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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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was winning in dense investigation the get compelling insights into human folds and until the stories from asia around the pacific one. 0 $1.00 east on out to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm or kyle, this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the israel again to get residential areas in northern garza palestinians. sleep. but few places. a safe as ready will planes destroy heavy machinery, critical for rescue efforts,
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and causes by law here displaced again and again kind of civilian women share the pain and humiliation of being forced to escape as well as minute treat offensive and developing headlines. donald trump wins another republican primaries facing nikki haley and home state of south carolina. the it's 16 gmc, that's 6 pm in gaza. we begin this news out in the northern parts of the strip where it is rarely forces have attacked several neighborhoods coming at least time, the palestinians, maria firefighter's fault to put out flames after his res. try kit the house belonging to one family and bates law. him a number of people with trumps, under the russell of the fire is all over the place. as you can see, unfortunately, it's
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a pain sunlight here. another crime committed by these really occupational courses which bombarded our residential building for the cushion family base law. here in northern cause, a straight to destruction is everywhere and the civil defense units are trying to put out the fire protestant in red crescent society has transferred to in japan as it is to be alex the hospital in darrell bala, at least $86.00 palestinians were killed and a $131.00 injured in garza in the past 24 hours. and this was forced starvation of palestinians is lessening acutely malnourished infants arriving at medical facilities. a 2 month old baby who was suffering from severe malnutrition has died. 8 agencies struggling to get much needed food and supplies into the strip . alexander bies begins,
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i'll coverage over his brief life 2 month old mahmud for 2 knew nothing but suffering. he was born and died as israel bombs fell on gaza. day after day, his parents searched for milk and basic supplies. returning empty handed, an absolute desperation. she was finally rushed to the hospital. being but all we saw a woman carrying her baby screaming for help. her pound baby seemed to be taking his last breath. we rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering from acute malnutrition, for your medical stuff rushed him into. i see you. the baby has not been inside any milk for days. as baby milk is totally absent in gaza. despite their best efforts, move died of starvation. the un had been warning of tragedies like this since december. all 2300000 people in gaza are facing forced salmon. desperate palestinians are scavenging for rotten food. forced to eat leaves an even animal
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feed. the situation is catastrophic in the north. oh, my young man, now i shall take. we have no time, no flour, and we are very tired because of how i can go. i will dock some ice hot because a sigh of smoke a minute. we have become pale due to hung up and we can stand on our feet because of the tongue. i like a feed into the office. i've got to them that are the mothers health is worsening. nursing mothers are unable to complete the limitations here to the children affecting the health of the children. also eating food that lacks essential nutrients for that growth. agency say is really, bonds are still blocking them from reaching those dire need. un says and immediate humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to avoid standing in gaza. it's more in that in the coming weeks. at least 10000 children under the age of 5 will suffer life threatening malnutrition. and at this moment,
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hundreds of newborn babies are facing the very same tragic fate as my mood. alexandra buyers, alda 0, talk to him of skills that is an emergency medicine professor. with that he has experience in health care. in garza, he says the desks of infants from starvation are a direct consequence of his really restrictions on age and training strep a. this is not a tragedy. this is a man made meant to be starve ation. forced upon the people of god by these ran the occupation forces. and just a few days ago, the international nutrition cluster came with a report that he had alarming report on the situation regarding nutrition and gaza . and they conclude from their findings of this. i'm a licensed scientific on the license, there is a sharp increase in the drivers of mount electrician in gossip. and the drivers are food insecurity. lack of diversity of the diet,
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and decreasing in front of the young child feeding possibilities. and that adds to the lack of access to clean water for drinking. and how much do i collapsing health care system? these drivers all together are the cost is behind this depth of this baby, which is meant to be, i mean all the works of god where they have analyzed the nutritional situation they collect or i said as extremely great to go. so it goes up. what is needed? it's watered and it's food, and it's full available from the neighboring countries. but each route is stopping the entry of food and water to the people goes up, which is a huge work, right? okay, and the world just sit idle by and watch children dying from starvation with our capital as soon as live for us now. and rafa in southern garza and talk, we're getting reports of these really full fits,
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a briefly withdrawal and from nasa hospital. what more can you tell us about box of the yes, laura, the situation in fact to last hospital is really chaotic cause we have been seeing more distressing them disturbing videos. imagine from the hospital, off to the partial is where the withdrawal, the weapon, seeing how the situation is so catastrophic insight as these very minute treat times, had raised and ruined the majority of the vicinity of the hospital raising the places that were allocated for ambulances to be stationed alongside for different facilities that had been widely damaged and also the use ready military forces and nicer hospital managed to destroy the mass graves that presidents were forced to make to bury the dead to we're not be able to be get out or having an access out of the hospital to be buried didn't want to cause a cemeteries, and this is absolutely daunting situation that these body forces are not completely
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with the tro ink from the hospital, but they are carrying out a partial with the drug with returning back every now and then to the hospital and as of the same time, they are also deploying this knife is an old, the majority of buildings that are reviewing. i'm not certain medical facility and we have the hearing from sources on the ground that they are completely shocked by the scene that they have been coming across as they are going to the hospital. as in the past out, the some residents manage to evacuate, 5 palestinians being killed. bike is very funny, is from the percentage of the hospital or within the past hour. okay, that's the, that's the hospital in the calling us talk to us also about strikes that we've been seeing on the gaza strip in the past few hours that this afternoon of the it's, it's quite difficult that palestinians would really have a very peaceful nights because these very bottom and continues to rate and also to be widely carried south. of course the cause of strip and in the past i would have
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been seeing more concentration of farming on han you in a city where the east very forces that talked to the vicinity of and also hospital in the past few moments where a number of palestinians being reported to an injured, alongside that a western part of the city itself had been why the attacks where these but ought to reach you and it's not targeted above residential flats in how much residential neighborhoods as the palestinian where the credit society stuff had were forced to do with 10 injuries that had arrived to a medical point that had been established on the western coast a line of calling you to city. it's absolutely terrifying the situation of the north as well where the is very of forces continue to bound the know the right parts were at least the number of thomas city of being killed and injured and late just as strikes on the ship route, one neighborhood, and 2 is being aged, have being transported to our c 5 medical facility to receive them or the permits of medical care. the laura ok talk. i assume. where is the latest the across the
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gaza strip from rafa in southern garza, thanks very much talk. it is ready. will pains have also destroyed o heavy machinery and bait lie a local say, it is part of a lot to effort to impede rescue efforts. i'll do is on us, i'll sorry for reports from northern gone. so the whole and then afterwards, or this ecology ability to basically a, it has a we are now in debate to lock your municipality garage. here was a group of the municipality vehicles and machinery before being completely destroyed and the rate carried out by this really workplace. when i all the, the, what i left the little, i'll call it this really occupation forces are trying to obstruct the work of old municipalities. yeah. yeah. well, similar rates were carried out by these rarely planes on the vehicles and machinery of check raleigh mostly municipalities that is set up, but not a lot of this has added more to the misery of the palestinians here in the north carolina because of strep. this of, of basically, um,
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what the hell call there are no vehicles or full. those aren't available at all because to help the people who are refusing to remove debris, i tried to open a little of roads to facilitate the enrollment of citizens. if i to help again, also with these vehicles that machine or we used to work in the field of sanitation with them. yeah. the auto part of these vehicles were burnt and destroyed by these really all condition forces. you know, very systematic sage on the strip as your yvonne comma to the star ration is increasing, the, the suffering isn't worsening yet. it does. how is standing the most about these can not do anything to help the citizen. they have football games and it's a chevy, if you guys you know tremendously. it is a small cabinet as is expected to reconvene later on sunday, to discuss an offensive on rough evacuation of civilians will be on the agenda. the cabinet match on saturdays to discuss sending negotiates as the castle office ceased by tools. following
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a meeting in paris last week. the speak to hum to sell her. she's an occupied to east jerusalem for us, a honda. what are we expecting to come out of this latest will, competent meeting? we do know that these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is going to present himself and ministers with a plan that's a dual action plan. one for israel's ground invasion instead of law and 2 and evacuation plan for the nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who are seeking refuge in gaza. southern most city, that's something else that's going to be on the agenda is the potential captives deal. remember, there is and is really delegation that has been meeting with the negotiators, but these really prime minister has said himself that there is still no deal in psych meaning there is no confirmation, but a deal is actually imminent. additionally, when we're talking about alpha, the prime minister, while speaking to american media has said that if there is
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a deal, the ground invasion would be delayed. if there is not a deal, the ground invasion would happen sooner, but that no matter what the outcome would be around the deal, the israel's ground invasion instead of despite all of the international criticisms and condemnation was going to take place because he says that is the only way to achieve a total victory over him us. and if we look at the negotiations for a day, are we all hearing that these rates are going to be sending a delegation to go ha, of this coming week? we know anything about that location who might be in this we don't yet know the makeup of the delegation of these rarely as will be sending to don't have but we do know that the team that just returned from paris with what they're calling an outline for a framework including the head of israel's most on and the head of israel sion but these are the external and internal security agencies respectively. so they came
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back with what they say was something a little bit tangible and actually convened israel's war cabinet on saturday night on the phone to discuss these plans according to reports within his really media. we're looking at a timeline of a 6 week pause in the fighting around 40 is really captives to be released and hundreds of palestinian prisoners from is really jails also to be released. but there is still a lot of gaps to be filled there still a lot of sticking points like who these really captains will be to be released to the pals to new prisoners that would be released are. so there's still a lot of information that's up in the air, but again, there are no indications that a deal is in sight. and these really prime minister has said himself that even though these negotiations are ongoing, it's not an indicator that both sides are seemingly willing to give up more concessions. he says that how masses demands are inconceivable and that they need
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to take a step back on what they're demanding. but again, it's a little bit to to, to say if there is a deal just yet. okay. sounds good. various places that from occupied to easter was some things honda, which is around the world, adding the voices to cause for a safe spot in garza, in new york times the largest population of jews outside of israel, demonstrations demanding peace, have intensified and recent month christian salumi reports that they called their group of jewish boys for peace. the when president joe biden came to new york for a campaign fundraiser, members took to the streets to protest against israel's war on gaza. and the use of us tax dollars to fund it does is taken away in handcuffs as a jewish person. i want it perfectly clear to people. it's not home to support
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the young people there. that's not in our name. never again. 74 year old sam, co practice, grand parents and much of his extended family were killed in the holocaust. the october 7th attack was horrible. but this, this is not the answer. that is, the only solution is a political from citizens in the us capital to demonstrations in toronto and london. jewish groups are increasingly leading the cause for peace. we have rabbis and the movement. we also have people from across the entire spectrum. so everyone from kind of absolute site can a atheist to like very deeply religious. they've been overshadowed by more established pro israel groups like the ones behind this march, attended by many of us politicians in november. we put a new pool by the institute for social policy and understanding found 50 percent of
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american jews to support a ceasefire. new york is home to the largest population of jews outside of israel, and they belong to political force to be reckoned with, with their unconditional support for israel can be taken for granted by politicians after weekly demonstrations like this right. the group is not now gathered outside the new york office of the us senate majority leader, chuck schumer and sang a traditional song for peace. there are more of us than people realize young americans use, but also in more, in our countries, in general, are not buying into this framework. that picks policy news and is rarely use and hosting and, and choose against each other anymore. they hope to shine a light on the long standing oppression of palestinians and the financial support that is allowed to continue. kristin salumi alger 0 new york. he's really been a tree, has carried out rates in several cities across the occupied west bank. they included
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operations in jeanine, ramallah and obeyed you. net back to him. and novelist says, ready forces what seems storming the city using ahmed vehicles for you palestinian youth were arrested and calculate the world. gaza has the space to almost the entire population of the strip. some people have been forced to move multiple times . i was, is there a spoke to, to protestant in women who told us of this offering. i put in the id number the resume with today. hey, and we were at a school in the north and the is ready. tanks and photos has arrived. they took my husband, he had been approved night and then is ready jail for 7 years. he's sick and crippled and has won't diapers since he left the jail. this is very difficult. we suffer a lot. it's not fair to face the vision and the look of everything. a life is a complete misery. we are far behind the peace of civilization and we come to see if any progress, the suffering of the testing in people is unprecedented. we live in missouri and has been suffering since,
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but we've achieved nothing and my husband came home with that measure. i mean, i'm able to do anything unable to feed himself and i'm able to recognize his children. we live with no water, no food stays release one to kill us. i'm. we haven't any is that thing said the incentive. i am 73 years old and i've never been in such a miserable situation. i've seen so many wars, but this is the worst. i've never witnessed anything like the star vacation. we used to suffer a lot, but not like this. the last 4 to 5 years for posting and slipping, the worst in history. and this war comes on top of everything. we've never seen such humiliation to give us a kind of to not as a humiliation. what kind of kind of trainer or a kind of beans do for the family of 8 or 10 people? they'll be hungry all the time. that would be much better than living like this.
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the russian president, alexander nutrition kind of has announced he will run for president again. next. yeah. if you can get his ruled the country for 30 years, maybe announcement was costing his vote. impala entry and local elections. somebody's poll is the 1st and batteries. it's the toys 20 presidential election, which gave you a 6 time and office on but to mass protests of elections, all going ahead, despite calls for a boy called by the opposition and for the 1st time observed us from your organization for security and cooperation in europe. with not invited to monitor the poll. let's get more on this with the larry. kimberly ski, he's part of about the batteries, democratic forces. that's a coalition of policies that opposes the presidency of alexander lucas and coney joins us from both. so get to have you with us. first of all, tell us about these elections being held in batteries today over the last few days
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. and why you all position boy accosted it's and it's urging boots, has to do the same to thank you for having me today. uh, this is indeed an important day because this is actually the 1st electro campaign seems 2020 and for these 3 and coffee is cushion. ca leaves sofia because of his give legitimacy because the door, some people refused to accept him because they refused to turn the page as he insisted. and these 3 and a half years notice because leaves so much repressions, about 6 percent of the population were forced to leave the country because of the persecution because they were unable to, to enjoy any fundamental basic human rights and freedoms. and even this electro campaign was completely damaged by the absence of basic conditions for sides elections. there was no competition. there were no alternative candidates, nobody is to participate. and the independent media has completely been wiped out
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from the country. civil society also about 101500 civil society organizations could have been destroyed by the, by the resume, a little concerned. that's why it was impossible to say that there are even basic conditions on the ground. also given in, taken to encounter that about 1500 political prisoners, including all political leaders who were in doris at that moment a mount imprisoned with conditions as you describe them with all oppositional, the majority of the opposition in prison or in exile. what you make of the announcement bindix i get to run for re election next year. will anyone be able to stand against him? and this is no surprise that she wants to runs. uh, just a note that this is going to be, she's a 7th, and then she'll term at the bottom of the spot and which is already of normal uh
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for a democratic, more than states. and the, this, these terms of, he's a, she's running now, she's completed the image of the month. she's not accepted by people by the bill or some people, but also by the international communities. so he's sort of political space because, uh, maryland, significantly. and she can not accomplish much in steps what he's doing, and he's getting support from russia. but instead he says to support their adventures. the ministry and foreign policy objectives, specifically with talking about is equal aggression. lucas, i'm got, i guess, to bring in addition to providing materials, support the rest of minutes and forces against the graeme. she has also invited resubmitted to, to be in the was too expensive, the permanent nature presence. this also includes the deployment of nuclear weapons and which contradicts that was something that legation some their nonproliferation treaty on nuclear weapons. and so instead of would strengthen independence.
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although she has surrendered a lot of silver and to drescher, and she gets invited a lot of trouble the malware on the house and now we feel the threats to our own independence. and also i'm wondering how you feel about installation from the well stage minutes was the 1st time the the a c monitors were not invited to this poll. does it feel, is this, the wells isn't what pennies back on batteries? i would say the isolation is of the resume, a little concerned, but not the receive people since 2020. and so as long as you can always go who is the winner presumptive winner of those election? some 2020 has left as the democratic movement has advocated for support, although some efforts to restore democracy in the us and to have to protect the independence of those from advancements from better aggressive functions, style actions over on the russian federation. and so i cannot say that doris is isolated,
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i can say that the regime of will does not okay. is politically implemented to isolated, to expect her to see everything like from mass per test that we saw in 2020, in the run up old indeed following the next presidential election next year. that it is possible at the moment. so i can tell that a little concerned is beauty and had to put it there in the system in which any it descends any. and you went in this to express your political or civil views on the situation in the country. i met with the brutal, brutal repressions when people can, can be sent to prison for 56 years just for putting a light in facebook or any other social media. if people where the quote is in specific combination of colors, like for example, yellow and blue in support of you print that sent to prison for 5 to 6 years. so the situation though is that this society has been completely optimized by and by
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the repression subdivision. people are afraid, nothing in tax on over to nothing and to speak, but even to think about the something disloyal to the resume. because the resume is controlling everything, but at the same time i have to point out the visa support of russia is instrumental for the same, kept to uh, to maintain. she's presence in power without trasha support. she will be sing along long since long. okay. valerie, it covers k very good speak to thanks taking time. just joining us on out of there russia is being accused of a misaligned attack on a railway station in the east and that ukraine, the governor of the don't ask region since sunday's a tackle. so hit a church and all the buildings and comes down to needs come. but pride has more for me to be pro in east a new crime. the reports from ukraine's eastern front, seeming to indicate that the russians are trying to capitalize on the capture of the town of,
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of div costs pressing further into ukrainian territory with claims that the troops have now taken 2 more ukrainian villages. now this has been disputed by ukraine who says that soldiers are still fighting in that area, but it does seem as though a roster is making a concerted effort to pushed further into the you crazy and help parts of a don't yet regents. there's also been an ass strike on the train station in the town of constance and eco. now that is a strategically important crossroads. it's a gateway further into the ukranian held part of done yet. now this is old comes as we are here. we have one small claims that ukrainian force is all being hampered by a shortage of amunition in particular artillery shells. this has been echoed by real simple metal, the ukraine's defense minister. speaking of the form, saying that that had been delays in the delivery of, i'm a nation, and this is old,
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the more problematic, given the run pinned off by russia, he says, of the war effort and the voting board of the budget to the will says the situation is always dynamic. at the moment, commitment doesn't constitute delivery. 50 percent of commitments are not deliberate on time. so which means that in the mathematics or, or will look to the enemy, their economies almost to tree lane. so they use up to 15 percent official, an unofficial budget to the war, which constitutes over a $150000000000.00 us dollars. so annually it's officially. so basically whatever commit that, that doesn't come on time, will lose. people will lose territories to a more upbeat no. to matter off,
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also indicates is that ukraine's military has in place. he says, plans for 2024 to do what he calls the possible and to the impossible all lane trying to get the all important breakthrough, the ukraine, and it's western back as one to see happened in this war a. but that does seem all the more difficult to try to achieve. well, the $60000000000.00 in a promised aid from the united states remains held up in congress in washington public broad. i'll just say era didn't e pro ukraine said i had here on out there on demonstrations in the philippines, the month the president sticks to his term limits. and we look at why don't says in south korea or against a couple of tries to drastically increase medical school admissions, the frank assessments, he's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows
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about being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions we don't live in a postcolonial work we live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera. in october 2023, these raising ministry of intelligence proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people and power those into the history of spinning and displacement and explorers, whether tearing palestinians from because the occupied west bank is ready to transfer on and just in increasingly come likes world, it's paramount to be direct. these essential walter sheds,
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moments international law is vehicle b, this model until discussions the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one, out of here. the so what you're out is there, i have to remind you about top stories this hour. is where the forces have partially withdrawn from gauze as nasa hospital leaving the building and its
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facility and catastrophic conditions. according to al serra sol says select as a still positioned around the hospital as a trip storm. the medical complex last week, forcing thousands of palestinians sheltering the tough place. is there any forces of attack times in northern dogs are coming at least 10 palestinians to find fights as full to pronounce claims and by law. here some people attract unto the example. and a 2 month old baby has died of malnutrition in northern 1000 palestinians. a full starvation, fine as well as rough, but the best thing agencies say is ready attacks and preventing them from delivering food to alleviate families. jason lee is the occupied post to be in charge of country direct to would save the children. he says, humanitarian agencies based numerous difficulties in providing help to those in need. when you compelled melnik's, we should be out in the open with no shelter. 90 percent of children on the 5
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have an infectious disease that is called because the male nurse, there's no medical care the living in new york. but again, at what point does the international community intervene and it says that they put, implement but definitive as an immediate cease file. what marks this conflict, unlike any other conflict, is to complete disregard international document and share low as a normative frameworks that we book, in se metatags, this crisis civilians are not able to move wherever they need to define shelter. they have been moved around like pieces on the chessboard to filaments. 3 objectives, to management agencies are not allowed to bring in the quantities and the types of goods that we need to keep people alive. we're not allowed to bring in the people that we needed to cause a we do not have a set of access to all of cause of the conditions on the ground and goals that do not allow for humanitarians to operate. we don't have enough people. we don't have it on goods. we don't have access,
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it is impossible to actually mount any effective principles management action when the conditions do not allow for it. right now we are doing whatever we can, whatever supplies we can bring through rough crossing we are. we have trucks on the other side, we have trucks that stops within profit. so because of the insecurity, this happening and rough, now these desperate civilians, we need to bring in much more goods. again, he mentions a lot. we cannot keep the 2300000 people alive and 1500000 the i am rough uh, the civilians on this, but they have flipped the hopes. there's no access to food, to water, to medical care. and many of the living probably in new york because there is no shelter for the so this means that is not just the number of trucks coming through . we need to have the commercial set of coming back. if multiple, if it points into gaza, we have not able to get confused up to the north because we're not allowed to go to
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the north and the still hundreds of 1000 an estimate 222300000 siblings. we'd have trucks, north of one, cause that that requires assistance when the phone number of a trucks do enter golf and then multiply thousands of people desperately trying to get any food. they come and gone. so says he, people, capital and al rashid street waiting for trucks to arrive, carrying flowers and all the aid limited supplies, but do getting a nowhere near enough to meet the daily needs of the population. you and is wanting that the 4th starvation of palestinians is creating famine. some of the adult java is the u. n. well, food programs, director of emergencies. and then my colleagues, so how rahman asked him about the implications of the agency being forced to suspend a deliveries, tindles and gaza. we are very alarmed also on that decision to pause the assistance to the north one because there are many desperate civilians but the need for our support. but the reality on the ground is that we were able only to do little 6
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convoys since the beginning of the year to in, in, in february and, and did a very, very difficult success as directions that was the thing that people receiving the 8 address. so we have to take that very tough decision for us and for the people to protect them. but we are looking for every way to divert that decision and continued assistance in a way that protects their lives. so it's 6 con voice, each can void of 10 trucks, but i think you've touched on the very important point. the delays of the check points are making it impossible for us to reach a deeper into the northern, the guys or where there are lots of people that are in need of the assistance. and that has been looking at our con boys and, but also the people uh, address and, and that's why we've been actually negotiating with the whole part is to make sure that they make it is the, the access for us to stay for. it says as one of our requirements to continue assistance in the north and that that can only be guaranteed if there is
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a speed the process for an hour convoys to move into the north. can you give us an idea or all the bulk lack of a on the egyptian side of the border as such, trying to get into gauze? i mean what is waiting that to get in to gaza. we have enough fluids across the borders, even from jordan and egypt, and to be able to support 2200000 people i think on we are asking for. and i think if like you mentioned earlier, the ceasefire materializes, we need to make sure that we have the right access into guys, up from different crossings that we can actually reach the people, whether they're in the north or the south with the central areas. and the reports that you were showing earlier is, is that showing the amount of desperation that we are voicing as well. and that's why we need to make sure that we have reaching people and making sure that with it wherever the crossing is, that is open. we actually utilizing in a safe way for the people,
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but also for the at on stuff to some civil servants in the us and europe. but taking a stand against the government support for israel's will and gone to several have resigned because they no longer feel able to implement government policies. they disagreed with one talk to matt told us why she made that decision a my name is on clinic. i though, i'm a former that states and that's most of us. i worked at r mc miscoded as a deputy investor, and at our middle east desk here in a given the ducks policy. with regard to casa, i could no longer be part of the organization. that's because it was no longer in line with my both my professional and personal integrity to continue working there . i've also looked into resignation that i wrote about and you know, moral standing that we had lost devon's for, for example, has refused to define what's going on as for crimes or potential war crimes. a
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we have it states twice in the you, in general assembly where it comes to the filtering for a cease fire maybe or here in the, hey, capital of peace and justice. and you know, all of that has, has, you know, our credibility has v, a silver is an extreme blow. and i try to have a conversation with the minister and, and give a warning. and it was not just me, you know, stepping forward with concerns. but many people within the organization, civil service from the ministry of, for an for an affairs decided to have a sitting every week for thursday, from 12 to 1240 june to lunch break. and to, to make clear that that day still appealing for cease fire. it does take some coverage to, to go and sit there and be part of this last week we had an, an joint statement that the, that we brought out. it's brought forth with our american colleagues from the state department to european colleagues. it has never happened before the civil surface
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across the atlantic unites and, and keep this kind of reflection back to their respective governments. so there was, this is rebecca that publish this article this week, stating that he didn't really totally agree with, you know, our, our action in content wise. but the thing was really have because of the fact that there was simple surface that had the courage to, you know, a complex governance. and he made a reference to 4045 in which a civil servants generally in this country, loyally implemented policy, resulting in, in the middle us being the country where most jews were for a deport. it's who is the force of say they fired at us oil tanker and the red sea and target to of us war ships with on to trains. it tactfully joint, british and us strikes on the talk is in yemen. the on group has been attacking shipping in the region since november, and one of the convent thoughts
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a joint mission to disrupt and degrees us and british forces lots the latest round of air strikes, focusing on who the targets throughout yemen. they say around 18 targets across 8 locations in yemen were hit that how's the weapons this house an air defense systems? in a statement, the pentagon says the strikes are in response to who these continued attacks against commercial, unable vessels that have not only endangered international seafarers. but the lives of the many people, the statement goes on to say the cruelties have conducted more than 45 attacks on commercial naval vessels since mid november. and they constitute a threat to global economy, as well as regional security and stability, and demand and international response. who the forces have taken a strong stance against the attacks, saying they won't back down so long as the warrant casa continues. in the many of the many armed forces along with all the great, you know, many people will continue to carry out their religious, moral,
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and humanitarian duties towards the palestinian people. and their military operations will not stop unless the aggression stops in the siege on the palestinian people in the gaza strip is lifted. not from the yeah, the naval forces of the many armed forces with the help of god almighty carried out a qualitative military operation. in which they targeted an american oil ship or store in the gulf of a dog with a number of appropriate naval missiles. while the air force targeted a number of american warships in the red sea with a number of dro targeted attacks and the red sea by who the rebels have disrupted global trade on a mass scale. anything from the fashion industry to the auto trade has been impacted. and so that's the who sees the u. k. and the u. s. continued their military confrontations. escalation is becoming
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a real threat with diplomacy being pushed further away. and the war and gothic sandy beyond dispatch alporter ronald han alex's here. the performing us president donald trump has won the latest republican primary beating nikki haley and how him state of south carolina. the contest is the best, but he's one. bringing him closer to the presidential nomination. about haley says she will stay in the race shepherd, tennessee. the posts from charleston and south carolina. it had been widely projected for some time, the former south carolina government, nikki haley, would lose the republican primary states. but haley is keeping to her pledge to go on until super tuesday on march the 5th when 15 states and one territory. well, like i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina,
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i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my work. the reason she can say that is money, even though she has the prospect of winning any of the future races. deep pockets of the donors are still preferred to bank or less either because of their on typically the double trump will to keep the running in case trumps legal troubles means he has to drop out. i'm not giving up despite when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe by they have the right to a real choice. not a soviet style election with only one candidate the for the coming the know many remains a long shot and trumps. like this victory has such a little bit on the nation price as, as far as the former president is concerned, we're going to be up here on november 5th, and we're going to look at joe biden anyway,
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and i left him right in the he's destroying our country and we're going to say joe year, fire, get out, get out, show your side or even this is more affluent. so both of charleston, south carolina who expressed a folding, this lady told us they were voting for donald trump, and it was time for her to drop out. i like her, but i don't think she's to compete with donald. i like taking kelly as well. you know, just thinks it's a tough clock. yeah. so i think the donald trump's gonna have a better opportunity to take out the current administration. the trump campaign says from now on it's not even going to mention nicky hayley's name instead that will concentrate fully on the presidential election against joe. but she ever time c l g 0. charleston, south carolina 1st says have rallied in the philippine capital of manila, choosing present 59, marcos junior. i'm trying to extend a limit on his time in office for 6
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a. he intends to make changes to the constitution that could alter the structure of the government. riley's come on the anniversary of the 1986 revolution. the toppled marks his father found to be the report from the demonstrations in manila of the 1986 people. our resolution, which happened today 38 years ago. i mean, just to take this serious behind me, but there are thousands that has failed to stretch on the highway and they're testing against airports administration to change the presentations that we try to understand is that one main provision of the constitution is to limit the president know re election once her interest, 6 years in the business to prevent anyone from holding onto our to the the father
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of the current president. he wasn't power for 20 years. now components of targeting say, they did not intend to take her with this. the position was to change the constitution, which they say had been very restricted in through ownership of certain sectors of the economy, which is true. they say at tender board direct investments. but these protesters legal trust. these lawmakers, the house of representatives headed by the president of president for the benchmark this junior. they say that they, they are able to deem and change the constitution. they can take care of with it any way they want. and they don't trust any markers to take or with the constitution. do you need adults as in south korea? wilkes off the job to protest against the plan to increase the number of medical school admissions. the government says the change is needed to solve a shortage and don't says but medic say the comp that will compromise the quality of cat units,
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kim reports from the capital. so the doctor is from across the country march to the presidential office. and so they're determined to stop government plans for 2000 additional medical school entries next year to meet the needs of the aging population. the confrontation has left people urgently searching for doctors. as short staff, large hospitals refused to accept new patients. the government is increasing pressure on the 8000 young doctors who walked out last week. they've been warrant that they could lose their medical licenses if they don't return to work. and unlike the previous 3 doctors protests since 2001, they won concessions. there will be no forgiveness this time we booked them, hang boy, and we will thoroughly investigate and correct them most only medical professionals who participate in legal connect device. but also those who manipulate the on the card, subtracts from behind the scenes leaders of the medics. main lobby group say they've been threatened with arrest. so go mommy,
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we've had all of the gulf. we'll put along the distresses me. settings may and makes me anxious. but if the south korean medical community is forced to succumb to even greater threats on these than i do not consider us to be medical professionals without one. while the 2 sides remain far apart on how to to see what they do agree on is the lack of doctors essential medicine. the korean medical association is saying the fastest way to solve the crisis is to tackle the disparity pay and to provide incentives for doctors to move to less desirable areas outside of the capital. the shortage of doctors is especially acute in pediatrics and obstetrics. many have left the disciplines to work and more lucrative specialties in rural communities, such as keys on the lack of access to essential medical care is particularly dire. analyst are skeptical that offering more competitive salaries will and ties doctors
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to move from cities or the touching at once a certain level of income is really to people my thing. yeah. no, not at this level of salary. i'd rather live in the city to enjoy. i'm a customer on life and support my children's education. the doctor's association plans a larger rally and a week's time. and there is little sign of a return to hospital wards anytime soon. you just skim all to 0 so so it has hit on how to sarah will say which film one top prize of the buttons film festival. and how is what about tricia looted from the unique perspective that plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. i tried to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations.
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you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out to 0. sun. russia is a fairly challenging place to work from as a journalist, even though the say you can't do it, it's not allowed. we are still pushing. we're always pushing a boundaries for we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story in the
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the, at least 4 people have died in the explosion of the fireworks factory in northern india. the blast was in caution. the, in the state of which i protest similar explosions, recently have been blamed on pull safety practices and blacks government inspections. the movie oppenheimer has won 3 prizes at the screen actors guild awards at the trial of robert oppenheimer, who helped build the 1st atomic bomb. when the award for best movie cost gillian murphy won, best actor with costar robots down the junior best supporting acts up the button film festival has avoided its top price to adopt commentary about the return of new treasure from phones to west africa. adult commentary about the plight of palestinians and the occupied westbank was also on the when it came reports from the german capital,
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a golden there. so the best soon goes to the movie the whole, me by massey. it's a film which documents the strong, the, to attend the been in brahms as to the rightful home in africa. fonts effects which would be pillaged by european colonizers as part of their oppression. of the peoples of western africa domains director told the audience in berlin. the restitution is about justice the 1st time i imagine what a restitution like like to might look like in reality. i 1st heard a sounds, a frequency, something trembling like earthquake. it was the sign of a wall collapsing. the wall of silence. i sent in the struggles of the palestinian people with a sense, a piece of another film on
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a vicious festival. no of a land highlights the plight of the residents of a particular village in the west bank. this is my suffering after what is really bulldozers can regularly be seen at work in the community destroying houses, and thereby displacing people who are left with nothing. the film, one best documentary in belin and was mostly put together by and is really under palestinian. i'm free to move where i want them to be slant muscle is like millions of foot of skinny and looked in the occupied, the west bank to the situation of a party between us, the seeing the quality it has to end. if it goes off, you're seeing the benefits nature, oppression of vulnerable young women in 20th century island was the focus of small things like these a movie which highlights the reality of one of the modeling loan drugs. places supposedly designed by the catholic church to can for what were called full in women with which the irish governments later described as
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a nation's shame. one of the film stalls was on it the best supporting performance . i can't stand here without talking of the thousands and thousands of young women whose lives were devastated by the collision between the catholic church and the states and on this festival is renowned for prioritizing part has failed and i'm stuck dimensions in honoring domain. this is jury has continued that trend. dominic came alger 0, bullying alons in bass palace. any of the office is about to exhibit what she calls the most important work of her career malleck. my son comes from gauze us as painting cold. last breath, the picks as well as will on the strip. here's a story. my name is malick lots that are on the policy and an artist and author originally from the gaza strip. i'm based in london and i'm working on the biggest painting in my career,
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documenting many elements of vision assignment. the costs are like go up as of refusing. but because i was and has always been my home because it said the city that i know the most. and it's the most beautiful setting and it's, we're making or makes the most sense. we haven't really rich culture of life, but that was absolutely disturbed by the mortality from vitamins and, and the hard to reality of living in a prison. so for me, i came with a sense of urgency that i want to say something. i grew up with this spirit and i want it to show it to the world that we have and fix and so resilience, of resistance, of loving life and wanting to make something out. nothing. it was my own way of recording as a witness. as a, as a teenager, as a young adult, witnessing and recording the brutality of ok, patient, my boy, you know,
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started to become about lots of information about kind of seen in culture about olive harvesting about childhood. yesterday we are very colorful, but they were not too happy, but now i, it's not like i woke up and i decided i'm not going to use color. and i simply looked at all the colors and they only so black because it's reality. and because this time is too high, and it's too brutal my immediate family, they are all in casa, and it's so hard to be in touch with them for the entire month of october and, and time, month of november. i couldn't even hold a press or a pencil. it was a complete state of funding list, but now i know whether i liked it or not. it's my duty a. and it's my responsibility to do, and not only for any audience, it's for us, the policy and generation for us to never forget. for me, i'm trying to to,
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to make a photos on the most important elements of this photos and a site against my own people and against my own history. and that's it for me, laura kyle, for this news. i will be back in just a moment though with most of the days these for you discussing the defining issues of our times, what military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a jersey, you know, and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on out just a wild
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animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade loses its survival skills. the tree discovering them is possible with the little house a park ranger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you're saying i want you to start with just the fence right as to what happened as independent. we want peace, we want the education my wants to freedom. we don't have to lead them in different countries in the policy of it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit. no $1000.00 service this claim and then you're saying
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you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust that unity. austin is 5 times the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just see her, the integrity in the seats of the israel again to get to residential areas in northern garza kind of city and sleep. but few places us safe the down or kyle. this is out, is there a live from doha. also coming up is where they will plains destroy heavy machinery


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