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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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ever warrens about the health effects of power, no understanding the reality. reporting from the action. the hospital with phil this gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been back to h isn't in depth coverage, tying on stakes. it's future on fossil fuels, know renewable. i'll just use teams on the spring you closer to the heart of the story. palestinian police escorting a trucks and gaza are being regularly attacked by israel's military. and that's as tens of thousands of people are starving in the strip. and civil order is breaking down. so is benjamin netanyahu, governments creating a security vacuum in gauze us? and if so, why? the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm getting you navigate to the biden administration, says palestinian police trying to help deliver aid to gaza are being targeted by israel's military. and there were among others in positions of authority, light journalist, doctors, and ambulance workers who have all been repeatedly attacked along with civilians. and this comes on top of the destruction of infrastructure from the north to the south, including hospitals, schools, roads, communication networks, on the water system. as part of a deepening humanitarian catastrophe. as tens of thousands of people are starving and heavy fighting is continuing to take lives. so why is, is real systematically targeting all arms of palestinian authority and gaza? and what does this mean for the future and governance of the strip? we have plenty just to discuss with our guests, but 1st, this report us officials are urging israel to stop attacking palistine and
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police trying to ensure the safety of a trucks is really strikes on offices of hindered the delivery of essential supplies. and the us says that allow we on the groups to seize control in the strip, especially in the north. this has caused the number of a trucks venturing gaza to review significantly. it does lead to more palestinians being forced from their homes or shelters. and widespread station step by step is the same one with the situation is stuff rough and difficult anywhere in gaza strip the hotel. assuming people suffer too much, we all suffer. the world mocks us and gives us a kind of been the policy and people can't afford to buy anything one on the on costs 3 share because we have never seen that before. some families have been all killed in one goal and the names will never be there in the records. this is not
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fair. yeah, i'm really, i haven't even used that. i am 73 years old and i've never been in such a miserable situation. i've seen so many wars, but this is the worst. i've never witnessed anything like the star vacation. we used to suffer a lot, but not like this. on thursday is really aircraft bombed buildings belonging to palestine and police in the middle of a crowded market in the jump. leah refugee camp in the north. 2 us officials a see a place to live in police officers improper, have been killed in is really strikes in recent weeks by to infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, roads, underwater system have also been hit, worsening. the humanitarian crisis is really officials say they have drafted plans to enable ages to get into gaza, such as by cooperating with local groups the proposal from us. but it's unclear
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with these people results that include the opening of a new crossing in northern gaza will be implemented in the near future. and a new rule for the international community in the future. governance of the $2.00 to $3.00 is also uncertain. felix new era inside story. okay, let's bring in our panel of guests to unpack the situation which has crucial consequences for the people of gaza as well as global politics. joining us from london is chris dennis, who is a spokesman for warner. wandering previous is really a tax on the strip, and he's now the director of the me in more accountability project. in durham alone, they occupied westbank. when do you have buses or research or at the palestinian for him for is really studies his work focus is on colonial structures placed by israel on the occupied territories. and joining us from the hague assault on but a cost is a professor public policy, a time has been highly for university here in cuts are a gentleman. welcome to the program. thanks so much for your time. when need
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a note on the fi may start with you, is is, were israel deliberately targeting um, the aid workers, the, the police in the gaza strip as well as other people in positions of authority? yes, for school, intentionally is what it is targeting everything. i wanted to say that the day after planning to now introduce 2 days before includes what is a and doesn't want phone does and does not include what it wants. exactly. and therefore, if i mean, unlikely situation is what i do, let me just stop here right there for just a moment when the, because we're going to talk about the plan. that's nothing. yeah. what has submitted to a security cabinet when it comes to the day after? but 1st, let's just look at these attacks. why do you say that is real? is deliberately targeting these people. what, what do you based on?
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because this is what it wants to deprive. how mess from 3 things. 3 important things for 1st the administration of the certificate affairs, including of course, later on the education at the head. good. but currently that any type of administration insides guides us to. the 2nd thing is the construction process. and the 3rd thing is the human autonomy and it's and money. and by the way, this is why also owner what is targeting in a way or another. so it is showing like it having is what a disability and they eh, police my have mess eh, eh, go to the consulting, the aides coming inside because a is a, one of the talk is that is and have been like in the last 2 weeks is there and have reviews, decreased the number of fed trucks entering cuz that's very sharply and the one of the reasons is that the, there is no eh, also should have party inside goes to receive these aids and to distribute them. if
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we want to connect these to the current in negotiations in paris as well, and uses this as a strategic tool and to impose pressure on, on how mess, of course, because in this way, israel and it aimed at making the charts. and if i may say so between the is the, the guys and population and the government of how mass or how mass in general this charles would create like a human to turn it in crisis because nobody's governing administrating the population in gaza. and this is exactly what these are and wants to do it to, to, to, to, to increase it's the pressure of having us. okay. gotta thank you so much. wait for that analysis for the cris scanners and london. look, you were the spokes were spokesman for when it was a during previous is really attack. so you've seen what happens during israel's war as on gaza. have you seen this before and do you share what needs assessment?
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that these are in fact deliberate attacks by israel. yes and yes, i have seen these before and i absolutely do agree with what leads analysis is interesting though. the judge vitamin who gave the green lights to mister netanyahu for his want $82.00 completely destroyed, is not realizing what we will do in the 1st place, which is the ultimately from us will be necessary. and that's all the necessary initial time for the delivery of humanitarian aid, who must have more than just a vicious organization to feel disparities, which is how it school trade in the west to masses of political movements. and it's very clear that in order to deliver aden, schultz ton structures the social structures, the medical structures, the all the structures, the education stuff, to all takes the necessary in the short term in the medium to the, in the long term. when it comes to discussing the reconstruction of cost with the idea of the time i should be completely destroyed is absolutely. so these are
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ultimately what you're interested in is rebuilding goss. i'm preparing the people that have participation in a 2 state solution or whatever kind of state solution i think also interesting as well, but i'm giving a green light, but it's drawing a mass. you, americans are also given the green lights to destroy are now if you destroy the mass political structures as well as you might have to have an aide structure you left with pretty much nothing. so i think we fully to wake up, and i think the american administration is waking up the facts. this policy under warranting netanyahu's radius will be entirely so defeating the will, should go back and remember what it was doing. 820052006. at that time the model is the 10 across the business when we've been how much would be empowered to staff elections and guess what?
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they did stuff and elections the multitude how much did very well. but what did the world do led by his love left by the americans in the cool tests, which took, of course honors sort of the us political office and all of us and the russians of the europeans as possible to with them. they decided to isolate and effectively to destroy, right hub display before it leaves know where we need to give us a sense. give us a sense, chris, goodness of what this means for the risk for the civilian population in gaza. as a result of all of this, it's a very good question, the raise and the risk of immeasurable. here we have 2300000 people actually experiencing the big giving small so they should stop and she is a long term slow motion. masika be has started, so the un has already set the cd most amount of time and un, i said the full $100000.00 people are actually starving. know,
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so this policy is the last continued that's happening to mass destroying the age was destroyed, although the consequences will be uh, let me click on the history of this. we will judge these west to be the very hostile, which is why i say i'm really needs to be refunded immediately. destroying how much destroy number will lead to the test to be it will follow up on the west. gossip is being rather clyde garza is be going back to the stone age, the people that have suffered enough. it's time for a complete policy we think. but i hope the well with the, from the, by the ministrations in these latest comments is the beginning about policy. we think of certainly the realization allowing us in the office to present with this way of defeating how much is a solar eclipse? the road is itself facing it must be re full immediately because the people of garza has suffered enough. okay, let's bring. and so tom bought a car to, um,
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speaking of bite in chris carnis was just mentioning, if president biden assaults on. so his administration has reportedly asked israel to stop targeting members of the civilian police force who escort a trucks in gaza. and apparently warning that a total breakdown of law and order is significantly exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the enclave. it, what do you make of this, this response by the american administration? i mean, do they have to come out and say something at this point while at the same time continuing to arm the is really is how does this make sense that they've been coming out and saying all sorts of things over the last few weeks while continue each on days right, is, and fairly is, are of there's not to take as much of what they say into consideration the, the id i think that americans are putting forward is central. around that he went to the revitalized posting and authority. and they have now called the gain for the,
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for the to state as the ultimate solution for the conflict between is right on palestine. as did many nations. i think that's and you always mistaken to think that now he can dictate on the palestinians, under the rest of the world, what the future of guys that she would look like he has. it's a big miscalculation because of the mobilization that has happened and opinions and courts all over the world. the people i'm not, i've seen going to find it very difficult to accept what she's putting forward. his idea is to continue occupation, but without causing it to occupation without being accountable for it as an occupation is going forward as though continuing to have full security control not only in gaza, but also in the west bank. so he's reversing whatever small achievements haven't had been made. would they also that agreement? he's talking about for control from the river to the sea. and within that, he would like the policy is to go back to the tribal days where he would
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selectively appoint a civil leaders, the type of leaders who will then carry the a, the on behalf of the population, manage the daily efforts and so on. and that's just totally unrealistic. and in fact, it could backfire big way because the absence of order as was explained area by increasingly, is actually not the threat only for the policy is. but it's also that's right for the very security office, right. so the best way i think moving forward is, is we have that as well as round stuff to accept that the patient must come to an end. a 2 state solution is not, is not something that they can reject unilaterally. and they don't have the right to deprive the policy of self determination. if they don't want to talk to by, according to the international, then they have to step back and it's a bit and allow the international committee to take on this responsibility. and
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from that point, i think the international community has really run out of options, short of international protection, and given the number of people that have been killed, where i know i did was 30000 people directed to this with this war. international protection is the only way forward and it has to come under chapter 7, where ballasting is protected, not only and guys, but also in the west bank to allow them the space to come up with this revitalized government or stance at. and this will take time, it could be a 2 or 3 or 4 year a break, but it cannot be done under the administration or the 60 minute chat and the session of these very nice because as i have how strong long enough history of very aggressive occupation, which many nations, if you were following, i'm not speaking to you from the hague, have illustrate to that one after the other over the last few days in the hague. if you refer to the photography statement, for example, they have a very clearly pointed out. the nature of this expression is not. it's not an an
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ideal form of a provision that follows the low price of probation, the gentleman to the deep populate the area and push to buy this thing. and i don't see those out uh before. okay, i hear what you're saying about about the occupation because of course not in the context for, for everything that is happening here. but what need raise a point earlier on? and he said that for israel to destroy a sort of the, the civil society and civil administration and gaza, this is a strategic tool to pressure him us when it comes to any sort of negotiations taking place. and we know now there have been negotiations, of course, in paris we wait to hear what comes out of those. do you think that is real? first of all, do you agree with that statement? and do you think that israel is succeeding and pressure and how much and not weigh, i mean, what can they do more than killing? so 2000 people destroying the hold of guys up, i don't think it's about just pressuring. how mindful though,
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it may have some impact, it's really about making sure that the whole population is more by the one the policy used to be the mobile phone where they can be pushed anywhere at any time. they've pushed it from north to the middle. oh, gods didn't know to the south of guys are there talks about arrangements between that many egypt to temporarily push them into sign i and then a lot of them back after is right as secure the area. all the scenarios i think are the obvious, the, are legal and unrealistic. and if anything they're going to generate a creative generation that will be full of more hatred to israel. then the one that has just passed is around without changing fundamentally the way they address the other student in question. they can never have security and they must get that into their minds. no way for the 2500000 people to love days, right? it is and live with them and you know, as neighbors under that kind of circumstances, no one will do it. and we have seen much lesser so different intensity conflicts
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around the world. and they were not able to reverse the level of hatred of by some of the arriving so small amount of a to here in there. okay. uh, we need uh, we started out the, the, the show and you, you said that you wanted to address this uh, nothing. yeah. who's postwar garza applied now? part of the documents states that i'm quoting here, that local elements with management experience will be responsible for civilian management and public order and god. so right, this is what nothing yahoo is saying that he wants to do. and then we see this destruction of the civil society. and so what administration and gaza is there a link between the 2 and talk to us about about nathaniel who's part of what you make of it? a yes, of course. and if you allow me, i want to summarize a little bit. this distance back is 6 to 7. and i want to refer you to him, shlomo, because it which it, he was the 2nd governor of the colonial administration into westbrook,
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i guess us or he. but he put his book a tied to the car with the stick. and he sees that israel and a can only eh, preventive, but his name is from self determination only if is in an administrator or controlled or manage the palestinian population. if manages the popular state and population through an in direct colonial rule, whether it was like the villages leaks, they brought a student authority through international agreements or what, whether with the clouds or families inside government. this is the plan that, that has to occur above it. regardless, it is an indicted colonial rule in which colonial rule press the, which is the middleton. we call them say a leg by the is the only it can patient forces. it leads. this component is the cut off and the stick, which means that these part is which is what it wants to cooperate with. a oct
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abuto dude. a empowered, if they are the higher to is right and the security uh policy and it is where the agenda and they are punished and the violence could be used against it, the population. and this, the part is that controls or manage the students affairs inside guides or with back river. okay, and this is the color of the stick and we never saw a like a much more violent stick them. did you say that the was a witness to date? lots of if we talk about the, the oft or a guys that and the video mentioned what he doesn't want him, does that, but he never said what he really doing wanting does. and the reason is that he lived in these intentional, he wants to make it back home. no dare to re engineer eh, these colonial eh, administration of the guys a strip of cops present in the split between the guns and the west. back a discussion is
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a little bit different from discussing that could be so from the motion of the perspective, we, if we look at the colonial management of the student population, we see that within the hours that they after plan is part and parcel of a long duct tween started in 1967. okay, let's spring and chris gone us, chris b as really military when asked whether they were targeting police who are guarding aid convoys, had this response that is really forced. the said, we, the, the id f as operating to dismantle, have mass military capabilities, elements involved and military activity may be targeted. what do you make of that response? well, i'm living a cruise over this information, and frankly, the lines which the idea of puts out. so i could write my ph d thesis about this. those comments are simply not to be trusted. reality of the number of civilians, women and children who have been killed. the lie that frankly insulting statement the time of pickup on something, which still kind of thing was saying, right,
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right, yeah, and that's, that's about the right. so the occupying power to have a role in a say in the political discipline, say she comes next to circle day off to what we have right now, but still to lead you to is moving a closer. i'll see you in member states in the right now at the i c, j. austin determination. the both the patient is illegal to fall festival in the way supply be apologetic system, the restitution the children in the middle of the night the blockade of gauze with now this genocide. but also it's essentially to patient is illegal because it denies the palestinians, the right which for people's how to self determination. so you could probably in color to the tubman who in gaza besides phone self determination is cleared up. so that to you, i mean, although i think very valid point that so time makes it's about international protection. when you look at rough, uh, what is the 1.5 and growing number of people in the place which is intended to
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support life for cool to 1000000 people that's 6 times what, what is the community, the protection of those people on the hold of god that needs to be taken out of the hands of these res, i'm put on the international protections. now, what does that mean besides sleep? we need to possible president obama data onto the hazy this week and 2010 the science of executive order. and we days of the $20000.00 us service and civilian personnel on the ground that will will shift off the coast of hazy, bear with flippancy. hospitals the crop carriers with heavy talk tearing people. but since was, we need to establish 75000 latrice, you know, to a one. let's leave for 20 people. that's what we were taught plates. 1.5000000 people do the math, the 75000 between 10 people. you know how many times is that we need a huge mobilization of
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a global humanitarian probably met by america. um, but others need to join in and that needs to be mobilized immediately. so okay. apply to thousands of on 1500000 people does not deteriorate to the point where a catastrophe turns into in a pocket. okay, let's get salt on to elaborate on this points of international protections photon, how do you get there? and, you know, chris gun is the thing that you need america to kind of spearhead this. that's one would say highly unlikely isn't. that's as well at the moment is probably difficult, given the soonest h as in elections year. and that's something the company who understands very well, but i feel that the issue has not gone beyond the hands of the united states and even the permanent 5, although there is an attempt by the united kingdom and others to circumvent the discussion in the hague, to bring back the issue of the other sitting in the commission of palestine to the
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security council knowing 100 percent of just being there for 75 years and nothing happened. and the rest of the world is working up. and i think guys are coming so close to your grading on the contrast it has the developed when you compare the 2 cases has given the rest of the world, particularly the global side, with an incredible amount of energy to stand up to all sorts of injustices what we saw south africa doing in the hague is, is not to an area. it's not an easy task for a country that solves i forgot to take is of knowing exactly who's behind it, the to take them to court. but it has really started to work and i've, you know, the humanity of the majority of the population including large numbers of the populations within those, doing it in countries. so i wouldn't be really uh, surprised. i don't think we can really go back to the before 7 of october arrangement. that is right, is consumed. yeah. assume they will dictate on the rest of the, of what can happen. and particularly, i mean,
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if they mutual goods from their security perspective, not only is it good to present by the security of all of us from a wave that we dread to think about in terms of, of terrorism. what days, rabies have said through the, getting the right, just getting the policy is, they have said to you, i mean, you know, anger around a well, that can easily translate into a terrorist movements that will probably be much worse than we. so around the 911 and the years after. so it isn't that this of either one to start thinking collectively as to how to defuse the situation on humanitarian basis, but also to give it to bases and also, and on development of basis. you know, when we talked about critical, let me just jump as a pardon. i do apologize, but just for the sake of time or we just have one minute remaining and i see that when he wants to jump in there. what any final thoughts for you? yes, i want to say that regardless of our position from mass and i, i,
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everybody of the, for the soonest thing that it is the right to use the lucian and buyer. and it's, i guess, done, commission felt. but regardless of the position of i'm as it is, the ethically, the, the, the, the, the, the role of how mass to govern the guys this to in the day, often because she was, it was the government, a responsibility of the book of 2000 to 2500000 a by the seniors, and she holds all the boss and she holds old everything and goes. so it is part of destroying the, the, the big guys that population people want to move this administration like it's suddenly to any other party. right. it is also the of the, the, the, the are countries they are blue jeans, that solved and gaza to contribute once and forever is to end this a monetary in the am not in, in, in, because that's ok. thank you so much. we'll have to leave it there. thank you for joining us. thanks to all my guess. chris got us. what do you have best? and so tom better caught,
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thanks for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website . i was as a result. com for further discussion. you can go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story from the conversation on x as well or handle is a inside story from myself and the whole team here. and they'll have, thanks for watching. um bye bye for now. the this is the 1st genocide that we see in the there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. the listening post covers have in use is in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct action. what they're should move in international law is v b. this model and sort of discussions that come through the noise is real,
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operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that and the out of bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without using this medical facility in on demand incidents. capital have to them is a single room that provides health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapids support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound,
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or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many in the city. volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to bone level by the conflict. the the hello the norah kyle: this is the news our live from coming up. the next 60 minutes is ready for us as partially withdrawal from gauze as not so hospital leaving the building and its surroundings and catastrophic conditions. the israel again to get some residential areas in northern.


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