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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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a multitude easily and exactly the same hour and 6 different places. this was no accident. the government appears to agree, vows to find and punish the culprits. the is riley strikes, hit a home in central golf, so killing at least $24.00 palestinians. most of them women and children of doing all this is out to 0 life from the also coming up. the us is israel, expansion of settlements and the occupied westbank is illegal reversing a policy set to and the trump administration. the water new grain remains an open wound at the hearts of u. b. u and secretary general contends russia at
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a security council briefing 2 years on from the invasion of ukraine. and morning in spain up to a far as an apartment block in valencia. it kills at least 9 people noon . but we begin in central guys aware is ro, is really strikes of targeted a house full of people in there about killing at least 20 full power students. many of the children, alexandra buys reports now for countless palestinian families and gaza. another night of desperation and panic, more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of dear all bella. as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. that's the you can see for yourself, the bodies,
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all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful police for us to go. we're all of us please. we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching. i have mercy on us. in dark and dangerous conditions, rescuers tried to save those. they could, the violence and destruction are difficult to fathom. led them to do the job. we rushed downstairs when we heard the bombing, we saw the whole building coming down. we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to call the old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old . or if they've done to desist. donnelly like this. what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like face? dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby l. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims. had the most of the stuff alex, the hospital,
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which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children women an hour later. we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who is still a the a tech side. this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous integration against how people, as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast majority of the victims of this attack, where women and young children, as more bodies are recovered from the rebel, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians had been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs of stopping. alexandra buyers al jazeera, a couple assume small from roughly and southern guns on the, on the use riley strikes, more than 140 days of these very bombardment. these very forces continue to bound
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because of strep from land and sea, causing very severe damage to civil infrastructure and also for residential houses . today. the central parts of the guns, a stripe and particulate endeavored by the town, had been widely attacked by that gets where the forces in the past few hours with it is really military. i talked to the residential board building where dozens of palestinians have reported killed and injured. the vast majority included young children of women as a part of the use of the ongoing genocide to campaign the majority of areas and because of strep to day had been attacked, including the another, at part, confrontations and battles, a raging as they to neighborhoods as the entire cause, this trip today had been on the wide military attacks. weren't palestinians completely feeling unsafe, as bombardment and destruction are unfolding them in every single corner. tarry composer? oh, just the euro. the roof is suffering goes off. the un agency for palestinian
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refugees, owner says it has reached a breaking point this at the same time that he's rarely stepping up. it's the amount to dismantle the agency. 16 countries including the u. s. u. k, and germany have suspended funding. monroe chief city loves irene. he says the agency's ability to fulfill its mandate is now under serious threats. do need to go reports drinking polluted router and eating animal feet. palestinians are fighting against another weapon. israel's will 1st stove ation. the united nations is issued repeated warnings. the cause is heading towards from the displaced palestinians trumped with no. where to go say they are ready solving . yeah, no i they had that we have, my son wakes up in the morning and asks for a loaf of bread. i answer him, there is none. we have nothing,
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nothing gets old. i'm an old roads lead to this, if not killed by the is there a boat in boardman? we will starve to death. northern cause a has been almost entirely cut off from life saving 8. since late october, the deliveries are dependent on security clearances from the is really ministry agencies, the q soldiers deliberately blocking supplies, and that's the had the problem with shut off. we have no clean water and are forced to drink sewage water. we pray to all of you watching us have mercy on us. we are dying for the release a to be delivered in the north. children are austin was affected. the human stuff is wound did around 3 135001 the fives. are high risk of severe malnutrition, unpreventable death is the impact of israel's lessons. some children have
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said they'd rather die than suffer the horrors of the will. the children who do support this war will not only the visible wounds of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die is rolls on the basing attacks have left causa, unrecognizable, streets that were once busy with bakeries and restaurants. now a distant memory for its stopping population. julie vega, i'll just say or is there any forces have carried out a series of raids in the okay, bind westbank. the israeli military entered and myself a yatta in southern hebron and assaulted an activist that is really ami, also rated a town southeast of nablus drinking,
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triggering confrontations with palestinian units. us secretary of state, down to the brink and said these rails planned to expand the legal settlements and the occupied westbank was against international norm. that's a change in the policy set by the trump administration on settlements. we've seen the reports and i have to say we're disappointed in the announcement. it's been longstanding us policy, under republican and democratic ministration, so like that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching a drawing piece. they're also inconsistent with international law art, ministration maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion and in our government. this only weakens doesn't strengthen israel security. akiva l daughter is a political analyst and columnist at these reading these type of hearts. he says the issue of illegal settlements he's bound to be brought before the un security
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council. i believe this still, though is a kind of impunity when it comes to these ready settlements. there is a lot of lip service, but let's see what they will do about it. i'm sure this to the point a senior, so you may be one of the arab countries with try again to take this issue of settlements to the security console and to try to put sanctions on as well. right now, i think that the president biden is very busy with his domestic political, domestic problems. and i'm not sure if uh at this time he will escalate his relationship with an attorney out and actually uh, talking about benny guns. let's see what he says about it, because he should be the kind of the dogs to bang read. and we,
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we do mention what's going to happen in rama done on a lot. so he shouldn't be the isn't on the go to the zip codes, but uh, do you imagine still hold this? he will do the joe, i'm not sure if uh, you know, i would put my money on him. it's the 5th day of hearings at the international court of justice, which is examining the legal consequences of israel's decades long occupation of palestinian lands the you and tossed the world coat with these 2 years ago. now, golden 50 countries of providing legal testimony, most states of cold for then to is ready occupation and settlement activities. contests, representative argue that israel's occupation easy legal and the threat to international security. international law must be upheld in all circumstances must be applied equally to all and there must be accountability for all violations
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as yet more than $75.00. to use the life of the palestinian people has been to treat it as an exception to the international court of law. mister president, members of the court, you have to clear mandate and indeed the responsibility. to remedy this unacceptable situation. the credibility of the international legal order depends on your opinion and the states cannot be hire. indeed, as they're able to decide, go more on the people of plaza has shown that this is the, the situation in palestine is the most depressing threat to international peace and security. now from ben smith from the international court of justice in the a on the 5th day of these hearings at the international court of justice, we've again had a long list of countries arguing that the court should rule illegal israel as
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occupations of palestinian territories. because in the main is riley's populating we occupied westbank with his re lease, changing the democratic nature of the west bank, and stopping the palestinians from exercising their right to self determination. the british outliers similarly to the us. i don't believe the court should be making a ruling on this. they say that are all sufficient un security council resolutions . and that should be a negotiated solution between these railings and the palestinians. the british did say that they both policies, the palestinians, and these riley should be reminded, but they are not to aggravate the dispute by taping taking steps to change the status or integrity of the occupied territories. the problem is, of course, these rallies on a daily basis, a changing the status of the occupied territories by pursuing that population transfer, which is illegal under international law. and the palestinians will say they have tried through the you and another international for,
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to reach and negotiated solution with these riley's but they haven't golf anyway. that is why they have the international court of justice. and it's me, i'll just say era, the hate the leave of the 2 year anniversary of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine diplomats gathered in new york, the foreign ministers and representatives from around the world address the united nations, including russia and ukraine. gabriel, that is on the reports now from the u. n. a new york. with this country facing a shortage of ammunition and losses on the battlefield. ukraine's foreign minister came to new york with a message. those who say that ukraine just needs to negotiate with russia and, and the war either you informed or never followed. what happened between 20142022.
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during that 8 years ukraine and russia held approximately 200 rounds of peace negotiations in various forms. and made 20 ceasefire agreements all of these piece efforts. and it's 2 years ago at the united nations on friday it was all about ukraine and its allies pushing the conflict back to the top of the global agenda. and again, calling out rush us to put in with each out some kind of with the rest of the world would suffer to what stocks in ukraine would not end boots and could easily apply his distortions of history elsewhere, such as molto, the baltic states and others will be in bold into tons of fighting when it suits no country with a large, aggressive neighbour would be safe, rushes, ambassador blasted the un proceedings as a charade. let's put input to that. i think for anyone who is capable of
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independent unbiased analysis of the situation, it is obvious that the topic under discussion today at the united nations general assembly has nothing to do with reality and serve solely to promote a political agenda. later in the day ambassadors gathered at the security council for yet another photo op for ukraine in its allies to show unity inside the council, the secretary general reminded diplomats of the human toll of the war for 1000000 ukrainians internally displaced and 14 and a half 1000000 people inside the country in need of humanitarian assistance. 2 years on the back, it seems to us as an attempt to the legal, the next session of your games. will tom's republic of guide me in the city of sylvester paul, the water new grains remains an open wound as the hops of europe. while there are a lot of speeches here at the when there were no signs of any foreseeable action on how to bring an end to the conflict,
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a diplomatic breakthrough seems as far away today as it was 2 years ago. gabriel's onto ouch is here at the united nations in new york. still to come here on out to 0 . an unprecedented court ruling in the us state of alabama forces some clinics to stop ivy f treatments. and will tell you why a president has released the personal details over to another state, one of the most dangerous countries for media with the color we have sign, says some warmer weather, coming into east and nicer as we go through the next couple of days. temperatures are starting to knock you out. that's why the system is trying to go from that to make his way out of the way. something of a stationary feature down towards us. now, i would glance
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a few showers weakening face of this across southern japan in some way whether still in place into central and southern areas of china farther north. it is looking last year dry, little on the cloudy side, temples invasion guy from around 5 sales, just a sales you say, are we in the right direction? meanwhile, we have still got the possibility of some snow just around the mountains of homes to 9 celsius. the tokyo, so went by the end of the time some when she was a possibility. it's a central japan price of sky saffel cells and right, so we're trying to push back into central. china still booming off at home, cold and around $22.00 degrees celsius. warm sunshine, continuing to across a good pots of indo china or a few showers them to vietnam. and to allow scattering a shelves into the philippines. the heavier ones will be across indonesia, once again, looking at some showers brewing up across the eastern side of india river. the next dials, set of channels of the shower, to into west ins for lanka, and noticed a little bit of weather for half of the font all about this time. the,
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the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. water sheds, moments international law is vehicle. be this model on sort of discussions. the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that and the out of bigotry, that a psalm of 12. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one out of the or the the
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welcome back here watching out a 0. he is a reminder of our top stories. the is really, um, is again attacking residential targets across casa, the latest strikes, of killed a piece, 20 full palestinians, and about launch numbers of wounded to be taken to alex, so flustered us. secretary of state dumps me blinking says these rules planned to expend the legal settlements in the ok find west bank is against international rule . it's a change in the policy set to the trump administration. the un security council has met on the eve of the secondary ministry of russia's invasion of ukraine. secretary general that tonia terrace opened the meeting, cooling forever to return to peace and security. the tray, united states sent your opinion of impose new sanctions on russia. of the fighting between troops and rebels from the n 23 on group test driven thousands of people from their homes in eastern democratic republic of congo. government forces say
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they're holding off a rebel advance ahead of a withdrawal of un peacekeepers from the region at the end of the year. well, the west fighting has been in the town of socket in north keep a province from with katherine. so it reports punch line. the wrote to 2nd a week ago. this was not here. thousands of people would up shelters anywhere. they can find these follows the escalating fighting between kimberly's government forces and the m 20 suite group. this is the 1st time the military ease allowing john, at least into the eastern town, seems renewed 5 to 2 weeks ago. it's largely empty now. the bottle has been intense, both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes a mother and had 2 children were killed by a long range more to the bodies building the house. in the garden,
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we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children. we thought if we stay in the camp, we will start. but now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision. the situation here, in fact it is dia, many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced some of them for he has said that they're trying or they want to wait how the situation, but it's becoming too dangerous. cool. and so they also have to go to the, come on, you come monday, see the fighters are on nearby hills. the government has claimed its neighbor rando for ami m, 53. the rondon government has denied it language to do what you said you went on your cards. you're about to go to the final ramos to push the fight as back. i can't tell you, well strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will take the weapons the using to kill congolese i out. is
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a lot of international pressure to and the school, previous efforts for mediation have feels that means 1600000 colonies who have been displaced, continued to suffer, is no end in sight. pattering slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic, a phone call was in a dozen candidates incentive goals. today. presidential election, refusing to enter talks with the current president mackey sold. the vote was due to be held on february the 25th, but sold the latest. there's no uncertainty about when it will go ahead. sol says he's mandate as leader will end as planned on april the 2nd, but he hasn't said the voters will go to the polls before then. some of the president tests on shake mohammed says he's country will defend itself if he goes ahead with a deal to set up a naval base and somebody land, ethiopia said last month, it wants to build a base in a semi autonomous region from an angry response from the central government in
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mogadishu of the united states and somebody upset the pool deal has increased recruitment for also bob of so that they move you is this is a bit of a legal and lead you to meet the eyes of the mission of low the eyes of the dimensional, custom of the, in the eyes of the child of the united nations, the child of african. you just that the chapter of you got, which all are members. at least 9 people have died after a huge fire broke out at a residential building in the spanish city of valencia questions. and now being asked if inappropriate building materials may have played a role in the file spread and behave. would reports funds by strong winds. the finally a quickly and go this entire apartment building in valencia. finally, finally to is what through the night to try and bring the fun on to control. the priority for rescue is was to reach residents who were trapped against the backdrop
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of flames and heat. and with capital precision, people approach to safety. the still people may sing and questions about where the material on the building could have been out. the fire to spread, move quickly. our young me and my, my mother and my mother in law 80 and 83 lived here. and luckily they left. when they saw smoke and fire, there was no sound from a fire alarm. none i was after the fire was fine, the push out the black smoke still pulled from the block. the 14 story residential building now was smouldering, show as investigation of scale the site, trying to establish exactly what happened to spain's prime minister petro sanchez. business at the see the middle, why don't you see that? and then we have here to provide all the 8 and services to see the whole and the regional governments to response to the judge and,
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and clarify what happened and then help the families of this terrible tragedy and investigation into what caused the fire is now under way there will be 3 days of morning in valencia. i'm haywood ouch is era that the british government is welcoming a court ruling on show. mima begged them. she was 15 years old when she left home in london to join i. so in syria appeal, court judges said the government didn't break the law by revoking of citizenship. i do this as a state supreme court ruling in the us state of alabama says embryos should be considered human beings even if they only exist in a lab. the decision was, has shut down. i be f treatments that state at the state's largest infertility. tenix, heidi joe castro has more now the cells inside this petri dish are children . according to a ruling by alabama state supreme court, the opinion released last week sites the christian belief that life begins at
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conception, even if in a lab and cannot be destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy god. this is unprecedented. this has never happened before. we now have a situation where we are saying that a fertilized egg is a child. and all of the things that we do as part of the idea of cycle are called into question one and 50 babies born in the us are from in vitro fertilization. the treatment involves combining sperm and eggs in a lab to create embryos, then implanting them in a person's uterus. and use embryos or those with genetic dfcs are usually discarded . but in alabama, that may now be illegal. you certainly can't destroy them or donate them for research. it's not clear you can store them or freeze them because if their children you can't store or freeze children. as a result, 3 alabama and fertility clinics are pausing, idea of services. that means women who have already endured months of rolling
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therapies toward a successful embryo, implantation and pregnancy are seeing those hopes evaporate. alabama already has a total ban on abortion, but even some anti abortion lawmakers say a ban on for tillery treatment is a step too far and have proposed state laws to protect i v f. nationally. the issue has become a flash point on the presidential campaign trail. individuals, couples who want to start a family are, are now being deprived of access to what can help them start. a family that democrats say donald trump is to blame for moving a u. s. supreme court that allowed states to criminalize abortions, trump responded on social media on friday that he supports ivy as well. his republican challenger nikki haley, was i'm certain in her response. i mean, embryos to me are babies,
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but it's also conversations where we need to have women and doctors involved in the conversation to say, how do we want to handle this going forward. the medical association of alabama has called on the state supreme court to reconsider its ruling as fears mount across the country. that other conservative states could take similar action. hydro castro, which is 0. washington, thousands protested across argentine and demanding food a for the poor. and often new austerity measures take effect since president have you made a took office in december, he's slashed public spending and the valued the past. so in the attempt to stabilize the embattled economy. argentina is battling annual inflation of up to 254 percent, but protests to say hunger is rising rapidly as food aid for soup. kitchens is cost presented. unhelpful. salt is a boosted vaccination efforts for children in rio de janeiro in the midst of a dang. the fever epidemic. 10 year old,
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so the 1st to be vaccinated followed by 11 to 14 year olds. it comes off to the death of 4 people and $49000.00 cases of doing the fever in the states so far this year. to mexico now where there is rising control. obviously, after the president revealed the personal information of a new york times to enlist the country to see more than a 150 media workers killed since 2002 on home and reports from the capital of mexico city. the mexican governments use state media to launch an online at tech support the gangs to the new york times bureau. to these questions, the president objected to citizen was by the side. use your findings from the new york times and who we have a senior to do this report in this is that my portfolio report the live phone on it is 10 dollars more than press conference. the president also read the bureau chief cell phone number loud from alexis. she'd sent his team asking for comment for an upcoming office. cool. that in particular has sent alarm bells ringing. hit. just
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to put this into context, mexico's one of the mostly phone countries for john list in the world where they receive a text, not just from criminals, from authorities themselves. free speech groups say such a dangerous precedent. the vast majority of death threats in mexico, our sense to re borders v. uh, what's that uh, the facebook messenger and other such applications. and a, such a local officials in mexico could use the president's actions as a justification for their own actions. and basically, no longer have any prior restraint to continue this. the president's revealing of the john, this number was actually illegal if she wasn't asked for permission. first, the head of the countries access to information institute told us all students will frequently see that we will have to abide by the world even if the low.


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