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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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as well, i'll just say is most i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them this has been use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really attacks across central and southern gaza, killing more than a 100 palestinians in the past 24 hours. the psychological injuries have led
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children as young as prize to tell us that they would prefer a warning about the invisible, tall. so those most valuable who survived the war on guns yet more time. 75 to use the lights of the city and people has been treated as an exception to the international. gonna fall off from that. because that tells the international court of justice as well as occupation of palestinian territories in the gold and a threat to international secures. why on the front line and the east and democratic republic of congo with thousands of forced to flee fighting between the n 23 on group and the minute treat the celebrations in houston, all 2 of those private sector moving mission coaches down success for process. we do the,
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as we started with the staggering dest told of, as well as war on gauze. at least a 100 and full palestinians have been killed in just the past. 24 hours alone is right. the strikes targeted to crowded refugee camps in the central areas of the strip. more than 29500 palestinians has now been killed since october, a photos of a children taught a couple of zoom begins on coverage. we should warn you. his report contains some distressing images. digging in the dogs, using the flashing lights the, the machinery, and if you needed to run it on, know at the level to search for the bodies is very strikes close to the destruction in neighborhoods in central casa, the with more palestinians killed the injured, taken to hospitals, apparently operating off to months of bombing children will make up nearly health with causes population. so that treatment rooms of an ox,
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a hospital for you. and you don't see unicef stays least 17000 children have been over separated from the families during the war. so far, the number of dead on a just continues to increase every day. good. the last government. the messiah came down and killed 10 of my family members and the whole house got destroyed. my mother is in the intensive care unit, my daughter con to us. this child was born during the war, the 13th day of the hospitals. court yard has become overwhelmed with 40 ton in place of healing into one of morning. and as it strikes, again targeting itself, it's a similar pick to in the city once considered as the last remaining sites of let
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i mean to base number the we were sleeping peacefully at home. my brother called crying my sister and all her children were killed. they were all innocent civilians . my sister was killed with her children, including her 2 year old daughter and see it old son, you know, special offer. and this is our gift. on the advent of the holy month of ramadan government, new bombs and missiles from the us, instead of enforcing a ceasefire and letting the displaced return home, the americans in israel is continued to kill up. the more families all over gone saw us struggling to pick up the pieces of the shifted lives on our phones in the living room to mon, the dead. 2 with no engine slides proved ends of these valuable buttons to alric about zoom out. just a rough rough off in southern garza, you know, thought a couple of them is live for us now in the drop off and southern gaza. so take us
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through the latest strikes and what's been very dense. 24 hours is from bonham. yes, in fact uh as well as this state agent gets military attacks, of course cause a strip and we have been hearing guns saying loud explosions. within the past few hours, but all the nights it was one of the bloodiest nights where the is very forces that targeted a number of residential houses in central areas of causal were app please. according to the government, media office for the palestinians have reported killed alongside with at least 100 others being wanted in the vast majority of the victims with young children and women as a part of the valley of involvement. and right now we've been hearing the loud explosions in a rough district as the east bed you find to just continue to flowing in tova in a very low altitude. but this is not by the way, one of the latest attacks just i really thought these body forces are targets in
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different areas in the gaza strip in the past hour. exactly on the vicinity of i'm, i'm on hospitals that belongs to the palestinian red present society where the attack had resulted to a significant damage in different departments on buildings of the hospital as a part of the bombing campaign in the city. alongside that, there is what he poses that target to another most in calling you to city, which was completely leveled to the ground as well as that. so right, so if you did come was what we talked in the past hour were when i'm to a residence being hit directly within his valley, told me silent the coast line of the on the start right at refuge account. sammy. all right, we'll leave it the thanks so much thought a couple was. and so you and the agencies, palestinian refugees. underwood says it's reached a breaking point is israel steps up its demands? is mindful the agency, 16 countries including the u. s. u. k, and germany. have suspended funding totaling $450000000.00 underwood chief for the
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for that. so the, and he says the agency's ability to fulfill its monday is now on the serious right on the ground palestinians in golf 0. struggling to find off solve ation. julie dyke over false drinking polluted router and eating animal feed, palestinians are fighting against another weapon. israel's will 1st stall vacation . the united nations is issued repeated warnings. the cause is heading towards from the displaced palestinians trumped with no. where to go say they are ready solving? yeah, no i they had that me. i have my son wakes up in the morning and asks for a loaf of bread. i answer him, there is none. we have nothing, nothing at all, but i'm an old roads lead to this. if not killed by the is there a boat in boardman? we will starve to death. northern cause
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a has been almost entirely cut off from life saving 8 since late october deliveries, a dependent on security clearances from the is really ministry agencies, the q soldiers deliberately blocking supplies. and that's been had the problem much at all. we have no clean water and they're forced to drink sewage water. we pray to all of you watching us have mercy on us. we are dying for the relief a to be delivered in the north. children are austin was effected using the stuff is wound that around 335000 on the 5 are high risk of so the amount nutrition unpreventable death is the impact of israel's lessons. some children have said they'd rather die than suffer the horrors of the will or children who do so far. this will, will not only the visible wounds of traumatic injuries,
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but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear. i'm witnessing family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. is rolls on the basing attacks have left causa, unrecognizable, streets that were once busy with bakeries and restaurants. now a distant memory for its stopping population. julie vega, audra 0. bradley a, my colleague, nastasia tay, spoke to the spokeswoman for underwater model on the side. she began by asking her how much longer the agency can survive without adequate funding to. we don't serve us for a few more weeks thanks to the news to for the new funding we got from some of our donors who are still supporters of the agency and believe or is in the mission of
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poland. or despite the decision by some of our other largest builders, this has been so for example, ireland just gave us the 20000000 euro. for example, we managed to advance the payments by some of our donors. so payment that was supposed to be scheduled for lazar in the year was paid in advance to allow us to hold on for another few weeks. the real question is yes, there is an independent external investigation and to the allegations that 12 staff members do cards in the rest and get that to the 7th of october. but then what will it take for donors who decided to suspend their funding to reimburse their decisions? once the findings are out no matter what the findings are. here we're talking about the existential the rest to an agency that is 75 years old. and that has life saving, but also education, health care, social protection activities in the whole region, with
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a population of those fun refugees today amounting to 5900000 in the okay, by goes to indian territories, but also in jordan, lebanon, syria. so let me ask you, then tomorrow you say there's a few weeks left. what would the end of one run look like on the ground not only and gaza, but around the region? it will keep like a real good, faster fee. no other agency in garza today has the infrastructure, the number of employees then knowledge, the list of beneficiaries and shelters, the trucks that need no other agency has all this and goes up to date within the region and the impact is also very wouldn't be very, very severe we have have familial children attending on risk. oh, where all these children go? if our schools were to close, we have 2000000 patients. bell assigned refugees the most vulnerable communities in the countries, but generously host them. where will they get their health services from?
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so an interruption to our basic core services mean and someone else has to think over. cool, that's be an under what's modality. this is why the commission to general address the president of the judge just of the general assembly, the un general assembly, through what you enjoy the real assembly resolution game on the road that's monday . the mission. it is only the general assembly, the members space of the general assembly the should can discuss the future, but it was not a single you one member state who is the width by the work and was only was symbolizes 75 years of allison in refugees. this is what we symbolized tamara, speaking of, of the future of one, right. let me ask you about what we've had for me. nothing y'all here recently, he's told his cabinet of his funds for post will cause a, he's unequivocal. he said that there must be no and wrong. can i ask you if your
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response to that it is not a coincidence when the attempts to dismantle, those are what are happening at the same time as it gets really prime minister showing a map of the future of israel to the general assembly. a map of the future of israel. that includes and compasses. all the palestinians directories were under what works. i do not find this the vehicle incident. is there any prime minister, ben? you mean nothing now is demanding under it must be shot down as part of a post floor plan is submitted to the security cabinet. the proposal does not exclude the palestinian authority from governing the strip in the future, but it does say is roll them in time, but it caused freedom of action in the entire strip without a time limit to. it also says guys, i should be completely demilitarised except for weapons that are necessary to maintain public order. let's go to him. the salt hose. she's an occupied east,
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jerusalem. so i'm the 1st who does this plan given any indication of who? nothing. yeah. one. so things will govern garza of the it's quite vague, listed in these really prime ministers, that statement to the security cabinet. but what it does say is that local elements with management experience will be responsible for both the civil and public affairs of gauze at once. the war was over, but there are some caviar these elements. he says quote, will not be identified with countries or entities that support terrorism and will not receive payments from that these words from these really prime minister. so he's saying that whoever is going to be responsible for guns at once, the war is over, can not really be connected with any of israel's adversaries or receive any sort of support from them. he lists a lot of other things in his plan here. the 1st time we really received
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confirmation from him on what his aspirations are for guns, the day after the war is over. but he says that these really military is essentially going to have free reign that there is going to be some sort of security barrier with an army presence. and that is really forces will have freedom of action and free be free to go into gaza whenever they please. perhaps similar to what we see in the occupied westbank. we're talking about a military occupation here. now when it comes to the reconstruction of gaza, she says that error of states of israel's choosing are going to foot the bill for this. but that reconstruction can only commence once a d. militarization process happens. and that's something he says he's adamant about that. the war is now going to end until gaza is fully demilitarized. but before that all comes together, he says that the new governing entity that's going to take over is also going to
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assist system something he calls the radicalization and that's in schools and governance and religious institutions. so there are a lot of demands from these really prime minister, but it doesn't specifically say the palestinian authority is not going to govern gaza. though this has been the position of netanyahu vocally. we've heard it for months as this war has carried on because he does not agree with the way the pals student has to already and governance. he says that they are too radical in a lot of their thought processes. but it's interesting because the americans have been putting a lot of pressure on these really is wanting to see a revitalized palestinian authority come in and take over the governance for the people of gone. so these really prime minister ends this document by saying that on or what must be completely shut down. and that other for an aid agencies, of course, of israel's choosing and of approval by israel should take over. but it is again,
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one of the only lifelines left for palestinians in gaza. all right, thanks so much. well actually before you go getting would of another palestinian prison the dying. and these are the cost of the this is becoming clear how this person died is really, is already is not really revealing a lot of details about the palestinian prisoner. but we do know that he's a man from gaza, who was arrested once the ground defensive, began after october. the 7th. he is the 10th palestinian to cheney to die in, in his really prison since the war began. and israel regularly does it keep the remains and the bodies of these palestinians, but it's not really know the circumstances around his arrest. where exactly from gods. but he's from what these rallies have accused him of what he's the 10s, pulsing and prisoner to die. and then is really jail since the war began. all right, thanks so much from this spring out is there
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a senior physical analyst model on the shoulder to discuss this further? so 1st of all, model one is this a feasible plan? not very clear who nothing. now is proposing would even run garza so i don't think he knows. i don't think who are they are they know. i don't think anyone knows. and i think i don't think it's important to be honest because i don't think it's very serious. it's kind of wishful, and i'd rather foolish, i must say, because uh if you haven't or if he hasn't learned the lessons of the past, 56 years out, i'm not sure he's gonna let him today. but i also don't think he felt through the, the, the, the risk of once again as he enters the 5, the 5th month of the war. so human, the 8th, the by did have the most searching it again. because the by the administration as well as the g 7 countries, the world,
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the democratic uh powers insisted that the sort of line that is right of cannot continue to govern or to maintain control or secured with the control over the guys to start. but he wants to, again he, what is the, by the administration, basically thing by then that his word or whatever his red lines are just don't mess up. and there's nothing else to do with nothing you know, needs to do in order to satisfy his correlation of fanatics and fascist, without whom he would probably end up in jail. and this statement about is ready of ground forces having free reigning garza recipe for long term conflicts and to return to ground occupational goals. goals a has been occupied all these years, but ground occupation as well now, is that well, i think being proposed, i think in the short term i think that's what's gonna happen under find, find newness. and by the way, as we pay attention and sorry, model on, we're gonna have to break in and we're going to want to side us where we understand lincoln speaking,
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best listening. i think that's very important. and i spent some time with some of our, our partners including recently on the margins of the g. 20. talking about that just as we did that when we were at the meeting security conference together. so it's important that we have, again a plan which is absolutely necessary, but one also that is consistent with basic principles that i think many country share about what has to be guys with future. finally, i think you refer to this settlement as well. we just saw another horrific terrorist attack and this and all of me and my 1st thought is with the the victims of that attack. and we continue continue, excuse me, to fully support israel's right to security, to self defense and to dealing with with tears on settlements. we've seen
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the reports and i have to say we're disappointed in the announcement. it's been longstanding us policy under republican, the democratic administration. so like that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching out to during peace. they're also in consistent with international law art ministration maintains from opposition to settlement expansion and in our government. this only weekends doesn't strengthen israel security i can select for i the 1st like this actually is 2 questions one. so that is a great way of showing what do we expect and the relationship not only with the us, we are willing and eager to support democracy and that are coming values most particularly freedom. in most countries in the world, at the ready, as i buy those comments and hopefully someday, every single country in the world,
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we'd be doing that. so we do have a lot of things in common with the us and with the many other leave it on the democracies. we hope that they can be sustain. oh gosh, show it to the world. as regards what you mentioned, the 2nd to women, well that is not true. definitely not true. this is when people say something wrong . we believe it any point, right? something we really need for the treatment that has never happened. actually we have a most comprehensive little an agreement with with this. and if he wants a sick even given that kevin, it's in this government and we have a lot of definitely non participating. but it is not an attack on women. it is only a yes. she's very, very, very different and that's what got social justice. i have to comment on one isn't very peculiar direction. tina, because when we talk about social justice as a comment and it hasn't been ingrained in argentina, whether to help someone they take away from somebody else. whereas to are
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understanding social justice should be to get each and every one equal opportunities. i'm the possibilities of keeping whatever they are helping produce and not taken away from somebody else. what else regards with anita fi compatible or not? but why not? i mean a, everybody supports the same ideas is good. and even if they didn't even a very come together wherever we all need to work to come on objectives, that's what's really very important. a full app. it isn't necessarily for dina's press began the college from the, the radio station. thank you, mr. blinking. what does the job i'm think about the other nations going forward? i don't know. right. zation of the economy is given the possibility of the i think government rescheduling, it's for and that when will it be able to rely on by and ministration support unless i'm under, you know, all right, we're listening back to a live press, one press conference going on between the phone ministers of the united states and
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origin, tino is on 70 blinking a moment ago talking about the need to protect as well security as spring and once again. model on the chart and i'll just say we're a senior political analyst. he talks about from opposition to his riley sacraments . it's hard to find the phone part. yes. i'm sorry, the last but this. absolutely. it's not funny. it's actually quite tragic because the united states has meant to end up position for more than 50 years. uh, but uh, you know, the more that the repeats of the more los illegals supplements grow and the usaid continues and the arms go, continues to go in and the support. right. and so doesn't look very from now we're 700000 firm, right? 700000 illegal settlers and over 200 supplements, some legal, some legal legal like even is ready to consider the legal and yet the united states continues to say, oh no, no, but you know, we're, but we, as you certainly,
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we still provide them with arms with some provide them with diplomatic cover, and we spent speak off to stay solutions. see what i think i'm sure. a lot of our viewers around the world. i know they can see some of the pictures or some of those documents. you said the settlements i've made the occupied territories on the swiss cheese is not conducive to any switched for the ration moving forward. i guess getting hot or another was to to think of land for a palestinian state when you keep settling it with the settlements. sorry model, i'll get a break in again because now we have the us presently speaking. that's this and then 30 could roll into ukraine and he would roll over the 2 years later he remains wrong. he didn't do that. we're unable to do that. keith is still standing. ukraine is still free, and the people, the crane, remain on about and on, broken in the face of pollutants, vigorous onslaught. this is due to their shim bravery and their sacrifice, but it's also due to us. remember the united states pull together
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a coalition of more than 50 nations, 15 issues as for your crack, were unified and expanded nato. we can walk away now and this was put in his penny . now his betting on we're going to walk away. i probably speaking to the 7 folks, some of the heads of the european union and nato today. as i'm announcing more than 500 new sanctions. the world conquests in response to the election of all these debt. because make no mistake putting is responsible for alexis. there, yesterday i met with alexys wife and daughter in california, where his daughter attends college. alexi was incredibly courageous. manage family is the craziest as well. i assured them his legacy will continue to live around the world and we in the united states are going to can you insure the product page,
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the price for his regression abroad, and repression at hall. the house of representatives must pass the by far some national security bill provides virgin funding for ukraine in the past overwhelming in the senate and there's no question not, not it's a speaker call for vote in the house with pass easily today. instead they want a vacation. i mean, it just look, folks all can decide. histories, watch the clock is ticking. preview. korean soldiers and civilians are dying. russia, russia is taking ukraine territory for the 1st time and many months. but here in america, the speaker gave the house a 2 week vacation. they have to come back, they have to come back and get this done. because failure to support ukraine,
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this critical moment will never be forgotten the history, it will be measured and it will have impact for decades to come in. i want to thank all your governors here for and i heard you if you agree with me and many of you do to urgent congressional representatives to force this bill to be brought up. america can be there for to prove alert can be relied. no. america stands up for freedom. we never bowed anyone, particularly put look folks. now another important mark right now. i want to thank you all for delivering historic these all straight american people. you've been incredible partners, governors knows the measure of success isn't how many part of some points we score is, did we fix the problem? can we fix the problem? we disagree on how to fix the problem. any time we're all here for one reason to fix the problems,
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to get things done for families or community issues the country. that's why i kept my commitment to be present for all americans. why do you vote for me or not? in fact, we've invested more and always cash red stage than we haven't blue states. that's a fact. billions of dollars more of a way past has invested in red states and blue states. i came to office in the pandemic. great, you. the economy was really a way to turn things around with your help. american rescue prime for right of $350000000000.00 and state local governments. and many, many of you put that money up for cops and a be bringing down by on crime across the nation, which we've done to bring in half a $1000000.00 teachers. another approach for personal back into the classroom to prevent foreclosures and evictions. it conveys 1000000 families in their homes. the, by far as infrastructure law, made the most significant investment, our nation's infrastructure in history. so the
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interstate highway bill maybe did it as much for over 46000 projects already 46000. we're just getting started. is just the beginning, modernize roads, bridges, railroads, porch airports, public transit, clean motor, high speed, internet affordable, high speed. everywhere. i showed the governor, neighbors, and walls. and as rebuilding the, the black make bridge by the way. and you know, we're $1000000000.00 and it's important from wisconsin to minnesota to come to my share governor know why we're building a bridge called the branch fence bridge between construction how do i tens of thousands of trucks, 500 more new sanctions. the us present the announcing the latest measures he's imposing
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a gaines 1st heis russia. he said before its invasion of ukraine as well as the death of the russian oppositional as we go. i like said no problem. they oh, i think we can go live now to washington dc with joined by white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare. so what sort of sanctions will, will be impose now these $500.00 measures. and what we know is that the previous set of sections that were leveled by the white house and a also the european union in conjunction have not been successful. we know that in spite of the sections that were designed to cripple the russian economy and disable it's war machine that has allowed for rushes, invasion of ukraine. instead, what happened was that russia was able to find workarounds and of be able to continue financing and keep that revenue flowing. and as a result,
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it's economy grew, in fact, by 3 percent. and so this is kind of another attempt to try and stop all of that. so what we know is this is going to be targeting and constructing the revenue sector or the energy sector in terms of where that revenue is coming from. we know companies, individuals will be targeted. we know b e u has its own set of sanctions that have been unveiled targeting russian banks and suppliers as well as politicians. now, the us president talking about it, they're saying, but as he said before, that russia expected the united states and its allies to walk away by this point. and so he says, this is sending a signal that the united states us here. and has he said before us here for the long haul along with its allies. and if he sees blood them are putting his be responsible for all of this and not only for rushes invasion if you pray,
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but also for the death of alexi and the valley. and so these sections are time not only for the 2nd anniversary of that invasion, but also to mark the death of the activist. but he says, this is correct, courageous man who is legacy will live around the world. so he was president marking that occasion, but also making an appeal for the ongoing a bit has yet to pass the us senate talking about it there. a bill that is still yet to be passed in the house of representatives, one that would not only provide aid for ukraine, but also for israel's war and gaza and the, even for taiwan. so do you as president? well, he is promising. more funding is also having a domestic issue here in the united states of trying to get that a that has been promised. i don't that point. kimberly we had the us president speaking to golf and the saying, oh, jewel congressional representatives to show america can be counted on where does
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the delicate balancing congress line up right now on the issues trying to get those spending bills through well, as you heard there, the problem is, is that that spending bill that is it worth about $95000000000.00 has passed in the us senate where there is bi board as partisan support. in fact, there are about 22 republicans that passed it along with democrats as a democrat control body. but it's a very different case in the republican controlled house of representatives in and down there. not only did you hear in that lower chamber, uh, are they on vacation? but the house speaker has said that he may not even bring this to the floor for debate for a boat. and that means without those to a full body's a passing this, it can come here to the white house for the president to sign it into law, which means it's dead on arrival. and so that's a problem for the president. he's promising this,
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but he's having trouble passing it in his own country. all right, thanks so much. kimberly how could back the it's the 5th day of hearings at the international court of justice, which is examining the legal consequences of his route, decades long occupation of palestinian lands. the un task the world quote with this 2 years ago. now more than 50 countries of providing legal testimony, most states of cold for an end to his right, the occupation and sacraments activities causes representative told the un colt as well as occupation is illegal and a threat to international security. international law must be upheld in all circumstances which must be applied equally to all. and there must be
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accountability for all violations yet more than 75 to use the life of the palestinian people has been treated as an exception to the international law. mister president, members of the court, you have to clear mandate and indeed the responsibility to remedy it is an acceptable situation. the credibility of the international legal order depends on your opinion. and the states cannot be higher. indeed is very ill genocide. the more on the people of plaza has shown that this is the, the situation in palestine is the most depressing threat to international peace and security. united kingdom is representative called the called that should be an immediate suspension of fighting palestinians, not face a desperate humanitarian crisis. in garza,
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the united kingdom wants to see an immediate suspension of the fighting and garza and then progress towards the sustainable permanency spa. as it is essential to ensure irreversible momentum towards the 2 state solution. guaranteeing security justice and peace for both palestinians and israelis. and all that spring, and i'll just say we're a senior political, i'm this model on the shadow to discuss this further model on. first of all, what do you make of the argument we had from the u. k. and a few others likely us that if there is a dispute, if there is an occupation of in this case most, if not actually all of the world recognize that as well as presence in the 1967 territories is an occupation. it's internationally recognized as such. human rights groups, you an expert, so you name it, but that, that she's not an issue that you can take the quote with this effect, right? if they were talking say about egypt, the news, right?
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and the dispute over something that happened in the sign i then whether you do take a do not take it and, and whatever the legalities that are on the procedures, the jurisdiction of the court. that wouldn't be an issue between the 2 states. but if you take, for example, apart dates, south africa, there was a party and the blacks in south africa would oakwood, oppressed, or press systematically by r wife minority. you can, you can say this was a dispute between blacks and whites, but it wasn't a par state system. it was a racial system over depression. it's not a sign we have gone through 75 years of dispossession, an occupation. so the 1st thing is, uh, aggress. these ladies are a dresser. the pricing is not okay by these a, these are the occupier. there are no 2 parties that are no 2 states. there might be, you could call it an out or is there a the conflict at our best way to dispute, but there is no palestinian. is there any dispute?
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there is an israeli occupation in front of site. there is already a part paid on an invite, a sigh, and that can be resolved in one of 2 ways. at least judging cold for 6 years of history. either via resistance, violent or otherwise, or by the intervention of the international community. pro such mechanism as the international court of justice in order to put pressure on is read to and it's occupation, as we have seen in south africa, where upon page was ended. so both local or existence as well as international as the general assembly of the united nations have asked the court for a non binding judgment because it's important for various political entities and group things around the world to be using that non violent judgment to say no we or do we
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not continue, for example, the economic cooperation with is right, or is there any supplements? do we or do we do we not continue to provide. is there any of arms that it use is, for example, in gaza, an occupied status, and we've just seen, in fact, the us president announce sanctions on russia because of what he called in response to a will of come quest. are you smelling double standards here? we have will kind of go on for a very long time and conquests of palestinian land. and yet in this case, no, no, we're not seeing sanctions. you are being told you can't take this the cold. and not only that, i mean, remember the russians also as the court. not too sure understand you. right. but your great yeah. rush as invite has as a, has invaded, occupied part of a sort of independent states called you create the independent city and case. the 1st thing you say is you have to be funny manifesto,
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could even recognize by the united states and the okay. of are making the judgments about the dispute. so yes, there's almost done. this is even more of a need for instructional intervention because these people don't have a state to argue on. that'd be helpful to absolutely know the arguments of that you can do. yes. was that there is a frame i called to force 2 and 338. you will not the addition security council resolutions since then, there were other us to create the concept of solutions, but ok to insist on ignoring them. selectively looking at what happens in 6 states, but also also looks only at you on security, or is it us to get to canceled on of those additions? that's what allows to pass by the united states because the united states is infamous. for re doing all kinds of, you're not the admissions security council resolutions in favor of the palestinians want in favor of peace because it continues support. it's all i is right. so once again, the problem with it, you can see us positions, it's not simply that it's fraud and selective that it does not view the issue.
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that's what you guys do objectively. it's viewed through the presence of his read an ally, an ally. that's what, ok, of buying power. russia is an enemy, then its occupation is definitely has to be, sanctions has to be for. is there a i'm all i saw progression is pretty much dandy. you know, that should be prolonged for perhaps another 56 years. all right, thanks so much model on the shot of coming in more than a dozen candidates and send a galls delayed presidential election refusing to attend to talks with the current president mackey sol. vote was due to be held on february the 25th but solve delayed. it is now uncertainty about when it will go ahead and solve sizes monday as the the will end as planned on april, the 2nd. but he hasn't said a focus will go to the polls before then. the nicholas huck joins us live from sending gauls capsule deck also while ago position vegas came to join this dialogue
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with the president. i mean, it's not just all position figures, but also for the civil society organization known as a coalition to protect the election. they say that there can be no compromise in the 2 will not participate in the national dialogue that president mucky cell has called for. now, late on thursday night in a press conference present like yourself says, he will announce a date for these presidential elections after candidates, members of the opposition civil society and religious leaders gather and this will be on monday and tuesday and election date will be announced. the reason why both the candidate for this presidential elections and members of civil society are again, a delay and call for presidential election day to be announced as soon as possible . because they say the reasons to delay the elections are on. just if i remember,
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present my case all the lady elections just hours before the presidential campaign were expected to take place. now they want an election date to be now as soon as possible. they don't trust the president to organize these elections and to hand over power his mandate. and on april, 2nd, during the press conference, he said to organize these elections before the end of his mandates will be difficult. sammy also probably tests are expected today. how does the shape pump well, that hasn't been any protest. yes, yeah, there's been heavy police presence across the capital. and all those demonstrations have been banned by the authorities. they're using social media to protest their discontent. and this fun, it's the lack of demonstrations on the streets. there is quite a lot of support among many senegalese and wanting these elections to take place as
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soon as possible and present back itself. and is address, tried to obtain this crisis, saying that because there is so set, suspected foul play around the list of candidates for this presidential election. the delay in this election needed to take place. he says, and you'll be assured that population saying that he's a democrats, he believes in the rule of law, and that he's delaying these elections to ensure a peaceful increase of a transition of power in a peaceful vote process. but critics say, this is all apply for the president to clean going to power, to extend his state, extend his mandate at stake. here is the extraction of oil and gas the european wants, and that is going to take place later this year. whoever is at the helm of this country by the end of 2024, will be at the head of a norm is unprecedented. well,
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and so that's why there is this unprecedented true moral around this election in a country that has always seen a peaceful transition of power present my case always currently know in the country he is at the regional body echo was summit and a budget where he will try to reassure other heads of state and the country that he has the situation under control. but there's still very much a crisis here. sammy oh, i think so much nicholas hawks that have been fierce attacks in the eastern democratic republic of congo over night by the m 23. i'm group. so it's heavy fighting, the town of san k, as in the province of north cube, who, when intensified violence between the groups and the congolese on forces as full thousands to flee in the past few weeks, catherine saw his van with more. a visa incident happened last evening. people was sleeping when
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a bomb sheets of that home. we've been talking to the people who live here. we've spoken to the family of a woman who was killed, including 2 children. they are still there, so the family is very much in morning. the situation here is very dire indeed. and this is this told between government forces an empty threat has been intensifying um for the last 2 weeks or so. the people here have moved to other parts of the city, but a socket itself is essentially a goal. stone. also a few of these people who have not gone to id can come see that they have to stay here because an id comes are too crowded and there's no food there. so they want to come and, you know,
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just try and leave out the situation. but now they're telling us that they have to go to the id p counts are thousands of gold. mine is said david, in a remote region of central venezuela, 16 bodies have been recovered sofa, a will of us collapsed in an illegally operated gold mine with thousands were at work. my normal palo has more the search for missing gold miners. the vin, as well in state of believer remains underway. as the bodies of those killed during the collapse of the buddha, i look at mine return to their families. survivors say dozens of other workers remain buried under as much as 30 meters of mud and dirt with all of a time equal pioneer to all those who were next to me died. but thanks to the glory of god, i am here. the look of mine is one of several illegal open pit mining enterprises in the state of bully,
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by many residents say mining is one of the few opportunities available for lucrative work before the deadly incident. on tuesday, the booge, i look online, employed to some 200 people according to authorities. if i meet the misconduct things here, i convey my condolences to the families and relatives of these people who unfortunately died in this accident. when this is due to mine that i mean collapse, southern venezuela is rich in gold and mineral deposits with accidents or comments. at least 12 people were killed last year in a similar accident pick. and then i found the windows were working. there are working under conditions where there is no one looking out for them. as you can see in the images. these are pits that are done with large machines my hand, but then those who enter there have no personal protective equipment. experts more and that a lack of government oversight and regulation on illegal mining means accidents like the one at the blue deluka are likely to happen again. my name is it up
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a little out a 0 it's a bridge. this government is welcoming the court of appeals ruling on shipping the bag them. empirical judges said the government didn't break. the law by revoking has citizenship. she was 15 years old when she left home in london to join iceland, syria. a lawyer says they'll keep on fighting, which could include an appeal to the supreme court. at least 10 people have died and up to 50. and i'm missing off to a huge fire broke out as a residential block in spain. questions and now being off about the safety of the building in valencia. haywood reports funds by strong winds. the finally a quickly and go this entire apartment building in valencia firefighters. what through the night to try and bring the fun on to control. the priority for rescue is was to reach residents who were trapped against the backdrop of flames and heat . and with capital precision,
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people approve the safety. the still people may sing and questions about where the material on the building could have been out. the fire to spread, move quickly. our young me and my, my mother and my mother in law, 80 and 83 lived here. and luckily they left when they saw smoke and fire, there was no sound from a fire alone. none was up to the fire, it was fine. the push out the black smoke still pulled from the block. the 14 story residential building now was smouldering, show as investigation of scale the site, trying to establish exactly what happened to spain's prime minister petro sanchez. business at the see the middle. why don't you see that? and then we have here to provide all the 8 and services to see the whole and the regional governments to response to the judge and, and clarify what happened and then help the families of this terrible tragedy and
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investigation into what caused the fire is now under way there will be 3 days of morning in valencia. i'm a haywood. ouch. is era. women all to be exempted from the recently announced conscription ordering me in law, the law a sponsor rushed by young people to flee. the country indulged. the draft. tony chang reports found sins of people waiting cues that stretch down the street outside the tie. embassy and yank on those waiting. young people men age between 18 and 35 women age 18 to 27. touching past bullets and other documents, only lucky few will be accepted. but they're trying because they feel there's no choice all the while the other no one, especially educated people except the crew. now it's hard to survive, have things on good. that's why i decided to leave this country. you know, the whole lot of them are asking of, you know, as they moved him would able,
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i think the military conscription order is nonsense because they are running out to soldiers. the revolution is getting strong or red. oh, yeah, and most military used to have a surplus of manpower with an estimated 400000 active personnel. 3 years of intense fighting with ethnic um is i know groups resisting the military to depleted the rings, then you can scription or it could replenish the numbers and restrict those who oppose them. this also serves a purpose of intimidating the use in the country and sending it out so that anybody can be stopped at a checkpoint, whether it's a woman or a man. and if they're under a certain age, they can be arrested if they don't have the necessary people neighboring countries . a bracing for an influx of refugees, thailand swiftly returned those who fled since the crew. but
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a new wave of young determined dec sales will be hard to resist. the ty, government says it will accept movies or applications inside man law, but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to accommodate all those who accusing outside the embassy. and there's real concern here that into could lead thousands typically illegally across the board. the cues outside the pos, both office in young going or even longer than those outside. the embassy is the punishment of those that don't comply with. conscription is 3 years in jail. and half defines, clearly many have decided the only option now is to leave tony chang, elgin 0, bangkok as a mol clinics, which provide in vitro fertilization in the state of alabama. opposing the treatments offer a landmark routing from the state supreme court. last week, judge is ruled, frozen embryos can be considered children, doctors, and patients in the state now fear performing the procedure could result in
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prosecution as a private american space company is celebrating a successful landing the lu, the south pole. it's the 1st time us mission is touched down there in 52 years. colon baker has more on what it means for the moon rice. here's of relief from the control room in texas. after intuitive machines, a private company successfully landed a new spacecraft near the moon's south poles. after 2 hours of 10, some certainty, and a nail biting long distance software update, the landing cemented the return of the united states to the lunar surface. over 50 years since the apollo missions ended presence, all of them today for the 1st time and more than a half century, the u. s. has returned to the moon, a modern moon rushes on. just over the past year, india and japan and both landed probes on the moon. china has had rovers there for over a decade. but to this,
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this is the 1st privately built craft to make it there. it may look like a moon mission, but it's really a delivery service that is where nasa pays a company to take our equipment, our science, to the boot down all the way down to the surface and get our data back. but this is the company's mission. they go up and make their way under, they buy a rocket, they design their mission and they get all the communication set up. we're just the pay cargo customer really just as if we were shipping a parcel to somebody's house, it can carry about 100 kilograms of material and provide 600 watts of power to the devices it brings. the scouts on board are the 1st tools to settle, apply it towards a moon gps station reflectors for future moon navigation and moon fuel gauges, because it's hard to keep track and low gravity. it also brings other items from paying customers a flying selfie cube to fill the landing a textile from a clothing company to learn how to keep things warm and space, and
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a sculpture by the artist jeff, cool. as for 7 days, odysseus will send data back to earth that will pave the way for the moon rush that's coming. we're looking at judging the success of this particular mission. what we want to do is understand that this company was able to provide the entire service from the beginning drawings all the way through the delivery on the surface and operation on the surface. and if it can do this consistently, mission after mission, these things will, it will look like this is a successful endeavor for nasa. we need to get nash. this goal is to establish a permanent lunar base for human voyagers and eventually a launching point for mars. but the us is also hoping to start a space based economy in which companies compete to be part of the journey. the government funded depaula emissions were worst about 2 percent of the country, g, d, p. at the time, half a century later, odysseus cost just $100000000.00,
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the high risk investment that seems to have stuck its land. calling baker elder 0. is that so it's from me. so this news out and back in a couple of minutes though with another some show. so statement the a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal was life trade loses its survival skills that re discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey, the secret pass barge, you can cook in is a radio baseball tea tool which everyone should carry from for us to do
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a tourism eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or a forklift? maybe discovers how people are coping in the end times of the poor young generation coming soon. but just like i told you, so dealing with this elaine on out to 0. some of those out rush i, it's a fairly challenging place to work from. as a journalist, even though you're saying you can't do it, it's not allowed to appreciate you always pushing a boundaries for peacefully. marston's. here we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. frank assessments, here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense, say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling
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. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial work we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, the israeli attacks across central and southern guns that kill more than a 100 contest indians. in the past 24 hours. the i'm so let me say them, this is algae. 0 live from del. so coming up the psychological injuries have led


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