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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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what is your efficiency, andrew seattle? easy on. if i need to go, i'm on the drive on and reinventing cassava for a new series of africa, direct on how to sierra the the, you're watching the news, our life from the headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated to coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel attacks too crowded refugee camps and central dogs on, but i saw in the self is also hit an overnight strikes. at least 6, the people have been killed. the psychological injuries of la children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. the head of doctors without borders
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slammed the un security council and the us for doing nothing to end the war. while children died. gaza child defenders say they want to go back to school, but their families depend on them to survive. the set of goals, presidents as his mandate will ends in april, but has been given a date for holding elections. the off position is due to give its reaction. and me and maurice military governments plans for conscription face set facts. potential recruits are free in the country, the hello palestinians have endured another night if is really your attacks targeting areas across the gaza strip. at least 40 people have been killed in central gaza. an overnight strikes on 2 crowded refugee camps on 20 others were killed elsewhere
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. but it doesn't the heat, she begins are coverage. just a warning. some of the images are disturbing. the, the digging in the door using. 6 phones flashlight tough to say, no heavy machinery and the fuel needed to run it are not available to search provide overnight is really air strikes, costs further destruction in neighborhoods, in central cost with more posted means killed and the injured taken to hospitals fairly operating after months of bundling children who make up nearly half of the causes population filled the treatment rooms of alex the hospital. the un agency eunice says at least 17000 children have been orphaned or separated from their families during the war. so far. the hospitals courtyard has become overwhelmed with funding turning a place of healing into one of morning as airstrikes begins to target the cells.
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it's a similar picture in rough up the city once considered as the last remaining safe. so across the street rescue was rushed to the latest every station with no end in sight to be as rarely bombardment bid admission h e l g 0 life to death. now that's where all the zeros honey my for the standing by for us. so how do you tell us about the aftermath of the latest airstrikes and stuff where you are of the yes, very were not only the southern part of the gods group has lived this through a very deadly night, but also the central area and 5, which seemed to be all concentrated in the central area, mainly the refuge account of the western part of the city and a little bit to the eastern part where there is the last city it is. but we're
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looking at the zone. why that area? that's the what's in part of the center of the records you come in and they'll say a lot as well. not only residential buildings have been targeted. busy so we're looking at, evacuated, tend, in the why there were a large number of people were reported, killed and injured, as they were sheltering inside the 10s that the setup since the beginning of the work and f live event showed during, from the horror of the ongoing intense bombing campaign in the northern part and gauze, a city of 60 people reported at killed. there are more still under the levels of death. we're expecting the number within the coming dollars to rise as they are the if the worker rescuer, risk and workers on the ground and trying to doing their best with whatever little machinery and equipment they have to pull people from under the the rebels. the tragedy of this attack from the central later is the health facilities were locks. the hospital is already over well exhausted, random, out of the resources,
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insufficient medical staff inside the house was just making the whole medical intervention and a treatment very difficult. at the moment in dropbox, the d. an overnight attacks in 2 separate locations, a causing the death of 8 people, a displaced families of from a, the northern parts and thousands of deals and sheltering in rough i city left for the past few weeks, leaving also tens of other injuries for in the jar hospital is still waiting for, for the doctors or a medical staff to check on them and to give them the necessary medic calls interventions in order to survive the floor of what of what happened. a still got the city, particularly the eastern neighborhood as the 2 and neighborhood has endured the very massive attacks within the past. 2 days that we're looking at still people who are under the rubble is a 7 story building that was completely destroyed. and there were appeals coming in from that neighborhood for civil defense. the crew to rush there to hold,
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removing people from under the rubble. so i need to look speaking of the medical health facilities in the hospitals, are there any functional hospitals left out or anywhere across the gaza strip as it stands today? we're right now the older hills facility is remaining, so my operations are in rough city and we're looking at 2 small size, middle goal health facilities here at the head of the weight is very small in terms of capacity on size and large. the only prepared for emergencies and a large number of injuries. and those are in the central area of, of i seems that's an ajar hospital. it's a mid sized hospital. but again, very exhausted over well with the large number of injuries that have the right been inside the hospitals. since the beginning of the were also the number of exactly those setup. there's tens it within that specific vicinity. and inside the core of
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doors of the hospital, just impeding the work of the medical staff and just put in many obstacles to the kind of intervention and then not the certainly needed for treated the one to the largest health facility. it's between a 100 honda and it has that as, as a repeat and hospital and it unfortunately it has turned into a refugee camp, whether it's the court yard of the hospital or inside the facilities that within the past few weeks, we did visit the gather of you in the hospital and what we seeing is evacuated are inside the rooms where patients are, it are sleeping and or injuries are receiving the treatment. you would see vac, who's also inside the same room with other people just speaking it very difficult. but on top of this is the fact that there are no medical supplies getting in just putting the life of everyone, including injuries and patients and evacuated all the trask as of now. right, another part and the central area. almost all hospitals have been pushed out of
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service, including within the coming weeks, probably a lot of positive will see it coming out of service. connie and israel is being accused by many of using starvation as a weapon of more. you've been reporting that people are starving across the gaza strip. i mean, how, how bad is the situation? i'm particularly in the north because we understand now the world food program has said that just assist sending a deliveries to the noise because it's just too dangerous. how, how bad is the simon? it was a very catastrophic right now when this war has unfortunately, ended due to the ongoing aggressive practices and actions on the ground just divided the gaza strip into 2 large reservations here. over crowded southern part
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with more than half of the population squeezed here have data is trying to define the drinking water and food supplies in this there's a huge we'll see is right now that has doubled the number of people joined for long hours just to get the food supplies to get a ball of soup or some water for their families. the market is completed. depleted prices are skyrocketing. people aren't able to buy this in the northern parts. it's even worse because there isn't any food supply. there are in a humanitarian, a truck's getting into the northern part. people resorted to reading plans. why the plans, the remote speeds then and, and then there, there, there have been dependence so much on whatever the had a, from the positive do run out of completely. there is the complete depletion of resources and the size that is including the, the water, the drinking is very contaminated just for us being the life of, of children and women. and those were with health complications. and within the past 2 days, the, the world food program just suspended operations and delivery of 8 in the northern
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part. given that it's not save the date back in his name is a broken as well. and it's continuous bought in the bombing campaign and just prevents a aid workers of from doing their jobs to prevent trucks of from getting to where they are supposed to go. and just yesterday, what happened is the only food, a distribution point in jamalia, where people were supposed to go and pick up food supplies and from was targeted and destroyed, leaving people with no options of food supplies and necessities, and just aggravating. found me right now. and push in many people to take this all i had been road all the way to the central area because they are dying of funding right now. okay, honey. thank you so much, honey. my mood is reporting for us from what i find in gaza as well, palestinians fleeting from dogs as north se they've been attacked along the road. the israel's military previously said was
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a safe passage and with nowhere to go. many are now sheltering after ship a hospital, a facility that's barely functioning. just a warning, some of the images in kaylee callahan's report are disturbing of the palestinian mother is almost inconsolable. she described to style the team, to flee from northern gowns that were on our way to the south, and the 2 men who were accompanying us were marked here. we were bombed, suddenly we started running. my baby hasn't eaten anything. i don't know what to do now. the situation is so dire. i tell chief a hospital, she pleads with doctors to help figure the baby. my baby needs some milk help. oh god, please have mercy on us. in teams finding engaged as north and the lack of food supplies is least, palestinians with no choice but to leave. i really, i'm a jewelry and that these children are starving and we have no food or water. we are
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heading south, hoping to find some nourishment. we have absolutely nothing here. as rails ami designated the al rashid straight, which connects the north to the south as a safe carto. it's proving to be anything bunk beds. under the bottom of the do, the show was fired while people were on the way to the south. many people were killed or injured. and a general, very center. i was packed and i was heading south. here's my bag stained with the blood of those who were injured of the who did arrive at el cheapo hospitals taking refuge in medical care. as israel continues, it's really less offensive and gaza cleared the young and innocent. continue to pay for tv. a surprise. can you tell him how to 0? the secretary general of doctors without borders as war in the un security council that children as the youngest 5 in gaza say they would prefer to die then to witness the horrors of israel's war. christopher lock you are criticized,
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repeated vito as by the us of resolutions calling for an immediate cease fire. he says the move tacitly endorses continued violence for a 138 days. we have watched the system back to complete the ration of a health system. we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients and our colleagues, because a mains as the situation is the combination of a war. israel is waging on the entire population of the gaza strip. a wall of collective punishments, a war without rules. a war will cost children who to support this war will not only pay the visible millions of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing, family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. a
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patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations crushed limbs on severe bands. they need sophisticated k, they need long and intensive rehabilitation. medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or the ashes of destroyed hospitals. the resultant of hospital beds. there were not enough medications. and nothing of supplies. and surgeons have had no choice, but to carry out amputations without anesthesia on children. by them, presidents, the humanitarian response and gaza today is an illusion. a convenient solution that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. we are opposed by the willingness of the united states to use its powers as a permanent council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the best evidence of resolutions one demanding an immediate and sustained ceasefire. are you an agency for palestinian refugees?
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owner was says it's reached a breaking point, as israel puts more pressure to dismantle the agency. 16 countries including the u . s. u k, and germany have suspended funding totaling 450000000 dollars. when our chief in the plaza really says the agency's ability to fulfill its mandate is now under serious threats. adding to that more than a 150 corner of facilities have been targeted by is really airstrikes since the war began. well, hundreds of children and rough i had southern garza had become street vendors in an effort to support their families. but despite having to work there still hoping to go back to school and for life to return to how it was before is real launched. it's work, i only have some reports. that's good. yeah, good, that's good. this busy markets and ruffle has become a custom to i'm most voice of putting his biscuits on chocolate for say, that's good. that's before the war. 2 of the students living in this jacob,
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one neighborhood in northern garza, but today is another street vendor, hoping to help this time any oh yes, i am 12 years old. i used to be in the 6th grade or house, and garza was bombed and destroyed. i saw here to help my family and siblings. i work here for 5 hours every day. so he's not the only one here, but each child has their own line of business, jody. yeah, i'm talking about so excessively such as press let's on here. ties to have the properties that only hope at the moment is to get back to me or is the yeah, either this the i now i want to go back to school. i went to play, i went to draw. i wish i can play back with the kids, just like other children at the study they play, they do whatever they want. we are in a war. we wake up to bombings and sleep to rock. we sleep with fear and wake up to tier. and let's say a size the low i want to do is like go to the nitty kids. i want to practice my
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hobby. i want to go to school. i want my life before the large back door has distance them from the trying to the what's the use to express the concern belong to a different generation? well, i know that i'm a refugee from joseph. from early morning, i come to the market and my daily money. i live in the tent. the situation have been rough, but it's too difficult. it's getting expensive day of today. and actually, i'm afraid to open these really incursion into rough or wherever we to go. we flip gaza because of fear. if we have pushed out side drop off or what are we to do to units of report has one that children in gaza outpacing multiple threats. as a result of is rose relentless was the number of kids kids is close 215000 with the lack of any effective effort to reach a ceasefire,
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the threat to more depths increases as a result of the lack of food surgeon value attrition and drop it spread has shown you is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has presented a document to his security cabinet laying out his plan for a goes up once the war ends. so it does not exclude the palestinian authority from governing the strip. but it does say that israel will maintain freedom of action and the entire strip without a time limits. it also says the united nations refugee agency owner must be shut down. let's bring envelope marks, he's joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so talk to us about the points and nothing. yeah. who's planning on what we learn about what's in it? so there is a one page document that's been obtained by several is read a media outlets as well as access the us media outlet. they've been reporting on
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some of the details of what essentially is a plan to maintain a minute to control in gaza off to the conflict, be ongoing fighting, and some of the details really interesting around a security buffalo in the nothing you all who was pitching a sense the here that would mean is there any forces with surround the strip inside what is currently the territory of gauze or something in the us as being very opposed to talking about the idea that the street would be the militarized, with the exception of weapons that would be required for the maintenance of public order that is lower enforcement. also an idea around the radicalization that would involve potentially arab nations. the israel is approved approves all in trying to de radicalize the population. it's something that he says would be necessary to begin before reconstruction itself could also take place. and crucially, governance, and this document says will be carried out by local elements with management experience. just this week we've heard from these ratings, i've started
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a pilot program in the north, the gaza strip with some community data is. it's not clear whether this would be rolled out across the strip under this new proposal, or whether some element of the palestinian authority in some constitution form would take power. right? i mean with them. here's the thing though. we've heard a lot of this before, so doesn't sound like there's anything new, but how significant is it that he's an attorney? i was presented this to his security cabinet. i mean, idea of is it being put in writing as opposed to just a series of public statements? it does as you say, a states together, a little bit details from those public statements. but that is significant. it's important to bear in mind that it is a vague document because mr. nothing, you know, who needs the political room to maneuver, he needs to be able to present options to the various members of his governing coalition so that he can try and get a, his position going forward. what so striking though is the idea behind some of these proposals, such as and is ready, security presence, time and on the,
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on the goals of egypt bought up. that's not like you to be very well received in cairo. the idea that they would be a reduction in charge or an integrity because of this officer, and that's not going to be very well received in washington. and this proposal, financing for reconstruction, would come from arab nations perhaps, and the goals, but is rather pretty involved. then it likes to sign off on that idea without the guarantee in the loans of a palestinian state. right, so a lot of challenges remaining for the meanwhile, we understand there is a new pull on out that's or nothing. yeah. whose performance has prime minister? what have we learned? yeah, this is being commissioned by the might of new sites. a group here in israel is opinion poll looking at essentially what would happen would that be a general election today? we don't know when that will next be a general election. of course, but it's something that a lot of his res, all focused on down the road once the fighting ends. it seems to indicate that in
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the $120.00 seats in the capacity. so to 9 of them with go to the policy that by benny guns, who's joining this wol cabinet lit, couldn't. that's the policy control by that you know who they would end up with just 18 seats, whether it's been election, it's a me up and give a the, one of the leaders of the far right policies here in israel. he looks to increase his share of the parliamentary states and currently owns. we have unit simple local elections coming up here in just a couple of days time to read. and he's told on social media just over the last few hours about the strengths of his party here in israel, and it's something that would potentially impact the long time constitution of a future government here. all right, thank you. remarks reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you and is really true and astray because killed at least 2 people in a refugee camp in the occupied westbank children for among 15 others injured in the janine refugee camp. israel says it was targeting and as long as you had fight or
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is really military has expanded the scale, afraid to be occupied, westbank since the war in gaza began this one tomorrow head on the i'll just say we're and who's our, including how huge numbers of children are the victims of the escalating war in the democratic republic of congo. and dozens of goals miners are feared dead in venezuela. after the collapse of a month was the so there's still uncertainty in senegal as to when the delayed presidential elections will be held. president, mark yourself as his mandate as leader will end those plans on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said whether voters will go to the polls before then. 3 people were killed and protest after salt. postpone this sunday's plans election. he denies trying to cling to power and says,
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he's ready to order the release of the opposition rival it response on co nicholas' hoc has more from center goals, capital to car, the president monkey solid trying to reassure the senegalese people that an election will take place and the date will be announced after there is dialogue with opposition leaders, candidates to this presidential elections and also really just leaders. he says that an election before april 2nd, which is the end of his mandate is unlikely. but he said and made or assurances to those critics that have a cuban, same of trying to extend his time in power, that he will leave office at the end of his mandate on april 2nd. but the question remains, if he does leave on april 2nd, who will be in charge of these elections if they go ahead after he means power. so there is a level of uncertainty ahead. she's made some assurances to the opposition,
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notably that he is willing to a free some of the candidates that are in prison. notably the popular opposition to figure was spun sancho. now he is not a candidate to this election, but his deputy bust through jemma fight is a candidate. so these announcement made it search wide to pass this crisis. he says that he was victim of don't fair, international media coverage, saying that he's a democrat, he's an african and that his motivation is try to create an atmosphere of stability and peacefulness in order for this election to take place. nicholas hall, calendar 0 the car to $23.00 siders of attack. the town of south came the eastern democratic republic of congo. these 2 people, including a child, were killed,
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really destroying the violence in north cable provinces displays tens of thousands of civilians. most of those fleeing the conflict have sought refuge and go ma, from where catherine's story has vis reports. no child should have to experience what a 3 month old baby shandy as relieved to a mother was killed, went up on the house, the east, and called a lease town of a grandmother. mistaken carol ha, and 9, now the children come with the space and that was it. it was built the one that the one that that stumbled over to. we try to find what we can look for be to hubs for food, the babies where every week, i want to take it to the hospital, but i don't have the money. a short distance away. we may speak for. she barely survived johnny to come to the we closed her mother gave boss to ha on the road as she fled biting between government forces and the m. 53 group. the stores here
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difficult poops into what was the question i was in my village when the bombing started around to saki. but my labor pain started. my baby came on the way to the come half of the displaced all it is in this area. children then courage to come to such senses, why they can get a semblance of normalcy. it's all fine in game. yeah. but the children are traumatized. aid was holding to them. how about the feeling help? 8 was they need the 5000 children are being displaced every day. this is after a new round of pricing strategies, inches. every $2.00 to $3.00 days. we get a report of extra wireless. um, at least and we think that's the only friction of what is happening. also this is a high risk of being recruited by i'm fighting in areas where most of the
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displaced lead from is guessing wes, this children may not be able to return home any time soon after i saw you all to 0 . so my democratic republic of congo, fire has swept through 2 apartment buildings in spring and the killing for people. 6 firefighters and a child were among the injured in valencia. 19 people were reported missing. some waited on their balconies for rescue. a 60 kilometer wins found the flames. investigators will be looking at whether this building synthetic climbing was a factor in the fire, or dozens of gold minors, or if you're and dad's and venezuela, 16 bodies have been recovered so far, a minor se dozens of their colleagues were buried when a month well collapsed, while rob hello has more. c the search for missing gold miners and the vin,
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as well in state of believer remains underway. as the bodies of those killed during the collapse of the booty. i look at mine return to their families. survivors say dozens of other workers remain buried under as much as 30 meters of mud and dirt with all of autonomy qualifying in all those who were next to me died. but thanks to the glory of god, i am here. the look of mine is one of several illegal open pit mining enterprises in the state of bully, by many residents say mining is one of the few opportunities available for lucrative work before the deadly incident. on tuesday, the booge, i look online, employed to some 200 people according to authorities. if i meet on these condos here, i convey my condolences to the families and relatives of these people who unfortunately died in this accident. when this is due to mine, how many collapse southern venezuela is rich in gold and mineral deposits
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with accidents or comments. at least 12 people were killed last year in a similar accident pick. and then i found the windows were working. there are working under conditions where there is no one looking out for them. as you can see in the images. these are pits that are done with large machines my hand, but then those who enter there have no personal protective equipment. experts warn that a lack of government oversight and regulation on illegal mining means accidents like the one at the blue deluka are likely to happen again. my name is it up a little out. a 0 is still a heads on the al jazeera news. our palestinians flocked to a 2nd hand clothes market in southern gaza seeking essentials to protect their families from the winter, weather and conservative republicans gather. and washington for the annual conference for donald trump and his allies are taking center stage. the
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colors will say, a different kind of unsettled weather, making his way across northwest and pots. if you're probably by the next couple of days gone this the very when, when the weather making its way through. but we all got to say some of them on wednesday weather as we going through the next couple of days to spec link of shadow cloud. and a lot of ice houses will be wintry in nature as it go on through the next style. so just sliding into that west side of scotland, full of west england and of course well side of the high ground, you can expect to see a fly real to of snow, some risk why the to, to the western side of the island. but it went through by the to dad, it's a southern areas of the front setting you around the out. so you can expect to see some snow and scattering a show around, up here in east palm, sustain as well. so fair, but it winds you whether you're not full cost over the next few days. so the reason
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we have got to wet weather, just around about 6 to little dry, the average the opponent, eastern positive gemini, down towards the alpine region for a time. and as well the same as we go on 3 sides of the day, we have to whether making his way across the generic house with some snow. here is the side of the met. it's right, and that's the place to pay. that's where we are going to see present sunshine continuing over the next few days. so what's the making? just wanted to know the past of morocco and the times increasingly wet for southern nigeria. the, the unique perspective desktop plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to reveal all about what's
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happening because of the tests and media attention the stream on out just the are asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of power? no understanding the reality. reporting from the action, the hospital with fearless jasmine is just behind me. hundreds of people have been in fact to h as an in depth coverage thailand states. it's future of fossil fuels, no renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground, bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the color was on the top stories on the al jazeera news. our, the is really ministry is again, a testing residential targets across scars are killing at least $60.00 simians. more than 29400 people have been killed in dogs, us since israel launched it's war in october of doctors without borders is criticizing the us for repeatedly vetoing resolutions, calling for an immediate cease fire in gauze on the head of the a groups as the vetoes tacitly endorse continued violence, and that is really drone strike has killed of these 2 people in the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. children are among 15 others injured israel size. it was targeting and assignment. you had theater, one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been forced to flee and are now living into that far and southern gaza. the weather is cold and many loc, shelter from the elements. warm clothes have become essential,
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and people are flocking to the 2nd high markets and hopes of getting some winter essentials since in monica and has more. there aren't many choices in gaza when you're looking for the basics. this 2nd hand clothes, marketing rasa is one of the only options in town post and into last everything or hoping they'll get what they need to ensure the cold weather. then. and then as a him like is there a patient force has intensified bombardment of the north. so we would force to leave our homes and head south. we just all our belongings behind. we had just has a safe zone, but it's really difficult to get the essential is and the shops were destroyed. so we all turned to the 2nd 10 market where there is still some store that's across the bus. it's a poor selection many are making do with what they can get, but prices are high. and a lot the clothes they find won't do much to keep them warm. and i gets
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a young and then i came to the 2nd time market to find clothes for my 2 daughters. there are very few winter clothes and when i find some, they are too expensive. we are suffering in the schools whether we adults can endure the children and elderly cannot have honestly for this month i came here hoping to find some heavy winter clothes. there is none of the only light summer clothes because you've been thinking have clothes, are starting for christmas price, right? yeah, yeah. around 1500000 displays, people are taking refuge in rough up with so many in need. there simply isn't enough to go around the closing on the bottom of this house with the voters because we only have this little stock from last year. it is hardy, sufficient for just the rough, our resident, letting us now it's high, dumont and low supply. in a weeks time, we will run out of stock and i don't know what we will do. agencies or paper border crossings to be open to our aiden supplies into gaza. but until that happens,
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many will have to go without fence and monitored and i'll just be around the u. k. is the speaker of the u. k. his house of commons lindsey oil has again apologize for a controversial vote on an amendments by the labor party on gaza. the scottish national party says the speakers decision preventive vote on it. cease fire motion several and piece of cold for his resignation. harry falls certain reports from london. so after the fury of wednesday evening, there was comparative calm in the house of commons on thursday, but then he said the anger, ling good. we do not on these benches, therefore i believe that you can continue in your whole us because we do not have confidence in your ability to do so. it's got us national potty says to lindsey, hold on the decision to allow a vote on an amendment by the main opposition. legal policies prevented voting on its own guns as the sign motion and its language referring to collective punishment
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. instead there was chaos, as the governing conservative party removed its own amendment and the labor one was passed automatically heading off a potentially embarrassing labor split. when it goes a ceasefire, it doesn't, so it may be conservative in a certain team members. signing a motion of the confidence in him to speak again, apologized good, maintained. he was trying to allow a range of voting options for employees who safety might depend on how they voted on this issue. i never ever want to go through a situation where do i pick up the phone to find a friend, whatever. so that's being met by towers on that point. the conservative prime minister wait in understanding is that the speaker has apologize for what happened and is reflecting on that by the important point here is that we should never that extremist intimidate us into changing the way in which parliament was some conservative voices have been urging caution though, when it comes to cooling,
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for the removal of the speaker of the house, they being setting that fire instead, while the leader of the lady, the party who may accuse and judy pressuring, so lindsey, on wednesday the labor lead admits he went to the speaker ahead of the debate, but denied that he threatened to withdraw support from him if he didn't table labors amendment that i just don't a friend. so we have folders possible for 2nd day. the core issue of life and death and gaza as being subsumed by round about politics and procedure are useful as it i'll just say around london. the women are to be exempted from the recently announced conscription order in myanmar, but the military governments planned to enlist $60000.00 men
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a year remains on changed. the conscription law has sparked to rush by young people to flee the country and dogs not draft tony trying reports from bangkok and neighboring timelines. thousands of people waiting queues that stretch down the street outside the tie, embassy and yank on those waiting. young people, men age between 18 and 35 women age 18 to 27 coaching possible. it's another documents. only lucky few will be accepted, but they're trying because they feel there's no choice. although all the other to no one, especially educated people except the crew. now it's hard to survive, have things on good. that's why i decided to leave this country. you know, the whole lot of them are asking a beautiful as to what him, what able, i think the military conscription order is nonsense because they are running out to soldiers. the revolution is getting strong or read all. yeah, and most military used to have
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a surplus of manpower with an estimated 400000 active personnel. 3 years of intense fighting with us. um is an um, groups resisting the military coup, depleted the rings, then you can scripts in order could replenish the numbers. and restrict those who oppose them. this also serves a purpose of intimidating the use in the country and, and setting it out so that anybody can be stopped at a checkpoint, whether it's a woman or a man. and if they're under a certain age, they can be arrested if they don't have the necessary people neighboring countries . a bracing for an influx of refugees, thailand swiftly returned those who fled since the crew. but a new wave of young good determined deck cells will be hard to resist. the tide of government says it will accept movies or applications inside man law, but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to accommodate all those who
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a queuing outside the embassy. and there's real concern here that into could lead thousands typically illegally across the board. the cues outside the pos, both office and young going or even longer than those outside. the embassies, the punishment of those that don't comply with conscription is 3 years in jail and half defines. clearly many have decided the only option now is to leave tony chang al jazeera, bangkok, across europe. farmers have been holding demonstrations against raising cost and low prices, driven by cheaper imports. in italy, they're particularly frustrated with the european union, so called green deal climate initiatives. it's meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but a sonya again go reports, farmers say would also reduce production and their income choose what is shalanda has spent his life back linked to make his palm
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a success. the generation of his family to a room this very far outside room, but now he pays for it survival. the police, we don't see any, we're not getting properly paid for the work that we do on a farm. we have a norm as difficulties because of the high cost and the pressure to invest in expensive new technology learning. we come a and he's one of hundreds of thomas. we've set up a blockade on the outskirts of the capital. they say low supermarket prices, i'm european union climate targets. make it virtually impossible to make a living. the phone was hit say they are facing an ex, essential threat to the likelihood. and not politicians, not just it is people also in brussels, need to listen to that consent. if that's with us. a major prices in the sector. agriculture is a vital part of the economy and italy combined with the food industry. it makes up
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15 percent of the country's g, d p. it's workers are also a key constituency for it. and these right? when coalition government, it may cost the polity of prime minister, georgia, made only support. and this is you, parliament elections. if she's not seen to stand up for talent interests, especially when you're a present, go shaking free trade agreements. the agreement that with the medical source, so the counselors of this 1000 a lot thing. that magic agend fee now. but as the low to why and i why, the 5 my sided quite worried about this. i'm face what they call, i'm face competition because at the i agree cod sort of these are the account 3 still do not face the same as to be the adding relation to the crisis in european farming has already pushed the european commission to watch it down its commitments, but drought and loving have also affected the sector and that to will need to be addressed when and is farmers feel that businesses are safe enough from the
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financial stool. they have already whether it's sonya jago, i'll just sarah rome to the south. korean government has raised a tel solar to its highest level because of the 3 day walk out by train. the doctor, as prime minister handbook suicides, hospitals will extend the hours for medics or still working after operations were delayed and patients turned away. trainees are on striking protests. the government's plan to increase the number of doctors, which they say will reduce the quality of care in the us be annual conservative political action conference. the c pack has kicked off just outside washington. so the event draws conservative activists from around the nation, serving as a platform for the republican party. but in recent years, donald trump and his allies have taken center stage, my kind of reports. in recent years, the pack has become little more than a platform for filling the trunk brand. last week he was sending, sneak,
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has priced at $399.00, a pair, raising money to pay off mold and full $100000000.00 in, quote, in post finds this week is supporters at sea pack will be pushing the trump political agenda. his legal issues, having no apparent effect, tony's total support in what was once a forum for formulating republican policy. i think the theme of the day, the theme of the year, once again is going to be whatever donald trump's grievances are. those are going to be the grievances that are going to be expounded, etc. packed by all of the key players that we're going to hear from this year, particularly those were auditioning, and b has b, p. thomas, most loyal supporters of the bulk of the c is because including a met gates in marjorie taylor, green, lauren, but t carry lake a vice presidential hopeful and election conspiracy. terrace is also scheduled to
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speak ups and top prominent republicans like former vice president, mike pence and the, and the candidates still standing against trump in the presidential primary. nikki haley. i think what we're going to see at c pack is we're going to see a continue showcase of a party that is wrapping itself around on a crash and fascism. the regular keynote speaker in the 1st decade of c pack gatherings was then president ronald reagan. you were to jeer off the his message constant. republicans must be as wisely. fellow citizens fell conservatives. our time is now as our moment has arrived to be another moment has arrived for republicans, as the c pack is likely to demonstrate upon people has become a party for one kind of, i'll just sierra washington,
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brazil's former presidential. your both scenario has been questioned by police on suspicion of discrediting the election system. he's accused of attempting to in 2020 to monica, and actually i have reports from research should aero the result, federal police question more than 20 people today across the country. 4 of them here in rio de janeiro, most of them in the capital were still give this is part of an ongoing investigation and then the legit clocked to stop present losing now so little of us to but from taking office after he naturally defeated former presidential april sonata and the 2022 presidential elections are just a reminder. in january 8th, 2023. a week after lula took office, both sonata supporters store and the capital and 3 public buildings. what the
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investigators want to discover is if both sonata was masterminding, the uprising, or trying to plot any way of stopping the elections, or love from taking office. if you were selected as evidence, they have video from a cabinet meeting held by both center while he was present discussing these issues with his advisors. one of them say that they should turn the tables for, for the elections happened. now both so now to testify was when to the federal police headquarters in brazil yet, but he remained silent. that is part of his legal strategy. that does not mean that he will remain silent for long. he is planning a rally on sunday in the city of stone. follow with all due supporters and he's trying to make a political come back, monica, you're not of all just era. we addition narrow, still a heads on the als, is there
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a news? our welcome to the a houston odysseus hassan, his new home. over the moon, a us space craft touches down on the lunar surface for the 1st time in more than 50 years.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the so at this year's berlin film festival, several movies are focused on the lives of people living under oppressive governments. the bern. denali already has
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a reputation for confronting tough political issues. dominant cain reports from burden federal. no, it's a peaceful summer afternoon at the like, the total is no, says it seems because this is bullying in the middle of world war 2. these people are contemplating trees in from hilda with lives. we meet hands and his copland. a german couple who spied to the soviets against the nazis, and were caught convicted and condemned to death. much of the film is seen through hilda's eyes and her old deal in prison, giving birth to a child who would grow up never knowing his parents. this. i bought killed a co pay is simply very strong in the situation where it's a matter of life and death. she's just about to die and paint, then it all becomes very essential. hands on, here's a copy of both, eventually executed for high trees, and by not see germany, the sun, the fence survives to this day. molten democratic germany commemorates his parents
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here with these bras, plaques at the address where they lived during world war 2 are remembering the victims of nazi oppression is also a main theme in the movie treasure. stephen fry and lena dunham play a polish father and his daughter who travel around the homeland shortly after the end of the cold war. the visit takes them to the desk camp of our shipments which fries character dec survived. both act is related to holocaust victims themselves. we can make a choice at least a small choice to go and visit the place where that happened to them. and it's a kind of paying of on to people who have on taken away from the 1980s on, on this, in the setting for a different kind of oppression. in the film. small things like things we experience the reality of one of the modeling loan drawings, places supposedly designed by the catholic church to calf what were called full and
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women, but which the irish governments lakes are described as the nations shame christian mind showing through christ christian back to this function christian society. and it has a lot of questions about complicity and silence shame and all of those things. but i really don't think the duty of art is to answer those questions is to kind of provoke them. and the, do you see if this is betty? not a prize journey, will be to decide the winners on saturday. dominic cane al jazeera bowling. scientists say that the sun has released its most intense type of solar flare. so now, so solar dynamics observatory, observe that bright flash, the x class, or russian is a particularly intense release of energy. and it's able to disrupt radio
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communications power grids, as well as navigation signals here on earth. it's also a potential threat to asked or not on the international space station and other satellites in orbit a from the sun to the moon. a private american space company is celebrating a successful landing at the south pole. as the 1st time of us mission has touched down there in 52 years. colon baker has more on what it means for the movers. hears of relief from the control room in texas after intuitive machines, a private company successfully landed a new spacecraft near the moon's south poles lost after 2 hours of 10, some certainty and a nail biting long distance software update. the landing cemented the return of the united states to the lunar surface over 50 years since the apollo missions ended presence all of them today for the 1st time in more than a half century,
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the u. s. has returned to the moon. a modern moon rushes on just over the past year, india and japan and both landed probes on the moon. china has had rovers there for over a decade, but this is the 1st privately built craft to make it there. it may look like a moon mission, but it's really a delivery service that is where nasa pays a company to take our equipment, our science to the moon, down all the way down to the surface and get our data back. but this is the company's mission. they go up and make their way under, they buy a rocket, they design their mission and they get all the communication set up. we're just the pay cargo customer really just as if we were shipping a parcel to somebody's house, it can carry about 100 kilograms of material and provide 600 watts of power to the devices it brings. the scouts on board are the 1st tools to settle, apply it towards a moon gps station reflectors for future moon navigation and moon fuel gauges, because it's hard to keep track and low gravity. it also brings other items from
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paying customers a flying selfie cube to film the landing a textile from a clothing company to learn how to keep things warm and space, and a sculpture by the artist. jeff codes a for 7 days. oh, this is will send data back to earth that will pave the way for the moon rush that's coming. we're looking at judging the success of this particular mission. what we want to do is understand that this company was able to provide the entire service from the beginning drawings, all the way through delivery on the surface and operation on the surface. and if it can do this consistently, mission after mission. uh, these things will, it will look like this as a successful endeavor for nasa. you need to get nasa's goal is to establish a permanent lunar base for human voyagers and eventually a launching point for mars. but the us is also hoping to start a space based economy in which companies compete to be part of the journey. the government funded to politicians were worst about 2 percent of the country, g, d,
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p. at the time, half a century later, odysseus cost just $100000000.00, high risk investment that seems to have stuck it's land calling baker elders are, will be brought to know just a moments with more news on all the stuff ation. it's being used as a what the, the only way to stop getting causation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks go with the flow, are just hard to break it and shows the level of difficult because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death,
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star bases and displacements. the this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. being a journalist is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find the challenge and the huge responsibility we
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keep politicians and decision makers in check. so this devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us. then divide the through a tax too crowded refugee champs in central garza and i saw in the south as also i hit an overnight strikes a please. 6, the people have been killed the 3 watching all the 0 life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated to
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also ahead. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. the head of the doctors without borders slammed the


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