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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the austin, the cool, that used to produce outstanding gymnast them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the holding the powerful to account as we examined the us role in the on of your 0. the israel attacks, too crowded refugee camps and central dogs are that far from the south is also a fit in overnight strikes. at least 60 people have been killed. the 2 watching alda 0 live from a headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also coming up the psychological injuries. i've led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would
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prefer to die. the head of doctors without borders slammed the united nations security council of the united states for doing nothing to end the war while children died. in other news center goals, president says, because mandates will end in april, but hasn't given a date for holding elections. the opposition is due to give it's reaction on me and more as military governments plans for conscription face set facts, potential recruits are fleeing the country. the hello palestinians have enjoyed another night if is really are a tax targeting areas across the gaza strip. at least 40 people have been killed in central gaza. an overnight strikes on 2 crowded refugee camps and 20 others were killed elsewhere. but that my head, she begins or cover is just a warning. some of the images are disturbing. the digging in the
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door using. 6 phones, flashlight tucked the heavy machinery and the fuel needed to run it are not available to search for bodies. overnight is rarely air strikes, cost further, destruction in neighborhoods and central cause. the with more palestinians killed and the injured taken to hospitals barely operating after months of bombing children who make up nearly half of causes population filled the treatment rooms of alex of hospital the un agency, unicef says at least 17000 children have been orphaned or separated from their families during the war so far, the hospitals courtyard has become overwhelmed with funding turning a place of healing into one of morning as airstrikes. again, target the cells. it's
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a similar picture in rough up the city once considered as the last remaining safe. so that i mean to the we were sleeping peacefully at home, my brother called crying my sister and all her children were killed. they were all innocent civilians. my sister was killed with her children, including her 2 year old daughter and see it old son. you know, special offer and this is our gift. on the advent of the holy month of ramadan government, new bombs and missiles from the us, instead of enforcing a ceasefire and letting the displaced return home. the americans in israel is continued to kill up across the strip. rescuers rushed to the latest every station with no end in sight to be as rarely bombardment bid admission. h e l g 0 will cross left off. that's right. all to 0 is heidi must move the standing by for us, honey. no doubt the death toll from the overnight and morning strikes this is
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likely to arise the yes very, and it's a continuous and there are no relenting on the tox, across the gauze, as to just within the past half an hour. emerging news, distressing emerging news of from the gaza city. the 13 people are being reported killed with double the numbers still under the rubble of the 20 of these you would have been killed are those and as the tune. busy neighborhood in more attacks on the residential buildings in what seems to be these really military and it's invading forces of the neighborhood has not ended yet. and there is still continuing destroying the vast majority of the neighborhood, including its public facilities, as well as the infrastructure that has turn, just turn the entire neighborhood into a pile of ruins and up. but the same time, more than a were close to 7 people in the eastern part of ton unit a. booth
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a mac family were targeting a group of people who were in front of their residential homes. were targeted by a, by a talking drawers. what people hear lars is described by it as a skies of predators. just targeting them with coupled metals and killing 7 people rushed to gaza european hospital. that's the hospital in between the gaza, between hon unit and dropbox, to be the only remaining large health facility in the southern area, but already over one with the number of injuries and displaced families inside of it. and overnight, a tops in dropbox, 58 people from one family, were killed inside residential homes, into a different locations in the eastern part of the city. and the central part of rough i city, the central area that was a hit, the hardest and overnight attacks. and early hours of this morning, quitting air attacks and artillery, so they were talking about a close to 60 people with more people is still under their levels that included at
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the rest of taxed by a drawing missiles on, evacuated inside in 10, inside the tent at the western part of the central air, and as though i, the area there seems to be a storage in the tax and unrelenting air strikes going on since the early hours of last night. as of right now, as we speak and tiny, we've also seen that as early as target hospitals throughout the gaza strip. what is the space off? i mean, you mentioned the european hospital just a moment ago saying that it's the only functioning hospital in the south of the gaza strip. what about the in the north and the goal is to serve or are there any functioning hospitals at all? well within the past due date, there was a report of remish of a hospital that the hospital is in gradually a step by step,
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getting back into providing some basic health intervention to injuries. but the fact that there are no medical supplies and the vast majority of the medical staff either been displaced or killed or dictated by these really invading forces in gaza, just leaving the entire facility non operational. so we're talking about entire in northern part and gaza city and not only there's ongoing unrelenting attack, there is spam and going on, but health facilities are not functioning it to the level that is able to respond to the, the, the, the, the emergencies and the level of difficult of the created by the ongoing bindings in the center on they are, there's only one operation of the hospitals there. it's a lock. so hospital, but its function is at the lowest capacity possible right now. it's what we heard from a doctor within the past few days that the, the hospital is 50 times the on this capacity right now because it doesn't have enough if you will, doesn't have enough medical supplies and haven't received enough within the past
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months. just putting the risk of injury is patients sense and display as the families who are inside the hospital. and this is what's going on. people are not only at the corner of the hospital, but right in the corner, doors in the leading alley ways into the rooms and the operations rooms and tense of care unit people are have our have been filtering inside this health facility. since the beginning of the workforce, hot new and is after nicer hospital, it was a storms and it's still being still invite is really military is completely out of service and a lot of hospitals that's a charity health facility is operated and managed by the policy and a request and society also out of service. it just impossible to think of an entire city from based in part of the board as all the way to the cost of what has non operational health facilities, only increasing the difficulties and the levels of, of suffering for an already traumatized population. honey, my would or for different but i for honey. thank you so much. i as the secretary
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general of doctors without borders, has worn the un security council about children as young as 5 in gaza or saying they would prefer to dive in to witness the horrors of israel's war. christopher lock you are criticized, repeated vito, spying us of resolutions calling for an immediate cease fire. he says the move essentially endorses continues violence for a 138 days. we have watched the system back to complete the ration of the health system. we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients and our colleagues be killed a mains. the situation is the combination of a war. israel is waging on the entire population of the gaza strip. a war of collective punishments. a war without rules will actually cost children who to support this war will not only pay the visible billions of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones too. there was a repeat to displacements,
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constant fear. i'm witnessing family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. a patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations crushed limbs on severe beds. they need sophisticated k. they need long and intensive rehabilitation. medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or the ashes of destroyed hospitals. the resultant of hospital beds. they were not enough medications and nothing of supplies. surgeons have had no choice but to carry out amputations without anesthesia. on children and presidents, the humanitarian responsive garza today is an illusion, is a convenient solution to perpetuate. so now it says that this war is being waged in line with international laws. we are opposed by the willingness of the united
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states to use its powers as a permanent council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evidence of resolutions. one demanding an immediate, i'm sustained cease by all the un agency for palestinian refugees. that when our was says it's reached, a breaking point is real, put some more pressure to dismantle the agency. 16 countries including the u. s. u k, and germany has suspended funding, totaling 450000000 dollars. the owner was chiefly plus a really says the agency's ability to fulfill its mandate is now under serious threats. adding to that more than a 151 of our facilities have been targeted by is earlier strikes since the war began. well, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has presented a document to his security cabinet laying out his plan for dogs once the war ends. it doesn't exclude the palestinian authority from governing the strip. but it does say israel will maintain freedom of action and the entire strip without
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a time limits. it also says the un refugee agency, one of them must be shut down. we'll bring in villa marks in joining us, an occupied east jerusalem. so what was the take away from this planned bloom? well the takeaway was, this was very vague. the reading, it was a one page document obtained by his writing media outlets presented to his security cabinet last night. some of the details are interesting, if not entirely new, talking about a security zone and a buffalo. and as it was rounding the gaza strip where it meets with israel. this is something that is likely to meet with significant opposition, particularly united states has made it very clear. they are on willing to countenance a reduction in the size of the strip. talking about the strip becoming demilitarized, once the ongoing fighting ends, the idea that would be no weapons allowed inside the strip. besides those necessary for the maintenance of public order and law enforcement. also not to me all who proposing a de radicalization program,
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something that he said would rely on assistance and the involvement of arab nations, the israel approves all. and the reconstruction process would be contingent. busy on both sides d, radicalization having begun, as well as the demilitarized ation. and just finally, during the idea that that would be a form of government that would involve local leaders. this is something that, as well as be looking to roll out, potentially from a pilot program in the north of the gaza strip. but the other alternative, of course, is the re constituted form of the product signal. dorothy, and as i said, the details about this very vague, but like you to face international push back, both from united states, from egypt you might have concerns about is really minutes you present on the board with gaza. and of course, from some of the arab nations that might be cool to try and finance this. they would insist one has to assume based on that public statements. but apart to palestinian statehood would be a necessary formation of this proposal. right. and for them, what more we learning about nothing. yeah. himself, because there's been a new poll that's been published in israel looking at his performance. has prime
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minister, what are people said to a little bit. so we've had a couple of holes this week. we had one a couple days ago looking at the likelihood of what they called absolute victory. not many people. suddenly the majority thought was likely this is now looking at political success, whether to be an election here. this is commissioned by mark b is reading newspaper group, and it found that the liquid coffee headed by that to me all who would full to just 18 seats out of the $120.00 in the commission. the problem in the head would that to be a general election today, many guns, the opposition politician who's joined inside the rule cabinet. essentially during this conflict, he looks like he would come out on top. his policy with the most number of seats. interesting though, it's him up and give a, the national security minister who's part of that to me all who's told us in right now. his fall right party under this poll would also look to increase it seats and the kinetic implications of the long time. the however,
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anything and goals or plays out what of course be contingent on the israeli government. why that to be a general election? we don't know whether that would be and when it would be that would be significant changes based on this poll. okay, thank you. the march report from occupied east jerusalem now and there's really drones strike has killed at least 2 people in a refugee camp in the occupied westbank. children were among 15 others injured in the janine refugee, cham israel says it was targeting in his line, and you had to fight. are these really military is, expands at the scale of rates and they occupied westbank since the war in gaza began still a heads on algae 0. how huge numbers of children are among the victims of escalating war and the democratic republic of congo. the
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hello will say will, will the son show it across the good parts of indo strive that allows the clear sky . see it as you can see, a lot of sunshine to into the philippines. but a few showers just drifting in from the pacific for plenty of showers. meanwhile, 3, malaysia, the west of weather will be in to indonesia, west and pa. so for some entre seeing some bacon fund re down pools, could lead to some localized funding. the same is true to for good part of java scattering. a shout was continuing here. the majority of them, as you can see, to the south of the equator. now we have got several way weather, making its way to west. impossible, straight. yes. the lincoln typical cycling lincoln has a reinvigorated reforms and that will run its way down towards the west upon the sofa, w y as we go on through the next couple of days. something to watch out for here, for the south, high pressure and shots around the bytes and glory and more of a suddenly direction. this cold fronts made its way through victoria,
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new south wales and making his way into a new scene in some way. whether it's come across the south side and through saturday, but fresh weather brought to weather while the west sunshine coming into a southeastern corner of new zealand over the next dial. so there's lincoln across the west side of the country and showers continue. the queensland of the record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points that have come in the 1st of a 2 part investigation. 101 east meets the chinese, my friends risk middle to the american dream on out to 0 examining the impact of today's headline. ouch. is there a sense the stage giving voice to the voice program producing rise to an alternative view of the world today on ouch is in
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the the is a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera, this hour is really military is, again attacking residential targets across calls of killing at least 60 pounds for the ends. within 29400 people have been killed in golf since israel launched its war in october. doctors without borders is criticizing the us for repeatedly vetoing resolutions, calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. the head of a group says the vito's tacitly endorse continued violence and is really drawn. strike has killed the police to people and the jimmy in refugee camps in the west bank. children are long 15,
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others injured israel size was targeting in islamic jihad fighter. hundreds of children and rough and southern garza had become street vendors in an effort to support their families. but despite having to work there still hoping to go back to school and for life to return to and how it was before israel launched, it's more highly hash and reports that was good. yeah, good, that's good. this busy markets and ruffle has become a custom to i'm much voice of putting his biscuits on chocolate for say that's good . that's before the war. he was a student living in the shape of one neighborhood in northern garza. but today is another street vendor, hoping to help this comedy. oh yes. i am 12 years old. i used to be in the 6th grade or house, and garza was bombed and destroyed. i. so here to help my family and siblings, i work here for 5 hours every day. so he's not the only one here. what each child
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has their own line of business, jory. yeah, i'm talking about so successfully such as press let's on here. ties to have the properties that only hope at the moment is to get back to more. yeah, yeah, either. yeah. now i want to go back to school. i want to play. i want to draw, i wish i can play back with the kids. just like other children, how they study. they play, they do whatever they want. we are in a war. we wake up to bombings and sleep to rock. we sleep with fear and wake up to fear and they say, i say look, i want to dislike the nitty kids. i want to practice my hobby. i want to go to school. i want my life before the lord about the war has a distance done from the trying to the what's the use to express the concern belong to a different generation? well, i know that i'm a refugee from joseph. from early morning,
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i come to the market and my daily money. i live in the tent. the situation here in rafa is too difficult. it's getting expensive day off today. and actually, i'm afraid to open these really incursion into rough or wherever we to go. we flip gaza because of fear. if we have pushed out side drop off or what are we to do to units of report has one that children and gaza outpacing multiple threats. as a result of is rose, relentless for the number of kids. kids is close 215000 with the lack of any effective effort to reach a ceasefire, the threat to more depths increases as a result of the lack of food surgeon value attrition, and drop it spread. hash. and i just see the,
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they're still on certainty in senegal, as to when the delayed presidential elections will be housed president, microsoft says his mandate as leader will ends as planned on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said whether voters will go to the polls before then. the opposition are due to give their reaction in the coming hours. 3 people were killed in protests after sol postpone this sunday's plans election. he denies trying to clean to power. nicholas hawkins, more from sun, a goals, capital the car, the president monkey solid trying to reassure the senegalese people that an election will take place and the date will be announced after there is dialogue with opposition leaders, candidates to this presidential elections. and also really just leaders, he says that an election before april 2nd, which is the end of his mandate, is unlikely. but he said and made or assurances to those critics that have
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a cuban, same of trying to extend his time in power, that he will leave office at the end of his mandate on april 2nd. but the question remains, if he does leave on april 2nd, who will be in charge of these elections if they go ahead after he means power. so there is a level of uncertainty ahead. she's made some assurances to the opposition, notably that he is willing to free some of the candidates that are in prison. notably the popular opposition to figure was spun sancho. now he is not a candidate to this election, but his deputy bust through jemma fight is a candidate. so these announcement made it search wide to obtain this crisis. he says that he was victim of don't fair, international media coverage, saying that he's a democrat,
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he's an african and that his motivation is try to create an atmosphere of stability and peacefulness in order for this election to take place. nicholas hall, calendar 0 the car. i'm 23 fighters of attack, the ton of stock in the eastern democratic republic of congo. at least 2 people, including a child were killed. this latest round of violence in north cube of province was displaced tens of thousands of civilians. and most of those fleet and the conflict have sought refuge in goma. from our catherine story, i sent this report. the no child should have to experience. what is the 3 month forward to save you cindy, as a lead to a mother was killed when up on the type of house that he's going to call a lease town or a grandmother. be sticking, carol ha! and 9, now the children come for the space and that was it. it was the one i don't know if that's stumbled over to we try to find what we can. we look for beat to hubs for
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food. the baby's very weak. i want to take it to the hospital, but i don't have the money but a short distance away. we may speak for. she barely survived johnny to the comp to though we caused her mother gave boss to ha on the road as she fled biting between government forces and the m 53 group. the stores here difficult poops into what was the question i was in my village when the bombing started around to saki. but my labor pain started. my baby came on the way to the come. half of the displaced all is in this area. i children then courage to come to such senses, why they can get a semblance of normalcy. it's all fine in game. yeah. but the children are traumatized. aid was talking to them about them feeling help. 8 was
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say, nearly 5000 children are being displaced every day. this is after a new round of pricing strategies, inches. every $2.00 to $3.00 days. we get a report of extra wireless. um, at least and we think that's the only friction of what is happening. also there was a high risk of being recruited by i'm fighting in areas where most of the displaced lead from is guessing was that his children would not be able to return home any time soon after he saw you all to 0. so my democratic republic of congo, a fire has slipped through 2 apartment buildings in spain, killing at least 4 people. 7 firefighters and the child were among the injured in valencia. between 9 and 15 people have not been accounted for. some waited on their balconies for rescue a 60 kilometer wins found the flames. investigators, we'll be looking at whether they're building synthetic clotting was
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a factor more evacuation warnings are being issued on australia where a bush fire is threatening rural towns in the southeast. more than 2000 people have fled communities in victoria states. the fires already destroyed properties on spread across farm lands, killing livestock, and we are sadly hearing reports of property loss that are starting to come through . given the active nature of the fall and the difficult terrain in the area, it is going to take some time to assess the full extent of the damage. also to, it needs to be, as i need to be able to go into areas that have been made size, women are expected to be exempt from the recently, you know, conscription order any more. but the military governments planned to enlist $60000.00 men a year remains unchanged. the conscription law has sparked a rush by young people to flee the country and dogs, the draft. tony trying reports thousands of people waiting queues that
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stretch down the street outside the tie. embassy and yank on those waiting. young people men age between 18 and 35 women age 18 to 27. touching past bullets and other documents, only lucky fee will be accepted, but they're trying because they feel there's no choice, although are the so the no one, especially educated people except the crew. now it's hard to survive, have things on good. that's why i decided to leave this country. you know, the whole lot of them are asking of, you know, i think we would have would able, i think the military conscription order is nonsense because they are running out to soldiers. the revolution is getting strong or read all. yeah. and most military used to have a surplus of manpower with an estimated 400000 active personnel. 3 years of intense fighting with us, nick is, i'm groups resisting the military to at depleted the ranks. the new conscription
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order could replenish the numbers and restrict those who oppose them. this also serves the purpose of intimidating the use in the country and sending it out so that anybody can be stopped at a checkpoint, whether it's a one menorah man. and if they're under a certain age, they can be arrested if they don't have the necessary people neighboring countries . a bracing for an influx of refugees, thailand swiftly returned those who fled since the crew. but a new wave of young determined deck cells will be hard to resist. the tale government says it will accept movies or applications inside man law, but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to accommodate all those who a queuing outside the embassy. and there's real concern here that into could lead thousands to play illegally across the board. the cues outside the pos, both office in young going or even longer than those outside. the embassy is the
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punishment of those that don't comply with. conscription is 3 years in jail, and half defines, clearly, many have decided the option now is to leave tony chang elda 0, bangkok, brazil's for her president, valuable center, has refused to testified his police interrogation for allegedly discrediting the election system. he's accused of attempting accrue in 2022, monica on our cat reports from rio de janeiro results federal police question more than 20 people today across the country. 4 of them here in rio de janeiro, most of them in the capital for stillia. this is part of an ongoing investigation on in the legend clocked to stop, present, wheezing now to let us to. but from taking office after he naturally defeated former presidential april sonata and the 2022 presidential elections are just a reminder. in january, 8th, 2023, a week after lula took office,
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both sonata supporters store and the capital and 3 public buildings. what the investigators want to discover is if both sonata.


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