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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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accident the government appears to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on saturdays, i them this is the news out live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the un humanitarian agency again calls the safe access to increase agent to gaza. owning the risk of famine is growing is radio strikes once again, target central and southern garza, the residential building and data is his coming at least 25 people. most of them, women and children. it's the 2nd anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine's for
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western latest visit the castle to show solidarity with the war effort. the kremlin says rushes defense minister has visited troops in the russian controls offices, ukraine, also a head echo. acetate is made to discuss the present exit of 3 members, the west staff with long and full much fatigue, also advice and action in the prime. you make lighter and spin a show bas itself the ink and taking the form which hits to put aside in control of the form test. again, since the united nations is wanting of the dying need for food, an aide to reach garza, it says without adequate food and more so the elevated risk of time and then the spread of disease is projected to increase of meanwhile, as well,
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continues to target displaced palestinians killing 25 people in an ass, striking a residential building in data by law, at least 29606 palestinians being killed. since the war began, alexandra bios begins coverage for countless policy indian families and gaza. another night of desperation and panic, more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of deer, bella, as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. that's the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful place for us to go. we're all this please. we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching us, have mercy on us in dark and dangerous conditions,
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rescue or tried to save those. they could, the violence and destruction are difficult to find them, led them to do the job. we rushed downstairs when we had the plumbing, we sold the whole building. coming down. we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to golf. they were old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old. what if they've done to desist, donnelly like this? what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like face the dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims high the low sauce alexa hospital, which is the only function in the hospital, and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children women an hour later we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who is still a the a tech sites. this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous
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integration against the people. as you can see, when not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims, the vast majority of the victims of this attack were women and young children. as more bodies are recovered from the rubble, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians have been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs of stopping. alexandra buyers out a 0 on having my move joins us now live from bravo. so honey, take us through the strikes and civilian buildings including that of a famous comedian who was trying to entertain and cheer up children that the yes sir, um yeah, and uh, just uh give you the latest of what's going on here in over crowded roof. i just
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within the past hour, in massive ears, flights in central part of the city on a road, a very busy road leading to a market at this particular hour of the day. the market is friendship to the vicinity of its area, including this ferry road where an air strike took place. targeting a 2 story residential buildings. the area felt like an earthquake, just headed, complete destruction. fire everywhere is caused by the bar part. cars are incinerated, people on the sidewalk are critical injuries, and people were pulled from inside the house and from under the rubble of the furniture that was burning at 7 people that be reported kills 5 of them have been identified to others. medical staff and other people were not able to identify them as we weren't completely incentive rated beyond recognition. they're all in a new job hospital. some of the injuries here were reported to do. we do,
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we hospitals here where the point where we're reporting the from this is a family that has been displaced from con, you understand has been shown during this residential home within the past for the past few weeks, only to get farmed and killed here shared level is your level of destruction, a great deal of a trauma and terror in the area as people are paused to be internal display as right now, as this is the aftermath of be free, here is tries, not only cause destruction to the target, it's a residential home but also its vicinity, we're talking about 5 more residential buildings, are severely damaged to the point they are not livable just further see uh the suffering and the misery of display of palestinians. apparently our hours today there was an a not an air strike. and the wisdom part of the central area where a residential home was also targeted, a number of people reported and killed the worst of what happened is an overnight, a toxin there, the city and area where people were literally directed by it is really military to
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go there because it's a safe area, were targeted and killed inside a residential home to 25 people were killed in more than 75 people were reported in a critical injuries. all reported to unlock the hospital. the residential home was full of evacuated from the northern part of the city that the family of a palestinian comedian here all of his family and his in laws were sheltering inside this residential homes. unfortunately, the bombing continues and the trauma continues. and there is a shared level of terror going on right now. there are more attacking drones and surveillance growing the area of river, causing great deal of in termination to people. all right, thanks so much, honey. my food, the know pharmacists in the siege, garza say, the forced to turn away people seeking medical help as they run out of stock. they
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say most pharmacies have been forced to close down to to as well as bombardments. the few that have remained in front of not being able to receive deliveries for close to 5 months left in the west. feeding is when someone comes in seeking and you can't help them. you can't provide them with the treatment they need. it's really think that we can't help or people. this is all because of these are you the patient under control of the board of crossings is right in the media. say there's been progress in talks involving is. busy all the us, egypt and kado that took place in paris is go live the home, the saw haute in television. i'm the what are you hearing about what's brewing in paris then? and what we're hearing, that is, roles delegation returned from paris with cautious optimism. and they've recorded, we've reached an outline for which they are going to take forward these
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negotiations. so they're going to present that outline. so the war cabinet potentially this evening where it will then be presented to the wider cabinet. now what's next is that they're going to decide which is really captives are going to be really re released from gaza as well as which palestinian prisoners are going to be released in exchange. this has been one of the main sticking points in these discussions. and in these decisions now the delegation that arrived in paris is the head of israel, sion bet, and the head of israel's most saw, that's the internal and external security agencies. and it comes after immense pressure was brought forth by the united states to send and is really delegation to see if there can be an agreement, reached to reach a pause in the fighting and to reach a deal that would see the release of his really captives from gaza on him the what are we expecting in terms of protests tonight? we're expecting 2 different demonstrations, one right here in hostage square behind me where families of is really captives
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have gathered for nearly 20 weeks in a row, calling on these really government to bring back their loved ones to reach a deal. but on the other side of the street, just outside the kids. yeah, that's israel's defense ministry. there's going to be an anti government demonstration. last saturday, we saw the largest anti government demonstration since the war began. and what demonstrators they were saying is that the government has simply failed in their policies to bring back the captive. there's been a lot of the anger from is really society on nets and yahoo on his government because their policies have not brought forth a deal to bring back the captives and demonstrators have told us that they feel israel is headed in the wrong direction because of how nets and yahoo is governing . so we can expect a large antique government demonstration right across the street from here or eventually the to protests will converge into one wider demonstration, calling on the government to bring back the captives or i will leave it the thanks
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. so much from this household. now brazil's presence is again said his relatives committing genocide in garza. louisa announced hulu. the silver speech and rio de janeiro followed similar comments united the african union. somebody to meet you have here last week. this row was i'm good by knew this comparison of the war on golf to the whole course. if you're stuck with that said, you have what these really government is doing against the policy and people is not, you know, it's genocide because it's killing women and children see us submitted face as is destroyed. 7, then to ship miss housing, who is the controlled areas in yemen? the us central come on says the missiles or immobile and being prepared to launch towards targets and the red sea housing with a cold and imminent threat to american war ships and commercial vessels. meanwhile, the who's the say
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a position and cargo ship they targeted and the red sea is sinking. the ruby ma was struck earlier this week. the us central come on says these hot costs significant damage to the ship. and the 29 kilometer oil slick hope these have been targeting american and bush vessels in the red sea in solidarity with palestinians. in garza, a doctor from garza who completed his medical training and ukraine is sharing his experience, working in 2 different walls and says he was able to give his ukrainian patients a fat chance to recover for that's how ok, so hospital and dad and brother is having to buy life full death choices because of shortages, including no anesthetic. this is his story. the most of the kind of my name is dr. moose abdulla holland. i'm
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a resident at euro butler. i serve in the emergency unit at l. so hospital, i obtained my degree from ukraine last year in 2023. and i'm assuming that on your mind, i served almost one full year and ukrainian hospitals at the beginning of the war with russia. the situation was dire with casualties on a massive scale with time though it became less than 10. but the situation in gaza is totally different. mobile from day one of this war till this hour is really occupation, forces are wreaking havoc and destruction on palestinians. we are flooded with dead bodies and critically wounded people, symbol done, and they can see how to lock them. i was working on october 7th, and i have been on duty ever since. we are still receiving critical cases on at the same intensity in the same page. survival odds for victims here are really scans close to 0, especially image shortage of staff and lack of medical equipment and supplies that hi, how are you kind of in the office and i know come here in gaza. the doctors are forced
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to make hard decisions to choose between who to treat and who lives or times. if i receive 2 cases, a victim was 70 percent burns ok, and one with medium injury out of 10 to the 2nd order. as a 1st will go into sepsis and died about the pump for the last one. i just, there's a huge difference between the war and ukraine and that of gaza. a little bit in terms of the resources and medical supplies or hospitals capacity in ukraine. world class facilities are well equipped and medical supplies are in abundance. here in garza, we use one single device or even a medical tool on many victims. this no doubt causes further complications, including infections, especially in cases of injuries with open move in ukraine. we worked at ease with everything in a bundle, from the staff to the resources to come on. yeah. and ukraine, i never came across a single case where doctors are forced to perform a procedure on a patient without anesthetics. i'm not,
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i'm not as much as you're in gaza. i attended to a 12 year old child. i performed 25 stitches in his head without anesthetics or even a pain killer. it took me almost 2 and a half hours. unfortunately, it was something beyond description beyond words, the boys in pain and i'm hoping to perfect the stage. i hardly held my tiers. the, it's been 2 years since russia launch. the full scale invasion of ukraine is. tanks and troops broke through defenses to reach the outskirts of the capitol keys, but failed to capture it. us intelligence estimates 315000 russians have been killed or injured in the war, cry and has suffered around 2 100000 casualties. on 6 and
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a half 1000000 ukrainians have flooded the war to europe and beyond. with the most settling in poland, germany and the czech republic, 94000000 ukrainians are internally displaced. fighting is estimated to have cost a $152000000000.00 in the right damage. and that's faxing all sexes of ukraine's economy. president, a lot of them is savanski says this nation is determined to win the war. he's been speaking as a ceremony mocking 2 years since russian launched its invasion, the prime ministers of italy, canada, and belgium, as well as the european commission president, the set of on the lion with head to express solidarity, shut off the 2 years of wolf. you are you cranes believing the victory crime the inside of the conflicts has changed their lives in ways they never imagined? so what is so you would have some say that people think you have don't feel the way i don't i, i think that i can see that in every possible way that i me,
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when i work on the streets because each of us kind of just, well inside, every person has someone who is at the front line or who died or is on the occupation. and then we should look at, let's put you in a month, i'm sure, in the coming years, i don't have any expectations because i'm reading this and understand that most likely what we'd be directing on for the next 3 or 4 years. and i hope that we'd be able to somehow defeat russia based on my hopes because now our society has become relaxed. i can see that in cuba is very limited, but unreality by the situation doesn't look good. now. we have to unite again. i'm finding from the need for a rob mcbride revolt somewhat boy is leaving and it's wake as the main gateway to the south and east. the disney pro region has been a witness to the changing phases. in this rule. after the full scale russian invasion, it was a major transit route for civilians fling west. it's been a place for rapidly assembled. divisions of ukrainian troops, including for last summer,
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has failed counter offensive. and with russia is when you push it's a refuge for some of the last civilians to be moved out from the town of of div come before it felt like 84 year old being rescued from a basement me out. the she lifted me up by my arms because i couldn't walk by myself from their vehicles waiting for us to take us to safety. oh cool. on the 1st anniversary of this rule, ukraine could celebrate games, like driving the russians back from deceased khaki. even the north, no celebrations this year, but reconstruction efforts to be able to stay in the tax cools, mold damage marchers, and thought the bought the i have experienced and construction and i can see the results of my work and how it would benefit to those who have suffered from the war, francisco claims covina as a similarly headstone region in the south, while back under ukraine's control is still under russian bombardment. so to the
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major pull to the data, although ukrainian success is against russian warships, i've seen the blacks the fleet forced back, allowing more grain ships to pass on the wide scale attacks on ukraine's energy system. as rush it did last year, have yet to happen. this winter you sense though, a growing weariness, especially among families of soldiers fighting that the front for so long against the backdrop of whitening international support in the town of boucher north of keith father. and today i live in, says he witnessed, firsthand, suspected will crimes carried out by russian troops. which way did you allow? people are hopeful, but at the same time that is disappointment. we're kind of what the international aid was out date. we would probably, i would, i do have lot's at the nearby bridge of at a pin low not by retreating ukrainian soldiers. thousands of civilians followed the full of keys, seemingly just days away. 2 years on
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a new bridge has now been opened, while the original will be kept as a memorial. and the man who was at the defense of keeping those early days all looks on the surface key has been installed as the new head of ukraine's armed forces. in an attempt to change the country's military fortunes, he will soon have new weapons to help like f 16 find to jets. have a more sophisticated attack thrones and continuing support from those of your us support. the remains far more doubtful and back into the pro. another indicate to points to how grandma prospect for the 3rd year, a full scale will the military cemetery of raves, freshly dug, and never expand mcbride else's era. do you meet pro you crate? all pieces of my of is the executive director of the you raise your democracy initiative, joins us now live from key of good to have you with us. so to use your own, to what extent can ukraine continue,
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can celebrate that it's continued to defy those expectations at the beginning of the will that it would crumble quickly a while indeed, you know, we beat old expectations both uh, by uh, russia itself, unplugged with within the has uh, you know, from the, from the beginning a bank on ukraine's weakness. he did not go into this more fully prepared and neither did the western back was believe you claim would hold out for longer than a week. we're talking about the world's 2nd largest army. we're talking about a nuclear in our power, a country that remains imperialistic at heart and look where we are now. yes, the mood is grim. it's more reminiscent today, off 2 years ago. the 1st day of the invasion rather than last year when you know things were on the off. but having said that, the ukraine is still resisting and not just because this thing it's been able to
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disable pretty much the entire russian black go see sleep. it's been able to restore it's great in shipments. it just threw down another a 50, which is a very sophisticated radio surveillance airplane that costs the $350000000.00. uh, with the, just a couple of, uh, very cheap uh, an air defense missiles. so ukraine has learned to adapt. the ukraine has shown tremendous resilience. we only wish that our western bankers would show uh, you know, uh, equivalents of resilience and the state power. and the reason for that is like the drum pain. always seeing russia a russian resurgence militarily. they're also adapting their rebuilding the night treat and they've made some progress in closing the tech gap. and we've seen some of the ukrainian gains of last is counts for offensive being reversed slightly.
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haven't weigh as indeed uh and in this conflict, uh, if you great board to have its our shipments from the west cut off completely and rushed. uh, having ratcheted up is the military production by a factor of up to 10 in some cases. uh, just circular, we show the number they're able to turn out. now is the close to $2000000.00. then they've developed security relationships with iran and north korea, etc. we have very little chance of this sort of confrontation, and i think at least in europe now there's uh, you know, uh, the realization that's going on. the content has to significantly step up its efforts. you do a ukraine and also to bolster their own distances. and this has been sort of the direct result of, uh, a decision uh in the us congress and some of the more provocative staples by donald trump. the only question is, how soon it will come to this realization, how soon words, sorry, actions will follow all the good words that would be hard,
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including by these visiting officials today in kia. how confident are you that actions will follow woods given the waning confidence you've referred to that's going on in some parts of the west to i'm pretty confident because i think the main thing is to realize that this is this. the villas ational conflict. this is a historical problem, this is not just a what 5 let him to put in for more territory by ukraine, of why they put in what stupid, entirely the very idea of you, quite thereby challenging the whole liberal democratic world war on which europe depends and uh, if he is allowed to wait and you create your rollover and uh you right over you credit into um, multiple bar or possibly the baltic states and will, uh, surely will shortly. uh, test the rest of this of the nato alliance to defend its members. we're talking about the baltic states. we're talking about bowling,
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the way the russian military machine is developing. i think it will have no other choice but to continue to escalate to continue to uh, approval letter of putting is now ill viewing more as the only short means of uh, continuing to stay in power. and the only means to sort of assure, rush, just great, this constant war constant regression. all right, it's good talking to peters on my of the russian defense moose. the so gay show it go, has visited forces fighting in ukraine. in the video, released by the russian defense ministry showed government offices inspected weaponry and awarded soldiers administer, says russia was planning to provide troops with a power, drones to increase their effectiveness. russian president vladimir putin
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insist moscow's goals have not changed since the war began. no show of, of oliver has more on that from moscow. on february, the 24th $20.00 to $22.00 russian presidents floods you may be using, announced the purpose of rush has made a trip ration was to protect people who are subjected to bullying and genocide. where the key of regime 2 years old and people in the russian speaking provinces of ukraine are refusing to speak russian, i'm choosing you praying, and instead, well, russia has captured around 20 percent of ukrainian land and attached for new regions, states territory page and says, russia's winning all fronts that were sent full of disco, which russia had been trying to capture since the beginning of the invasion is portrayed as one of the greatest victories. the ukrainian governments that russia initially wanted to topple as part of as the. and that's if occasional strategy is still in place, while in tight cities are raised to the ground with millions of people displaced
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appointment that was confidence at the beginning that ukraine was with us, only the nazis were against us. we felt would defeat the easily then ukraine would meet us with flowers. perhaps the mistake which calls to crane millions of broken lives of the 2 guys of the so called special mid shop ration. the kremlin is not changing or even questioning how effect save this strategy resolved, in terms of achieving his goals and ukraine. the company is continues to bring more devastation, grief was now and to the blood shred upon clean sites. let's say there were several scenarios for rush, show how the situation will develop. the aim is to secure the border regions, at least in order to prevent any cross border attacks and obviously to control the bone bass. and another possibility would be also to go for this up in order to control access to the black sea. and of course, for major countries,
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it is important not to internally move ukraine. so they will have to possibly an expert, some pressure on presidents landscape through green to negotiate with russia to negotiate some sort of ceasefire. so russia's entering, it said, yeah, of the conflict with ukraine. and this comes on the heels of the death of patients of most outspoken increasing. i'll explain the volney and overall crime down on civil rights officials report the economic growth. but it applies to a very limited number of sectors like the military industrial complex. while the level of consumption is fully for the population, letting the patient is planning to stay on for 5th residential time, which means the country is most likely to choose staying because you lives above all of a ultra 0 most. okay. well, at least for people, including just unless i've been arrested by police in russia outside the kremlin,
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they were detained to the weekly protest, organized by wives of soldiers fighting in ukraine. any of this month, the security forces detained. a group of around 20 reports is that the same protest wanting media outlets against covering the demonstrations with wives have been demanding that husbands before home from the crime. it's time for whether his evanson, hello, we are looking at cloud and rain rolling out of africa. that'll slot its way into the final. it's a saudi arabia, pushing across the pots, all they rocky, basically pushing into around turning to snow over the higher ground. here. i also think a little further south, which as we go through west sunday could even see a spoke to will to right hearing concept as we go through sunday. often they're not right. pushing down to we'll see you i. e, i'm driving for the east with some heavier rain that into iran, that could cause them like last study, eventually pushing across in to pocket stop. so the for, i've kind of stopped brought this guys to come back,
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can be hard in this stage logic troy brides across the eastern side of the mediterranean sunday. generally settled and sunny day, a little more cloud coming in on monday with some showers just pushing over towards the edge and pushing over towards that took the west and pasta talk to you as we go through monday. the south west of the country could see some, a lot of the showers july, the showers from that same system effecting a to media. just running a bit towards the far north of libya for it's queens coming through here as well. wanted to show us just into the fall south of nigeria, but nothing too much to speak of. shell was continuing ca, central pulse of africa into madagascar was seeing a few showers bring up to that eastern side south africa or phil. i had an al just here as best also lots in australia, how children's hospital has become the latest changes and symphony plus i'm sure every time, so you're in south carolina. well look ahead to the latest republican presidential
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find the big names in the world. a football gathered in concept for a child at the football match. joe have more much stories. the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct action. what there should moment international law is being me. this model until discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one out of the, or the latest news palestinians are not only queuing to got bread and water, but they're also doing on the machine to receive their treatments from the hearts of the story. how rude works to the symmetry. there is no tombstone for them,
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but he's determined that the names will be never forgot. with detailed coverage, the set up and the veterans tell us that many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of the used by the army. the of the the or come back to watching l. g 0 times over the capital headlines. the united nations is warning of the dying need for food and aid to reach. garza, it says without adequate supplies of food and most of the elevated risk of simon and the spread of disease is projected to increase 1st and is ravia striking.
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central. garza has killed at least 25 power simians. most of them women and children around a $150.00 display civilians are sheltering in a family home down and by the attack, half of the prime ministers of belgium, canada, and hopefully our new price is showing solidarity. on the 2nd of those 3 of russia's invasion here in commission. presidents is also in kias. russian defense minister has visited his forces. lead is tobacco us amazing. off the 3 members announced they were leaving the west african regional organization. i feel was suspended book you know, fast, so molly and the shaft following the cruise that and the of the throw it likes it, civilian governments of more than this that speak to the address he joins us now. live for boucher. so does it look like eco aussies heading towards lifting the
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sanctions? the exec, this time you got to the feeling way of getting from this i me to yeah, but i head of this summit, there was a ministers meeting, 40 minutes just meeting of the organization just 10 days ago. so yeah, you know, but yeah, and you get the feeling that that's why they're headed and then 5 or 6 days ago, the remaining founding lead of cause for my now jen. administrative said, generally i'll go on. but if passionate appeal that these things has been lifted and dialogue should continue to bring this people to bring this patients back into the fold. and evelyn, today at the opening session and i did as president and chairman, of course, when i'm at table was saying something along the lines of we need to review our actions. i guess these member states. so wants to bring them back into the forward . so as to protect the democracy and also protect the people the feeling we are getting is that these functions could be lifted as of today,
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but we understand. but prior to this i'm in the opening session of this. i mean, at least one of the heads of state is suspend the beast, functions remain in place. i me and just talk us through why echo was, was so concerned about the process. but the prospect of the withdrawal of these 3 countries as well. there are 2 major reasons. first of all the, the fragmentation or fragmentation of the organization itself. last, yeah, the 3 countries of molly but also, and this year and now, so they have formed an organization called the organization of psyche and states. that was a big challenge for echoes, and the people or the leaders of the institution did not take it lightly and they knew that this could be uh, the process of crumbling oh, the organization altogether. and there is also this concern about the epidemic of
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holes in west africa. so far we've seen 4 successful course in, in fact, if you even count the amount of course, the number of cause in monday and work in a positive particular 6 successful cruise. an attempt to cool in a, in a few other countries, especially that they just being of a set of your causes really concerned about this. and it was a particularly concerned, but these caused may not able to stop this member nations. it could spread across the region because the elements are all that rising property, disappear, transmit dissatisfaction, and also also the rising corruption in the region and govern those employees are a lot of people are complaining about this all across the region. that's all their costs. member sleep, you've got to stop this from spreading farther. so those are some of the reasons. but a game, of course, is also concerned about this reputation, which by the way, has been damaged if it's seated to the position of these countries because of just the countries that it must received its decision about sanctions. now these countries,
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a lot of people feel that these countries may now decide on that one times what to give or how much space they can give to echoes. in terms of negotiators, okay, i'm going to address that from the boot you. the impulse of opened in the us states of south carolina full the latest republican primary election. once again, the on trump is predicted to win, but despite remaining the favor to clinch the parties, presidential nomination is main challenges says she's staying in the race. chaper tennessee explains another republican primaries. donald trump, nikki haley, compete to be the parties in albany in the presidential election. this time. it's in south carolina where halley was elected governor twice. trump is significantly ahead in the polls and is expected to win the sound of these contests. you have a spike cools, we have to drop out hailey abruptly from the press conference in
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a home save this week, vowing to go on until super tuesday on march. the 5th, when the primaries removal a dozen states, that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is money for cash is still flowing in despite highly having won none of the nominating contents so far. and the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries. the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party. they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign, are pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican nominee in november. given the $91.00 felony counts he faces, he's gotten more on stable and on hands,
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he spends more time in court rooms than he does on the campaign trail. by presenting the results of saturday's vote here in south carolina, the category was simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months even here in her home states. she has little to no chance of beating donald trump. it puts an alpha douglas feels he's west. the investments as a backup plan should from drop house, as well as a way just to look for the president's look if she was doing well, i don't understand. it maybe is refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some problems of who lives in south carolina. there are mixed feelings about what if i would vote for in november. i think nicky entertainment or donors are a little delusional at this point. right. i don't see the chat base getting binder . would you rather have high hailey of if trump had to drop out for some reason the only option? yes. hey, there's also receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party. done is, according to the latest pilings that's despite have these personal opposition to abortion, and the support of tax cuts for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well,
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which means haley will be able to carry on for now. she advert henzy elder 0, south carolina. donald trump has voiced his support for in vitro fertilization. procedures. off the top of colt in the state of alabama, ruled embryos should be considered human beings. the decision has fullest ivy f clinics. that's a close feeling prosecution. how does your castro has more the cells inside this petri dish are children, according to a ruling by alabama state supreme court. the opinion released last week sites the christian belief that life begins at conception, even if in a lab and cannot be destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy god. this is unprecedented. this has never happened before. we now have a situation where we are saying that a fertilized egg is a child. and all of the things that we do as part of the idea of cycle are called
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into question one and 50 babies born in the us are from in vitro fertilization. the treatment involves combining sperm and eggs in a lab to create embryos, then implanting them in a person's uterus. and use embryos or those with genetic dfcs are usually discarded . but in alabama, that may now be illegal. you certainly can't destroy them or donate them for research. it's not clear you can store them or freeze them because if their children you can't store or freeze children. as a result, 3 alabama and fertility clinics are pausing, id f services. that means women who have already enjoyed months of rolling therapies toward a successful embryo, implantation and pregnancy are seeing those hopes evaporate. alabama already has a total ban on abortion. but even some anti abortion lawmakers say a ban on fertility treatments is a step too far. and have proposed state laws to protect i v f nationally. the issue has become
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a flash point on the presidential campaign trail. individuals couples who want to start a family are now being deprived of access to what can help them start. a family that democrats say donald trump is to blame for moving a u. s. supreme court that allowed states to criminalize abortions. trump responded on social media on friday that he supports ivy as well. his republican challenger nikki haley, was uncertain in her response. i mean, embryos to me are babies, but it's also conversations where we need to have women and doctors involved in the conversation to say, how do we want to handle this going forward. the medical association of alabama has called on the state supreme court to reconsider its ruling as fears mount across the country. the other conservative states could take similar action heidi to castro,
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ultra 0 washington. a children's hospital is the latest building found to be contaminated with us best. also in sydney, australia, the toxic driving has long been banned in many countries because it causes chronic lung disease. several clock has more hospitals, schools, sports grounds and public talks just some of the thoughts. quote, adults, well see the deals with especially those contamination events have been cancelled in thousands of students are remote learning after testing identified traces of the toxic fiber. i was quite surprised because i guess this is kind of a hang out for a lot of shoes, sir. it's but we spend a lot of time. yeah. is that terry? i mean like, it is a little bit worrying. if you're not touching it, maybe it's not, not, not quite, bob. a special task force has been set up to investigate the source. well, thirty's, believe mulch,
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which is the material spread around plants as fertilizer is to blind. landscaping supply distributes to add to locations around sidney police, as well as environmental protection of the already has launched a criminal investigation. what's being found in this most useful new space task, while it should not be there and it is the legal for it to be de, unless it is to serve is not a dangerous product. so it was used as soon as we identified to test it and if we find it to basically remove it, especially those is a major health risk. the insulation of tiny 5 is, can lead to a form of cancer cool mesothelioma or clinic lung cancer. will 30 side the bone, the despair still found in this mulch is a much lower risk. the sort of fibrous and it doesn't need to be played, not because there's a risk right now from the problem would be if somebody interacted with a like smashing up of this by channel. let's say, oh, got a pallet drill for the time. it just you or you're right, it eventually went to the contaminant most,
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she's already being removed from the sites so far more than $800.00, like haitians have been tested, asserted instead of finding out if they're still stuck in the agencies and it was banned in 2003, the spot is there's still thousands of buildings across the country and machinery costs, which still contain asbestos. the maximum fine for space dose related incidents and use as wells is more than one point. $3000000.00 us dollars. share a clock out to 0. as the president of mexico has revealed the phone number of a new york times journalist. after objecting to the questions she off, fellow revolt is condemning what they say is a presidential attack on their profession. as john home and revolts, mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for june lists. the mexican governments use state media to launch an online at tech support against the new york times bureau. to these questions,
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the president objected to citizen was by the side, use your findings from the new york times and who we have a senior to do this report in this is that my portfolio report that live for now? it is $10.00 more than press conference. the president also read the bureau chief cell phone number loud from alexis. she'd sent his team asking for comment for an upcoming office. cool. that in particular, his an alarm bells ringing his just to put this into context, mexico's one of the mostly phone countries for john list in the world where they receive a text, not just from criminals, from authorities themselves. free speech groups say such a dangerous precedent. the vast majority of death threats in mexico, our sense to re borders v. uh, what's that uh, the facebook messenger and other such applications. and a, such a local officials in mexico could use the president's actions as a justification for their own actions. and uh,
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basically no longer have any prior restraint to continue this. the president's revealing of the john, this number was actually illegal if she wasn't asked for permission. first, the head of the countries access to information is that you told us boston was gonna frequently see like we will have to abide by from what if the low establishes that i cannot disclose that telephone number or personal data that was collected in the exercise of my powers, then why am i disclosing it? you would have to justify why this disclosure was made. is the president was late trusts. if he was responsible, should anything happen to her in the country by moving it doesn't journalist were killed in 2022? that's ahead of me. no, don't exaggerate. if she's worried, she should change a number. so what was the new york times article about the day off to the president's tie? right. it was published reports that us officials spent is looking into allegations the allies of president lopez over the door took money from drug cartels. they
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basically got soon the cisco needs and it says that there's no smoking gun and the president himself was never accused of taking any cash deal. it's close. so states the us never begun to form an investigation. but now instead of talking about the pros and cons of the pace, the news is of another journalist at risk. this time of to the actions of the head of state going home and out to 0 is mexico city. also i had an out this era this york's crew has a near misses surgery. honda that's coming up with jo useful the examining. the impact of today's headline is objectivity is still possible for you . we're not only a fortune the most just looks we are moving this algae 0 sets the stage. a guy is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice that i
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really hope that what i'm doing improved, it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today. on ologist, yes, sears from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using is it the of the
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the telephone all the fault news with joe sent me. thank you. and craig says, have put themselves in a dominant position in the full test against india off to show up a shift stalled with full, which hits on day 2. and then added $51.00 runs to that overnight to to us they were both out for $353.00 root and beats. and on the 12241 year old james anderson took the 1st wicked in response. he's now 3 away from 700. just the j swell already has to double hundreds in the series. he provided some resistance is 73, the share in tom hartley then to cope with 6 between them to leave india on 200. 19 for 7 trade in england, by a $134.00 runs by labor casing and moving ever closer to a 1st boon. does the good title off to going 11 points. claire at the top of the table for my also captain granite checkup put labor, cruise and
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a head early on against mine. he signed an injury during the celebration, but luckily, coach chevy like a chevy alonzo. i realized it was a jake. that was jack has 1st go for the club since joining last july months to equalize before labor case and one it in the 2nd hoff. thanks to how the from lights keep us from incense now they become winning to one and setting a german record of 33 games on base and across in compositions. springs women's football team and qualified for the piece for the 1st time, the women's well champion sweets and nothing is 3, the semi finals of the nations leak on friday. jenny anamosa, i'm problem to when i turn up on my teeth 1st, how those health secure the way that in front of a record attendance for the spanish womens team at home of just send a 22000 funds in savannah golden state warriors coach. steve has reported the signed to to you $35000000.00 contract extension that will make in the highest paid coaching and be
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a history. his current deal was due to expire at the end of this season, but he will now remain with the team through the 20252026 campaign code was appointed. worry as coach 10 years ago and is one full and the championships with the franchise in that time. well, 10 is the one you got shown tech has had, has 7 match winning streak broken. a she was knocked out of the bike championships, shown take last for just the 2nd time. in her last 26 matches, she went down to 6464, to qualify on a cullen sky in the semi final, the motion is having the week of her life having beaten st. top 10 players and the last few days is make sure you have a shrimp techniques have just the 2nd qualified to reach and w t a 1000 final or strong tech emits she wasn't the best. i'm sure i'm happy, you know, i didn't spray my tennis tonight, but on the other hand,
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i was there to win as you know. so for sure, i didn't, didn't you know, leave up to my center this as they usually do. so i'm not happy, but on the other hand, like these 2 weeks were so intense that you just have to record and doesn't matter . no of the men's cats are open to 18 year old yackel bend sick has become the youngest find list in the tournaments history. the check player who end to this event of a low cost, the frenchman campbell freeze in the semi finals bins. it wasn't even born when 37 year old will face might've made an appearance in doha, in 2005, the teenager winning the match in $0.03 to reach his 1st final way. he replaced 2nd seed, kevin catching up, staying in castle west social media influence as an ex professional footballers have been raising money for charity, as i showed up the skills in the much hope tom size and percent in recent years. it's a venue that
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a seam and lots of little messy score us on his way to listing the woke up on friday. there was something slightly different, a state could be, but then i'd be stadium as global icons with the cost joined forces with the presence to raise money for education, for all a charity dedicated to providing quality education for motion like children in developing countries, content crisis chunks and epa fella kept from the sides. featuring fell into a when a cock on chelsea in ivory coast legend drove the as well as manages all some thing good. and then sonya can say on the sidelines, almost $9000000.00 would brace for the cause. i think it was amazing that most of the great things uh or the people that let me know if you okay. kind of okay, but uh i see the now i don't like to move, it's going to be difficult. i believe the match to move it. it says share event
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attainment to the 35000 people who pecks in the final school 75 to team of a fellow. the real victory, however, was in the charitable efforts of those who played and thought as you donated. and it is nice to like support stocks so we can have fun on the money. goes to the, the really going to have like these big events and everything. so we decided to come and help us. and this also share too much to help us on. so this is a very good opportunity, it's gonna help. i think it's a message out to the rest of the world that you know what we cannot do a little bit. we cannot do what's in our capacity. even if it's we all small steps more change. it goes a long way. it was just over 2 weeks ago, the children's gone south career here in the agent comes home, you know, to retire from levin just as to the legacy of a 2020 city walk on sizes 7 time for me to one well time he lose hamilton has spoken for the 1st time about why he decided to make a show cleave from the sales team to ferrari next year. despite signing
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a contract extension with mercedes last office. a few weeks ago he announced a switch to the italian rivals. hamilton has him taken pause in pre season testing and behind i had in the 1st race next saturday. it was obviously the hardest decision that i think i've ever had to make. let's see, hasn't been mercedes for things like 26 years. they've supported me and we've had an incredible and absolutely incredible journey together. we've created history within the sport and is something them take a lot of pride and i'm very proud of of what we've achieved. but um, i think ultimately i'm writing my story and i felt like this would be, it was time to start a new chapter. but it's got some golf now from mexico where raphael come post. it's something have no minus before. and that's make a hole in one out of pga tour offense. that was that the 17 incredibly the puerto rican also
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a society and told during his practice rounds earlier in the week. it was a scary moment at the sale g p event in sidney hub or on site, today's debbie tons, gemini, english, collided the defending sydney res champions fronds and naturally avoid is hitting them all. just want us to stay upright and finish the race in 8 place. and it's gonna be the stuff of dreams. if you're a kid slack client, a young bruce has done what many youngsters have perhaps perhaps one is do slide around in this folks. but over a frozen water full, we have started in devils, strong, a high line across the gorge and his home country laid out with 5 pairs of socks and reach speeds of up to 22 kilometers an hour is he went from one side to the other the 1st time, anything like that has been attempted. all right, that is a useful sound board pizza. lisa, somebody, thanks so much joe. what i say for this news out back in the moment is another flip shows also say without
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the exploring type less cultural, exciting, political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanitarian folds and untold stories from asia or in the pacific 101 east on out to 0. will people freeze stories on a former president, united states, how the content to move without charging for profit for years, place to have put so essentially leaving fries and around the wells. pine is tackling climate change. children living 3 was
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the groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on out his era. these all, he's really military mans. the shogun, legalese, randy settlements. and the okey point west bank, the red lines, bulk the borders of the army disclosure just new security. so we're now in the area . i think you're just saw on those laps. they're all illegal is riley settlers living just a few 100 meters from hay in caravans in that direction. and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities around illegal is right. the settlements suddenly is ready, soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. it contained us for more than 2 hours. the armies, confiscation of land around the legalese rate,
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the settlements charlotte standing and say is more proof of israel breaking international. the is really a strikes again target central and southern gaza at least they palestinians are killed in the city of the are you watching all g 0 live from? don't have with me for the back to the also i had a residential building in there on the lot was also hits getting at least 25 people, most of them women and children in of, in use that gloss visa is on the scene of food. you're after 3 prominent member states announced their leaving the west african regional and mexico's president is


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