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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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in the community austin, aside from the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of truth, the of the un humanitarian agency, again close to safe access to increase aid into gaza. warning, the risk of famine is growing. the . i'm sammy's a them, this is out to 0 life window. also coming up is right. the strikes once again target central and southern, gaza residential building and den, invalid eyes hates getting at least 25 people. most of them women and children
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ceremony in k of to mock 2 years since the russian invasion for west and lead is bad to express solidarity while moscow says defense ministers. so gay, surely google has visited russian troops in the russian control, positive ukraine, and come police forces say that holding back in advance, why i'm 23 fights of these thousands of floods. the fighting will have a report from the of the front line. the united nations is warning of the dire need for food and aid to reach the gaza strip . it says without adequate food, more supplies. the elevated risk of famine in the spread of disease is projected to increase further. meanwhile, israel continues to target displaced, palestinians,
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killing 25 people in, and that strike on the residential building and dan, and by at least 29606 palestinians have been killed since the war began. alexandra buys begins coverage for countless palestinian families and gaza. another night of desperation and panic. more than 150 displaced civilian is were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of deer, bella, as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. that's the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful police for us to go. we're all this please. we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching. i have mercy on us. in dark and dangerous conditions, rescuers tried to save those. they could,
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the violence and destruction are difficult to fathom laguna as soon as the dog. we rushed downstairs when we heard the for me, we sold the whole building coming down. we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to call. they were old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old. whatever they've done to desist, donnelly, like this. what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered? like basically the dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby l. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims. had the most of the stuff alex, the hospital, which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children, women, an hourly, we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who is still a, the a tech side this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous integration against how people,
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as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast majority of the victims of this attack, where women and young children, as more bodies are recovered from the rebel, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians had been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs stopping. alexandra buyers al jazeera pharmacist and the besiege, gaza strip. say the false to tone way people seeking medical health as they've run out of stock. they say most of the pharmacies of being forced to close down to do as well as bombardments. a few that remained open of not being able to receive deliveries for close to 5 months left in the west feeding news when someone comes in seeking. and you can tell them you can't provide them with the treatment
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they need. it's really thing that we can't help or people. this is all because of these. are you patient under control of the border crossings to a doctor from garza who completed his medical training and ukraine is sharing his experience of working into different full sense. he says he was able to give his ukrainian patients a fair chance to recover. but as of august, the hospital in the by he's having to make life full death choices because of shortages, including no anesthetic. this is his story. the most of the kind of my name is dr. mussa to holland. i'm a resident at 0 balance. i serve in the emergency unit at l. so hospital, i obtained my degree from ukraine last year in 2023. and i'm assuming that they've gone in my apartment. i served almost one full year and ukrainian hospitals at the beginning of the war with russia. the situation was dire with casualties on
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a massive scale with time though it became less than 10. but the situation in gaza is totally different. mobile from day one of this war till this hour is really occupation forces are wreaking havoc and destruction on palestinian. we are flooded with dead bodies and critically wounded people who moved the count. see how to lock them. i was working on october 7th and i have been on duty ever since. we are still receiving critical cases on at the same intensity and the same page. survival odds for victims here are really scan close to 0, especially image shortage of staff and lack of medical equipment and supplies that hi, how are you kind of in the office and i know come here in gaza. the doctors are forced to make hard decisions to choose between who to treat and who lives or times. if i receive 2 cases of victim with 70 percent, burns ok, and one with medium injuries out of 10 to the 2nd order. as a 1st will go into sepsis and died about the pump for the last one. i just,
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there's a huge difference between the war and ukraine and that of gaza. a little bit in terms of the resources and medical supplies or hospitals capacity in ukraine. world class facilities are well equipped and medical supplies are in abundance. here in gaza, we use one single device or even a medical tool on many victims. this no doubt causes further complications, including infections, especially in cases of injuries with open move. in ukraine, we worked at ease with everything in a bundle, from the staff to the resources on your in ukraine. i never came across a single case where the doctors are forced to perform a procedure on a patient without anesthetics. i'm not, i'm not as smart here in gaza. i attended to a 12 year old child. i performed 25 stitches in his head without anesthetics or even a pain killer. it took me almost 2 and a half hours. unfortunately, it was something beyond description beyond words, the boys in pain and i am hoping to protect the state just so. i hardly held my
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tears. well, brazil's presence, as again said, is rarely as committing genocide in garza louise and i see a little of the silver speech and the addition here i followed similar comments. he made that the african union, somebody in ethiopia last week, as well, was angered by lou, this comparison of the warm garza to the holocaust. if you're stuck with that said, you have what these really government is doing against the policy and people is not, you know, it's genocide because it's killing women and children. the us minute tree size is destroyed 7 and to ship miss housing, who's the control there is any em and the central come on says themselves will mo bile and being prepared to launch towards targets in the red sea, posing water called an imminent threat to american warships and commercial vessels . a meanwhile, the who's the say a bridge show and cargo ship,
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they targeted in the red seas, thinking the ruby mall was strong because any of this week the central come on says the coal, significant damage to the ship. and the 29 kilometer oil slick the hose, he's been targeting american enbridge vessels in the red sea in solidarity with palestinians. and garza, the, it's been 2 years since russia loans the full scale invasion of ukraine. it's tang send troops broke through defenses to reach the outskirts of the capital. both failed to capture it. us intelligence estimates 315000 russians have been killed or injured in the war. ukraine has suffered around 200000 casualties. 6 and a half 1000000 ukrainians have fled the will to europe and beyond. was most settling in poland, germany, and the check for public. many full 1000000 ukrainians,
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unintentionally displaced to the fighting is estimated to of cost a $152000000000.00 and direct damage. and it's affecting the old sexes of ukraine's economy. president below them is the landscape says each nation is determined to win the war. he's been speaking as a ceremony mocking 2 years since russia launched its invasion, the prime ministers of it to the canada and belgium as well as the european commission president us of on the line with the to express solidarity. but after 2 years of war, few ukrainians believe in victory from the need for rob mcbride reports on what the war leaves and his wife as the main gateway to the south and east. the disney pro region has been a witness to the changing phases in this rule. after the full scale russian invasion, it was a major transit route for civilians fling west. it's been
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a place for rapidly assembled. divisions of ukrainian troops, including for last summer has failed counter offensive and with rushes renewed push . it's a refuge for some of the last civilians to be moved out from the town of of div come before it fell like 84 year old. the rescue from the basement me out the she lifted me up by my arms because i couldn't walk by myself from there were very close, waiting for us to take us to safety. oh cool. on the 1st anniversary of this rule, ukraine could celebrate games, like driving the russians back from deceased khaki, but in the north, no celebrations this yet, but reconstruction efforts to be able to stay a tax cause more damage. marchers and thought the bought the i have experienced and construction and i can see the results of my work and how it benefits those who have suffered from the war for cisco claims covina is a similarly headstone region in the south,
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while back under ukraine's control is still under russian bombardments. so to the major pull to the data, although ukrainian success is against russian warships, i've seen the blacks the fleet forced back, allowing more grain ships to pass on the wide scale attacks on ukraine's energy system. as russia did last year. have yet to happen this winter. you sense though, a growing weariness, especially among families of soldiers fighting that the front for so long against the backdrop of waiting international support in the town of boucher north of keep father and today i live in, says he witnessed 1st hand suspected will crimes carried out by russian troops, which way did you allow people to hold for them? but at the same time that is disappointment. we are glad to fall for the international aid without a fluid. probably what i do have lot's at the nearby bridge of at a pin low not by retreating ukrainian soldiers. thousands of civilians followed the
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full of keys, seemingly just days away. 2 years on a new bridge has now been opened, while the original will be kept as a memorial and the man who is that the defense of keeping those early days or looks on them, serfs key has been installed as the new head of ukraine's armed forces. in an attempt to change the country's military fortunes, he will soon have new weapons to help like f 16 find to jets, have a more sophisticated attack. drones and continuing support from most of your us support, though remains far more doubtful and back into the pro. another indicator points to how grandma prospect for the 3rd year, a full scale war, the military symmetry of graves, freshly dug, and ever expand. mcbride else's era, do me probably ukraine or russian defense minister surrogate surely do has visited forces fighting in ukraine. in the video,
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released by the russian defense ministry shows who met offices inspected weaponry and awarded soldiers. the minister says roger was planning to provide troops with a power, drones to increase their effectiveness. russian president vladimir putin insist moscow's goals have not changed since the war began. usually a shop of oliver has more on that for most go. on february, the 24th 20 to 22 russian presidents floods you may piecing, announced the purpose of russia's made a trip ration was to protect people who were subjected to bullying and genocide, where the key of regime 2 years old and people in the russian speaking provinces of ukraine are refusing to speak russian and choosing ukraine and instead, well, russia has captured around 20 percent of ukrainian land, and the attached for new regions, states territory page and says, russia's winning all fronts. the recent full of disco which russia had been trying
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to capture since the beginning of the invasion is portrayed as one of the greatest victories the ukrainian governments that russia initially wanted to topple as part of as dean. that's if occasional strategy is still in place, while in tight cities are raised to the ground with millions of people displaced. appointment there was confidence at the beginning that ukraine was with us only the nazis were against us. we felt would defeat the easily then ukraine would meet us with flowers. perhaps the mistake which calls to crane millions of broken lives of the 2 guys of the so called special mid shop ration. the kremlin is not changing or even questioning how effect. so this strategy resolved in terms of achieving his goals and ukraine. the company is continues to bring more devastation and grief was now and to the blood shred upon clean sights. um lets say there was several scenarios for rush of how the situation will develop. the aim is to secure the
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border regions, at least in order to prevent and you cross border attacks and obviously to control the bone bass and, and as a possibility would be also to go forward this up in order to control access to the black sea. and of course, for nato countries, it is important not to internally move ukraine, so they will have to possibly an expert, some pressure on presidents landscape through green to negotiate with russia to negotiate some sort of ceasefire. so, roches entering, it said yeah, of the conflict with ukraine, and this comes on the heels of the death of patients of most outspoken critic. i'll explain the valley, an overall crime down on civil rights officials reported the economic growth, but it applies to a very limited number of sexes, like the military industrial complex. while the level of consumption is fully for the population, letting the patient is planning to stay on for 5th residential time,
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which means the country is most likely to choose staying because us above all of a to z right most. okay. so i had an al jazeera i'm sure, every time, so you're in south carolina. well, we'll look ahead to the latest republican presidential primary. the has been a pretty lively week across the western part. so for sale, some sundry down, post to into a se, employee, northern areas of bolivia, they will continuously go through the next couple of days. and we've got this loan with a feature here. this co front has made his way across. the point of service brought some fresher weather in, in the process and some width of weather as well as in northern origin. taina power requesting some showers, scattering a showers down towards the se,
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offer sale i reapply pressure just off. sure. just picking temperatures up and pull stanley 11 celsius on saturday. coming up to around 18 degrees on sunday with the winds coming in from moving all of the direction. most showers say i was in northern parts of austin. tain up plenty of shelves across the western side. of the amazon one or 2 showers to just around the east, the side of the caravan. the wind was in leave with seeing some west, a weather full overtime. it has been while a hold on lot, being full by friend. and sort of that is the bank i was think let's take just easing a little as we go one through west sunday more in the way of showers coming through . noticed a shower ro to just around the end of the main audience of the caravans central america. is looking laws, he draws the lot of dry weather into north america. we have go back to where the continuing across much of the central plains, the in october 2023. these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and
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permanent transfer of public opinion from because the street, the people in power, those just the history of the amount of spinning and displacement. and explores whether clearing palestinians from us as the occupied west bank is ready to transfer on and just the the welcome back time to recap, all headlines. now. united nations is warning of the dying needs of food and aid to reach cancer. it says without adequate supplies of food and water,
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the elevated risk of famine and the spread of disease is projected to increase the news radio striking central thousands killed at least $25.00 thomas demands most of them and chosen around a 150 display civilians were shouting in the family home, dave and by the attack for west the need is arrived in ukraine to show solidarity to he is officer, the russian invasion. they include the prime ministers in italy, canada, and belgium, and european commission president, a sort of on the line, while russian defend smithers, this, the game show who has been full sufficing in ukraine. the widow of russian opposition lead likes in the volume these accusing president limited food, 10 of refusing to return his body. usually another lawyer says, a far as these have threatened to bury husbands while the prison,
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why he died. if they do not agree to a secret funeral, she also says nevada, these mother is being wound, she's running out of time. a day to tell them will give us the body of my husband. we want him to have a funeral service and then be buried in the ground as is customary and orthodoxy. give alexi without any conditions. you tortured him alive, and now you keep torturing him that conflicts in east and democratic republic of congo has driven thousands of people from the homes in recent weeks. government forces site the holding, often advanced by m. 23 finances ahead of the withdrawal of un peacekeepers. at the end of the year was fighting has been in the town of soc a north could boot province from the catherine. so it has this report. pants lined a wrote to 2nd. a week ago. it was not here. thousands of people would up shelters
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anywhere. they can find these follows the escalating fighting you to call the police government forces. and the m 20 suite group is the 1st time the military ease allowing john, at least into the eastern town, seems renewed. 5 to 2 weeks ago. it's largely empty now. the bottle has been intense, both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes a mother and had 2 children were killed by a long range more to their bodies feeling the house in the country. we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children. we thought if we stay in the camp, we will start. but now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision of the situation here. in fact, it is dire. many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced
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some of them for he has said that they are trying or they wants to wait how the situation, but it's becoming tubes dangerous. cool. and so they also have to go to the come on, you come monday, see the fight has our own nearby hills. the government has claimed its neighbor ronda for ami, empty suite. the rundown government has united language to do what you said you went on your card. you're about to go to my final ramos to push the files back. i can't tell you, well, strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will takes away from the using to kill congolese. now, there's a lot of international pressure, and these will do. previous efforts for mediation have feels that means one point. 6000000 colonies who have been displaced, continue to suffer, is no end in sight pattering slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic of congo. most of the 1000 candidates and sunday galls
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delayed presidential election refusing to end to talks with president mackey saul. the vote was due to be held on february the 25th, but sole delayed it is now on says and see about when it will go ahead. sol size is 9 days as lead. it will end as planned on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said if those as will go to the polls be full, then opposition politicians. and since the election should be held by a pro of the poles of opened in the us states of south carolina for the latest republican primary. once again, donald trump is predicted to win, but despite remaining the favorite to clinch the policies presidential nomination, his main challenges says she's staying in the race chaper time. see now another republican primaries, donald trump, and nikki haley compete to be the parties. nobody in the presidential election this time. it's in south carolina where haley was elected governor twice. trump is
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significantly ahead in the polls. i was expecting the winning side of these contests. yeah, this might cause we had a dropout. haley abruptly called a press conference in a home state this week developing to go on until super tuesday on march. the 5th, when the primaries removal of dozen states, that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is money, the cash is still flowing in despite highly having won none of the nominating contents so far. and the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries, the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party, they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign,
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i'm pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican albany in november. given the 91 felony counts he faces, he's gotten more on stable and on hand. he spends more time in court rooms than he does on the campaign trail by prohibiting the result of saturday's vote here in south carolina. nicky, henry was simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months even here in her home state. she has little to no chance of beating gold up put so now said dennis feels he's west. the investments as a backup plan should from drop house and as well as a way just to look for the president. look, if she was doing well, i don't understand that heavy is refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some from supporters in south carolina to the remix feelings about whether they would vote for her in november. i think nicky entertain met her donors are a little delusional. at this point, right, i don't see the chat base getting behind or would you rather you're on the high, highly of if trump had to drop out for some reason, the only option? yes. hey, we are. those are receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party done is
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according to the latest filings that's despite habies personal opposition to abortion. and the support of tax codes for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well the, which means highly will be able to carry on. so now she ever, kenzie elder, 0 south carolina. all donald trump is voiced his support for in vitro fertilization procedures. after a top quotes in the state of alabama rule, embryos should be considered human beings highly. jo, castro has more the cells inside this petri dish, our children, according to a ruling by alabama state supreme court. the opinion released last week sites the christian belief that life begins at conception, even if in a lab and cannot be destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy god. this is unprecedented. this has never happened before. we now have a situation where we are saying that a fertilized egg is
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a child. and all of the things that we do as part of the idea of cycle are called into question one in 50 babies. born in the us are from in vitro fertilization. the treatment involves combining sperm and eggs in a lab to create embryos then implanting them in a person's uterus on use embryos or those with genetic dfcs are usually discarded. but in alabama, that may now be illegal. you certainly can't destroy them or donate them for research. it's not clear you can store them or freeze them because if their children you can't store or freeze children. as a result, 3 alabama and fertility clinics are pausing, idea of services. that means women who have already enjoyed months of rolling therapies toward a successful embryo, implantation and pregnancy are seeing those hopes evaporate. alabama already has a total ban on abortion. but even some anti abortion lawmakers say a ban on for till the treatment is
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a step too far and have proposed state laws to protect i v f. nationally. the issue has become a flash point on the presidential campaign trail. individuals, couples who want to start a family are, are now being deprived of access to what can help them start. a family that democrats say donald trump is to blame for moving a u. s. supreme court that allowed states to criminalize abortions. trump responded on social media on friday that he supports ivy as well. his republican challenger nikki haley, was uncertain in her response. i mean, the embryos to me are babies, but it's also conversations where we need to have women and doctors involved in the conversation to say, how do we wanna handle this going forward. the medical association of alabama has called on the state supreme court to reconsider its ruling as fears mount across the country. the other conservative states could take similar action hydro castro,
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which is 0 washington. now a children's hospital is the latest building found to be contaminated with us best office and sidney in australia. the toxic clothing has long been banned in many countries because it causes chronic lung disease cetera. clock has more hospitals, schools, sports grounds and public parks just some of the thoughts. cool golf? well, see the deals with a space dose contamination? events have been cancelled in thousands of students are remote learning after testing identified traces of the toxic fiber. i was honestly quite surprised because i guess this is kind of a hang up for a lot of shoes, sir. it's but we spend a lot of time. yeah. is that terry? i mean like it is a little bit worrying, but if you're not touching it, maybe it's not, not, not quite bob.


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