after midnight. we looked out of the window and saw flames and people screaming. there were more than 25 to 30 people in the house when it collapsed. everybody scattered grief and loss, go hand in hand in garza. and what do you want is calling a desk zone mode, dropbox,
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whether you guys are going to bring it in town. a couple of them is joining us live night from your office. some more attacks, right across garza, of the that's why it's we have been completely absorbing more please such a more military been bought and then continues to found different areas. and the goal is a strip on the particular we have been seeing that the central area had been the main focus is very minute to within the past few days were at least 6 palestinians have reported in judge and one of the latest military attacks that targeted a residential building and derek by an abrasion refuge account. and this is not only that, the 1st part of the attacks that have been carried out to the boss, con, you to city witness most domestic loading or residential houses, or at least move down 5 residential neighborhoods being completely reduced to the russell. and this is part of the is very on getting military attacks under the same time, we have been hearing more reports about people being shot at the central areas of
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kansas city. as we were waiting for more humanitarian supplies to be transported to another of pots of calls. and this is absolutely terrifying because it had the most of me repeat it specifically that more than a 2 percent of causes. and you've been a jargon h deliveries had been trumped up with, with more than 80 percent since the beginning of this conflict where people in the north are still experiencing funding has been bought minutes into a value of refuge account. also continue to de run impulse, thomas city is have to report to kill and we have been seeing that since october, the 7th may sound 29000 palestinians being killed according to the powers 3 minutes . ministry of health here in the territory type. thank you very much. indeed. tyler caldwell assume talking to us from a rough on the
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stay for public hearings at the you and the top court and the legal impact of israel's occupation of palestinian territories. levon on something positive to the netherlands, spoke of the icy j hearing earlier, and he called for the international community to take action to and the is where the occupation. yeah, it did. they got it was, it is when you will keep patients who promised dentistry is a lead to has to start classical unconditionally and immediately consequently, 3rd states, an international organization must support without too late for effort miss aimed at putting an immediate and mental conditional end to this occupation and to abstain from o action or mission, which might contribute to this legal situation being maintained. china is representative, told judges that israel's actions severely undermine the rights of the palestinian people. of the screening is read in conflict. stands from these 3, a prolonged occupation of pot spinning preparatory under use,
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rails long standing for pressure off of the prod, standing people the post seen, and people fight against this reading oppression and the struggle for completing the establishment of an independent state of the occupied territories essentially, a just absence for restoring the team across the wire to all right, to the staff, to some nation serve task precise legal foundation for the struggle for some nation only applies to toasting novels, namely posts on the colonial domination, full 40 occupation under no circumstances. that's why to staff dissemination offered any basis for any part or group, but it seemed a foreign state proclaimed a so called right tools for the session. and the islands,
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attorney general told the code that israel's exceeded the limits of self defense following homicides attack on october. the 7th. international limits, the use of force in self defense to no more than fault is necessary. i'm proportion. us islands view is that these limits have been, exceeds us by israel, in its military response to a mouse attack. this is manifest from the spiraling jeff toe, the extensive disrupt destruction of property, including homes through i casa, the displacement of up to 2000000 people. i'm the and suing humanitarian catastrophe. ireland has repeatedly called for a cease fire and we are dismayed by the implications that these laces tough. tennessee's in gaza may have, for the prospect of resolving the wider is really palestinian conflict. we're going
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to talk to stuff awesome. who's outside the international court of justice, and have you been there since the speakers began with a lot over the last few hours a step? well, it's been the main theme today and particularly how does it compare to what we had of the i c, j on wedding stay as well, a lot of consensus. so today countries from the west of the planet and the east and north i'm to solve. they all agree on one thing that this occupation is a legal and that is has to stop. that is the 3rd. so it's kind of thing and citizens into a 2nd class citizens with this quote, discriminatory uh, rules applying to the products thing and people impose on uh, buy is for out. so it was a lot of consensus. uh, today we have heard already now in total from $31.00 countries, making the arguments here at the highest court. and what was also standing out today is that all the countries that have been speaking today,
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jordan island as well, and china, i've been countering the arguments brought by do an act. it states that this isn't the place to have an opinion. the highest court should not a rule on this matter because it's a bilateral metro between israel and the palestinians. but the countries say it is up, it's really the un who has to decide this course is now it's not in a position to speak because all the negotiations, all the diplomatic efforts that we've been seeing and all those years have a completely failed. and also the fact that the, the u. s. has said that the, the israelites of right to self defense because the palestinian territories need to be occupied as well. the child is also said this is actually in the of, in the does the palestinians have this right of self defense because they are being occupied by you for one, for us. and also this occupation is now clearly permanent. it's, it's become an annexation as so that is very much violating all international law.
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so that was a lot of agreement here today we have 2 more days of oral arguments to follow that . thank you very much indeed said voss and outside the international court of justice in the hey, jordan, as part of mr. also spoke of a hearing, he's told judges that can be no peace until israel's occupation ends. i feel corporation is unlawful. it is and humane. it must, and yet isabel has been systematically consolidating via q patient. that is blatantly denying simians rights to self determination. it's illegal, you know, laughter and majors creating new facts and the guns that are getting older prospects for peace settlements and legally under international growing numbers on our spreading father and occupied palestinian land that i'm very settlers has gone from 280000 in 1993, when the us the codes were assigned to over 7 100002 date, nearly a one, but
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a 150 percent increase settler terrorism is a growing either its victims are innocent, palestinians, their homes and their livelihoods. let's go back to home. the saw who was an occupied east jerusalem with the old cities at the heart of his ready occupation and the conflict i would just hearing from um the uh, jordanian uh foreign minister there. um, jordan that has a very specific circumstance. doesn't it? in the middle is because it plays a very key role in managing holy sites, particularly the i likes the most complex. why does that give it such a degree of influence in the region? well jordan's role unoccupied east jerusalem is quite crucial because they are the custodians of the 3rd holy aside in this now the lump sum of compound a site that is often ravaged by violence against palestinians restrictions against
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worshippers and checkpoints, for even visitation to that holy sites. nearly every friday throughout the entirety of this war nearly 5 months. and there has been increasing restrictions on who is allowed in to exercise their worship. but even before that, there have been restrictions to the locks, a mosque for people ascending to friday, prayers ascending to any types of prayers. we witness to ourselves on a wednesday in mid afternoon when their works, palestinians trying to go into the old city. they were blocked by is really forces who set up a checkpoint, whereas is really just simply went around that. so jordan has been quite a critic of israel's occupation and the consequences for palestinians who have to live under that occupation. there are restrictions on freedom of expression like you're not allowed to fly a palestinian slide. for example, there are restrictions on what kind of home you can have where you can live. and there's always the fear that your house is going to be demolished by these rallies
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. for not having the proper paperwork or permits, something that is real often accuses palestinians when they do exercise these home demolitions, but it's not just that it is the restrictions of movement is the arbitrary arrest. it is the fear of constant harassment by these really military and police. the palestinians have to deal with every single day when they're dealing with life under occupation. and what the jordanians are arguing at the hague is that israel's practices and policies in their entirety, with no doubt, according to them say that israel is going to continuously annex occupied palestinian land. and that the occupation must and because the consequences will be more and more severe as time goes on. and i'm just reading that upon the israel's defense minister, you of galandes be meeting jo biden's, advisor for the middle east. do we have any more information about those topics? what we're hearing? so when a meeting,
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israel's defense minister meeting with breton mcgurn, biden's, top of middle east advisor. and in that golan you'll have go on, the defense minister has released the statement saying that israel will now expand the negotiators for the captives what they are allowed to do. but all, while israel and the military will be planning for more intense ground operations in gaza, this is essentially one of the pressures we've been seeing on israel by the americans to get negotiators back to the table, to meet with the other side to see what sort of concessions can be offered up to see where there are still disagreements and sticking points. but these really have been under a lot of pressure from the bind administration for how they've been conducting themselves throughout this war. the americans would like to see more humanitarian aid going in. they would like to see a deal to bring back the captive sooner rather than later. and it is actually these
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really specifically prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who declined to send in his really delegation for 2nd day of meetings in cairo just about a week ago. and this is something that did not bode well with these really public and the families of the captive. so the is really defense minister is now saying they will expand the opportunities for the mediators and negotiators to come to the table to meet with mediators. and the other side to see what could potentially be offered up as the binary administration wants to see a deal potentially before the start of the most of them fully month of dawn, which is less than a month away, around march 10th. so it's you have to be seen what's exactly going to come of these talks if there are any sort of advancements in these captive negotiations. but these really delegation will now be present at them to argue their case, and perhaps what concessions they are willing to give up in order to secure a deal. honda, so hoops and i'll get body service from honda. thank you very much. indeed. still
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other united nations security kinds of receiving a briefing of the situation and guys of that self. so the console failed once again to pass a resolution calling for the cx, 5 and gaza junior vote on tuesday. the us was the only country to veto the draft text. we're going to go to. i took the magic editor james base. i've been un headquarters in new york. james, i want to talk to you about time, catherine color and i, she's the chair of the independent review group on the united nations relief and works agency and she's also at the u. n. h q. they own right. has been under investigation department. israel has made a various i, i gave sions against members of, on what, what of diplomats at the you and telling you about their views of the investigation that she's carrying out. what did you say a pretty busy day here, all the united nations with regard to gaza. that security council meeting on the way right now is you say it was the us that's
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a veto. or in the week the u. k. of stating that you came by. so the economy speaking to the security council right now as an bosses were coming in for this meeting. i wanted to get the views on this meeting with a former french foreign minister catherine cologne with the secretary general of the united nations. the backdrop of cost for this is, it's very, very serious for a delivery in garza. the fact that most west and of the big west and funders have dropped the aid that includes the us, germany and the you all the individual e u countries. some of them are still providing aid to under what we know is that the secretary general accident and followed some other stuff right away with these allegations were made. but ever since the, you and it's been trying to get more details from these right. ease of the evidence they actually have and these rallies have not been providing that dosier of, of evidence to the us. and they provided to the us. they provided it to some us and use organizations, but not to the u. n. who is supposed to investigate this earlier on the way into
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the meeting. i spoke to one of those e u countries that is still funding and rather that's volta to the multi something pass that for that's the phrase. yeah. and she said it was very important. now that we've missed colona on the way with her canal and meeting the secretary general, the israel comes forward with all the evidence that has received that is ready for them on the way that mouses and to collaborate fully with sorry it just in their interest. absolutely. and their interest having the bins verification of the allegations i saw me and to ensure that the honora is, is uh, reviews and an amy hum, awesome situation is removed, of course or influence is removed. so it's, it's everybody's inches. and so that's the situation regarding henri and the former french farmers. the catherine cologne, who's here in new york today as a site, the security council meeting goes on off of that us vito of an algerian dropped
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resolution with a cold for immediate cease while the us and the last 24 hours have circulated that own dropped. we heard at the security council meeting though, from the head of medicine. some folks here that the well known relief organization, medical relief operate organization that has people on the ground in gaza and the head of that organization. christopher, look here, who's the set country general told the security council that he didn't the support of a new us draw which talks about a seas file when pricing comple. he says we don't need a c. so i would probably go, we need a c spot right now, and he says the us draw off is passively endorsing the continued mullins. certainly the one very leading the charge. he's saying it does not think this us draft is a good thing the us for. but it's part of the deputy and that's the robot would says that they will continue to negotiate with security council members. open that draft, but they're also looking at other developments. and as you had
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a short time ago, one of those is the ongoing negotiations in the region. i've also been speaking of attending at the security council. i'm not speaking, but many i'm at least and i'm boss does attend. i was speaking to kashi on boss of the audio, a funny, she said to me that the cut as well as egypt are continuing their work there on negotiations, continuing the number of capitals right now. and she said there's a real pressure role to try and get something to try and get the seatbar as soon as possible, but also with out of the month of ramadan. coming carson, diplomatic editor james bays at un headquarters in new york. or is there any mandatory still in the village of baby tom or east of bethlehem and they occupied westbank as far as, as a rated the homes of his aspects and the shooting attack that occurred earlier on thursday around 25 is really military vehicles have been seen in the area. well that's shooting. incidence was near occupied east jerusalem. it happened close to
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the illegal is really the sacrament of molly. i don't mean at least one person has killed them. 5 others are injured. 2 of the 3 guns were shot dead. the, the abraham is near the, all of them check finds where the attack happens. what we know is that 3 tell us the needs of arrives. so this area is 2 separate cards and that's committed. issue thing that's led to the injury of 5 is really is a police at the other 5 that we were told them that they had suffered the queue, acute minor injuries, and some anxiety. this is why we're talking about the number is decreasing, but also we're talking about one is really has been killed. now we are in this read this read the things in the goal is really supplements to jerusalem. allow me just show you a little bit of a, the street huge we need because there is a check point towards the end of the street that there is some traffic. but also in the recent years,
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a new section of the road has been open to allow palestinians coming from the south of the occupies west bank to be able to use a section of this road to go to the rest of the occupies the west bank and this is why we've been seeing kind of thing is being allowed to use this road. now we've been hearing from sources that these really produce is looking to prevent the movements of palestinian cars on this route until a certain hour that we understand also that there has been a lot of situations. what else of a projects that have been planned in israel to kind of separate further, the palestinians from these really is to give them separate throws and we've been seeing also in the past house, the sufferers enjoy the infrastructure to suffer through. it's what have you want to go through bypass road. now again, this is a check point that use what it needs to with what it is usually to link is really supplements in the occupied was thing to choose is there is water and gauze
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as discharge universities and schools disrupting the education system venue bindings as a 160 to school buildings have been directly hit by his when he strikes, which is effected 625 sizes and students. 92 percent of old school buildings have been used as shelters for displaced palestinians nearby and says 3 universities are being completely destroyed and all those of damage depriving $88000.00 students of a full academic year of study. 95 professors have been killed last year. literacy rate was 97.7 percent one teacher and rafa is on a mission not to allow israel's war to rob children and the future already. how soon as the story of the more than half a 1000000 students in guys are out of school. even if the war comes to an end, they won't be able to resume the education. thousands of them have lost the lights,
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but for those who have survived is visible on guns out, there are no schools to come back to. most of the 800 schools of either being completely destroyed or have been turned into shelters for the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have lost the whole last, well try double time. i decided to back to the time to turn the library of the thought. if mail school and drop off into a classroom, but i think at all uh, the idea started during my presence here as a curator of the library. it is known that all schools have since the beginning of the war, turned into sheltering centers of children started to flock to the library, asking if they could borrow some books or stories english instead of addresses. i recorded 10th numbers and the library borrowers register with time. a student named holmes suggested if they could sit and study, you see, and that's how the initiative lights come to came about on the team of teachers. i'll volunteering to instruct these children on different in now, and this is
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a little bit of this initiative is one and a half months old. it was a pretty and tied to knowledge is the cornerstone of all future. we must continue with the education in order to be able to build a country of future know your we come here every other day. we are taught many subjects, a big science of the match. in addition to register and poetry. the teachers are also providing the kids with psychological and moral support. philip bold, it can be a fairly, this is a great positive impact on children's emotional healing. were striking a balance between teaching and providing mental and psychological help. children, well, they are hit with tons of miseries enough. these young palestinian students in gaza are striving to get out of the cation despite on. now how? yeah, now i'm on now. what about when i went up there is not even a pen and paper to write or a story to tell except for the story of death and destruction displacement
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uninstalled ation. despite all this gloomy life, we are adamant to continue with our education to light a candle of hope for our fellow students. while the war and gaza continues unabated, these children are choosing hope over despair. resilience over the field, clinging on to any semblance of normal life, despite the desk with them and carnage that surrounds them, or the hash. and i just see on the a sort of head and i'll just say to the speaker, a videotape ornaments and hope was over over 60 m. p. 's are calling from his removal author. regardless, these 5 points for sense of the chaos, the brought to you by visit capital. hello, the weather remains very waiting. 3 across northern parts of china. we have go to
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fiber to cloud, into a northern and central areas for the time being with the weather, just getting across the fall south of japan moving the east with cold enough in total care, 5 degrees celsius. just about getting about freezing that in facing it should be lost dry. so the disruptive snow now in the process of phasing but no sign of any significant full. it has to be said when it's a weather down towards the south and freezing rain as well down to was fossil. how come with a temperature, rough, 21 sales just as a warm sunshine coming through here. warm sunshine to across much of the indo china . scott, tradition as into east america, the philippines, southern part, seeing the heaviest of the south, west sunshine, then south west. the possibility of seeing some live the storms, the usual hate of the day stuff coming for him as a case to into job and also into some entre still the weather has the, making his way away from that eastern side of india. and we'll see some past, in particular bundle of this bill, seeing
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a few showers as we go one through friday. but right this guys come back in behind is this week i wanting to set the day. so it's becoming a little more extensive across that eastern side of india. moving up towards the west, mingle. the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the fascination to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha, ha ha, needed to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on. my question to you.
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all the good groups i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities, us vito, in the security council, this is a may just something go because it did excess to hear the story on told to how does era the you know, just need a reminder of our top stories. this are at least one palestinians being killed, often is very air strike talkative visual, probably a refugee camp in northern gaza gardens. health ministry says nearly a 100 pallets. jennings, have been killed in the past 24 hours and the size is video strikes, flattened. the most skin roof and destroyed at least 4 residential homes. more than
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1500000 palestinians and drop i have no place left to go. when you guys are out of the day for a public hearings of us top cords and the legal impact of israel's occupation, understanding untethered slaves. jordan's foreign minister has told the judges there can be no peace until israel's occupation ends, smell, or debate whether to call for a cease. 5 and gossip brought the u. k. parliament into disarray on wednesday with the speaker of the house. now the accused of party politics nearly 60 i'm piece of calling on speaker lindsay while to quits for his handling of the parliamentary session. a scottish national party, which is an opposition and which tabled the ocean and the conservative government of both condemned him for selecting the labor parties, amended the labor party, is the biggest opposition party. they accuse the speaker of trying to avoid internal divisions within the labor party despite his duty of impartiality. for more than this, we're going to speak to how the faucet,
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who's in london. first of all, how do you want going to pressure? is the speaker wonder to that what on some metrics if you just counting the numbers? uh, it seems that pressure is increasing the most recent number its picked above 16 out of 63 members of parliament. uh, almost all of them scottish national party and conservative members who are cooling uh for the expressing no confidence in him as well as the scottish national policy and its entirety that the biggest party empowerment is now saying the same thing. it's leader in westminster. stevenson said as much to the speaker in the commons himself, however, the conservative party in the shape of it is the leader of the house. penny morton's. also speaking during that debate was talking more about oppose for reflection at all. so turning a good deal of the blame on labor accusing labor of having unduly influenced and
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lent on the speaker because of its own political concerns of the labor leader. the main opposition may bleed a key, a stomach was denied, threatening. so lindsey, who was speaker of the house in his conversation with him before the debate on the gauze of ceasefire. on wednesday he said that he did uh uh, the labor amendment to be voted upon because he wants to have as broad a range of options to be voted on as possible uh, labor its using the s and p. i'm trying to make the most of labor divisions and the conservatives of being worried about losing the votes. and therefore, pulling that wrote in motion out their own amendment out which to the led to the collapse of the whole process. and the code it seems we saw on wednesday evening, as for the speaker himself, he has once again apologized. and he said that his main concern was because of the contentiousness of this issue. he was worried about the safety of m. p. 's,
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if they weren't allowed to vote specifically how they wanted to. so he was trying to ensure for the broadest range of searching options possible, saying he didn't want to be picking up a phone and learning that one of his friends on either side had been murdered by a terrorist. and already for those who was watching from the outside, i mean, you know, selecting a broad range of options for people to vote on. so i actually sounds pretty reasonable. well, the so controversial about this decision as well. what was controversial, i mean that there are some issues of substance and some issues of politics and procedure on the procedure front. this was an opposition day belonging to the s n t . they get 3 of them per yet because of the size they are in parliament. and so rare opportunity for them to put in motion and haven't voted on base or that they wanted that motion with his language, which likes the way the language contained reference to collective punishments of a civilian population in gaza to be voted on. and usually it would be the
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opposition motion and the government amendment that would be voted on what was unusual about the speak. his decision on wednesday was that he also included the option of voting on the labor amendment, which also told for an immediate cease by the s and p was happy about that. but it also included language that was looking to ensure the security of israel and saying that it can be expected to cease fire if there was still a threat to move to early from home us. and so the fact that he allowed both the motion and the other 2 amendments for both sides that lead to the tories being able the conservative party to withdrawal their own amendments. and as i say, the whole thing collapsing um and so that's why that was these. there were these very unseemly scenes in parliament was shouting with people storming out and with the speaker on the such pressure and all of it, of course, when at the heart of it, what was supposed to be debated and what to, to a large extent was debated and pretty serious fashion for much of the afternoon.
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the issue of life and death and gaza being subsumed by this, this political and procedural chaos. yeah. how are we? thank you very much indeed. harriet foresight unraveling that for us in london. thank you very much indeed. well, i'm john from manchester, but also connie is a member of the labor party of the u. k. parliament on last november the step done from the labor shadow cabinet because he wanted to back a motion by the scottish national party calling for a cease fire in gaza, a good heavy with his own elder 0. thank you very much. indeed. this house of commons debate was supposed to be the focus on gaza and the tragedies happening there. 29 fighters and people that most of guys are being destroyed and it's defended into political infighting. what kind of message does that send? do you think to palestinians and their supporters as well? i was a sedan i sold some ocean marketing you. i just saw it may not finding very disappointing that was happening because i think was the secret trying to to i understand
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i think that to you a lot of different boxes of measurements to people there. uh so that people can have the choice, the whole thing. and the way he did, i think also makes sense to me that would allow the us a be to have 30 days. so the politics people to also for the also have that option is the pull back. this is the whole kind of the home which then manage the government is not participating the lives of numbers on the date. and therefore, the amendment was kind of the, the better by moving katie, my battery camera, so sensors most of them the us and they will not have that was. so i'll be actually hold the goal or responsible for work there because they agree to. there's been the
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amendment that all parties have arrived for the amendment, so there's nothing wrong with that. i'm the seater already tried to make sure that there is enough choice there for the members. lots of fun. so everybody would know exactly what they would have done. my show somebody to eventually, but i ask you to sign. and last of my school, just cartoons nice to pocky. i'm starting, my tension was that i would score living partners. remember another also for the football season, because both of them are fully for immediate cease fire, and cares. tom is the leader of the labor party. the main opposition party in the u . k. house of parliament has come under 5 before about who stands with regard to the israel's war uh in gaza. i was reading a little bit of background to this. and the suggestion was that part of the wording of the s and p motion included phrases that essentially would have been impossible for the u. k. government and for labor members to vote on because that would have
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significantly changed the direction of the stance rather that they had been taking how much of this has been done to i'm genuinely trying to find a way of wanting something that will be positive and have an impact on the palestinians, particularly those in gaza, and how much of it is done to trying to sabotage all the parties in the parliament . the only thing that has, the knowledge from one is that from you yesterday is that the parties themselves could have done more before to see there's some sort of consent who is going to be these. this is something which actually is quite effective in the your call them and, but i think the system that you have in the british parliament is quite a stadium and therefore, barely not based on a consensus is not a sort of a done thing. but i think with the seriousness of what was happening in the past, but every day we losing about a 100 plus civilian lives and kind of they were sending in
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a position where we would see over a 100000 people or whoever the agent and the devastation of the house of the allstate, of the schools, everything out 0 some believe and therefore this should not be the heart of, of the way we should have done. and i think it was kind of done with the close of the steps because that suggested the state or given the way that this appears to have on rivals and know that all 3 parties seem to be back in their corners. it's a, shall we say. and obviously now the speakers future is and some died as well. is there any possibility that the highest is going to be able to come together? i'm be able to hold another vote with regard to israel's war in gaza. yes, i know the speaker. i have last time for i've seen him in action. i think he's doing a good job. and what he tried to do was safely to get people uh, turned to raise
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a voltage in line with the a man by the, by the office. so he's apologize. he's already offered the scores to match the party party for which means the age. so he is going to that some i know to make sure that the policies come together. i do hope that of course national board, if you will take off on the off of the speakers tonight talk talk on we appreciate your being with us and i'll just 0. thank you very much indeed for your time. i as well the conflicts in gaza has been overshadowing amazing of g, 20 foreign ministers in brazil this week because it was president accused israel of genocide ongoing age. and it sounds like the united states, obviously it is pretty simple, is in the rio de janeiro. what's been the focus of the adults there today? what else you were mentioning of this whole media has been overshadowed by the
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diplomatic stack between his route and brazil, pressing leasing us to let us see. but just until a few minutes ago, that was about over a 100 people protesting where i am right now showing their support for the palestinian people, demands in brazil, and it's diplomatic ties with estrella and showing their support for precedence. let us see the whole challenge and questions and criticizes wells war on guys on compared to the whole cause. something that has generated diplomats expire storm in this meeting. will you have seen the minister of foreign minister of brazil on wednesday, being very critical of the united nations security council saying that there is a paralysis to solve conflicts around the world, including ukraine and russia saying, for example, which brazilian officials have been telling us that the united nations security council has failed to act on the russia invasion of ukraine because of russia's veto power. that's the same thing happened with
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a war on guys that with the united states veto power to call for a ceasefire. so was it has a very ambitious agenda as president of the g 20 this year. they want to promote change to transform global governance. they want to call for a reform of the united nations. they're saying that it should be expanded, that maybe the united nations security council should be expanded. they also, in a way, are hoping to talk of hunger and that supports a sustainable development. but as i see, you know, been shooting before the whole attention has. it's all now let us leave us comments regarding as well war and guys, and that's why secretary of state tends in a blink. and so all the way to resilience, to the capital, to meet with breast and the fee. that's the same thing, is going to be done later today by russia's foreign minister, saturday, laboratories is going to be meeting with rest of the new law, the city russell. but there's been lots of differences among the members of the g
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20. it shows there's in my ability, which is what brazil says to find solutions to the world's problems. that's why they're calling for more reforms. and i'm just hold emissions that we're seeing when we do know, however, that there's not going to be a final statement, which is something that generally happens in summit such as this one. well, that's not going to be the case mostly because of the lack of consensus among the member states of the g 23. so thank you very much. indeed that's 2 weeks ago talking to us from me. additionally, i know the increase in forces have reportedly killed at least 60 russian soldiers and an attack on the southern castle region is the 2nd time this week. the ukrainian army has an instance operations caused heavy russian losses on tuesday and said, dozens of russian soldiers were killed in a done yet screeching and squared, russia to control the funds line. turn of of the last week. know mcbride is in
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april with modem. of these a being claimed by ukraine as to significant strikes against the russian forces. apparently inver. busy moving according to russian sources and russian blog as these very precise long grains high mas massages that ukraine has been using and has used effectively in the past as well. that the 1st strike is set to event taking place in how to solve this was just yesterday. when drove the 4 digit pin to show a group of soldiers gathering it, sold that they were from some sort of apple and brigades. then an explosion happening amongst them. resulting according to ukrainians of those are depressing blogger, this being confirmed by them, schools of deaths and injuries. and this was just the day after a very similar strike happened to the east in dalton bass region again, according to clips on russian media as russian social media. it was a 2 companies the soldiers being brought together and under a very similar circumstances,
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a direct strike apparently problem is all this comes as ukraine is also claiming victory in the air. it says that in the past week or so, it has shut down 7 russian jets, which is a relatively high number of ukrainians have been looking at trying to boost its capabilities as a way of trying to shift the dynamics. and this will everybody's expecting, of course, the arrival of at 16 fights is over ukrainian skies. if that will make a difference. and it does come as things seem to be stalemated on the ground and defend the thing. moving in the rushes direction with its capture recently, all of up to you as president joe biden is endorsed, endorsed a dutch prime minister mocked road to be the next head of nato, which is also backed by the u. k. and he was succeed. kind of nato, she, if she hadn't stolen back, it didn't charges finland and sweden are added to the lines ahead of the us election was, is also gonna have to deal with the different views on nature with joe biden. and donald trump, to the mother of russian opposition,
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figured alexi and yvonne the says that she's being shown her son's body devante died in the russian prison last week. his colleagues and family alleged the kremlin ordered his murder. moscow denies the claims of on his mother as recorded the video alleging that investigators showed her alexys body and to be done in pausing, conditions on where, how and when it should be buried. still ahead and i'll just eat up a search for survivors in venezuela after a gold mine collapse shops and dozens of workers, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the people knew the eastern city of gorman democratic republic of congo, a fleet, as i'm 23 fighters advance violence is intensifying prompting the un security council to sanction some of the groups lead to is that an emergency meeting on tuesday, catherine? sorry, reports from goma. this is not the 1st time deborah lola has hard to see from her home. she lived in a village that was taken over by m 235 says in november. then she went to the town of sac, it in the east and comedies providence of north cable, where she thought she was safe. has spend was killed a week ago doing violence between government forces and the slices in the area. a bomb had to stay at home. so now leaving rough and then nearby come with
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a displaced. she says there's no one to protect them here. the window political party, i went to the forest to look for food for my children. a few days ago, i met bandits who took my supplies and they reached me. nearly everyone from saki is solitary. i the come that was already over crowded. 1.5 mega. i've been displaced since this latest round of conflict 2 years ago. a week ago this. com was no one more people are coming from south kit as they are building. this is a state they have nowhere else to go that there is antoinette booking and she says that she has been slipping out the coals. we are always run and we don't get dressed. i don't know what to do. i'm just praying for peace. the bottle full size has been intense equation of government forces, wants to push m 53 fights,
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his father away from heels. me a 2nd. the town is an important truth into coma. the provincial capital. back of the com. debra and i'm praying that the they're doing what they can to so by the, by day catherine, solely all the 0 coma democratic republic, a fungal, a sedans army is broken and seized by the possibilities. rapids opposed forces on one of its basis. new of the capital, the seizure cut off supplies for people living near the base and on demand log and reports. this base houses, the sudanese armies engineering court in the city of them through man. for nearly 7 months, it was under siege by the parent military rapids support forces r r s f. but in recent, these, the army was able to break through and deliver supplies to its troops. was as if i took the reading and hoping this is
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a gift from god under the feet of the rebels and criminals who terrorized people and carried out to trustees like never seen before. this is the 1st phase because of the will, will not hand until the month and the whole next to done is cleared of the malicious. the streets near the base are scarred so by the battle spots over its buildings destroyed by artillery fire from the recess. when he tried to seize the base barriers built on roads to keep the fighters away, the power military group has been fighting the army for control of sedan. for 10 months, its fighters were stationed in districts around the base to prevent the weapons and ammunition from reaching the soldiers inside. within the past few weeks, it's been forced to retreat from some areas or the army has made gains here in the man. but arthur was selling by the parent many, 3 on the b at the areas around discontinue. otherwise the miniature was able to bring in reinforcements. it wasn't the only site that was affected by the,
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our staff. and it's located for the head of man mohammed lived near the base. after days without eating, he collapsed. had i said this was the kind of tire, not the past 10 months have been indescribable. there was hunger, there was sickness. the shops were burned in the shelling. people were allowed to bring us food or medicine yourself, prevented people from going to the market. they either rob you of your money or kill you said the other day you has opened her home to those in need. she says, the lack of supplies wasn't the worst thing about the seat of the daughter. it should be the bus. there was intensive shedding to the point that people couldn't walk around. heavy weapons where use the weapons use, which we didn't know the names of include an identified and coordinate. we live through tough times. people would be cut to pieces for walking on the streets, looking for medicines. kids looked up, having some 4th of the eyes, payments left their children, the battles and on demand are far from over. but with the army gaining ground,
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many here hope their lives were returned to normal again soon. he but morgan, alta 0 on through mine for them, and libya and malicious have agreed to leave the capital aaa of to 10 people were killed and fighting over the weekend. the internationally recognized government done on this, they would be replaced by regular police forces. that is on groups receive public funding, but operate independently from the government. violence between rival fights is left 55 people that in august the groups formed and the security vacuum off to long time rule or more. my good off, it was deposed in 2011 on it. so see if the associated press news agency is reporting that a ship has been set on fire off the coast of yemen. i suspected miss all the time i am in school fees is thought to be responsible for the attack of the golf of ivan. the british military, he says to miss oz were used but did not identify the bas on the vessel. the struck us to engage in a republican and democratic lawmakers is visiting. ty,
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want to give it support as tensions with base jane grove. the dedication says it wants to assure type pay that washington would stand by it in the face of aggression from beijing timelines. president sign one said she hope to see more exchanges of delegations with the u. s. in the future. but this visit is expected to draw criticism from china. delegation is going to stay in taiwan for 3 days before continuing a tour of the region. today we've come as democrats and republicans to show our bi partisan support for this partnership, which thanks to your leadership, i think is stronger and more rock solid than ever. and today, freedom is under attack from a storage area in aggression. and we need to be more vigilant than ever if we want to pass on this gift of freedom. we've been given to the next generation. part of a bridge in china has collapsed, sending a number of vehicles plunging into the river below. collision shop bridge is located in the city of on show in the southeast of arch rammed into one of its
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pillows, destroying a section of the structure. at least 2 people that dead and 3 are missing. local media reporting that the captain has been arrested. an open type gold mine and venezuela has collapsed killing at least a 16 people rescue efforts are underway for around a 100 miners believe to be buried more than 13 meters underground. my new life of the reports in central venezuela, dozens of miners, has been killed. following the collapse of an open pit gold mine known as boucher look at the municipality of uncle student, what 3 more hold on to share. some of it was a serious incident at the board. a local mine. 15 bodies and 4 injured have arrived sofa. now, 2 more boats are arriving with about 8 more bodies. while the bodies of some of miners have been returned to their families,
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friends and relatives of workers were still missing or desperately waiting to hear a word of their loved ones. i buy something while they did all the wounded water and they support says wherever, all day video circulating on social media appears to show. the 1st attempts to rescue miners some believe to be buried more than 30 meters below ground in 2016. then as well as government established mining development zones across the middle of the country, leading to several mining enterprises that operate outside the law. binding for gold and other precious minerals offers a lucrative opportunity for many venezuelans who struggled to make ends meet a lack of safety regulations combined with harsh working conditions, also make the job extremely risky for would be minors. one way that up a little alger 0 to at least one person's died off the heavy rains and flooding cause widespread damage across echo door. people have been waiting through flooded streets in the western province of monopoly, which is one of the worst areas of
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a say, the rings are caused by the m menu, weather pass. and i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more on all the stories and robots and stay with the some of the white, sandy beaches and clear to close voltages. this is the multi, it's the world knows and loves the island of. and then gilley is a smaller waste is next to the capital, one of the most densely populated cities in the world, just off the coast. and you project to try and remedies, pillows, subject to the sea for highway leading to watts. now, just to send bulk will be a new call get pulled in residential blocks. judging sam bits kills micro organisms find sustaining marine environments. it's a tricky balancing act for the government of the country that's 99 percent of the voltage vulnerable to rising sea level. the dive is had say,
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the judging has already had a devastating impact rates in this area of last 70 percent of the carl coverage. the residents of feeling guilty are already taking action to protect the brief carls coming back to promote groups and replanted off the coast. it's fun for me. i do that. the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points that have come in the 1st of a 2 part investigation, $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets the chinese, my friends risk middle to the american dream on out to 0 in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission,
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nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra of the is really or strikes target, northern jars, and the latest from bottom and hit a crowded area of a mock is image of body, a refugee camp the summer about this. and this is audra 0 live from don't have also coming up a mosque in the rough i destroyed by is really attacks residence. pick through the


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