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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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to also receive space since with a gunshot wound or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many invest fitting volunteers and say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. the a 2 month old baby dies, suffering acute malnutrition in kansas city, as israel uses stylization as a weapon of war. the other i'm children, all this is l 0. lie from the also coming up. know, let, top 10 is riley from baldwin, teen central, and southern gaza. at least 8 palestinians are killed in the striking. they are a busy marketing russell. the thousands rally in these ro,
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demanding fresh elections and an exchange deal for the captives held in gaza. us and british forces carry up strikes against 18, who's the targets in yemen, including width and storage facilities owned by the ripples plus. i'm sure every time. see in mount pleasant, south carolina. well, those are costing the pallets and the latest republican presidential primary news. but we begin in gaza with israel's forced starvation of palestinians is rapidly worsening. acute email, no worries. infants who happened evening days are being taken to medical facilities . a 2 month old baby was rushed to the hospital in gaza, city suffering from severe mountain nutrition, medical staff to what they could to save the child. but he died. old 2300000 people in gaza facing finding the most vulnerable of the roughly 335000 children under the
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age of 5 being. but all we saw a woman carrying her baby screaming for help. a pound baby seemed to be taking his last breath. we rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering from acute malnutrition, for your medical stuff rushed him into. i see you. the baby has not been inside any milk for days. as baby milk is totally absent in gaza. united nations this morning of the immediate need for critical late to reach the gaza strip. it says that without adequate food and water supplies the risk of family and of diseases spreading, an increases families into a bali in northern gauze of desperate for food. oh my young man, now shall we have no time, no flower. and we are very tired because of turn go, i will dock some ice hut because the sky are smoke no minute. we have become pale due to hunger. and we can stand on our fee because of the tongue. i la casita, got your amended and gave me that i can whatever sort of there is no, no, walter,
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no flower cooking or, or anything. this is better than living like this. when are they around? i spoke to a correspondent, tyler a couple assuming rough. um, i asked him how people in the strip on managing to access any food a tool you are getting get through out the main humanitarian supplies being allowed to get into the goals district. and this amount for the southern areas specifically were more than 85 percent of goals as population right now. originally could not be really enough. for example, today, only 17 humanitarian trucks have been allowed to get into goals that they cannot really be, you know, for the residents in the south, as there is no, any supplies being delivered to the north end. this is absolutely excessive. pates the humanitarian situation. if there's going to not be any kind of expansion of the capacity of these, the humanitarian supplies to, to is people who are living on the unrelenting button and for more than 12 months right now. all right, tara,
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tell us also about the latest is really airstrikes. several homes were destroyed in rough. uh where you are. that's right. reflected they had been on the wall in the military bombardment. we've been seeing that the residential flat to the being targeted as central rough or at least $8000.00 units have fair report killed and oxide that. another is track targeted an agriculture line to the eastern side of the district. and within the past hour, been seeing more explosions in the eastern parts where another empty house had been targeted may be seeing a gradual increase of military strikes on the central parts of the gulf. a strip that goes mass destruction for prefer it is i'm, here's my latest reports about all the lights of the problem is the crowded area roughly i'm the attack is really just targeted the road leading to a market loan, dingle refutable, palestinians into k years. and this past my family and i were in
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the car, all of a sudden a missile was fired with us and we flew up in the air. some of them were killed and others injured. and is the why the build those as remove the rep who, helping to search for survivors or his very forces destroyed this 3 story building and central garza kidding many. and so all of them for the is the rubble was on us. we didn't know what was happening on neighbors about 50 people inside most the women and children. we are praying to find survivors by follow the mother and 5 year old daughter or among the victims. what wrong did those innocent children do in the city of their that are another is really as to like, move them $150.00 civilians have so rescued in these homes. witnesses say the casualties are mainly women and children? laguna. as soon as we rush thoughts of the house,
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often we had the floss and we saw this building collapsed. as you can see it, we kept digging, and the majority of the dead bodies and 40 pots for children, and the bike got old women and kid. some 78 and 12 year old children. what have they done to those? i've that lots of these kids don't to be punished like this. i don't know how this all suppressed. and the reason for that is very text saying, residential areas here show no signs of combat activity that service that there's not just look and see what's a range. you keeps isn't 40 ports, is there any safe place we can go to anywhere safe? where do we go? we're tired. we've run away from the north to the sides, back to the central part of goza. where can we go? the whole world is watching this stuff or no one cuz have mercy on us. flux the whole space almost over whelmed, within good ministered, health saves back as well as attacks have killed more than 37000 palestinians in garza, for survivors deliveries of food. it didn't play needed because of the acute level
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of hunger and medical supplies need to r rawlings to the topic up. as soon i would just a rough, rough off inside the ring garza, well, he's really, i'm a continues to target residential areas in central garza. i'm just here as he and cut out a spoke to a family member whose house was attacked in the about us on thursday night. it was a p. m. on thursday night when yeah, the family were having their last cup of tea before they gathered and they drank their last cup of tea. there's where the force is demolished, their house with the key to air strikes. this house had at least 4 t palestinians who were displaced in this house. and not only that, the house that was bombed had at least 4 houses surrounding it. under the
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rubble of this house where i am standing right now is at least 15 palestinians still chopped under the rubber. their families have been looking for them and searching for them for more than 72 hours. right now. they told me they're tired. they have been looking for them and searching for them, but unfortunately they did not find them with us today is just uh uh, yeah, the one of the family members shows uh, can you tell us what exactly happened? flashing to continue on sundays. and then on thursday, the family together we would always fasting. i stepped into that to the house was phone and there was no space i set by the room and placed my theed old machine to the in my left. a 2nd later, i heard the loud exclusion. we were only flown up in the and then the clock and on
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when i started to touch my way out, i survived because the door and woods and cabin filled on me just as soon as she had let me know. i came back to see what is left after what happened is that no, all my family members were the one that i suffered minor injuries. i. i knew that you leslie so advised by the grace of god. why searching? i came across a chide, but the part of his leg seems to be my nephew's ship. then i found part dean with them all blown out there. you can see some of his cold. here's the vet, white on the back of it, it is full of the body parts and but the old guns we found after the explosion some found on the ground floor and some on the up to the one. when the house collapse, we were pushing away concrete and pieces of flesh and the same telling you with
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a lot of the my knees together with has 9 months old. b, b were buried under the degrees. ok. as she bought the head way out, she was pushing pieces of flesh, kept it all over the place. my 3 sisters in law, we're killing you how much i mean in the past couple of days in the area. we're not easy as the is where the forces targeted houses that had dozens of displaced people . people in the causes trip have no idea where to flee as they're telling us that there is no safe area. note in the nor nothing. the middle area, neither in the south. however, people are witnessing starvation and endless air strikes. this is in the pull the edges ita that it but i in his row and take up much protest as of taking to the streets once again demanding the resignation of prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is ready, police use war to canon. to disperse the crowds in tennessee,
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these demonstrators are also demanding early elections. and the salute reports. now from those protests utilities here in telling me of our testing that the is really prime minister in to read. we are responsible for not bringing back the captive piece of land for this. and the entire political situation. biggest thing must change these demonstrators calling for new election and the calling for deals to bring back the captive. and they're attempting to walk through the
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us and british forces. it's kind of down to strikes against mold and a dozen who see targets in the us says they were aimed at underground weapons and miss south storage facilities, drones and defense systems owned by the rebels. the forces say they're responding to a surgeon who's the attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea, able to co hain joins us from washington dc. to give us more on that. i'd appreciate patty, that information is still coming in, but bring us up to date. if you will, and what you notice so far a yeah, this sort of a notification just about an hour and a half ago. so we're still going to try and get some more clarification. we do know that this is the 4th round of the us and u. k. forces doing these larger scale coordinated strikes in. yeah. and then so the 4th rounds, they struck 18 targets in 8 locations. as you mentioned, one of the things they struck was an underground what storage weapon storage
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facility. there has been growing concerned in washington that as the strikes continue, the who is these are going to do with so many military is do, which is go underground. so obviously it much power more powerful bomb used um that, uh, they also went after, as you mentioned above, ground this will storage facilities attack drones, air defense systems radars at a helicopter. and they said this is because in different the of us code, the who these have targeted 45 ships since november and more than 45 ship since november. and it's, and so they're going to continue with these sorts of attacks. so even though joe president joe biden says he expects that the strikes on commercial ships and navy ships are going to continue the ministry strategy up to now seems to be to try and degrade the who sees the abilities to the extent that they've changed their military calculus, there's not been any sign of that happening. i suppose. at this moment. of course, we can't be sure what damage may have been being inflicted by the latest strikes,
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but if indeed this, these don't change their calculus, what options remain beyond merely more of the same or well, you mentioned that it's every time i sit in the pentagon briefing the word you hear over and over about this is calculation. they say what they're doing is they believe that obviously the who these don't have an unlimited supply of missiles radars helicopter so they believe that by degrading their facilities that eventually they'll do basically make the calculation that it's no longer worth it. that the losses are mounting to too high and that they need to stop. and then as you also mentioned, there's no sign that that is changing. the who sees it said this is going to continue until the war on gaza ends. so there has been some talk in washington, some reports that president joe biden is facing increased pressure to perhaps strike at who's the leadership. it's not at all clear that he has even the remotest legal authority to do that. there's also another legal challenge coming his way
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under the 1973 war powers resolution. us president can direct the use of military force for 60 days after that, he's supposed to go to congress and get their approval. obviously, getting anything out of congress now is nearly impossible. now, is it going to do next that takes it up to about march 12th? possibly not a we've seen presidents the past. simply ignore that. but he is facing that legal ver straight as well. okay patty, well the pictures were showing on your screen that just has the patio and wrapped up her report of the latest we're receiving, showing r f. i to jets taking off on rates to carrying out those strikes. we don't know precisely where those jets take me off from, but those are the latest pictures that we've been receiving here. i've had to come in with the latest from washington. many thanks, the the, what is the final day of the conservative political action conference in maryland
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for me, us president donald trump address the crowd at the most influential annual political event for republican conservative is republican presidential arrival nikki haley was notably absent from the list of speakers during his speech, trump was already looking beyond the republican primaries to a likely gen likely general election. battled with president joe by 4 years ago, i told you that it took a jo bye and got to the white house. borders would be abolished or middle class would be decimated, and communities would be plagued by bloodshed chaos and violent crime. we were right about everything. so believe me, when i offer you another warning and we've been right about so much, just about everything. if crooked joe biden, and his thugs went in 2024, the worst is yet to come. when are the exit polls and the republican presidential prime ratio,
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the trump is in the lead. the vote is being held in the states of nikki haley. she's about to stay in the race for republican presidential nomination. even if the donald trump wins the primary. she have read time said joins us now from charleston, in southern, in the south carolina shak good to see. let's talk a little bit about the key factors in this focus. i think we're expecting exit polls any time now. we turn out and take you back to a line. i was reading it earlier, but the democratic party donors giving money to the haley campaign the right. and that's the only reason that make it heavy thinks there's well, one of the main reasons indicating that you can, can standardize even if you lose in a home state money. not necessarily democratic money, but also deep populated republic into as to who are continuing to follow money. and so i kind of buy and even though she's lost all the previous contacts and she's like if lose all the future contests. usually about was the case. the money drives
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up, you drop out, not in this case because of the antipathy to donald trump and say that even democratic donors want to give it too heavy. just to give trump a bit of a bloody nose, but also a sense that's perhaps something will happen to trump before november. and then hailey will be well positioned to riley the policy behind in the event trial through the even. that's a bits you know, don't necessarily have a full blown conclusion cuz other people with them perhaps step up instead. but there are all these, these theories about what might happen to have you is going to stay in the race. try it out, has been brisk here at elsewhere in south carolina. this is the kind of constituency you will go to a precinct is like over here, where heavy we shouldn't, theoretically do quite well as a suburb of charles to a more affluent college. educated at this boost of your phone, memories of nikki haley when she was she was govern up. but even here when we're talking to folks, cool, cool. have like a games have a bed that even that, but i think the trump, that's a look just have you should step aside. trump has the best drones to be buying, but it's also political. and what was the interesting,
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you mentioned exit polls were getting a few. now we haven't talked about about policy yet, but there's some really interesting things that are coming out of these exit polls about policy that you have in the last we use the death of, of development with the discipline to the russia, to hammer trumpet being too nice to preach in spring soft around the world for the exit polls showed no, that's actually not doing going down well with the republican, but it is in south carolina about hall to south carolina is. but it does want us to take a less active role in solving the world's problems and the described america's participation in nato, as a very good with most saying it's any somewhat good. i'm 56 percent opposed. well, money, so ukraine. so i thought i would that was my age on the whole novelle and these deaf out. so i'll just remind everyone about russia, russia, russia, the republicans though having a baby, basically the problems are at home. they don't want to spend all that money unless was according to these exit polls. okay, so the not withstanding attempts by so it doesn't just to keep nikki haley in the race as a sort of plan b, or as an irritant to donald trump. there's no getting away from the fact that this
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isn't a context anymore. and as we were just hearing from c, pac trump, looking pretty squarely now at the election. right. and that is with all the policy. when trump made a speech of the c pack, you played a short portion where you didn't even mention that you have these name, but just looking at how she doesn't even exist anymore. now for the trump campaign, they will not mention that they're gonna prove it completely. now they say to the presidential election against joe biden. but as you say, hailey will say in the race you how as long as the money keeps coming in, she will stand right in the hope. but because of the legal challenges only they be human health challenges. given that old is that he may have to drop out that hailey can somehow step in, but that is what they call a black swan event. very, very, very wrapped, faint hope. indeed, she has her times in charleston, south carolina. many thanks and still ahead on al jazeera mode, demonstrations incentive goal over the postponement of presidential elections and
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a film that explodes the legacy of european colonialism in africa has just won the top prize at the building film festival. the brought to you by visit capital. hello, we may well see and directly with breaking fee continue and across southern parts of the us. it's certainly going to stay pretty warm. i thought they were going to break the a record, but we are looking get some very high temperatures for summing up towards the north, west, west and positive kind of every time this co from this blue line, we will see some very cold air digging in over the next day or so by itself, just f, a calgary, a 9 that in seattle minus 4. and when he has that wound down across the southern plains, getting up to around 20 i celsius in dallas. should be somewhere near the high
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teens. it warms up in dallas, it cools down in calgary. big dropping temperature is minus 12 celsius the full monday. so the phase and so it's one that in dallas plus $33.00 that is a minus 14 in calgary minus 18. therefore, when he picks out lots of cold have in place. meanwhile, somebody will man down towards the deep south in between, i think as we go into the next week, we can expect to see some lively storms that something to look for. what's a bottom down the hatch is that when the weather winfrey, weather will continue across west impulse, all the canada into the pacific northwest bits and pieces of snow, which was that eastern side of the country. mon, across the car, been too bad. a total loss of fine dry and sunny weather to come. the weather brought to you by visit castle. president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians, it is really does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for?
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i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. there is no channel that covers the world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist the you're watching elders here. here's a reminder about top stores. a 2 month old baby has died in northern gauze or off to suffering from acute melanie nutrition. the severe, severely mel matters. baby was rushed to the hospital and gaza city suffering from malnutrition. medical stop trying to save the child,
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but he done just on vacation. anti government protest is in israel have taken to the streets once again demanding the resignation of prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is where the police used to to count them to disperse the crowds. intel to the exit polls and the latest republican presidential primaries show that form of president on the trunk. these in the link below which was being held in the key . hailey's own state of south carolina. she's about to stay in the rent the now it's been 2 years since russian launched a full scale invasion of ukraine, but president followed him. is that then? he says he's nation is determined to win the war. real mcbride reports from, from a task east of ukraine, or 2 years ago keeps a darkness and done the siege. seemed on the verge of collapse. russia had invaded
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incense by ukrainian attempts to forge close the ties, but the west on this secondary verse 3 european and other worldly does well welcome to the ukrainian capital by president for a lot of them is a lensky with his country on track towards membership. the both the european union and nato. together they visited custodial, apple that was about as close as russian forces came to capturing key 3 and pulled lots of naval of news. the world witness the most important thing here, so that evil can be defeated and russian evil isn't the exception. maybe. although your at the end support is showing signs of strain, the e. u has committed to a multi yeah, multi $1000000000.00 a program. we're here to tell you that europe will continue to stand at your side for as long as it takes, with more financial support, more immunization,
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more training for your troops, more ad defenses. at more investment, did you send you crane's defense industries? ukraine will soon be adding f 16 find to jets to it's also along with ever most sophisticated c drones that have been sinking russian warships. but fighting on the front lines remains at a stalemate. while moscow has been making games in the east and don't pass region that 8 and russian act separatist have been trying to seize since 2014 busy, crazy and control towns and cities in don't yet square on the front line of fighting well before the full scale invasion 2 years ago, but with recent russian baffled field successes that are off b is russia, could once again renew it's long killed and vision of finally capturing the whole of this region. using wire, which i worry a lot, but i don't have anywhere else to go. this is my home. that's life right now. we
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don't have any other choice anywhere and ukraine is dangerous. ukraine starts the 3rd year of this full scale war, knowing the will weariness, especially in the us, is likely to grow and increasingly aware of its human cost. rub, mcbride, i'll just say era. cremmit tools, key crane, the body of russian opposition leader. alexa, nev only has been handed over to his mother about novell need died suddenly in prison last week and a remote maximum security optic penal code on the criminal authorities, citing around the died of natural causes. but many who blamed president putin for his death and that be more demonstrations in the senegalese capital, the car protest is, are unhappy over the postponement of the presidential election. the vote was due to be held on february the 25th, the president. mackey, sol, delay date. there's no uncertainty about when it will go a head while some opposition candidates have rejected his offer of tools. nicholas
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hack is in the car with no. there are multiple demonstrations this morning. we saw the candidates going out to demonstrate, then there were members of the civil societies here, where we are our people from civil society asking for the release of what they describe as political prisoners. and among those political prisoners are these 2 men who is buying sancho opposition, leader and what's on the zone bundle and his the candidate to the presidential election july. but to fight their boats in prison. one of them sancho cannot run in the presidential election. the other is a candidate now people here hold on calling for a delay that their issue is not the election, but the release of their leaders. what we're seeing is so many people out on the street. so many people discontent over the work and crisis that is taking place right now. there's one man that has the key to bring back the piece and unity. it's
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the president and the president that has called for national dialogue, tomorrow, where he'll be meeting candidates, but also members of civil society is now a french senegalese filling co domain as one of the top prize at the button film festival. the golden bear films about the 2021 return of new treasures from france to the west african states. and spinning the documentary explores the legacy of european colonial colonialism on the african continent. dominic caden as more from the german capital. the thing about stow me from message of a french senegalese direct us is that it confronts an issue which has been at the forefront of many people's minds, not just in the film world, but also across europe. in fact, those countries which will once colonizing countries that stole the property of civilizations in africa and took them back to the home country. so down a concentrates on the been named bronzes and the struggle to return those bronzes,
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the whole principle of restitution. that is want to match the jobs, the director of the film referred to in accepting the prize, the goals and bear at this price the best at this festival. the best film is this don't commentary. and this is something, as i say, which resonates with many people in the united kingdom. that of course, the elgin marbles with the other european countries that have prophecies that which once belong to other civilizations. and that's one of the points that's many people here wanted to make social media influences. and for ex professional footballers gather in contact to raise money for charity as they showed off their skills in the match for hope. tom size lived was that in recent years, it's a venue that is seen the likes of little messy score us on his way to listing the woke up on friday. they was something slightly different as they could be. but then i'd be stadium as global icons of the costs joined forces with the presence to
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raise money for education, for all a charity dedicated to providing quality education for motion like children in developing countries.


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