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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the religion, politics, finance, or apocalypse, maybe discovers how people to campaign in the ends times the poor young generation coming soon. but just like i told you, so dealing with this elaine on out to 0. the is right. strikes hit a home incentive, gaza killing at least $24.00 palestinians, most of them women and children the out of there on jo. now this is al, just here, alive from the also coming up. we have have familial children attending on the schools where these children go. if our schools were to close the you, an agency for palestinian refugees says it has reached breaking point, as israel steps up. it's dumont to dismantle the i can say the us says these rules
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expansion of settlements and the occupied westbank is illegal reversing a policy set to or the trump administration. the water new grains remains an open wound at the hops of utah. un secretary general condemns russia at a security council of briefing 2 years on from the invasion of ukraine. the is ready as strikes of targeted a house full of people in darrow, by killing at least 20 full power students. many of the dead off children. alexander bios reports now for countless palestinian families and gaza. another night of desperation and panic, more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of dear all bella. as night fell, they were hit by
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a massive is really air straight. the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful place for us to go. we're all this place. we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching us, have mercy on us. in dark and dangerous conditions, rescuers tried to save those. they could violence and destruction are difficult to fathom the laguna. as soon as the dog, we rushed downstairs when we heard the for me, we sold the whole building coming down. we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to called the old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old. whatever they've done to desist, donnelly, like this. what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like face? dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with
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a huge number of victims. either most of the stuff alex, the hospital, which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children, women, an hourly, we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who was still of the attack sites, this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous integration against all people. as you can see, with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast majority of the victims of this attack were women and young children. as more bodies are recovered from the rubble, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians had been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs of stopping. alexandra buyers, al jazeera, a tonic, assume as mo, from rough in southern gaza on the ongoing is ready strikes more than 140
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days of these very bombardment. these very forces continue to balance because of strep from land and sea, causing very severe damage to civil impressed truck to and also for residential houses. today. the central parts of the guns, a stripe and particulate, endeavoured by the town, had been widely attacked by the it's very forces in the past few hours. with the is really minute you, i talking to the residential building were dozens of palestinians have reported killed and injured the vast majority included young children, a woman as a part of that use very ongoing genocide campaign. the majority of areas and because of strep to day had been attacked, including the nother at part confrontations and battles. a raging as like 2 neighborhoods, as the entire goal is a strict. today i've been on the wide military attacks where it promised to me is completely feeling unsafe, as bombardment and destruction are unfolding them in every single corner. tarika by
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zoom out just the euro roof. you saw the ring cause. so you an agency for the palestinian refugees, owner says it has reached a breaking point. this at the same time that is rarely stepping up it's, it's the amount to dismantle the agency. 16 countries including the u. s. u. k. i'm gemini, have suspended funding owner chief for the plaza rate, and he says the agency's ability to fulfill its mandate is now under serious threat to read. i take a reports, the drinking polluted ruta and eating animal feet. palestinians are fighting against another weapon. israel's will 1st stall vacation. the united nations is issued repeated warnings. the cause is heading towards funding. the displaced palestinians trumped with nowhere to go. say they are ready stopping. then i had, let me have my son wakes up in the morning and asks for
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a loaf of bread. i answer him, there is none. we have nothing, nothing gets old. old roads lead to death if not killed by the is there a book in boardman? we will starve to death. northern cause a has been almost entirely cutoff from life saving 8 since late october deliveries, a dependent on security clearances from these really minute treat agencies, the q soldiers deliberately blocking supplies. and that's been had the problem much at all. we have no clean water and are forced to drink sewage water. we pray to all of you watching us have mercy on us. we are dying for the release a to be delivered in the north. children are austin was affected when the stuff is wound did around 335000 on the fives are high risk of submitting all nutrition,
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unpreventable tests the impact of israel's lessons. some children have said they'd rather die than suffer the horrors of the will. the children's to do so far. this will not only the visible wounds of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. israel's, on the basing attacks, have left causa, unrecognisable streets that were once busy with bait grease and restaurants. now a distant memory for its staffing population to be taken out of there. hello the am i called or you cannot have enough stuff here. tell you, spoke to owner a spokesperson tomorrow. i'll re fi, she aust, how much longer the agency can survive without adequate funding. and we jumped
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through us for a few more weeks. thanks to the news to for the new funding we got from some of our donors who are still supporters of the agency and believe or is in the mission of the despite the decision by some of our other largest builders, this is better. so for example, ireland just gave us the $20000000.00 euros. for example, we managed to advance the payments by some of our donors. so payment that was supposed to be scheduled for later in the year. it was paid in advance to allow us to hold on for another few weeks. but the real question is, yes, there is an independent external investigation and to the allegations that 12 staff members do cards in the rest and get that to the 7th of october. but then what will it take for donors who decided to suspend their funding to reimburse their decision? once the findings are out no matter what the findings are. here we're talking about
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the existential threats to an agency that is 75 years old. and that has a life saving, but also education, health care, social protection activities in the whole region, with a population of bells fun, refugees today amounting to 5900000 in the okay. by those and in 3rd trees, but also enjoy them loving all them. syria, so let me ask you, then tomorrow you say there's a few weeks left. what would the end of one run look like on the ground not only and gaza, but around the region? it would look like a real good, faster fee, no other agency and goes up today, has the infrastructure, the number of employees then knowledge, the list of beneficiaries and shelters, the trucks that need no other agency has all this and goes up to date within the region and the impact is also very wouldn't be very, very severe. we have half
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a 1000000 children attending on risk. oh, well these children go if our schools were to close, we have 2000000 patients, palestine refugees, the most vulnerable communities in the countries. but generally hosta, where will they get their health services from? so an interruption to our basic core services mean and someone else has to think over. cool, that's be an under what's modality. this is why the commissioner general address the president of the just of the general assembly, the un general assembly, through what you enjoy the real assembly resolution game on the road that's monday . the mission. it is only the general assembly and the member states of the general assembly the should can discuss the future of under was not a single you one member state who is the width by the work and was only was symbolized the 75 years of palestinian refugees this is what we symbolized tamara,
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speaking of, of the future of on, right. let me ask you about what we've had for me. nothing y'all here recently. he's told his cabinet, of his plans for post will cause i, he's unequivocal. he said that they must be no unreal. can i ask you if your response to that it is not a coincidence when the attempts to dismiss, until those are what are happening at the same time as the as riley prime minister showing a map of the future of israel to the general assembly. a map of the future of israel, that includes and compasses. all the palestinian territories were under what works . i do not find this. the vehicle incident is really folders of counter the series of raids in the occupied westbank. he is rarely military entity, myself, a yatta in southern hebron, and assaulted an activist that these ran. the army also raises the town southeast of nablus, triggering confrontations with palestinian youths. and then once being reported as a change in policy, us secretary of state and until they blinking
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a said these rules planned to expand the legal settlements in the occupied westbank was against international law on settlements. we've seen the reports and i have to say we're disappointed in the announcement. it's been longstanding us policy under republican and democratic ministration, so like that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching out to during peace . they're also inconsistent with international law. our administration maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion and in our government. this only weakens doesn't strengthen israel security. akiva l dot is a political analyst and columnist at these writing these type of hurts. he says the issue of a legal settlements he's bound to be brought before the un security council. and i believe this still, though is a kind of impunity when it comes to these ready settlements. there is
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a lot of lip service, but let's see what they will do about it. i'm sure this to the point a senior. so you may be one of the arab countries with dr. again, to take this issue of settlements to the security council and to try to put sanctions on as well. right now, i think that the president biden is very busy with his domestic political domestic problems. and i'm not sure if uh at this time he will escalate his relationship with nathaniel and actually uh, talking about benny guns. let's see what he says about it because he shouldn't be the kind of the dogs to bank view. and we, we do mention what's going to happen in rama done on a lock. so he should be the,
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as the season on the door to the zip codes. but uh, do you imagine still hold this? he will do the jo, i'm not sure if uh, you know, i would put my money on him. it's the 1st day of hearings at the international court of justice, which is examining the legal consequences of israel's decades long occupation of palestinian lands the you and tossed the will cold with uh with these 2 years ago. now more than 50 countries of providing legal testimony, most states have called for an end to his radio patient in settlement activities. most of the head on al jazeera sandoval's, political crisis deepens, despite the president suffer, talks with opposition on delayed elections and were on the front line in east, in the democratic republic of congo, with thousands of force to play fighting between the m 23. i'm group at the minute the
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frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work. we live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera. in october 2023, these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people in power, those into the history of spinning and displacement and explorers whether appearing palestinians from us as in the occupied west bank is, is ready to transfer on and just for us
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to call was of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of our seniors report to an international perspective to try to explain to global audience. how does this impact feel like this is an important part of the world and how to do this? very good. the bringing the news to the world from here, the the, you're watching l to 0 of these are the top stores. these right there is again attacking residential targets across because of the latest strikes of killed at least 24 power students in general about large numbers would need to be taken to alex the hospital. and the human agency for palestinian refugees says it's reached
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breaking, pointed its ability to fulfill its monday to some of the serious threats. 16 countries of suspended funding, as the israel demands the dismantling the agency. the on the eve of the 2 year anniversary of rushes, full scale invasion of ukraine diplomats gathered in new york. the foreign ministers and representatives from around the world of dress, the united nations, including russia and ukraine. gabriel, that is on the reports now from new york, with this country facing a shortage of ammunition and losses on the battlefield. ukraine's foreign minister came to new york with a message. those who say that ukraine just needs to negotiate with the russia and, and the war. either you informed or never followed. what happened between 20142022 . during that 8 years ukraine and russia held approximately 200 rounds of peace
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negotiations in various forms and made 20 ceasefire agreements. all of these piece efforts. and it's 2 years ago at the united nations. on friday it was all about ukraine and its allies, pushing the conflict back to the top of the global agenda. and again, calling out rush us. if booting with each out some kind of with the rest of the world would suffer to what stocks in ukraine would not end boots and could easily apply his distortions of history elsewhere, such as molto, the baltic states and others will be in bold and to turn to fighting, when it suits no country with a large, aggressive neighbour would be safe, rushes ambassador blasted the un proceedings as a charade is put in, put it to the i think for anyone who is capable of independent,
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unbiased analysis of the situation, it is obvious that the topic under discussion today at the united nations general assembly has nothing to do with reality and serve solely to promote a political agenda. later in the day and passengers gathered at the security council for yet another photo op for ukraine in its allies to show unity inside the council, the secretary general reminded diplomats of the human toll of the war for 1000000 ukrainians internally displaced and 14 and a half 1000000 people inside the country in need of humanitarian assistance. 2 years on the back, it seems to us as an attempt to the legal indexation of ukraine's will tom's republic of guide me in the city of sylvester ball. the water, new grand remains an open wound as the hops of europe. while there are a lot of speeches here at the he, when there were no signs of any foreseeable action on how to bring an end to the conflict. a diplomatic breakthrough seems as far away today as it was 2 years ago.
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gabriel's on to out just at united nations in new york. while the united states and you and the european union have imposed new sanctions on russia. it's the largest single package of penalties since the war on ukraine big. the us says the sanctions of partly in response to the death of opposition, political activist alexi nova, on the white house correspondent, kimberly how could, has more just one week after russia's prison service announced alexi na valley died in a russian piano colony us president joe biden. vowed the valley's death would not be in vain. alexi was uh, incredibly courageous man is family as a craigslist, as well. i assured them his legacy will continue to live around the world and we in united states are going to can you ensure the prudent pays the price for his aggression abroad and refreshing his home. to honor the activist and as russia's
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invasion of you prayed, andrews is 3rd year, biden unveiled the largest us sanctions package, yet it's designed to cripple russians financial and military production sectors. announcing more than 500 new sanctions. and the sections include measures by the us treasury state and commerce departments targeting more than 500 individuals and entities with ties to the war in ukraine. 3 russian government officials with alleged ties to develop these death have also been sanctioned. the u. s. penalties are timed with use sanctions. banning nearly 200 individuals and entities. britons also announce sanctions on companies with links to russia's ammunition supply chain. still, russia has adapted to previous 5 ministration sections. 2023
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war spedding boasted russians. economy by 3 percent. ad rushes also managed to find new buyers for its oil. what russia has done over the last 2 years is it re oriented its economy away from north america and western europe and towards china. india and the middle east biden has promised to us. we'll back ukraine in its fight against russia for as long as it takes on friday we'll unveiling is new sanctions trach the us president, also urge congress to pass a $95000000000.00 for the aid package that includes funding for you pray for the us senate has passed the spending bill and with the find the house of representatives is dodging the painting or even voting on the legislation. god bless you, how many god protect our troops. thank making biden's financial pledge to ukraine. difficult to keep. kimberly help it al jazeera,
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the white house fighting between troops and rebels from the and 23 on group has driven thousands of people from their homes in east and democratic republic of congo. government forces say they're holding off a rebel advanced head of the withdrawal of un peacekeepers from the region. at the end of the year. the west fighting has been in the town of soccer in north keeping province from with katherine, so it reports. pants lined the road to 2nd a week ago. this was not here. thousands of people will drop shelters anywhere. they can find. these follows the escalating fighting you to call the police government forces and the m 23 on the group is the 1st time the military, either long john at least into the eastern town, seems renewed 5 to 2 weeks ago. it's largely empty now. the bottle has been intense, both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes
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a mother and had 2 children were killed by a long range more to their bodies. feeling the house in the cartridge. and we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children we. so if we stay in the camp, we will start. but now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision of the situation here. in fact, it is dire, many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced some of them for he has said that they're trying or they wants to wait how the situation, but it's becoming tubes dangerous full. and so they also have to go to the come on, you come monday, see the fight has our own nearby hills. the government has claimed its neighbor ronda for ami m, 53. the rundown government has united language to do what you said you went on your card. you're about to go to my final ramos to push the files back. i can't tell you,
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well, strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will takes away from the using to kill congolese. now, there's a lot of international pressure, and these will do. previous efforts for mediation have feels that means 1600000 colonies have been displaced, continue to suffer this note and insights pattern slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic of congo. more than a dozen candidates incentive goals to late presidential election. refusing to enter talks with the current president mackey, so the vote was due to be held on february the 25th but sole delayed it. there's no uncertainty about when it will go ahead. sol says he's mandate as leader will end as planned on april. the 2nd, but he has some say the voters will go to the polls before then. it goes hack reports out from the com a for many single ease. they see this crisis as politicians playing
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a game over their future on the one side are those that support president mikey solves decision to delay the elections. notably because they are several political figures on the opposition that are on the sidelines. like the jailed opposition, bigger it was months sancho, on the other side, are those presidential candidates that wants the election to take place as soon as possible? they have refused to take part in the national dialogue that president, microsoft has announced his actual thoughts in the general the only dialogue that we accept to sit dialogue that we have previously defined. saying that the only representative city will follow these in charge of the elections, or the dialogue between the candidates and the people. president mike he saw, says he has no interest in extending his mandate after april. second, he thinks he's almost a referee to what is happening right now. but critics say that his interest is to
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protect those that want to delay the elections because then that would allow him to spend more time in power. time is running short because the deadline for the end of his mandate is on april 2nd. and we need to hold the that presidential election so we will not waste any more time. we have 5, the request with the constitutional counsel to decide and in so use a date call to in the middle of this tussle for power. the senegalese people who want to decide on who leads this country because this year sent a goal will be exporting liquefied natural gas. that's expected to change the circumstances and bring well to this nation. so it's much more than democracy. it's about the future of this nation. and people are expecting a date for this election as soon as possible. nicholas hawk elgin 0 the car. and
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that is it from me for now show no more news in half an hour. remember more as ever on our website on consumer dot com. the weather is next and then stay tuned for inside storing the red sea crisis. the the color we have sign says some warmer weather, coming into east and nicer as we go through the next couple of days. temperatures are starting to knock you out this by the system is trying to go from that to make his way out of the way. something of a stationary feature down towards us. now, i will throw out a few showers, weakening feature this across southern japan in some way was still in place into central the southern areas of china, farther north. it is looking last year dry, little on the cloudy side, temples invasion guy from around 5 sales, just
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a sales you say that we're in the right direction. meanwhile, we have still got the possibility of some snow just around the mountains of homes to 9 celsius. the for tokyo, so went by the hand of times and when she was a possibility, it's a central japan price of sky saffel cells and brought to weather try to push back into central. china still booming off at home, cold and around $22.00 degrees celsius. warm sunshine, continuing to across a good pots of indo china or a few showers them to vietnam. and to allow scattering a shelves into the philippines. the heavier ones will be across indonesia, once again, looking at some showers brewing up across the eastern side of india river. the next dials, set of channels of the shower, to into west ends for lanka, and noticed a little bit of wet weather for half of the fund all about this time. on the zeros here to report on the people often ignored,
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but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas? of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how this finds, the young man has regions and so many others. we go to them, he makes the effort, we care state the consequences of israel's war on gaza is causing a maritime prices in the red sea. one that has drawn in major powers like the united states, the u. k. and china. so is the red sea becoming fully militarized? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much enjoying the red sea. it's one of
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the busiest shipping routes in the world. and one that's been a source of contention for some time. everything fighters in yemen have been targeting vessel.


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