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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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or is it say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict the other the nora kyle: this is the news our live from doha. coming up, the next 60 minutes is already full, says partially withdrawal from gauze as now so hospital leaving the building and it surroundings and catastrophic conditions. the israel again to get some residential areas in northern gauze, upon a city and sleep. there are few paces that a se, ukraine in need of more weapons. the defense minister says home of the promise west
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and ministry support has not arrived on time. i monica not give and we're on not be in the the pony is in the center of some follow over those largest city were thousands of people have come to show their support to former president shy. you both. so now i'm pete stems with you. a sports, a little pool have just won the english league cup. it's a record extending time to time. make one the tournament will bring you the action from that one later. this lose our, the is a scene gmc, this 8 pm in gone. so we begin this news out in the southern parts of the strip is really forces have partially withdrawn from the hospital in con eunice, leaving the building and it's vis, tennessee, and catastrophic conditions. closing to algebra. sources snipers still positions
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around the hospital is really troops stormed the medical complex last week, forcing thousands of palestinians sheltering the to flee. meanwhile, is waiting. troops continued the offensive across the strip. at least 10 people were killed. inmate law here off to a strike case, a house belonging to one family, a number of people, a trapped under the rubble. the fire is all over the place, as you can see. unfortunately, it's a painful night here. another crime committed by these really occupation forces which bombarded our residential building for the cost cushion family base lock. yes, it did not. and gaza strip. the destruction is everywhere. and the civil defense units are trying to put out the fire. and as well as both salvation of palestinians is lessening acutely malnourished infants and binding medical facilities. henri phony paid lots of renew, says the last time the organization was able to deliver food to northern gaza. was
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on the 23rd of january. he says the you and schools to send aid of being denied target booth soon as live for us. now in rafa, southern gaza target stalled with national hospital. in con unit is where the forces are partially withdrawn from the what states that they left it and what, what can you tell us about the hospital? yes, laura to us. good. obviously clear how these ready on the i adopted a systematic policy of ruining hospitals in every single area that represents an area of operation for the military as a part of their own giving up military campaign. and we've been seeing like, a more distrusting images, being emerging from the north or hospital, whether it's very forces had through different departments of the hospital along side that the odds had beaten. so raised by these very build. those isn't is very minute treat times at the same time that they have been carrying out
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a wide admitted to a rest campaign. were police according to is really all me at 200 pounds things happen. a rest it taken on disclose location for investigation till now. it's not the what had been taken to you then, and the specific pots have gone up or to the is by the territories. by the same time we've been seeing new tax on the vicinity. within the past few hours, alongside that, the scituate since inside medically had been to your rating where the departments were rude. like that to the hospitals become totally out of service. were new medical supplies being allowed to get to the event and also medical facilities within the days of its minute treat cj. and its worth mentioning that, as many trips did not fully withdrew from the vicinity of the hospitals, they withdrew and returned from every now and then as a part of their own government operations in the city of calling you on us. and tara most strikes. 2 cost casa, in the past few hours,
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what more could you tell us about those as well be recording more military attacks on the past hour. exactly. wrote laura in kansas city where these various forces are talking to them, but residential buildings in as a, to a neighborhood now for everyone is that to neighborhood, as you know, had been a sing tough for the is really the palestinian fighting on the ground. the as is very forces drawing to eliminate old, the military infrastructure for palestinian scientists as the claim in that part of the territory which they had. they did not operate that there before. but we have been seeing raging battles as we've been single. some movie news release tripping how furious all the best of the but the ongoing manager operations, but we have been also recording new attacks on the coastal mine old on eunice city . we're at least 10 power sitting on top or a pool to change it because it is very ongoing bombardment. but at the same moment we have been hearing loud exploit, which is the western side of the city. as people are completely terrifying and
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roughly thinking that more strikes would be the cuts in a rough, our district is specifically under the intense and active surveillance of drove activity in this car brought back within the past few hours. okay. target many thanks for that. update that from lafayette in southern garza, of what his writing will planes have destroyed all heavy machinery and by law here locals say as part of a knowledge to attempt to impede rescue efforts, officers and us, i'll sorry for quotes from nova and gone. so now and then afterwards or this ecology, but it needs to be clear, it has a we are now in debate to lock your municipality garage. here was a group of the municipality vehicles and machinery before being completely destroyed and the rate carried out by this really workplace. when i all the, the, what i left, the little auto colored, this really occupation forces are trying to obstruct the work of old municipalities . yeah. yeah, well, similar rates were carried out by these rarely plains,
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on the vehicles and the machinery of cigale, mostly municipalities that is settled, but not a lot of this has added more to the misery of the palestinians here in north carolina because of strep, me, some of the okay and what the, how to car there are no vehicles or food. those aren't available at all to help the people who refused to remove debris. i tried to open little roads to facilitate that moment of citizens. if i to help again, also with these vehicles that machine or we used to work in the field of sanitation with them. yeah. the auto part of these vehicles were burnt and destroyed by these really occupation forces looking, you know, very systematic sage on the strip and as much as what a button on the star ration is increasing the, the suffering isn't worsening yet. the palestinian municipalities cannot do anything to help the citizens. they ask the positives and it's a chevy, if he does he at all tremendously of a truck struggling to enter guns. and when the small numbers do enter them,
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multiply thousands of people desperately trying to get any food. they can. and gauze us as a people gather on our rashid streets, waiting for trucks to arrive, carrying flowers and all the aid. the limited supplies that do gets in a nowhere near enough to meet the daily needs of the population. you and this morning that the full stall of ation of palestinians is creating from. and jason lee is, you know, he probably positing territory country direct. so with save the children, he says humanitarian agencies are facing shoes, challenges, and providing help to those in need. when you compelled melnik's, we should be out in the open with no shelter. 90 percent of children on the 5 have an infectious disease that is called because the male nurse, there's no medical care, the living, i'm going to deal with it. again at what point does the international community intervene? and it says that they put, implement that definitive as an immediate cease file. what marks this conflict,
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unlike any other conflict, is to complete disregard international human and sharon low as a normative frameworks that we book in se metatags, this crisis civilians are not able to move wherever they need to define shelter. they have been moved around like pieces on the chessboard to filaments. the objectives to management agencies are not allowed to bring in the quantities and the types of goods that we need to keep people alive. we're not allowed to bring in the people that we needed because of, we do not have access to all of casa, the conditions on the ground goals that do not allow for humanitarians to operate. we don't have enough people, we don't have enough goods. we don't have access, it is impossible to actually mount any effective principles management action when the conditions do not allow for it. right now we are doing whatever we can, whatever supplies we can bring through, run the crossing. we are, we have trucks on the other side, we have trucks of us,
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stop within profit. so because of the insecurity, this happening and rough, now these desperate civilians, we need to bring in much more goods. again, he mentions a lot. we cannot keep the 2300000 people alive and 1500000 of the buying process. the civilians are desperate. they have slipped the hopes. there's no access to food to water, to medical care and many of the living audio because there is no shelter for the. so this means that is not just the number of trucks coming through. we need to have the commercial sector coming back in multiple if she points into gaza. we have not able to get convoys up to the north because we're not allowed to go to the north and the still hundreds of 1000 an estimate 222300000 siblings. we'd have trucks, north of one, cause that, that requires assistance. israel's will cabinets is expected to reconvene later on sundays to discuss the offensive on rough uh,
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evacuation of civilians will be on the agenda cabinet message on saturday to discuss sending negotiates at the castle office these 5 tools following a meeting in paris last week. i'm just now who is an occupied east jerusalem for us . so what are we expecting out of his latest will cabinet meeting of the tonight's work cabinet meeting we're expecting is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to present his staff and other ministers with a plan for not only the ground invasion instead of off. but additionally, how to evacuate the nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who are seeking refuge and gaza southern most city. now on the topic of a deal, these really prime ministers speaking to american media sunday morning has said that while there is some progress with the negotiating team, it is in no way an indicator that a deal is within reach. and in fact, he says that if a deal is reached,
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the ground invasion instead of off would be delayed. but if there is no deal, the invasion would be more imminent. but that despite every thing the ground offensive, instead of i was going to take place. and this comes on the heels of immense international pressure and criticism on these really not carry out this military operation because of how many palestinians are in drop slot because of how densely populated is it. it is. but there is still a lot of attacks happening on drop off constant is really bombardment, but this ground invasion is something these really prime minister has been talking about for more than a month. now it's going to be the plan that he's presenting to the cabinet for how to proceed with that military operation on hundreds we to come in negotiations for a deal. we understand that these railways are going to be sending a delegation to go, how do we know anything about that delegation, who's going to be in it as well?
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we don't exactly know the makeup. 3 of israel's negotiating team who will be dispatched to doha, but we do know that the head of israel sion bet that's the internal security services and the head of israel's most saw the see x journal security agency. the both of them were with the team of mediators in paris and they have reported, we come back with an outline or reported framework of how the deal was going to proceed. israel's national security advisor, so we had neg be on saturday night had said that it's been a go shading team, had convened israel's war cabinet saturday night on the phone. it must mean that they have something tangible in their hands to work with. now, while we don't know who the negotiator is going to go, how are we do know that the team who went to paris was the same team who was dispatched to cairo just a couple of weeks ago. and remember, these really prime minister had declined to send them back for a 2nd day of talk, something that was not received well among the is really public, specifically among the families of is really captives who have been protesting for
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their return. i'm to tell who experienced the latest that from occupies east choice . and thanks very much, honda, ron has condemned the late to strikes that the us new k have tie downs on him and they hit 18. who is the targets on saturday to hong, says it's an attempt to escalate tensions in the region for washington and london sets in response to a wave of hoops. the attacks on vessels and the red sea since november, barbara, and go reports on shaking and defiant of to west and strikes on the m. c z m. and he's in the capital. sana said the backend to see a tax on regional shipping as a show of solidarity policy incident calling about your used tool we have been in will for minute, the strikes will not thomas. it is either we achieve victory for palestine. we will work on foot to palestine to free it from his right and the strikes will not intimidate, will scare us. we will keep on support and gaza with all the power that we have.
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the us and u. k. carrier that strikes $118.00 targets increase a controlled area. so c, m, and on saturday, the 8th locations were hit, including storage facilities for weapons misses, selves and defense systems. the pentagon said in a statement, the strikes are in response to who sees continued attacks against commercial, a naval vessels that have not any endangered international c, farah's, but the lives of the many people. this uses now more than 45 attacks, some commercial or naval vessels since mid november, constitutes a threats to the global economy, as well as the original security instability on demand and international response. who's the red sea attacks have severely disruptive level trade, but the iran allied group has vowed to keep up. it strikes on shipping the links to israel and its allies. not for the yeah,
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the naval forces will begin many armed forces with the help of god almighty. carried out a qualitative military operation in which they targeted an american oil ship or store in the gulf of a dog with a number of appropriate naval missiles. while the air force targeted a number of american warships in the red sea, with a number of drugs, the u. s. u. k. strikes in human, could inflame existing regional and israel's foreign casa, and public responses from other a run by groups 11 an iraq and syria. barbara and got passed out as the ukranian president ornaments. lensky has repeated his call to weston allies, to step up support for his war against russia, and the speech speech to mark the 2nd to none of us with the russian invasion. he
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acknowledged that his country has lost the c 1000 soldiers. his comments. com is the us congress debates. a critical ministry aid package. just to get a, you know, program, whether you clean will lose, whether it's will be very difficult for us and whether there will be a large number of casualties depends on you. the on our partners on the west and wild, if we will be strong with western national, we will not lose. we will win to change. their credit is defense minister says hall of promised west and the military support to ukraine, fails to arrive on time comprehensive. the task the task of met your plan is an ultimately costing the lives of soldiers. meanwhile, russia is they accused of a missile attack on a railway station in eastern ukraine. the governor of the don't ask regents and sundays attack also has a church and other buildings and cost on to move come. but mcbride has moved from dundee per in east to new crane. the reports from ukraine's eastern front,
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seeming to indicate that the russians are trying to capitalize on the capture of the town of, of div costs pressing further into ukrainian territory with claims that the troops have now taken 2 more ukrainian villages. now this has been disputed by ukraine who says that soldiers are still fighting in that area, but it does seem as though a roster is making a concerted effort to pushed further into the you crazy and help parts of a don't yet. regions. there's also been an ass strike on the train station in the town of constance and eco. now that is a strategically important crossroads. it's a gateway further into the ukranian held part of done yet. now this is old comes as we are here. we have one small claims that ukrainian force is all being hampered by a shortage of i'm your district in particular off hillary shells. this has been
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echoed by real simple metal c, ukraine's defense minister speaking of the 4 and saying that that have been delays in the delivery of an munition. and this is all the more problematic, given the run pinned off by russia. he says, of the war effort and the voting board of the budget to the war. susan situation is always dynamic. at the moment, commitment doesn't constitute delivery. 50 percent of commitments are not deliberate on time. so which means that in the mentor methics or more will look to the enemy, their economy is almost too trailing. so they use up to 15 percent official, an unofficial budget to the war, which constitutes over a $150000000000.00 us dollars. so annually, it's officially so basically whatever, commit that, that doesn't come on time,
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will lose, people will lose territories. on a more upbeat no to matter off. also indicates is that ukraine's military has in place. he says, plans for 2024 to do what he calls the possible and the impossible, all lamed. trying to get the old important breakthrough of the ukraine. and it's west and back as wants to see happen in this war a. but that does seem older, more difficult to try to achieve well, the $60000000000.00 in a promised aid from the united states remains held up in congress in washington public broad. i'll just say era didn't e pro ukraine but a russian preston tags on lucas. shank has announced he will run again for president next year. if you think it has ruled the country for 30 years, maybe announcement was costing his vote and parliamentary. i'm local elections. sundays. paul was the 1st and batteries since the 2020 presidential election, which gave lucas. thank you. a 6 tom, an office i led to mass protests. elections
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a going ahead, despite calls for a boy called by the opposition. and for the 1st time, observe as when the organization for security and cooperation in europe were not invited to monitor a poll or the other. i spoke to very kevin liskey, he's pos of the, by the roost. democratic forces as a combination of policies that opposes the presidency of lucas and k. he says that under lucas chunk of money, but many by the russians have not been able to enjoy basic rights and freedoms. and this is actually the 1st electro campaign seems 2020 and for these 3 and a half years will cushion ca leaves sophia because of his give legitimacy because the doors and people refused to accept him because they refused to turn the page as he insisted. and these 3 and a half years, those cuz leaves us, we must repressions about 6 percent of the population were forced to leave the country because of the persecution because they were unable to,
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to enjoy any from the mental basic human rights and freedoms. and even this electro campaign was completely damaged by the absence of basic completion of multiple sites. elections, there was no competition. there were no alternative candidates. nobody split, participate. and the independent media has completely been wiped out from the country. civil society also about 101500 civil society organizations could have been destroyed by the, by the resume, a little concerned. that's why it was impossible to say that there are even basic conditions on the ground. also given in, taken to accounts of that about if you can convert political prisoners, including all political leaders who were in doris at the moment, amount in prison. have a function as a visiting fellow at the european council on foreign relations is also a full the russian debt from us and joins us now from was so good to have you with us talking to valeria in the past hour, i got a strong impression that by the way,
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he says, politics is tied up with the wash as long as that to me, it puts in, is in pilot. so to is likes on to lucas shank co. would you agree with that? ryan, you mention the likes is 4 years ago, when, by the way, some people be voted for c panel scan. she, the thoughts are easily old backs. it's part of the but it has to leave and anxiety while looks. and because regime has to buy things to military, financial and political support by must code. and lucas sound good house to pay back from moscow for the support. and he's paying back with the sovereignty of independence of boundaries and also with repression against the civil society of lucy following the country. so those 2 retains, they come together. and as far as you remember, 2 years ago they launched their attack against ukraine. this was not only attacked by most cuz it was done together using the military and sibling structure,
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invalid res, and according to the insightful rules and laws about the races complicit to, to this aggression. and i think that the future of those to the games are also very tight. you gotta do as it's condemned these parliamentary and local elections as a shon, what more do you think means national community needs to do? oh i, i guess that now the whole region probably even the future of the whole world and they is the system of in national relation depends on what will reaction will be on ukraine. if we continue buying some bearings. we continue struggling for the international rules and. busy arms help him ukraine liberal rates, there could buy territories. this would mean that valerie, when voters and people would get the 2nd chance. busy or a guessing that freedom of it that they wanted for in,
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in the elections. i see that the future of valor is very much depends on what is happening now in the battle brought a new crane. this of the battle, the main ally of lucas shameka and for lucas champ, got the big street you paying could potentially mean political discipline section in his country. just because the laws of most go would show to everyone, and specifically to the loyal people in the country. and to allies in the country, it means that the russians loved us from breakfast. busy but powerful, and that they probably will leave until one day when they will have to pay for the war crimes and the kinds of these too many do. but the did again, don't people. so this, what about shall a trigger? and this double ization, we're a kind of a create a t p sold spread score lucas shrink cause region. and that's why he's better afraid of this. we in ukraine, and that is the reason why we should continue supporting it. and some of the more
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weapons, some of the more financial help to keep, but also uh on uh, on the 2nd hand we, we should held that the recent exam community, you've talked to the lady and mentioned that 3 is like solven's. hundreds of thousands of people who live in exile and the whole civil society has to leave in exile. now, none of the people who lives in valerie can do any political of civil activity without a risk of the rest to you. i was going to ask you about that because obviously the thousands of people live in exile thousands more opposition, even within batteries or in prison. is there any resistance that is able to continue inside the country? probably only when there will be some kind of a windows of opportunity or the atmosphere. also the one we had 4 years ago when that where election was when there were so many people who ultimately showed who they support, but them during those 4 years. luca, shoak and,
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and his old political police. they have been resting from 10 to 15 people a day on political grounds. and of course, when you're support ukraine or when you criticize the government, and if this leads you to a prison, usually, if you post a comment on facebook saying that i support the ukraine or i simple to handle, that this would mean that you would be a put in prison, those family of 56 years. so in less conditions call to expect any kind of a uh, struggle. uh, also because of the whole picture, the brute jewel, political picture doesn't really give any hope to the people that even they spend up again against the people that the results will be different. they have already tried this, receiving almost no support from the international community, and they were tracked down. and now we have solve as a political prisoners and hundreds of thousands who aren't unique zeile. and the
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people just don't see any reason to do as until the picture, the original picture will change, and that's why i'm, i'm origin again that ukraine should be supported and this would be but the 2nd trans for the people in, in bothers to paddle 2nd hand that thank you very much, taking the time to speak to his head on out to 0. thank you as well. so the head head on out is era, not in our name, never again from old to young jews around the world at the voices to the calls for cease fuss in concepts and why adults as himself, career or against government plans to drastically increase medical school admissions plus it was a day to forget for sheffield united states last but not perform this incident from that own play is coming up in force with the
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the a hello. we should say the weather improving across parts of them, at least over the next couple of days. because if i had been a cloud here just rolling through and that will make its way up, the east was brought to us guys to come back in behind. for time, some of that winfrey weather will make its way over the mountains, the high ground into iran, particularly heavy snow, the into afghanistan, not looking to know. i said with that style. so here, something positive around say some heavy, a best of frame. what just the way for the east, with towards the puppy style and see the wintry weather continuing across much of us kind of style. not bad though, across the raping peninsula. i look further north, find a try cause to use the side of the mediterranean, at least that is the case through monday. go to an area of light pressure, which is just showing its way across greece through the
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a t and pushing into that east and sort of the key. i could see a few showers just around the occupied palestinian territories as we go through what use they pushing up to 11 on full time practice guys by the end of the day. having said that, most price guys are going to be there across northern parts of egypt and the areas of libya are as well. but we have got increasing cloud and right in that system on the eastern side of that makes way for the next one. coming into the western side, ultimate and that right. but we practically make his way to this. yeah. the discussing, the defining issues of our time is what the military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a, i hate the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power,
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like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a, just a, you know, here's from, i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is most i last is that the, this is where we, the sex allies. i guess from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites. apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the the
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idea of what challenges era has reminder of on top stories of this is where the forces have partially withdrawn from gauze as nasa hospital leaving the building. and it's facilitating catastrophic conditions. according to algebra, sources stipends us to positions around the medical facility. as many troops stormed at last week, forcing thousands of products. and in sheltering the to fleet. is there any forces of attack times in northern gauze are getting at least 10 palestinians. firefighter's fault puts out flames and fate law here, a number of people, a trucks onto the russell product. simmons in gauze as a full salvation by israel is lessening. 8 agencies say is really attacks of keeping them from delivering much needed aid and food. had a view ins agency for the pot of simeon says, also send a theme to nights the jews around the world, adding that voices to the coals for a safe spot in garza and new york came to the largest population of jews outside of
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israel, demonstrations demanding peace of intensified and recent months, questions to lead me reports they called their group of jewish boys for peace. the when president joe biden came to new york for a campaign fundraiser. members took to the streets to protest against israel's war on gaza. and the use of us tax dollars to fund it does is taken away in handcuffs as a jewish person. i want it perfectly clear to people. it's not home to support the young people there. that's not in our name. never again. 74 year old sam, co practice, grand parents and much of his extended family were killed in the holocaust. the october 7th attack was horrible. but this,
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this is not the answer that the only solution is a political from citizens in the us capital to demonstrations in toronto and london. jewish groups are increasingly leading the costs for peace. we have rabbis and the movement. we also have people from across the entire spectrum, so everyone from kind of absolute site can a atheist to like very deeply religious. they've been overshadowed by more established pro israel groups like the ones behind this march, attended by many us politicians in november. we put a new pool by the institute for social policy and understanding found 50 percent of american jews to support a ceasefire. new york is home to the largest population of jews outside of israel, and they belong to political force to be reckoned with. what they are and can just hello support for israel can be taken for granted by politicians after weekly
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demonstrations like this right. the group is not now gathered outside the new york office of the us senate majority leader, chuck schumer and saying a traditional song for peace. there are more of us then people realize young americans use, but also in more, in our countries, in general, are not buying into this framework. that picks policy news and is rarely use and hosting and, and choose against each other anymore. they hope to shine a light on the long standing oppression of palestinians in the financial support that is allowed to continue. kristen salumi al jazeera new york, some civil sevens in the us, and to europe. take a stand against the government's support as well as war. and garza several have resigned because they no longer feel able to implement government policies. they disagreed with one dot simpson that told us why she made that decision. a, my name is on clinic i though, i'm a former, that states,
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and that's most of us. i worked at r, m c, myself as a deputy investor. and that army, though, is desk here in a given the dutch policy. with regard to casa, i could no longer be part of the organization, that's because it was no longer in line with my, both my professional and personal antiquity to continue working there. i've also looked into resignation that i wrote about. and, you know, moral standing that we had lost devon's, for a, for example, has refused to define what's going on as for crimes or potential war crimes. a we have of state twice in the you, in general assembly where it comes to the filtering for a cease fire, maybe or here in the hague capital of peace and justice. and you know, all of that has, has, you know, our credibility has v, a silver is an extreme blow. and i try to have
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a conversation with the minister and, and give a warning. and it wasn't not just me, you know, stepping forward with concerns. but many people within the organization, civil service from the ministry of, for an for an affairs decided to have a sitting every week from thursday, from $12.00 to $1240.00 june to lunch break. and to, to make clear that, that they still pending for a ceasefire. it does take some coverage to, to go and sit there and be part of this last week we had an, an joint statement that the, that we brought out. it's brought forth with our american colleagues from the state department to european colleagues. it has never happened before the civil surface across the atlantic unites and, and keep this kind of reflection back to their respective governments. so there was this web either published this article, this week, stating that he didn't really totally agree with, you know, our, our action in content wise. but the thing was really have because of the fact that there was simple surface that had the courage to, you know,
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a complex governance. and he made a reference to 4045 in which the civil servants generally in this country, loyally implemented policy, resulting in, in the middle us being the country where most jews were for deport. it's the protest as of religion, the philippine cap. so many other accusing president, 5, then marcus, junior of trying to extend a limit on his time in office. critics say he intends to make changes to the constitution. so could also the structure of government. the riley's come on the anniversary of the 1986 revolution, the tough old marcus's father. okay, we'll just bring you some pictures now of logic, crowns or the gathering in south pilots, how palate a riley in support of the former brazilian present chapel scenario. police are
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investigating both now if initially plus a 2 to move louis necessarily that the silver off to the 2022 election size behind them from running for public office until 2030. and if that is possible, confiscated, federal police reveal, but he transferred $800000.00 to us bank account before traveling to florida before the end of his presidential time. he inactive joins us now live from that valley and south apollo and monica, this is the 1st time that so many both are i suppose as a taken to the street since the january 8th up prize. a well sort of precautions have been taken by the old thursday's as well. uh, right, uh, pen or presidential able so nato as to supporters not to take any posters with them . the usual posters that they used to have before say that the supreme court was up
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was interfering with, with his election or anything like that. so there just came wearing a yellow and green t shirts. now the, there were many, many, many people were, were kind of side street and so they, we funded for people on motorcycle know we've lost the connections to monica. there's crowds of people that in south palo or out in support of the form of presence that he is just both and all right. for me, you as president donald trump has wanting the latest republican primary between nikki haley in the home state of south carolina. the contest is the best that he's won, bringing him close to the presidential nomination. but haley says she will stay in the race shepherd times. the reports from charleston and south carolina.
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it had been widely projected for some time, the former south carolina government, nikki haley, would lose the republican primary states. but haley is keeping to her pledge to go on until super tuesday on march the 5th when 15 states and one territory. well, thanks. i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my work. the reason she can say that is money, even though she has the prospect of winning any of the future races. deep pockets of the donors are still preferred to bank or less either because of their on typically the double trump will to keep the running in case trumps legal troubles means he has to drop out. i'm not giving up despite when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe by they have the right to a real choice. not
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a soviet style election with only one candidate the for the coming the know many remains a long shot. i'm trumps. like this victory has such a little bit on the nation price as, as far as the former president is concerned, we're going to be up here on november 5th, and we're going to look at joe biden. anyway, and i look, i'm writing the, he's destroying our country and we're going to say, joe year, fire get out, get out, show you a side or even versus more affluent. so both of charleston, south carolina, who expressed a phone misbehaving, i told us they weren't voting for donald trump, and it was time for her to drop out. i like her, but i don't think she's to compete with donald. i like taking kelly as well. you know, just thinks it's a tough clock. yeah. so i think the donald trump's gonna have a better opportunity to take out the current administration. the trump campaign
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says from now on it's not even going to mention nicky hayley's name instead that will concentrate fully on the presidential election against joe. but she ever time c l g 0. charleston, south carolina j adult to is in south korea volkoff the job to protest against a plan to increase the number of medical school admissions. the government says the change is needed to solve a shortage and don't, says the medic site that will compromise the quality of can you just came reports from the capital. so doctor is from across the country march to the presidential office. and so they're determined to stop government plans for 2000 additional medical school entries next year to meet the needs of the aging population. the confrontation has left people urgently searching for doctors. as short staff, large hospitals refused to accept new patients. the government is increasing pressure on the 8000 young doctors who walked out last week. they've been warrant
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that they could lose their medical licenses if they don't return to work. and unlike the previous 3 doctors protests since 2001, they won concessions. there will be no forgiveness. this time we booked a button hang boy and we will thoroughly investigate and correct them most only medical professionals who participate in legal connect device. but also those who manipulate on the card, subtracts from behind the scenes. leaders of the medics. main lobby group say they've been threatened with arrest. so go mommy, we've had all, i'm back up, we'll put it on, i'll get it distresses me. settings may and makes me anxious. but if the south korean medical community is forced to succumb to even greater threats from these than i do not consider us to be medical professionals without one. while the 2 sides remain far apart on how to to see what they do agree on is the lack of doctors, essential medicine. vickery and medical association is saying, the fastest way to solve the crisis is to tackle the disparity pay, and to provide incentives for doctors to move to less desirable areas outside of
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the capital. the shortage of doctors is especially acute and pediatrics and obstetrics. many have left the disciplines to work and more lucrative specialties in rural communities, such as case on the lack of access to essential medical care is particularly dire analyst or skeptical that offering more competitive salaries will entice doctors to move from cities or the touching to once a certain level of income to people my think? no, i'm just going to of tennessee. i'd rather live in the city to enjoy my comfortable life and support my children's education. the doctor's association plans a larger rally and a week's time. and there is little sign of a return to hospital wards anytime soon. you just skim, alda 0. so, in austria, nashville held by the taliban in afghanistan for 9 months, has been freed of it fits with plaintive, doha following successful mediation by the state of castle. the 4 year old visited
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afghanistan last may against government travel advisories. should media reports, he was a co founder of a band fall right. policy went to ask on his town to prove it was safe under the taliban to send back refugees. on the days of moment of joy, the return of the rates. and at the same time, we're working very closely with the upside to st. caught up on obtaining the release of an austrian hostage, gaza from gaza, as well as an austere noise. chase. a pretty big, big thank you to the state of casa, i said, i had hair on alex's era, the when a is a little tiny, which phone to the top on the us screen actors guild awards and actually onto noise. and the stars when i have a frogs and the 6 nations people will have one section in
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the applicant, narrative from african perspectives. the company to do show the documentaries, by african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew c r e z on. if i need to go, i'm, i'm on the drive on and reinventing cassava for a new series of africa, direct on how to sierra this cause of the war. and you pray, run deep, but the devastation of the country is precious. ecosystems may take the longest to hear people and power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows ukrainian war prize
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investigators, as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site ukraine, ground 0 on the jersey to the movie. oppenheimer has one that top prize at the screen actors guild awards in hollywood. the 2 other awards went to the movie per trail of the scientists to house built the 1st atomic bomb. the 1st time suddenly with streams live on netflix is usually a big indicator of who when will been when the us, cuz the academy awards next month. reynolds reports from los angeles, the,
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the stores came out in full fashion re galia for the awards program. it's rare for actors to win an oscar without 1st being nominated with the screen actors guild award. this huge sag awards were stream live in the united states on netflix with no access to the news media or non subscribers outside the country. that switch to streaming could be a template for other award shows, which you've seen rapidly diminishing audiences on broadcast tv. the award for best performance for a movie cast went to oppenheimer, one of the biggest hits of 2023 homeland hungry lily gladstone, one best female actor for her widely acclaimed role in killers of the flower moon. julian murphy, one best male actor for playing the brilliant but tormented businesses in
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oppenheimer. i had you that step. what babysitting duty does she it has you managed to divine joy randolph one best female actor in a supporting role board. the whole rovers and in another. when for oppenheimer, robert downey junior, one best supporting actor for his role in that film. in the television categories, a double wind for the netflix series, b l. a. wong one for best female actor and steven you in one best male act. why there's that we want to ask how long the test of succession on hbo invest ensemble in a drama series and the cast of ethics? is there one best ensemble in a comedy series? next up on the hollywood awards cavalcade. the oscars on march 10, rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. the okay time down for all the sports and his pizza, the thank you very much. live of who have won the lead comp for a record extending 10th time as virtual vent dykes, extra time hit a capable one,
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no victory against chelsea. it was a repeat of the 2022 final which let me pull one on penalties. it would have to do it without some how much cell other picking up another injury and the premium, the last week. no goals and normal time it was an incident full 90 minutes. both sides had disallowed, goes van dyke is who balance of the or monetary check for a fellow on levi colwell, in the buddha. both sides of the opposed to this is the closest, the please go. as kind of get a good hit the frame. it'd be a but then deepens at the top and i was lots of be denied one on the top side, lifting the season's 1st piece of silver. it's getting contention for 3 of the trustees as well independently needs. be sure if it was united, but that was not the headlines. the last 2 of united its own place, caesar and jack robinson, who got into
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a fight with each other and is required va or to check if they should both be seen to provide and conduct. their badges was paid as a bed, stayed on the field that happened dr. a company said i'll be a hit, a big who's all 3 points against the bottom placed side india or closing in on a series victory against england though for a best and collapse left. the hosts needing just $152.00 more runs for victory in the full test. ingram had the advantage going into day 3 by 2 journals. 19 go to india, back into us. the house 46 runs behind the going into the sake of meetings in the open with a spinners. and the tip of trick been dr. prefers to go before only pope was dismissed without schooling and he runs for the sick in 5 minutes match. english law civil gets folding for just the 35 runs. the 35th time we get home for robert jones and ashwin to india say it's $190.00. 2 for victory. they'll go in today for 40 without glass. let's get. let's get into
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a fable 0. he bought it really well towards the end. and yeah, we probably scored a few more rugs that we would've liked, but again, we're, we're going to, we're going to vote about so i intend a student thompson has when he 1st atp to the title of the defeat of caspar route in straight sets. so in the last couple open, it was a matter of the week for the 29 year old australia and e save 3 match points in the for the finals before taking almost 4 hours to be final exams is very of in the semi finals. this is the most straightforward one, the 1st 26 for the 2nd said, went through a time break by the soul of the full feed them 3 time class. i find this is this chapter 2 points to lift, but try for you mexico. this is mr. jones to put off on a start going over fronts. instead, they've had to settle for 13 old 6 nations drew. the french had to establish the
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136 lead in lieu. alright, i think 6 patients matches away from parents this year. obviously preparations for the olympic games in a capital. the house to reduce the 14 man and the italians eventually took advantage and g. couple so scoring a lake, try to bring it to the back into it. how the bc didn't had an opportunity, an injury time to seal a 1st away, went against fonts in the 6 nations. both fell off with the rush. these attempts, hence, the show of talk was running out, and he was denied by the post o b, u of frances forming cancel the ends when du pont has school these 1st try for he's national savings team. the former will play video has switched decisions to see in a bit to play games in pairs bought and sold in the city one for the full stage. whenever a straight, if the can that kind of the sevens and vancouver differential faces easy to the semi finals are very, very exciting game. a part to play with this guy is
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very fast. and the hard part to do my best to and we started to do our best to over the weekend. and that's what the school things vanelle or beta, thanks very much. a london, based upon a city and office, is about to exhibit what she describes as the most important work of her career malleck. my son is from casa, and she says, a painting quote, last breath depicts, as well as well on this trip. here's a story and how writing was, hello. my name is malick lots that are on the policy and an artist and author originally from the cause of the trip. i'm based in london and i'm working on the biggest painting in my career, documenting many elements of vision assignment. the costs are like go up as of refusing. but because i was and has always been my home because it said the city that i know the most. and it's the most beautiful setting and it's, we're making or makes the most sense. we had a really rich culture of life,
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but it was absolutely disturbed by the 1st time that the phone vitamins and, and the hard to reality of living in a prison. so for me, i came with a sense of urgency that i want to say something. i grew up with the stairs and i wanted to show it to the world that we have and fix and so resilience, of resistance, of loving life and wanting to make something out. nothing. it was my own way of, of recording as a witness. as a, as a teenager, as a young adult, witnessing and recording the personality of ok, patient, my boy, you know, started to become about lots of information about kind of seen in culture about olive harvesting about childhood. yesterday we are very colorful, but they were not too happy, but now i, it's not like i woke up and i decided i'm not going to use color. and i simply
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looked at all the colors and they only so black because it's reality. and because this time is too high, and it's too brutal my immediate family, they're all in casa, and it's so hard to be in touch with them for the entire month of october and, and time, month of november. i couldn't even hold a press or a pencil. it was a complete state of foreign life, but now i know whether i liked it or not. it's my duty. and it's my responsibility to do and not only for any audience, it's for us, the policy and generation for us to never forget. for me, i'm trying to to, to make up those on the most important elements of this photos and a site against my own people. and against my own history as it for me, for the basketball is here in just a moment with more for the
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pieces of dentist wild flyers in the history of chile begin with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds. this way look like a very small flyer right now with this, if it's a pine tree or what's left of it, and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree there, very deep. so when you send to, without the fire, it can ignite it at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again. they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places . this was no accident. the government appears to agree and bows to find and punish the culprits on counting the costs. nobody wants to make in the develops nation. how will that affect frustrated, follows your palace slipped into recessions? can't we? gain is ranking is the world's largest economy foss. coco prices,
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a soaring and chocolate levels of feelings of change. counting the cost on i'll just say at a hard hitting intervenes, as a un ambassador position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the latest news as it breaks, ukraine has made vast improvements to the defense is around its major cities with detailed coverage. the former president is expected to appeal this decision, but it's just one of many legal issues he's facing in the run up to the november election from around the world. the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage,
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less than 6 percent of the homes and we are connected to the government sewage network. the, [000:00:00;00] the services in use our on algae 0 for the back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. he's really forces partially withdraw from guys as nice to hospital leaving the building and his surroundings in catastrophic conditions. pierre salvation these protest simians, desperately searching for food despite the ongoing attacks. exhibit some of them when we reach the moments where we don't sphere as well any more. and we don't sphere the siege. we only says salvation. also this our ukraine in need of more


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