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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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jan um, coming to the g. 20 me things last year. uh you were able to kind of gone of widespread support from members of the d. 20 of um, with your position on russia. um, you know, even sightseeing us out to principals that were being bridge by the invasion of ukraine this year we got most of the members of the g 20 a or many members of the d. 20 calling for an immediate cease fire in gauze us in contradiction. with your own position and you know, highlighted by the fact that us was forced to use a veto the un issue. so comparing that last year to this year, uh, is your support for as relevant as was leaving you isolated and has it put you on the back foot. and in a related couple of points that are continuing warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. deacon fiction issues and losing meaning trucks getting aiden may get into kaiser, but they're, they're actually reach. there's
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a need to address the headset of suspending criminal offend deliveries to the north of gaza and the un assessment mission that you've spoken about hasn't gone ahead. what are you doing to address this type of situation and can you say where the israel is really doing all the kinds of corporate? but those are great. thank you. thanks. i'm so 1st with regard to the us for the council resolution, it's an important start with the, with this clear proposition that resolution would not, in of itself result as indices fire. so, the question before us is, what is the most effective way to move forward? move forward in a way that gets hostages out. she gets an extended amount of train ceasefire and ultimately leads to the end of the conflict. and in our judgment, the best way to do that is to do exactly what we're doing right now,
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which is to work intensely on an agreement on the hostages. this is something i'm involved in virtually every single day, including here uh alongside uh, my colleagues to see a director, bill burns, the white house, no lease coordinator at mccook, were in constant communication and working every aspect of this because that is the quickest path. the most effective path to get to where everyone wants to go, including everyone at the g 20. and as i said, the security council resolution in and of itself would not produce that. and indeed the concern that we had with this particular resolution was 2 fold. one was the fact that it was actually silent as to passages. second, the timing of it was such that at the very moment when again, the best path forward is to see if we can reach an agreement on the hostages. anything that might in any way undermine that confuse that disrupt,
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that effort is simply counterproductive to what everyone wants to achieve. now, in terms of what people want to achieve, actually, we all share the same goals. everyone wants to see an end to this conflict. as soon as possible, everyone wants to see an end to the suffering of over women and men in gaza. who so many innocence, who suffered and continue to suffer so terribly for caught in this cross fire from us is banking. we all want to see that uh and as quickly as possible. and i think all of us are united and wanting to see after gaza the path forward to a genuinely durable, sustainable piece. to make sure that as this never happens again for israelis and never happens again for palestinians. so we're united in that. and again, in terms of some of the particulars everyone supports trying to reach
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a hostage agreement. everyone supports having an extended humanitarian ceasefire to allow that agreement to go forward, as well as to dramatically increase the amount of tri assistance everyone supports finding a way to end the conflict and move to this path to a durable solution. so i found a lot of commonality on that. now we again, there may be differences over the over tactics, and there may be the differences over the security council resolution. but if we're trying to focus on actually getting results actually making a change, making a difference. we think what we're focused on is the, the best way to do that in terms of assistance getting in. what i can tell you is this, the 2 things that are a challenge. one is actually getting the assistance in the gaza. and here, this is something we've been working on pretty much every single day over the last
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4 months. and overtime we were able, 1st of all to open the gates to start to allow assistance. and that was a product of our intense engagement diplomacy. then to expand the places through which assistance was getting through as well as to expand the assistance itself. all of this is taking a lot of sustained work, but it's also accurate that as every step along the way we've encountered obstacles, we intended to continue to encounter them and were dealing with them virtually every day. then once assistance is inside of gaza, that's not enough. because it actually has to get to the people who need it. and there to there been many obstacles that we're trying to work through every single day, including making sure that convoys can proceed in a way that ensures the safety of those who are conducting them. and that means the confliction, that means coordination, and that has been insufficient. so we're working on to improve that,
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as well as to make sure that, as you pointed out, assistance gets not only to people throughout the southern part of garza, but actually gets to the many people who need to remain in the north. some 350000 people who are remain above the water, gaza. so what i can tell you is this, we're working this quite literally every single day through our own invoice for assistance master david satterfield and his team for the work that and many others in the government are doing engaging with the different institutions of the united nations engaging with the israeli government with the egyptians with the jordanians . but the bottom line is this though, we need more a to get in more places to reach more people. that's the bottom line. and we wanna make sure that, uh, we deliver on that every single day. uh, we were engaged in an issue arises. we, uh, we tackled it and we looked to see uh that, uh there's an adequate response. so,
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you know, you can take this issue issue by issue optimal by optimal, but what we have seen is when we've brought up a problem that's, that's arisen. so generally speaking, yes, these, these rallies have engaged it. but we continue to be in a situation where again, not enough is getting in in the 1st place and once it's in, it's not affectively getting to everyone or needs it. that has to be addressed. final question, camilla is there are for the south paula. hi miss the secretary, before the $0.20 was reading in version 4 in minnesota, prov criticized the palletization officer. 24 dressing issues such as the war and he, ukraine. how do you see those statements and have you had a request? a conversation has been settled for off during the 20th meeting or in the dinner
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last night. thank you. and the 2nd part, the question 1st, i didn't have any direct conversations with farm. mr. lab ross, but we certainly well, i heard him speak in the meetings and i imagine you heard me speak and many others as well. second, in terms of the so called foot ization of the the g 20. i think um a pharmacist or vieira and a number of other colleagues to address this very effectively themselves. if we're not able to deal with issues of peace and security, then it's going to be if not impossible, at least that much harder to actually deal with what we're trying to accomplish through the g 20. so if you have conflict, if you have insecurity and then actually making progress on food security on the energy transition on dealing with climate change on working to defend and uphold worker rights. no,
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that's either impossible or much more difficult. so it's very much within the, the province of the g 20 to be talking about these issues and hopefully to find common ways ford. i think that's what the people that we represent expect of us it's. it's actually what pretty much people around the world expect us to use the g 20, even though it represents the world's 20 largest economies, is in many ways. also a representative of the entire global majority, even countries that are not at the g 20 table, although we had a lot of invited countries to this session. i applaud brazil for doing that. so no, i think it's clear that this is not the possession of the g 20. on the contrary, we have a responsibility to try to come together, find a way forward on geo political issues that maybe to this is because if we don't do that, the entire rest of the agenda is going to be very, very difficult to achieve. thanks everybody. thank you. thank you. to us secretary of state's entry, blinking has just been taking report his questions and rio de janeiro following the
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g. 20 meeting of foreign ministers on the topic of russia, he appeared to announce new future sanctions on russia. following the death of opposition leader, i'll explain to vomit. he said the quote in terms of new measures and additional sanctions. stay tuned. they will be forthcoming and quote, on the israel, gaza, or blinking was asked about the us as late as vito of a ceasefire resolution at the united nations earlier this week. and he reiterated the us argument that voting for a ceasefire is in his view counter, productive and at the us was still working on a deal to free captives in gaza, to stop the fighting there and ultimately end the war. so those are the highlights from century blinking this hour has gone the ground now in does that, where the number of palestinians killed and injured and is really strikes, keeps raising, its military has been targeting areas across the gaza strip. and in the last few hours, 25 palestinians have been killed,
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dozens injured and is really rates targeting 3 houses. and this central gaza strip in the south is really air strikes, flattening to mosque and rough uh, and destroyed at least 4 residential homes. or a couple of room is live in rafa. sorry. what can you tell us about the very latest? yeah, serial. in fact, uh, the number of palestinians who have been killed due to these really strikes on the central areas of gall is a strip, had tries into at least 25 being killed, alongside with those and others who are injured of being transported to unlocks the hospital. for medical treatment and it's worth mentioning, in fact, that these houses had been attacked without any prior warnings where them costs majority of the injuries. well, including a children who are right now, receiving treatments in the locks, a hospice, elizabeth in c, completely distressing images about how the work to particularly in to the, to the ongoing is very bottom. been done by the way. this is not the earlier type
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that had been carried out today. he bought the tax before carried out to the dairy by the show rocked refuge account. and uh for sure, this number, but at 18 critically inc. trees within the coming hours of specifically that initial reports talking about a possible increase um at the ongoing efforts by the civil defense cruise to recover and to evacuate injuries from under the rustles of the destroyed areas where the east valley forces have expanded their met a drug test, so in these areas that are completely very densely populated, as specifically by the recent waves with evacuation from a roof to the central parts and lights of a potential military encourage. and for rough i city. yeah. target. that's something i wanted to ask you about because there's been so much talk about possibly is really ground defensive in ross. so i'm wondering how palestinians are preparing for that and how many people you see currently trying to leave rafa to go
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back to places where they came from. in some cases. yes, we have been clearly seeing how palestinians is taught set to prepare for the next day. if there is going to be any minute treat and codes and full russell as of the as palestinians. some of them had completely evacuated and misled from roof to the central parts of dollars of this area. that is where the minutes we did not fully take a military and cogent insights as people are taking refuge. the building make cop shift tens alongside that there are still people here in roof or do not know what to go next is specifically that the majority of areas, the, is where the army had operated in have completely left it reduced to the russel where people are living in the ruins of their destroyed houses with never any functional infrastructure. but at the same time here in a rough on some palestinians are believing that this is this option,
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the missing yahoo, these were the prime ministers moving with considered to be as a kind of a pressure tool in order to, for some us movement to accept all these really demands, i'm to show the 6 ability in terms of the ongoing negotiations. but we have been hearing different statements spike as well as military and ballistics. those figures talking about that the invasion overall 5 will be a mess up of time if they did not reach to us. what deal in terms of the hostages being here, but how much here inside go? so yeah, and we just heard direct just be your information we just heard from the us interstate nc blinking he's, he's at the g 20 in, in brazil. and he was saying that us is continuing to work on a possible deal to pause the fighting to ultimately end the war and release captives is really captives in the, in gaza. so that, that has now become the standard us line at this point. tarik was doing reporting from roughly thank you very much for all of that. are as the is really military has stormed the village of bait time or east of bethlehem in the occupied westbank. its
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forces have rated the homes of the suspects in a shooting attack that occurred earlier on thursday. around 25 is really military vehicles have been seen in the area. now that shooting incident was near occupied east jerusalem. it happened close to the illegal is really settlement of molly. i do mean at least one person was killed. 5 others are injured. 2 of the 3 gunmen were shot dead that abraham reports from near the zion check point, where the attack happened. what we know is that 3 tell us the needs of arrives to this area is 2 separate cards and that's committed. issue thing that's led to the injury of 5 is really is a police at the other 5 that we were told them that they had suffered the cute, cute, minor injuries and some anxiety. this is why we're talking about the number is decreasing, but also we're talking about one is really has been killed now we are in this 3 is
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3 that things in the goal is really supplements to jerusalem. and let me just show you a little bit of the 3. it's huge we need because there is a check point towards the end of this 3 said there is some traffic. but also in the recent years, a new section of the road has been open to allow palestinians coming from the south of the occupied west bank to be able to use a section of this road to go to the rest of the occupies the west bank and this is why we've been seeing how this thing is being allowed to use this road. now we've been hearing from sources that these really produce is looking to prevent the movement of palestinian cars on this route until a certain hour that we understand also that there has been a lot of situations. what else of a projects that have been planned in israel to kind of separate through the palestinians from these relays to give them separate throws and we've been seeing also in the past, how the settlers enjoy the infrastructure to suffer through what's have you want to
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go through bypass road. now again, this is a checkpoint that use what it needs to with through what it is usually to link is really supplements in the occupied with teachers and u. s. president jo, buttons, top middle east advisor breton. the girl is in israel. that moment to discuss the war on guns as well as the prospect for cease fire talks and kept is released so far. he has met israel's defense minister. you will have kalonde options here as honda. so who has more on that from occupied east jerusalem? so when a meeting is rolls defense minister meeting with breton, with girth biden's, top of middle east advisor, and in that golan t off go on. the defense minister has released the statement saying that israel will now expand the negotiators for the captives. what they are allowed to do, but all the while israel and the military will be planning for more intensive ground operations in gaza. this is essentially one of the pressures we've been
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seeing on israel by the americans to get negotiators back to the table, to meet with the other side to see what sort of concessions can be offered up to see where there are still disagreements and sticking points. but these really have been under a lot of pressure from the binders, ministration for how they've been conducting themselves. throughout this war, the americans would like to see more humanitarian aid going, and they would like to see a deal to bring back the captive sooner rather than later. and it is actually these really specifically prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who declined to send in his really delegation for 2nd day of meetings in cairo just about a week ago. and this is something that did not bode well with these really public and the families of the captive. it's you have to be seen. what's exactly going to come of these talks if there are any sort of advancements in these captive negotiations. but these really delegation will now be present at them to argue their case, and perhaps what concessions they're willing to give up in order to secure
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a deal of the conflict and gaza has been overshadowing a meeting of g 20 foreign ministers in brazil earlier this week. brazil's president accused this real of genocide, angering israel and its l. i the united states. well, the us sector of state entity blinking has just been addressing reporters uh, speaking from rio de janeiro after the g. 20 teresa bo is in rio. you were listening to that 3. so what stood out to you from what entry blinking had to say well, that's correct from right here outside the hotel with separate to your favorite. just a held a press conference. in fact, he should be about to leave right now. but in that press conference, he spoke about the g 20 summit happening here, but also yeah, so lots of questions about the situation in jobs of the war on you guys that he said that right now the focus of the united states is on getting more cap to
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release that, he's in touch daily with the b i a director on the possibility of a stomach virus for more i negotiation between him us and it's well to get the captive the release. the obvious thing, he said, is the need for much more too many tabby and aid that he knows that aid is entering guys, that, that is not enough that it needs to be a better distributed in a way that they're spacing lots of challenges. because of that, and he's also mentioned that he's working the united states is working on that he's personally working on trying to achieve a long standing a ceasefire, a humanitarian ceasefire. it's interesting because the secretary state blink and also mentioned that he's meeting with president who left the box where he said that the relationship between the united states and brazil is not a risk because of your last comment. he said that there's no subject to result and i'm the united states are working together, but they both agree that there needs to be
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a 2 state solution to solve the is riley palace, seeing in conflict, but that he does not share. and for us, it and who loves views all come while comparing the world guys with our low cost big picture. then since this g 20 summit of foreign ministers is intended to pay the way for the leaders submits in a few months. it will quite a few months in november. what would you say it's, it's, it's early still to draw conclusions, but what would you say at this point is the outcome of this summit? of the result has a very ambitious agenda about what to achieve as president of the g 20. these are the, the leading economies around the world that us to i'm starting to play a big role in other issues. the foreign minister, brazilian foreign minister has been very critic kind of the role, for example, the united nations security council has played he's failing to address or to solve conflicts around the world, including a accident on russia and on the war on guys,
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brazil has an emissions produce as i said, the stuff fighting hunger, sustainable development, but also, you know, a global governor's brazil has been pushing to reform for example, the united nations security council to reform the international monetary fund. so we formed the world trade organization for the wants to see developing nations to have a say in, well, the fair to have a bigger se enrolls a fair. i'm. this is something that's the secretary of state blink. and was also referring to that they share the same vision with brazil for example of extending the. 9 the united nations security council, for example, to address issues that view and security council needs to be reformed mostly because it has failed to react to what's going on in the world today. so certainly lots of discussions on the table this, as you said, it's a room that head of the heads of states. something is happening here and we are the
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needle in november. but certainly there's lots of things that brazil as president would like to see change. that's really interesting. thank you for all that reporting. 3 simple reporting from rio de janeiro there. this is day 4 of the or the day for his just end date of the public hearings at the you and the top court on the legal impact the israel's occupation of palestinian territories. more countries provided testimony under 4. and that included the attorney general of ireland who said that countries are legally obliged to make sure that they're not buying goods made in occupied palestinian lands. bernard smith reports from a, a. israel is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by colonizing the west bank and east jerusalem. it's the thread running through testimony from dozens of countries of the international court of justice this week. china now also explicitly defended the rights of palestinians to resist that occupation of streaming people useful falls for they faced flooring oppression and to complete,
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they stopped or spent an independent state if they needed nipple. right, well funded international is where it was labeled palestinians from how much fight is to stone throwing huge as terrorists islands, attorney general dismissed arguments made by the united states that israel has legitimate security concerns for continuing its occupation. if the security of one people can only be achieved by the occupation over so many decades of the territory of another people, one has to wonder whether there can be any military solution to the problem. that's it for ports to address in, compile, and added that states are obliged to co operate to bring an end to israel, serious breach of its duty to respect the rights of palestinians to do that. islands attorney general size, but states shouldn't help israel maintain, or legitimize the occupation by buying goods and services from sacraments. the use
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bond on imports from crimea after it was on expire. russia was cited as an example on the u. n. estimates that economic activity and the sacraments generates $13000000000.00 a year. the israel is economy. a job as foreign minister says, a decision by the court on the occupation is now more urgent than that. but a simians are being killed in the hundreds every day. in gaza and in the respect because as well as not being held accountable for the 2 crimes and violation of international 60 tend was lifting the car for days next to the decaying bodies of her relatives home as well as kendall with methics. finally, all right, so this q here, there's really a q patient army can them, and can to this brutality the thoughts that until attend is a constant reality of life under these really, if you're patient, no more. israel isn't taking part in the hearings. it says in written comments that
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the court involvement could be harmful to achieving and negotiated settlement with the palestinians. bernard smith, alger 0, the take it back to brazil, the different story, brazil's former presidential, you are both scenario has been questioned by police for allegedly discrediting the election system. investigators accused both an arrow of attempting a crew to stay in power after losing elections in 2022. the for president denies accusations that he tried to prevent president lulu the silva from taking power. all scenario has faced several abusive office and corruption investigation since leaving office monica, you had a kid is in rio de janeiro. so monica, one of the police trying to find out from the former president today. yes. um, just so you have an idea. were standing outside the federal police building here in rio de janeiro were 4 people were question more than 20 and all of brazil were were question for present dribble so narrow himself appeared at the federal police
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headquarters in brazil, you have the capital. he stayed there just for 30 minutes to remain silent. he does not want to speak because he says that he wants more access to information that the investigators have um, also his, he, 4 of his former ministers were also called to testify. and also they are all being accused of having participated of meetings or, or had actions to try to prevent a president losing that sort of as to what if there was a victory, which there was out from taking office. and one week after present, lulac took office, there was an attempt to cool on january the 8th in brazil. yet when they stormed to congress, the presidential palace and also um and the supreme court.
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monica yanna care reporting for me, i need to know. thank you very much, monica of the mother of russian opposition figure. i'll explain a volume. he says she's been shown the body of her son of only died in the russian prison last week. his colleagues and family save of kremlin ordered his murder. moscow denies those claims of all these mother has recorded a video alleging that investigators showed her alexys body and began imposing conditions on where, how and when he should be buried. yes, it is. so it's a threat. i am recording this video because they started threatening me looking me in the eye. the investigator said that if i don't degree to secret funeral, they will do something with my son's body. the investigator for a pyre of open, you told me, time is not working for you. the corpses decompose. i don't want special conditions . i just want everything to be done. according to the law, i demand receiving my sons body immediately. ukrainian forces have reportedly killed at least 60 russian soldiers in an attack on the southern for southern
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region is the 2nd time this week, the ukrainian army has announced its operations cause heavy russian losses on tuesday and said dozens of russian soldiers were killed in the done yet screeching, that square rush at the control of the front line town of div cut last week. us president joe biden has endorsed does a prime minister mark with the to be the next head of nato, with are also backed by the u. k. would succeed current nato chief against oldenburg, he would take charges, finland and sweden are added to the alliance head of the us election roots. i would also have to deal with the different views on nato of biden. and donald trump, farmers across europe are joining protest over raising costs and low prices driven by cheaper imports. initially, they're particularly frustrated with the european union's green deal climate initiative. it's meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. but as sonya diego reports farmers, they would also reduce production and their income. a. jason is shalonda,
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has spent his life bustling to make his palm a success. the generation of his family to rome, this very fall outside rome. but now he pays for it survival. the to move with no tv any. we're not getting properly paid for the work that we do on a farm. we haven't noticed difficulties because of the highly costs and the pressure to invest in expensive new technology. when we come to the problem a, he's one of hundreds of farmers. they've set up a blockade on the outskirts of the capital. they say low supermarket prices and european union climate target. make it virtually impossible to make a living. the phone was hit say they are facing an ex, essential threat to the likelihoods. and not politicians, not just an issue, but also in brussels, need to listen to that consent. if the 2 of us a major crisis in the sector agriculture is
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a vital parts of the economy and italy combined with the food industry, it makes up 15 percent of the countries g d p. it's.


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