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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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on their plane unless they but this trauma is never far away. the is earlier strikes targets, central and southern dogs on a residential building and dated by his head killings at least 25 people, including women and children. the children 0 live from headquarters in delphi, and getting navigate to also coming up us as israel's expansion of settlements and the occupied westbank is illegal. reversing a policy set by donald trump for western leaders arriving keith to show solidarity with ukraine 2 years into russia as full scale invasion. as congolese
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forces say they're holding back in advance by in 23 fighters in the east. thousands have for the fighting. we'll have a report from near the front line, the hello we'd be getting central dogs. our in is really are a strike. has targeted a residential building and dated by enough killing at least 25 polished indians. many of the dead are women and children. alexander buyers begins are coverage for countless tell us indian families and gaza, another night of desperation and panic. more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of deer, bella, as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful place for us to go. we're all
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this please. we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching us, have mercy on us. in dark and dangerous conditions, rescuers tried to save those. they could. the violent and destruct sheets are difficult to fathom. let them to do as soon as the dog. we rushed downstairs when we heard the for me, we sold the whole building coming down. we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to golf. they were old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old, or if they've done to desist, donnelly like this. what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like face? dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims. either most of the stuff alex, the hospital, which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received
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many didn't injured most of phone with children, women, an hourly, we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who was still of the attack size, this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous the question against how people, as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast majority of the victims of this attack were women and young children. as more bodies are recovered from the rebel, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians had been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs of stopping. alexandra buyers, al jazeera pine is joining us not from foster talk to us about the latest air strikes under aftermath. tiny, they seem to be particularly focused on targeted on the central areas in the southern areas of casa, the, the
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yes they're, you know, we're getting more distressing reports of the work of the civil defense, the crew on the ground, along with volunteers of, from the neighborhood as well as paramedics, are trying to remove large pieces of concrete and save. those are under the rubble just with improper machinery and, and just the tools are not prepared to, to do the job of removing people from the drop of the people there. including the civil defense occurring. the guy using their bare hands manually operated a tool just to help whoever they are. there is still a breathing under the the rebels were expecting the number to rise, but what it looks like, it does have more clear right now for a lot of people here, particularly remaining family members, that deliberate targeting of this residential home, a small residential home compared to the number of people that were sold during. and just given the fact that the vast majority of shoulders, evacuations, and zones are not safe. so people were shouldering inside this residential building
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is free, displaced families of from the northern part and gauze, and city for the past few weeks. targeted and destroyed 25 people reported skilled or vice. do uh a lock, so hospital and did it by law city and 75 more of a critical injuries. who are literally, as we heard it from a doctor inside the did it bell is outlook, saw hospital there on the floor, is still waiting for a doctor or to nurse just do a, gets them the treatment they need or it does the a, the medical intervention needed for them to save their lives. there is also a calls for a blood drive donation as they are in need of this, their injuries are serious. for the most part, these types of explosive materials use are causing a great deal of damage to the tissues. do skin to the bones that are pretty much a fracture. there are a lot of things are aliens to the medical team inside the hospital and find it
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extremely difficult to provide the necessary medical intervention needed to save life across the gaza strip. whether in rough or have further part of the ga strip or hon units or the, the, the northern part there are more is going on just within the past half an hour. there's really military targeted c a s station that's for olive oil extraction that says that it's doing neighborhoods and just do it through our viewers. attention is a to neighborhood has been under heavy attacks within the past 3 days that came under heavy attacks where there's still a 20 people under one of the a buildings that was destroyed under their levels and civil defense. true apparent metrics are unable to remove these bodies from under the rubber. there are reports of some of them are still alive. they could be heard from the vicinity of the the destroyed side, but it's still unable to remove them from under the robbers. there are signs of depression, desperation, a now more intimidation as there are more attack and drones everywhere,
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and surveillance, drones across survosity, honeywell, who's reporting somebody. thank you so much, honey. is really forces have carried out a number for age and they occupied westbank soldiers entered most off of the all thoughts in southern hebron assaulted an active as there is where the army also rated a town southeast of nob low, sparking confrontations with palestinian youths. the us secular state entity blinking size, israel's plan to expand its illegal settlements and occupied westbank is against international law. and that's a change in the policy set by the trump administration on settlements. we've seen the reports and i have to say we're disappointed in the announcement. it's been longstanding us policy under republican and democratic ministration, so like that new settlements for counterproductive to reaching a drawing piece. there also inconsistent with international law. our administration
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maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion and in our government. this only weakens doesn't strengthen israel security. the u. s. military says that it's destroyed 7 anti ship myself and who the controlled areas in the oven. central commands has themselves were mobile and being prepared to launch towards targets in the red sea, posing what it calls an imminent threat to american warships and commercial vessels . meanwhile, disabilities claim that a british owen's cargo ship it targeted and the red sea is sinking. the ruby mar was struck earlier this week. the us central command says the attack caused significant damage to the ship and the 29 kilometers oil slick. the posies have been targeting american and british vessels in the red sea in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. results president says again said that israel is committing genocide and gaza, louisa and i see
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a little of the silver speech and realtors are narrow followed similar comments of the african union summit. and if you, if you out last week, israel was infuriated by new laws comparison of the war on gaza to the holocaust. if you're stuck with it, they said you have all these really government is doing against the policy and people is not, you know, it's genocide because it's killing women and children to get the conflict in the eastern democratic republic of congo has driven thousands of people from their homes in recent weeks. government forces say they're holding off in advance by m. 23 fighters. ahead of the withdrawal of un peacekeepers at the end of this year. the worst fighting has been in the china saca in north key bu, province. from there, catherine story. as this reports, parents lined
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a route to 2nd. a week ago. this was not here. thousands of people who dropped shelters anywhere they can find. these follows the escalating fighting between kimberly's government forces and the m 20 suite group is the 1st time the military either long john at least into the eastern town, seems renewed 5 to 2 weeks ago. it's largely empty now. the bottle has been intense. both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes a mother and had 2 children were killed by a long range more to their bodies. still in the house. in the kitchen, we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children. we thought if we stay in the camp, we would starve. but now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision. the situation here, in fact it is dia,
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many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced some of them. boy, he has said that they're trying or they wants to wait how the situation, but it's becoming too dangerous. cool. and so they also have to go to the come on equal monday. see the fighters are on nearby hills. the government has claimed its neighbor rando for ami m, 53. the rondon government has denied it language to do what you said you went on. you guys are about to go through my file. our aim is to push the fighters back. i can't tell you, well, strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will take some women's, they using to kill congolese. how is a lot of international pressure and the school do? previous efforts for mediation have feels that means one point. 6000000 colonies who have been displaced, continued to suffer. there's no end in sight patching slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic,
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a phone call. the voters in the us state of south carolina. we'll go to the polls later on saturday for the latest republican primary. and once again, donald trump is predicted to win, but despite remaining the favor to come to the parties, presidential nomination, his main challenger says she's staying in the race she advertise. he explains another republican primaries. donald trump, nikki haley, compete to be the parties. nobody in the presidential election this time, it's in south carolina where haley was elected governor twice. trump is significantly ahead in the polls and is expected to win the sound of these contests . you have a spike cools, we have to drop out hailey abruptly from the press conference in a home say this week, vowing to go on until super tuesday on march. the 5th, when the primaries of moving to a dozen states, that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is
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money for cash is still flowing in despite highly having won none of the nominating content so far. and the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries. the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party. they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign, are pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican. nobody in november given the 91 felony counts he faces. he's gotten more on stable and on hand. he spends more time in court rooms, then he does on the campaign trail. by presenting the results of saturday's vote here in south carolina, the category was simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months, even here in her home states. she has little to no chance of beating the trump
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personnel. dennis feels he's west. the investments as a backup plan should from drop house, as well as a way just to look for the president's look if she was doing well, i don't understand. it maybe is refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some problems of who lives in south carolina. there are mixed feelings about what if i would vote for in november. i think nicky entertainment or donors are a little delusional at this point. right. i don't see the chat base getting binder would you rather on the high hailey of if trump had to drop out for some reason the only option? yes. hey, there's also receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party done is according to the latest pilings that's despite have these personal opposition to abortion, and the support of tax cuts for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well, which means haley will be able to carry on for now. she, advert. henzy elder 0, south carolina. still ahead on al jazeera, the ukraine war enters its 3rd year. let her pretend refuses to change strategy, despite hundreds of thousands of deaths and growing pressure on russia's economy.
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the northern america is a region of wonder. i'm joy tragedy, and yes, of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like, and it's my job defense life on how and why the . the
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problem again, here's a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this hour and is earlier striking central to as a, has killed the police 25 palestinians. most of them women and children. around a 150 display civilians were sheltering in a family home and didn't buy them. when the attack happens, the us sector states as israel's crime to expand its settlements on palestinian territories, is against international law, a change and the policy set by the trump administration. the . it's been 2 years since russian forces invaded ukraine. it's tanks and troops broke through the defense. it was to reach the outskirts of the capital keith, but failed to capture it. us intelligence estimates 315000 russians have been
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killed or injured in the war. ukraine has suffered around 200000 casualties, and 6 and a half 1000000 ukrainians have fled. the war to europe found beyond with most settling and poland, germany and the czech republic. nearly 4000000 ukrainians are internally displaced . the fighting is estimated to have cost a $152000000000.00 in direct damage. and it's affecting all sectors of ukraine's economy. for western leaders have a rising cave on saturday to show solidarity with ukraine include the prime ministers of canada, italy, and belgium, as well as the european commission, president's 1st level underlying italian government said for leaders, traveled over night by train from neighboring poland in a moment's we'll hear from you. will you shop a vile over in moscow? but 1st we'll bring in rob mcbride, he's joining us from kermit tourist that's in the east of ukraine. how is this being marked where you are abrupt yeah,
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it's significant anniversary, but we're not expecting much in the way of official events here or elsewhere around ukraine. but especially here in don't yet region where people will tell you they've been a war because of wellborn rush has been doing for a 10 years now. ever since the russian back separatist movement dating back to 2014, we're in the city of crime. a tool is good, there is a real concern, and a lot of these ukraine, new control towns and cities that with recent russian successes. and we're not too far away from the town of div code that russia will be in bold and to try to push on now and try to fulfill its long held ambition of taking the whole of done yet screeching. but people here will be encouraged by the visits by european leaders, those who live on delaying the you commission president and delivering a message of support along with other world leaders. and we are still seeing military successes here over night. the dining of an a 50 surveillance croft and
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that's the 2nd in 2 months apparently by the ukrainian air full. so there are these minute 3 successes, but it does come against this background of full. the crate in force is a very mixed picture. as the main gateway to the south and east, the disney pro region has been a witness to the changing phases. in this rule. after the full scale russian invasion, it was a major transit route for civilians fling west. it's been a place for rapidly assembled. divisions of ukrainian troops, including for last summer has failed counter offensive and with rushes renewed push . it's a refuge for some of the last civilians to be moved out from the town of of div come before it felt like 84 year old being rescued from the basement. me out the she lifted me up by my arms because i couldn't walk by myself from their vehicles waiting for us to take us to safety. oh cool. on the 1st anniversary of this rule,
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ukraine could celebrate games, like driving the russians back from the seats khaki, even the north. no celebrations this yet. but we can structure and efforts to be able to stay in the tax cools, mold damage, march orders, and thoughts about the i have experienced in construction. and i can see the results of my work and how it would benefit to those who have suffered from the war . the cisco claims giving us a similarly headstone region in the south, while back under ukraine's control is still under russian bombardments. so to the major part of a desa, although ukrainian success is against russian warships, i've seen the blacks the fleet forced back, allowing more grain ships to pass on the white scale attacks on ukraine's energy system. as rush it did last year, have yet to happen. this winter you sense though, a growing weariness, especially among families of soldiers fighting that the front for so long against
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the backdrop of waiting international support in the town of boucher north of keith father. and today i live in, says he witnessed, firsthand, suspected will crimes carried out by russian troops. which way did you allow? people are hopeful, but at the same time that is disappointment, the movie aggressive over the international a producer without teeth. we would probably, i would, i do have lot's at the nearby bridge of at a pin low not by retreating ukrainian soldiers. thousands of civilians followed the full of keys, seemingly just days away. 2 years on a new bridge has now been opened while the original will be kept as a memorial. and the man who was at the defense of keeping those early days or weeks on the surface key has been installed as the new head of ukraine's armed forces in an attempt to change the country's military fortunes. he will soon have new weapons to help like f, 16 fine to jets. have a more sophisticated attack thrones and continuing support from those of your us
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support. the remains far more doubtful and back into the pro. another indicate to points to how grim a prospect or the 3rd year a full scale will the military symmetry of graves. freshly dug. i never expend mcbride else's era. do you meet per week? right. okay, so that's a you from ukraine last spring. and julia, she's joining us not from moscow. so you'll, yeah, what's the situation in russia on this 2 year anniversary as well? russia is reporting, it's meant to treat advances now. but in fox, many say that the fighting in ukraine is guessing books down in the trenches because for very long time, the front line has been hardly moving. so 2 years after the beginning of the so called special middle shop ration, it's time to remember what the initial goals one to see what's been achieved, originated the crimson, was aiming to replace and loved him as a landscape with pro russian, with
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a pro russian leadership as well as defined state on to russian sentiments in ukraine because according to the russian side of back in 2014 ukraine had prohibited all things russian like, lot the language, cultural, liquor, traits, cetera. none of those goals have been achieved. latino was 11 skate remains, the president and the anti russian sentiments and hatred tools. russia have tripled in ukraine in his address to the nation. 2 years ago. the regiment patient stated that russia didn't have plants to cop cheap quine lines. but laziness of time between 2 twins, 2 russia proclaimed for ukraine and regions of donated, salute, guns, capstone, and zipper, russia as his very own new territories. and now some voices have resumed calling russia to move forward and take care of and odessa and to control the russian. people keep watching tv and repeating the rhetoric that for a t, as from 2014 to 2022 ukraine was pounding its own russian speaking regions in the east or the country with palms that for russia had to intervene militarily and put
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an end to those of trustees into protects the people have done boss, but in fox, the full scale ministry actions have will be as they both way modesto millions of refugees and the total destruction of will be of all those territories in the so quite the opposite results from what they initially planned versus feeding the buttons of the us and use sanctions of course. but as of now they've proven to be quite in effects. if they fail to bring the conflict to an end. on the other hand, the russian economy is alive and kicking. the plants has triangle russia with the sanctions have failed. the official registry here remains of russia's fighting, the nazis in ukraine. and also that it's a full scale confrontation between nate, so led by the us and russia, and that ukraine is just a pool and a big triplets co getting so many off come out. probably it's time to seriously question the special mutual gratian. whether it's an effective strategy to achieve the goals for more he is this report. the february,
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the 24th 20 to 22 russian presidents floods you may be using, announced the purpose of rush has made a trip ration was to protect people who are subjected to bullying and genocide, where the key of regime 2 years old and people in the russian speaking provinces of ukraine are refusing to speak russian, i'm choosing you praying, and instead, well, russia has captured around 20 percent of ukrainian land and attached for new regions, states territory page and says, russia's winning all fronts that were sent full of disco, which russia had been trying to capture since the beginning of the invasion is portrayed as one of the greatest victories, the ukrainian governments that russia initially wanted to topple as part of as the and that's if occasional strategy is still in place. while the entire city is a race to the ground with millions of people displaced appointment, there was confidence at the beginning that ukraine was with us only the nazis were against us. we felt would defeat the easily. then ukraine would meet us with
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flowers. perhaps the mistake which calls to crane millions of broken lives of the 2 guys of the so called special mid shop ration. the kremlin is not changing or even questioning how effect save this strategy resolved in terms of achieving his goals and ukraine. the company is continues to bring move devastation, grief was net and to the blood, shred apparently, sites. let's say there was several scenarios for rush, show how the situation will develop. the aim is to secure the border regions, at least in order to prevent and you cross border attacks and obviously to control the bone bass. and another possibility would be also to go for this up in order to control access to the black sea. and of course for made are countries, it is important not to internally move ukraine, so they will have to possibly an expert, some pressure, and present as landscape through agreed to, to negotiate with russia to negotiate some sort of ceasefire. so russia's entering,
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it said, yeah, of the conflict with ukraine, and this comes on the heels of the death of patients of most outspoken critic. i'll explain the volney and overall crime down on civil rights officials report the economic growth, but it applies to a very limited number of sexes, like the military industrial complex. while the level of consumption is fully for the population, letting the patient is planning to stay on for 5th residential time. which means the country is most likely to choose staying because you lives above all of a 0 to 0 most. okay. the 1st us spacecraft to touch down on the moon since 1972 is tipped over on its side. but now so says that the lender is alive and well. the us space agency and intuitive machine stuff. the private company that bill, that spacecraft says that some of its on china's are facing downwards and that in turn is hampering data transmission. that's all for me for the time being uh,
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counting, the cost is coming up next on all to 0. thanks for watching by the hello, we will say more heavy down poles. gains are good parts of indonesia. you can see lots of cloud sharing up here. the usual hate to the day showers. sinatra sinks and very wet weather. we recently had a tornado just affecting the job as well, like the storm set to continue. hey west in areas of 40. i still think some vague and heavy showers will trimmed a little further east, which as we go one through wednesday, scott took a shower scene to the fil. a piece of fine lodge is fine and dry. plenty of pleasant sunshine coming through while she tried to call same day trying again, with a good deal of a pleasant sunshine. 35 celsius the in a bank. so come home whether to still affects in parts of central australia,
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which was the west. we have a couple who side link and that's now making a land full just around the pill. bro, give a slight his way to the northeast of passive west, and we do whether we do have the only thing for say, plus the possibility of damaging waves coming through and some very heavy right could cause a some flooding white pressure. meanwhile, dance of was the se so long as you fine and dry with some won't pay the showers the continuing costs at east side of queensland. and that'll be the case as we go on through monday. advice these things on what the weather, also facing a good pots, new zealand, the latest news, as it breaks on the thing is very blue. paste. they used to be able to face up to 37 kilometers out to the scene, but don't anymore from the hearts of the story. this is how this experience,
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this is randy, military occupation, paula tax, the legal supplements, and then grab with detailed coverage. the 1st situation in the global group is worsening. at least half of the population already starving, the hello i'm so i may say that this is counting the cost analysis era. we do look at the world of business and economics this week from funds to assign the race. india is 5 minutes. so wants to transform is countries economy. what do his plans.


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