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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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in the community, off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness, and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of truth the the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters in dow. hi, i'm getting you navigate. i here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes is where the air strikes targets, central and southern, gaza, a residential building and dated by the has it's killing at least 25 people, including women and children. the us says israel's expansion of settlements and meet occupied westbank is illegal, reversing
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a policy set by donald trump. the new claim remains an open wound as the hops of unit 2 years on from the invasion of ukraine. the un secretary general condemns russia at a security council briefing. and congo leaves forces say they're folding back and advance by m. 23 fighters in the east. thousands of floods the fighting will have a report from near the front line, the hello. we begin in central ga, so we're in is really are a strike has targeted a residential building and dated by now killing at least 25 policy indians. many of the dead are women and children. alexandra buyers begins are coverage for countless palestinian families in gaza. another night of desperation and panic, more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the
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densely populated central city of dear all bella. as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. that's the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful place for us to go. we're all the please. we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching us. i have mercy on us in dark and dangerous conditions, rescuers tried to save those. they could violence and destruction are difficult to fathom laguna. as soon as the dog we rushed downstairs. when we heard the for me, we sold the whole building. coming down, we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to call. they were old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old. whatever they've done to desist, donnelly, like this. what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like face the
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dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims. had the most of the stuff alex, the hospital, which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children, women, an hourly, we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who is still a, the a tech side this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous the question against how people, as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast majority of the victims of this attack were women and young children. as more bodies are recovered from the rebel, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians had been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no
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signs of stopping. alexandra buyers algebra a tiny muscle just joining us now from rough assets in the south of the gaza strip . as we're seeing in that report. tiny, another deadly nights for palestinians and garza the yeah, so well not only deadly but also the elaborate targeting of civilian displays, families inside their residential homes. and this is not the 1st time we're seeing this has happened before repeatedly. i know there's almost a patterns of, of deliberate targeting of civilians, mainly women and children inside residential home. and just give you a little bit of context here at these residential homes are overcrowded. just given the fact that most of the areas here, because of this, your level of destruction, of residential homes, these remaining residential homes and facilities are overcrowded with people. people in the tend to be in larger group inside these residential homes because of
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the social, a structure of the guys that we have as bit of a mainly extended families. people are related to each other, either relatives or in laws. they all tend to be together just to comfort themselves and be close and be there in case there's something harmful it happens to them at residential building. indeed, or by city targeted and destroyed with more than a 120 people were shouldering inside. mostly women and children. the entire building came down 20 to 25 people reported killed, arrive to a laptop hospital. the of some of them arrived in full body and talked other big arrived in pieces. unfortunately on in plastic bags, mostly the women and the children were, it were hit the hardest. and these attacks, more than 75 people are critically injured in the types of energy of injuries because of the, of the explosive materials used in these bonds are causing great deal of injuries
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that are very alien to doctors. and is there any ability to intervene and kind of treat them, becomes very limited a by the time. so some of these injuries are at the floor of the hospital now it says mid sized hospital hospital with limited resubmitted resources and sufficient medical staff to come in very difficult to intervene and provide the necessary treatment for these injures to the expectations that the number will increase as the, the progressive is likely to happen. those are the aftermath of the destruction. the of the attack, the, the great shared level of destruction at the fact that are more people. it's still under the rebels and we're hearing it from civil defense sick for the run of the difficulty of removing people from under dorado. so again, we're looking at increasing number of casualties at by this as the day progresses. okay, thank you, honey. maximum. what time is reporting for us from but of off in dollars on the agency say that. thank you. monetary and crisis and gaza is beyond catastrophic.
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and that it continues to worse. and by the date that you end is appealing for uninterrupted access for relief workers. as well as supplies to save lives and, and the suffering truly, like our reports, drinking polluted ruta and eating animal feet. palestinians are fighting against another weapon. israel's will 1st stove ation. the united nations is issued repeated warnings. the cause is heading towards funding. the displaced palestinians trumped with no. where to go say they are ready solving. yeah, and i had them you have my son wakes up in the morning and asks for a loaf of bread. i answer him, there is none. we have nothing, nothing gets old. old roads lead to death if not killed by the is there a to put in boardman? we will starve to death. northern cause
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a has been almost entirely cutoff from life saving 8 since late october deliveries. a dependent on security clearances from these really minute treat agencies, the q soldiers deliberately blocking supplies. and that's been had the problem much at all. we have no clean water and are forced to drink sewage water. we pray to all of you watching us have mercy on us. we are dying for the release a to be delivered in the north. children are austin was affected when the stuff is wound did around 335000 on the fives are a high risk of severe mal nutrition. unpreventable death is roles on the basing. attacks have left causa, unrecognisable streets that were once busy with bait grease and restaurants. now a distant memory for its staffing population during the day goes out as there is
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really forces have carried out a number of friends and they occupied. westbank soldiers entered most of the top, excuse me, in southern hebron and they assaulted. i'm an activist there is really army also rated to town. southeast of novelist sparking confrontations with palestinian hughes. the us sector stay down to the blinking says that israel's plan to expand its legal settlement, so they occupied, westbank is against international law. that's a change in the policy set by the trump administration on settlements. we've seen the reports and i have to say we're disappointed in the announcement. it's been longstanding us policy under republican and democratic ministration, so like that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching out to during peace . they're also in consistent with international law, our administration maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion. and in our
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government, this only weakens doesn't strengthen israel security. akiva elder is a call, and this is really newspaper hearts uses. the issue of illegals settlements is bound to be brought before the un security council. what i believe is this still, though is a kind of impunity wage comes through these ready settlements. there is a lot of lip service, but let's see what they will do about it. i'm sure this to the point a senior. so you may be one of the arab countries with try again to take this issue of settlements to the security council and to try to put sanctions on as well. right now, i think that the president biden is very busy with his, the domestic political, domestic problems. and i'm not sure if uh at this time he will escalate his
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relationship with an attorney out and actually uh, talking about benny guns. let's see what he says about it, because he shouldn't be the kind of the dogs to bank we're and we, we do mention what's going to happen in rama done on a lot. so he shouldn't be the as the fitness. and i did go to the zip codes, but uh, do you imagine still hold that he will do the joe, i'm not sure if a, you know, i would put my money on him. all right. we have with us time of trying to move to is that assistant professor public policy at the door hot institute for graduate studies. he's also a specialist in conflict resolution. joining us here on site and so hot, thanks for your time with us time. it 1st. if we look at these comments that were my made by blinking, now he's saying that israel's plans to expand illegal settlements and they occupied westbank goes against international law. and this has ministration was saying,
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well, look, i mean this, this is a change in the policy that was set out by the trump administration, but it's always been us policy to declare a legal settlements as they are illegal. so do these comments and do these statements by blinking, make a difference to the is really the, they want to make a difference that he, unless the americans take the 3 individuals to, to make his way to comfortable for any future expansions and, and that's, that's happened so they took the tool, but they're not doing anything and the other people so busy ladies from doing this is right. is that not integrated pressure? well, they'll say, well, earlier this month we impose sanctions on i think it was for is really settlers you but that's, i mean, i mean against old. what's happening in the conflict. the thousands of people killed the confiscation of land, the ministering and fighting posts perspective for bringing peace between is the same. this is nothing. this is like a drop in the drop the what the drop in an ocean. so no, i mean of course,
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i don't understand it's of the, the us has to think that he understands with this, if it's still a seat is about to me and go to a piece of book or between these that is on the, for the students. but obviously it's not, i mean it's, it's pretty exciting with these ladies. so now it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's talking that i'd statements as providing, but i'd statements, but not doing an action to stop is way not. that's a problem. i mean, when you talk about action, what are you referring to here? i mean, we know that the us does have leverage on israel. but what, what would you like to see in terms of actual measures? i mean, i mean, let's sort of, i mean, by what's happening and guys, i mean, providing is or with weapons. i mean the us is, is, is a keep up. the 2 is that in this war and they could stop. the provide thing is i would weapons financial assistance to get a own is a name, a minute, 3 more water on the own guys, even economic assistance that the us has been providing president through the dictates as there's a basically, i mean there's so many tools that mean,
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i mean if it was not really for your support, these are the, is i would, i would, i would have stopped. it's called back long time ago. but obviously the main thing that efforts together and that's a problem. so us as new trinity in this world is obviously it's not good, it's gone. so, and this is why there was a need to bring other international players into the game. a, aside from the us, the you showing that i shot, i mean there was need the need to be an international or the presentation about us . one of the presents dentists of all sides like like who, 2nd mostly like the chinese that patients that to be more than what i mean, the global salt bridges, the south africa. so, so, so this mediation process, diesel, involve more of the initial play as well, more legitimacy and was wanting to talk to both sides. i'm keen to bring the interface between. busy these ages and the but as soon as the americans have took this out of this, of a to suddenly, i mean, since to, i mean, so small times in all. so it's, it's, i mean, in, and at some point is that with us, i'm just the dishes will put inputs, pressure and is what i did at george bush, the father, you know, a caught the,
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you know, the use tensions, economic sensors, and that the sensors, even to link these between the americans, but the kind of decision place to buy them position. i mean, i mean these types of items. so it's like, are you going to get the piece with design as president? and as i've been installation, right, i mean a lot, a lot of new the think the stuff, what's, what's it just, it's a, it's a bizarre situation to be on a. so let's just look at what's happening in paris. i mean, right now there are a sort of there being called a house that's talks taking place in paris. so with the mediators the categories and the egyptians, are you optimistic about anything coming out of all natalie or honestly the, that even. i mean, i'm not the, i'm, i'm up to this tickets. i mean, yes of the nothing held it out as planned for the day after and gaza and the, and, and all honestly that, i mean he's, he's using his own he, of them he's, he's not the, i mean he's not. so what was, even, i mean, what, what the american americans want to see. and so it's, i'm, that's what is going to happen. i mean the, the gap between the 2 sides of
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a very far how most of these are in and, and the minimum the problem as has requested in this, in the stokes, which is as a put of minutes. he's fine with drawing offices, the forces from the guys i slipped it. i mean, all these predict was the data cause it's have a, there's a, there's a big load. they want the tools, folks. why the present them guys? what, why the continuum of the offense? why there is no excess of 8 also into the guys us the it's, it's still 3. it's, it's, it doesn't make any sense to me. so what i hope i'm wrong, but i mean all indicators. i mean, i'm out in that direction suddenly. so. okay, thank you. so much time or some of the us military says that it's destroyed 7 and to ship themselves and hopefully controlled areas in human us. central command says that the massages removal and being prepared to launch towards targets in the red sea, posing what it's called, an imminent threat to american warships on commercial vessels. meanwhile,
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the whole sea group claims that british owns cargo ship it targeted and the red sea is now sinking. the ruby mar was struck earlier this week. the us central command says the attack caused significant damage to the ship and a 29 kilometers oil slick. the pro thieves have been targeting american and british vessels in the red sea in solidarity with palestinians in gaza to punch in morehead on the al jazeera news hour, including president lopez over the war versus the new york times. we look at a growing dispute in mexico, on the rights of the media and smugglers. stuff is to profit after plummeting trade between nigeria and his hair sanctions. it economy the . it's been 2 years since russian forces invaded ukraine. it's tanks on troops broke through defenses to reach the outskirts of the capital key,
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but fail to capture its us intelligence estimates. 315000 russians have been killed or injured and the war ukraine has suffered around 200000 casualties. 6 and a half 1000000 ukrainians, a flood the war to europe and beyond. with most, settling in poland, germany and the czech republic, and nearly 4000000 ukrainians are internally displaced. the fighting is estimated to have cost a $152000000000.00 and direct damage, and it's affecting all sectors of ukraine's economy. we have our correspondence right across the story earlier shop, a rollover standing by for us and moscow. first, let's go to rob mcbride, who's joining us from chief. so rob, how is this being marked in ukraine? this anniversary? a yeah, it is a significant events, but here in slow behind schedule data the throughout much of ukraine, there is very little in the way of official events as people have been slow bands
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would tell you this rule, the fighting for them is gone on a lot longer than 2 years, going all the way back to 2014. when we saw the stats of the heavily russian backed insurgency and fighting in this part of the world, and indeed with russian by fulfilled successes of div, cut them back, move to not too far from where we are here. there was a real favorite. many of these ukrainian held on yes towns that we could see an uptick and russian fighting and pushing to finally fulfill its own vision of re taking the of taking the whole i'll don't yet region. and uh, but we are seeing guys some events, uh, meetings with world leaders arriving in key verse. they live on the land. the you commission president is the world leaders. we've had a statement from the e u showing support for ukraine. interesting though, it is only come from the leadership, not from the whole you block. that's because of a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
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the best because of big the old, bad, all hungry. putting a block on that joint statement. and that does fuel concerns about international support for the future. but as we do a mock this day, there are still bi fulfilled successes that the ukrainians are claiming over night . the bringing down of an a 50 surveillance plane which will be the 2nd across since january. so there are these mocked military successors that the ukrainians can point to. but septic guns to picture of very mixed fortunes, militarily, as the main gateway to the south and east. the disney pro region has been a witness to the changing phases. in this rule. after the full scale russian invasion, it was a major transit route for civilians fling west. it's been a place for rapidly assembled. divisions of ukrainian troops, including for last summer has failed counter offensive and with rushes renewed push . it's a refuge for some of the last civilians to be moved out from the town of of div
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come before it fell like 84 year old. the rescue from the basement me out the she lifted me up by my arms because i couldn't walk by myself from there were very close, waiting for us to take us to safety. oh cool. on the 1st anniversary of this rule, ukraine could celebrate games, like driving the russians back from deceased khaki, but in the north, no celebrations this yet, but reconstruction efforts to be able to stay a tax cause more damage. marchers and thought the bought the i have experienced and construction and i can see the results of my work and how it benefits those who have suffered from the war for cisco claims covina is a similarly headstone region in the south, while back under ukraine's control is still under russian bombardments. so to the major pull to the data, although ukrainian success is against russian warships, i've seen the blacks the fleet forced back, allowing more grain ships to pass on the wide scale attacks on ukraine's energy
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system. as russia did last year. have yet to happen this winter. you sense though, a growing weariness, especially among families of soldiers fighting that the front for so long against the backdrop of waiting international support in the town of boucher north of keep father and today i live in, says he witnessed 1st hand suspected will crimes carried out by russian troops, which way did you allow people to hold for them? but at the same time, there is disappointment. we're glad to vote for the international aid. without it, we would probably, i would, i do have lot's at the nearby bridge of at a pin low not by retreating ukrainian soldiers. thousands of civilians followed the full of keys, seemingly just days away. 2 years on a new bridge has now been opened, while the original will be kept as a memorial and the man who was at the defense of keeping those early days. so it looks on some sort of sky has been installed as the new head of ukraine's armed
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forces in an attempt to change the country's military fortunes. he will soon have new weapons to help like f 16 find to jets, have a more sophisticated attack drones and continuing support from most of your us support though remains far more doubtful and back into the pro. another indicate to points to how grandma prospect for the 3rd year, a full scale war, the military symmetry of graves, freshly dug, and ever expand mcbride else's era. do you need for the crate? well, let's get the view from russia, yo yos for 5 o'clock 1st. joining us out from moscow. so what is the mood like and rustle 3 years after that invasion to rise. conversely, where he will re pulls that russia is actually advancing. but in fact, for a very long time, the front line has been hardly moving uh,
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neither side can brakes for it or achieve and the size of advantage bus on is a grand train destroying it, show the results as and the current military actions of being increasingly quote, a trend for that's what we're hearing now, so originated from that. it was a main to replace bedroom is a lens can he's government with a pro russian leadership, but that go, hasn't been achieved and boxes on 2 years ago. his address to the nation of legend patients spaces that russia is no interested in ukrainian territories, but in september 20 twice to woman, but russian proclaimed fool ukrainian regions of don't ask lou ganske as a parisha and here so and as a scenario, new regions of the present patient has been had a saying that is returning his gathering be originally russian lines. basically what he's doing now, by the way, what, what is true that is that the u. s. and e u plans to stronger russia with sanctions have failed in a short time. and the russian people feel very proud about that. but the cup,
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when the economy is the suffering, of course, um, as for the russian people, as i mentioned, and they keep repeating the official propaganda that for a g as from 2014 to points twins to ukraine was pounding its own russian speaking, eased with bones, and all to re so russia had to intervene by military and pretend that as to the trust is protecting the people of dung boss. they fox still did not realize that the full scale of ministry actions have blown away more depths. and the total destruction of a little does territory. so a lot of quite the opposite results from what the initially expected. and also the russian people did not question the official rhetoric that versus facing the knots his day in ukraine. and also that it's a full scale confrontation between nature led by the us and russia. and ukraine is just pulling in a big triplets colgate. so they believe that russia slicing the on to russian sentiment a new crane, but opposite who rushes options. what we see now is the sentiment of total hatred.
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so many aust, appropriate it's time to serious the questions, especially shop racial as an effective method to achieve the goals. so for moon that hayes, our report on february, the 24th $20.00 to $22.00 russian presidents floods you, me patient announced the purpose of russia's made a trip ration was to protect people who were subjected to bullying and genocide, where the key of regime 2 years old and people in the russian speaking provinces of ukraine are refusing to speak russian and choosing ukraine and instead. well, russia has captured around 20 percent of ukrainian land and the attached for new regions, states territory page and says, russia's winning all fronts. the recent full of disco which russia had been trying to capture since the beginning of the invasion is portrayed as one of the greatest victories the ukrainian governments that russia initially wanted to topple as part of as dean. that's if occasional strategy is still in place,
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while in tight cities are raised to the ground with millions of people displaced. appointment there was confidence at the beginning that ukraine was with us only the nazis were against us. we felt would defeat the easily then ukraine would meet us with flowers. perhaps the mistake which calls to crane millions of broken lives of the 2 guys of the so called special mid shop ration. the kremlin is not changing or even questioning how effect. so this strategy resolved in terms of achieving his goals and ukraine. the company's continues to bring more devastation and grief was now and to the blood. shred apparently sights um, let's say there were several scenarios for rush of how the situation will develop. the aim is to secure the border regions, at least in order to prevent a new cross border attacks and obviously to control the bone bass and, and as a possibility would be also to go forward this up in order to control access to the
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black sea. and of course, for major countries, it is important not to internally move ukraine, so they will have to possibly an expert, some pressure, and present as landscape through green to negotiate with russia to negotiate some sort of ceasefire. so, roches entering, it said yeah, oh, the conflict with you claim, and this comes on the heels of the death of patients of most outspoken critic. i'll explain the volney and overall crime down on civil rights officials reported the economic growth, but it applies to a very limited number of sectors like the military industrial complex. while the level of consumption is fully for the population, letting the patient is planning to stay on for 5th residential time, which means the country is most likely to choose staying because us above all of a to z, right. most of the un security council held a meeting on the situation. any ukraine on the eve of the 2nd down diverse rear for
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us, full scale invasion diplomats stepped up their efforts to re focus international attention on the conflict. gabriel is on the reports from new york, which is country facing a shortage of ammunition and losses on the battlefield. ukraine's foreign minister came to new york with a message. those who say that ukraine just needs to negotiate with russia and, and the war. either you informed or never followed what happened between 20142022. during that 8 years you create and russia held approximately 200 rounds of peace negotiations in various forms and made 20 ceasefire agreements. all of these piece efforts. and it's 2 years ago at the united nations on friday, it was all about ukraine and its allies, pushing the conflict back to the top of the global agenda. and again, calling out rush us to put in with each out some kind of with the rest of the world
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would suffer to what stocks in ukraine would not end boots and could easily apply his distortions of history elsewhere, such as molto, the baltic states and others will be in bold and to turn to fighting when it suits no country with a large, aggressive neighbour would be safe, rushes ambassador blasted the un proceedings as a charade. let's put input to that. i think for anyone who is capable of independent unbiased analysis of the situation, it is obvious that the topic under discussion today at the united nations general assembly has nothing to do with reality and serve solely to promote a political agenda. later in the day, ambassadors gathered up the security council for yet another photo op for ukraine in its allies to show unity inside the council, the secretary general reminded diplomats of the human toll of the war for 1000000 ukrainians internally displaced and 14 and
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a half 1000000 people inside the country in need of humanitarian assistance. 2 years on the back, it seems to us as an attempt to the legal indexation of ukraine's will tom's republic of guide me in the city of sylvester ball. the water, new grand remains an open wound as the hops of europe. while there are a lot of speeches here at the he, when there were no signs of any foreseeable action on how to bring an end to the conflict. a diplomatic breakthrough seems as far away today as it was 2 years ago. gabriel's on to out just at united nations in new york, a new united states and european union have hit russia with new sanctions. they're the largest since the war and ukraine began. washington says its action is partly in response to the death of kremlin critical, like sandoval, name, brussels is focusing on stomach the flow, so called dual use products into russia. they include drones on computer chips or
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the potential military purpose. the kremlin has retaliated by announcing its own set of sanctions by banning visits by you officials, our white house correspondent, kimberly hawk. it has more just one week after rushes present service, announced alexia valley died in a russian piano colony. us president joe biden vowed the valley's death would not be in vain. alexi was incredibly courageous man, as family as a credit, just as well. i assured them his legacy will continue to live around the world and we in the united states are going to can you insure the product page, the price for his aggression abroad, and refreshing his hall to honor the activist and as russia's invasion, if you prayed answers is 3rd year biden unveiled the largest us sanctions package, yet it's designed to cripple rushes, financial, and military production sectors. announcing more than 500 new sanctions.
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the sections include measures by the us treasury state and commerce departments. targeting more than 500 individuals and entities with ties to the war in ukraine, 3 russian government officials with alleged ties to develop these death have also been sanctioned. the u. s. penalties are timed with use sanctions. banning nearly 200 individuals and entities. britons also announce sanctions on companies with links to russia's ammunition supply chain. still russia hasn't. death did to previous 5 ministration sanctions. 2023 war spedding boasted rushes economy by 3 percent. ad rushes also managed to find new buyers for its oil. what russia has done over the last 2 years is its re oriented its
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economy away from north america and western europe and towards china. india and the middle east. biden has promised to us, well back ukraine in its fight against russia for as long as it takes on friday will unveiling his new sanctions trach the us president, also urge congress to pass a 95000000000 dollar for the aid package that includes funding for ukraine the us senate has passed the spending bill to find the house of representatives is dodging the painting or even voting on the legislation. god bless you. oh my god, protect our troops. thank making biden's financial pledge to ukraine. difficult to keep. kimberly help it l g 0, the white house still ahead on all to 0. i'm sure every time, so you're in south carolina. well, look ahead to the latest republican presidential primary, the,
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the highest branch of chinese government, the national people's congress is missing in the agents outlines it's vision for the year. but as the point of move sales to recover from the pandemic, what all defeats the cushions have been increasingly weak outlook for the rest of the colors. the latest development the ship is home to survivors of losses. earthquakes, inter kit, a floating hotel, its features, rooms at dining, hall and entertainment facilities. social workers offer lessons to president, still recovering from their or to 4 to 5 year old. good note is scared of entering the building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily we have the c a, we are leaving on a ship bill, a small world, hey, we our family. and eventually they have something to look for, for the nearest part, reopened every minute here for the life is a loss of returning to normal, they're playing nothing,
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but the trauma is never far away. the, there's a reminder of the top stories on, i'll just say we're this hour and is really are striking. central. garza has struck a residential building and dated by law dealing at least 25000. and many of the better women and children, more than a 150 display civilians were sheltering in the front of the homes. the us sector space as israel's time to expand its settlements on palestinian territories is a king's international. busy a change and a policy set by the trump administration. it comes us as real analysis proposals
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for more than 3000 new housing units in your occupied east jerusalem and european commission presidents or some of underlying isn't, needs to show support for ukraine. 2 years after russia's full scale invasion to visit comes off to the us and you announced a new set of sanctions against moscow to a doctor from dogs that who completed his medical training in ukraine, sharing his experience of working in 2 different words zones. he says he was able to give his ukrainian patients a fair chance to recover, but as an ox hospital and date and by law, he's having to make life or death choices because of shortages, including no anesthetic. this is a story of the most of the kind of my name is dr. mussa to holland. i'm a resident at 0 balance. i serve in the emergency unit at l. so hospital i obtained my degree from ukraine last year in 2023. and i'm assuming that they've gone in my
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apartment, i served almost one full year and ukrainian hospitals at the beginning of the war with russia. the situation was dire with casualties on a massive scale with time though it became less than 10. but the situation in gaza is totally different. mobile from day one of this war till this hour is really occupation forces are wreaking havoc and destruction on posting. we are flooded with dead bodies and critically wounded people who moved on and they can see how the lock and i was working on october 7th. and i have been on duty ever since. we are still receiving critical cases at the same intensity and the same page survival odds for victims here are really scans close to 0, especially image shortage of staff and lack of medical equipment and supplies that hi, how are you kind of in the office and i know, come here in gaza, the doctors are forced to make hard decisions to choose between who to treat and who lives or times. if i receive 2 cases of victim with 70 percent, burns ok,
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and one with medium injuries out of 10 to the 2nd order. as a 1st will go into sepsis and died about the pump for the last one. i just, there's a huge difference between the war and ukraine and that of gaza. a little bit in terms of the resources and medical supplies or hospitals capacity in ukraine. world class facilities are well equipped and medical supplies are in abundance. here in gaza, we use one single device or even a medical tool on many victims. this no doubt causes further complications, including infections, especially in cases of injuries with open move. in ukraine, we worked at ease with everything in a bundle, from the staff to the resources on your and ukraine. i never came across a single case where the doctors are forced to perform a procedure on a patient without anesthetics. i'm not, i'm not as much here in gaza. i attended to a 12 year old child. i performed 25 stitches in his head without anesthetics or
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even a pain killer. it took me almost 2 and a half hours. unfortunately, it was something beyond description beyond words, the boys in pain and i am hoping to protect the state just so. i hardly held my tears. germany is being accused of enabling genocide in gaza by selling weapons to israel. a group of lawyers has filed a criminal complaint against the government. dominic cane reports from berlin in the case being filed by the law firm here in germany is that what is happening in gaza is genocide in the view that they believe that's the law firm that the german government has enabled that genocide by allowing weapons. and that sort of thing to find the way into the hands of the israeli government. and when they made the gave the news conference, they explained why it is they believe that the federal prosecutors should look to prosecute. specifically the chart sort of the foreign minister and of the senior members of the cabinets here. this is about the type of infinity here. we are
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convinced that if we are speaking about genocide, then immunity cannot stand in the way of criminal investigation. to briefly quote from the identified convention which army has also rectified cons, according to optical for life. quite parsons, who, clement, genocide, or any of the other acts listed in our school free shall be punished equally. whether they are public or private individuals has gone through his pointing at for the moment the government does not have to respond to this. now, the boy was, it was in the culture of the federal prosecute. the federal prosecutors office must examine this complaints and work hard if there is a case to answer. and if there is a case to answer who or which organizations specifically to bring to court for the moment that has not happened. and it is not likely that that is going to happen any time, particularly soon, given the nature of the legal system in this country. but it's certainly something that will put in the minds of government ministers here in germany. now what
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exactly it is that they are doing and what helps they are offering to the is there any government's dominant cane al jazeera? both in the conflict in the eastern democratic republic of congo has driven thousands of people from their homes in recent weeks. government forced to say they're holding often advanced by m. $23.00 fighters ahead of the withdrawal of un peacekeepers at the end of this year. the worst fighting has been in the town, a socket in north keeping province from their catherine story. as this report, hans lined the road to sucking a week ago. this was not here. thousands of people pulled up shelters anywhere. they can find. these follows the escalating fighting you to call the police government forces and the m 23 on the group is the 1st time the military,
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either long john at least into the eastern town, seems renewed 5 to 2 weeks ago. it's largely empty now. the bottle has been intense, both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes a mother and had 2 children were killed by a long range more to their bodies still in the house, in the gardens. and we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children. we thought if we stay in the camp, we will start. but now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision. the situation here, in fact it is dia, many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced some of them for he has said that they're trying or they want to wait how the situation, but it's becoming too dangerous for them. so they also have to go to the, come on, you come monday,
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see the fighters are on nearby hills. the government has claimed its neighbor rando for ami m, 53. the rondon government has denied it language to do what you said you went on your cards. you're about to go to the final ramos to push the fight as back. i can't tell you, well, strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will take the weapons the using to kill congolese i out. is a lot of international pressure to and the school, previous efforts for mediation have feels that means 1600000 colonies who have been displaced, continued to suffer, is no end in sight. pattering slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic, a phone call for children, irving vaccinate, and because of a dang, the fever epidemic and rio de janeiro state and brazil. 10 year olds are the 1st to get their jobs, followed by 11 to 14 year olds. for people have died of the disease and the state so far this year with doctors treating 49000 patients is the
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presence of mexico has revealed a phone number of new york times journalists. after objecting to the questions, she asked tell the reporters or condemning what they say is a presidential attack on their profession. john, home and reports mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world. for journalists, the mexican governments use state media to launch an online at tech support against the new york times bureau. to these questions, the president objected to do so was by the side. use your findings from the new york times. and here we have a st. you to do this report in this is that my portfolio report the live funnel? it is 10 of us more than press conference. the president also read the bureau chief cell phone number allowed from alexa. she'd sent his team asking for comment for an upcoming office. cool. that in particular, as an alarm bells ringing hit just to put this into context,
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mexico's one of the most lee from countries for janice in the world where they receive a text, not just from criminals, but from authorities themselves. free speech groups say such a dangerous precedent. the vast majority of death threats in mexico, our sense to reporters, the what's that the facebook messenger and other such applications. and a, such a local officials in mexico could use the president's actions as a justification for their own actions and basically no longer have any prior restraint to continue this. the president's revealing of the john, this number was actually illegal if she wasn't asked for permission. first, the head of the countries access to information institute told us false deals frequently sea level. we will have to abide by from royalty. if the low establishes that i cannot disclose the telephone number, if personal data that was collected in the exercise of my powers, then why am i disclosing it?
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you would have to justify why this disclosure was made. the president was late trust. she was responsible should anything happen to her in a country when more than a dozen journalists were killed in 2022? that's ahead of me. no, don't exaggerate it. if she's worried, she should change her number. so what was the new york times article about the day off to the president's tie? right. it was published reports that us officials spent is looking into allegations the allies of president lopez over the door took money from drug cartels. they basically got soon the cisco needs and it says that there's no smoking gun and the president himself was never accused of taking any cash the all it's close. so states the us never begun to form an investigation. but now instead of talking about the pros and cons of the pace, the news is of another journalist at risk. this time off to the actions of the head of state. john holman, out to 0 is mexico city. the voters in the us state of south carolina. we'll go to
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the polls later on saturday for the latest republican primary. once again, donald trump is predicted to win, but despite remaining the favor to clinch the party's presidential nomination, his main challenger says she's staying in the race she hubbard time she explains another republican primary, donald trump, nikki haley, compete to be the parties. nobody in the presidential election this time. it's in south carolina where haley was elected governor twice. trump is significantly ahead in the polls. i was expecting the winning side of these contests. yeah, this might cause we had a dropout. hailey abruptly called a press conference in a home state this week developing to go on until super tuesday on march 5th. when the primaries removal of dozen states, that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is money for cash is still flowing in despite highly having one none of
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the nominating context so far. and the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries, the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party, they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign, i'm pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican. nobody in november give them the 91 felony counts he faces. he's gotten more on stable and on hinged. he spends more time in court rooms than he does on the campaign trail by prohibiting the results of saturdays vote here in south carolina. mickey henry was simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months, even here in her home states. she has little to no, trump is a beating donald trump puts an alpha, dennis feels he's wesley investments as
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a backup plan should from drop house as well as a way just to look for the president. look if she was doing well, i don't understand it. have you as refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some from supporters in south carolina to the remix feelings about whether they would vote for her in november. i think nicky entertain met her donors are a little delusional at this point. right. i don't see the chat base getting behind or would you rather on the high, highly of if trump have to drop out for some reason the only option? yes. hey, we are. those are receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party. done is, according to the latest filings that's despite habies personal opposition to abortion, and the support of tax codes for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well, the which means highly will be able to carry on. so now she ever kenzie elder, 0 south carolina. the still ahead on the als. is there a news our as best as alerts in australia? how a children's hospital has become the latest dangers of incipient the
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white, sandy beaches and clear to close voltages? this is the multi, it's the world knows and loves the island of and then gilley is a smaller waste. this next to the capital, one of the most densely populated citizen, the world, just off the coast, a new project to try and remedies, pillows, subject to the sea for highway leading to watts. now, just to send bulk will be a new call get pulled in residential blocks. judging sam bits kills micro organisms find sustaining marine environment. it's a tricky balancing act for the government of the country that's 99 percent of the voltage vulnerable to rising sea level. the dive is head say, the judging has already had a devastating impact rates in this area of last 70 percent of the carl coverage, the residents of building gaily are already taking action to protect the brief carl's come back to promote growth and replanted off the coast it's fun for me,
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i do that. the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand the the, the military coup image air last year has damaged cross border trade with nigeria. as much as it is, reports a motorcycle dealer as well. how much weight and leslie for buyers is stuck. is old boat months before loss disability take over in neighbor with new share. no, that would uh should be done. that will come, you know, before do is we did, didn't get the chance to come. yeah. and all the quotes,
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the ones that we believed in that window for my plan, which is what i need to do. you want to, when i did ask you to enforce functions by the west african region, a look at course, one of the regional countries are doing business with gentle that countries of west africa in july last year, at course imposed economic and financial functions and the share points and constitution of change of government. 7 months on businesses have been devastated, leaving trade this with goods alone stay on able to pay border communities like these are losing between $4.00 to to $15000000.00 in revenue every month. local businesses that rely on legitimate transactions with neighboring a 0 to public. i've. it's probably all folding up all together as the landlord is and the laws had been shut in for 2 years before they of course, sunk shoes. but the latest embargo could be the final blow to many businesses. and
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it's not only private businesses that really affects the matter of any specific i need. the exit, the import and export duty is that uh our customer or because i generated on the if we look at our 2020 city budgets, it is literally custom that we're not able to meet the tickets to get to the river and you can divide it so that tell us this distribution is i picked him under his tv on the matter. i mean, jesus essential is could have a long term impact on the people on the economy. if not jetta already. the country seeing spider leading inflation lower revenue receipts and decline in productivity . but the impact is much worse and communities was business as a livelihood depended on board of freight, which are largely affected by the equity functions decrease obviously that's elaina nigeria. a children's hospital is the latest building found to be contaminated with
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as best dose and sidney and australia. the toxic clotting has long been banned in many countries because it causes chronic long, long disease. sarah clark has more hospitals, schools, sports grounds and public parks. just some of the thoughts quote and golf. well, see the deals with a space dose contamination? events have been cancelled in thousands of students are remote learning after testing identified traces of the toxic fiber. i was honestly quite surprised because i guess this is kind of a hang out for a lot of shoes, sir. it's, but we spend a lot of time. yeah. it's good. scary. i mean like, it is a little bit worrying. but if you're not touching it, maybe it's not, not quite bob. i'm a special task force has been set up to investigate. the source of authority is believe mulch, which is the material spread around plants as fertilizer is to blind. a landscaping
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supply distributes to add to locations around sidney and usa, as well as environmental protection of the already has launched a criminal investigation. what's being found in this most useful news? best of while it should not be there and it is a legal for it to be there unless it is to serve is not a dangerous product. so it was used as soon as we identified to test it. and if we find it to basically remove it, especially those is a major health risk. the insulation of tiny fibers can lead to a form of cancer, cool, mesothelioma, or clinic lung cancer, will 30 side the bone. the despair still found in this mulch is a much lower risk. the sort of fibrous and it doesn't need to be played, not because there's a risk right now from the problem would be if somebody interacted with it, like smashing up of this by channel. let's say, oh, got a pallet drill for the time it just you or you're right. it eventually went to the content at most. she's already being removed from this thoughts so far more than
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$800.00, like haitians have been tested estrada started sizing out of space. so stuck in the eighty's and it was banned in 2003. despite this, there's still thousands of buildings across the country and machinery pods, which still contains a spread the maximum find for space dose related incidents and use as wells is more than one point. $3000000.00 us dollars. share a clock out to 0. the columbia was hoping to strike it rich by solving a 300 year old maritime listerine, the government spending 4 and a half $1000000.00 to explore that wreck. it's thought the san jose was loaded with plunder treasure, including gold and silver, now worth billions of dollars. you know, can i assist you on? i believe it is a willingness on the part of both the colombian and spanish governments to consider the san jose kelly and this assured heritage, we can translate this intention into scenario of corporation in calibration that will allow both states to manage the guardian. so we'll see at the heritage,
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we'll take a short break and we're back in just a moment for more news on officer of the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water shed. moment international law is b. c. this model on sort of discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does that affect the community? a sense that message that and the out of bigotry that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without a 0 hodge. i mean, to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any of the thoughts provided? hang on. my question to you all the good cooks,
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i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb, too. in the security council, this is, it may just something book is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era a veto, he's really made a tree bags. the sho legally is randy settlements the all key point. west bank, the red lines off the borders of the army discovery, just new security. so we're now in the area, i think you're just saw on those laps. there are illegal is ready, secular as living just a few 100 meters from hey, in caravans, in that direction. and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities around illegal is right. the sentiments suddenly is ready. soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming,
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detained us for more than 2 hours on these confiscation of land around in the galleries rate, the settlements charlotte standing and say it's full proof of israel breaking international. the is really, are strikes targets, central and southern, gaza, a residential building and dated by now his head killing at least 25 people including women and children. the for my headquarters and del 5 getting navigate to also coming up. the us says israel's expansion of settlements and the occupied westbank is illegal reversing a policy set by donald trump for western.


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