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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm serial venue is good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the program. this our scenes of chaos that causes us to help compound 25 people have been killed and dozens have been wounded. as this really showing targets 3 palestinians homes the people have cause i need to cease fire.
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not when practicable, but now stern words from the secretary general of doctors without borders seeing a us draft resolution and gaza at the un is misleading, is really forces carry out the drone strength on a civilian car. in the janine refugee camp in the occupied west bank, at least one person has been killed. setting goals president says his mandate will end by april. the 2nd to the questions remain over who will leave the country and support seen agent. young men sick has continued his breakout, run at tennessee, as counselor right. penny followed up his when of am the murray with this victory against the top seat and will number 5 on driver and the it's 2100 gmc. that means it's 11 pm in gaza where the number of palestinians killed and injured and is really strikes. keeps rising,
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it's military has been targeting areas across the gaza strip and the last few hours is really war. planes have struck 3 houses narrow by that as in central guys are killing at least 25 people. dozens are injured including children. and they're being taken to a exit hospital for treatments you're seeing that they're in the south of the strip is really air strikes, flattened the mosque and alpha, and destroyed at least 4 residential homes. more than 1500000 palestinians. there have no place left to go and in the north is really what plane struck targets in a crowded market. a vehicle belonging to the palestinian police has been destroyed . well elses eurostar capitalism is live in rossa for us with the latest are just in the last few hours there has been new is really strikes across the strip. tell us what, you know in fact, syria, that was
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a completely blow to our way that is very forces are targeted 3 residential houses in derek by town where at least 40 palestinians have their report that killed alongside with 100 others being wounded. this had been released according to the government media office here in the territory. now the majority of the victims were children of women. as we have been seeing completely distrusting images for the most of the hospitals where the bodies there are completely piled up, where the entire hospital are right now had been completely tend to be to be in the state of that says more deadly strikes, continue to bounce, different areas in the central part of the gaza strip, but also in the past hour we have been seeing a serious development as well. and they know that part is gone. so we're at least 16 palestinians have to reported killed in a series of s traits that targeted our residential building in as a to neighborhood. this area that in the past few days had to be as a csr for these really military operations against the palestinian fighters. tarik,
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you've told us several times the people in rossa are terrified that there could be an is really ground invasion. so i'm wondering, are they actively preparing for that possible invasion if so, how and are you seeing people in rough or trying to leave now now the situation for the majority of guns who had been multiple, a displaced officer following the is very military. oh does right now being in think up in rough law, they have been completely terrified. do not know what to do next. what to go specifically the to the apartment is unfolding the majority of areas in the gaza strip and at the same time they have new any other place that is designated as a safe zone in order to see quite a few. some families thought to, to partially evacuate to the central parts of gauze that would have been white people. but on the course of the past week, alongside that some families too, that decisions to not to leave because they have nowhere else to goes at.
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specifically that all of the areas that remained from because this trip had reduced completely or partially to the rustles, but at the same time, palestinians clearly understand that the, any possible military encourages for rough. i will bring the blue and blue the consequences in terms of the humanitarian situation here at the same time, people who start at this to afford to it's too low for such critical days that might be waiting down the road. if there is going to be any ministry incursion for the city, or are a couple of whom reporting from ross and southern guys in there. thank you very much talk and the strikes in central, gaza come at the end of another day of heart breaking loss as honey. my mood reports. this is what has left of a 3 story building in bethlehem leveled by his regular air strikes in the northern gauze. much of the north of this trip resembles
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a waste land with no buildings and no body untouched by his rose war. with an old sick lady with her daughter in law and grandchildren were sleeping in their home, the house was levelled and they are still buried under the rubble, we managed to recover only bits and pieces of some of their bodies. there were at least 15 people inside. we could not recover a whole body, only bits and pieces rescue workers a neighbor's face, a doubting task. tons of degrees has to be moved slowly and carefully by hand to retrieve the bodies or what has left of them by some uh, some of the reasons it is very difficult for us to search without any equipment. we are simply using update hands. apparently women and children were the only ones inside the we haven't found a single survive up in rob i and southern gaza were 1500000 palestinians are sold, 3 is really play and targeted on, sorry,
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mos in the city centers. residents say it, how's the library with historical tax? the families forced to see good by our inc. consolidate mazda and then the stop. we heard the airplanes just after midnight. we looked out of the window and saw flames, and people screaming there were more than 25 to 30 people in the house when he collapsed. everybody scattered. the grief and loss go hand in hand in dollars off. and what do you want is calling a desk zone mode? dropbox? but are you guys are the, is really military has storm the village of bait, tom or east of bethlehem messing the occupied westbank as forces have rated the homes of the suspects and a shooting attack that occurred earlier on thursday. around 25 is really military vehicles have been seen in that area. that shooting incidents was near occupied
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east jerusalem. close to the legal is really settlement of molly. i do mean at least one person was killed. 5 others injured? 2 of the 3 gunmen were shot dead. did abraham reports from near the else? i am check point where the attack happened. what we know is that the 3 tell us the needs of arrives. so this area is 2 separate cards and that's committed is she thing that's led to the injury of 5 is really is a police at the other 5 that we were told them that they had suffered the cute, cute, minor injuries and some anxiety. this is why we're talking about the number is decreasing, but also we're talking about one is really has been killed. now we are in this read this read the things in the goal is really supplements to jerusalem. allow me just show you a little bit of the street huge we need because there is a check point towards the end of the street that there is some traffic. but also in the recent years,
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a new section of the road has been open to allow palestinians coming from the south of the occupies the west bank to be able to use a section of this roads to go to the rest of the occupies the west bank. and this is why we've been seeing kind of thing is being allowed to use this road. now we've been hearing from sources that these really produce is looking to prevent the movements of palestinian cars on this route until a certain hour that we understand also that there has been a lot of situations. what else of a projects that have been planned in israel to kind of separate through the palestinians from these really is to give them supper throws and we've been seeing . also in the past house, the sufferers enjoy the infrastructure to suffer through is what have you want to go through bypass road. now again, this is a check point that usually it needs to with jerusalem, but it is
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a huge way to link is really supplements in the occupied was thing to choose. the, the conflict in gaza has overshadowed a meeting of g 20 foreign ministers in brazil earlier this week. for those residents accuse israel of genocide, angering is real and it's l. i the united states. well, you're a secretary of state anthony blinking has just been speaking after that g. 20 meeting. he admitted that us and international efforts to ensure the aid reached palestinians and gaza had not been sufficient. there's been many obstacles that we're trying to work through every single day, including making sure that convoys can proceed in a way that ensures the safety of those who are um, conducting them. and that means the confliction, that means coordination and that has been insufficient. so we're working on to improve that, as well as to make sure that, as you pointed out, assistance gets not only to people throughout the southern part of gaza,
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but actually gets to the many people who needed to remain in the north. some 350000 people who will remain above the water, gaza. so what i can tell you is this, we're working this quite literally every single day through our own invoice for assistance, investor, david satterfield, and his team for the work that and many others in the government are doing engaging with the different institutions of the united nations engaging with the israeli government with the egyptians with the jordanians. the bottom line is this though, we need more a to get in through more places to reach more people. and us presidential biden's top middle east advisor breton. the girl is in israel to discuss the war on gaza at the prospect for cease fire talks and kept his release so far. he has met israel's defense, but it's to you on a lot of houses here as honda. so who has more on that from occupied east jerusalem or so in a meeting, israel's defense minister meeting with breton mcgurn, biden's,
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top of middle east advisor. and in that golan t off go on, the defense minister has released the statement saying that israel will now expand the negotiators for the captives what they are allowed to do. but all, while israel and the military will be planning for more intensive ground operations in gaza, this is essentially one of the pressures we've been seeing on israel by the americans to get negotiators back to the table, to meet with the other side to see what sort of concessions can be offered up to see where there are still disagreements and sticking points. but these really have been under a lot of pressure from the bind administration for how they've been conducting themselves throughout this war. the americans would like to see more humanitarian aid going in. they would like to see a deal to bring back the captive sooner rather than later. and it is actually these really specifically prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who declined to send in his really delegation for 2nd day of meetings in cairo just about
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a week ago. and this is something that did not bode well with these really public and the families of the captive. it's you have to be seen what's exactly going to come of these talks if there are any sort of advancements in these captive negotiations. but these really delegation will now be present at them to argue their case, and perhaps what concessions they are willing to give up in order to secure a deal. the secretary general of doctors without borders has criticize the us draft resolution on gaza saying that it's misleading. he spoke to the un security council which will eventually vote on that resolution. but us draft calls for a temporary cease fire when practicable. but the country has so far blocked 3 separate resolutions, which call for a ceasefire in gaza. and you draft resolution by the united states expensive records for cease fire. however, this is misleading a best, this discount socially projects, any resolution that sort of the compass humanitarian efforts on the ground, at least discounts. so to test certainly endorsed the continued findings and mess
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atrocities and causes the people of the people have cause i need to cease fire, not when practicable, but now they need to sustain, cease for not a temporary period of calm. anything short of this is gross negligence. the protection of civilians and gaza cannot be contingent on resolutions from this council, with instruments or large humanitarianism. to pluck political objectives, any county is the emergency coordinator for doctors without borders and has returned from admission to gaza. just last friday he says, a temporary cease fire is not an effective solution to the desperate situation in the gaza strip. today we need this wall to stop and a temper we ceasefire is not going to out any organization to scale up their activities and to be able to meet the massive needs of the people that we find everywhere. we know that the supply chain coming from a jeep to, we know that you know that the security that they can fix and then all
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authorization to be able to increase the kind of activities that we're providing and ease ready some a process that takes a lot of time. so, so today of shots he's 5 you're, we don't believe is going to l, the people to be in a better situation. well, after all, that diplomatic activity of the united nations palestinians, ambassador to the un told reporters the palestine is now working, the fast track it's application to be recognized as a un member state or diplomatic editor james base has more on that. this was the 1st security council meeting since the us vetoed another resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. that was though some unity at the end of this meeting, a joint statement was agreed by all members of the security council, including the united states, to hear about you and stuff and the risk that taking in gaza a 160 u. n stuff. members that so record anywhere in the world of now lost their lives.
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also the end of the meeting, the promise to get them back to the, to the united nations, re add month. so address reports as he said that he condemned a recent vide, buddies, riley pronounced it, which said that should be no unilateral declaration of a palestinian state. because of that, he said the polish thing is we're going to push ahead with their application to become a member of the un. as i was originally thinking was to put an end to the war fast in order to move into the other fights since they've pushed the envelope now unchallenged. all of us instead of of bobo being the pro vision of all of that is from the i. c j, there are going further of denying us. but i to exercise our self determination including all are right to the statehood. palestine is currently the observer state of the you and to become a full member. they need to get the approval of the security council,
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and then that needs to be a vote in the general assembly is the security council bit that will prove a problem for palestine because of course the us is a permanent men. but with the tow power, james base out his era of united nations this day for a public hearings that you ins, top court on the legal impact of israel's occupation of palestinian territory, is more countries have provided testimony including the attorney general of ireland, who said that the country's a legally obliged to make sure they are not buying goods from occupied palestinian lands. bernard smith reports from the heck. his rail is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by colonizing the west bank and east jerusalem. it's the thread running through testimony from dozens of countries of the international
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court of justice this week. china now also explicitly defended the rights of palestinians to resist that occupation. part streaming people useful falls for they faced forwarding oppression. and to complete these types of cement i independent state is needed. the full right, while funding international rule is why it was labeled palestinians from how much fight is to stone throwing huge terrorists. the islands attorney general dismissed arguments made by the united states. but israel has legitimate security concerns for continuing its occupation if the security of one people can only be achieved by the occupation over so many decades of the territory of another people. one has to wonder whether there can be any military solution to the problem. that's it purports to address in compile, and added that states are obliged to co operate to bring an end to israel, serious breach of its duty to respect the rights of palestinians to do that.
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islands attorney general size, but states shouldn't help israel maintain, or legitimize the occupation by buying goods and services from sacraments. the use bond on imports from crimea after it was on expire. russia was cited as an example . and the un estimates that economic activity in the settlements generates $13000000000.00 a year. israel is economy. jordan's foreign minister says a decision by the court on the occupation is now more urgent than that. but assuming those are being killed into hundreds every day and gaza at in the response . because as well is not being held accountable for the 2 crimes. and violation of international 60 attend was lifting the car for days next to the decaying bodies of her relatives home as well as kennel with mythics. finally, all right, pretty skew her. there's really a few patient army killed them and getting to this brutality. the tortured and
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killed tend is a constant reality of life under these really, if you're patient, no more. israel isn't taking part in the hearings. it says in written comments that the court's involvement could be harmful to achieving and negotiated settlement with the palestinians. bernard smith, alger 0, the hague. you want to discuss the us position throughout all those various forms this week. joining us live to discuss this is from washington dc has been friedman your policy director of the at defense priorities a foreign policy think think there's, there's um, what we're seeing, what looks like a pattern here over the last week or so. the u. s. has spoken out in defense of israel at the international court of justice at the united nations and just last hour. we heard secretary blinking speak at the g 20 meeting and there seems to be
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a broad argument coming from the us. that immediate respect for international law shouldn't be allowed to get in the way of the us is diplomatic efforts to try and bring it into the war and generally figure out the israel gods, a conflict. what do you make of that broad argument? i think the united states and secretary blinking in particular are in a, in a mode where they're genuflecting trying to show respect for international law of the opinion of the international community for the lives of a palestinian civilians being killed in big numbers in gaza. but they're not willing to really stand up to israel, and that means my opinion threatening them with withdrawal of support, including financial support. if they don't do what we ask them to do. so it's not that a blinking and by the administration have to go as far as the south africa or some
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of the other more critical countries. boyd. but i think, you know, to go even a little bit in that direction and be serious about it. you have to threaten israel with some consequences if they don't go along with what you're asking. otherwise, it's just sort of empty rhetoric that's designed to look critical without actually making any difference in my opinion. so at the international court of justice, the us is making the argument, well, israel shouldn't be asked to withdraw from occupied palestinian territory, and no, it wouldn't be helpful to declare all of this completely illegal this occupation regarding efforts of the un, the usaa saying we shouldn't call for an immediate cease fire, but you know, when, when, when you listen to all of that coming from the country that is primarily responsible for this post world war 2 architecture and for respecting the international law and international norms that is pretty jarring or is it it is that, i mean it's, it's jarring to me because i think we're wrong and we're wrong. we,
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the united states are wrong and wrong morally, particularly when it comes to this conflict in the refusal to call for a cease fire. but it's not jarring to me. in that there is always been, i have to say a large amount of hypocrisy in the idea of a us led to international order or liberal international order. i think since people have used that term, it's been full of exceptions, usually for actual dig, tutorial governments that the united states is in bed with for one reason or another. but in this case, it's not a big tutorial government. it's a democracy by the slide. one that we're sort of in, in this with, for, for historical reasons. but nonetheless, i think it's, you know, important to note that israel was behaving and liberally. and the united states is going to be hard pressed to say, oh, you know, this is part of a fight against our, our talk or see, you know, we're on the side of liberalism and all the nice things that go with it. when we
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defend israel, i think that's kind of an impossible position. we're now putting ourselves in and, and that seemed highlighted following the same train of thought seemed to be highlighted in what blinking said less than an hour ago. he was saying on the issue of russia, they're going to be new sanctions. this was following the death of opposition leader. i'll explain the bombing for that. the us apparently is going to impose new sanctions, however, after $30000.00 policy and killed in, in gaza. for that, the us does not deem that there should be an immediate pausing fight. the right, not even, not only will that be an immediate pause in fighting, but if the body administration has its way we're going to be paying for the hor, worry, we have $17000000000.00 queued up for them. whenever the house of representatives sort of get this out together politically, but, you know, both sides of that debate. republicans and democrats support giving as were all this money to prosecute the war. so all right, if you're saying on the one here,
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and can you guys please control civilian casualties? let in more humanitarian aid control settlers in the west bank. but on the other hand, you're saying don't worry, uh, you know, we're going to be there with $17000000000.00 as opposed to the $3000000000.00 we're already giving them manually. i think, you know, the money speaks louder than the rhetoric about controlling the war. so israel, therefore, i think understands that the by the administration's criticism is not meaningful. so what can is a national lord chief specifically and this conflict is real, gaza, or? well, i, i think that, uh, the international law in any case is very limited. the instrument uh, you know, there is no, uh there is an international court of justice literally, but you know, it's big, you know, real sense. uh, you can't enforce. it's a, it's the legs. not this isn't like in massachusetts or washington dc where, you know,
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courts of police to enforce them and everybody respects their rulings. so no one thinks the israel is going to respect the rulings of the i c j. and that's always the problem for international law. but i think what international law can do is rally international opinion and be sort of a normative guide to people around the world who believe in particular values and arguably that sort of happening now with israel, at least in a lot of the world where we see them really drifting further away from even their usual defenders in the united states and parts of europe. and so i think that that's really the best that you could hold for from the international court of justice and international law used to kind of rally a large group of countries to say, this is an okay and potentially make this really government. and at least people in his role feel like they've done something that offends the rest of the world and, and they may feel actual shame as
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a result. and friedman policy director of defense priorities. thanks for speaking with us this hour. thank you. i a set of goals president mackie sel says his mandates as leader will end on april the 2nd. but he has not confirmed if the postpone presidential election, the name his successor will happen before then or not. so made the comments in a nationally televised interview. earlier this month he delayed the presidential vote hours before the campaign was supposed to begin. the move triggered violent protests with opposition. parties accusing sale of trying to extend his presidency south denies those claims. so much as long as you live, i'm saying it very clearly and very solidly on april 2nd, 2024. my mission ends is the head of senegal, and the rest we'll see as far as the election date is concerned. we'll see. we'll see what the national dialogue comes up with. okay, also 0 is nicholas hacked, or is this from the senegalese capital the cox nicholas this? i would, i would argue,
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raises more questions than answers we know when cells term and we don't know what happens then of the that's why the people in san to go to night wanted to know when they will get to decide who this country's president will be or when they'll be able to vote still no clear indication on when these elections will take place. he said that on monday and tuesday they will be national dialogue, and it date will be announced after consultations with religious leaders, members of the opposition now. so a presidential hopefuls, but what he was clear with was with the day that he will be out of power, he said that his mandate tends on april 2nd, and he has no intention to stay any longer. he said that he was a victim of an international media campaign that his decision to delay the elections that were legal and was to restore some credibility in this election. remember,
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they were accusations over corruption by the ruling party candidate of his own political party to bribe men judges of the constitutional court to decide on the list of candidates. so his, his, this address, this exercise where he spoke to journalist and he was asked questions. uh, was there to try to appease the population. that was one very important point. he said that the possible release of what rights were described as a political prisoners or opposition. figures such as is one sancho, is on the table there. is it possible and this team and he wants to operate in a p for the situation incentive. i'll say, nicholas, why is there a need for a national dialogue in the 1st place there was going to be an election that obviously was postponed and the whole process was up ended. why now is there a need for a dialogue? are opposition candidates calling for this in any way? shape or form of the?
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well, the wrong way is the old position is divided from the get go before these selections were supposed to take place. there were 2 fingers of the old position. kareem was currently neg, solid, and caught her. there is always fun sancho, the popular opposition figure that's currently in jail. the candidates for his party, the process has a band political party is also in jail. so given those circumstances, it felt that the election process was flawed and add to that these allegations of corruption from the ruling party candidate. and i do boss. so lucky so says that his intention was to ensure that there wasn't going to be post electoral prices of sorts. but in delaying these election, she created a crisis. never in sending goals history. has there been a delay of elections? there's always been a peaceful, a transition of power and in his address today he that he,
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so he explained very much that given the circumstances in west africa, there's where there's many to in the international circumstances that there is a need for a stable election to take place here instead of go, it'll be really interesting to see nick, how the opposition, various opposition candidates respond to this. this announcement by mackie saw that there's going to be a national dialogue and his term does end on april. the 2nd. thank you very much. nick hack reporting from the car. it's still a head on alpha 0, the family of russian opposition figure and i'll explain the volume. they are shown his body, but they say authorities want him buried in secret green deal or mean deal italian farmers. we asked for the cost of saving the environment. we'll discuss that after the break. the the,
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the weather brought to you by visit castle. hello. will say a different kind of, on the federal level, making his way across north west and pots appeared probably, but the next couple of days gone this, the very wet and windy weather, making its way through. but we all got to say some of the more wintry weather has to be going through the next couple of ideas. speclink of shadow cloud. and a lot of the showers will be wintry in nature as we go on through the next style. so just sliding into that west side of scott from both west england and of course the west side of the high ground. you can expect to see a fly real to of snow and some risk where the to, to the western side of the island. but it went through by the to data to southern areas of the fraud sent me around the out. so you can expect to see some snow and scattering a show around the parent. nice little causes spain as well. so fair, but it wouldn't you whether you're not full cost over the next few days. so the reason we have got to wet weather just around the boat, 6 to little dry, the average opponent eastern positive gemini, down towards the alpine region for
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a time. and as well the same as we go on through saturday, we have to weather making his way across the generic house with some snow. it is the side of the met. it's right, and that's the place to pay. that's where we are going to see present sunshine continuing over the next few days and what the, what the making just wanted to know the past of morocco and it tends increasingly wet for southern nigeria. the weather brought to you by visit castle frequent pass barge. you can fucking is the radio space multi tool, which to everyone's you carry from breakfast, redeems day tourism and eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or a vocal? it's maybe discovers how people are coping in the end time. what are the point young generation coming soon? but just like i told you, so dealing with this elaine on alex's era discussing the defining issues about times what the military, what government,
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what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous on check artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines. this hour is really war. planes have struck 3 houses in there on the ballot. and central dogs are killing at least
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25 people. dozens have been injured, including children, casualties, and know streaming and deluxe the hospital for treatment. at least one, palestinian has been killed after and is really airstrikes targeted beach of volume refugee camp in northern gaza. ghost health industry says nearly 100 pallets. 2 units have been killed in the past 24 hours a day for of the international court of justices hearings on the legality of these really occupation of palestine intended. jordan's foreign minister told judges that there can be no peace until israel's occupation, and or israel's war on gaza, has destroyed universities and schools disrupting the education system. the un says a 162 school buildings have been directly hit by is really strikes that has affected 625000 students. 92 percent of all school buildings are being used as shelters with displace palestinians and the you and also says 3 universities have been completely destroyed and others are damaged. depriving $88000.00 students of
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a full academic year of study. 95 percent of professors have been killed last year . the literacy rates in gaza was close to a 100 percent. it was 97.7 percent. here's the story of one teacher in rasa. who's on a mission not to allow israel's worth the rom, children of their future. all the hushing has that story. more than half a 1000000 students in guys are out of school. even if the war comes to an end, they won't be able to resume the education. thousands of them have lost the lights . but for those who have survived is visible on guns out. there are no schools to come back to. most of the 800 schools of either being completely destroyed or have been turned into shelters for the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have lost the whole last, well try double time. i decided to back to the time to turn the library of the thought. if may the school and drop off into a classroom, but i think at all uh,
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the idea started during my presence here as a curator of the library. it is known that all schools have since the beginning of the work turned into sheltering centers. children started to flock to the library asking if they could borrow some books or stories english instead of addresses. i recorded 10th numbers in the library borrowers register with time. a student named holmes suggested if they could sit and study, you see, and that's how the initiative lights come to came about on the team of teachers are volunteering to instruct these children on different in now. and this volume above that is, this initiative is one and a half months old. it was a pretty and try to knowledge is the cornerstone of all future. we must continue with the education in order to be able to build a country of future. let me just know, you know, but i do. we come here every other day. we are taught many subjects, a big science match. in addition to register and poetry. the teachers are also
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providing the kids with psychological and moral support. philip bold, it can be a fairly this is a great positive impact on children's emotional healing. were striking a balance between teaching and providing ment to and psychological help children, well they are hit with tons of miseries. if enough. these young palestinian students in gaza are striving to get an education, despite on. now how yeah, now i'm on now. what about one of them went up there is not even a pen and paper to write or a story to tell, except for the story of death and destruction displacement uninstalled ation. despite all this gloomy life, we are adamant to continue with our education to light a candle of hope for our fellow students. while the war and gaza continues unabated, these children are choosing hope over despair. resilience over the field, clinging on to any semblance of normal life, despite the dash with them and carnage that surrounds them. how should i just see
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on the alexandra so i is had a few minutes here in policy and advocacy and save the children. you're joining us from washington dc. thanks for your time today. so not to belabor this point, but apart from some pockets of schooling like the one we just saw, there's been almost no learning at any level. and at any age and gaza in more than 4 months, am i right about that or? yeah, absolutely. there's a total absence, absence of education in gaza right now was no child is going to school and sick parents are focusing on their children's survival. they want to make sure that they live another day, even if the war were to end tomorrow. education can't just read. more than half of guys. schools have either been destroyed or are too damaged to even function. we know that more than 390 schools and gods are right now or either damage destroyed or are being used to house displaced families. teachers have been killed mentors,
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coaches, it's impossible for children to meaningfully learn under under these circumstances . yeah, talk to us about precisely about that the long term impact of this. i mean not going to school rods, children of a sense of normalcy and again, children right now can't even focus on going to school when they don't have enough food. parents are or more worried about finding food and clean water for their children. and that's the focus right now. one and 6 children right now in garza in northern garza, are facing a cute nutrition under the circumstances. think shout learned they're there around their spin weekends. they're immune systems that will lead to development chapter challenges down the line. i mean it's, it's just an impossible situation. what,
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what worries you the most i mean, i worry that children have, how was no sign of a whole for the future? i mean, with this war not ending any time soon, children will struggle to, to, to think about their future is, i mean that there's no single place for children in gaza right now. and if you know the children are facing the risk of dying of starvation disease, i mean, what are worries that the international community is not putting its weight behind a ceasefire outage. the spark children will not be able to to think about their future. we won't be able to rebuild the schools, we won't be able to provide children, the mental health support that they need to, to rebuild and recover. going back to this idea of, of the long term impact. i wonder, do you have,
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do you have any information or any vision on what happens to countries, regions, parts of the world where schooling has essentially been destroyed. i mean, what happens 1023 years down the line. i mean this has long term impact on children's ability to, to develop on their futures and their careers. we've also seen universities and gaza be destroyed. this will have a long term impacts on them. absolutely. um and, and, and again they're being the children have also been robbed of any sort of sense of safety and security school provide a sense of normalcy for children. and in the last 4 to 5 months, no child has, has, has been able to attend school. and you know, as i listen to you, i realize that for the last few months we've been talking about this much needed humanitarian aid. right. that guys only getting, as we know a, a trick, live aid and only part of what it needs. but we're talking about the basics, we're talking about food, we're talking about medicine, nobody is talking about sending in school books and,
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and stationary and things with which students can work. exactly. and just to give you an example, i was talking to a colleague earlier and she was telling me that her relatives in northern gaza are basically using animal feed um to, to feed their children. i mean, under these circumstances, we need to focus on the basics, getting food supplies in getting to monitoring assistance, getting medical care. in northern garza right now, the children and families have received almost no humanitarian assistance in the last few weeks. i mean, this is the priority right now for as the matcher and organizations and for the parents that are trying to help her or, and get them to, you know, make sure their childrens arrive. alexander hi, as i had a few minutes here in policy and advocacy and save the children, thank you very much. thank you for having me. these really army has carried out raise in the occupied westbank drones, toys targeted
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a civilian vehicle late on thursday evening in jeanine refugee camp. at least one person has been killed for other people were injured. as the mother of russian opposition cigarette like saying a volume, he says that she's been shown her son's body and have only died in the russian prison last week. his colleagues and family save a kremlin ordered his murder. moscow denies those claims of all these mother has recorded the video alleging that investigators showed her alexys body and began imposing immediately conditions on where how and when she should be buried. his supporters say nevada, these death certificate states that he died of natural causes. yes it be, so it's a truly, i am recording this video because they started threatening me looking me in the eye . the investigator said that if i don't degree to secret funeral, they will do something with my son's body. the investigator for a pyre of opening, told me the time is not working for you. the corpses decompose, i don't want special conditions. i just want everything to be done. according to the law, i demand receiving my sons body immediately. ukrainian forces have reportedly
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killed at least 60 russian soldiers into the attack on the southern 1st southern region. it's the 2nd time this week, the ukrainian army has announced its operations, caused a heavy rushing losses on tuesday and said, dozens of russian soldiers were killed in the den, yet screeching. that's where russian took control of the front line town of these codes just last week. us presidential by and has endorsed dutch prime minister mark wrote to be the next head of nato. with a also backed by the u. k. would succeed current nato chief against oldenburg, he would take charge as finland and sweden are added to the lines. farmers across europe are joining protest, silver, rising costs and low prices driven by cheaper imports. initially they were particularly frustrated with the european union's green di, or climate initiative. it's meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. but as sonya go reports,
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farmers say it would also reduce production and their income. jason is shalonda, has spent his life buckling to make his palm a success. the generation of his family to rome, this very fall outside rome. but now he pays for it survival the who we know to be any, we're not getting properly paid for the work that we do on a farm. we have a norm as difficulties because of the high costs and the pressure to invest in expensive new technology. when we come to the problem. he's one of hundreds of thomas. we've set up a blockade on the outskirts of the capital. they say low supermarket prices and your opinion, climate targets make it virtually impossible to make a living. the phone was hit say they are facing an ex, essential threat to the likelihood. and that politicians not just an issue, but also in brussels, need to listen to that consent if that's with us. a major crisis in the sector
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agriculture is a vital part of the economy in italy. combined with the food industry. it makes up 15 percent of the countries g, d, p it's workers are also a key constituency for it. and these right? when coalition government, it may cost the polity of prime minister georgia minority support. and this is you parliament elections. if she's not seen to stand up for talent interests, especially when you're a present, go shaking free trade agreements, agreement that with the medical source, so the counselors of this 1000 i left in america. i didn't see now but as the load . why and i, why the fire must have it quite worried about this. i'm face what they call, i'm face competition because at the i agree cod sort of these are the account 3 still do not face the same as 3. the add a new list. johnson, the crisis in european farming has already pushed the european commission to watch
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it down its commitments. but drought and loving have also affected the sector. and that too will need to be addressed when and is farmers feel that businesses are safe enough from the financial stool. they have already whether it's sonya jago, i'll just sarah rome, of the annual conservative political action conference, also known as c pack, is due to get underway just outside washington dc. this is a platform to attract conservative grass roots support for the republican party, but it has recently become a stage for donald trump and his allies by kind of reports. in recent years, the pack has become little mold and the platform for filling the trump brand. last week he was selling, sneak is priced at $399.02 pay, raising money to pay off mold and full $100000000.00 in quote, in post fines. this week is the posters at c pac will be pushing the trump political agenda. his legal issues, having no apparent effect, tony's total support in what was once
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a forum for formulating republican policy. i think the theme of the day, the theme of the year, once again is going to be whatever donald trump's grievances are. those are going to be the grievances that are going to be expounded, etc. packed by all of the key players that we're going to hear from this year, particularly those were auditioning, it'd be his vp, thomas, most loyal supporters of the bulk of this is because including the met gates and marjorie taylor green. lauren baba t carry lake a vice presidential hopeful and election. conspiracy theorist is also scheduled to speak up some top prominent republicans like former vice president mike pens and the only candidates still standing against trump in the presidential primary. nikki haley. i think what we're going to see at c pack is we're going to see a continue,
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a showcase of a party that is wrapping itself around, autocrats and fascism. the regular keynote speaker in the 1st decade of c pac gatherings was then president ronald reagan. he returned year after year, his message constant republicans, especially as wisely fellow citizens, fell conservatives. our time is now our moment has arrived to be another moment has arrived for republicans. as the c pack is likely to demonstrate upon people has become a party for one. might kinda, i'll just sierra washington now listen to this, japanese crime boss has been charged in the us for allegedly trying to sell nuclear materials that he expected iran to use for its nuclear program. prosecutors say that package she and the seller of the crews, the criminal group is offered to sell uranium n clintonian. he was in communication with an undercover agent posing as an,
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as an associates to an a range in general episode was already being held in a brooklyn jail over a previous drug and weapons charges still ahead on elsa 0 and sports, one of football as best goes scores has a moment to forget to the asian champions week and the richardson will have that story on the,
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in this business uptake this voltage by the 6 bang growth bot. net along the dash before he is the this business uptake. these me roy thought of on the dash before he is the type of support with andy richardson, who's doing just in the studio. andy, thank you so much sarah. what scene i'd say yeah,
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come and seek has continued his breakout, running the caps are open on wednesday, the 18 year old beat. 3 time grand slam champion on the murray. this tom mounts. he was to get the top seat and will number 5 on dry roof left. clarence with full level semi fully on the 1st time in history. he will face gale and face in the last full, the 2018 capsule, a champion heavy. think color french want me to go on back to set that way. so let's see 7 on face on truck to reach or to find out for the 20th consecutive season as well. number 3, talk a golf. this may not sound of the big bites on his championships to us, so i can size of all the beats in a if i qualify. and i count the sky in 3 sets russian with my woman born vegas. we on site for a place in the final so we don't like stretch current beats and run in the middle east. this year. it's a 7 matches, a power supply. he won the counselor, opened last week,
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a beach and came one jang and straight sense sunset was rudder up and do by 12 months ago. she never wanted this. the relentless one continued that full of books alone and presented football at any alvarez has been found guilty of rights and sentence to full and a half years in prison. 40 year old house painting custody for over a year following the assault, which took place in bos, loana 2 years ago. the close that it was proven the victim didn't consent and also ordered him to pay $162000.00. now there's denies any wrong doing this ruling can be appealed, the actually being so this is about the victims truth and the suffering she's gone through. so in this thing, we must feel happy and satisfied for her to be must analyze. and if the gravity of the burdick is comparable to the gravity of what happened to us, the days 4 and a half years is much better than the 9 or 12 years requested by the prosecutors. but of course, we are going to appeal because i do believe in the innocence of mister office are
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ac milan held up a spirited come back from the french side to run to reach of the last 16 of the ro police. it's highly inside hand loosely and the 2nd leg of this conference, 3 things that i still progressed. finally, 3 or 9 crickets on the spot. in the midst of the european couple and 7 occasions, milan has never will new york lake, which freed assess the v. like the come drove around a 16 that will take place on friday. now what i would suggest to form a bundle when a train bends them, are in the agent champions. league of french struck a historian own go in alice, it has type guns. not a whole bunch of things to made it through. so the last states of taking on like saudi team out a memorial service. the american will record a hold of kelvin kips and has been held in kenya. gibson was killed alongside his coach in a car accident and the response earlier on this month, his funeral that will take place on friday. the 24 year old only run 3 a lease marathons,
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including his record breaking assets in chicago. last october was set to run in the olympic marathon in paris, lights room this year. i think that was the one whom i can work with. many people accepted that because i taught from various i believe, i'm still not clear on what sort the things that i knew that other time i'd have to do that with you. id looking for to see what the us going to do. because actually you, somebody said this was to write another 2 hours and you can see that the new is another way i know our fee for somebody was put into wonderful and just to diagnose it. so it's on the so is that not the leads me a just to give him a quote, send into your name and stop full test of best, serious on friday in must avoid the fates keep this series a lot of lots,
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but the tension on the pitching around she for this much with spin, expected to play big role in the waiting. the last test. it's like it's the one that seriously the good news to england in these taskbar adjustment form right is being rested for this much the kind of work to do that. introductory games is really bold. well and with a lot of hard enough effort. and kind of should only have it into 0. so it was finished by everybody and was that you should be given a break. we got some fiction. i might get regular opinions. that doesn't mean that with government with too many preconceived ideas which could be satisfying categories. who knows that if it is, will adapt to that. if it does, you know, the mold of what we think it is, the middle of that so that as well. and a loose drain cover closed chaos and a full minute one second, the pre season testing session involved right has to be stopped when it show a class ferrari was damaged by louis hamilton and drove of the same error
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a few seconds later for really whole so i some of the cold damage in las vegas. last event, the wind color science run over a broken drain covered during 1st practice day. okay, that is useful. so all right, handy richardson. thank you so much. and we're gonna take a very short break reset, and we're back at the top of the hour with a full slate of world news. what else? the unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is that for now? it has a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that the another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads about that. without the girls permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows
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not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate, ok, some of them are struggling. let's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions we don't live in a postcolonial work we live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that donation. inside story on al jazeera applicant, narrative from africa suspected the competitive timbers of the same do show the documentaries by applicants, filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew c r e z on. if i need to go, i'm on the drive on and reinventing cassava for a new series of africa, direct on how to sierra alta zero's. here to report on the people often ignored,
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but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say? we'll take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course we cover major global events that are passion, lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the region. and so many others, we go to them, we make the effort. we tear straight the . the, the lines are all then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. more devastating is really strikes me central gaza 40 people are killed. how this thing in search the rubble with flashlights for survivors. after
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that strike, dozens of wounded palestinians are rushed to the hospital. most of them children breaking points. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees says his


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