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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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detained us for more than 2 hours to get all of these confiscation of land around in the galleries rate, the settlements charlotte standing in say he's full proof of israel breaking international the he's really a strikes again target central and southern gaza. at least they taught us to means a killed in the city of the are you watching all g 0 live from jo. how with news for the back? people also had a residential building and they're all blocked for us. also hits getting at least 25 people, most of them, women and children. and i've been use that gloss leaders are meeting a booge after 3 prominent member states announced their leaving the west african
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regional. and mexico's president is on the fire. after releasing the personal information of a new york times during the will begin in gaza where in the last few hours and is ready as strike as killed at least 8 people in the southern city of rough women, children, and the elderly are among the casualties. the buildings targeted where near a busy road leading to a market raso has become the last refuge for more than one and a half 1000000 disgrace palestinians. guys's health ministry says at least the 100 people have been killed in these really a tax. in the past 24 hours in central guys, a 25 people were killed in an overnight is really bombardment of a residential building in debt by law. many of the dead, all women and children. alexander bias has a details for countless palestinian families and gaza. another night of desperation
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and panic, more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of dear all bella. as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. that's the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful place for us to go. we're all this please. we've all lost our homes. where do you want us to go? the whole world is watching us, have mercy on us in dark and dangerous conditions, rescue or tried to save those. they could, the violence and destruction are difficult to fathom. led them to do the job. we rushed downstairs when we had diploma, we saw the whole building coming down. we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to call the old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old
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. what if they've done to desist, donnelly like this? what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like face? dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims. high, the low stuff alex, the hospital which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children women an hour later we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who was still of the attack sites, this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous the question against how people, as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast majority of the victims of this attack, where women and young children, as more bodies are recovered from the rubble, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians had been killed
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by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs of stopping alexandra buyers al jazeera. and let's get an update now from ty cap was correspondent on the ground in vasa, 7 guys, a target. these really strikes targeting more civilian areas as we heard that in the central area. but also some fresh strikes on rafa. tell us about what's been happening there. yes, in fact, teddy is what it meant at trees. this stepping off its military attacks even in the area that has been fairly, it does ignite you to as a safe zone where a residential lot had been targeted. at least 8 palestinians have to report to killed 2 of them. still unlike that the funny does the rescue if it's a being made by the civil defense cruise to effectuate new injuries from under the rustles or the reduced lots and lots. and this attack had been carried down in an
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area that it's very densely populated, with the fact to reason with original residents where the street type the, the targets that have been carried out. 10 is usually very crowded with people every single day and nights where it means that 80 possible met a treat scenarios of hope, military attacks and reflect district means going to beat me deadly consequences and casualties amongst civilians. and this attack, remind us of the possibility of a d, a did leak test drop, the consequences would be resulting from anti potential ministry. encouraging for rough i district and we've been seeing the scene of damage inside the entire area that had been widely afflicted with this on getting compartment. and we've been hearing new attacks and rough as especially in the eastern parts of roughly that is a jason to the food is with egypt at that time targeted and agree coach around the by the way, rough up to date was not the only area that were targeted to be a b c attacks and the city of con units, which the overall the strikes that they have contributed to wise the death to,
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to more done 90 to palestinians being killed within the past 24 hours. thank you for the update tag camp was my 1st day in rafa in southern gaza. so that pharmacist in the busy skies and strips say they're being forced to turn away people seeking medical help because they've run out of supplies. they say most of the pharmacies are being forced to goes down after his rascal environment. the few that have remained open have not been able to receive any delivery for nearly 5 months left. and the was seating news when someone comes in seeking and you can't help them. you can't provide them with the treatment they need. it's really thing that we can't help or people. this is all because of these, are you the patient under control of the board of crossings? this is really media is reporting that progress has been made and talks involving israel. the us is you can contact that took place in paris, less bring in colleges here as i'm disabled from on this interview. i'm to what more you hearing about these talk see in these really media
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well, is your old delegation came back from paris with reporting, with an outline for these negotiations to proceed. now they're going to present that these roles, war cabinet words and then going to be discussed in his roles, wider cabinet. that's nothing else who's coalition. all of this comes on the backdrop of immense us pressure to send them is really delegation back to the table to negotiate with mediators on what these relatives are willing to give up, in terms of concessions in order to make a deal. now we're talking about, according to is really media a deal that could say a pause of up to 6 weeks of fighting. and exchange for around 40 is really captive and hundreds of palestinian prisoners released from is really jails. again, these are just preliminary details, but it's really officials are saying that they are approaching this with cautious optimism. and now that they have an outline of a framework that they can move forward with the negotiations can be
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a little bit easier. but there are still a lot of sticking points like which is really captive, are going to be released, which palestinian detainees from is really prisoners aren't going to be re released . how much you, mandatory 8 is going to go in just exactly how long is that pause in the finding. going to be the united states reported. we wants this deal to happen before the start of the most and holy month of the month on which folly is just over 2 weeks away. yeah, and meanwhile, honda more protests in tennessee this saturday tell us about what we can expect or there's going to be 2 different demonstrations. the 1st one here where i'm standing, and what's become known as hostage square where families of is really captives for 20 weeks in a row. now have been calling on these really government to bring back their loved ones to get to the table to get any sort of deal that would see their release simultaneously across the street. outside of israel's defense ministry,
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there's going to be an anti government demonstration. last saturday, there was the largest and seen government protest since the war began. and eventually these 2 demonstrations converged into one large protest. calling on the is really government to bring back the captive saying that the policies of benjamin netanyahu and his government have simply failed to secure a deal for too much time has gone by. but these family members have been without their loved ones for a 141 days now, and they're calling on the is really government to do everything. they can everything in their power to bring them back. thank you very much for the updates. come to us on whose side for us their intent of these every sales president has again said that israel is committing genocide in gaza. lucy, not similar to fill the speech and media diginero follow. are similar comments he made of the african union, some of the, the fuel p last week is or it was on good find newness comparison of the war on guys i to the house if you're stuck with that said,
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you have all these really government is doing against the policy and people is not, you know, it's genocide because it's killing women and children. the u. s. military says it's destroyed 7 anti ship, ms sizing, who is a controlled areas in yemen. us central command says miss oswell immobile and being prepared to launch towards targets in the red sea, pausing what he called an immune and threat to american warships and commercial vessels. meanwhile, the whole fee say it ready show and congo sheep they targeted and the red sea is sinking. that will be, ma, was struck earlier this week. us central command says the attack cause significant damage to the ship and a 29 kilometers oil slick. the whole thieves have been targeting american and british vessels in the red sea in solidarity with the palestinians in gaza. now dont uh, from guys uh who completed his medical training and ukraine is sharing his experience of working in 2 different more thoughts. he says he was able to give his ukrainian patients a fair chance to recover. but alex, the hospital endowed by law,
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he's having to make life or death choices because of shortages, including no on his studies. his, his story the most of the kind of my name is dr. mussa to holland. i'm a resident at bureau bella. i serve in the emergency unit at l. so hospital, i obtained my degree from ukraine last year in 2023. and i'm assuming that they've gone in my apartment, i served almost one full year and ukrainian hospitals at the beginning of the war with russia. the situation was dire with casualties on a massive scale with time though it became less than 10. but the situation in gaza is totally different. mobile from day one of this war till this hour is really occupation forces are wreaking havoc and destruction on posting. we are flooded with dead bodies and critically wounded people who moved on and they can see how to lock them. i was working on october 7th and i have been on duty ever since. we are
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still receiving critical cases on at the same intensity in the same page. survival odds for victims here are really scans close to 0, especially image shortage of staff and lack of medical equipment and supplies that hi, how you kind of know that i'm not that i know comes here in gaza. doctors are forced to make hard decisions to choose between who to treat and who lives or times, or if i receive 2 cases of victim with 70 percent burns, and one with medium injury out of 10 to the 2nd. as a 1st will go into sepsis and died about the pump for the last one, i just, there's a huge difference between the born ukraine and that of casa, a little bit in terms of the resources and medical supplies, or hospitals capacity in ukraine, world class facilities are well equipped and medical supplies are in abundance. here in gaza, we use one single device or even a medical tool on many victims. this no doubt causes further complications,
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including infections, especially in cases of injuries with open move. in ukraine, we worked at ease with everything in a bundle, from the staff to the resources on your, in ukraine. i never came across a single case where doctors are forced to perform a procedure on a patient without anesthetic, cuz i'm not, i'm not as much as you're in gaza. i attended to a 12 year old child. i performed 25 stitches in his head without anesthetics or even a pain killer. it took me almost 2 and a half hours. unfortunately, it was something beyond description beyond words, the boys in pain and i am hoping to protect the state just so. i hardly held my tiers. still a head on al jazeera is the 2nd anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine. the western leaders are in the capital keith to show solidarity with the war assets. and the pregnant says the defense minister has visited troops in a russian controls on of the
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hello slide to try and find across the good pos, sofa china, over the next style. so different story for japan. we have go to the library of live fresh to the south of japan, and that's the developing feature. and that will bring some pretty wet weather into a key issue into home to the wrap around head, roaring winds in from a noisy direction. so significant snow over the mountain suddenly a possibility to set themselves just to have in tokyo, on sunday bonnet, drive for the great financial ad data costs. a good part of china or low, sickening cloud will bring some right impact to you, right? it'll be live, smoke possibilities, sweetie. shower. should we say, of course the final stuff this particular region, the wintry cells will continue to northern parts of japan as we go through monday, but it will hold up. it'll dry up on the other side of the mountains. take care
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around 12 degrees celsius and not too bad at this stage. well, as you're driving across the areas of a deposit, vietnam wanted to showers just rolling in here much, even though china is dry, sunshine, and showers the facilities for the west sunshine. the showers for the south is more the way of showers than sunshine. actually some heavy rain, they're continuing into indonesia. still some shell was there until that eastern side of india pushing a correspond with the desk for the next day or 2, and also effecting central plains in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. water sheds, moments international law is vehicle, be this model. and so to discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenged conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of,
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of hates upfront. what outages here the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching, i'll just hear a lie from bill. have with me for the back people, a reminder of the main development cities rascal on guys within the last few hours . and these really stripe has killed at least 8 people in the southern city of rafa, in gaza, women, children, and the elderly among the casualties. the buildings targeted when near a busy road leading to a market. and he's really a striking central guy that has killed at least 25 out of skinny as most of them, women and children around a 150 display civilians were sheltering in
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a family home in down by law when the attack happens and is really media is reporting that progress has been made and talks involving is around the us as you can contact that to place in paris. officials at the top 3 fortunately presented. these are the governments with details on what side you would look like. that would include a captain prisoner exchange down to out of world news and hundreds of gathered instead of gas capital the card to protest against the postponement of the presidential election. the riley, which was organized by civil society groups comes hours of to opposition. candidates rejected as in lucky signs invitation to join talks, the vote was due to be held on february 25th on sunday, but filed dated. there's now uncertainty about when it will go ahead. the meanwhile, leaders of a clause, the west african regional blanca, meeting after 3 members announced they were leaving the organization at gloss
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suspended, working a fossil mani. any shaft holy, military coast there, and the a withdrawal of elected civilian governments. one is that speak to, i'll just here is i'm a, these race was in a boot your nigeria for a so will the sanctions i made against mani booking a fossil image of b lifted? will these countries be brought back into the fold? it looks like it suddenly, even before today is somebody that has been a change in tone of language and also the approach of course entirely to the functions and, and by goes imposed on this. so the west african countries are in fact more than a week ago, one of the remaining founding fathers of the organization. so mind, i didn't build your head of city a couple good one portion of the cold, one and to the sensors, and also to pursue negotiations to bring these congress back into the 4th and just
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pop the organization from fragmentation. and so we also heard at the opening session, i did as president who's also chairman of the course are saying that the a cause needs to change. it's a port to the sanctions. and probably what we're going to see at the end of the day in the communicate will be a self meeting of the sanchez, if not lifting them all together. so as to bring back these countries into the 4th one. so i've been meeting the flags of these 4 countries that were removed at the last, i mean the being replaced again, although we did receive a presentation on the negotiations table, but we understand that representative. so peaceful countries i've, i've been around, i probably would have met the leaders of the organization even before the opening ceremony for me. and so why is that glass ahmed? so concerned about these countries withdrawing from the organization. so many reasons. this is an organization that is gradually losing its team. and of
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course that is the danger of it being uh, fragmented, 1st of all, lost yeah. the city's countries of money broken across. so i miss you and now is that they have formed an alliance called the elias looks like you, me and states, which of course, the organization because organizational institution itself was shaken by that. and they realize white, white full heading to basically it means that fragmentation of this organizer should remember one of the sciences. why in both, at least one or 2 countries have not been faithful to the implementation of the functions of these countries. and so these jump to light countries was actually important and exporting. so the point, so some of these countries at least one of these countries. so there is a concern, but the sensors are not working properly inside the ordinary person on the streets of these countries is the one suffering from these things is that's one. and secondly, that is also the concern. but unless a cause, bring back these people back into the full babies,
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the binge of who was pregnant in west africa and everybody would be doing its own. now, the impulse or should or the lifting of his senses is dangerous, according to some people. well, it's a relief to the ordinary person on the street of motley burton a far as soon as you and the rest of them didn't. but a game that is also that danger that these countries, the leadership of these countries have colt a course in the eyes. and now they couldn't negotiate on their own terms. see that the course is afraid of, of course fragmentation. so basically that good news and bad news if this sanction lifted. thank you i'm and for that i may be through his 5 there in a bu job. in china, at least 15 people have died and dozens more have been injured in a fire at a residential block in the eastern city of 9 gene. local authorities say the flames daunted from the ground floor of the 30 story building where people had been charging electric schoolers. the fire has now been extinguished. officials are investigating where the building safety standards were observed to oppose. i've
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opened in the usa to south carolina for the latest republican primary election. once again, donald trump is predicted to win, but despite remaining the favorite to clinch the parties, presidential nomination is main challenges. say she's staying in the race. she advertises the experience and the republican primary, donald trump, and nikki haley, compete to be the parties. nobody in the presidential election this time. it's in south carolina where haley was elected governor twice. trump is significantly ahead in the polls. i was expect the winning side of these contests. yeah, the spike caused by the drop house haley abruptly called a press conference in a home state this week developing to go on until super tuesday on march the 5th when the primaries removal of dozen states. that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is money,
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the cash is still flowing in despite highly having one none of the nominating contents so far and the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries. the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party. they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign, are pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican. nobody in november give them a 91 felony counts he faces. he's gotten more on stable and on hands, he spends more time in court rooms than he does on the campaign trail by prohibiting the result of saturday's vote here in south carolina. nicky, henry was simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months even here in her home states. she has little to no chance of beating donald trump. but you know, had dentist feel she's what's the investment as
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a backup plan should from drop house as well as a way just to look for the president. look if she was doing well, i don't understand it. have you as refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some from supporters in south carolina to the remix feelings about whether they would vote for her in november. i think nicky entertain met her donors are a little delusional at this point. right. i don't see the chat base getting behind or would you rather on the high, highly of if trump have to drop out for some reason the only option? yes. hey, we are. those are receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party. done is, according to the latest filings that's despite habies personal opposition to abortion, and the support of tax codes for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well, the which means highly will be able to carry on. for now, she ever henzy elder 0, south carolina. the, it's been 2 years since russia launched a full scale invasion of ukraine,
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its tongue central broke. so defense is to reach the outskirts of the capitol keys, but fails to capture aid. us intelligence estimates 315000 russians have been killed or injured in the war. ukraine has suffered around 200000 casualties. 6 and a half 1000000 ukrainians fled the war to europe and beyond. with most settling in poland, germany and the czech republic, nearly 4000000 ukrainians internally displaced. the fighting is estimated to have cost a $152000000000.00 in directs damage and it's affecting all sectors of ukraine's economy. the present brought to me is the landscape. busy his nation is determined to win the war. he has been speaking of the ceremony mocking 2 years since russia launch its invasion, the prime ministers of italy, canada, and belgium as well as european commission president or slave on demand with the 2 express solidarity. summer to my point in the future, the what independence will always stand next to the why do you crate that?
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we've been fighting for it for the past 730 days and we will win. it will be the best day of our lives. ukrainian say the conflict has changed their lives in ways they never imagined. so what i saw, you would have some say that people in care of don't see the word. i don't know. i think that i can see that in every possible way that i me, when i work on the streets, because each of us kind of just, well inside, every person has someone who is at the front line or who died or is on the occupation. and then we should look at this point, you went in the month, i'm sure, in the coming years i don't have any expectations because i'm a realist and understand that most likely what we'd be directing on for the next 3 or 4 years. and i hope that we'd be able to somehow defeat russia based on my hopes because now our society has become relaxed. i can see that in kids, it's very limited. but under the entity by the situation doesn't look good. now, we have to unite again. i'm finding russian defense minister, so i gave shirley who has visited forces fighting in ukraine in
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a video released by the russian defense ministry. showing goal is seen meeting offices inspecting weaponry and avoiding soldiers. the minister says a rush is planning to provide choice with a i power drones to increase their effectiveness during the so i'm on at least 4 people arrested in moscow. police moved in during the weekly protests of the kremlin by wise soldiers and ukraine. media organizations have been warned not to interview the wife demanding the safe return of the hosp ends. security forces detained are on 24 to is elia this month's, as the widow of the russian opposition leader on next in a volley is accusing present, vitamin fulton, refusing to return his body, usually unknown. the size of forties has threatened to bury husband's body at the prison where he was held if they do not agree to his secret funeral, she also says nevada, his mother has been warned. she is running out of time. a day to tell them, will you give us the body of my husband?
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we want him to have a funeral service and then be buried in the ground as his customary and orthodoxy. give alexa without any conditions, you tortured him alive, and now you keep torturing him. that defiance now where presidents remind you of my call has called for com. after fighting between protesters and police at one of the world's biggest farming says, thousands of demonstrators broke through a gauge into the agricultural fe and parish ahead of my costs visit. farm is nothing holding nationwide protests since last month calling for high incomes and less bureaucracy. it also denounced what they say is unfair competition from cheap ukrainian imports, secret a signal. this alone must take place in a peaceful environment. i hear the frustrations from this morning and they say this for all farmers. you're not helping any of your colleagues by making this one on impossible. and in a way,
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scared and comedies from coming. it is counter productive. the president of mexico has reveal the phone number of a new york times during this softer objecting to the question. she asked federal reporters that condemning what they say is a presidential attack on their profession. out of john, home and reports, mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for giants. the mexican governments use state media to launch an online at tech support against the new york times bureau. to these questions, the president objected to citizen was by the side, use your findings from the new york times and who we have a sing to do this report in this is that me portfolio report the live funnel. it is $10.00 more than press conference. the president also read the bureau chief cell phone number loud from alexis. she'd sent his team asking for comment for an upcoming office. cool. that in particular, as an alarm bells ringing hit. just to put this into context, mexico's one of the most lee fool countries put you on this in the world where they
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receive a text, not just from criminals, but from authorities themselves. free speech groups say such a dangerous precedent. the vast majority of death threats in mexico, our sense to reporters v. uh, what's the uh, the facebook messenger and other such applications. and a such local officials in mexico could use the president's actions as a justification for their own actions and basically no longer have any prior restraint to continue this. the president's revealing of the john, this number was actually illegal if she wasn't asked for permission. first, the head of the countries access to information institute told us those things are going to be going to lead sea level. we will have to abide by from loyalty. if the low establishes that i cannot disclose the telephone number, if personal data was collected in the exercise of my powers, then why am i disclosing it? you would have to justify why this disclosure was made. the president was later off
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if he was responsible, should anything happen to her in a country by moving it doesn't journalists were killed in 2022. that's


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