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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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is i think is the most difficult press. then i've had to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just something go because it did x or to hear the story on told to how does in the, in the the latest victims of his rails were on guns. that children rushed to hospital office strikes on the central part of the strip. at least 40 people. the other ones are in jordan, this is out. is there a knife from to ha also coming the psychological injuries. i've led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. the head of doctors without hold as gives a scathing assessment of the impacts with israel's was having on children and gods
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. not in the house and cause that was bombed and destroyed. i so here to help my family and siblings, i work here for 5 hours. every day. we meet the youngsters in the gaza strip, forced to leave the childhood behind. 5 to 6. on 850000 people are forced to flee the democratic republic of congo. now babies are living in camps some standing . suffice the beginning, central gauze over at least 40 people have been killed and more than a 100 injured. and some of the latest is really strikes to hit the strip the outboard age and the say that refugee camps have been targeted. residential buildings have been hit and get out by the end of the way to for the guns. as health ministry says 90 percent of the victims of women and children. the injured have been taken to alex the hospital. it comes
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as israel has been accused of targeting the most vulnerable and it's wolf and garza . and in the past few hours as well as from the house and roughly coming at least 6 people. again, children are among the dead, as well as intensify the tax on the southern city and recent days, even as cold grow against the possible ground offensive this. i'll just say it was honey. my food reports now from rough this is what has left of a 3 story building in bethlehem leveled by his regular air strikes in the northern gauze. much of the north of this trip resembles a waste land with no buildings and no body untouched by his rose war. with an old sick lady with her daughter in law and grandchildren were sleeping in their home. the house was leveled and they are still buried under the rubble. we managed to recover only bits and pieces of some of their bodies. there were at least 15 people inside. we could not recover a whole body,
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only bits and pieces rescue workers a neighbor's face, a doubting task. tons of degrees has to be moved slowly and carefully by hand to retrieve the bodies or what has left of them fight them. uh so now the reason it is very difficult for us to search without any equipment. we are simply using update hands. apparently women and children were the only ones inside the we haven't found a single survive up. in rob i and southern gaza were 1500000 palestinians are sold, 3 is really play and targeted on, sorry, mos in the city centers. residents say it, how's the library with historical tax? the families forced to see good by our inc. consolidate mazda and then the stop, we heard the airplanes just after midnight. we looked out of the window and saw flames, and people screaming. there were more than 25 to 30 people in the house when he
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collapsed. everybody scattered. the grief and loss go hand in hand in dogs, off and what do you want is calling a dead zone? most rough uh, southern gaza palestinians fleeing from the nose of gauze and say they'd been attacked along the route that israel military previously said was a safe passage with nowhere to go. many, a sheltering of the owl ship a hospital wanting some of the images in kylie. how kind of hands report are disturbing. palestinian mazda is almost inconsolable, and she described to style the team display from northern kansas. were on our way to the south and the 2 men who were accompanying us were march. here we were bombed . suddenly we started running. my baby hasn't eaten anything. i don't know what to do now. the situation is so dire at health schaffer hospital,
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she pleads with doctors to help feed her baby. my baby needs some milk help. oh god, please have mercy on us in teams. fine in kansas, north and the lack of food supplies is least, palestinians with no choice but to leave. i really, i'm a jew, omen. these children are starving. they have no food or water. we are heading south, hoping to find some nourishment. we have absolutely nothing here. as rails ami designated the al rashid straight, which connects the north to the south as a safe carto. it's proving to be anything above that. the bottom of the do, the show was fired while people were on the way to the south. many people were killed or injured. and at the very center i was packed and i was heading south. here's my bag stained with the blood of those who were injured. who did arrive at el cheapo hospitals taking refuge in medical care. as israel continues, it's relieved, less offensive and gaza cleared the young and innocent. continue to pay for tv. a
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surprise. can you tell a how to 0? meanwhile, these that could be general of doctors without voters. christopher lucky you have spoken to the un security council painting on her wrist. big picture of the humanitarian situation inside garza, he sharply criticized a dropped resolution to propose by the us that calls for a ceasefire when practicable. luckiest said tacitly endorses continuation of the bottom. for a 138 days, we have watched the system back to complete the ration of a health system we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients on our colleagues because a mains. the situation is the combination of a war. israel is waging on the entire population of the goal is to strip a wall of collective punishments. a war without rules, a war will cost children to do so far. this war will not only pay the visible billions of traumatic injuries,
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but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing family members of literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. a patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations crushed limbs on severe bands. they need sophisticated to, they need long and intensive rehabilitation. medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or the ashes of destroyed hospitals. there are not enough hospital beds. there are not enough medications. and not enough supplies. surgeons have had no chance. the surgeons have had no choice, but to carry out amputations without anesthesia. on children and presidents, the humanitarian responsive garza today is an illusion as a convenience illusion. that perpetuates
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a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. we are opposed by the willingness of the united states to use its powers as a permanent council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the best evidence of resolutions one demanding an immediate them sustain ceasefire. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has present that a document to his security cabinet laying out his plan for guns at once. the boy ends. it does not exclude the palestinian authority from being part of governing garza, but it does say israel will maintain freedom of action in the entire street without a time limit. it also says the united nations refugee agency must be closed. that's collaborative and a mock season occupied east jerusalem for us for them. so these weren't the only points in netanyahu's plan. what more do we know, as well as the document that was released to is really media of an eye off to mister netanyahu. it presented it to his security cabinet yesterday evening there. and in terms of the details,
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a lot of the focus quite rightly should be on the i did that the minute 3 is there any military would maintain control over the entire territory. some of the details about the include a security buffalo and as they called it that with around the gaza strip. that's in defiance of the us insistence on avoiding the reduction of the territorial integrity inside gaza. there's also the idea that the inside strip would be quote, the minutes arise with the exception of weapons required for what i call the maintenance of public order. again, vague as to how that would operate in practice. there's also this plan to de radicalize garza and this is something that these really se pulled in some missing documents. now his statements would happen with a quote, involvement, and assistance of arab nations that is around approves of no concrete details about quite what that would entail. also appreciate it says the reconstruction district and we've seen the absolutely extraordinary levels of damage to buildings and infrastructure that that would only happen once the demilitarization was guaranteed
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and want to start d. radicalization process had begun. and then finally, governments would be carried up by what it called local elements with management experience without explicitly saying whether that would be the palestinian authority by the as currently stands or in some re constituted form. again, not something the united states is very keen to push forward, but clearly mister netanyahu willing to say, that's not something he's able to commit to this point. yeah, and for them, the fact remains that we've heard much of this before. so, i mean, how significant has elizabeth as well these all, you know, essentially a series of public statements fits together into a one page document there. and we have heard a lot of this before from us that you know, but it's worth pointing out. he's having to operate out of time with many of the members of his own government and coalition. questioning his leadership, he's having to make sure that he can try and get like the various interests, the various objectives that these different political parties might have. and by
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presenting such a vague document is the 1st time with sitting in written form, but it is still very vague and lights on details. it allows full conversations down the road with his poem is inside cover less and so that he can continue to try and thread this very difficult needle politically here and israel, alright, to fit a mock life as they have an alter bodies. truce them for them. thank you. mean a lot of these 2 people have been killed by is ready forces in jeanine in the occupied westbank. it happened when a calm was attacked in a drunk strikes. 15, others were wounded, including children, is ready. troops have carried out almost 90 raids across the off by the westbank since the war began on october 7. just make up the u. k. his house of commons, lindsey hoyle, has again apologized for allowing a controversial vote on amendment by the labor party on gauze. the scottish national party says the speakers decision preventative vote on it's 65 motion, some of these not want him to resign or the full set reports from london. so after
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the cereal wednesday evening, there was comparative calm in the house of commons on thursday, but then he said the anger, ling good. we do not on these benches therefore, believe that you can continue in your whole speaker. we do not have confidence in your ability to do so. the scottish national party says to lindsey holders decision to allow a vote on an amendment by the main opposition made of policy prevented voting on its own guns, a sci fi motion, and its language referring to collective punishment. instead there was chaos. as the governing conservative party removed its own amendment and the labor one was possible to magically heading off a potentially embarrassing labor split. when it goes a ceasefire is dozens that may be conservative in us and team members. signing a motion of the confidence in him to speak again, apologized good, maintained he was trying to allow a range of voting options for employees who safety might depend on how they voted
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on this issue. i never ever want to go through a situation where i pick up the phone to find a friend, whatever. so that's being met by taurus on that point. the conservative prime minister waiting understanding is that the speaker has apologize. so what happened and is reflecting on the important point here is that we should never that extreme is intimidate austin to changing the way in which parliament was some conservative voices have been urging caution when it comes to cooling, for the removal of the speaker of the house, they being setting that fire instead on the leader of the lady, the party who may accuse of i'm julie pressuring. so lindsey, on wednesday, the labor lead admits he went to the speaker ahead of the debate. the denied that he threatened to withdraw support from him if he didn't table labors amendment that i did not speak french. so we have to
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fold as possible for 2nd day. the coal issue of life and death and gaza as being subsumed by round about politics and procedure are equal. so i'll just say around london. hundreds of children in a rough side, southern gauze had become street vendors and then an effort to support their families. but despite having to work there still hoping to get back to school and for life to return to how it was before israel launch, it's will tell me how shall before. that's good. yeah, good, that's good. this busy markets and ruffle has become a custom to i'm more as voice of putting his biscuits on chocolate for say, that's good. that's before the war was a student living in the shape of one neighborhood in northern garza. but today is another street vendor hoping to help this time any. oh no, no, no. i'm 12 years old. i used to be in the 6th grade or house, and garza was bombed and destroyed. i saw here to help my family and siblings. i
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work here for 5 hours every day. so he's not the only one here, but each child has their own line of business. jory. yeah, i'm talking about successively such as press let's on here ties to have the properties that only hope at the moment this to get back to me or is the yeah either this the i now i want to go back to school. i went to play. i went to draw, i wish i can play back with the kids. just like other children, how they study. they play, they do whatever they want. we are in a war. we wake up to bombings and sleep to rock. we sleep with fear and wake up to fear. and let's say uh if the i want to do is like go to the nitty kids. i want to practice my hobby. i want to go to school. i want my life before the lord about the war has a distance done from the trying to the what's the use to express the concern
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belongs to a different generation? well, i know that i'm a refugee from joseph. from early morning, i come to the market and my daily money. i live in the tent. the situation have been rough, but it's too difficult. it's getting expensive day of today. and actually, i'm afraid to open these really incursion into rough or wherever we to go. we flip gaza because of fear. if we have pushed out sides rough or what are we to do? or units of report has one that children in gaza outpacing multiple threats. as a result of is rose, relentless for the number of kids. kids is close 215000 with the lack of any effective effort to reach a ceasefire, the threat to more depths increases as a result of the lack of food surgeon value attrition, and drop it spread. hash and type actual break here. and i'll just say about when we come back, senate goals president says he's monday black and white. april 2nd questions remain
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. believe the country, the welcome to the houston. this is hassan is in their home and over the moon at american space craft touches down on the lunar surface for the 1st time in more than 50 a month, savings, the color we have some right in the full costs for the middle east. over the next couple of days, i think here in khattab, it will stay dry. if the truth be told warming up as well, so hot around the 26th. so it's just still called a brisk smile, blowing temperatures, picking up to rep $27.00 as we go through successfully. but there's but whatsoever across northern parts of saudi arabia, southern areas of your rock easing over towards q,
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white to call some localized flooding. as per usual logic, meanwhile, across the eastern side of the mediterranean few showers, some of them winfield nature across eastern areas. tuffy i 73 pods. as cost coming back and behind suspect could bring a shadow to towards a gaza. you notice may be pushing across into jordan. elsewhere. it does that allows you drive across that east and half of the mediterranean. lot, you drive to across a good pos of north africa, which was a north west. we have some showers just running for snowden. areas of them are, all kind of north of house of algeria is chain of showers, the right across the hall, rest of the big down pool is to just around the gulf of guinea as we go one through saturday. that's showing up with the showers across the house of africa, more big down pause all the way from the gulf with guinea right away into zambia, nor the positive mesa and bacon. still what the medic desk the,
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this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered of the the welcome back here watching out just a real quick remind them about top stories. here is our, is there any strikes of 2 of these 40 people and wounded move
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a 100 and central gulf. now the rage and the said on refugee camps were targeted. residential buildings were also hitting the announce await causes, hope ministry says 90 percent of the victims of women and children. the injured doesn't take into the alex on hospitals. comes this is we haven't been accused of targeting the most fundamental, and it's more on the cost on the head of doctors without food, as has told us, if you were to cancel the piece rails, warren johnson is a will without rules and accused. but you end up deliberating, lots of millions of time, you highlighted the total confidence taking on children. it's just about the world news now and send a goal is president microsoft says his mandates his lead. i will end on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said whether a presidential election will happen before then. early this month he delayed the vote just hours before the campaign was supposed to kick off. the move triggered violent protest with opposition, pauses accusing solve of trying to extend his time into pilots. he denies those claims. i'll just it was nicholas hawk has moved from the senegalese capital. the
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president monkey solid trying to reassure the senegalese people that an election will take place and the date will be announced after there is dialogue with opposition leaders. candidates to this presidential elections and also really just leaders. he says that an election before april 2nd, which is the end of his mandate is unlikely. but he said and made or assurances to those critics that have a cuban, same of trying to extend his time in power, that he will leave office at the end of his mandate on april 2nd. but the question remains, if he does leave on april 2nd, who will be in charge of these elections if they go ahead after he means power. so there is a level of uncertainty ahead. she's made some assurances to the opposition, notably that he is willing to
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a free some of the candidates that are in prison. notably the popular opposition to figure was spun sancho. now he is not a candidate to this election, but his deputy bust through jemma fight is a candidate. so these announcement made it search wide to pass this crisis. he says that he was victim of i don't fair, international media coverage, saying that he's a democrats, he's an african and that his motivation is try to create an atmosphere of stability and peacefulness in order for this election to take place. nicholas hawk elgin's, he rode the car escalating violence on the eastern democratic republic of congo as forced thousands of children to flee the homes of the last 2 weeks. the fighting between government forces on m 23 rebels has displaced at least
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a 150000 people. since the beginning of the month, the fighters were advancing towards the city of goma from alger 0. as catherine sowing out of thoughts, no child should have to experience what a 3 month old baby shandy as a lead to. a mother was killed, went up on the house, the east, and called a lease town of a grandmother. mistaken carol ha, and 9, now the children come with the space and that was it. it was built the one that the one that that stumbled over to me. we try to find what we can look for be to hubs for food. the babies very weak. i want to take it to the hospital, but i don't have the money. a short distance away. we may speak for. she barely survived johnny to come to though we closed. her mother gave boss to ha on the road as she fled biting between government forces and the m. 53 group. the stores here difficult poops into what was the course as i was in my village when the bombing
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started around to saki. but my labor pain started, my baby came on the way to the come. half of the displaced all is in this area. i children, then carriage to come to such senses where they can get a semblance of normalcy. it's all fine in game. yeah. but the children are traumatized aid was they talking to them. 8 feeling help, 8 was they nearly 5000 children are being displaced every day. this is after a new round of pricing strategies, inches every $2.00 to $3.00 days. uh, we get a report of extra wireless. um, at least and we think that's the only friction of what is happening. also dancers high risk of being recruited by i'm fighting in areas where most of the displaced lead from is guessing wes,
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this children and not be able to return home anytime soon. afternoon. sorry. i'll do 0. so my democratic republic of congo a asada is in venezuela, say 16 buddies have been recovered from a gold mine and offered partially collapsed. but local meat is reporting up to 50 people may have died last month. the search for missing gold miners. the vin, as well in state of believer remains underway as the bodies of those killed during the collapse of the buddha. i look at mine return to their families. survivors say dozens of other workers remain buried under as much as 30 meters of mud and dirt with all the time equal. pioneered all those who were next to me died. but thanks to the glory of god, i am here. the boucher look. a mine is one of several illegal open pit mining enterprises in the state of believer. many residents say mining is one of
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the few opportunities available for lucrative work before the deadly incident on tuesday, the booty i look on mine employed some 200 people according to authorities. if i meet the misconduct ends here, i convey my condolences to the families and relatives of these people who unfortunately died in this accident. when this is due to mine, i mean collapse southern venezuela is rich in gold and mineral deposits with accidents or comments. at least 12 people were killed last year in a similar accident pick. and then i found the windows were working. there are working under conditions where there is no one looking out for them. as you can see in the images. these are pits that are done with large machines my hand, but then those who enter there have no personal protective equipment. experts more and that a lack of government oversight and regulation on illegal mining means accidents like the one at the blue deluka are likely to happen again. my name is it up
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a little out a 0 was it was from a president, j both an arrow. it has been question by the police for allegedly discrediting the election system. he's accused of attempting a coup in 2022. i'll just say was monica. you're not getting reports from re edition address a result. federal police question more than 20 people today across the country. 4 of them here in rio de janeiro, most of them in the capital were still give this is part of an ongoing investigation and then the legit plot to stop present losing now so little of us to but from taking office after he naturally defeated former presidential april, so natalie and the 2022 presidential elections are just a reminder in january 8th, 2023. a week after lula took office, both sonata supporters store and the capital and 3 public buildings. what the investigators want to discover is if both sonata was masterminding, the uprising,
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or trying to plot any way of stopping the elections, or love from taking office. if he was elected as evidence, they have video from a cabinet meeting held by both center. while he was present, discussing these issues with his advisors, one of them say that they should turn the tables for for the elections happened. now both so now to testify was when to the federal police headquarters in brazil yet, but he remained silent. that is part of his legal strategy. that does not mean that he will remain silent for long. he is planning a rally on sunday in the city of stone. follow with all of his supporters, and he's trying to make a political come back, monica, you're not give all just era. we addition narrow. now the mother of russian opposition to figure out lexi and a valid me says she's been shown her son's buddy. the finally died in
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a russian optic prison last week. his colleagues and family say the criminal and all that his mother must have denies the claims his mother record the video saying and investigate design and posing conditions are where, how on when you should the benefits or at least 4 people have died and several, i seriously injure, identify was destroyed to apartment buildings in valencia in spain. residents were forced into the balconies. please 655 doesn't a young child normally injured. 19 people, i believe, to be missing. mexico was most active, volcano is erupt, thing again prompting the government to issue a yellow line to it's called public capital, and it's been spewing us for the last 2 weeks. the 1st american mission to the moon in more than half a century looks to be a success. a private space company set the odysseus luna alonda down on the surface of the moon lights on thursday. just call me back. cheers of relief from the control room in texas. after intuitive machines,
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a private company successfully landed a new spacecraft near the moon's south poles. after 2 hours of 10, some certainty, and a nail biting long distance software update, the landing cemented the return of the united states to the lunar surface. over 50 years since the apollo missions ended presence, all of them today for the 1st time in more than a half century, the u. s. has returned to the me, a modern moon rushes on. just over the past year, india and japan and both landed probes on the moon. china has had rovers there for over a decade. but to this, this is the 1st privately built craft to make it there. it may look like a moon mission, but it's really a delivery service that is where nasa pays a company to take our equipment, our science to the move down all the way down to the surface and get our data back . but this is the company's mission. they go up and make their way under they buy a rocket, they design their mission. thank it's.


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