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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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we are walking in the thoughts, that's our office or whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the a 2 month old baby dies, suffering acute malnutrition in garza city, as is ro use this style ration as a weapon of war the out of there on children a whole. this is down to 0 life from the also coming up. know laptops is riley bombardment in central and southern gaza at least 8 palestinians that killed in a striking, the real busy market in rough us and british forces countertops strikes against 18
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who see targets in yemen. including weapons storage facilities owned by the rebels . donald trump is projected to win the latest republican primary marching towards the nomination for this he is presidential election the beginning and goes and now where is rose? for starvation, of palestinians is rapidly worsening. infants who haven't eaten in days of being taken to medical facilities, a 2 month old baby who was suffering from severe malnutrition has died. alexandra by his reports. over his brief life, 2 month old mahmud for 2 knew nothing but sufferings. he was born and died as israel bombs fell on gaza. day after day, his parents searched for milk and basic supplies. returning empty handed, an absolute desperation. she was finally rushed to the hospital. being but all we
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saw a woman carrying her baby screaming for help. her pound baby seemed to be taking his last breath. we rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering from acute malnutrition, for your medical stuff rushed him into. i see you. the baby has not been inside any milk for days. as baby milk is totally absent in gaza, despite their best efforts, my mood died of starvation. the un had been warning of tragedies like this since december. all 2300000 people in gaza are facing forced salmon. desperate palestinians are scavenging for rotten food, forced to eat leaves and even animal feed. the situation is catastrophic in the north. oh my young man now shall. we have no time, no flour, and we are very tired because of how i can go. i will dock some ice hot because a sigh of smoke a minute. we have become pale due to hung up and we can stand on our feet because
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of the tongue. i like a feed into the office. i've got to them that are the mothers health is worsening. nursing mothers are unable to complete the lactation period for the children affecting the health children. also eating food that lacks essential nutrients for that growth agency say is really, bonds are still blocking them from reaching those dire need. un says, and immediate humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to avoid standing in gaza. it's more in that in the coming weeks. at least 10000 children under the age of 5 will suffer life threatening now nutrition. and at this moment, hundreds of newborn babies are facing the very same tragic fate as my mood. alexandra buyers, alda 0 as well as kind of as a tax across causing tooting on a road to a busy market in rough and at least a to palestinians were killed. turning a couple of zoom as this report from rafa in southern gaza. crowded area of
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russell attack, he's been just talking to the road leading to a market loan dingle refutable, palestinians into k years. and this past my family and i were in the car. all of a sudden a missile was fired and us and we flew up in the air. some of them were killed and others injured from. is that why the build those as remove the russel helping to search for survivors? or his very forces destroyed this 3 story building and central garza kidding many. and so all of them for the is the rubble was on us. we didn't know what was happening on neighbors about 50 people inside most the women and children. we are praying to find survivors. my follow the mother and 5 year old daughter or among the victims. what's wrong to those innocent children
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do for survivors? deliveries of food. it didn't really need it, because at the acute level of hunger and medical supplies need to r, rawlings to tarika bassoon was just a rough, rough off inside the ring, cause he's way the army continues targeting residential areas in central garza now to 0. seen a battery spoke to a family member whose house was attacked in there about on thursday night. it was a p. m. on thursday night when yeah, the family were having their last cup of tea before they gathered and they drank their last cup of tea. there's where the forces demolish their house with the police to air strikes. this house has at least 4 t palestinians who are displaced in this house. not only that, the house that was bombed had at least 4 houses surrounding it's under the
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rubble of this house. where i am standing right now is at least 15 palestinians still chopped under the rubber. their families have been looking for them and searching for them for more than 72 hours. right now. they told me they are tired. they have been looking for them and searching for them, but unfortunately they did not find them. uh with us today is just the uh yeah, the one of the family members shes uh, can you tell us what exactly happened question or can they will send these do that on thursday, the family together we would always fasting. i stepped into that to the house was phone and there was no space i set by the room and placed my theater old nephew to
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the in my lap a 2nd later i heard the loud explosion. we were only flown up in the air. then the clock, is it an old one blog? i started to touch my way out. i said, advised be closed, the door and woods and cabin filled on me. did you to shoot a she is letting me know. i came back to see what is left after what happened. now, all my family members were the one that i suffered minor in the cities. i, i miraculously said, advised by the grace of god. why searching? i came across a child's body parts. his leg seems to be my nephew's less. yeah. then i found part of that dean with them all blown out there. you can see some of his call history. let, let me know that while the back of it is full of the body parts and body organs, we found after the exclusion some found on the ground floor and some on the other
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one. when the house collapses, we were pushing away concrete and pieces of flush and the same time, you know, with a lot of the on my knees together with has 9 months old b, b would buried under the degrees. as she bought the headway out, she was pushing pieces of flesh, kept it all over the place. my 3 sisters in law were killed you how much i mean in the past couple of days in the middle area, we're not easy as the is where the forces targeted houses that had dozens of displaced people. people in the causes trip have no idea where to flee as they're telling us that there is no safe area north in the nor nothing the middle area, neither in the south. however, people are witnessing starvation and endless air strikes. this is in the godaddy odyssey to that it, but i, i think i'm looking for testers in israel has taken to the streets once again demanding the resignation of prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is very police use
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volta cannon to disperse the crowds and tell of these demonstrations are also demanding early elections. and the salute reports from those protests in telling me here in telling me of our chancing that be is really prime minister is directly responsible back the captive piece of land for the entire political situation. biggest thing must change these demonstrators calling new election and the calling for deals to bring back the captive. and they are attempting to make the
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us and british forces have carried out as strikes against more than a 1000 who see targets in yemen. the us say they what i even did on the ground weapons of ms. sile storage facilities, drones and defense systems owned by the rebels. the strikes follow, a surgeon who see a tax on commercial vessels in the red sea. tico. hey, and who's moving out from washington dc. and this is the 4th time that we've seen us and u. k. fighters do this larger scale, more coordinated attack on a site in gym. and they said they were going after 18 targets in 8 locations. some of the things that they said they were trying to hit was an underground us weapon storage facility and above ground missile storage facility attack, drones, air defense systems, radar and helicopter. still no battle assessment yet that will likely take days potentially even weeks. now the us says that this is in response to what is now
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more than $45.00 attempted strikes and commercial vessels and navy vessel. since november, the u. s. has been continually i tried to down those missiles, they've had some success. but really, if you talk to people at the pentagon, the word you hear from them often is calculation. they think by hitting this the who sees missiles and weapons, they have a limited supply. and they're hoping that eventually, as they see these supplies window, that they will make the calculation that it is no longer worth it. while the who they say they are going to continue as long as the war on guys a continues. even president joe biden says he expects these strikes to continue. so he has been facing some pressure, perhaps to go after some of the who is the leadership. it's not at all clear that he would have any legal basis to do that. he's also facing the time constraints under the 1973 war powers resolution, or us president can use the military in a crisis for 60 days. and he's supposed to go to congress to get approval now in
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the past receipt of presidents ignore that provision. but if he did follow suit with that he basically the clock is going to be running out he has until march 12th before he has to go to congress patio heading out to 0. washington, the to the us not with with, as of donald trump, is the projected winter of the latest republican primary beating nikki haley in her home state of south carolina. this extends his winning streak, bringing him closer to the presidential nomination and a re match with democratic presidential advising, but a defined haley has vowed to remain in the race. donald trump has been speaking interest the last hour, but now there is a spirit that i have never seen. we ran to great races, but there's never been ever. there's never been this bird like this. and i just
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want to say that i have never seen the republican party, so unified as it is right. never been like we'll see every time. so joins us now from charleston in south carolina. she had the results. no surprise perhaps . but what is interesting will be to see the size of his with i think that that's true. yes. and this, this is called almost immediately as opposed to players and 7 pm local though for the very briefing space of i think the organizes if the haley watch quality rather taking since by surprise. that wasn't even if people were still just beginning to stream it. and they already told you you've lost, and that door doesn't go down terribly well, but we expect that you have to speak sharply on the guns vile, but she's going to carry on the less because she has but money. this is america, i'll throw it up money you can carry on. usually if somebody had lost so many races serve any prime reason. cool, because like all of them and have no,
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no child started cooling as opposed to winning any of the future was the done, his would drop the money, but stopped. is that, that to some of the feelings that trump, in spite of in the populated diamonds of the money is still floating into, hey, these campaign and the, even with, without, you know, it's going to several reasons they've been given some, just to ok. donald trump also has a long shot, the theory the perhaps because of all adult drums, legal problems you may have to drop out eventually then hailey will be we will be well placed. democratic party done is an old traditional democratic party does with funding with cash $500000.00 since since johnny read because again, they want to, you know, they want to show that as a choice that, that the, and then they hate donald trump is and so much pulls are actually having to have these most places, the democratic party on foreign policy, for example, which, which, which pleases them as well. but hey, anybody else to continue on? the question is, if this is lost by over 30 points of the home stage,
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you do have to wonder whether she could really carry on how long that money is going to going to continue. but she says at least still super tuesday. so that's march the 5th when a 15 states and i'm a tired for you, but it's she, she will be still in the race. and then the so far it seems to be sticking to that as well. how much she and her donors are clutching to these slim possibilities. she had donald trump making no bones about the fact that he is concentrating now on the election. i want to get a good even mention that you have these names in that speech and that is going to be the policy going forward. we're told whether you'll stick to it, we don't know, but that that is not even gonna bother with our anymore. if this is all about binding these rights, i mean, we're just looking at the exit polls. 45 percent of those versioning here in south carolina said they were out of the mag remove of donald trump's movements. 49 percent that they weren't. and yet, so easily split and yet total dominance in demographics. the, i'm sorry, it's almost like this. you'd expect some of the demographics that you'd expect to
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be favorable to, hey, the college graduates 51 percent, but different from those i think over a 100000 dollars, 56 percent budget for trump. these are the people that haley was supposed to be trying to try to appeal to of course. yeah. on the if the 50000 dollar, 77 was not very good from not having a college really 75 percent voting for. for trump, look at this one there. this is not going to have you makes a lot of 62 percent of women. and nikki haley is own state burden for trump and then go to $80.00 a lot about being a woman and just just fighting the fellow's 11 fellows down one to go and all that didn't make much of a difference in that. but it's also a policy to, to remove the majority, say they oppose smoke room or a ukraine, 56 percent, the games ukraine. only a 3rd said nato. it was, was the participation was very good off. so there wasn't less of an active role for the us in the rest of the. busy and after that other point, the heavy keeps making the trump isn't mentally fit. 72 percent said mary, is my belief if it's like 39 percent said she's not mentally fixed. she have her
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time. see that i was told trump takes another step towards the election date of this year. thank you. a still to come on al jazeera. why the west african regional block echo was, is lifting sanctions on modeling these. yeah. and kidding. and a film that explodes the legacy of european colonialism in africa has just won the top prize at the button filters the the, the weather brought to you by visit, cut off. hello. we may well see and direct cool breaking fee continue in the across southern parts of the us. it's sunny. got to stay pretty warm. i thought they were going to break the record, but we are looking at some very high temperatures for summit up towards the
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northwest, western positive kind of every time this cold from this blue line. we will see some very cold air digging in over the next day. or so by itself, just as a category, a 9 that in seattle minus 4. and when he pay, as that wound down across the southern plains, getting up to around 20 i celsius in dallas. should be somewhere near the high teens. it warms up in dallas, it cools down in calgary. big dropping temperature is minus 12 celsius the full monday. so the friction, so it's one that in dallas plus $33.00 that is a minus 14 in calgary minus 18. therefore, when he picks out lots of cold have in place. meanwhile, somebody will man down towards the deep south in between. i think as we go into the next week, we can expect to see some live the storms that something to look for. what's a bottom down the hatches that when the weather wintry weather will continue to close west and passed all the canada into the pacific northwest bits and pieces of snow, which was that eastern side of the country. mon, across the car, been too bad. it to lots of fine, dry and sunny weather to come. the weather brought to you by visit
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castle. in october 2023, these raising minister, we have intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the strip, the people in power goes into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement and explores whether tearing palestinians from because the occupied west bank is, is ready to transfer on and just the the welcome back. you are watching elders here and he is
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a reminder of our top stores. a 2 month old baby has died in northern gauze or off just suffering from acute malnutrition. the baby was rushed to hospital in gaza. city with medical staff were unable to save the child who died of starvation. anti government protested in these royal, they've taken to the streets once again demanding the resignation of prime minister . benjamin netanyahu is ready. police use water cannon to disperse, the crowd's intensity. and us and british forces have carried out this strikes against more than a 1000 who's the target. sidney evans, the us says they've aimed at weapons facilities, and systems has been searching. who's the attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea? the? no, it's been 2 years since russian launched a full scale invasion of ukraine, but president below the means that lensky says he's mason is determined to win the
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war. rob mcbride report from crime a task in east the new crime. a 2 years ago, keith, a darkness and on the siege seemed on the verge of collapse. russia had invaded incense by ukrainian attempts to forge close the ties, but the west of this 2nd daniel, the 3 your opinion and other worldly does well. welcome to the ukrainian capital by president for low demand zelinski, with this country on track towards membership of both the european union and nato. together they visited custodial, apple. that was about as close as russian forces came to capturing key street pulled lots of novel of news. the world witnessed. the most important thing here could so that evil can be defeated and russian evil isn't the exception nearby. although your at the in support is showing signs of strain. the
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e u has committed to a multi year voltage $1000000000.00 a program. we're here to tell you that europe will continue to stand at your side for as long as it takes, with more financial support, more immunization, more training for your troops, more ad defenses, and more investment in europe since ukraine's defense industries. ukraine will soon be adding f, 16 fine to jets to it's also along with ever most sophisticated c drones that have been sinking russian warships also. but fighting on the front lines remains at a stalemate. while moscow has been making games in the east and don't best region that it's an russian back separatist had been trying to seize since 2014 busy, crazy and control towns and cities and don't yet square on the front line of fighting well before the full scale invasion 2 years ago,
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but with recent russian by fulfilled success is better off fee is russia could once again renew it's long killed and vision of finally capturing the hold of this region using wire, which i worry a lot, but i don't have anywhere else to go this is my home. that's life right now. we don't have any other choice anywhere and ukraine is dangerous. ukraine starts the 3rd year of this full scale will, knowing the will we read this, especially in the us, is likely to grow increasingly aware of its human cost. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. cremmit tools, key crane the body of russian opposition leader, alexi, novelle. ne has been handed over to his mother, and i've only died suddenly in prison last week and a remote maximum security optic penal colony criminal authority site in a valley died of natural causes. but many have blamed president putin face death. demonstrated as
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a protesting against the war and ukraine outside the russian embassy in warsaw. poland is one of keeps closest european union allies. it welcomed over a 1000000 ukrainian refugees. often the russian invasion began, but ponies farmers have since protested against cheap ukrainian grain flooding the gear, repeating market as the french president has been confronted by protesting farm is that the annual paris agriculture will show emmanuel macro and appealed for calm off to dozens of protest as scuffled with police at the event, how he felt that reports. it's your, it's the largest agriculture event showcasing the produce of french commas. but even before it opened, it did become another suitcase for that. and the problem is would be protesting for weeks. that's why costs poor pay strict environmental regulations and competition from imported new products for us as president to cancel the plan debate with funding representatives here. also,
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they called it provocative with reports of environmental activists also being advised, the instead that was this impromptu face of some of the protest is rolled costly binding products unless you pick up sort of, you know, good. i always prefer dialogues, confrontation with a, some confrontation does not produce anything good. there can be disagreements in our exchanges, but at least we talk to each other that the dialogue remains confrontational. with the bi tom is complaining that they would dying from low incomes and bureaucracy from competition with foreign products using chemicals bands and from the government has tried to cub. nationwide protest with a more than $400000000.00 package announced this month at a pledge not to bond pesticides that are allowed elsewhere in europe. the protesting farm is the showed on saturday, but they intended to keep up the pressure about paying the home. this shouldn't be right, police in the fair. i don't expect anything from a chronicle. eventually,
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the french president was able officially to open the power show. he's not promising a meeting with farm is representatives next month to consolidate emergency measures and set out a plan for reform. are you suppose it out to 0? that be more demonstrations in the senegalese capital? cock protested are unhappy of the postponement of the presidential election. so vote was due to be held on february the 25th, the president. lucky. so the light that there's no uncertainty about when it will go ahead while some opposition candidates rejected his offer of to the west african regional book at colossus easing sanctions imposed on several member states following military coups. these yeah. was suspended along with booking a fast so i'm molly following the over throw elected civilian government's dangerous reports from boucher at last. it was a cause that blinked 1st its leaders say the decision to loops functions in post of
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news you're often lost is cool. wants to save the 49 year old institution from frank meant to it was clear even before the summit, that the regional block was ready to make concessions. and it did with immediate effect. closure of love on the borders between the cost countries. and these yet to be lifted no fly zone of all commercial floods to and from asia is to be lifted the suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between the airports, member states and major is probably list freezing of all. so this term sections including utility services is the lift. freezing of assets of the republic of new jersey in
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a cost central bank is still being lifted. freezing of assets of new jet states understood enterprises and protest details and commercial bucks is still being lifted. but the decision wasn't, without the conditions, they also added to the threats. it's commitment to maintaining the, with the government, the media. we'd be able to secure a new release of precedent. buzzwords, i'd read on their transition from time to in general, re, booking, if possible. molly and the chair announced they were leaving the organization. they accused it of hosing focus and pen drink to the wishes of 40 hours. the lifting of sanctions is a welcome relief for the gentlest citizens of echoes, particularly media, which felt it was treated most unfairly. it could also mean trouble for the original book seem lately as any effective in keeping some of its members in line. desperate to save it from imposing the region of bulk urged caution. we must
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produce this ruse. we've a sense of unity, a commitment to do with the or 5 people. the organization also east, some of the restrictions imposed on other members state can apply. so getting in money for now, it's not clear whether the concessions are enough to use tension and bring the forward you intended countries back into told how many degrees i would use either a french sounded least film has one the top prize at the building film festival. the home a is about the 2021 return of lou treasures from france to the west. african states have been in the festival, so showed films exploring dispossession in the occupied westbank and the magazine laundries in ireland. dominic caden reports from bell and of the golden there. so the best soon goes to the movie the whole may by massey. it's
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a film which documents the strong through time they've been in brahms as to the rightful home in africa. fontose banks, which would be pillaged by european colonizers as part of their oppression of the peoples of western africa domains, directed toby audience in berlin. the restitution is about justice the 1st time i imagine what a restitution like like to might look like in reality. i 1st heard a sounds, a frequency, something trembling like earthquake. it was the sign of a well collapsing. the wall of silence. i sent in the struggles of the palestinian people with a sense a piece of another film on this year's festival. no of a land highlights the plight of the residents of a particular village in the west bank. this is myself, one of.


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