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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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of causes are the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on top of the crisis has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes and is rarely attacked, targeting a 100 for us as a launched fight and died last year in northern cancer. as offend in groups of guns are due to israel's war. a 2 month old by the don is off to he was rushed to hospital to of a come mil nutrition us and british 5 digits pound 13 by says after an american ship was attacked on the red sea. plus i'm, she ever can see in south carolina, when donald trump has one yet another resulting victory and the republican
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presidential friends. oppenheimer open the home of the historical if, think about the race to build the 1st atomic bomb wins the top on us at the us screen actors guild. the we begin in northern goes away is ready, forces have a tank to residential, hon killing civil palestinians firefighters for to put out the flames that engulfed the building. and by blah, here, the people trapped onto the russell. the is where the army announced that one soldier had been killed in garza in 3 seriously injured. and at least 2 palestinians were wounded by his ready gun fight. and con eunice. the fire is all over the places you can see. unfortunately, it's a pain to night here, another crime committed by these really occupational forces which bombarded our
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residential building for the cushion family base lock. yes, it did not. and cause a straight to destruction is everywhere. and the civil defense units are trying to put out the fire. i'd be more than welcome to join us now from ross or an honey another night if it's ready strikes and just bring us up to speed with what has happened there. and does that fly on the can colon by block? yes, the yes, tom, well it was a quite relatively quiet night and rough boxed city, with the exception of a near strikes of a name, the land and a name, the residential home and days for a part of the of brooklyn city. just causing a great deal of damage to the surrounding area, including from public facilities and tons, who are a being set up in the vicinity of the empty house? no injuries were reported from rough city within the past. 12 hours, but the inmates la, we're a residential home was targeted, was evacuated,
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were inside this a residential home for people that be reported killed so far with other reported injuries. and it would inability to get any of the health facilities in the know the hard their phase is that their life is at risk right now as they were, we talked about a complete non operational health facilities in the northern parts and gaza city right now is that there is a risk of losing their life as there is indeed immediate medical intervention to save their lives. also, there are a few who are still under the levels and with the inability and the difficulty of the civil defense. the crew on the grounds and they have the, the lack the equipment and lack the proper machinery. they use their bare hands and manually operated tools to remove large pieces of concrete to remove people from under the revels. there is definitely a hope that they will get to these under drop those before it's due, as too late in hon units,
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where most of the fighting is taking place or has been taking place since that expanding of the ground invasion. similar situations is, stays the same in tens of the exchange of fire around the vicinity of non hospital . these really military still preventing the injury relief quinn void to the hospital, including the water supplies and the fuel supplies for the, the power generators. in order to get these, i see you and the incubators, back to functioning and the western part of the city where it's not only laws are housed with it's being pushed out to serve. but also the charitable health facility is operated and managed by the palestinian rick preston. society is completely out of service. right now we're looking at the entire city of hon. units of from the border and the eastern part of the coast of rhodes. very close to the uh, the uh, the mediterranean short, it has no operational health facilities. a beach bombing continues and it continues to create very difficult conditions on the ground in terms of
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a delivery. we're talking to. 2 a largely starving northern part of, of the gaza strip where the restrictions on the ground and difficulties and a guarantee for the 48 worker safety just barring their work. and we have on our statements talking about weeks from now that will be completely non operational in the northern part of, of the goddess trip. thanks so much for the honey honey mcmurry for us that and ross. so thank you are but as well as full styles ation of palestinians as rapidly with sending infants who haven't eaten in days of being taken to medical facilities . a 2 months old baby who was suffering from severe mill nutrition as dies, like sandra, buys, has more blood over his brief life, 2 month old mahmud for 2, knew nothing but suffering. he was born and died as israel bombs fell on gaza. day after day, his parents searched for milk and basic supplies. returning empty handed,
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in absolute desperation, she was finally rushed to the hospital. the middle, we saw a woman carrying her baby screaming for help. a pound baby seemed to be taking his last breath. we rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering from acute malnutrition, for your medical stuff rushed them into. i see you. the baby has not been inside any milk for days. as baby mo could is totally absent in gaza. despite their best efforts, my mood died of starvation. the d u. n had been warning of tragedies like this since december. all 2300000 people in gaza are facing forced salmon. desperate palestinians are scavenging for wanton food, forced to eat leaves and even animal feed. the situation is catastrophic in the north of miami natural pain. and we have no tunnel flour, and we are very tied because of tongue go. i will box them as hot because
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a sigh of smoke. i don't mean that we have become pale the to hung up and we can stand on our feet because of the tongue. i like a feed into the office. i've got to them that are the mothers health is worsening. nursing mothers are unable to complete the lack of patients period for the children affecting the health of the children. also eating food that lacks essential nutrients for that growth. agency say is really, bonds are still blocking them from reaching those dire need. un says an immediate humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to avoid standing in gaza. it's more in that in the coming weeks. at least 10000 children under the age of 5 will suffer life threatening mountain nutrition. and at this moment, hundreds of newborn babies are facing the very same tragic fate as my mood. alexandra buyers, alda 0 for more on this talk to med school, that is with us. he is an emergency medicine professor with 30 years experience in
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health care in cal, so he joins us lot from a stand bowl. thank you very much for being here on to 0. once again, we've just seen the story of the 2 month old dying of starvation that the warnings for this happening had been sounding for a long time. haven't i? oh yes, they have indeed this isn't the tragedy. this is a man made meant to be star vacation, forced upon the people of god by these read the occupation forces. and just a few days ago, the international nutrition cluster came with a report that had alarming report on the situation regarding a nutrition in casa, i'm, they go crude, from their findings of this, i say, scientific on devices, there is a sharp increase in the drivers attrition in ga, south, and the drivers are food insecurity, the lack of diversity of the diet and decreasing in from an young child feedings, possibilities,
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and that adds to the lack of access to clean water for painting. and how much do i collapsing health care system? these drivers both together are the cost, is behind this death of this baby, which is meant to be finding all the works of god where they have analyzed. then a traditional situation. the collector i see as extremely great to go. so you guys are what is needed is water, and it's food. i need small available from the neighboring countries, but each row is stopping the entry of food and water to the people of gossip, which is a huge work, right? okay, and the world just sit idle by and watch children dying from starvation in 2023 especially when uh it seems like, uh they there was, well that i that was uh the, the food standing by waiting to get in there as well. i mean, do you think that unless something is done,
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this is something we're going to see much more of young children babies dying on a daily basis. c oh, absolutely, you would have suited to the right. they will die from starvation, unlike the water and not only the children and the babies, it will be also for the pregnant women and for the breast feeding women. these are the most vulnerable groups. and the report says that at least 90 percent of the children under 5 out of now affected by one or more infectious diseases, which is a consequence also. oh, now latricia and clean motor. so there is a combination electrician, starvation, and thirst, and these trades. this triangle of the very bad affections of the children and the pregnant women will cost you. and the other issue is the minister. now he has been warning for weeks that more people will die from starvation and the seas. in the coming weeks dawn from the bomb being itself,
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we don't know the numbers even. so this is amount of made situation. and i am appalled that the world leaders are not doing anything to stop this distribution in gaza. and i urge uninterrupted. now, i purchased a turkish people to send food the way they did, when the folks out of the frontier level was sent to gun. yes, the shores are open. they send food in. yes, you test on it and via the humans wanting at least 10000 children under the age of 5, i could stuff a life threatening meal nutrition. i mean that those that do survive. can you just explain the long term consequences of that? a? yeah, the long term consequences is slowed down a development. both the goals they will be starting to means that they will be shorter for age, that they should have more than 2 standard deviations. they will have consequences for diseases for the rest of their life. quartermaster, diseases and also for the cognitive development. so the long term effects of childhood,
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starvation or whether research and well known. and this is part of the citizen of this and i made starvation, it is all meant to be and it's part of the politics of illumination. of the policy then people are not on a hearts and i, i agree and i, i can't understand that the world that you united states are sitting by watching children being starved to death with long term consequences for those as her mind. it certainly is. are michael, thank you. once again for joining us, we'll have to leave it there. that stuff to meds. gilbert for us from its temple is rarely military has conducted rides in civil cities across the occupied west bank and included overnight operations engineering from iowa and vega. near basically him in nablus is rarely false as missing storming the city with the vehicles. 3 palestinian youths were arrested in the cafeteria. this is where the police have
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side water cannon to disperse. the latest anti government protest is hummed a salute for pulls from tel aviv demonstrates, has demanded the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and early elections in the biggest show of 4 since the war began empty government demonstrators took over the heart of tell of the protesters in the thousands, flashing with police and blogging, one of the city's main intersections, their message is clear for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign and for new elections to be held. immediately. government has failed, needs to go. we need a new government, new fee for new leadership, someone that counts us in that things about us, not just about themselves. police on foot and mounted on horseback, tried to disperse the demonstrators, but after a series of failed attempts,
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water canada sprays the perimeter. and some sitting in the middle of the road were forcefully carried out by police and across the road. families of his really captive stage their 20th weekly rally, calling for his roles, government to secure a deal to bring their loved ones home, diagnostic and fire had to be. i'm sending enough risking the lives of the team to all in in humane conditions. enough. dropping out in the time of every minutes, every hour, every day, we're running out of chances for them. enough of the pain of the families that almost done the side by side demonstrations come on, the heels of reported progress on a deal to release a number of his really captives and secure a pause in the fight. but it's really official say they're cautiously optimistic and the government demonstrator say they're going to continue finding out every
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single saturday. their message is received. really government for the monks joins us now from occupied east jerusalem for more on this. and i'm just following on from that meeting and these ready for cabinet yesterday, we understand i a sent to meet again today. what can we expect from that? according to social media statement posted by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office over night. he's going to try and push through the proposals for minutes real fractions. in wrap up, cost is broad, a security cabinet. as soon as today that would include the evaluation of more than a 1000000 civilians. tarney sheltering in the south of rough and of course has been a huge amount of pressure on him over the last week, particularly from the united states to make. so that element of the operation is carried out effectively. in his statement, he talks about the jew need both to secure the release of hostages, but also ensure that that was the absolute victory. the phrase use time and time
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again. when it comes to these ready minute treat operates again, does not essentially means the elimination something in his words of him us. it will also hearing that these are these, sending a delegation to doha in the coming die. so follow on from those types of, of possible deal on the captive. what more do we know about that? well, in terms of the main things, we don't have a huge amount of information at this point. it will light keeps costs involved the head of most of the far an inside of the surface there and is around $10.00 to the also sion but the domestic security and product and service here. but in terms of the framework for that deal. but is there any medias reporting on it looks like it would entail around 40 is randy faust, which is being released from galls i thought would be female soldiers, women civilians, men over the age of 50. and those with medical conditions and inver time, hundreds of palestinians carney held inside his randy jails would be released. but
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the timing is quite interesting. it seems like that would be one is rainy release per day of the ceasefire as part of the agreement that it my master's correct on. that would be about 6 weeks. and as a pause i'll see, slide inside gaza. really interesting to think about the increase in a, the, the us and all the west composite being really addressed to be pushing israel to accept that would also be positive agreement. and potentially the start of a movement of civilians back into the northern part of gauze or that was so heavy the pump today took need uh the initial bombardments office complex. okay, well, definitely be keeping close on all of that. thanks so much going on for the months for us and occupied east jerusalem. i'm joined now by mama telling us we a professor of media studies at the head institute for graduate studies. thanks very much for being here with us. first of all, i mean, it seems like the possibility of a 65, but with further away than it arrived for the last few weeks. what do you think has
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changed? well, i think that the 1st of all we, we have to be cautious because nothing is, uh, nothing is clear yet nothing has happened to me. but um, you know, certainly there's a lot of pressure on this is really government right now, right? we're entering the, the, the pre ramadan period, ramadan is almost upon us. israel has and losing the public relations war as high as the united states. and they would look really bad. catastrophically bad from a p r. standpoint of israel were to be bombarding garza and defenseless population that is already suffering from starvation during the most of all the months. so i think that's why the us is trying to ramp up this pressure on israel and try and try and get it done before ramadan begins. give me just talk about the pressure on both sides here 1st. if we can start with some us, mean people and gals are, as we have seen in the last hour since we've been playing the story on the 2 month old, the died of starvation. this was widespread famine and it's only gonna get worse on
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this. something changes, huge pressure, obviously on how much, how different will they be to say in agreements here. there's no question that there's a lot of pressure on, on from us. the situation is absolutely dire. we have to remember that even prior to october 7th, about half of guys in the software, and from what human rights organizations call extreme food and security. now, as you've been reporting all morning, there's a famine and starvation. people are literally dying of, of starvation in gaza. so mazda is desperate to get aiden. they're also desperate to stop the, the mom, barden minutes, so they're certainly pressure on them. but as i said, i think there's also a lot of pressure on israel, both from the united states, from the international community and also as you, as you've been reporting from this really hot populace as well. i mean, it seems the nino has been resistant to that pressure, especially from the united states since the loop again. i mean, what do you think is going to change?
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we'll get, get him in the war cabinet across the line and, and try to get a deal done here. well, the us really does hold all the cards. i don't like the reduction is divided, but the u. s. could pick up the phone and stop all of this effect if it wanted to. the reality is, i think the sab reality, from my perspective as an analyst, and also is an american, is that the us is, is on board with, with this operation for, for the most part. and that includes israel's and games in this, which i think are very clear from that from the get go that they want to ethnically cleanse draws or they're talking openly about establishing settlements, establishing a buffer zone. and initially i maintaining full security control over guys are all this, you know, these are published statements, public remarks that they're, that they're making. and so the united states is, is the party to watch the entity, to watch and all of this. okay, thank you so much. we really appreciate it. well, talk to you throughout the morning,
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hopefully on the dell necessary. thank you as well. the us and u. k. has conduct a joint is strikes against mold in a 1000 and who's the targets in human. washington says the strikes targeted underground with its facilities owned by the ripple group. there's been a recent increase in height. the attacks on commercial ships and the red sea and run on the calm has no joint mission to disrupt and degrees us and british forces. lots the latest round of air strikes, focusing on who the targets throughout human. they say around 18 targets across 8 locations in yemen were hit that how's the weapons missiles, an air defense systems? in a statement, the pentagon says the strikes are in response to who these continued attacks against commercial in naples vessels. that i've not only endangered international seafarers, but the lives of the many people. the statement goes on to say the who these have conducted more than $45.00 attacks on commercial naval vessels since mid november. and they constitute a threat to global economy,
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as well as regional security and stability and demand and international response. who the forces have taken a strong stance against the attacks, saying they won't back down so long as the warrant casa contains, in the many of the many armed forces along with old, great, many people will continue to carry out that religious, moral, and humanitarian duties towards the palestinian people that military operations will not stop unless the aggression stops and the siege on the palestinian people in the gaza strip is lifted august to after the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they would confront the american produce escalation with more military operations against old, hostile tockets in the red and arabs seats to defend the country. people on the nation. targeted attacks and the red sea by who the rebels have disrupted global trade on a mass scale. anything from the fashion industry to the auto trade has been impacted
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. but as the cruelties the u. k and the u. s. continued their military confrontations, escalation is becoming a real threat with diplomacy being pushed further away and the war and gaza expanding beyond dispatch out border. run off on l just here the, let's get some other world news now informing us president donald trump has one of the licensed republican prime repeating nikki, highly in her home state of south carolina. and this is the 5th contest he has won, bringing him closer to the presidential nomination. she advertise the report from charleston, south carolina. it had been widely projected for some time, the former south carolina government, nikki haley would lose the republican primary in a home state. but haley is keeping to her pledge to go on until super tuesday when march the 5th when 15 states and one territory. well,
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like i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my worst reason. she can say that is money even though she has the prospect of winning any of the future races. deep pockets and donors are still prefer to bank or less either because of their on typically the double trump or to keep the running in case trumps legal troubles means he has to drop out. i'm not giving up despite when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe by they have the right to a real choice. not a soviet style election with only one candidate, the becoming the know many remains a long shot and trumps. and they just actually has settled the domination price as,
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as far as the former president is concerned. we're going to be up here on november 5th, and we're going to look at joe biden anyway, and i loved him right in the he's destroying our country and we're going to say, joe, you're fired, get out, get out, joe, you're fired. even versus a more affluent. so both of charleston, south carolina who expressed a phone, this lady told us they were voting for donald trump and it was time for her to drop out. i like her, but i don't think she's to compete with donald. i like taking kelly as well, you know, just thinks it's a tough clock in the kitchen. so i think that donald trump is going to have a better opportunity to take out the current administration. the trump campaign says from now on it's not even going to mention nicky hayley's name instead that will concentrate fully on the presidential election against joe biden. she ever time c l g 0, charleston, south carolina. donald trump says the victory against you abide and in the november election will be
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a liberation day for the united states. he was speaking on the final tire of the conservative political action conference. one of the most influential annual events for the republican policy at trump forms that another 4 years of by then in the white house would damage the country. ellen fisher has more from that conference in maryland. this was unusual performance by donald trump. he started off in for the 1st 40 minutes. essentially, that was the case of why he should become president sing. the joe biden was doing a terrible job in the oval office that there were so many issues with border with crime, with the economy of the said if he wins the republican nomination, which he expects that november, the 5th would be delivery shindig for ordinary americans. will deliver a reckoning like they haven't even imagined before. we're going to straighten out our country. we're going to bring our country back for hardworking americans.
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november 5th will be our new liberation day. but where the liars are cheaters and broad servers and sensors and the pastors who have comedies are government, it will be their judgment day. donald trump insisted if he was still in the oval office there would it be no russian invasion of ukraine. hum us would not have attacked israel, and he said it was time for the american people to get rid of joe, by a vote for trump is your ticket back to freedom? it's your passport, out of tyranny, and it's your only escape from joe biden. and his games fast track to hell, and in many ways we are living in hell right now because the fact is, joe biden is a threat to democracy. don't know. tom spoke with the confidence of, of mine who knows. he's almost certainly going to land the republican presidential nomination that will set up
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a rerun of the 2020 election. and this time donald trump is running on jo biden's record. but those 2 are still undecided. those 3 voters, we want to hear a bit more about what he's going to do, rather than just suggest everything is awful and only he can fix it all in for sure . i'll just see you at the c pack conference in middle, and so, so a hit here on al jazeera, protesting in the philippines demonstrated his demand. the president sticks to his 10 minutes in the presidential election and synagogues should have been under way. right now we'll hear the arguments of one utilize has not been sent to us. the this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of power? no. understanding the reality. reporting from the action. the hospital with fearless gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been back to h as an in depth coverage, tying on stakes. it's future on fossil fuels, know renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story.
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news the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of how top stories, the ssl is a 2 months old baby has died of starvation in northern gauze tele city insight as roles, full stuff ation is rapidly worsening. agency site is randy attacks that preventing them from delivering food to lead time and this is riley police have find a water cannon to disclose anti government protest isn't tell a favor they demanded the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and early elections and american and british rule clients have carried out another joint commission in human targeting, suspect introduce the width ends of the who's the site. they will continue to target shipping off the coast until israel in its own garza london based hello. send me an office does about to exhibit what she calls the most
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important work of her career laughlin, who comes from kansas has her painting cold last breath depicts as well as war on the strip. his, his story and her on with my name is malick, montana on the policy and artist and ortho, originally from the cause of the trip. i'm based in london and i'm working on the biggest painting in my career, documenting many elements of vision assigned to him because i go up as a refusing but because i was and has always been my home because it said the city that i know the most and it's the most beautiful setting and it's, we're making or makes the most sense. we had a really rich culture of life, but it was absolutely disturbed by the mortality from vitamins and the hard to reality of living in a prison. so for me, art came with a sense of urgency that i want to say something. i grew up with this spirit and i
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want it to show it to the world. that we have a big sense of resilience, of resistance, of loving life and wanting to make something out. nothing. it was my own way of, of recording as a witness. as a, as a teenager, as a young adult, witnessing and recording the personality of ok, patient. my boy, you know, started to become about lots of information about palestinian culture. about olive harvesting about childhood yesterday. we are very colorful but they were not too happy. but now i, it's not like i woke up and i decided i'm not going to use color. and i simply looked at all the colors and they only sell black because it's reality. and because of this time is to behind, it's to brutal my immediate family. they are all in casa, and it's so hard to be in touch with them for the entire month of october and
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timeline this november. i couldn't even hold a press or a pencil. it was a complete state of funding list, but now i know whether i like it or not. it's my duty and it's my responsibility to do and not only for any audience, it's for us, the palestinian generation, for us to never forget. for me, i'm trying to to, to make a photos on the most important elements of this photos and a site against my own people and against my own history. the furthest is really in the philippine capital been to let accusing president fitting and michael st. junior of trying to extend his 10 limits, critics accused ma costs of intending to bring changes to the constitution, which could alter the structure of the governments. the relatives comprehended
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anniversary commemorations of the 1986 revolution. the top of the president's father po for more on this bound to be low joins us from manila now and probably be can you just explain why this is such strong opposition to changing the philippine constitution? and the significance of holding this really today will tell him you have to understand 1st that the present constitution, the constitution of the philippines in its current form was drafted and approved in 1987. that was one year after the sol poles, people power revolution, peaceful mass protests that ended the 20 year roll a former president for david mark, a senior submission to bother of the current president, president for david marcus junior. and it happened along the highway right behind me, and you can see there's a been crowd of pull testers now. but you might be seeing pictures now, posters, which by my child,
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our number in about thousands of 2000 marching towards to this area. so in a little while, we will see a thicker crowd, the protesters right behind me. now one of the main provisions of this constitution, a submission is the term limits for the price of it 6 years, no re election, just one term had. this is to prevent anyone from holding onto power too long. now proponents of charter chain say they do not find to teacher based on this provision . they only want to change that you cannot just cannot make provisions which they say are too restrictive. are not, are preventing the attraction of foreign investments into the philippines, but pull testers say they do not trust president markers to not think that with the political provisions of the constitution. they say that his father changed the constitution. and that's why he was able to rule the country for 20 years. in short, if they do not trust the marcus family,
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tom and the full the prison. so the 2 tires reportedly attending a premier rally today, also to oppose these potentially changes. how do you think he can swipe public opinion when it comes to this will surely a former president would be good to thursday is still very popular. in fact, in recent polls for the mid term election next year, he is pulling number one in the senatorial race, although he has not declared his candidacy. but on the other hand, a recent survey just last month showed that 21 percent of filipinos think that any change to the constitution is urgent. filipinos are divided over whether they want the constitution changed or not, specifically the economic provisions, but whether it's urgent, it's clear. most filipinos for don't want to change right now. most people, people think that there are more pressing problems. and the suggestion of president
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a former president would be good to try to do is to actually separate mindanao, the southern philippines from the rest of the philippines. and a lot of experts say that this is not possible at this point. it is not supported as well by people in the mean to now and another thing president the 3rd damsel more or 40, they say, because president detect that when he was president, wanted to change the constitution one to, to change the form of government to a federal one tom okay, thank you for breaking that down for us is bound to be low for us in manila, the hospital patients in south korea. so you dont being denied treatment because of the 5 day strike by june your doctors and then mess full count has caused a 50 percent cost on hospital capacity in some areas. the strong cause of government plans to sold the doctor shortage by increasing the number of admissions medical schools. the junior doctors argue that raising the course will compromise
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the quality of care provided to patients for eunice kim is in the capital, solve for us for more on this. and i'm just going to just tell us about this, the disruption that this is causing on the right. we'll get to that in a moment. but i want to just tell you where we are. we are across the street from the presidential office. this is where an estimate of several 100 doctor is representatives of the korean medical association will be arriving in a continuation of a days long protest of push. pushing back against that government plan that you noted to raise the number of doctors by 10000 by the year 2035. now members are saying that the government needs to make structural changes instead of adding more doctors say that there is no doctor shortage, but rather they need to incentivize adopters in areas that are less popular, such as pediatrics or a,
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provide legal protection in order to address the shortage in and doctors in the central medicine, it's also calling on the inside your government to better reflect its input. now it has been 6 days since some 7800 resident doctors and insurance walked off the job. and since then, the government officials, as well as medical personnel at hospitals across the country have been working around the clock for days trying to keep the government to the countries medical assistance from breaking point. and we are hearing about your patients uh, not being able to receive treatment as a reading from hospital to hospital and also surgeries, we cancel indefinitely. and while there have been no desk directly connected to this doctor,
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walk out currently at the residence that the senior doctor left at the hospital who are basically maintaining operations are threatening to join the walk out is there is no off from so that the government can provide you with, what does the government trying to do with it this, this price is not just the strike uh that's going on at the moment, but also the underlying issues that have cost it in the 1st place. right. so the government is basically putting up a hard upfront, it's a triggered and emergency status on friday, which was similar to what was in place during because at 1910 that made and it gives a prime minister power is to utilize various departments and resources, including the police and prosecutors to address the walk out. now state hospitals are running water hours and military hospitals also have an open for those patients
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who are not able to get a medical help. and this is the 4th a public class between doctors and the government. and with the since 2000 with the doctors having won the previous 3 struggles. so experts are saying that this has in bold in the doctors, and that is also why the government is putting it split down and saying no more. we will push forward with our plan to increase the number of doctors as needed. okay, thanks so much and as soon as can for us the in so low for more on this i, we're going to bring and dr. ellis, 10 who is also associates a physician at the miti hospital. thank you very much for joining us here on al jazeera. first of all, can you just give us a little bit of context here before we get into the, the ongoing impact uh, on the medical system at the moment. what has led up to this point? all right, so in south korea, we've been having
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a relative shortage of doctors in the rural and remark remote areas and also relative shortage of doctors in certain specialties including emergency medicine and pediatrics. some of these trends are due to this demographic trends that are occurring in other sectors of the population. so people are moving out of rural and remote areas and moving into the big cities, especially the sol capital region. also uh, south korea has the lowest fraternity rate of any country on the planet. people just are not having babies. and so you can imagine that the need for doctors who are providing ups tactic services or for pediatric care, doctors has shrunk in but what's happening is these relative shortages of course, are not being addressed. i think properly by the government and representatives of the emergency room,
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doctors of groups and also pediatricians have been asking for years for us to stomach changes so that these specialties will not go into collapse in different regions. but unfortunately, these requests have not been heated, right before the lunar new year. the south korean government released a, a policy health caresoft reform policy that comprised of spore colors or packages. and they sought to address many of these, the stomach issues. the 1st part of the package was to increase the healthcare workforce. they didn't say exactly how much they were going to increase the workforce during this initial release. but a few days later, they came out with a number of 2000 and increasing the admission quota for medical schools by 2000 students, which is
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a 65 percent increase. and they announce that they would do this within one year. and it turns out that the green association of medical colleges, in previous negotiations that they had come up with a number of about 350 in terms of the increase in the number of students. and so this number of 2000 just seems a very difficult to understand. and also there's really not enough time or resources to get ready for such an increase in such a short period of time. so it's not, it's not forget to call. and also it's not we dealing with the problems that we have in our country. okay. what else need to be done to deal with the problems? i'm so tired of the package, the 4th pillar of the package had to do with uh reimbursements scheme. yeah. for certain specialties, especially odd stuff, tricks, and pediatrics. and so the government did understand and does understand that that
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there has to be suspend, make changes, but these changes were proposed for 2024 and there wasn't really much action. so there was just a proposal, but there wasn't action. it's just um the fact that the government decided to suddenly come up with a 2000 number for increasing the medical school admission quoted without really practically addressing the other issue. yes, is one of the reasons why there's been a loss of confidence and the doctors have decided to resign. okay, well, have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your time and inside that stuff to ellis 10 for us that and so the others has been 2 years since russia launched a full scale invasion to view crime president the modem is the landscape says this nation is determined to win the war from mcbride reports from, from
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a task in east and you crime. 2 years ago, keith, in darkness and done the siege, seemed on the verge of collapse. of russia had invaded incense by ukrainian attempts to forge close the ties, but the west of this secondary verse 3, your opinion and other worldly does well. welcome to the ukrainian capital by president for low demand zalinski, with his country on track towards membership of both the european union and nato. together, they visited custodial, apple. that was about as close as russian forces came to capturing key street pulled lots of novel of news. the world witnessed the most important thing here could so that evil can be defeated and russian evil isn't the exception. maybe a, although your at the in support is showing signs of strain. the e u has committed to a multi year multi $1000000000.00
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a program. we're here to tell you that europe will continue to stand at your side for as long as it takes, with more financial support, more immunization, more training for your troops, more ad defenses, and more investment in europe send you cranes defense industries. ukraine will soon be adding f, 16 fine to jets to it's also along with ever most sophisticated c drones that have been sinking russian warships. the 3rd, but fighting on the front lines were lanes at the stalemate. while moscow has been making games in the east and don't pass region that it's an russian act, separatist have been trying to seize since 2014, a crane in control, towns and cities and don't yet square on the front line of fighting. well, be full, the full scale invasion 2 years ago, but with recent russian by fulfilled success is better off fee is russia good? once again,
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renew it's long killed and vision of finally capturing the hold of this region using wire, which i worry a lot. but i don't have anywhere else to go. this is my home. that's life right now . we don't have any other choice anywhere and ukraine is dangerous. ukraine starts the 3rd year of this full scale will, knowing the will weariness, especially in the us, is likely to grow and increasingly aware of its human cost. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. cremmit tools, key crane of russian police have detained at least 4 people at a protest outside of the kremlin. and most of the wives of soldiers on the front line with demanding the return of their husbands. nearly a ship of oliver has more for most good. so despite the official reports of his people started sole support of legitimate peace and have diminished show for a showing you great, we can clearly see the growing discontent. here. several journalists, what is haines around today? near red square,
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where we keep prizes by ones and mothers of mobilized resolve is what's taking place. the women gather every saturday to lay flowers at the to all the unknown soldier near the pregnant and demands that that husbands and sons be allowed to return home. because they can't be on the front line and definitely as on the officials wanted them to. also search to people were detained around the russia, at raleigh's, in memory of the late opposition, asked to be some exceeding the bony, as well as that on table and onto draw fridays. despite brushes, reported advances in the front, many se that'd be facing is guessing go down in the trenches. the majority of the russian people keep pushing state t v and also show the russian army had to talk you praise. back in 2022 to a protects the civilians that from you played which according to the russian side, had been pounding the problems with in fonts. as soon as the startled the full scale ministry, confrontation, they've been way moved,
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that's millions of refugees and complete destruction of those territories. that for many off now probably is time to question the special mutual ration, whether it's an effective strategy to achieve rushes goals. you let's you pop out of the ultra 0 most go in synagogue arrival groups of demonstrators have shown this . suppose an opposition to president mickey, so he's called for national dialogue off the judges or the tunes is decision to postpone this sunday's presidential election. nicholas hawk reports from the call. i a match in our hearts. what sounds like a slogan to a political campaign is a rally in support of the presidents that cancelled this month. presidential election. critics say, mike, you sell, he's trying to cling to power, but he is calling for a national dialogue to choose and you election date and promises to leave office at the end of his mandate. he's a president with integrity, he's a president, that's respect that people. he's a president that sets to republican values,
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we say no to what feels like of beautification campaign. and yes to says sunday was supposed to be a day of voting instead. it's a day of protest. 16 candidates from the council, the presidential election, or say no to solve, call for national dialogue. instead they want to see a nationwide civil disobedience to save syndic all they say peaceful demonstrations . normally banned by authorities have been allowed. hundreds gathered saying they have been robbed of their vote. there is no need for dialogue. if we just want to vote lucky, sol does not have a monopoly on power. his time is that he needs to leave at the end of his time on the 2nd of april. but they are members of the opposition who disagree and want to restart the electoral process from the beginning with a new list of candidates free. so go the chance these demonstrators want to see the jail, the opposition figure, which meant sunk, a freed,
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before any dialogue with the president solves decision to delay the vote has divided the all position and painted his reputation. many of those that have come out to demonstrate in favor of president mike, you sell or not from the car, but the countryside in many of them are women. he has lifted the millions of people out of poverty during his time in office. but his economic record is now being overshadowed by this unprecedented political crisis. saul is extending the national dialogue, beale and politicians to include religious and civil society leaders, but many are refusing to take part in the talks. they see so as not the solution. but the problem to a crisis, they believe he has orchestrated nicholas hawk alex's era. the car fighting in the east of the democratic republic of congo is being blamed for the doubling of prizes of basic commodities as catherine. so it reports from going to the
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provincial capital of north kiva cross for the trade routes has been cut off. this is a main highway congress border with uganda. is an important street into go math for visual copy tool of norfolk people. but it's no longer possible to use it the on group entity 3 controlled months of the funding area. which ease of bread baskets. inc. business is increasingly difficult and dangerous. was the one we are under siege and gone. the only route is through rwanda. ok is blocked. to the farming area is controlled by m $23.00 other it's also not accessible. supplies on not getting to going model. that's why everything is expensive. allow me a couple of these green has just arrived from the countryside. she says farm was unload,
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calculating motto deadlines. because of the security situation in the time being the got a sense of 23 came 2 years ago. commodity prices have more than doubled. we have to use longer weeks transport prices have increased. we still have to pay government taxes. this is all passed onto residents who already don't have much time on wiring businesses quote. for this situation. let's just say it is here, save the overall cost. so it's become too high, therefore, to pay taxes imposed by different of boxes. and then they have to deal with the security challenges. so my end is out scott posts more than a median kimberly's who have been displaced by the fighting between the government forces and m. 23, a pretty big, many displaced people who've come to coleman. the governments north helping the city doesn't have the capacity to deal with such a huge influx of people. well now everyone who leased your says they're trying to
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do what they might see afloat. catherine, sorry, 0 boma democratic republic. all the bill in film festival has awarded its top products to a documentary about the return of lucid treasure from, from east to west africa. the french senegalese production called to him, explodes the legacy of european colonial lism. on the african coincidence, a documentary about the part of palestinians and the occupied with bank is also on it at the climax of the gym and festival. this means that will start for me as a, as a, as a, as i'm standing here today and receiving this award, this, which is really important because for the years i've been filming my community being raise and the story. then i have nothing else. then filming this process, the cameras, the only tools that i have in my hand to fit in this as well. the movie oppenheimer has one top all know is that the screen actors guild towards the hollywood ceremony is
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a big indicator of who will win an oscar next month. from reynolds reports from los angeles, the, the stars came out in full fashion re galia for the awards program. it's rare for actors to win an oscar without 1st being nominated for the screen actor's guild award. this huge sag awards were stream live in the united states on netflix with no access to the news media or non subscribers outside the country. that switch to streaming could be a template for other award shows, which you've seen rapidly diminishing audiences on broadcast tv. the award for best performance for a movie cast went to oppenheimer, one of the biggest hits of 2023 homeland hungry lily gladstone,
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one best female actor for her widely acclaimed role in killers of the flower moon. julian murphy, one best male actor for playing the brilliant but tormented businesses in oppenheimer. i had you guys step for babysitting duty this year. has you managed to divine joy randolph one best female actor in a supporting role for the whole rovers? and in another way, and for oppenheimer, robert downey junior, one best supporting actor for his role in that film. in the television categories, a double wind for the netflix series, b l, a. wong, one for best female actor. and steven you in one best male act. why there's that we want to ask, how long the test of succession on hbo invest ensemble in a drama series. and the cast of ethics is the bear one best ensemble in a comedy series. next up on the hollywood awards cavalcade the oscars. on march 10th. rob reynolds, l. g 0,
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los angeles. as well. that is all for may tell mccrae so this new sound is much more on our website. is there a dot com? i will be back in just a few moments with more oftentimes use to stay with us. the deals with the density of wildflowers in the history of chile. begin with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders isn't 5. peers wins this way. look like a very small flyer right now with this, is this a pine tree or what's left of it? and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree there, very deep. so when you put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again . they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places. this was no accident. the government appears to agree and bows to find and punish the
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culprits on counting the costs. nobody wants to make in the developed nation. how will that affect frustrated fall of japan as slipped into recession? can't we gain is ranking as the world's largest economy. foss, cocoa prices, the soaring and chocolate levels of the things that change. counting the cost on al jazeera record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points that have done that in the 1st of a 2 part investigation. 101 east meets the chinese, my friends. risk middle to the american dream on out to 0, getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often dangerous, but it's absolutely vital with the stories that they told us we pushed as far forward as we can to the front line. now, the smell of that is all of the power and a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we
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can to as many people as possible, no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as long as you say, we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the israel attacks the family home in northern garza, several palestinians have been killed the until mccrae. this is, they'll just say we're line from the hospital. so coming up the 2 month old baby is among the license, victims of as well as more wrong cause of the stuff to desktops and knowing only suffering with us. and for the school pines have pitts 50 paces following an attack


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