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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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of law, 70 percent of the carl coverage, the residence of building gilly are already taking action to protect the reef carl's come back to promote groups and replanted off the coast. it's fun for me. i do that. the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand the the un humanitarian agency again calls for safe access to increased aid and to gauze. a warning, the risk of famine is growing. the, you're watching out the 0 life from a headquarters and don't find any navigate. also a heads is really or strikes once again, targets central and southern guards on a residential building and did and by law has hit killing a police 25 people including women and children,
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a ceremony and keith to mark 2 years since the russian invasion for western leaders are there to express solidarity while moscow says defense ministers surrogate. sure. you as visit a troops in a russian control part of the ukraine on companies force to say they're holding back in advance by m. 23 fighters in the east. thousands of floods the fighting to have a report from near the front line. the united nations is warning of the dire need for food and aid to reach the gaza strip . it says that without adequate food and water supplies, the elevated risk of famine and the spread of disease is projected to increase further. meanwhile, israel continues to target displace palestinians killing 25 people in an air. it's
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on a residential building in dayton by law. at least 29606 palestinians have been killed since the war began. alexandra buyers begins are coverage for countless palestinian families and gaza. another night of desperation and panic. more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of dear all bella, as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. that's the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful police for us to go. we're all just please, we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching us, have mercy on us. in dark and dangerous conditions, rescuers tried to save those. they could, the violence and destruction are difficult to fathom laguna as soon as the dog we
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rushed downstairs when we heard the bombing, we sold the whole building. coming down, we collected body parts of women and children, swept to call the old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old. what if they've done to desist, donnelly like this? what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like basically the dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby. l. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims. had the most of the stuff alex, the hospital, which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children, women, an hourly, we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who is still a, the a tech side this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous integration against how people, as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast
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majority of the victims of this attack, where women and young children, as more bodies are recovered from the rebel, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians have been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs of stopping alexandra buyers. alda 0 was really forces of carried out a number of raids in the occupied. westbank soldiers entered necessity, alta in southern hebron, and assaulted an active as there is really army, also rated to town south east of novelist sparking confrontations with palestinian youths. the us sector stayed on to me blinking sir as israel's plan to expand its settlements and they occupied westbank is against international law. that's a change in the policy set by the trump administration on settlements. we've seen the reports and i have to say we're disappointed in the announcement. it's been
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longstanding us policy under republican and democratic ministration, so like that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching a drawing piece. they're also inconsistent with international law. our administration maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion and in our government, this only weakens doesn't strengthen israel. security of all the us military size that's destroyed 7 am to ship massage and host a controlled areas in yemen. the us central command says the marseilles were mobile and being prepared to launch towards the targets in the red sea, posing what it called an imminent threat to american warships and commercial vessels. meanwhile, the cruelties say that a british owned cargo ship they targeted and the red sea is sinking. the ruby mar was struck earlier this week. the us central command says the attack caused significant damage to the ship and the 29 kilometers oil slick. the whole thieves
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have been targeting american and british vessels in the red sea install a dirty with palestinians in gaza. brazil as president has again said that israel is committing genocide and gaza luis enough to let the silver speech and readjust an arrow followed similar comments. he made at the a new summit in ethiopia last week. israel was angered by louis comparison of the war on gaza to the holocaust. if you're stuck with that said, you have what these really government is doing against the policy and people is not, you know, it's genocide because it's killing women and children of the it's been 2 years since russel launch the full scale invasion of ukraine. it's tanks and troops broke through defenses to reach the outskirts of the capital keys,
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but failed to capture its us intelligence estimates 315000 russians have been killed or injured and the war ukraine has suffered around 200000 casualties. 6 and a half 1000000 ukrainians have flooded the war to europe and beyond. with the most settling in poland, germany and the czech republic, nearly 4000000 ukrainians are internally displaced. the fighting is estimated to have cost a $152000000000.00 in direct damage, and it's affecting all sectors of ukraine's economy. a president for a lot of reasons landscapes as his nation is determined to win the war is in speaking at a ceremony marketing 2 years since russell lost its invasion. the anniversary commemoration has taken place as reports a merge of arrests made it protest in moscow. led by the wives of soldiers who were fighting in ukraine. the russian defense minister survey showing who has visited
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forces fighting in ukraine in a video released by the russian defense ministry. so who met officers inspected weaponry and award and soldiers administer says russell's planning to provide troops with a high power drones to increase their effectiveness and the russian president vladimir putin insist that moscow as goals have not changed since the war began. you'll yeah, some of, of, of the law has more on that for moscow. on february, the 24th $20.00 to $22.00 russian presidents floods you may piecing, announced the purpose of russia's made a trip ration was to protect people who are subjected to bullying and genocide. where the key of regime 2 years old and people in the russian speaking provinces of ukraine are refusing to speak russian and choosing you praying and instead, well, russia has captured around 20 percent of ukrainian land and attached for new regions towards territory page and says, russia's winning all fronts,
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the recent full of disco which russia had been trying to capture since the beginning of the invasion is portrayed as one of the greatest victories the ukrainian governments that russia initially wanted to topple as part of as dean. that's if occasional strategy is still in place, while in tight cities are raised to the ground with millions of people displaced. appointment there was confidence at the beginning that ukraine was with us only the nazis were against us. we felt would defeat the easily then ukraine would meet us with flowers. perhaps the mistake which calls to crane millions of broken lives of the 2 guys of the so called special mid shop ration. the kremlin is not changing or even questioning how effect so this time teachers are in terms of achieving his goals and ukraine. the company is continues to bring more devastation and grief was now and to the blood. shred apparently sights um, let's say there were several scenarios for rush,
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show how the situation will develop. the aim is to secure the border regions, at least in order to prevent any cross border attacks and obviously to control the bone bass and, and as a possibility would be also to go forward this up in order to control access to the black sea and of course for major countries, it is important not to internally move ukraine, so they will have to possibly an expert, some pressure, and present as landscape through green to negotiate with russia to negotiate some sort of ceasefire. so, roches entering, it said yeah, of the conflicts with ukraine, and this comes on the heels of the death of patients of most outspoken critic. i'll explain the valley, an overall crime down on civil rights officials reported the economic growth, but it applies to a very limited number of sectors like the military industrial complex. while the level of consumption is fully for the population, letting the patient is planning to stay on for 5th residential time,
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which means the country is most likely to choose staying because you less above all of a oh to 0 most. okay. and the united states and european union and have hit russia with new sanctions, the largest since the war and ukraine began. washington says it's action is partly in response to the death of kremlin critical likes and of all need. brussels is focusing on stomach the flow, so called dual use products into russia, and they include drones and computer chips with a potential military purpose. the kremlin has retaliated by announcing its own set of sanctions by banning visits by e. u. officials. our white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it has more just one week after russia's present service, announced alexia valley died in a russian piano colony. us president joe biden vowed the valley's death would not be in vain. alexi was incredibly courageous man, his family as a craigslist,
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as well. i assured them his legacy will continue to live around the world and we in the united states are going to can you insure the product page, the price for his aggression abroad and refreshing his hall, to honor the activist and as russia's invasion of ukraine. andrews is 3rd year, biden unveiled the largest us sanctions package, yet is designed to cripple russians, financial and military production sectors. announcing more than 500 new sanctions. the sections include measures by the us treasury, state and commerce departments. targeting more than 500 individuals and entities with ties to the war in ukraine, 3 russian government officials with alleged ties to develop these death have also been sanctioned. the u. s. penalties are timed with use sanctions. banning nearly 200 individuals and entities. britons also announce sanctions on companies with
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links to russia's ammunition supply chain. still, russia has adapted to previous 5 ministration sections. 2023 war spedding boasted rushes economy by 3 percent. ad rushes also managed to find new buyers for its oil. what russia has done over the last 2 years is its re oriented its economy away from north america and western europe, and towards china. india and the middle east biden has promised to us. we'll back ukraine in its fight against russia for as long as it takes on friday, we'll unveiling his new sanctions trach the us president, also urge congress to pass a $95000000000.00 for the aid package. that includes funding for ukraine. the us senate has passed the spending bill to find the house of representatives is dodging
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the fading or even voting on the legislation. god bless you. oh my god, protect our troops. thank. making biden's financial pledge to ukraine. difficult to keep. kimberly help it l g 0. the white house. the conflicts in the eastern democratic republic of congo has driven thousands of people from their homes in recent weeks. government forces say they're holding off in advance by m. 23 fighters. ahead of the withdrawal of un peacekeepers at the end of this year, worst fighting has been in the town a socket in north keybo province from there. catherine source has this reports the punch line, the roads to socket a week ago. this was more here. thousands of people pulled up shelters anywhere. they can find these follows the escalating fighting you to call the police government forces and the m 23 on the group is
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a 1st time the military either long john, at least into the eastern town, seems renewed. 5 to 2 weeks ago, it's largely empty. now. the bottle has been intense. both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes a mother and had 2 children, were killed by a long range more to their bodies feeling the house in the kitchen. so we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children. we thought if we stay in the camp, we will start. but now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision of the situation here. in fact, it is dire, many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced some of them for he has said that they are trying or they wants to wait how the situation, but it's becoming 2 dangerous. cool. and so they also have to go to the comments on
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equal monday. see the fighters are on nearby hills, the government has claimed its neighbor ronda for ami m 53. the rhonda and government has denied it language to do what you said you went on your card. you're about to go to my final ramos, the push. the fight is back. i can't tell you, well, strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will takes away from the using to kill congolese. now, there's a lot of international pressure, and these will do. previous efforts for mediation have feels that means 1600000 colonies who have been displaced, continue to suffer, is no end in sight pattern slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic of all the still ahead on alpha 0 as best those alerts in australia. how big childrens hospital this week on the latest danger zone in sidney plus i'm if you ever time see in south carolina, well,
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we'll look ahead to the latest republican presidential primary, the frank assessments. here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense, say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling . that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award we live in a near colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points that are coming in the 1st of the 2 parts investigation. 101 east meets the chinese, my friends risk and you know, the american dream on out to 0. this is took,
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took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural tradition bureau velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the the, [000:00:00;00] the top stories on how to 0 this, our the united nations this morning of a dire need for food and
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a to reach the gaza strip. it says that without adequate supplies of food on water, the elevated risk of famine and the spread of disease is projected to increase further. and is really or striking central cause that has killed at least 25 college citizens. most of them women and children around a 150 display civilians were sheltering in a family home and didn't find out when not a time. for western leaders have arrived in ukraine to show solidarity 2 years after the russian invasion includes the prime ministers of italy, canada, and belgium. on the european commission, president ursula funder lion. we lost the russian defense minister. a survey show you has visited forces fighting in the ukraine more than a dozen candidates and sent a goals, delayed presidential election or refusing to enter talks with president smockey. so the vote was due to be held on february the 25th,
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but sol deleted. and there is no uncertainty about when it will go ahead. sol says his mandate as leader will and as planned on april the 2nd. but he has, instead of voters, will go through the polls before then. opposition politicians. and since the election should be held by april and the french president, somebody run micro has called for com, after fighting between for testers and so least that the world's biggest farming fair. dozens of demonstrators broke through a gates into the agriculture faren terrace. ahead of my cross visit, farmers have been holding nationwide protest since last month and they're calling for higher incomes unless bureaucracy, they've also denounced what they say is unfair competition from cheese, ukrainian import. the secret of this alone must take place in a peaceful environment. i hear the frustrations from this morning and i said this
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for all pharmacy. you're not helping any of your colleagues by making this one on impossible. and in a way, scary and comedy is from coming. it is counter productive. it the voters in the us state of south carolina. we'll go to the polls later on sunday for the latest republican primary. and once again, donald trump is predicted to when, but despite remaining the favor to clinch the parties, presidential nomination, his main challenge was size, but she's the, she's staying in the race. she advertise. he explains another republican primaries . donald trump, nikki haley, compete to be the parties in albany in the presidential election. this time it's in south carolina where halley was elected governor twice. trump is significantly ahead in the polls. i was expecting the women side of these contests. you have a spike pools where the dropouts haley abruptly called the press conference in a home state this week violent to go on until super tuesday on march. the 5th, when the primaries the move to a dozen states,
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that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is money for cash is still flowing in despite highly having won none of the nominating contest, sofa, and the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries. the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party. they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign, are pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican. nobody in november given the 91 felony counts he faces. he's gotten more on stable and on hinged. he spends more time in court rooms, then he does on the campaign trail. by presenting the results of saturday's vote here in south carolina, nicky,
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henry was simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months even here in her home states. she has little to load strong. it's a big thing. donald trump personnel, dennis feels he's west investments as a backup plan should from drop house. and there's one other way just to look for the president. look if she was doing well, i don't understand that heavy is refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some from supporters in south carolina. so there are mixed feelings about whether they would vote for in november. i think nicky entertainment or donors are a little delusional at this point. right. i don't see the chat base getting binder . would you rather on high highly of if trump had to drop out for some reason the only option? yes. hailey is also receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party done is according to the latest filings that's despite haley's personal opposition to abortion, and the support of tax cuts for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well, the, which means haley will be able to carry on for now. she everett hensley alger 0,
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south carolina. at least 15 people have died and dozens injured in a fire at a residential block. and the eastern chinese city of non ging, local authorities say that place started from the ground floor of the 30 story building, where residents were charging electric scooter as the flames have now been extinguished . and officials are investigating whether building safety standards were observed. a children's hospital as a latest building found to be contaminated with as best those and sydney in australia. the toxic clothing has long been bands in many countries because it causes chronic lung disease. sara clark has more hospitals, schools, sports grounds and public parks. just some of the thoughts cordoned off. well, see the deals with a space dose contamination? events have been cancelled in thousands of students are remote learning after testing identified traces of the toxic fiber. so i was honestly quite surprised
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because i guess this is kind of a hang out for a lot of shoes, sir. it's, but if we spend a lot of time, yeah, it's good. scary. i mean, like it is a little bit worrying, but if you're not touching it, maybe it's not, not, not quite bob. a special task post has been set up to investigate. the source of authority is believe mulch, which is a material spread around plants as fertilizer is to blame. a landscaping supply distributes to add to locations around sydney use as well as environmental protection authority has launched a criminal investigation. what spring found in the smoke he's going to use best us while it should not be there and it is a legal for it to be de, unless it is to serve is not a dangerous product. so it was used as soon as we identified to test it. and if we find it to basically remove it, assist us is a major health risk. the installation of tiny fibers can lead to a form of cancer comb is that the lima or clinic lung cancer will 30 side. the bone
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to despair still found in this mulch is a much lower risk. the sort of fibrous in it doesn't need to be played, not because there's a risk right now from the problem would be if somebody interacted with that, like smashing up of this by channel. let's say, oh, got a power drill for either time. it just the 2 or you're right it, it actually went to the content at most. she's already being removed from this thoughts so far more than $800.00. like haitians have been tested, a started started sizing out of space so stuck in the eighty's and it was banned in 2003. the spot is there was still thousands of buildings across the country and machinery pods, which still contains a system the maximum fine for a space dose related incidents in the south wells is more than 1300000 us dollars. tier clock out to 0 to the 1st us spacecraft to touch down on the moon since 1972 is tipped over on its side,
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but also says the land or is alive and well. the us space agency on intuitive machine starts the private company that builds thoughts, spacecraft, say that some of its incentives are facing downwards and not tempering data transmission. we think we came down with, like i said about 6 miles an hour this way in about 2 miles an hour this way and park a foot in the surface and, and the lender has tipped like this. and we believe this is the surface, the, the orientation of the land or on the moon. what columbia is hoping to strike it rich by solving f, 300 year old maritime mystery. the government spending 4 and a half $1000000.00 to explore the rec for spanish, galle on it stopped the san jose was loaded with plunder treasure, including gold and silver, now worth billions of dollars. k. nice young. i believe it is a willingness on the part of both the columbia and spanish governments to consider
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the san jose kelly and this assured tabitha. we can translate this intention into scenario of cooperation and collaboration that will allow both states to manage the guardian. so we'll see you as a heritage. okay, that's a for me. thanks for watching. the weather is next, then inside story will examine if the red sea is becoming fully militarized by the color we should crash. dc temperatures on the rise across northern parts of china through the korean peninsula. but at the moment it's still pretty cold. we have got to have a system just clearing away into the northwest pacific dry weather coming back in behind with this area. a lot of pressure, that's the developing feature, and that will bring some weather into a southern positive honda shame also into a good positive central form. she wants to push on into
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a sunday temperatures and take care around 7 celsius, some snow over the high ground dryer and small the height, which was northern parts of china badging at around 8 degrees celsius. and sunday that split allowed to drive for much of china even down towards the south. but on monday, more weather coming through. more wintry flowers into central parts of china. fine over towards the korean peninsula. well, the weather coming back into japan, temperatures getting up into double figures in tokyo is a system discuss out into the open. one says that we have some, some weather recently across the northeast of india. still a few showers in place here. i should start to wake him, but we will still see a shower to just around the dish. central areas of india forward time on up towards the northwest, dakota, nasty little west and disturb him, making his way across. i've got this done in the bucket stuff. the, the asking questions,
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were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action? the hospital with phil. this gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been and back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand. states it's future on fossil fuels, no renewable, i'll just use teams on the ground, bring you closer to the heart of the story. the consequences of israel's war on gaza is causing a maritime prices in the red sea. one that has drawn in major powers like the united states, the u. k. and china. so is the red sea becoming fully militarized? this is inside store, the


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