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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, this business of say these me most talk no bundle a dash before to use the, [000:00:00;00] the color that runs dante and this is in use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes pulled and a 100 people killed in the past 24 hours of to is really strikes target displaced, palestinians, and central and southern goals and breaking points ahead of the u. n. agency, the palestinian refugees says, is there any pressure on funding for uses?
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puts his organization on the frank setting. what type of it can on the streets of cause a child? when does it say they want to go back to school based on these depend on them to provide incentive goals. president says his mandate will end in april. that still hasn't given a date for holding elections. the opposition disuse get his reaction on joint as well. so with the sports, as england's cricket is continue just struggling that towards india with the bus stop the full test. the whole palestinians have enjoyed another night of his really strikes targeting areas across the gaza strip. some 60 people were killed in central garza and organized strikes on 2 crowded refugee camps that and over 104 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. but it has a history, begins, are covered under warning, some of the images,
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you'll see all the stuff digging in the door using the phone's flashlight touches the heavy machinery and the fuel needed to run it are not available to search for bodies overnight is rarely air strikes cost, further destruction in neighborhoods and central cause, the with more palestinians killed and the injured taken to hospitals barely operating after months of bombing children who make up nearly half of causes population filled the treatment rooms of alex of hospital the un agency. unicef says at least 17000 children have been orphaned or separated from their families during the war. so far. the hospitals courtyard has become overwhelmed with funding turning a place of healing into one of morning and as airstrikes again target the cell. it's a similar picture in rough uh,
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the city once considered as the last remaining safe, so that i mean, today's not there just went ahead. we were sleeping peacefully at home. my brother called crying my sister and all her children were killed. they were all innocent civilians. my sister was killed with her children, including her 2 year old daughter and 3 year old son, you know, special offer. and this is our gift. on the advent of the holy month of ramadan government, new bombs and missiles from the us, instead of enforcing a ceasefire and letting the displaced return home. the americans in israel is continued to kill up and across the strip. rescuers rushed to the latest every station with no end in sight to be as rarely bombardment bid admission h e l g 0. let's go live now to russell. it was out of there is honey lockwood is standing by for us, honey and all the visual nights of strikes,
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the center continue the way to early hours this morning. it is within the hour and then i'm in few minutes for warranty, right? in front of the residential home that i'm filtering at the beginning of the around and based on new and is that they will not be sensitive. we're going miss those 7 right away and the other were reported are the critical injuries do the hospital getting in an area between hondas and the city. and the only serving for the majority of the trips in an earlier hours in the people were killed in the top, the extent the density populated, neighborhood in days from the night to neighborhood, as well as the west of the city. but didn't mean to say neighborhood for the past 2 days,
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this neighborhood was on there. he talked to the delivery showing just the visual building, and there are 20 people to do it. the story building that was really level to the ground of the 3 families, the filtering inside of it and the from the northern part of the city, you know, we're not attacks and that, that was a thing in 2 separate occasions. a friend part of the same from the city, a people from visit ways families been sold during the residential or air county, the probably the more expensive places for a larger population. honeymoon which they have with the nicest forest from the ground in southern gaza. thank you. honey,
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i will try to stand in spring from gauze as north se they've been attacked along the road that israel's ministry previously had said was a safe passage with nowhere to go. many on our sheltering of the aisle chief a hospital facility if it's barely functioning under warning, he had to some of the images and kaley kayla has reported also to stopping the palestinian mother is almost inconsolable. she described to style the team display from northern guns that were on our way to the south, and the 2 men who were accompanying us were march. here we were bombed. suddenly we started running. my baby has been eaten anything. i don't know what to do now. the situation is so dire. i tell chief a hospital, she pleads with doctors to help feed her baby. my baby needs some milk help. oh god, please have mercy on us. in teams, fine and gowns as north and the lack of food supplies is least, palestinians with no choice but to leave. i really, i'm a jew,
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omen. these children are starving. we have no food or water. we are heading south, hoping to find some nourishment. we have absolutely nothing here as rails and these ignited the l received straight, which clinics the north to the south as a safe card or it's proving to be anything above that. the bottom of the show was fired while people were on the way to the south. many people were killed or injured . the general bar center was packed and i was heading south. here's my bag stained with the blood of those who were injured. who did arrive at el cheapo hospitals taking refuge in medical care. as israel continues it to relieve less offensive in gaza, clear the young and innocent continue to pay for tv. a surprise. can you tell us how to 0? well, the temperature general of doctors without borders has wound the un security council. the children as young as 5 and gaza, all saying now that they would prefer to die than witness the horrors of israel's
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war. christopher, located criticized for peace and victories by the us. of resolutions calling for an immediate cease fire. he says, and root passively endorses continued violence. as for a $138.00 days, we have watched the system by ticket, but it's a ration of a health system we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients on our colleagues because a mains. the situation is the combination of a war. israel is waging on the entire population of the gaza strip. a wall of collective punishments, a war without rules, a war as will cost children to, to support this war will not only pay the visible millions of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing family members of literally dismember before that rise the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would
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prefer to die. a patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations crushed limbs on severe bands. they need sophisticated k, they need long and intensive rehabilitation. medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or in the ashes of destroyed hospitals. the resultant of hospital beds. there were not enough medications. and nothing of supplies. and surgeons have had no choice, but to carry out amputations without anesthesia on children. by them, presidents, the humanitarian response and gaza today is an illusion. a convenient solution that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. we are opposed by the willingness of the united states to use its powers as a permanent council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evidence of resolutions. one demanding an immediate sum, sustained seized by the all the un agencies of palestinian refugees. honora says
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it's reached a breaking point, as israel puts more pressure to dismantle the agency. 16 countries i'm choosing united states, u. k and germany have all suspended funding, totaling some $450000000.00 and retrieve flip it as it really says the agencies and facilities to fulfill its mandate is now on the serious threat. adding to that more than a 150 or facilities have been targeted by as randy, as strikes since this war began. well, we can speak to talk tomorrow, i'll refine, choose the spokes person full on rush. you joins us now from kyra. tomorrow you're saying we're near breaking point, how far away is not, how much longer can overall continue operating. we're very, very close. we're very close to not being able to work in gaza, but also across the whole region. this is a few weeks close. pretty specially because of the suspension of funding that then will seriously threat them. our ability to maintain 700 schools,
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a 140 health centers in the region, but also to maintain our light saving operations. and uh, but also i have to here ready to raise the political pressure. this is where it was exercising audra and then seeking to dismantle the agency is really, really no restricting our ability to work with the color of the in east jerusalem in the west bank. let me ask you a little more about timelines tomorrow because a lot of this happens with the funding freezes because of alleged involvement of unrest off in, in the attacks of october 7th. obviously a number of steps have been taken. how far away is there's, there's an intel or besides report that was meant to take full weeks and i understand that as well. so this of the independent panel, they should have finalized that support by april. is there any way that on record survive until then and we jumped through us for
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a few more weeks. thanks to the news to for the new funding we got from some of our donors who are still supporters of the agency and believe it was in the mission of food or despite that decision by some of our other largest builders, this is better. so for example, ireland just gave us the $20000000.00 euros. for example, we managed to advance the payments by some of our donors. so payment that was supposed to be scheduled for later in the year. it was paid in advance to allow us to hold on for another few weeks. and the real question is, yes, there is an independent external investigation. and to the allegations that 12 staff members took part in the whole roof and get that to the 7th of october. but then was toilet take for the owners who decided to suspend their funding to reimburse their in decisions until one of the findings are out no matter what the findings are. here we're talking about the existential threat to an agency that is
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75 years old. and that has like saving, but also education health care, social protection activities in the whole region, with a population of bellis fun refugees today amounting to $5900000.00 in the ok by dollars and in 3rd trees, but also enjoy the 11 all in syria. so let me ask you, then tomorrow you say there's a few weeks left. what would the end of and i looked like on the ground, not only and goes a bit around the region. it would look like a real good, faster fee. no other agency in gaza today has the infrastructure, the number of employees then and i'll inch the list of beneficiaries and shelters the trucks that need no other agency has all this and goes up to date within the region. and the impact is also very wouldn't be very, very severe. we have a half a 1000000 children attending on russell where all these children go in our schools
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were diploma. we have 2000000 patients, palestine refugees, the most vulnerable communities in other countries. but generally all the where to little bit again, their health services from so an interruption to our basic core services mean and someone else has to think over. cool, that's the and under what, what attitude, this is why the commissioner general address the president of the just of the general assembly, the un general assembly, through what you enjoy the real assembly resolution game on the road. that's monday . the mission. it is only the general assembly and the members space of the general assembly. the shows can discuss the future of under was not a single you one member state who is the width by the work and wonderful it was symbolizes 75 years of palestinian refugees. this is what we symbolize tamara, speaking of, of the future of one. right. let me ask you about what we've had for me. nothing y'all here recently. he's told his cabinet of his funds for post will cause a,
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he's unequivocal. he said that there must be no unreal. can i ask you if your response to that it is not a coincidence when the attempts to dismount until they are what are happening at the same time as the is riley prime minister showing a map of the future of israel to the general assembly, a map of the future of israel, that includes and compasses. all the palestinian territories were under what works . i do not find this the vehicle incident. tamara, l 5 as folks pass and for the united nations relief and walks agency for post any refugees. thank you so much tomorrow we wish you and the agency last whole as i just mentioned is randy prime minister benjamin as in yahoo has demanded to the own run must be shut down as part of his post full plan that he submitted to a security cabinet of a plan does not exclude the policy and authorize you from governing district in the
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future. but it does say that israel will maintain and i'm quoting hit freedom of action in the entire strip without the time limit. it also says the garza should be complete the demilitarized, except for weapons that aren't necessary to maintain public order of more than this, that speak to the monks. he isn't occupied the story. some of them i believe. and you know, he gave some more details about his plans, tell us more as well. they included elements like a security buffers loan. where does the meets with israel talking about the need to maintain that indefinitely. that's something that us online seats, accounts events given they've said they don't want to say no reduction in gauze, territorial integrity. that is going to be in his really ministry presence along the border with egypt. something that cairo's unlikely to be very happy about. he also talked about a di radicalization program with the help of arab nations, but is rel, approves of something that he said would be necessary in this document is obtained
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by is really media something he said that would be necessary before reconstruction . could begin. and this, as you say, would remain in the middle try zone very, very significant over the course of the last few months. we tied a lot of these details in public statements, but the find these are not being committed to paper means that there is a possibility. these will be debated inside his cabinet in the weeks and months to come. he's left it relatively vague in order to give himself room for political move. uh huh. and sent him before i let you go. i believe we're getting word of another palestinian prisoner dead and is rarely custody. what do we know? yeah, the last arrow. so we've had some details from the palestinian prisoner society and organization here talking about the fact that an individual from gaza has died in, in his rate of prison clinic, about 50 kilometers northwest affair in the time of rhonda, the mines not being identified yet. he was detained off to the 7th of october,
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and it makes him the 10th postilion to die in his ready custody since the war and gauze of started israel's being withholding the bodies of these individuals as well as the remains of 11 all the palestinians who died in jail, in the past several years. so that's an update we have on that individual for you. how are we bringing him or not as we get better marks that for us with the nicest or multiply these choice? thanks man, as well in his writing, try and strike me while it has killed these 2 people and a refugee camp in the occupied westbank. children were among the 15 others injured to engineering refuge account, as well says it was targeting and as i make jihad plaza, the is there any minute tree has expanded the scale of its reins and the occupied westbank since its war and gauze of again. i'll still punch more. have you this news out including me on last minute she government is plans for a conscription face that box potential recruits of fleeing the country dozens of goals minus of the
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a dead and venezuela after the collapse of the model on the walls and the best tennis square extends a winning street to 7 matches and the name that's coming up shortly. if josh, the fire has swept through 2 apartment buildings in spain can at least 4 people. 75 fighters and a child were among the injured to them, valencia. between 9 and 15 people still have not been accounted for. some wasted on their balconies for rescue as 6 feet kilometer strong winds found very strange investigations we'll be looking at whether the building synthetic cutting was a fact to mean a lot more evacuation warnings of being issued in australia where bush client is threatening rural towns in the southeast, within 2000 people have fled to communities in the state of victoria. if i is already destroyed properties and spread across farmland, killing livestock,
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we asked sadly hearing reports of property loss that are starting to come through, given the active nature of the fall and the difficult terrain in the area, it is going to take some time to assess the full extent of the damage also to it needs to be as i need to be able to go into areas that have been made size to the south. korean government has raised its health a lot to its highest level because of a 3 day will count by training doctors. prime minister conduct services that hospitals will extend to the hours phonetic. so we're still working off the operations with delayed and patients turned away. the trainees are on strike and protest that the governments found to increase the number of doctors, which they say will reduce the quality of cap. is willing to be exempted from the recently announced conscription order and yeah, and then the ministry governments content list some 60000 men yet still remains unchanged. the conscription law has bought
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a rush by young people to flee the country and don't use the draft. tony chang has more thousands of people waiting queues that stretch down the street outside the tie, embassy and young going. those waiting, young people men age between 18 and 35 women age 18 to 27. touching past bullets and other documents earlier lucky, few will be accepted, but they're trying because they feel there's no choice. although all the so the no one, especially educated people except the crew. now it's hard to survive. have things on good. that's why i decided to leave this country. you know, the whole lot of whom i left and the beautiful, i think we would have would able, i think the military conscription order is nonsense because they are running out to soldiers. the revolution is getting strong or red. oh, yeah. and most military used to have a surplus of manpower with an estimated 400000 active personnel. 3
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years of intense fighting with ethnic um is i know groups resisting the military to depleted the rings, then you can, scripts and order could replenish the numbers and restrict those who oppose them. this also serves a purpose of intimidating the use in the country and sending it out so that anybody can be stopped at a checkpoint, whether it's a woman or a man. and if they're under a certain age, they can be arrested if they don't have the necessary people neighboring countries . a bracing for an influx of refugees, thailand swiftly returned those who fled since the crew. but a new wave of young determined deck cells will be hard to resist. the tale government says it will accept movies or application since inside man law. but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to accommodate all those who accusing outside the embassy. and there's real concern here that into could lead thousands typically
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illegally across the board. the cues outside the pos, both office in young going or even longer than those outside. the embassy is the punishment of those that don't comply with. conscription is 3 years in jail. and half defines, clearly many have decided the only option now is to leave tony chang, elgin 0, bangkok. although still uncertainty in senegal as to when the delayed presidential elections will actually be held. present, knock yourself as, as mandate as me that will end assigned on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said whether voters will go to the polls before then. the opposition audrey should give their reaction in the coming hours. 3 people were killed in protests of to solve postponed this sunday's pond election. he denies though, trying to cling to power. nicholas hawk has moved from southern cause capital com, the president monkey solid trying to reassure the senegalese people that an election will take place. and the date will be announced after there is dialogue
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with opposition leaders. candidates to this presidential elections. and also really just leaders. he says that an election before april 2nd, which is the end of his mandate, is unlikely. but he said and made or assurances to those critics that have a cuban, same of trying to extend his time in power, that he will leave office at the end of his mandate on april 2nd. but the question remains, if he does leave on april 2nd, who will be in charge of these elections if they go ahead after he leaves power. so there is a level of uncertainty ahead. she's made some assurances to the opposition, notably that he is willing to free some of the candidates that are in prison. notably the popular opposition to figure was spun sancho. now he is not a candidate to this election, but his deputy bust through jemma fight is
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a candidate. so these announcement made it search wide to obtain this crisis. he says that he was victim of don't fair, international media coverage, saying that he's a democrat, he's an african and that his motivation is try to create an atmosphere of stability and peacefulness in order for this election to take place. nicholas hall, calendar 0 the car. all in 23 fighters have attacked the town of saki and eastern democratic republic of congo. these 2 people, including a child, were killed. this latest round of violence in north keeping the province has already displaced tens of thousands of civilians for the a hostile ahead here on our sponges step into profits following promising trade between nigeria, a new jazz sanctions,
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his economy. 2 celebrations in houston as the fast the private sector in remission. touches down successfully uninstalled action from the asian champions league as this last school with a stomach of this type reach, the goal to find the the hello fresh air, bryce. the weather will make its way across a good positive west and year probably with the next couple of days. i hated that we have seen the storm, literally sweeping across northern passive fronts damaging winds and some flooding here that see a remnant of a storm. now, making its way into norway, training with a system all the way down into the western side of the met, it's right in across spain. and that's where we are going to see more the way out
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and right trembling its way for the east. we say we carry with ash shala's bright as guys that will be some sparkling sometime in between those shots. you see the spec, like a shower class coming into the course islands and all the knowledge through scotland, england and wales. and that will continue to make its way further east was that we go with our fresh whether we are looking at single figures across the good part of western europe. that big mass of power on the right. and what was larry that brings them, whether they're out of finland down across the baltics, pushing right down through the bulk in some snow that river the out significant snow for maybe as much as $30.00 to $40.00 centimeters full some. and then some with weather right down into italy, or how does that generally try and bright for the next couple of days? actually, we'll see those went through. so i was making my way down across it, in their accounts, through the vocals down towards greece brought to but most chavez to the west as the,
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the latest means as it breaks. and that is very blue case. the used to be able to face up to 37 kilometers out to the same spot, know any more from the hall. so the story, this is how this experience, this is randy, ministry occupation, paula tax and legal supplements. and then grab with detailed coverage. the 1st situation in the global group is worsening. at least half of the population already starving. the unique perspective desktop plays himself told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed. landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable hard to really alone about what's happening because of the death of media attention the stream on out to 0, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out a 0 uninstalled you'd say here, and uh huh. let's remind you, found top stories. these really millet trait is, again talking residential targets across the casa, can increase the 104 palestinians in the past 24 hours. more than 29500 people has now been killed. since it's relevant to the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees that says it's reached breaking point and its ability to fulfill its monday the on the serious threat. 16 countries from suspend to the funding as israel de mom's, but this mentioning the agency. paula,
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send you the president from gauze that has become the 10th past and to die in his rightly custody since this war began on training. the son of this is now the 5th day of hearings at the international court of justice, which is examining the legal consequences of israel's decades. we don't want to patient a palestinian nuns, you and tossed the wild quote with this some 2 years ago and is now moving 50 countries of providing legal testimony among the countries at speaking laser on friday, all capital in the united kingdom. most states have called for an end to is ready occupation and settlement activities on thursday. the attorney general of island address the quote to saying that countries on legally obliged to make sure they're not buying goods from occupied palestinian lands. but in smith's reports from the hague, his rail is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by colonizing the west bank and east jerusalem. it's the thread running through testimony from dozens of countries of the international court of justice this week. china now also
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explicitly defended the writes of palestinians to resist that occupation of streaming people useful falls for they faced flooring oppression and to complete they stopped or spent an independent state if he needed the full right. while funding international rule is why it was labeled palestinians from how much fight is to stone throwing use of terrorists. islands, attorney general dismissed arguments made by the united states that israel has legitimate security concerns for continuing its occupation. if the security of one people can only be achieved by the occupation over so many decades of the territory of another people, one has to wonder whether there can be any military solution to the problem that's it purports to address in compile and added that states are obliged to co operate to bring an end to israel, serious breach of its duty to respect the rights of palestinians to do that islands
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attorney general size, but states shouldn't help israel maintain, or legitimize the occupation by buying goods and services from sacraments. the use bond on imports from crimea after it was on expire, russia was cited as an example, and the un estimates that economic activity in the settlements generates $13000000000.00 a year. israel is economy. jordan's foreign minister says, a decision by the court on the occupation is now more urgent than that. but assuming those are being killed into hundreds every day and gaza at in the response . because as well is not being held accountable for the 2 crimes. and violation of international 60 tend was lifting the car for days next to the decaying bodies of her relatives, home as well as kennel with mythics fine any. all right, put his queue here. there's really a few patient army killed them and couldn't to a dispute, toddler to the tortured and killed tend is
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a constant reality of life under these really a few patient. no more. israel isn't taking part in the hearings. it says in written comments that the quotes involvement could be harmful to achieving a negotiated settlement with the palestinians. bernard smith, alger 0, the hague, hundreds of children, and rafa and southern garza have to come street vendors in an effort to support their families. but despite having to walk there still hoping to about to school and to live, to return to how it was before israel launched this for how many, how shovels that's good. yeah, good. that's good. this busy markets and roof has become a custom thomas voice of putting his biscuits on chocolate for say, that's good. that's before the war 2 was a student living in the shape of one neighborhood in northern garza. but today is another street vendor hoping to help this time any. oh no, no,
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no. i'm 12 years old. i used to be in the 6th grade or house, and garza was bombed and destroyed. i saw here to help my family and siblings. i work here for 5 hours every day. so he's not the only one here, but each child has their own line of business, jody. yeah, i'm talking about so excessively such as the press let's on here. ties to have the properties. the only hope at the moment is to get back to me or is the yeah either . yeah. now i want to go back to school. i want to play. i want to draw. i wish i can play back with the kids. just like other children. how they study, they play, they do whatever they want. we are in a war. we wake up to bombings and sleep, to rock. we sleep with fear and wake up to fear. and they say, i say look, i want to do is like, go to do the kids. i want to practice my hobby. i want to go to school. i want my
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life before the lord about the war has a distance done from the trying to the what's the use to express that concern belongs to a different generation? well, i know that i'm a refugee from joseph. from early morning, i come to the market and my daily money. i live in the tent. the situation have been rough, it is too difficult. it's getting expensive day off today. and actually, i'm afraid to open these really incursion into rough or wherever we to go. we flip gaza because of fear. if we have pushed out side drop off or what are we to do? or units of report has one that children in gaza outpacing multiple threats. as a result of is rose, relentless for the number of kids. kids is close 215000 with the lack of any effective effort to reach a ceasefire, the threat to more depths increases as a result of the lack of food surgeon value attrition,
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and drop it spread hash. and i just see the main effect on of the british born woman who joined iceland, syria has lost the appeal to have a sort of citizenship restored and was revoked. after she joined the iso in syria and 2015. she was 15 years old at the time that comes roy's argue that the governments bound on her time failed to consider whether she's been groomed and traffic or not speak to high forces. he's across with force outside the royal courts of justice in london. how are you? is this now the end of the road? if there's you mean that that comes, appeal is not necessarily. it's obviously the end of this appeal. the court of appeals here in london, but hello is do have a weeks now to consider this judgment. they can take more time,
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the chief justice said if necessary to come back to the court, there is, i think, a pretty high likelihood that whichever side of the argument had lost this case was good to take it to the highest go to the line for supreme court, but what happened just a few minutes ago was this missile all her appeal? the key grounds that were as contracts of the most attention were on those grounds that she was her lawyers argued the victim of a human trafficking to syria at the age of 15. for child sexual exploitation and on both of the legislation relating to the european convention on human rights and british common law. the judges here determined that it was some 4 years off to that happens that this declaration of citizenship took place. that the home secretary, who was the person who took the decision of the time, wasn't ready. i'm your obligation at that stage to include that in the
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judgement that, that he made, that that judgement was essentially about her presenting a national security risk to united kingdom. and there was 3 other grounds as well, in which essentially the same sort of decision was taken here, that he had the obligation on the national security considerations to make the judgement that he did, or at least had the rights to make that judgement. and that, uh, the other considerations were not enough, even if they had been merited to necessarily influence decisions, take away her citizenship. and as i say there is now at least the option on almost certainly the likelihood of an appeal. so this really, i remember this was a huge case when it happened to me, it was all about, see, see, tv that we're seeing now is leaving with a friends of the air force. and then all the reporting when she was found and that refuge account, this has become a very politically sensitive case,
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hasn't as it is added some extraordinary story. she did leave the country along with 2 friends. ah, they pull from east others as she herself lived a girlfriend in the time how much neighborhood. and at the ages of 15, she made her way to syria. she said with the help of smugglers. that obviously hello is argued under the influence of a very sophisticated propaganda online campaign. by i assume that she, she made her way that she was married to an ice, will fight to in syria. she had 3 children, all assume died of disease and non nutrition. and she was found by general to the british, these type of the times in a refugee time in the northeast in syria, i added that time, she expressed
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a still extant conviction in her decision. she didn't express uh regret for having joined us. so uh, and then overtime and then if that was in 2019 a very shortly off to god was 19 seconds he made his decision to stick the produce citizenship over time. her manner of dresses change, she has expressed regret to joining i. so what she said, she thought was going to be an islamic community, turned out in other words, to be a desktops. and she said that she would expect and except to be tried as essentially imprisoned as she came back to united kingdom. when does i? citizenship was stripped in 2019. she did until the age of 21. have the rights due to these legally fine. with that she citizenship. that was an arguments in port as to whether she could really be expected to obtain bundled citizenship or have it formalized given of the circumstances under which she was living that expired when she was 21. so that was one of the grounds, the legal teammate. but she had been effectively mess state list. the judges here
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decided that at the time, 2nd treat because you still have that legal rights was not in any way acting unlawfully when he decided district post citizenship will continue following that case where you could stay here on out as a right from out hiring for us at the outside the quotes in london, thanks very brazil's former president tribal scenario has refused to testified to police who are investigating and attempted crew against a successor on okay, you're not kid has worn out from the year to generic. the result, federal police question more than 20 people today across the country. 4 of them here in rio de janeiro, most of them in the capital were still give this is part of an ongoing investigation and then the legit clocked to stop present losing now so little of us to but from taking office after he naturally defeated former presidential april
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sonata the 2022 presidential elections are just a reminder in january 8th, 2023. a week after lula took office both and i was supporters store and the capital and 3 public buildings. what the investigators want to discover is if both sonata was masterminding, the uprising, or trying to plot any way of stopping the elections, or love from taking office. if you were selected as evidence, they have video from a cabinet meeting held by both center while he was present discussing these issues with his advisors. one of them say that they should turn the tables for, for the elections happened. now both so now to testify was when to the federal police headquarters in brazil yet, but he remained silent. that is part of his legal strategy. that does not mean that
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he will remain silent for long. he is planning a rally on sunday in the city of stone. follow with all due supporters and he's trying to make a political come back monica, you're not give all just era. we addition narrow a thousands of coal miners off and dead in a remote region of central venezuela. 16 bodies had been recovered so far was uh, collapsed and illegally operations gold mine, while thousands were at work that on your regular has. c the search for missing gold miners and the vin as well. and state of believer remains underway. as the bodies of those killed during the collapse of the booty i look at, mine returned to their families. survivors say dozens of other workers remain buried under as much as 30 meters of mud entered all the time. you need all those who were next to me died. but thanks to the glory of god,
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i am here. the look of mine is one of several illegal open pit mining enterprises in the state of believer. many residents say mining is one of the few opportunities available for lucrative work before the deadly incident. on tuesday, the booty i look on mine employed some 200 people according to authorities. if i meet on misconduct ends here, i convey my condolences to the families and relatives of these people who unfortunately died in this accident. when this is due to mine that i mean collapse, southern venezuela is rich in gold and mineral deposits with accidents or comments. at least 12 people were killed last year in a similar accident pick. and then i found the windows were working. there are working under conditions where there is no one looking out for them. as you can see in the images. these are pits that are done with large machines my hand, but then those who enter there have no personal protective equipment. experts more and that
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a lack of government oversight and regulation on illegal mining means accidents like the one at the boot. deluka are likely to happen again. my name is it up a little out a 0 and it could all done list having showing around a prison where inmates riots had last month. coach a proxy was one of 6 jail seized by organized crime gun members. the rights respond by the escape of again liza present. daniel and the kind of stage of emergency as guns were taken hostage and police officers, came out. the ministry says all inmates will have their rights respected. now that order has been restored to minute trico and is your last year has damaged across the board of trade with nigeria and interest report. smugglers have stepped into profit sanctions were imposed on us 7 months ago, motorcycle data and as well. how much weight and leslie for buyers,
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his scope is for both months before loss disability take over the neighborhood to share. i know that the food i saw didn't come. you know, before do is we did, didn't get the chance to come. yeah. and all the quotes, the ones that we believed in them, that when to come out plan, which is you wanted, when i did ask you to enforce functions by the west african regional block. and course, while other regional countries are doing business with gentler countries of west africa in july last year, echoes imposed economic and financial functions and the share point and constitutional change of government. 7 months on businesses have been devastated, leaving trade this with goods and looms they on able to pay border communities like these are losing between $4.00 to to $15000000.00 in revenue every month. no kind of businesses that rely on legitimate transactions with neighboring a 0 to public either struggling or forwarding
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a pull together as the land boat is and the nose had been shut the boards years before they of course, sunk shoes. but the latest embargo could be the final blow to many businesses, and it's not only private businesses that really affects the business. specifically, the exit import and export duty is that uh our customer or because i generates an under, if we look at our 2020 city budgets, it is literally custom that we're not able to meet the tickets to get to the river . and we can divide it so that tell us, this distribution is picked and his tv on gunmetal, i mean pieces the sensors could have a long term impact on the people on the economy. if not jetta already. the country seeing spider leading inflation lower revenue receipts and decline in productivity . but the impact is much worse and communities was businesses and livelihoods depended on board of freight,
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which are largely affected by the equity functions increase. obviously that's elaina nigeria. and also, scientists say the sun has released its most intense type of solar flat. the 2 other options were of a particularly intense release of energy, able to disrupt radio communications, power grids, and navigation signals even here on us. outages were reported by major selling. the carriers in the united states, but engineers say it's unclear whether the events were related to now from the sun to the moon. a private american space company is celebrating a successful landing at the south pole. and for the 1st time that the us mission has touched on that and 52 is coming back, it has more on what it means for the moon race. here's of relief from the control room in texas. after intuitive machines, a private company successfully landed a new spacecraft near the moon's south poles lost after 2 hours of 10, some certainty, and
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a nail biting long distance software update. the landing cemented the return of the united states to the lunar surface over 50 years since the apollo missions ended presence all of them today for the 1st time and more than a half century. the u. s. has returned to the moon. a modern moon rushes on just over the past year, india and japan and both landed probes on the moon. china has had rovers there for over a decade. but to this, this is the 1st privately built craft to make it there. it may look like a moon mission, but it's really a delivery service that is where nasa pays a company to take our equipment or science to the boat down all the way down to the surface and get our data back. but this is the company's mission. they go up and make their way under, they buy a rocket, they design their mission and they get all the communication set up. we're just the pay cargo customer really just as if we were shipping a parcel to somebody's house,
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it can carry about 100 kilograms of material and provide 600 watts of power to the devices it brings. the scouts on board are the 1st tools to settle, apply it towards a moon gps station reflectors for future moon navigation and moon fuel gauges, because it's hard to keep track and low gravity. it also brings other items from paying customers a flying selfie cube to film the landing a textile from a clothing company to learn how to keep things warm and space, and a sculpture by the artist. jeff codes for 7 days. oh, this is will send data back to earth that will pave the way for the moon rush that's coming. we're looking at judging the success of this particular mission. what we want to do is understand that this company was able to provide the entire service from the beginning drawings, all the way through delivery on the surface and operation on the surface. and if we can do this consistently, mission after mission, uh these things will, it will look like this as a successful endeavor for nasa. we need to get nasa as goal is to establish
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a permanent lunar base for human voyagers and eventually a launching point for mars. but the us is also hoping to start a space based economy in which companies compete to be part of the journey. the government funded apollo missions were worth about 2 percent of the countries g. d p. at the time, half a century later, odysseus cost just $100000000.00, the high risk investment that seems to have stuck its land. calling baker elders are still a head. hey on, i'll just make sure i get the category and as the top seat is not the business latest sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination in due by the the, the business lasers to sponsored bind him to like global your real estate destination
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in due by the fact, it's time for the fulton history, this tells you thank you, russian and pick officials have lost the latest appeal to have the country reinstated in time for the powers games. the course of operation for sport ton down in the pale against the suspension of rushes membership, the international olympic committee, the country was bound last october, officer included regional sports organizations, which are under the authority of ukraine's national and pick committee. some russian assets will still be able to compete that, that she has an epic games as neutrals, but without flags, emblems, items, to england's cricket, as a fighting back halter top stopped to the full test against india and run. she having won the test and then some 212 for 5. been searched for that, which is 3 runs off supposedly vineyards, potato for jo root has helped england recovery. he's made
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a century he says he passed in test cricket in the now 297 to his my 67 indian leads the fudge. much various to $1.00 and $2.00 other for 5. stand by for an amazing go from best mind reuben novice in the asian champions because i'll have, i'll book that placed in the quotes of finals. i'll have a window go down against a radian side set the han before solemn out those 3 made it 11, and then came never this go haze, spectacular effort giving the saudi arabian side a to one lead. that one well was another look full time agent champions. then go to thirds deep in stoppage time through alexandra mich. i'll who are winning the ty 6 to on advocates who allow face fellows saudi side out. it's ahead and the next round. it was a moment to get for 3 bins in my, in the last 16 time with not the whole. the striking i headed the boat into was our net to give the club from is becca some the lead. oh, it's had equalized and the much let's be heading to extra time, but,
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and that's the whole been sold and i can go with 3 minutes left. oh it as go through to one on aggregate. how about this for a come back from german club fryeburg. they went to nail down at home against the french called last, before making it to to in the 92nd. but it, i'll stream for michael for girl rich, then want it for 5 book, an extra time to send 2 side into the last 16. if you'd be right please, you kind of get over. i submit on, held off a spirited come back from the french side, rose to reach the last 16 italian side last the 2nd leg of this time. 32 in front, but still progressed. 53 on i can get the girls to the round of 16 takes place late to on friday. and the m b a, the goldens, a worry is, took advantage of the absence of liberal and james to beat the lakers. labor on site. this one that was an ankle injury, steph curry top school with 32 points, including 63 points, as, as the worry is sealed, a 128 to 110 victory. it's
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a 7th when an 8 games for the worry is as so the light has it's the 1st defeat in full games. don't teach school to game high 41 points to help lead the dallas mavericks to 123. 1 is the team victory of the phoenix on this car we, i think also added 26 points of dallas as they made it 7 wins in a row check, teenager young men success is job, isn't done yet. also pulling off a huge upset of the castle, open the 18 year old, who arrived in the gulf front, the 116 in the world, and was a wildcard for this tournament stunned top seed. andre drew blood in straight sets on says they, when put him through to his, made an atp semi final, a guarantee some a place in the walls top 100. for the 1st time, men sick will play a game and fee self to the frenchman dismissed countryman as well. number 18, you go read a straight set 626437 years and 5 months will cease is the oldest semi finalist
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in human history, wimbledon champion, my catch of on trust of what has been knocked out of the divide championships. she was 6252 up again. so on the coast. yeah. when things started to for the pods from drugs to the blue, 6 match points and most and $0.03 it's cost is 2nd, top $10.00 when of 2024 and push the through to the semi finals which refers jasmine police. obviously later, the us open champion type of golf is also altoff to fully to qualify on a colored scale. the russian beat golf who's ranked number 3 in the world and $0.03 is a 2nd top 10 with the week coming dismissed. well, number 9, you alayna as to pin co on wednesday. helen's guy i will face one, the one you get shown tech in the semi finals for the parties. top seat is on a 7 match on base and one in the middle east this year, having won the tinkling doha last week, she made it through to the final 4 into by, with a straight set speak, treat of well not the 7 chain when shed with a match point. all right,
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that is what is put phenomena dispatch. and this tells you like so much sir. well, that's it for me for this new, valid 3 and will be back in the chair and alignment is more of today's news. and i will see you off to that, to stay with the the rights organizations filed a civil suit against the dutch states saying supply is around with parts for f. 355 projects makes the netherlands complicit. impossible war crimes in gaza. then that lens has how's the repeating distribution center for f $35.00 spare parts from where it's also supplies is were out in 2022 and exported spear parts worth $2400000.00 to the country with the escalation of the war. and guys, at this number, it's not predicted to be much higher. for the 1st time, the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to israel. the verdict is seen as
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a severe blow to the dutch government to have argued that stopping it's gone for the ocean to the ex $35.00 program with jeff or dice it sites with us. and it's, well, i was had a severe use. it cannot make impacts in this product to judge argued that political and economic interests. com be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war. ukraine. a father front line, a mother and children tend this time to receive future. when the sky is clear, the sign is without an ukraine escaping the dog. went out. just like the past large you can, cooking is
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a radio baseball tea tool which everyone should carry from for us to do use day tourism eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or apocalypse, maybe discovers how people are typing in the end time. what are the point young generation coming soon? i just like i told you, so dealing with this elaine on out to 0 of the more than a 100 people killed in the past 24 hours after is where the air strikes target displaced, palestinians in central and southern gaza. the you're watching from a headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also coming up. the
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psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would


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