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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the religion politics, final or a forklift maybe discovers how people to campaign in the end times the point young generation coming soon. i just like i told you, so dealing with this feeling on alex's era, the more than a 100 people killed in the past 24 hours after is really are strikes, target displaced, palestinians in central and southern, gaza. the from a headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also coming up. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to donate the head of doctors without borders slammed. you went security council on
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the us for doing nothing to end the war, while children die breaking points. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees says, is really pressure on funding freezers. have put his organization on the bring pounds. the british born women, shanina begum, who joined the iso in syria, has lost her appeal to have her citizenship restored. the palestinians have endured another night of israel. the air attacks targeting areas across the gaza strip. 60 people had been killed in central gaza and overnight strikes on to crowded refugee camps. and overall, a 104 people had been killed during the past 24 hours. that does my history begins, are coverage, just a warning. some of the images are disturbing. the digging in the door
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using the stones, flashlight touched the heavy machinery and the fuel needed to run it are not available to search for bodies overnight is rarely air strikes, cost further destruction in neighborhoods and central gods. the with more palestinians killed and the injured taken to hospitals barely operating after months of bombing children who make up nearly half of causes population filled the treatment rooms of alex the hospital. the un agency eunice says at least 17000 children have been orphaned or separated from their families during the war. so far. the hospitals courtyard has become overwhelmed with funding turning a place of healing into one of morning as airstrikes. again target the cell. it's a similar picture in rough up the city once considered as the last remaining safe.
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so that i mean to be left there because when we were sleeping peacefully at home, my brother called crying my sister and all her children were killed. they were all innocent civilian and my sister was killed with her children, including her 2 year old daughter. and 3 year old son did already an old special offer. and the good, this is our gift. on the advent of the holy month of ramadan government, new bombs and missiles from the us, instead of enforcing a ceasefire and letting the displaced return home. the americans in israel is continued to kill us. across the strip, rescuers rushed to the latest devastation with no end in sight to be as rarely bombardment bid admission h e l g 0. palestinians fleeing from dogs as north say they had been attacked along the road that israel's military previously said was a safe passage with nowhere to go. many are now sheltering into an sure thought
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hospital, a facility that's barely functioning. just a warning, some of the images and kaley cow hans report are disturbing. the palestinian mother is almost inconsolable and she described to stay on the team to flee from northern kansas. were on our way to the south and the 2 men who were accompanying us were march. here we were bombed. suddenly we started running. my baby hasn't eaten anything. i don't know what to do now. the situation is so dire at health schaffer hospital, she pleads with doctors to help feed her baby. my baby needs some milk help. oh god, please have mercy on us in teams. fine in kansas, north and the lack of food supplies is least, palestinians with no choice but to leave. i really, i'm a jew, omen. these children are starving and they have no food or water. we are heading south, hoping to find some nourishment. we have absolutely nothing here. as rails ami
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designated the al rashid straight, which connects the north to the south as a safe carto. it's proving to be anything bunk bed. under the bottom of the do, the show was fired while people were on the way to the south. many people were killed or injured. and a general, very center. i was packed and i was heading south. here's my bag stained with the blood of those who were injured. who did arrive at el cheapo hospitals taking refuge in medical care. as israel continues, it's relieved, less offensive and gaza cleared the young and innocent. continue to pay for tv. a surprise. are you telling me how to 0? the secretary general of doctors without borders as warren that you when security council, the children is youngest, 5 and guys are saying that they would prefer to die. and then to witness the horrors of israel's war. christopher lock your criticize, repeated vito, as by the us of resolutions calling for an immediate cease fire. he says to move
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tacitly endorses continued violence for a 138 days. we have watched the system, but to complete the ration of a health system we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients on our colleagues because a mains. the situation is the combination of a war. israel is waging on the entire population of the gaza strip. a wall of collective punishments, a war without rules. a war will cost children who to support this war were not only bad the physical wounds of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing, family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. a patients have catastrophic injuries,
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amputations crushed limbs on severe bands. they need sophisticated k, they need long and intensive rehabilitation. medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or in the ashes of destroyed hospitals. the resultant of hospital beds that were not enough medications and nothing of supplies. and surgeons have had no choice, but to carry out amputations without anesthesia on children. by them, presidents, the humanitarian response and gaza today is an illusion. a convenient solution. the perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. we are opposed by the willingness of the united states to use its powers as a permanent council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evidence of resolutions. one demanding an immediate some sustain seized by in the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. the owner was says it has reached a breaking point, as israel puts more pressure to dismantle the agency. 16 countries,
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including the us, u. k, and germany has suspended funding totaling $450000000.00. the owner was chiefly plus, it really says the agency's ability to fulfill its mandate is now under serious threats adding to that more than a $150.00 owner of facilities have been targeted by is really or strikes since the war began. earlier. my colleague started to tell you, spoke to tamara, understand how you, who's a spokesman for or no to was she started by asking how much longer older account survive without adequate funding to we jumped through us for a few more weeks. thanks to the news to for the new funding we got from some of our donors who are still supporters of the agency and believe or is in the mission of the despite the decision by some of our other largest builders, this is better. so for example,
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ireland just gave us $20000000.00 euros. for example, we managed to advance the payments by some of our donors. so payment that was supposed to be scheduled for later in the year. it was paid in advance to allow us to hold on for another few weeks. and the real question is, yes, there is an independent external investigation and to the allegations that 12 staff members do guards in the rest and get that to the 7th of october. but then what will it take for donors who decided to suspend their funding to reverse their decision? was the findings are out no matter what the findings are. here we're talking about the existential threats to an agency that is 75 years old. and that has a life saving, but also education, health care, social protection activities in the whole region, with a population of bells fun, refugees today amounting to 5900000 in the okay. by those and in 3rd trees,
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but also enjoy them loving all them. syria, so let me ask you, then tomorrow you say there's a few weeks left. what would the end of one run look like on the ground not only and gaza, but around the region? it would look like a real good, faster fee, no other agency and goes up today, has the infrastructure, the number of employees then knowledge, the list of beneficiaries and shelters, the trucks that need no other agency has all this and goes up today within the region and the impact is also very wouldn't be very, very severe. we have half a 1000000 children attending on the risk. oh, well these children go if our schools were to close, we have 2000000 patients, palestine refugees, the most vulnerable communities in the countries, but generally, oh the, where will they get their health services from? so an interruption to our basic core services mean and someone else has to
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think over. cool, that's the and under what's modalities, this is why the commissioner general address the president of the just of the general assembly, the un general assembly, through what you enjoy the real assembly resolution gave on the road. that's monday . the mission. it is only the general assembly and the member states of the general assembly the should can discuss the future of under was not a single you one member state who is the width by the work and what the bullet was, symbolized the 75 years of palestinian refugees, this is what we symbolized tamara, speaking of, of the future of on, right. let me ask you about what we've heard from ness. and y'all here recently he's told his cabinet of his plans for post will cause a, he's unequivocal. he said that they must be no unreal. can i ask you if your response to that it is not a coincidence when the attempts to dismantle, those are what are happening at the same time as the is riley prime minister
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showing a map of the future of israel to the general assembly, a map of the future of israel, that includes and compasses. all the palestinian territories were under what works . i do not find this the vehicle incidents. okay, so we just mentioned that the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is demand . that owner room must be shut down as part of the postwar plan that he submitted to the security cabinets. the plan does not exclude the palestinian authority from governing disturbing the future. but it does say that israel will maintain freedom of action and the entire strip without a time limits. it also says gaza should be completely de militarized, except for weapons that are necessary to maintain public order. we are bringing villamor to join us are occupied east jerusalem. so tell us more about this plan if there was anything new in the village and also how was it received
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in terms of the newness, much of this information has been talked about by messing yahoo in public statements over the past few months. it's been kind of sits together and a one page document that was obtained by as riley media over night. some details are relatively new about the idea of a buffer zone around the gaza strip. that would mean that was tara, at 3, between israel and gauze, are controlled by these ready minute 3 that would impinge on the strips, territorial integrity. something to us does not want to see would also mean a very, very heavy is really military presence on the border between galls or in egypt. something the egyptians of repeat to be said they would not be happy with in terms of the reaction we could any really predict those kinds of countries responds to this. we had a us and boy here, over the course of this week 13 and we expect, but the gulf states and some of the arab nations, but nothing you all who in this statement talks about as being involved in the financing, as well as what he calls the radicalization of goals and society would be willing
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to cooperate in those kinds of endeavors without a guarantee about future palestinian statehood as part of any agreement. right. and then other developments of them were getting word if another palestinian prisoner who's died in is really custody. what more you learning this is the 10th individual since october the 7th, to design inside and is ready. prison. we don't yet know his name. we know he came from gaza. he's the 3rd individual from gaza to do die inside is really detention the promising and commission on prisoners affairs said that he was in a wheelchair had a physical disability before he was arrested. according to the testimony of, of the prisoners of the day reports on, he had serious health problems as a consequence of torture. and he died and the prism clinic in the town of rhonda is about 50 kilometers north west of us here in jerusalem. israel as being withholding
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the bodies of these individuals along with 11 of those who died in previous years and just some data for you if a context right at the start of this month, that was almost 9000 policy entailed in 23 known detention centers or prisons around 3 and a half 1000 of those had been held without trial during all right, thank you for the marks reporting from occupied easters. so thank you. i or is, or later on strike has killed at least 2 people in a refugee camp in the occupied westbank. so children were among 15 others injured in, janine refugee camp. israel says that it was targeting and as long as you had fight or is really military has expanded the scale rates and they occupied westbank since the war. and gonzo began still a heads on how to 0 will be returning to the hague, where that's our is due to present its arguments against israel's occupation of
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palestinian territories ounce. me and maurice military governments plans for conscription face set back. potential recruits are fleeing the country, the in october 2023. these raise the ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of public opinion. from because the street, the people in power goes into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement. and explores whether clearing palestinians from us as in the occupied westbank is, is ready to transfer on and josie, this is the 1st genocide this we see in real time. it's the victims of sol swan because there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the highest branch of chinese government, the national people's congress, is missing in the agents outlines. it's vision for the year, but as the economy fails to recover from the pandemic, what, how does this discussion have an increasingly weak outlook and the rest of the large colors, the latest development, the, [000:00:00;00] the color? again, here's
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a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. this hour is really military is again attacking residential targets across guys are killing at least a 104 palestinians in the past 24 hours. more than $29.00 and a half thousands palestinians have been killed since israel launched it's worth. the un agency for palestinian refugees says it's reached breaking point and its ability to fulfill its mandate is now under serious threats. 16 countries of suspended funding, as israel demands the dismantling of the agency, a palestinian prisoner from gaza has become a 10th term di and is really trustworthy since the war began on october. the 7th and other news show me my bank. um, she's the british born woman, who joins i saw in syria, has lost her appeal to have her citizenship restored. she was 15 years old when she left home in london to go to syria. bacon's lawyers argue that the government's
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band on her return failed to consider whether she had been groomed traffic. begum can still take the case to the supreme court. hey faucet is outside the royal court of justice in london. so is this the end of the road done for her appeal, or what happens? it's not necessarily on the road by any means legal team. we spoke to them shortly off to the judgment was right out. say that they will continue the fights. i talking about the disappointment talking about the the, the way they see her continued custody in northeast and syria is being in a prison time rather than a refugee time. so they say the fight will continue. they haven't yet committed entirely to a supreme court challenge. they say they need to read the full judgment and assess the next steps, but they have dog use among a number of grounds, but the most is the high profile grounds that she had, as you say,
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be the victim of trafficking when she left. so syria from the u. k. in 2015. so you described yourself and introduce the media sense of the instruments that instrumental nature of the, of a people traffic and helping her get into syria with 2 of her friends. she was of course, exposed to a great deal of propaganda from iso websites and the like none the less the, the judges in this case really determines it's on the grounds of whether it was law full for the home secretary at the time such a job. it in 2019 to strip a of us citizenship on the grounds of that case of grooming. essentially, they said that it was a national security decision. it was taking place some 4 years. also, those incidents took place and that for the i was actually was under no obligation
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really to make that part of his reasoning on the causes as well that they brought in terms of the status of the procedure of, of being left de facto without citizenship. and so discriminate to re nature potentially against british muslims. again, they essentially judge that that was not really part of the decision making that he was bound to make that he was making a case of national security. and on the part of entry level, he had the policy. so to do, right. so harry been to what extent sort of based on what you're saying to what extent has this been a politically sensitive case and how much interest is there in it right now amongst the public as well. i mean, that's been a great deal of interest in assuming they've taken story over many years. it has been an extremely long and switched field legal story as
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well as he's been trying to challenge the stripping of the citizenship. and this is one that he may just stop on that road. and so perhaps there isn't the sort of attention that may have been some years ago, but it was very much from centered in the news channel reporting in the u. k. as it was taking place, and as you say, it has been extremely political for them to be sensitive. she was just 1215 years old. when in 2015, she traveled to syria, she married and i still fights a. she had 3 children, all of whom died for many attrition and disease when she was 1st interviewed by british journalist from the times newspaper and 2019. she maintains essentially, but she was still in favor of high. so even off of the collapse of the so called kind of excite her position changed since she changed the matter of dress. she started referring to i so as
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a desk calls saying that she would be prepared to go to jail if for tons of britain, but so far, she has failed and had a bit to do so. okay, thank you. harry faucet, reporting from london fire is swept through 2 apartment buildings in spain, killing at least 4 people. 7 firefighters and a child were among the injured in valencia between 9 and 15 people have not been accounted for. and some waited on their balconies for rescue a 60 kilometers per hour wins found the flames. investigators will be looking at whether the building synthetic clotting was a factor. the women are to be exempted from the recently announced conscription order in mean mar, but the military governments planned to enlist 60000 many year remains unchanged. the conscription law has sparked a rush by young people to flee the country and dodge the draft. tony trying reports thousands of people waiting queues that stretch down the street outside the tie,
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embassy and yank on those waiting. young people men age between 18 and 35 women age 18 to 27. cutting past bullets and other documents only lucky fee will be accepted, but they're trying because they feel there's no choice, although all the other to no one, especially educated people except the crew. now it's hard to survive, have things on good. that's why i decided to leave this country. you know, the whole lot of them are asking of, you know, i think we would have would able, i think the military conscription order is nonsense because they are running out to soldiers. the revolution is getting strong or red. oh, yeah. most military used to have a surplus of manpower with an estimated 400000 active personnel. 3 years of intense fighting with us. nick is, i'm groups resisting the military coups that depleted the ranks. the new
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conscription order could replenish the numbers and restrict those who oppose them. this also serves the purpose of intimidating the use in the country and sending it out so that anybody can be stopped at a checkpoint, whether it's a woman or a man. and if they're under a certain age, they can be arrested if they don't have the necessary paperwork. neighboring countries, a bracing for an influx of refugees, thailand swiftly returned those who fled since the crew. but a new wave of young determined deck cells will be hard to resist. the tale government says it will accept more. these are applications inside man law, but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to accommodate all those who a queuing outside the embassy. and there's real concern here that intent could lead thousands to play illegally across the board. the cues outside the pos, both office in young going or even longer than those outside. the embassies, the punishment of those that don't comply with conscription is 3 years in jail. and
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half defines, clearly many have decided the only option now is to leave tony chang elgin's era. bangkok i'm $23.00 fighters of attacked baton of saki and the eastern democratic republic of congo. but these 2 people, including a child, were killed. the latest round of islands in north keeble province has displaced tens of thousands of civilians. for most of those clean, the conflicts have sought refuge and go ma, from where catherine story sent this reports. no child should have to experience what the 3 month old baby shandy as a lead to a mother was killed, went up on the house, the east, and called a lease town of a grandmother. mistaken carol ha, and 9, now the children come with the space and that was it. it was built the one that the one that that stumbled over to. we try to find what we can look for be to hubs for food, the babies where every week, i want to take it to the hospital,
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but i don't have the money. a short distance away. we may speak for. she barely survived johnny to the comp to though we closed. her mother gave boss to ha on the road as she fled biting between government forces and the m 53 group. the stores here difficult poops into what was the course as i was in my village when the bombing started around to saki. but my labor pain started. my baby came on the way to the come. half of the displaced all is in this area. i children then courage to come to such senses. why they can get a semblance of normalcy. it's all fine in game. yeah. but the children are traumatized. aid was they talking to them about them feeling help? 8 was they nearly 5000 children are being displaced every day. this is after
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a new round of pricing strategies, inches every $2.00 to $3.00 days. uh, we get a report of extra wireless. um, at least and we think that's the only friction of what is happening. also there was a high risk of being recruited by i'm fighting in areas where most of the displaced lead from is guessing was these children would not be able to return home anytime soon. afternoon, sorry, i'll do 0. so my democratic republic of congo. right? we are taking you live to the hey that where in just a moment or so we expect to hear there is that's concerns about sort of another lenses. excellent thing, and i'll certainly clocked in a be a tiny beginning. his presentation. let's listen to father and be so sorry to proceedings about the police firmly. that's only through a full respect for international law,
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but based on justice can be achieved. recent events for underscored international legal order. as under threat. i am president gonzales, patriots cruelty risk. and during the case of a progress in the field of human rights, humanitarian law and the peaceful settlement of disputes. indeed, there is a growling cuz there is going perception in some quarters of the entire nation. but international law applies to some, but not to others. that some people are seen as a deserving of security. freedom and self determination. but others have not. some children are deemed more of the, of the laws protection, but others are told under the thousands. but the projects such that what is done there was international law must be upheld in all circumstances
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must be applied equally to all and there must be accountability for all violations . yet more than 75 to use the life of the published indian people has been treated as an exception to the international law. mr. president, members of the court, you have the clear mandate and indeed the responsibility to remedy this acceptable situation. the credibility of the international legal order depends on your opinion . and the states cannot be hire indeed as rails genocide don't more on the indeed is they're able to decide to more on the people showing that this is the, the situation in palestine is the most depressing threat to international peace and


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