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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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a decision, where do you hear that 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the through attacks too crowded refugee champs and central gaza. that's in the south is also a hit in overnight strikes. a 360 people have been killed. the, you're watching all the 0 live from a headquarters in delphi. i'm getting obligated to also ahead. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. the head of doctors without borders slammed the un security council on the us for
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doing nothing to end the war. while children die center goals, presidents has his mandate will end in a pro, but hasn't given a date for holding elections. the off position is due to give its reaction. and me and mars military governments plans for conscription face set fact, potential recruits are fleeing the country. the palestinians have enjoyed another night if is really air attacks targeting areas right across the gaza strip. at least 40 people have been killed in central gaza. an overnight strikes on 2 crowded refugee camps and 20 others were killed elsewhere . but he does not hate, she begins are coverage. just a warning. some of the images are disturbing. a digging in the door using
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a phones flashlight tucked the heavy machinery and the fuel needed to run it are not available to search for bodies. overnight is rarely air strikes, cost further, destruction in neighborhoods and central cause. the with more palestinians killed and the injured taken to hospitals barely operating after months of bombing children who make up nearly half of causes population filled the treatment rooms of alex the hospital. the un agency eunice says at least 17000 children have been orphaned or separated from their families during the war. so far. the hospitals courtyard has become overwhelmed with bodies turning a place of healing into one of morning as airstrikes. again, target the cells. it's a similar picture in roswell, the city once considered as the last remaining safe across the
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strip. rescuers rushed to the latest every station with no end in sight to be as rarely bombardment bid admission h e l g 0. well, i'm bringing honey. my whole autonomy is joining us from a foster give us an update on the situation and tiny the aftermath of these air strikes right across the gaza strip the yes, very 9. just within the past half an hour, we're getting confirmed reports of the number of people being killed in these overnight attacks on the central area, including the densely populated refuge account. it's important to point out that that's the way growing the threats of expanding the ground. invasion of the rough estimate of people. it started to pack their stuff and move back to the central area because they thought it is a safe area. and the where as the work instructed by the, the text message and then the phone calls to get back the central
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a older to find them. so right now, a victims of these unpredictable a fall in bonds. the just a large number almost doubled the number of those with being killed or are the injuries who rushed to a lot saw hospital the aftermath. what happened in the sense from area is just not only the gas and the this your level of destruction, but the fact that just caused further internal displacement to people who have already evacuated more than one time is from the northern part of from gaza. city ended up in the central air area. our now pushed into further displays is something that feeds into more of the feeling, the, it's a permanent displacement for them. and also the fact that the vast majority of those have been killed are among the children and women. again, we're looking at entire generation since the beginning of the work of just over the children have been, have been killed or separated from their families in rough ahead overnight attacked in 2 separate locations in the eastern parts. and the central part of,
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of the city caused the death of a people of from to this place, families and cause destruction. not only to the, the residential home that were targeted, but also the vicinity. again, causing further a displacement into the city and shot or any sense so of safety that's the hub was true. so during the, from the, the horror of the ongoing war in han, you and his work is really military analysis. it has completed as a state. the statements completed its operations, limited and precise operation. according to the military, inside nasir hospitalized, had withdrew, its the troops in stock. it. what happened was more of a tactical move. this really military and its invading forces are still at the vicinity of mazda of hospital, at area hours this morning of the storm, the hospital, i guess there's still effectively blocking the entry of relief. one boy, including a few other medical supplies, the hospital, paid the management inside the hospital,
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whoever is left are unable to vary. those who died inside the i see you or the side . thank you. veterans. the ended up digging a mass grave in the backyard. the hospital we're talking about 13 people who have died within the past a 9 days when the hospital was a storm and was under military sees for the past the 25 days. it just getting very uh, worse by each passing day and the hospital is, is completely out of service right now. and really about an entire city ravaged by war has no operation of the functional health facility right now. and how do you, all of this happening? well, israel is being used for accused of using starvation as a weapon or for i mean how, what does that look like on the ground? because you have been reporting for us that people and dogs are, are starving. they are facing assignments of the well, you know,
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people so far have expressed their frustration over the fox that this storm, this war has so far, no terms at all. and everything has been used is so massively to inflect pain on the population and, and then just one person puts it very clearly. it's the unoccupied power using everything in its power to a crushed occupied pot doc pipe population, and including the use of, of food as a weapon, or what for an icing fluid, and by the cause of leading to the cause of, sorry, evasion, and an actual famine taking place in the northern parts of the gaza strip, where after $139.00, these only less than half percent of the aid that people talk about have been allowed into the northern part of these, of the guster people are hungry, traumatized displays have no place to go and were resorted to eating wherever they
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are able to you just to stay a live. but this has been causing lots of, of health complications and affecting the growth of a children affecting those who are with health complications or just the fact that people are eating animal feeds right now. just a gray in dire situations going on here in the southern part where it's all very crowded. there's a daily struggle that people there there, nor in normal life defined by the long if you excuse in front of a bakery or the front of a water destination to get some water or some a bread just to come in. very difficult in every passing day. as the amount of a it is a trick else compared to the greater needs of everybody inside the gaza strip. okay, thank you, honey. my name is reporting from alpha in the south of the gaza strip, to the secretary general of doctors without borders as war and the one security council, the children is young. this 5 and guys are saying that they would prefer to die then to witness the horrors of israel's war. christopher lock you are criticized
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repeated vito's by the us. so for us solutions, calling for an immediate cease fire. he says the move endorses continued violence for a 138 days. we have watched the system not to complete the ration of a health system. we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients and our colleagues be killed a mains. the situation is the combination of a war. israel is waging on the entire population of the gaza strip. a wall of collective punishments, a war without rules. a war will cost children who to support this war will not only pay the visible wins of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing, family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. a
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patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations crushed limbs on severe bands. they need sophisticated k, they need long and intensive rehabilitation. medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or the ashes of destroyed hospitals. the resultant of hospital beds that were not enough medications and not enough supplies. surgeons have had no choice but to carry out amputations without anesthesia, on children and presidents. the humanitarian responsive garza today is an illusion as a convenient solution to perpetuate so narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. we are opposed by the willingness of the united states to use its powers as a permanent council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evidence of resolutions. one demanding an immediate sum sustained ceasefire. there's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has presented
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a document to his security cabinet laying out his plan for gaza once the war ends. it doesn't exclude the palestinian authority from governing the strip, but it does say that israel will maintain freedom of action in the entire strip without a time limits. it also says the un refugee agency owner, well must be shut down, little marks and joining us from occupying east jerusalem. so what more was presented in, in netanyahu's plan, and was there anything new and it's anything that we haven't heard before. a well known. so the 2nd question, not a huge amount that was new, some of the details we haven't had before, but this was a document one page and link that was obtained by his reading media outlets and us outlet act seals. it essentially focuses on the fact that will remain minute tree control across the gaza strip. once the current fighting ends, that will be a buffer zone instituted if the plan is followed around the edge of the strip that
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will essentially impede and pins i should say on to the territory integrity or reduce the size of the strip. it will be a d, militarized, in many level or any of the weapons required for the maintenance of public order or lower enforcement. they're also talking about the radicalization programs and part of his proposals, but what essentially require support from arab nations, israel approves of something that might be a challenge for them to take on board. and the governance crucially had, during will be carried out by local elements with management experience. we've heard this week from these really is the pilot single program. the newest, the goal is to start working with community leaders. it's not clear whether this long term plan would roll that out across the entire territory or whether some reconstituted form of the product signals are, etc, would be in charge. so villain, has there been any reaction to this? how? how is this received by not only has security cabinet internally within israel,
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but also internationally? if there has been a reaction to there's no been a huge amount of international reaction yet we, we know it's obviously being delivered to the top levels of the is really government. obviously we had a senior us envoy visiting it this week, brent mccook, the middle east end bye for the us presidents. so i'm sure those conversations be ongoing. some of the challenges around this plan in terms of the international reaction will be the us. i did that should be no reduction of a charge of gauze, a buffet and robust. we make that very difficult. having a permanent is randy military presence on the agent go. the board is something that folks and car right mind will be thrilled by and a lot of the refinancing talked about in this series of proposals would require money from tons of golf agents, all the arab nations. they would be unwilling to commit to trying to support this effort without some kind of cost. i'm guarantee about it a roadmap to palestinian statehood. okay. and there's been a new pull out on nothing. yeah. has performance as prime minister. what have we
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learned so well this again, we're talking about the future here. and of course if this is a series of prizes, let mr. nothing y'all who is going to push forward himself. he'll need to remain in power. this is a new mar of paul. that's a newspaper group here in israel, they've commissioned, looking at what would happen, whether to be a general election here today of the $120.00 commencement seats. only 18 according to this poll would end up in the hands of liquid party members. that's nothing, you know, who's policy that would be a much larger series of seats available to be any guns his party. he would become the largest party lead onto this pole. and actually the right wing party as part of the full body of it to them up and give a, the leader of that party, the national security minister. they also look, look like they would increase the share of votes and the sharp seats inside the class at their insights, the implications why that to be an election today. and there's
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a huge amount of variables before there is a next under election. we don't know when that will be really interesting though, over the next few days that will be local, municipal elections and the analysts telling us that those are historically a very good indicator of what will happen down the road. come a general election. all right, thank you for the march report and from occupied eastern and is really drones. drake has killed at least 2 people in a refugee camp in the occupied westbank. children were among 15 others injured in, janine israel says it was targeting and is nomic. she had fighter, he is really military, it has expands at the scale of for aids in the occupied westbank since the war in gauze i began still adds on now to 0. dozens of those minors are fear and dead in venezuela after the collapse of a month was the the latest news as it breaks. and that is very blue case. they used to be able to
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fish up to 37 kilometers out to the same spot know anymore from the hall. so the story, this is how this experience is waiting for the 3 of your patients fall at the tax and they just documents and then grab with detailed coverage. the 1st situation in the global group is worsening. at least half of the population. it's already starving. the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is opposed to what is happening now. it says it's context questions, professional and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission, nothing leads, profit without result, permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without president fighting says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis,
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or does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the . the, just a reminder up the top stories on al jazeera, this hour is really military is, again attacking residential targets across cause or killing at least 60 palestinians. more than 29400 people have been killed in gaza since israel launched it's war in october. doctors without borders is criticizing the u. s. for repeatedly veto and resolutions. calling for an immediate cease fire in dogs on the
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head of the age groups as the vetoes endorse, continues violence. and that is really drone strike has killed at least 2 people in the janine refugee camp that's in the occupied westbank. children are among 15 others injured. israel says it was targeting and as long as you had fighter, one and a half 1000000 palestinians had been forced to flee. and they're now living into the house in southern gauze on the weather is cold and many like shelter. warm clothes have become essential. and people are flocking to 2nd hand markets and hopes of getting some winter essentials from to monahan has more. and there aren't many choices in gaza when you're looking for the basics. this 2nd hand, closed marketing rasa is one of the only options in town posted into lost everything or hoping they'll get what they need to ensure the cold weather for me. and then there's a him like, is there a few patients forces intensified bombardment of the north?
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so we would force to leave our homes and head south. we just all our belongings behind. we had jeff has a safe zone, but it's really difficult to get the essential is the shop squared destroyed. so we all turned to the 2nd 10 markets where there is still some store on the bus. it's a poor selection many are making do with what they can get, but prices are high. and a lot of the clothes they find won't do much to keep them warm. and i gets a young and then i came to the 2nd time market to find clothes for my 2 daughters. there are very few winter clothes and when i find some they are too expensive. i don't think we are suffering in the schools. whether we adults can endure a children and elderly cannot come whether they ask them, it's just the way i came here hoping to find some heavy winter clothes. there is none. and then only light summer clothes, even 2nd, have clothes, are subbing for crazy prices. around 1500000 displays people are taking refuge in
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rough up with so many in need. there simply isn't enough to go around the cousin on the bottom of this. how with the board is because we already have this will start from last year. it is hardly sufficient for just the roof. our resident letting us now it's high, dumont and low supplies. in a week's time, we will run out of stock, and i don't know what we will do. 8 agencies of k for border crossings to be open to our aiden supplies and the gaza. but until that happens, many we'll have to go without a sense and monahan, how does the era, the fathers still on certainty and set a goal as to when the delayed presidential elections will be held. president, microsoft as his mandate as leader will and as planned on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said whether voters will go to the polls before then. the opposition are due
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to give their reaction in the coming hours. 3 people were killed in protest. softer south, postpone this sunday's ponds election. he denies trying to cling to power. nicholas hawk has more from center goals, capital the car, the president monkey solid trying to reassure the senegalese people that an election will take place. and the date will be announced after there is dialogue with opposition leaders, candidates to this presidential elections. and also really just leaders, he says that an election before april 2nd, which is the end of his mandate, is unlikely. but he said and made or assurances to those critics that have a cuban, same of trying to extend his time in power, that he will leave office at the end of his mandate on april 2nd. but the question remains, if he does leave on april 2nd, who will be in charge of these elections if they go ahead after he leaves power. so
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there is a level of uncertainty ahead. she's made some assurances to the opposition, notably that he is willing to free some of the candidates that are in prison. notably the popular opposition to figure was spun sancho. now he is not a candidate to this election, but his deputy bust through jemma fight is a candidate. so these announcement made it search wide to append this crisis. he says that he was victim of don't fair, international media coverage, saying that he's a democrats, he's an african and that his motivation is try to create an atmosphere of stability and peacefulness in order for this election to take place. nicholas hall, calendar 0 the car. the dozens of gold miners are feared dead and venezuela. 16
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bodies have been recovered so far. madame, all right below has more. the search for missing gold miners in the vintage will in state of believer remains underway. as the bodies of those killed during the collapse of the booty, i look at mine return to their families. survivors say dozens of other workers remain buried under as much as 30 meters of mud and dirt with all of a time equal financial. those who were next to me died, but thanks to the glory of gone, i am here. the look of mine is one of several illegal open pit mining enterprises in the state of believe i many residents say mining is one of the few opportunities available for lucrative work as before. the deadly incident on tuesday, the buddha, i look on mine employed some 200 people according to authorities. if i meet on these call names here,
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i convey my condolences to the families and relatives of these people who unfortunately died in this accident. when this is due to mine, how many collapse southern venezuela is rich in gold and mineral deposits with accidents or comments. at least 12 people were killed last year in a similar accident pick. and then i found the windows were working. there are working under conditions where there is no one looking out for them. as you can see in the images. these are pits that are done with large machines my hand, but then those who enter there have no personal protective equipment. experts warn that a lack of government oversight and regulation on illegal mining means accidents like the one at the boot. deluka are likely to happen again. my name is it up a little out. a 0 fire has swept through 2 apartment buildings in spain, killing at least 4 people. 7 firefighters and a child were among the injured in valencia between 9 and 15. people have still not
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been accounted for, and some waited on their balconies for rescue was 60 kilometer wins, found the flames. investigators, we'll be looking at whether this building synthetic clotty was a factor in the fire. more evacuation warnings are being issued in australia where a bush fire is threatening rural towns in the south east. more than 2000 people have fled communities in victoria states. the fire is already destroyed properties and it spread across form lines, killing live, stock of women are to be exempted from the recently announced conscription order and me in mar, but the military governments planned to enlist 60000 men a year remains unchanged. they get inscription, law has sparked a rush by young people to flee. the country indulged the draft. tony trying reports thousands of people waiting cues that stretched down the street outside the tie,
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embassy and yank on those waiting. young people, men age between 18 and 35 women age 18 to 27 coaching possible. it's another documents only lucky if you will be accepted, but they're trying because they feel there's no choice. although all the other to no one, especially educated people except the crew. now it's hard to survive. have things on good. that's why i decided to leave this country. you know, the whole lot of them are asking a beautiful would able, i think the military conscription order is nonsense because they are running out to soldiers. the revolution is getting strong or read all. yeah. and most military used to have a surplus of manpower with an estimated 400000 active personnel. 3 years of intense fighting with us. um is an um groups resisting the military to depleted the rings. then you can scripts in order could replenish the numbers and
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restrict those who oppose them. this also serves as a purpose of intimidating the use in the country and setting it out so that anybody can be stopped at a checkpoint, whether it's a woman or a man. and if they're under a certain age, they can be arrested if they don't have the necessary people neighboring countries . a bracing for an influx of refugees, thailand swiftly returned those who fled since the crew. but a new wave of young good term and dec sales will be hard to resist. the tide of government says it will accept more, all these are applications inside man law. but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to accommodate all those who a queuing outside the embassy. and there's real concern here that into could lead thousands typically illegally across the board. the cues outside the pos, both office and young going or even longer than those outside. the embassies, the punishment of those that don't comply with conscription is 3 years in jail,
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and half defines. clearly many have decided the only option now is to leave tony chang al jazeera bangkok, had online, so i'll just talk. com for all the latest news and all the latest headlines. warning is at the top of the hour of next inside story, the, the hello fresh air, bryce. the weather will make its way across a good part of western europe over the next couple of days ahead of but we have seen the storm literally sweeping across and on a positive front damaging winds and some flooding here. that's the remnant of a storm. now, making its way into what norway, training with a system all the way down into that western side of the met, it's right in across spain. and that's where we are going to see more of the way out and right trembling its way for the east. we say we carry with ash shala's
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bright disguise. that will be some sparkling sometime in between those shots. but you see by speculating, a shower cat coming in the course islands and the 3 scotland england ad wells. and that will continue to make its way for the east west, that'll go with our fresher, whether we are looking at single figures across the good part of western europe. that big mass of cloud. and right, and what was larry that brings them whether they're out of finland down across the baltics, pushing right down through the bulk and some snow that river the out significant snow for maybe as much as 30 to 40. sent to meet his full some. and then some with, with right down into italy or how does that generally try and bright for the next couple of days actually will see those went through. so i was making my way down to close it in their accounts, through the vocals, down towards greece. bride to but most shot was to the west as the in october 2023. these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and
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permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people in power, those into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement. and explorers, whether tearing palestinians from us as the occupied west bank is ready to transfer on and just the israel is blamed for blocking a deliveries to gauze and accusation. the government denies. so what mechanisms are in place for israel to ensure food and to mandatory and assistance reaches the millions of people the un says are at risk of starvation. this is inside the .


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