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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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is obviously proud also is when we covers the fullness quakes of 2015 at the terrible met shoulders. that's the story that needed to be told from the hall. so the effect of diarrhea to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time the the so, um for the back to the system, use our on, on to 0 on line from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. yeah, of salvation leaves file is simmons and guys that desperately searching for food despite the ongoing is really a tax. is there any forces partially would draw from guys as nice a hospital leaving the building and the surroundings and catastrophic conditions. also this, our ukraine in need of more weapons. the defense minister ones that have the
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military support. thomas by the west hasn't arrived on time slots. i monica not. give the n word on the phone you stuck in the center of so follow brazil's largest city for thousands of people have come to show their support. the former president shy is also not on teach. his name is with your school level who have won the english liter. it's a record expanding 10th time the tournament will bring you the action from that one later in the program. the thank you for joining us since the start of the war on guys more than a 1000000 people have fled from the north to the south of the strip to avoid these really bombardment. but those remaining in northern areas are now leaving in a desperate search for food out of city is making the most say they no longer
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a few days really chose. they just see a salvation in told every has been following the crowds, making the journey. a slick, frankly, in web the says the, the last point that connects the not the written with the southern gaza strip. and here are hundreds of palestinian refugees, the evacuated from the another in area to the southern area of the gaza strip. we have been asking the families why did you about 2 weeks after 141 days on the some you get me to show you. i decided to leave off the 141 days because of the lack of food was like when you think animal feet and the life is most livable in the most. yeah. we reach moments where we don't sphere as well any more, and we don't sphere this each the we only fist operation is. let's see, i can, well, i see i can what i think there was no food. there was nothing over the law. i'm 61 . i don't know, i've never seen such a catastrophe. well,
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that was eating valley. this is the food for don't keys, but here on the street is hold for polish to mean families in the southern area have been waiting for the people who evacuated from the other area and they're giving them free food and free transportation. so they can read the safe area. we talk to a lot of people who evacuated from the north today. they told us that they had to walk the hallway from the cause of city to here. they said that they left their house is a 6 am in the morning and they made it here at 11. they said that there is a check point. people are a rested, are integrated, and people were also flores to take their clothes off. why they were integrated by the is there any forces we saw a mother was crying because her son was arrested. she told us they took him and she said that she won't know when the next time she's going to see her son. is there
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any forces that's partially withdrawn from guys as nasa hospital in the southern part of a strip, but according to oranges here, a source is snipers are still positioned around the medical complex. the hospital and its vicinity have suffered. major destruction is really focused on the 10 days ago, forcing thousands of pi, simeon sheltering back to sleep. let's get an update on the situation in guys and speak to, i'll just 0, sorry, capitalism was in rafa. so let's start with what's been happening at knox. the hospital topic is really forces, partially withdrawing from there, which has reveals the extent of the destruction and devastation. what more you hearing yes. so in fact, we have been seeing the critical conditions right now that not for hospital has been going through, often alone, that use of being um the is very full. metix receipts the a great deal of destruction and brooms being left off to think is very passion,
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withdrawal from the hospital last the all, it's become much more destroyed, even the grave. and the symmetry that, that was students had been using to get to grade the majority of people being killed and they are on april to a group and buried them out to the hospital, but also was destroyed by these very men attractive at the, from the east by the side as well, the sites that detect carried out the limited and precise military operation and also hospital looking for how much effort as, as the claimant, they have to be distressing that they have arrested at least $200.00 pounds citizens as a part of the operation that but we have been seeing that there is a very notable suspension of the operations that uh the uh the facility had been given within the past few months was specifically that the majority of departments had run out of medical supplies and they are also unable to keep the functional specifically off to the mass room campaign that had been carried up by the is very
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forces during the investigation that had been to reach out to inside the departments against the medical teams and also the back to resort taking shelter inside this medical facility and there's been more strikes tyrique in the last few hours across the gaza strip. tell us about the areas that have been target a will for we have been revolting within the past hour that we have been seeing and observing me acts of movement for the is very surveillance of drones and roof our district and says practically, have been translated on the ground to the last, our weather is very military. target to the residential building and been over at paws. overall fi district belongs to higher family as i'm childrens. has had thrust to the location of the targeting, drawing to search for survivors under the rustle of the destroyed house and ripping also sharing in the past our new attacks and loud explosions of the city of con eunice, which had been the main theatre for the is really military attacks within the past
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few weeks is a part of it is really on getting to the site. the minute 3 campaign puts the hops . so do the important to say that the number of parts have been widely attacked. at least 10 palestinians have reported killed and injured in kansas city as we're racing for humanitarian supplies being delivered the. but today we have been seeing that the overall strikes had contributed to kill more than 83 palestinians within the past 24 hours time. thank you for the updates that sanchez here is. tara cap was one reporting deadline from a rough and is really will plains have destroyed all heavy machinery in bait law here. local say it is part of a larger effort to impede rescue efforts to 0 is an asshole. sharif before some northern gospel slot. and then afterwards or this ecology abilities to basically it has a we are now in debate to lock your municipality. garage. here was a group of the municipality vehicles and machinery before being completely
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destroyed and the rate carried out by this really workplace. when i all of the, the, what i left a lot of, i'll call it this really occupation forces are trying to obstruct the work of old municipalities. yeah. yeah. well, similar rates were carried out by these rarely planes on the vehicles and machinery of jamalia out nationally. minnesota, allocating tread itself, but not a lot of this has added more to the misery of the palestinians here in the north. now because of strep. so basically i'm for what the, how to car there are no vehicles or full bills aren't available at all because to help the people who refused to remove debris, i tried to open a little of roads to facilitate the enrollment of citizens. if i to help again, also with these vehicles that machinery used to work in the field of sanitation with them. yeah. the out of these vehicles were burnt and destroyed by these really all condition forces in a very systematic sense on the strength as your yvonne comma to the start ration is
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increasing, the, the suffering isn't worse and then get the palestinian municipalities cannot do anything to help the citizen, they have football games and it's to show you how does he at all tremendously the stage trucks are struggling to enter guys when the small numbers do enter their mom, twice thousands of people desperately trying to get any food they can and gaza. city people gather on our rashid's trees, waiting for trucks to arrive, carrying flour and other aid, limited supplies that do get in on nowhere near enough to meet the daily needs of the population. the u. n. is wanting that before starvation of palestinians is creating from jason lee is the occupied, palestinian territory. country director would save the children. he says humanitarian agencies are facing huge challenges to provide help to those meet the way you compelled melnik's. we should be out in the open with no shelter, 90 percent of children and the 5 have an infectious disease that is called because
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the malnourished. there's no medical care, the living, i'm gonna do it. but again, at what point does the international community intervene and it says, and they put, implement a definitive as an immediate cease file. what marks this conflict, unlike any other conflict, is to complete disregard international document and share low as the normative frameworks that we book, in se metatags, this crisis civilians are not able to move wherever they needed to find shelter. they have been moved around like pieces on the chessboard to filaments, fee objectives, to management agencies are not allowed to bring in the quantities and the types of goods that we need to keep people alive. we're not allowed to bring in the people that we needed to cause a, we do not have a fit to access to all of casa, the conditions on the ground and goals that do not allow for humanitarians to operate. we don't have enough people. we don't have enough goods,
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we don't have access, it is impossible to actually mount any effective principles management action when the conditions do not allow for it. right now we are doing whatever we can, whatever supplies we can bring through. rather crossing we are, we have trucks on the other side, we have trucks at a stop within profit. so because of the insecurity, this happening and rough, now these are desperate civilians. we need to bring in much more goods. again, to mention it's a lot. we cannot keep the 2300000 people alive and 1500000 of the i am process, the civilians on this, but they have flipped the homes. there's no access to food to water, to medical care. and many of the living. i mean, you have to because there is no shelter for the so this means that is not just the number of trucks coming through. we need to have the commercial set to coming back . if multiple, if it points into gaza, we have not able to get confused up to the north because we're not allowed to go to
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the north and the still hundreds of 1000 an estimate 222300000 siblings. we'd have trucks, north of one cost that that requires assistance, is there as whole cabinet has been discussing. it's offensive on rafa and how it will evacuate more than a 1000000 palestinian civilians or sheltering that the cabinet met on saturday to discuss sending negotiate is to cut off, will cease via talks following a meeting in paris last week. i'm the saw who it has moved from occupied east jerusalem. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu continuing his war cabinet on sunday evening to discuss the 2 main agenda items. the 1st is the ground invasion into the alpha. he says that he's going to present his staff members and ministers with a plan for not only the ground defensive, but also evacuating orders for nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge in gauze the southern most city. now the 2nd topic on the agenda for israel's war cabinet is going to be
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a potential deal to bring back is really captive. and it would also secure a pause in the fighting. now on saturday evening, israel's war cabinet convened via telephone to vote on sending and is really delegation to go have to meet with mediators and discuss what kind of concessions these relays were willing to give up. in order to make a deal. it comes after the head of israel's most side and the head of israel. sions that were in paris to meet with mediators, and had come back with what they're calling an outline or a framework for a potential deal that would see a 6 week pause in the fighting with around 40 is really captives released, as well as hundreds of palestinian prisoners in his really jails, but they're still a lot of gaps that need to be filled. still a lot of sticking points and he is really prime minister while speaking to american media on sunday morning, had said that there's no indication that we're actually anywhere near
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a deal. but that these conversations were ongoing and that these really delegation was going to continuously meet with mediators to see what could be done. but he also stressed that the ground invasion into the flash would be imminent if there was or was not a deal secured. honda central, which as jersey though occupied east jerusalem, a yvonne has condemned the latest tribes that the us and u. k. carried down to on a carried out in yemen are the heat. 18 talk is who the talk is on saturday to iran says it's an attempt to escalate tension in the region. washington and london state was in response to a wave of who's the attacks on vessels in the red sea since november. bob bronco bye has a detail on shaking and defiant up to weston strikes on the m. c z m. and he's in the capital sauna, said the backend to see a tax on regional shipping as a show of solidarity to tell us to mention golfing items. how would we all use tool
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we have been well for minute, the strikes will not thomas. it is either we achieve victory for palestine. we will work on foot to palestine to free it from his right most of the strikes will not intimidate scare us. we will keep on supporting gaza with all the power that we have the us and u. k. carried out as strikes $118.00 targets increase a controlled area. so the admin on saturday, the 8th locations were hit, including storage facilities for weapons miss south and ad defend systems. the pentagon said in a statement, these strikes are in response to who sees continued attacks against commercial and naval vessels that have not any endangered international c firas, but the lives of yeah, many people this uses now more than 45 attacks, some commercial or naval vessels since mid november constitute a threats to the global economy, as well as regional security, instability on demand and international response. who's the red sea attacks have
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severely disruptive level trade about the iran allied group has vowed to keep up. it strikes on shipping the legs to israel and its allies know for the yeah, the naval forces of the many armed forces with the help of god almighty carried out a qualitative military operation in which they targeted an american oil ship or store in the gulf of a job with a number of appropriate naval missiles, while the air force targeted a number of american worst ships in the red sea, with a number of drugs. the u. s. u. k. strikes in human could inflame existing regional and israel's foreign casa, and public responses from other a run by groups 11 an iraq and syria. barbara and got passed out of the
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ukrainian president. druggie means uminski has repeated his call to western allies to step up support for its war against russia and his speech to mock the 2nd down of a 3 of the russian invasion. he acknowledged that his country has lost 31000 soldiers . his comments, comments the us congress, to base a critical military a package to keep to the program whether ukraine will lose, whether it will be very difficult for us and whether there will be a large number of casualties depends on you. the on our partners on the west and weld, if we will be strong with western national, we will not lose, we will win to, to ukraine's defense ministers says half of promised western military support to ukraine, fails to arrive on time. complicating the task of military planners. and ultimately costing the lives of soldiers. meanwhile, russia is being accused of a messiah tack on
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a railway station in eastern ukraine. the governor of the don't ask region said sundays a time. also had a church in other buildings in consent to misconduct. of rob mcbride has more from didn't april in eastern you create reports from ukraine's eastern front, seeming to indicate that the russians are trying to capitalize on the capture of the town of, of div costs pressing further into ukrainian territory with claims that the troops have now taken 2 more ukrainian villages. now this has been disputed by ukraine who says that soldiers are still fighting in that area. but it does seem as though a roster is making a concerted effort to push further into the you crazy and how parts of a don't yet, regions, there's also been an ass strike on the train station in the town of constance and eco. now that is a strategically important crossroads. it's a gateway further into the ukranian held part of done yet. now this is old comes as
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we are here. we have one small claims that ukrainian force is all being hampered by a shortage of i'm your district in particular artillery shells. this has been echoed by real simple metal c, ukraine's defense minutes to speak and get a full and saying that that have been delays in the delivery of an munition. and this is all the more problematic, given the run pinned off by russia. he says, of the war effort and the voting board of the budget to the war. susan situation is always dynamic. at the moment, commitment doesn't constitute delivery. 60 percent of commitments are not delivered on time. so which means that in the mathematics of war will look to the enemy. their economy is almost too trailing. they use up to 15 percent official, an unofficial budget to the war,
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which constitutes over a $150000000000.00 us dollars. so annually it's officially. so basically whatever commit that, that doesn't come on time will lose, people will lose territories. on a more upbeat no, to matter off, also indicated that ukraine's military has in place. he says, plans for 2024 to do what he calls the post to. busy and the impossible, all lamed trying to get the old important breakthrough, the ukraine, and it's western back as wants to see happen in this war a. but that does seem older, more difficult to try to achieve well, the $60000000000.00 in a promised aid from the united states remains held up in congress in washington, while mcbride, i'll just say era, do you need pro ukraine of the russian president, alexander lucas jenko has announced he will run for president again next year. the
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patient goes rules, the country's affairs. he is made the announcement while casting his vote in parliamentary and local elections. sundays. paul is the 1st and bellows since the 2020 presidential vote, which gave lucas shameka, 6, durham in office and let to mass process elections a going ahead. despite costs for a boycott by the opposition. and for the 1st time observed this from the organization for security and cooperation in europe were not invited to monitor the call. earlier we spoke to the letter, you cut a loose key whose part of the bill of roost, democratic forces as the coordination of parties, that opposes the presidency of alexander lucas shanker. he says that under lucas shanker, many better russians have not been able to enjoy basic rights and freedoms. this is actually the 1st electro campaign seems 2020. and for these 3 and a half years, because i'm gonna leave sophia because of his legitimacy. because the doors and people refused to accept him because they refused to turn the page as he insisted.
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and these 3 and a half years notice because leaves us, we must repressions about 6 percent of the population were forced to leave the country because of the persecution because they were unable to, to enjoy any fundamental basic human rights and freedoms. and even this electro campaign was completely damaged by the absence of basic conditions for such elections. there was no competition. there were no alternative candidates. nobody's could participate. the independent media has completely been wiped out from the country. civil society also about 101500 civil society organizations could have been destroyed by the, by the resume, a little concerned. that's why it was impossible to say that there are even basic conditions on the ground. also, given you take into account is that about 1500 political prisoners, including all political leaders who were in doris at the moment. i'm now in prison
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or to brazil. now, when launch crowds have gathered in sao paulo for a running support, a former president available. so narrow police are investigating both narrow for allegedly providing a code to remove lucy. nice who lose the silver. after the 2022 election boss narrow is banned from running for public office until 2030. and his passport has been confiscated. federal police reveal that he transferred $800000.00 to us bank account near the end of his presidential time. he vent travel to florida with prosecutors say he was going to wait until after the alleged cool. that's bringing monica and i cave in a small bottle for a so huge crowd showing up for both scenario today. he spoke to them. what was his message? yeah, so we're just so we, we can show you where we're at the bodies. but this is avenue was packed with people,
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the riley has just ended and there's still lots of people on the street but not like before, where you could move. also now to basically said to his supporters that there was no attempt to cool that he's not responsible for any attempt to cool. and he also asked for the people that did participate in the january 8th uprising last year and that are still held in prison. some of them have been condemned. he asked them to be pardoned, and he said that he wanted to pacify the country and that he's a victim of persecution. and his wife was also starting her own political career, prayed to the supporters, many of them are of been jellicoe christians. and so she was saying that she was pray for the country and for him yeah, boss. narrow is banned from running for office until 2013. what exactly is he trying to achieve here? for the? well, not only is the band,
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but he's in serious risk of being in prison. so this was to show his political might and maybe to show that he's not, it's not over for him that he still has political clout. that will be important, municipal elections this year in brazil. and he wants to show that he's able to help like to may years, the governor of some ball, which is the richest and largest state of result, along with 3 other governors of important states. we're here supporting him. so just as a show, just say that although he lost the election, although they are accusing him of of attempting a cool or applauding and the legit cool that he's still uh he is not over for him. his political career. thank you very much for that, monica and i q of live there in south parnell, and still ahead on this. i'll just share and use our another victory for, for me us present. donald trump in the republican primaries in the us. but he's
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last remaining viable. he is refusing to bow to the race, we'll find out why. and it's 4 seats. we are denied on historic waiting over 5 to 6 nations. we don't have the option. the hello, we have heavy re mornings remaining and falls across the good positive front southern areas of england caught a nasty area of light pressure rolling in from the atlantic, bringing wet when the weather it to the northwest of here happened last area of light pressure to just swelling away in the mediterranean. it's been trying to get spy slowly for the race with the great things and what the weather as you go through monday, grassy pushing across the edge and towards took a still so whether or not. so what was an old face that just coming out to the
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politics and all too bad? now, of course, a good positive charity, but the way whether it's affecting profs through uh monday remains in place and heavier re pushing all the way down towards the parent. a snow over the parent age when she makes 70 pots of spain as well. what's the med looking pretty dis stubs, and that will continue to push its way for the race with as we go through a tuesday. how does that dry weather now, coming back you to that is the side of the mediterranean, a few spots of rain up towards the politics and plus 3 showers coming back in, across the purchase charles on and should be long as you try. having said that, the south, when i went by in the west and met, also bringing some cloud and right across the far north west of africa to increase the unsettled f, a northern morocco pushing to northern past the vouch area, the applicant narrative from african perspectives in the in the company to
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do show documentaries, by african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of andrew c r e z on if i need to go, i'm on the drive on and reinventing costs on a new series of africa. direct on how to sierra examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not only a fortune the most just looks we are moving this algae 0 sets. the stage ai is a powerful tool and it enables bad people to do bad things, giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on ouch is here. the
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the, the watching out you 0 live from. don't have reminder of on top stories on this news hour. he's really forces that partially withdrawn from guys as mazda hospital leaving the building and its vicinity, and catastrophic conditions. according to august era sources, my braces still positioned around the medical facility is really focused on that last week, forcing thousands of thomas and sheltering back to see palestinians of been the northern guys that because of the genetic he's really a tax. and now leaving in a desperate search for food, they say they no longer is ready to suggest. he has foundation over a 1000000 policy, in fact, like to southern gaza since october. and agencies say is really attacks are keeping
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them from delivering much needed some days ahead of the u. n's agency for palestinian refugee says calls to send aid, have been denied assignment. i've done a job or is un, well food programs, director of emergencies earlier. my colleagues, so alabama and asked him what the implications are after the agency was forced to suspend a delivery to northern gas. we are very alarmed also on that decision to pause the assistance to the north one because there are many desperate civilians but the need for our support. but the reality on the ground is that we were able only to do little 6 convoys since the beginning of the year to in, in, in february and, and did a very, very difficult success as directions. that's was the thing that people receiving the 8 address. so we have to take that very tough decision for us and for the people to protect them. but we are looking for every way to divert that decision
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and continue the assistance in a way that protects their lives. so it's 6 con voice, each kind of boy of 10 trucks. but i think you've touched on a very important point. the delays of the check points are making it impossible for us to reach a deeper into the northern, the guys or where there are lots of people that are in need of the assistance. and that has been looking at our it can boys and, but also the people uh, address and, and that's why we've been actually negotiating with the whole part is to make sure that they make it speedy access for us to stay for it says as one of our requirements to continue assistance in the north and that the can only be guaranteed if there is a speed the process for at our convoys to move into the north. can you give us an idea or all of the bulk lack of a on the objection side of the border as such, trying to get into gauze? i mean what is waiting that to get into gaza. we have enough fluids across the borders, even from jordan and egypt, and to be able to support 2200000 people i think on we are asking for. and i think
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if like you mentioned earlier, the ceasefire materializes, we need to make sure that we have the right access into gaza from different crossings that we can actually reach the people, whether they're in the north or the south with the central areas. and the reports that you were showing earlier is, is that showing the amount of desperation that we are voicing as well. and that's why we need to make sure that we have each and people and making sure that when wherever they're crossing and that is open, we have actually utilizing it in a safe way for the people, but also for the at on stuff to all the horn. guys that has disgraced almost the entire population of the strip. some people have been forced to move multiple times, which is 0, spoke to to policy and women who told us of best offering. who and the guy being the soon with today, hey, and we were at a school in the north bend to is ready tanks and photos has arrived. they took my husband,
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he had been to prison and then he's ready jail for 7 years. he's sick and crippled . and has won't diapers since he left the jail. this is very difficult. we suffer a lot. it's not fair to face the vision and the look of everything. a life is a complete misery. we are far behind the peace of civilization. and we come to see if any progress, the suffering of the palestinian people is unprecedented. we live in missouri and has been suffering since the chief. nothing of my husband came home with that measure. i mean, i'm able to do anything unable to feed himself and i'm able to recognize his children. we live with no water, no food stays release one to kill us. i'm re, i haven't any is that happens at the center? i am 73 years old, and i have never been in such a miserable situation. i've seen so many wars, but this is the worst. i've never witnessed anything like the star vacation. we used to suffer a lot, but not like this. the last 4 to 5 years for posting and slipping, the worst in history. and this war comes on top of everything. we've never seen
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such humiliation to give us a kind of to not as a humiliation. what kind of kind of to not are a kind of beans to for the family of 8 or 10 people. they'll be hungry all the time . that would be much better than living like this. jews around the world are adding their voices to the calls for a ceasefire in gaza in new york home to the largest population of jews outside israel. demonstrations demanding peace have intensified in recent weeks. christiansen only reports, as they called their group of jewish boys for peace. the when president joe biden came to new york for a campaign fundraiser, members took to the streets to protest against israel's war on does the use of us tax dollars to fund it? does? is, are taken away in handcuffs as
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a jewish person. i want it perfectly clear to people. it's not home to support the young people there. that's not in our name. never again. 74 year old sam, co practice, grand parents and much of his extended family were killed in the holocaust. the october 7th attack was horrible. but this, this is not the answer that the only solution is a political from citizens in the us capital to demonstrations in toronto and london. jewish groups are increasingly leading the costs for peace. we have rabbis in the movement. we also have people from across the entire spectrum, so everyone from kind of absolute so i cannot atheist to like very deeply religious . they've been overshadowed by more established pro israel groups like the ones behind this march attended by many of us politicians in november. we
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put a new pool by the institute for social policy and understanding found 50 percent of american jews to support a ceasefire. new york is home to the largest population of jews outside of israel, and they belong to political force to be reckoned with, with their unconditional support for israel can be taken for granted by politicians after weekly demonstrations like this when the group is not now gathered outside the new york office of the us senate majority leader chuck schumer and sang a traditional song for peace. there are more of us than people realize young americans use, but also in more in are countries in general, are not buying into this framework. that picks posted news and is rarely use and hosting ins and choose against each other anymore. they hope to shine a light on the long standing oppression of palestinians and the financial support that is allowed to continue. kristin salumi,
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l g 0 new york. the former us president donald trump has won the latest republican primary beaching nikki haley in our home state of south carolina. the contest is a 5th that is one bringing in postage of the presidential nomination, but he says she'll stay in the race. she advertise very for some charleston, in south carolina, as it had been widely projected for some time, the former south carolina government, nikki haley, would lose the republican primary home state. but haley is keeping to her pledge to go on until super tuesday when march the 5th when 15 states and one territory. well, like i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my work. the reason she can say that is money,
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even though she has the prospect of winning any of the future races, deep pockets, the donors are still present at the bank, right? let's either because of their on typically the donald trump or to keep the running in case drums. legal troubles means he has to drop out. i'm not giving up despite when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe by they have the right to a real choice. not a soviet style election with only one candidate the but becoming the norman. he remains a long shot and trumps. and they just make sure he has such a little bit on the nation price as, as far as the former president is concerned, we're going to be up here on november 5th, and we're going to look at joe biden. anyway, and i look, i'm writing the, he's just drawing our country and we're going to say, joe, you're fired, get out,
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get out. joe, you're fired. even bases more affluent. so both of charleston, south carolina who expressed a phone display, they told us they were voting for donald trump, and it was time for her to drop out. i like her, but i don't think she's to compete with donald. i like taking kelly as well. you know, it's interesting, so it's a tough clock in the kitchen. so i think that donald trump is going to have a better opportunity to take out the current administration. the trump campaign says from now on, it's not even going to mention the key haley's name. instead that will concentrate fully on the presidential election against joe, but she ever time c l g 0, charleston, south carolina. to when i speak to rina chavez, she is a political strategist and commentator and a former republican advisory. joining us from washington dc. rena. very good to have you again, allowed to 0. so from winning in hayley's home state. why? why see show so intent you think on staying in this raise the she signed
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a chance that all down the line of being the republican nominee. well it her own were and she's not afraid of telling the hard truths. and many of these truths we've heard come to her in this past balls, debate season in which the former president did not take part. she talked a lot about the republican party of yesteryear, a lot of those values that seem to characterize it and, and those values were really a lot of them being a really strong military, focusing on kitchen table issues such as economy and crime and immigration. the seem to also demonstrate a strength of the time, the crisis of the southern border to china. she did that repeatedly. and so she really in many ways, woke up this sleeping center, right, republican that had felt left out and rather homeless, not only during trumps time in the white house, been in the aftermath as well. the past 4 years in particular have felt very lowly
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for these type of republicans, and these are considered moderate republicans, but they tend to have a real appetite for hailey because they be one thing being very true of her candidacy here is that she poses the best opportunity for republicans to take back the white house from joe biden. right. but we heard trump after his a victory speech, say that he's never seen the republican party as unified as it is right now. but is it, i mean, does a g o p belong to trump? today? i would actually push back on that notion. we got the empirical evidence during the last mid term election. the trunk back candidates in primary duty succeeded. there could not go on to win their general elections. people including a candidate nikki haley or blaming the former president for republicans not having the majority of the senate. and so when you look at sort of how the tea leaves are being read right now, it depends on who you're asking and the republicans who remain within the mag
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a strong hold. understand that strong, bold is not once as powerful as it used to be, though the speaker of the house belongs to what would be considered the mag of faction. they are dwindling in size again, due to the down houses of ours, haley not able to remain in our, in our own home state to investigate well, that is explained by one phenomenon that is purely american and it's that trump, during the past 8 years, has really stepped into the infrastructure of these local parties in nevada. for example, haley didn't even compete there because she probably, she didn't want to participate because there was not only a monetary faction with the fact that the party been divided republican party is completely run by trump, loyalists. and so you got from the lawyer listened every part of the party infrastructure from state to state. and that really explains how these primaries work as well. the turn out tends to be more fervid artist supporters of the former
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president. so, so by tuesday next week, rena march 5th. what will you be looking out for? well, this is the point. i believe that we can really take the pulse of the republican electorate. and i've been saying that for months now, because on super tuesday we have a range of contacts from coast to coast. many of them are winter takes off, and the most amount of delegates so far are at stake here. so we had iowa, we had new hampshire, you could even count in nevada, and now south carolina is behind us. so 3 states out of these 4, cuz again, we're not really counting nevada, in which donald trump is picked up. the more delegates to nikki haley. but it becomes mathematically impossible for nikki haley to continue with the contest and realistically, winning the nomination. you need 1215, delegates to outright when the republican nomination. and if she's not able to close to donald trump and picking up enough delegates on super tuesday again, she could not win the nomination. but until then,
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i think it's still very much fair game for her. all right, thank you so much. very good to hear your thoughts about this, rina shaw a political strategist joining us at from washington dc. thank you. now to the philippines, where i protest as a vonage in the capital, manila accusing president fred's non macos junior of trying to extend the limit on his term in office. critics say he intends to make changes to the constitution that could alter the structure of the government, the valleys come on the anniversary of the 1986 revolution that toppled marcus's father. barnaby lo reports to manila, a distant memory for many of these protesters. but they say the spirit of the people power revolution in 1986 lives in them 38 years on their fighting and attempt to change the constitution by the son of the president, that earlier generation topple. remember the last ones from history? oh, my gosh. it's a bar once you start to see the new shows and another mark on fridays and whatnot
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for like fall where again, by providing i tried to change something, marcus and his allies in congress is just the change will all the involve economic provisions of the constitution the protesters don't believe it. the problem is that the limit that the number is not the ones they will fit for the assembly. you're not limited on probation on several things, including the presidency at the moment, limited to a single 6 year term. the current, closer to the philippines was drafted and approved after the 1986 mass uprising to the end of the 20th of ferdinand market, senior father of president ferdinand fathers junior colchester sir se efforts to overhaul the constitution are part of historical revisionism that made the marquess political con, back possible. marcus junior,
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isn't the 1st philippine president to attempt to change the constitution. every president since 1992 did. so including his predecessor rodrigo to turn to. but the 30 now says he's against change, and it's called for the succession of the island of mid to now in the southern philippines. a move critics, a itself survey. i think it began when mark or junk came from. the goal is you know, that by itself was a clear signal, the things are finished between them. i'm the, it seems to me and that's the sides. have come out soon, including persisted reports that investigators of the international criminal court have been to the philippines to look into detroit is drug war. despite marcus junior's repeated assertion, that is, government won't help the i. c. c. barney, below al jazeera manila and austria national,
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held by the taliban in afghanistan for 9 months, has been freed habit. fates, with sloan to doha, following successful mediation by the state of kata, the 84 year old visit have gotten his son last may against government travel advisories, austria and media report, he was co founder of a band far right party. and when to have gotten assigned to prove it was safe under the taliban to send refugees back. today is the moment of joy, the return of and at the same time, we're working very closely with us. i do seem caught up on obtaining the release of an austin hostage, gaza from gaza, as well as an austere noise chased the prison in the rock. big, big thank you to the state of casa, the still ahead on al jazeera christiana ronaldo scores that important when for i'm not the
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hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than is that any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is a may just something look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era here's from. i'll just say on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and type to move
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the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of palestinian authority ministry of culture says that the non policy, the not is, has died after is really authorities prevented him from leaving guys for treatment abroad. 40 gabbing was out. ok. so hospital waiting to be evacuated to egypt to medical care, according to the ministry all his paperwork wise in order and he waited for 2 weeks, but he never received a permit to leave
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a london based policy. me an artist is about to exhibit what she describes as the most important work of a career. i like my ties from gaza and she says her painting called last breath depicts his rouse, wore on the strip. here's her story in her own words. my name is malick lots that are on the policy and an artist and also originally from the gaza strip. i'm based in london and i'm working on the biggest painting in my career, documenting many elements of vision, a site and the costs are like go up as ever, she se, but because i was and has always been my home because it said the city that i know the most and it's the most beautiful setting and it's, we're making or makes the most sense. we had a really rich culture of life, but it was absolutely disturbed by the mortality from vitamins and the hard to reality of living in a prison. so for me, i came in with
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a sense of urgency that i want to say something. i grew up with this spirit and i want it to show it to the world that we have and dixon. so resilience of resistance, of loving life and wanting to make something out, nothing. it was my own way of, of recording as a witness. as a, as a teenager, as a young adult, witnessing and recording the brutality of occupational. my boy, you know, started to become about lots of information about kind of seen in culture about olive harvesting about childhood. yesterday we are very colorful, but they were not too happy, but now i, it's not like i woke up and i decided i'm not going to use color. and i simply looked at all the colors and they only sell black because it's reality. and because of this time is too high, it's to go to my immediate family, they're all in casa,
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and it's so hard to be in touch with them for the entire month of october and timeline for november. i couldn't even hold a press or a pencil. it was a complete state of funding list, but now i know whether i like it or not. it's my duty a and it's my responsibility to do and not only for any audience, it's for us, the palestinian generation, for us to never forget. for me, i'm trying to to, to make a photos on the most important elements of this photos and a site against my own people and against my own history. 10 f as full test feature . let me thank you very much level who have won the leak up for a record extending 10th time. is vigil van dyke's extra time head it gave them a wonderful victory against chelsea. it was a repeat all between t $22.00 final which never for one on penalties. they would have to do it without how much cello picking up another injury and the premium the last week. no goals
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and normal time, but it was an incident fold. 19 minutes, both sides, hence the sonata goes and dykes was ruled out of. busy a va or monitor check for a file on leave. colewell in the buildup. right, so i'd say propose to this was the closest please go to this kind of guy. the guy here, the frame to be tama those to the deep into add time. been going was not to be denied if one minutes it is t, as in topside listing. this is this, this, this old silver with sales to in contention for advertising is along with this in mind, but it might more than 20 years easily. the most special trophy of a one is absolutely the exception of the competition. we
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play for the, for that trophy and we're in good on a know is, is the same way you can tell me that's gotten me, you know, feedback to nothing and they need, they need to feed the things like us. and of course, the need to realize that we need to more we need to, but the things we need to improve independently whose feet, sheffield united. but that was most the headlines. stella as to united's own, plays, the new c, a. caesar and jeff robinson got into a fight with each other and it required va or to check if they should both be single from the violent conduct. they blushed as was paid as they both stayed on the field that happened off to a couple of should all be a hit, a cables or 3 points against the bottom placed side around the grid. or 13 actually begins to severe back matches. now in stuff it's time they start play, turn to moderates, a man approaching the age of 14,
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you rolling back to years with that goal. it's one which would put them a points clearly fossil in at the top of these. yeah. mortgages for around the good colleague christy, on ronald, it was on the school sheet as on that, so it kept a sidelights alive of victory against also above. for now the school from the support please 22nd legal of the season. before 2 goes from tellus got help the side to a 3 to when it puts on us a points behind leaders of hello, they face stephen gerald's. oh, it's effect on monday. india all tennessee and on a series victory against england for bass and collapse. lift the host needing just $152.00 more and so victory and the full faced and going to have the advantage going in today. $3.00 a moved around 90. that didn't get back into it. those 46 rungs behind going into the 2nd meetings. india opened with a spinners and they did the trick bin. deca prefer to go. all the paper was dismissed without screwing any rooms with the sick. and so i'm in this match. it's
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off 7 weekends holding for just $35.00 runs a 55th 5. we're good home for a lot of terms and ask you in india say, 192 for victory. they'll go into a full 40 with an applause then definitely above euro. he bought it really well towards the end of and yeah, we probably scroll to see more rugs that we would have liked. but again, we're, we're gonna, we're gonna vote about. so our maintenance jordan thompson has when he's 1st atp to a title of tre defeated, casper, root in straits. it's so in the last couple open, it was a mattress and week for the 29 year old australian e save 3 match points in the quarter finals. full taking almost 4 hours to beat alex on his bed is in the semi finals. this was most straightforward, the one, the 1st 6. the 2nd went through a tie break, but he saw the full seed and 3 time graphs and i'm fine with this child support and
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lift the protein mexico. it said he has missed the johns to pull up the star when the fronts and said they have to settle for 13. 06 nations true differentiate established 813630 move sale thing. old. a 6 nations matches away from paris this year. and i think the preparation were still he and then became the size of the house where he was to 14 men and these highlands eventually took advantage and g, couple walk. so scoring i may try to bring it to the back into. it's kind of like, i'll be see you then had an opportunity in injury time to see the 1st away went against violence in the 6 nations, both out of the rush, these the same to the shop truck was running out and ultimately he was denied a fight post oh we well for instance, looking at $10.20 pound a school, the 1st driveways, national savings team, the former will plato via a switch to san francisco in a bit to pay a fee olympics different schools in the city, $15.00 to stage. we never stayed at the kennedy,
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this is that's what it's supposed to be useful to not fully, peter. thank you very much. and that's the news for now. but do stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with more of the day. so i'm sorry, the white, sandy beaches and clear to close voltage. this is the multi, it's the world knows and loves the island of and then gilley is a smaller waist. this next to the capital, one of the most densely populated cities in the world, just off the coast. and you project to try and remedies, pillows, subject to the sea for highway leading to watts. now, just to send bulk will be and you call get pulled in residential blocks. judging sam bits killers, micro organisms find sustaining marine environments. it's a tricky balancing act for the government of the country that's 99 percent of the voltage vulnerable to rising sea level. the dive is head say,
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the judging has already had a devastating impact rates in this. the area of law, 70 percent of the carl coverage. the residents of feeling guilty are already taking action to protect the reef. carl's come back to promote gross and replanted off the coast. it's fun for me. i do. but the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture what there should moment international law is vehicle b, this model on sort of discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute impunity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront, without using a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal was life trade loses its
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survival skills. the tree discovering them is possible with the little house a park ranger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the the so i'm totally back to boy, you're watching out you 0 at night from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes facing starvation. hundreds of thomas, the names are for stiffly northern, gaza, despite the ongoing is really a tax. 7 guys is largest saw hospital left teen boeing's off to israel, partially with johns from the facility and avenues,
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ukraine's president. stacy's country has lost more than 31000 soldiers in the war and called on western nations for more support against russia. but i monica


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