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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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human suffering, that's easier for us. we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides. the a 2 month old baby dies in kansas city, suffering from acute malnutrition, as israel use his salvation as a with one of the other ones are in jordan this out. is there a life from dell instead of coming up? no, that's often these ready bombardment in central and southern gaza. at least a tell us demands are killed in a striking. you're a busy market in a rough us. somebody's will planes coming out to strikes against 18 who he targets in yemen and shooting weapons storage facilities owned by the reynolds and former us president donald trump, wins the latest republican primaries engine close up to the nomination. and this is an extra
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the . we're beginning garza where is world's full stop ation of palestinians is rapidly worsening. infants who haven't eaten in days of being taken to medical facilities, a 2 month old baby who was suffering from severe mom attrition has died that i don't want to bias reports over his brief life to month old. my mood for to knew nothing but suffering. he was born and died as israel bombs fell on gaza. day after day, his parents searched for milk and basic supplies. returning empty handed, in absolute desperation, she was finally rushed to the hospital. the middle we saw a woman carrying her baby screaming for help. a pound baby seemed to be taking his last breath. we rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering from acute malnutrition. medical style rushed him into i to you. the baby has not been side to
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any milk for days. as baby milk is totally absent in gaza. despite their best efforts, my mood died of starvation. the d u. n had been warning of tragedies like this since december. all 2300000 people in gaza are facing forced salmon. desperate palestinians are scavenging for wanton food. forced to eat leaves an even animal feed. the situation is catastrophic in the north. oh, my young man now shall. we have no time, no flower, and we are very tired because of how i can go. i will box them as hot because a sigh of smoke the minute we have become pale due to hung up. and we can stand on our feet because of the tongue. i like a feed into the office. i've got to them that are the mothers health is worsening. nursing mothers are unable to complete the lack of patients period for the children affecting the health out of the children. also eating food that lacks essential nutrients for that growth. agency say is really,
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bonds are still blocking them from reaching those dire need. un says and immediate humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to avoid standing in gaza. it's more in that in the coming weeks. at least 10000 children under the age of 5 will suffer life threatening smell and nutrition. and at this moment, hundreds of newborn babies are facing the very same tragic fate as my mood. alexandra buyers, alda 0. israel has carried out attacks across the guys, including on a busy road near a market in rough or at least 8 palestinians were killed. talked about assume as this report from rough crowded area, roughly the attack is really gets targeted the road leading to a markets funding or future palestinians into k years. and this past the, my family and i were in the car. all of a sudden
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a missile was fired and us and we flew up in the air. some of them were killed and others injured. and is the why the build those as remove the russel helping to search for survivors is very forces destroyed this 3 story building and central garza kidding many. and so all of them is the rubble was on us. we didn't know what was happening on neighbors about 50 people inside most the women and children. we are praying to find survivors. my follow the mother and 5 year old daughter or among the victims. what wrong did those innocent children do for save? life is deliveries of food. it didn't really need it. because at the acute level of hunger and medical supplies need to r, rawlings to tarika bassoon was just a rough, rough off inside the ring cause of the government protest as ever taken to the
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straits of tel aviv once again, demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu is right, the police use water cannon to disperse, the crowds. i'll just here is home to salute reports from best protests until the be in the biggest show of, for since the war began empty government demonstrators took over the heart of tells the protesters in the thousands, flashing with police and blocking one of the city's main intersections. their message is clear for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign and for new elections to be held. immediately. government has failed and is to go. we need a new government. we need new, see from new need to shoot someone that counts us in that things about us. not just about themselves. police on foot and mounted on horseback, tried to disperse the demonstrators, but after a series of failed attempts,
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water canada sprayed the perimeter. and some sitting in the middle of the road were forcefully carried out by police and across the road, families of his really captive stage. their 20 is weekly rally calling for his roles. government to secure a deal to bring their loved ones home, diagnostic and fire had to be in sending food enough for skiing, the life of the team to all in in humane conditions. enough. dropping out the time of every minute, every hour, every day, we're running out of chances for them. enough of the pain of the families to the side by side demonstrations. come on the heels of reported progress on a deal to release a number of his really captives and secure a pause in the fight. but his really officials say they're cautiously optimistic as a government demonstrator say they're going to continue coming out every single saturday in their message is,
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was the really government us somebody's war planes of carried out. it strikes against moving a dozen who the targets in the m and the us says they were in the underground weapons facilities owned by the rebels, the strong spell, the surgeon who attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. and when i look on revolt, joint mission to disrupt and degree us and british forces, lots the latest round of air strikes, focusing on who the targets throughout human they say around 18 targets across 8 locations in the m. and we're hit that how's the weapons missiles, an air defense systems. in a statement, the pentagon says the strikes are in response to who these continued attacks against commercial, unable vessels that have not only endangered international seafarers, but the lives of the many people. the statement goes on to say the cruelties have conducted more than $45.00 attacks on commercial naval vessels since mid november.
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and they constitute a threat to global economy, as well as regional security and stability, and demand and international response. who the forces have taken a strong stance against the attacks, saying they won't back down so long as the warrant casa, continues. the, many of the many armed forces along with old, great to have many people, will continue to carry out the religious, moral, and humanitarian duties. towards the palestinian people and that military operations will not stop unless the aggression stops and the siege on the palestinian people in the gaza strip is lifted as so after the b m many armed forces confirmed that they would confront the american produce escalation with more military operations against old hostile tockets in the red and arabs seats to defend the country. people on the nation. targeted attacks and the red sea by who the rebels have disrupted global trade on
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a mass scale. anything from the fashion industry to the auto trade has been impacted. but as the cruelties the u. k and the u. s. continued their military confrontations, escalation is becoming a real threat with diplomacy being pushed further away. and the war in gaza expanding beyond dispatch out border rental a find out is here the not to the us, but i for my president, donald trump is one of the latest republican primaries beating nicky. hey, looking at home state of south carolina, this expense is winning street, bringing him closer to the presidential nomination and a re, much with democratic president joe biden. but i defy, and haley has vowed to stay in the rights for donald trump to the states moments off to the polls closed. but now there is a spirit that i have never seen. we ran to great races,
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but there's never been ever. there's never been this bird like this, and i just want to say that i have never seen the republican party, so unified as it is right. never been like, well, she has time to join us live not from charleston in south carolina. she have so another important primary button for donald trump took us through the results and trump strategy here that way. so how did you actually, he didn't do much comp, anything in south carolina, such as is domination of the state as, as we've seen this evening, he's within 6040 right though, against a games. nikki haley, i'm the exit polls show just how much of a hold you has on republican voters, even in a state like south carolina, where the community was once governor. and if she thought she had a trauma, because actually the, the electra to put in the exit polls equally split, 45 percent real, trump bass, mega make america great. again, 49 percent logs. and yet in the demographics that make you, hey,
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we got up to wind amongst trump was when the majority of people ending over $100000.00. they mode for trump. people college educated of slim majority, but by the foot truck. even women over 60 percent of women voting for trump, make you angry, making lots of different gender based appeals. i've already beaten pro fellows, i have $11.00 more to go. she was a so i got total total domination. the strategy is just ignoring it too heavy for me now and she has very little chance of winning any of the future primaries or focuses. she has one any sofa. it's about the trump says, well trump campaign says only me to use a name anymore. i'm just going to focus on the right button. yeah. yeah. so another big defeat then she had foot nikki heavy. why? she's staying in the race, then. the money in us politics. you know. so the results that are the reason why candidates drop out, it's because often you get such a successful results from the money does tend to dry up. but in the united states
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that isn't isn't happening. there are enough republicans that is rich republican donors who hate donald trump. they're even a low default. a democratic party done is, was supporting nikki heavy, who are still funnelling money to campaign. they've given the hundreds of thousands of dollars since january. and that means you can continue at least until super tuesday, march the 5th, when, when the well it, well 1515 states and one terry tree but, so she can carry on. she's got the money to do. so she's rights, that's 70 percent of the electricity in the us side of the. the pulse is either one, either trump or bike, but they say and because they've got the money and for the big heavy, those big, heavy, those too. so she'll carry on. alright to she had protests, the line for 7, charleston, south carolina sham. thank you a tougher stop right here. and i'll just say around when we come back, why the west african regional blog echo as is lifting sanctions on molly this year . and beginning on a film that exposed the legacy of european colonialism. an applicant has just won
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the top prize of the building film festival, martin that states the hello we may well see and their reco breaking fee continue in the across southern parts of the us. it's sunny. got to stay pretty warm. i thought they were going to break the a record, but we are looking at some very high temperatures for summit up towards the northwest, west and positive. kind of that baton this cold from this blue line. we will see some very cold air digging in over the next day or so by itself just as a category, a 9 that in seattle minus 4. and when he pay, as that wound down across the southern plains, getting up to around 20 i celsius in dallas. should be somewhere near with a high teens. it warms up in dallas, it cools down in calgary. big dropping temperature is minus 12 celsius the full
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monday. so the phase and so it's one that in dallas plus $33.00 that is a minus 14 in calgary minus 18. therefore when he picks out lots of cold have in place. meanwhile, some very womack down towards the deep south in between. i think as we go into the next week, we can expect to see some live the storms that something to look forward to bottom down the hatch is that when the weather winfrey, weather will continue across the western policy of the canada into the pacific northwest basin. pieces of snow, which was that eastern side of the country mon, across the carpet, to battle lots of fine, dry and sunny weather to come. it's the unique perspective that plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to
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take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the death and media attention. the stream on out just the or the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. it's a 2 month old baby as died in northern casa, off the suffering from acute. now the tricia, the baby was rushed to hospital in gauze and city where medical stuff was unable to save the child, died stop patient. government protest as in israel taken to the streets once again
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demanding the resignation of 5 minutes stuff in human. this is where the police use water canada to disperse the child's television and us some. but as we're planes of card up as price against moving, it doesn't include the targets in yemen to us as the weapons facilities and assistance is gonna search the attack some commercial vessels in the red sea. well, that's bringing the bill, korea, who's a former us diplomats who served as the deputy chief of mission to you. how many joins us live from washington dc, and to be a good to i'll be back with us. so get more text by us and u. k. will things on who he targets in human, all these strikes having any impact tool because their tax on red c shipping seemed to be getting worse on me. so oh, well, i mean the effect primarily is to deteriorate the host, the weaponry, particularly storage facilities and massage launching fights. so the tax have done that,
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but they have not deterred the hose. these. i think that by then administration is using the wrong approach. the hotel is uh, we're not deterred by a superior army of the late president and father for 6 years. they were not deterred by superior forces, their forces set that are for 8 years war with solid at a, b, and d. so i don't see why the by then administration thinks that uh, a few days of the bombing grades on them is going to deter though now, i think this is the wrong approach that is being used. so some of you know how it needs, uh, us as products planning out politically inside them. and then you know what about and see who is the human is, what are they hoping for here as well. to some extent, the visa dykes are unifying, the host the forces and those who do support them. but the end, therefore, the forces in yemen, of some of them based and re, uh,
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the other is based in the southern bar of gm and are being encouraged into having full show p or that perhaps the u. s. is now going to turn around and help them fight to hurt these and the drives them out of son. uh uh there has been stronger rhetoric by the new prime minister of the internationally recognized government of human and by southern leaders. all saying that this is the time to go after the food sees. i think it's a full saw one because the by the administration doesn't really want this to turn into and all of our, or with the whole with these, i just want to, to stop them from the bombing and that i'd see. and the bill given that we seen this minute to response by the who with these in their attacks on shipping, is there any room been for diplomacy or is it much too late now anyway, a it's a bit late because frankly,
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i don't think that hers is are in there more to talk to the us right now. this should have been done through years. look for us says add an envoy for yemen for 3 years. they came in saying they would but diplomacy 1st and the forever wars. but the allegory that they send has not yet been to sign off. he has talked to the hoses in directly through the all mine is and i don't see how you're going to make peace with an enemy that you don't uh, talk to face to face. so i'm afraid that the by the administration has failed diplomacy in yemen, as they have failed the was put in and rusher. i know grain as and then there was nothing you know, it'll be just a final thought to you. i mean, while the war in gaza continues, is there a sense but depending how the will ends this will have an impact on how other um,
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groups in the region respond as well. certainly i think uh if there is. ready a magical uh, solution. uh, not just, i mean what, what's being worked on right now is just hostages. exchanging hostages for prisoners of war. uh, perhaps it temporary, drew's that would not stop. uh, that's what a lot stop the the action going on in your mind in loveland, on and then the rock. but if there is a process and you literally speech process in genuine way to bring peace between israelis and palestinians. and then i think that will quiet down the other fronts in the region, but so far, i'm not really hopeful that the by the administration is on the 5 bill. corey. oh, it's good to get your thoughts and your analysis. maybe i'll thank you very much indeed. for talking to us. sure thing surprises. the basic commodities have doubled
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in the eastern democratic republic of congo as provincial capital, government traders, sex because of a 2 year conflict between government forces on the m. 23 group, 1600000 people have been displaced and crucial trade routes have been cut off by the fighting. obviously, it was catherine, so reports from the government. this is a main highway to democratic the property for congress border issue brenda is an important trade route into go math. the eastern provisional capital of norfolk but it's no longer possible to use it. sam, 53 on group controls. mazda of the farming area, which is a bridge task, its thing business is increasingly difficult and dangerous, was the one we are under siege and gone. the only route is to lawanda. that's okay . is blocked. recruiter. the farming area is controlled by m 23 other it's also not accessible. supplies on not getting through government. that's why everything is
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expensive. allow me a couple of copies of grain has just arrived from the countryside. she says vomas' not cultivating much of the land because of the security situation that's, that's i, in the time the got a sense of 23 came 2 years ago. commodity prices have more than doubled. we have 2 minutes longer transport prices have increased. we still have to pay government taxes. this is all passed onto residents who already don't have much. a tom o r is that business, this quote for you the situation assist. graders here. save the overall cost. so become too high. the cost to pay taxes imposed by different um boxes and then they have to deal with the security challenges. boma ended out caught hosts more than a 1000000 kimberly's. been displaced by the fighting between government forces and
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m 23. i predict the many displaced people who've come to coleman, the governments north helping the city doesn't have the capacity to deal with such a huge influx of people. now everyone lives here. these, they're trying to do what they mass to stay afloat. patching, sewing all to 0, boma democratic republicans step in more demonstrations and the senegalese capital dot com protest as an unhappy over the postponement of the presidential election. the vote was due to be held on february 25th, but president monte sol delayed. it is now uncertainty about when it will go ahead, while some opposition candidates are projected his offer of tools. the west african regional block echo as it's easing sanctions imposed on several member states following military cruise. initially i was suspended along with looking at 57. molly, following the over throw of elected civilian governments. i'll just say it was from an interest report from a bu jeff. it last, it was a course that linked 1st. it's leaders say the decision to loops functions in post
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of news. your off to last is cool, wants to save the 49 year old institution from frank meant to it was clear, even before the summit, the regional block was ready to make concessions. and it did with immediate effect . closure of. ready on the board, us between the cost countries and these yet to be lifted no fly zone of all commercial floods to on from asia. that is still the list of suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between the airports. member states and major is probably list freezing of all. so this term sections including utility services is the lift. freezing of assets of the republic of new jersey in
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a cost central bank is still being lifted. freezing of assets of new jersey state understood enterprises and part of the details in commercial box is something lifted, but the decision wasn't, without pre conditions the, to the threats, it's commitment to maintaining the, with the government, the media be with the security release of president buzz who i'd read on their transition time to in general re breaking of possible molly and this year announced they were leaving the organization. they accused it of losing focus and pen bring to the wishes of 40 hours. the listing of functions is a welcome relief for the gentlest citizens of echoes, particularly media, which felt it was treated most unfairly. it could also mean trouble for the original book seemed lately as any effective in keeping some of its members in line . desperate to save it from imposing the original book,
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urged caution. we must produce this ruse. we've a sense of unity and commitment to do with the o. 5 people to the organization also east. some of the restrictions imposed on other member states of fossil beginning and money. for now, it's not clear whether the concessions are enough to use tension and bring the forward you intended countries back. indeed for how many degrees would you see that the now it's been 2 years since russia launched a full scale invasion of ukraine, the president of drug and has the landscape says his nation is determined to win the war from a private poets not from coming to us in the east of ukraine 2 years ago, keep in darkness and done the siege seemed on the verge of collapse. russia had
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invaded incense by ukrainian attempts to forward close to ties, but the west of this 2nd daniel, the 3 european and other worldly does well. welcome to the ukrainian capital by president for low demand zelinski, with this country on track towards membership of both the european union and nato. together they visited custodial, apple. that was about as close as russian forces came to capturing key 3 full bunch of naval of news. the world witness, the most important thing here, so that evil can be defeated and russian evil is an exception nearby. although your at the in support is showing signs of strain, the e u has committed to a multi yeah, multi $1000000000.00 a program. we're here to tell you that europe will continue to stand at your side
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for as long as it takes, with more financial support, more immunization, more training for your troops, more ad defenses, and more investment in europe since you crane's defense industries. ukraine will soon be adding f, 16 fine to jets to it's also along with ever most sophisticated c drones that have been sinking russian warships also. but fighting on the front lines remains at the stalemate. while moscow has been making games in the east and don't pass region that 8 and russian act separatist have been trying to seize since 2014 busy, crazy and control towns and cities and don't yet square on the front line of fighting well before the full scale invasion 2 years ago, but with recent russian by fulfilled success is better off be as russia could once again renew. it's long killed and bishop of finally capturing the whole of this region using wire, which i warn you a lot,
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but i don't have anywhere else to go. this is my home. that's life right now. we don't have any other choice anywhere and ukraine is dangerous. ukraine starts the 3rd year of this full scale will, knowing the will weariness, especially in the us, is likely to grow and increasingly aware of its human cost. rob mcbride, i'll just say era cremmit tools, keep right now the body of russian opposition lead alexi and a volunteer has been handed over to his mother. and i finally died suddenly in prison last week, and a remote maximum security optic penal colony criminal far to stay in the valley, died of natural causes. but many of blame president putin is this smell french senegalese film as one of the top prize at the berlin film festival. the whole may is about the 2021 return a polluted treasure of some funds to the west african state or been in the festivals the on no other land documentary about his radio occupation in the occupied westbank don't. when it came,
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reports from bell in the golden there. so the best film goes to the movie the whole me by massey. it's a film which documents the strong, the, to attend the been in brahms as to the rightful home in africa. fonts effects, which would be pillaged by european colonizers as part of their oppression of the peoples of western africa domains, directed toby audience in berlin. the restitution is about justice the 1st time i imagine what a restitution like like to might look like in reality. i 1st heard a sounds a frequency, something trembling like earthquake. it was the sign of


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