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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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is an ethical a i, there's a racial bias is getting worse. you've got more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to the latest victims of israel's war on gossip children. a rushed to hospital up to strikes on the central part of this trip. at least 40 people were killed the other the on jo. now how this is elder 0 lie from the also coming up the people of cause or need a ceasefire? not when practicable. but now it's done woods from the secretary general of doctors
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without borders saying a us draft resolution on gauze or at the un is misleading. a 150000 people forced to flee in the democratic republic of congo. we look at the impact, the escalating conflict is having on children. plus. welcome to houston. this is hassan, isn't it all? over the mood at american space cross touches down on the surface for the 1st time in more than 50 years. the . but we begin in central gaza, where at least 40 people have been killed and more than a 100 injured. and some of the latest is really strikes to hit the strip bridge and a new site or a refugee camps have been targeted. residential buildings have been hit to darrow, by the end of the wide or the dogs. us health
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ministry says 90 percent of the victims of women and children. the injured have been taken to alexa hospital. it comes as israel, who has been accused of targeting the most vulnerable and needs for on garza and in the past, our israel has formed a house in rough or killing at least 6 people. again, children are among the dead. israel has intensified attacks on the southern city in recent days. even those cools grow against a possible ground. defensive the name of mood reports from rough or this is what has left of a 3 story building in bethlehem leveled by his regularly air strikes in the northern gauze. much of the north of this trip resembles a waste land with no buildings and no body untouched by his rose war. with an old sick lady with her daughter in law and grandchildren were sleeping in
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their home. the house was leveled and they are still buried under the revel. we managed to recover only bits and pieces of some of their bodies. there were at least 15 people inside. we could not recover a whole body, only bits and pieces. rescue workers and neighbors faced the doubting task. tons of degrees has to be moved slowly and carefully by hand to retrieve the bodies or what has left of them fly some uh, some of the reasons it is very difficult for us to search without any equipment. we are simply using update hands. apparently women and children were the only ones inside the we haven't found a single survive up and drop by and southern guns that were one point. 5000000 palestinians are sold, 3 is really play and targeted on, sorry, mos in the city centers. rather than say it, how's the library with historical tax? the families forced to see good by our inc. consolidate
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mazda and then the stop. we heard the airplanes just after midnight. we looked out of the window and saw flames and people screaming. there were more than 25 to 30 people in the house when he collapsed. everybody scattered, grief and loss, go hand in hand in garza. and what do you want his calling a desk zone? honeymoon most rough uh, southern gaza palestinians freeing fleeting from gauze as north say they've been attacked along the of the israel's military have previously previously said was a safe passage, was nowhere to go many or sheltering. f l c for hospital, a warning some of the images in kaylee kind of hands report or disturbing. the palestinian mother is almost inconsolable as she described to style, attentively from northern gowns that were on our way to the south. and the 2 men
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who were accompanying us were march. here we were bombed. suddenly we started running. my baby has been eaten anything. i don't know what to do now. the situation is so dire. i tell chief a hospital, she pleads with doctors to help feed her baby. my baby needs some milk help. oh god, please have mercy on us in teams. fine and gowns as north and the lack of food supplies is least, palestinians with no choice but to leave. i really, i'm a jew, omen that these children are starving and they have no food or water. we are heading south, hoping to find some nourishment. we have absolutely nothing here. as rails meet these ignited the l received straight, which clinics the north to the south as a safe car doors, it's proving to be anything bunk beds under the bottom of the do, the show was fired while people were on the way to the south. many people were killed or injured, the general bar center was packed and i was heading south. here's my bag stained
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with the blood of those who were injured. who did arrive at l chief, a hospitals taking refuge in medical care. as israel continues it to relieve less offensive in gaza, cleared the young and innocent continued to pine receives a surprise. how you tell him how to 0. he's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has presented a document to a security cabinet laying out his patient to the country's policy after the war and gaza ends. it does not exclude the palestinian authority for being part of government, gaza, but it does say that israel will maintain freedom of action in the and tack strip without the time limit, and it will establish a security space in the area next to israel. it also says the united nations refugee agency owner must be closed and replaced with other international relief agencies. us present, jo biden's, top mid least advise of rec, my good cause in israel to discuss the war on gaza and hopes for
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a cease fire and captives release. he's met israel's defense minutes to your guns. i'm to salute has moved out from occupied east jerusalem. so when a meeting, israel's defense minister meeting with breton mcgurn, biden's, top of middle east advisor, and in that golan t off go on. the defense minister has released the statement saying that israel will now expand the negotiators for the captives. what they are allowed to do. but all, while israel and the military will be planning for more intensive ground operations in gaza, this is essentially one of the pressures we've been seeing on israel by the americans to get negotiators back to the table, to meet with the other side to see what sort of concessions can be offered up to see where there are still disagreements and sticking points. but these really have been under a lot of pressure from the bind administration for how they've been conducting themselves throughout this war. the americans would like to see more humanitarian
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aid going in. they would like to see a deal to bring back the captive sooner rather than later. and it is actually these really specifically prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who declined to send in his really delegation for 2nd day of meetings in cairo just about a week ago. and this is something that did not bode well with these really public and the families of the captive. it's you have to be seen what's exactly going to come of these talks if there are any sort of advancements in these captive negotiations. but these really delegation will now be present at them to argue their case, and perhaps what concessions they're willing to give up in order to secure a deal with the complex in gaza has dominated the meeting of g 20 foreign ministers in brazil. it's happening just days off the president glued up enough, see what the silver accused israel of genocide in casa those comments spock down green, both israel and the united states. the rest of all results from rio de janeiro,
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the resilience, the president of the g. 20. these here and received following ministers from member states and its own style. the south american giant has other plans for the group that represents the world's leading economies. brazil wants to fight hunger and climate change and reform global governance to give developing nations a bigger say. all the scope of everyone agrees, the main multi lot to organizations such as the world trade organization, 12 bank, the international monetary fund and others must all be reformed to adapt to the challenges of the current. well. but it's not just the conflict and ukraine, but also gaza that caught most of the attention here. the comments made by pressing and let us see, well, comparing as well as a war on guys a to the whole low cost sued a diplomatic firestone here in the center of for you. there's an 8 of many took to the streets to show there's to forward for the palestinian people from the united
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nations around the world. busy the secretary of state and then he blinked and met with president who left cd law and said the united states supports preserves calls to expand the un security council and we form other organizations. he also highlighted the need for more humanitarian aid in gaza. we're working this quite literally every single day through our own invoice for assistance best for david satterfield in his team for the work that and many others in the government are doing engaging with the different institutions of the united nations. engaging with the israeli government with the egyptians with the jordanians. but the bottom line is this, though, we need more a to get in through more places to reach more people. to the g 20 meeting,
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we'll use a road map ahead of the heads of states summit in november. really is hoping this would be the 1st step towards changing an international system that has failed to find the solutions the world desperately needs to do so. as a feeder really janitta the secretary general of doctors without borders has criticized us, draw resolution on gaza saying that it's misleading. he spoke to the un security council which will vote on it the us, a sofa block tool, resolutions cooling for a cease fire in garza new draft resolution by the united states expensive records for cease fire. however, this is misleading, at best discounts, so should reject any resolution that further help us humanitarian efforts on the ground. at least as council to tacitly endorsed the continued finance of massachusetts. these in cause of the people of the people of cause i need to cease fire, not when practicable, but now they need us to stay and cease for not
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a temporary period of calm. anything short of this is gross negligence. the protection of civilians and gaza cannot be contingent on resolutions from this council, with instruments or large humanitarianism to pluck political objectives. at least 2 people have been killed by israeli forces in janine it happened when a call was attacked and the trojans struck. 14 of us were wounded, including children, troops of carried out homeless nike rates of the occupied westbank since the war began on october. the 2nd now the speaker of the you case, house of commons, lindsay oil, has again apologize for allowing a controversial vote on an amendment by the labor party on garza. the scottish national party says the speakers decision preventative vote on it says 5 motion. well, some of these now i want him to resign. harry, for sick reports from london. so after the serious wednesday evening,
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there was comparative calm in the house of commons on thursday, but then he said the anger, ling good. we do not on these benches, therefore, believe that you can continue in your whole us because we do not have confidence in your ability to do so. the scottish national party says to lindsey holders decision to allow a vote on an amendment by the main opposition made a policy prevented voting on its own guns, a sci fi motion, and its language referring to collective punishment. instead there was chaos, as the governing conservative party removed its own amendment and the labor one was possible to magically heading off a potentially embarrassing labor split. when it goes a ceasefire. with dozens that may be conservative in a certain team members. signing a motion of the confidence in him to speak again, apologize, good, maintained. he was trying to allow a range of voting options for employees who safety might depend on how they voted on this issue. i never ever want to go through
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a situation. where do i pick up the phone to find a friend? whatever. so that's being met by taurus on that point. the conservative prime minister wait in understanding is that the speaker has apologize for what happened and is reflecting on that by the important point here is that we should never that extreme is intimidate austin to changing the way in which parliament was some conservative voices. have been urging caution, though when it comes to cooling, for the removal of the speaker of the house, they being setting that fire instead, while the leader of the lady, the party who may accuse and judy pressuring, so lindsey, on wednesday, the labor lead admits he went to the speaker ahead of the debate, the denied that he threatened to withdraw support from him. if he didn't table labors amendment that i just don't speak french. so we have to fold as possible for 2nd day,
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the coal issue of life and death and gaza as being subsumed by round about politics and procedure are equal. so i'll just say we're love the still ahead on that which is 0 set of goals. president says he's mandate will end by april the 2nd, but questions remain about who will leave the country. they weren't being buried in secret. the family of alexi novel and he says, all sources of placing restrictions on this burial, the, the hello, the weather remains very wintery across northern parts of china. we have go to fiber to cloud, into a northern and central areas for the time being. what the weather just getting
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across the fall south of japan, moving the east with cold enough in total care, 5 degrees celsius. just about getting about freezing that in facing it should be lost, the dry. so the disruptive snow now in the process of phasing but no sign of any significant full. it has to be said when it's a weather down towards the south, some freezing rain is well down to was the process. how come with a temperature around the $21.00. so just as a warm sunshine coming through here, warm sunshine to across much of the indo china scott, tradition as into east america, the philippines, southern part, seeing the heaviest of the south west sunshine. that showers west impossible here saying some live the storms. the usual hate of the day stuff coming for him as a case to into java and also into some entre still the weather has the, making his way away from that eastern side of india. and we'll see some past, in particular bundle of this bill, seeing a few showers as we go one through friday. but right this guy's come back in behind . is this the guy wanting to set stay? so it's becoming
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a little more extensive across that eastern side of india. moving up towards the west angle, the unique perspective that plays students up and they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on out to 0, the, the the
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welcome back, you're watching l g 0. a reminder of our top stores is really strikes of killed at least 40 people and wounded more than a 100 in central gaza ration new cetera. refugee camps were targeted presidential buildings were hitting them by the end of the white gauze. as health ministry says 90 percent of the victims of women and children, the injured have been taken to l x. the hospital. it comes with israel has been accused of targeting the most vulnerable idiots war on gosh. the us secretary of state says us send international efforts to ensure the delivery of a to kind of students in gaza have not been sufficient. he was speaking at a g 20 meeting and presume which has been overshadowed by the conflict set of goals . president mackey sol says his mandate does lead, will end on april the 2nd, but he hasn't said whether
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a presidential election will happen before that. early this month he delayed the vote hours before the campaign was supposed to begin. the move triggered violent protests with opposition. parties accusing soul of trying to extend these timing power. sol denies those claims. nicholas hack has more now from the senegalese capital com, the president monkey solid trying to reassure the senegalese people that an election will take place and the date will be announced after there is dialogue with opposition leaders. candidates to this presidential elections. and also really just leaders, he says that an election before april 2nd, which is the end of his mandate, is unlikely. but he said and made or assurances to those critics that have a cuban, same of trying to extend his time in power, that he will leave office at the end of his mandate on april 2nd.
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but the question remains, if he does leave on april 2nd, who will be in charge of these elections if they go ahead after he leaves power. so there is a level of uncertainty ahead. she's made some assurances to the opposition, notably that he is willing to free some of the candidates that are in prison. notably the popular opposition to figure was spun sancho. now he is not a candidate to this election, but his deputy bust through jemma fight is a candidate. so these announcement made it search wide to pass this crisis. he says that he was victim of i don't fair, international media coverage, saying that he's a democrat, he's an african and that his motivation is try to create an atmosphere of stability and peacefulness in order for this election to take
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place. nicholas hall, calendar 0, the car of escalating violence in east the democratic republic of congo. this forced thousands of children to flee their homes in the last 2 weeks. the fighting between government forces and em. 23 rebels has displaced at least a 150000 people. since the beginning of the month, the fighters are advancing towards the city of go from where catherine soy now reports. no child should have to experience what a 3 month old baby shandy was relieved to a mother was killed, went up on the house, the east and called a lease town of a grandmother is taking care of her. and 9 of the children come with the space and that was it. it was built the one that the one that that stumbled over to. we tried to find what we can look for, be to hubs for food. the babies very weak. i want to take her to the hospital, but i don't have the money but
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a short distance away. we may speak for. she barely survived johnny to the comp you though we closed. her mother gave spots to ha on the road as she fled biting between government forces and the m. 53 group. the stores here difficult poops into what was the question. i was in my village when the bombing started around to saki . but my labor pain started, my baby came on the way to the come. half of the displaced all is in this area. children then car each to come to such senses, why they can get a semblance of normalcy. it's all fine in game. yeah. but the children are traumatized. aid was holding to them. how about the feeling help? 8 was say, nearly 5000 children are being displaced every day. this is after a new round of pricing strategies, inches every $2.00 to $3.00 days. uh, we get
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a report of extra wireless um, at least and we think that's the only friction of what is happening. also, there was a high risk of being recruited by i'm fighting in areas where most of the displaced lead from is guessing was these children would not be able to return home any time soon after i saw you all to 0. so my democratic republic of congo, the mother of russian opposition figure election around the says, she's been showed her son's body. and i've only died in a russian prison last week. he's colleagues on family side of the kremlin, ordered his mother to moscow, denies those claims of alumnis mobile has recorded video alleging that investigations are imposing can conditions on where, how and when he should be buried. yes, it is. so it's a totally, i'm recording this video because they started threatening me looking me in the eye
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. the investigator said that if i don't degree to secret funeral, they will do something with my son's body. the investigator for a pyre of opened, he told me, the time is not working for you. the corpses decompose. i don't want special conditions. i just want everything to be done. according to the law, i demand receiving my sons body immediately. now a private space company in the united states has successfully landed on the moon. it's the 1st time of us space craft has touched down there in more than half a century after the apollo missions ended. cold. and baker has more now about what it means for the modem. moving rice, the tears of relief from the control room in texas. after intuitive machines. a private company successfully landed a new spacecraft near the moon's south poles lost after 2 hours of 10, some certainty. and a nail biting long distance software update the landing cemented the return of the united states to the lunar surface. over 50 years since the apollo missions ended
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presence all of them today for the 1st time in more than a half century, the u. s. has returned to the moon, a modern moon rushes on, just over the past year, india and japan and both landed probes on the moon. china has had rovers there for over a decade. but of this, this is the 1st privately built craft to make it there. it may look like a moon mission, but it's really a delivery service that is where nasa pays a company to take our equipment, our science to the move down all the way down to the surface and get our data back . but this is the company's mission. they go up and make their way under, they buy a rocket, they design their mission and they get all the communication set up. we're just the pay cargo customer really just as if we were shipping a parcel to somebody's house, it can carry about 100 kilograms of material and provide 600 watts of power to the devices it brings. the scouts on board are the 1st tools to settle,
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apply it towards a moon gps station reflectors for future moon navigation and moon fuel gauges, because it's hard to keep track and low gravity. it also brings other items from paying customers a flying selfie cube to film the landing a textile from a clothing company to learn how to keep things warm in space and a sculpture by the artist jeff codes. for 7 days, odysseus will send data back to earth that will pave the way for the moon rush that's coming. there's so much more that we have to learn about the noun. everything from how it formed to the technology is needed to have people survive on the surface of the moon. so there's so much science and technology that we still have left to, to learn, learn. we need to get nasa's goal is to establish a permanent lunar base for human voyager and eventually a launching point for mars. but the us is also hoping to start this space based economy in which companies compete to be part of the journey across the government
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funded to politicians were worst about 2 percent of the country, g, d, p. at the time, half a century later, odysseus cost just $100000000.00, the high risk investment that seems to have stuck its land. calling baker elders are derek pits is a planetary program director and chief a strong him at the franklin institute. he joins us from philadelphia. good to have you with us touch and go. it was at the beginning, the just before a. this is talks down about 3 hours or so ago. now, when mission control announced that odysseus has found its new home. tell us a little bit more about the significance of this mission and how it's success will be judged thanks for having me, jonah the significance of this mission is that what nasa is looking to do is to figure out ways in which it can do to really important things as it expands exploration back to the moon. that's it wants to be able to drive down costs. and
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that's also wants to be able to drive down risk. so we all know that getting to the moon is a difficult thing to do. it can be challenging, as we can see that only the most, the best prepared industrialized nations of the world can actually make this trip. and so in driving down costs nessa outsource is the work that will become a regular work as was described in the package. this is like a delivery service. so often we outsource delivery to some of the companies. we know well and this drives down the cost of doing that. nasa wants to do that as it builds up the infrastructure of establishing basis on the moon going forward into the future. and of course, using the moon as a jumping off point to head out to mars. at the same time, what nasa wants to do is that nasa wants to show that it can bring external companies to build the infrastructure that will be necessary for the kind of expansion of wants to have. so if we're looking at judging the success of this
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particular mission, what we want to do is understand that this company was able to provide the entire service from the beginning drawings, all the way through delivery on the surface and operation on the surface. and if it can do this consistently, mission after mission, these things will, it will look like if this is a successful endeavor for nasa. so this is the idea of private companies being used as a delivery service for nasa. if we assume that there is an importance of significance to being able to land on the moon. now, why has it taken not some old and 50 is to do a little bit with the help of private companies. other count, the countries have done at china, india, japan, why 50 is as well, you know, we have to remember that what nasa has been doing as many other things in the meantime. none of those countries have had a successful space station. if you look at the international space station, the national space station i think is now 25 years old. and it's doing
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extraordinarily well and still has future. that took a tremendous amount of effort and a tremendous amount of funding to make that happen. but it built up our experience and space in ways that the countries simply have no experience. yes, china is beginning to put together a space station now, but we are decades ahead of them and that so we built up that experience. and we also have to consider what it takes to do this in terms of our will to do this. so our government has to decide that this is important to do and provide the funding for it to happen. but we also have to be able to see a clear direction in terms of the finances for this we need to be able to establish a realistic space economy to make this all work. and that's part of the reason why nasa wants to ask source to individual private companies. and this company, intuitive machines won't be the only one. there will be others that will help to push this endeavor along fascinating stuff. and another big milestone in the race to space. eric fits. thank you so much for your time. thank you john.
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at least 4 people have died and several have been seriously injured in a major file.


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