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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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too much as the community off to the side, the cool values to produce outstanding generally some elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the israel. again to get to residential areas in northern garza, out of city and sleep. but few places us safe, the down or kyle, this is out. is there a lie from doha. also coming up is where they will planes destroy heavy machinery critical to invest. few efforts in dollars by law here is ready for us as partially
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withdrawal from gauze as not so hospital leaving the building and it's facilitating catastrophic conditions. and ukraine's defense minister says cough and i promised west and that minute cheese support to ukraine, fails to arrive on time, ultimately costing the lives of song, which is the it's 17 g m t that 7 pm in gauze. we begin this all final in the northern parts of the strip or israeli forces have attacked several neighborhoods, killing at least 10 palestinians of firefighters full to push out flames. after his reading strike hit a house in the winds. billings, one family and bait left him a number of people with traps under the rustle or the places you can see. unfortunately it's
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a pain sunlight here. another crime committed by these really occupational courses which bombarded our residential building for the cushion family and faith law here in another and cause a straight to destruction is everywhere. and the civil defense units are trying to put out the fire. more policy and red crescent society has transferred to engine palestinians to be all likes the hospital and albano. at least 86 palestinians were killed and a 151 injured in garza in the past 24 hours. and as well as full salvation of palestinians is lessening acutely. malnourished infants are arriving of medical facilities. a 2 month old baby who was suffering from severe malnutrition has died . 8 agencies of struggling to get much need of food and supplies into the strip. alexandra buys, begins our coverage. over his brief life to month old mahmud, for, to knew nothing but suffering. he was born and died as is real. bonds fell on gaza
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. day after day, his parents searched for milk and basic supplies. returning empty handed, in absolute desperation, she was finally rushed to the hospital. being but all we saw a woman carrying her baby screaming for help. her pound baby seemed to be taking his last breath. we rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering from acute bound nutrition for your medical stuff rushed him into. i see you, the baby has not been inside any milk for days. as baby milk is totally absent and garza of despite their best efforts, mahmoud died of starvation. the d u. n had been warning of tragedies like this since december. all 2300000 people in gaza are facing forced salmon. desperate palestinians are scavenging for wanton food. forced to eat leaves an even animal feed. the situation is catastrophic in the north. oh,
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my young man now shall. we have no time, no flower, and we are very tired because of tongue go. i will dock some ice hut because a sigh of smoke. i don't mean that we have become pale due to her and god. and we can stand on our feet because of the tongue. i like a feed into the office. i've got to them that are the mother's health is worsening . nursing mothers are unable to complete the lung patients here to the children affecting the health of the children and also eating food that lacks essential nutrients for that growth. agency say is really, bonds are still blocking them from reaching those in dire need. un says and immediate humanitarian ceasefire is the only way to avoid standing in gaza. it's more in that in the coming weeks. at least 10000 children under the age of 5 will suffer life threatening mountain nutrition. and at this moment, hundreds of newborn babies are facing the very same tragic fate as my mood.
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alexandra buyers, alda 0. i will talk happen. assume is live for us now and rough uh, in the southern gauze. um 1st a tart is where the full says partially withdrawing from nasa hospital in con eunice just in the past hour or so. what more can you tell us about thoughts? yes, laura uh rooms um some of the ties that this is what these ready. um you had had left behind after that partial withdrawal from not submitting a facility as we've been seeing, in fact more distressing videos and damages from the medical facility, showing the level of disruption being inflected with different facilities of the hospital. so as it has become completely out of service due to the destruction 1st and also due to the great shortage of medical necessities that can no longer be afforded, i'm at the own getting deprived ational medical supplies deliveries to the medical
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facilities that and this is absolutely terrifying because we've been seeing that the majority of the out of the hospital being great by is very big doses and military tongues, different cause on computer. this is being banned and targeted inside the hospital . as from inside the departments of this hospital, they've been seeing the level of garbage and we also see which one with that being floating, the departments of the hospital. and this is absolutely gibbs cli indication about what was going on inside this hospital due to the fact that it's been had been carrying out a number of military activities inside the nasir medical facility. alongside that, at least 200 palestinians have been arrested as they were raging the departments of the, of the nasir hospital and the long side. that's a partial of the is very ongoing. judas only to admit it. to convey that this is obsolete to remind us with a situation that had been the existing of the majority of hospitals in the north of
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that is really withdrawal from such hospitals. the attack more strikes over the past few hours throughout the off to noon across the gauze that tell us about those so yes, we have been seeing more attacks in fact, lower in the past hour, where they use wiley, artillery units have been bonded massively. the eastern part of a rage and there is but i found them in central parts of gauze as we've been hearing back. also receiving initial reports that up please attend at palestinians being injured and killed in a gong as a city as boost people were waiting for humanitarian supplies to be delivered to the another at pots. and also we have been seeing more elimination to plus being fully of doing the eastern part to brooklyn district. that had been also a combined with some artillery bombardment for this part of the town. now this is absolutely terrifying, specifically that ruffle had been one of the main areas that had been under the is
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really focus within the past few days. and as the is body forces are also a saying that a minute truth ration in a real flat is not be typical. if it is going to be any excess or 80, or any kind of st agreements regarding a deal for releasing hostages. okay, tara, a couple of assume bringing salacious lines from rafa and southern golf. so thanks very much tired. it is where they will pains, levels are destroyed, or heavy machinery and base law, have local say, as part of a knowledge asset to impede rescue efforts, there was honest, i'll sorry, for quotes from northern gaza national. and if it was a dc college abilities to basically it has a we are now in debate like your municipality garage. here was a group of the municipality vehicles and machinery before being completely destroyed and the rate carried out by this really workplace. that when i all the, the, what i left the autopilot, this really occupation forces are trying to obstruct the work of old municipalities
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. yeah, yeah. well, similar rates were carried out by these rarely plains, on the vehicles and machinery of chip raleigh. mostly minnesota, with the tread itself, but not a lot of this has added more to the misery of the palestinians here in the north because of strep. me. so basically what the, how to cough there are no vehicles or full bills aren't available at all to help the people who are refusing to remove debris. i tried to open a little of roads to facilitate the enrollment of citizens. if i to help again, also with these vehicles that machinery used to work in the field of sanitation, virginia, the auto part of these vehicles were burnt and destroyed by these really occupation forces in a very systematic sense on the strip. as your yvonne alma starvation is increasing the, the suffering isn't worse and then get the palestinian most about these cannot do anything to help the citizen they have to pocket on us to show you. how does he at all tremendously to as well as will accomplish is expected to reconvene later on
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sunday, to discuss an offensive on rough uh, the evacuation of civilians will be on the agenda cabinet match on saturday to discuss sending negotiates has to cut off of the ceasefire tools for the amazing in paris last week. i'm to solve it, is an occupied east jerusalem home to what are we expecting of his latest will cabinet meeting. well there is going to be a lot on the agenda. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking to american media sunday morning saying that he is drawing up plans for israel's ground invasion instead of off. but at the same time, he's going to present his staff and ministers with plans on how to evacuate the nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who are seeking refuge, ended up on the topic of a deal. something else that will shortly be discussed among these roles, more cabinet. he says that they are not really near
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a deal. and while there are negotiating teams who are speaking with mediators, it's not an indicator that a deal is just within reach. yet. he said that the ground invasion into alpha should there be a deal, it would be delayed, but if there is no deal, it would happen. but that no matter what the outcome of a deal was the ground invasion instead of fi is imminent. and this comes despite a lot of american criticism, international condemnation, about just how many palestinians are seeking refuge there. some of them been forced to, we have been displaced from their homes multiple times throughout the last nearly 5 months now. so this is something that's going to be on the agenda, on israel's work cabinet tonight. and um, so if we look at negotiations for this deal, we're hearing is right. and these are going to be sending a delegation to doha. in the coming days this week. do we know anything about that delegation? who's likely to be in it?
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we don't know the exact makeup of these really delegation who set to meet with mediators in doha, but the delegation, who just came back from paris, did include the head of israel sion best that's the internal security agency and the head of israel's most saw. that's the external security services. this is also the same team that was dispatched to cairo a couple of weeks back. now this team of negotiators have reportedly come back from paris with some sort of framework or outline israel's national security advisor softly. and that'd be had said that it was definitely something tangible. busy that they had in their hands if they wanted to work cabinets it can be and saturday night via phone to talk about this framework and to vote on it moving forward. so this framework, according to reports within his really media is looking at a 6 week pause in the fighting around 40 is really captives to be released. and in exchange we would see hundreds of palestinian prisoners in is really jails to be released. but there is still a lot of sticking points. there's still
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a lot of gaps to be filled. who are the 40 is really captives going to be? who are the hundreds of palestinian prisoners to be released from is really jails. what kind of humanitarian aid is going to go into gaza? so all of these are still things that have to be drawn out between both sides. but again, we have no indication that a deal is immune. and even though these talks are ongoing, and these really is specifically the prime minister has said that himself. and how as how hoot in occupied easter eastern, thanks very much have to the jews around the world. adding their voices to the coals for a safe spot in garza and new york came to the largest population of jews outside of israel. demonstrations demanding peace, have intensified in recent months. christians telling me reports they called their group jewish boys for peace. the when president joe biden came to new york for a campaign fundraiser,
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members took to the streets to protest against israel's war on gaza. and the use of us tax dollars to fund it does is are taken away in handcuffs as a jewish person. i want it perfectly clear to people that not support the young people there. that's not in our name. never again. 74 year old sam co practice grand parents and much of this extended family were killed in the holocaust. the october 7th attack was horrible. but this, this is not the answer that the only solution is a political from citizens in the us capital to demonstrations in toronto and london. jewish groups are increasingly leading the costs for peace. we have rabbis in the movement. we also have people from across the entire spectrum, so everyone from kind of absolute so i cannot atheist to like very deeply religious
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. they've been overshadowed by more established pro israel groups like the ones behind this march attended by many us politicians in november. we put a new pool by the institute for social policy and understanding found 50 percent of american jews to support a cease fire. new york is home to the largest population of jews outside of israel, and they belong to political force to be reckoned with. what their unconditional support for is real can be taken for granted by politicians after weekly demonstrations like this when the group is not now gathered outside the new york office of the us senate majority leader, chuck schumer and saying a traditional song for peace. there are more of us then people realize young americans use, but also in more in or countries in general are not buying into this framework.
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that picks posted news and is rarely use and hosting ins and choose against each other anymore. they hope to shine a light on the long standing oppression of palestinians and the financial support that is allowed to continue. christian salumi alger 0 new york. is there any minute tre is carried out rates and several cities across the occupied westbank included operations in jeanine ramallah and evade? yeah, they're back to him and not, but as, as really forces for seemed storming the city using homage. vehicles, free policy menus were arrested and called kelly a so it has hair on alex's era, why don't fish and south korea are against government plans and drastic to increase medical school admissions. the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows
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not being to win the index sense, say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work and we live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, the colleges when the this is took took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties than just those use. it's like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin,
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green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties a newer the color. again you are watching. i'll just remind you of how top stories this hour is where the forces have partially withdrawn from guns as nasa hospital leaving the building and its facility and catastrophic conditions. according to al jazeera, so says life is a still positions around the hospital. is there any trips to the medical complex last week, posting thousands of kind of sent and showing that to fleet? is there any forces at the time times in northern gauze that getting at least 10
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palestinians firefighters full to prove out claims and faith law? here, a number of people, a trucks under the bumper, and a 2 month old baby has died from malnutrition in northern casa palestinians. safe for salvation by israel is rapidly wes. thing agencies say is where the attacks of preventing them from delivering food. $28.00 common credits, defense minister says hall of promised western ministry support to ukraine is failing to arrive on time complicating the task of minute 2 panels and ultimately costing the lives of soldiers. meanwhile, roster was being accused of a mis on attack or railway station in eastern ukraine. a government of the don't ask regents at some of these attack also hit a church and other buildings in the custom to move come, well, the bride has moved from to the play in east to new cranes. the reports from ukraine's eastern front, seeming to indicate that the russians are trying to capitalize on the capture of
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the town of, of div costs pressing further into ukrainian territory with claims that the troops have now taken 2 more ukrainian villages. now this has been disputed by ukraine who says that soldiers are still fighting in that area, but it does seem as though a roster is making a concerted effort to push. busy the into the you crazy and help parts of a don't yet regents. there's also been an ass strike on the train station in the town of constance and eco. now that is a strategically important crossroads. it's a gateway further into the ukranian held part of done yet. now this is old comes as we are here. we have one small claims that ukrainian force is all being hampered by a shortage of amunition in particular artillery shells. this has been echoed by real simple metal c, ukraine's defense minister. speaking of the full or am i saying that that have been
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delays in the delivery of i'm a nation, and this is old. the more problematic, given the ramping up by russia. he says, of the war effort, then the voting board of the budget to the war. susan situation is always dynamic. at the moment, commitment doesn't constitute delivery. 50 percent of commitments are not deliberate on time. so which means that in the mathematics or war will look to the enemy. so their economy is almost too trailing. they use up to 15 percent official, an unofficial budget to the war, which constitutes over a $150000000000.00 us dollars. so annually it's officially. so basically whatever commit that, that doesn't come on time will lose, people will lose territories. on a more upbeat no, to matter off,
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also indicated that ukraine's military has in place. he says, plans for 2024 to do what he calls the possible and the impossible, all lamed. trying to get the all important break through the ukraine and it's west and back as wants to see happen in this war a. but that does seem older, more difficult to try to achieve well, the $60000000000.00 in a promised aid from the united states remains held up in congress in washington public broad. i'll just say era, the pro ukraine, when you're creating president for him is the landscape has for the 1st time and move in a yes. given an update on the number of ukrainian soldiers killed in combat. threats, it's not the 31000 ukrainian troops have been killed and this was the gains if that's 1000 ukrainians, which lots of lots both. i cannot say how many wounded we have because russia will know how many people have left the battlefield. i just cannot say this because
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a russian president, alexander lucas franco has announced to one, again that the president, next gm, and exchange that his will of the country for 30 years made the announcement false costing his vice and parliamentary and local elections. some of these poll is a fuss and batteries since the 2020 presidential phase, which gave lucas shank a sick time and office. i'm led to mass protest elections a going ahead despite calls for a boy called by the opposition. and for the 1st time, the best when the organization for security and cooperation in europe were not invited to monitor the poll. just to show you some pictures now of large crowds gathering and sell paula for raleigh in support of the former president. present it and present chapel scenario. a police are investigating both in ari financially, posting it to, to move louis and i'll see a little it's a silver following the 2022 election of nice. but i'm from running for public office until 2030. and just as, as possible, confiscated,
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federal police revealed that he transferred $800000.00 to the us bank account before traveling to florida before the end of his presidential term. but these pets are sure. he still has considerable support in the country and austria national, held by the taliban in afghanistan for 9 months, has been freed. but fritz was trying to doha, following successful mediation by the state of castle, as opposed to the 84 year old, vist enough, got us done last year to prove it was safe on the telephone. the rule is released as the latest of the series of international media shouldn't f, as bike hassle, and you can release of captives and gone so of the days of moment of joy, the return of the rates. and at the same time, we're working very closely with the same contact on obtaining the release of an
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austin hostage, gaza from gaza as witness and austere noise to prison in the rock. big, big thank you to the state of costs to the adult says in south korea have moved to off the job to protest against the plan to increase the number of medical school admissions. the government says the changes needed to solve a shortage and don't, says medic say that will compromise the quality of care. eunice came reports from the capital. so dr. is from across the country march to the presidential office. and so they're determined to stop government plans for 2000 additional medical school entries next year to meet the needs of the aging population. the confrontation has left people urgently searching for doctors. as short staff, large hospitals refused to accept new patients. the government is increasing pressure on the 8000 young doctors who walked out last week. they've been warrant
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that they could lose their medical licenses if they don't return to work. and unlike the previous 3 doctors protests since 2001, they won concessions. there will be no forgiveness this time we booked them, hang boy, and we will thoroughly investigate and correct them most only medical professionals who participate in legal connect device, but also those who manipulate or encourage subtracts from behind the scenes leaders of the medics main lobby group say they've been threatened with arrest. so mommy, we've had all, i'm back up, we'll put and i'll get it distresses me, settings may and makes me anxious. but if the south korean medical community is forced to succumb to even greater threats and these, then i do not consider us to be medical professionals with a one. while the 2 sides remain far apart on how to to see what they do agree on is the lack of doctors essential medicine. the korean medical association is saying the fastest way to solve the crisis is to tackle the disparity pay and to provide
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incentives for doctors to move to less desirable areas outside of the capital. the shortage of doctors is especially acute in pediatrics and obstetrics. many have left the disciplines to work and more lucrative specialties in rural communities, such as case on the lack of access to essential medical care is particularly dire. analyst are skeptical that offering more competitive salaries will and ties doctors to move from cities or the parts you know, once a certain level of income to people my think. no, the physical of tennessee or the living, the city to injure him, a comfortable life and support my children's education. the doctors association plans, a larger rally and a week's time. and there is little sign of a return to hospital wards anytime soon. you just skim. oh, the 0, so i'm gonna be open to hi, i'm a has 13 prizes at the screen. actors guild awards bull trailer robot. oppenheimer who helped build the 1st atomic bomb when the award for best movie cost can be
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a murphy, one best axa. i'm gonna put down a junior best supporting access and that's it for me. laura kyle inside story is next asking is benjamin that's now who's government is creating a security vacuum in casa the brought to you by visit capital. hello, we should say the weather improving across parts of them at least over the next couple of days. because if ever the cloud here just rolling through and that will make its way up, the east was brought to us guys to come back in to hide for time. some of that winfrey weather will make its way over the mountains, the high ground into iran, particularly heavy snow, the into afghanistan, not looking too nice over the next day or so here. something positive around say,
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some heavier best of frame. what just the white further east with towards the pockets don see the wintry weather continuing across much of i'm going to style. nope. at the across the raping peninsula. i look further north find a try coast to use the side of the mediterranean. at least that is the case 3, monday. go to an area of light pressure which is just showing its way across greece through the a t and pushing into that eastern side of the key. i could see a few showers just around the occupied palestinian territories as we go through what use they pushing up to 11 on for a time. brought us guys by the end of the day heavy set that most price guys are going to be there across northern parts of egypt and the areas of libya are as well . but we have got increasing cloud and right in that system on the eastern side of that makes way for the next one coming into the western side, ultimate and that right. but we practically make his way to to miss. yeah. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on asking questions. were you ever warren's
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about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been back to h isn't in depth coverage, tying on stakes. it's future on fossil fuel. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story. palestinian police escorting a trucks and gaza or being regularly attacked by israel's military. and that's as tens of was of people are starving in the strip and civil order is breaking down. so is benjamin netanyahu? governments creating a security vacuum in laws us? and if so, why the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm getting you navigate to the biden administration.


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