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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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on adjusting you, the power defines out loud. we live here, we make the rules, not the people empower, investigate, exposed, and question the use and abuse of power around. but the analogy era, the facing starvation, hundreds of palestinians fleet, northern gauze, are in a desperate search for food despite ongoing, is really a tax the time killing a how this is elderly, rely from the doe who also coming out southern gaza as largest hospital left in ruins after his riley forces withdrawal, partially from the facility. ukraine's president says he's country has lost more
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than 31000 soldiers in the world with russia and cools on western nations for more support class. i monica not gifts and were on the pony and stuck in the center of some follow, brazil's largest city were thousands of people have come to show their support. the former president, shy. you also not the 2 guys of us with israel began. it's war more than a 1000000 people have fled from the north to the south of the script to escape the bombardment. those remaining in northern areas and now leaving a desperate search for food. palestinians making the move say they no longer the feeder is ready troops, but they do fish salvation. and our daughter has been following the crowds, making the journey. a slick currently in web b, as as the last point that connects the not the ring with the southern gaza strip.
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and here are hundreds of palestinian refugees, the evacuated from the northern area to the southern area of the gaza strip. we have been asking the families, why did you get back 2 weeks after 141 days? the on the some. you get me to show you. i decided to leave off the 141 days because of the lack of food was like when you think animal feet and the for sure life is most livable in the most. yeah, we reach the moments where we don't sphere as well any more and we don't sphere to see each uh we only fish salvation as for labor fee. i can well i have a fee. i can order since there was no food. there was nothing over the low on $61.00. and i've never seen such a catastrophe. well that was eating valley. this is the food for donkeys. what's here on the street is hold for policy, mean families in the southern area have been waiting for the people who evacuated
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from the other area and they're giving them free food and free transportation. so they can read the safe area. we talked to a lot of people who evacuated from the north today. they told us that they had to walk the hallway from the gods of city to hear. they said that they left their house is a 6 am in the morning and they made it here at 11. they said that there's a check point. people are a rested, are integrated, and people were also flores to take their clothes off. why they were integrated by the is there any forces we saw a mother that was crying because her son was arrested, she told us they took him and she said that she won't know when the next time she's going to see her son is ready for us as a possibly withdrawn from not so hospital and i'm garza, but according to ireland is 0. so smart, there's a still positioned around the medical complex. the hospital and it's vicinity of
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stuff with major destruction. 10 days ago is rarely troops storm that forcing thousands of people sheltering that to sleep and is ready for us has continued to strike areas in some gauze or where more than a 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge. at least 86 people have been killed and a 131 injured over the past 24 hours. tara was, has the latest from rough, ha. as rarely, military forces are stepping up the military attacks, of course, different areas. and because of strict within the past 24 hours, what been seeing a clear concentration on the southern part specifically on calling you in a central 5 district where it's very military forces that targeted. and i'm both residential houses in russell. and also you can call you to city as a part of their genocide to minute treat campaign. and in terms of another part of the goals of people today, you had been coming under the is very funny. as they were waiting for humanitarian supplies to be delivering to the another part. we are talking about 10 policy as
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being proposed, killed and named it as they were waiting for humanitarian assistance that might really mitigate read the aggravating humanitarian crisis. and at the same time, the solver at part witnessed a partial withdrawal by this very minute. 2 troops for an officer, medical complex, leading, telling a great deal of destruction that make the hospital completely own function of right now. direct of a zoom out just a rough, rough or southern guns, a as well as will cabinets is expected to reconvene to approve plans for an operation. in rafa farms to benjamin netanyahu says a ground invasion will happen that the potential cease 5 without and the somewhat delays roughly is currently sheltering. more than half of the strips population. i'm the salute. tell us more from occupied east jerusalem is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu convening his war cabinet on sunday evening to discuss the 2
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main agenda items. the 1st is the ground invasion into the alpha. he says that he's going to present his staff members administers with a plan for not only the ground defensive, but also evaluation orders for nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge in gauze the southern most city. now the 2nd topic on the agenda for israel's war cabinet is going to be a potential deal to bring back is really captive. and it would also secure a pause in the fighting. now on saturday evening, israel's war cabinet convened via telephone to vote on sending and is really delegation to know how to meet with mediators and discuss what kind of concessions these relays were willing to give up. in order to make a deal. it comes after the head of israel's most side and the head of israel sion that were in paris to meet with mediators and had come back with what they're calling an outline or a framework for a potential deal that would see
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a 6 week pause in the fighting with around 40 is really captives released as well as hundreds of palestinian prisoners in his really jails. but they're still a lot of gaps that need to be filled. still a lot of sticking points and he is really prime minister while speaking to american media on sunday morning, had said that there is no indication that we're actually anywhere near a deal. but that these conversations were ongoing and that these really delegation was going to continuously meet with mediators to see what could be done. but he also stressed that the ground invasion into the flash would be imminent if there was or was not a deal secured. honda central which as jersey though, occupied east jerusalem, it's around has condemned the light to strikes that the u. s. and you kind of kinda doubting the m and the hit 18 who's the targets on saturday around says it's an attempt to escalate tension in the regions like washington and london. say the
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strikes were in response to a wave of who's the attacks on vessels in the red sea since november, barbara, and got the reports on shaken and defiant of to weston strikes on the pcm in east and the capital. santa said the backend to see a tax on regional shipping as a show of solidarity. the palace come into the golfing. and i'm the used tool we have been in will for minute. the strikes will not thomas. it is either we achieve victory for palestine. we will work on foot to palestine to free it from his right and the strikes will not intimidate, will scare us. we will keep on support and gaza with all the power that we have. the us and u. k. carried out as strikes $118.00 targets in a controlled area. so c, m, and on saturday, the 8th locations were hit, including storage facilities for weapons myself and ad defend systems. the pentagon
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said in a statement, the strikes are in response to who sees continued attacks against commercial, a naval vessels that have not any endangered international c, farah's, but the lives of the many people. this uses now more than 45 attacks, some commercial or naval vessels since mid november, constitute a threats to the global economy, as well as the original security instability on demand and international response. cru, see red c attacks have severely disruptive level trade, but the iran allied group has vowed to keep up. it strikes on shipping the legs to israel and its allies. now for the yeah, the naval forces will begin many armed forces with the help of god almighty carried out a qualitative military operation in which they targeted an american oil ship or store in the gulf of a dog with a number of appropriate naval missiles. while the air force targeted
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a number of american worships in the red sea, with a number of drugs, the u. s. u. k strikes in yemen could inflame existing regional and israel's foreign casa, and public responses from other a run by groups 11 an iraq and syria. barbara and got passed out of the you finding the president, florida me, zalinski us repeated. he's cool to western allies to step up support for the war against russia. he had a speech to mock the 2nd down of the 3 of the russian invasion. he acknowledge that he's country has lost. so t 1000 soldiers. so then skis, comments comes the us congress debates a critical ministry aid package, a package to prove that i am, whether you clean will lose, whether it will be very difficult for us and whether there will be
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a large number of casualties depends on you. see on our partners on the west and weld, if we will be strong with western national, we will not lose. we will win to cheat. or the us senate has approved a new $60000000000.00 security package, but it's a sold in the house of representatives. rich oats and as a geo political consultant and a full me, us state department official, he says, house republicans a holding up the bill over disagreements about immigration. but he says the policy is still supportive of the ukrainian war of it. i think it's a, it's a temporary delay. the fact is that both in the republican party and the democratic party showed bipartisan a position here is that ukraine should not fault with russia. the modalities of how to get that help to ukraine. very between the 2 parties. i think the fact that the senate republicans did approve this $60000000000.00 is a good sign and they normally lead on foreign policy. the g o p. house members have
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been a little bit more reticent because it's been tied up with a number of other domestic priorities such as the debate over how to strengthen our own southern border at the same time that were strengthening ukraine's ability to defendants or federal and border. so these are legitimate debates within the us system about how to sequence aid and what the tradeoffs and priorities are. but i think my sense from watching the both parties here in washington is that there's still a commitment to allowing ukraine to defend itself and empowering itself. to do so, ukraine's defense minister says hospitable, promised west and military support to ukraine, fails to arrive on time, complicating the task of military planners and ultimately costing the lives of soldiers. meanwhile, rusher is being accused of a missile attack on a railway station in east and ukraine. the governor of they don't ask region since sunday's attack also hit the church and other buildings in constant. and you've come from mcbride has more now from denise pro in eastern new crime reports from
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ukraine's eastern front, seeming to indicate that the russians are trying to capitalize on the capture of the town of, of div costs pressing further into ukrainian territory with claims that the troops have now taken 2 more ukrainian villages. now this has been disputed by ukraine who says that soldiers are still fighting in that area. but it does seem as though a roster is making a concerted effort to pushed further into the ukrainian help parts of a don't yet region. that is also being an ass strike on the train station in the town of constance and eco. now that is a strategically important crossroads. it's a gateway further into the ukranian held part of done yet. now this is old comes as we are here. we a one small claims that ukrainian force is all being hampered by a shortage of amunition in particular artillery shells. this has been echoed by
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real simple metal c, ukraine's defense minister. speaking of the form, saying that that have been delays in the delivery of, i'm a nation, and this is old, the more problematic, given the ramping up by russia, he says, of the war effort and devoting board of the budget to the will. sue's the situation is always dynamic, said the moment commitment doesn't constitute delivery. 50 percent of commitments are not deliberate on time. so which means that in the mathematics or, or will look to the enemy, their economy is almost too trailing. they use up to 15 percent of appraisal, and i'm official budget to the war which constitutes over a $150000000000.00 us dollars. so annually and so officially. so basically
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whatever commit that, that doesn't come on time will lose. people will lose territories on a more upbeat no. to matter off, also indicated that ukraine's military has in place. he says, plans for 2024 to do what he calls the possible. busy and to the impossible all lane, i tried to get the all important break through the ukraine and it's weston back cuz i want to see happen in this war a. but that does seem all the more difficult to try to achieve. well, the $60000000000.00 in a promised aid from the united states remains held up in congress in washington mcbride. i'll just say era, do you need pro ukraine still ahead on al jazeera? not in our name. never again from all too young to cruise around the world at the voices, to cones, for a cease fire in gaza. and maintaining his grip on power battle russian president,
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alexander lucas sent announce who seem to seek a 7th time in office. the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. hello, it is fading raw. the spring like for eastern parts of the us. we have some really warm weather coming in here behind. this will in front, this red line winds coming in from a southerly direction. but we got something of a change up to was the northwest. i put across that west, inside of canada, just around the space me system here. it's going to become a little more active as we go through the next couple of days. so you minus 12 cells, just that in calgary as we go through monday, but it's a 33 that full balance as of 25 for kansas city, 5 plumas, where the cold as gravity kind of went out. so you can see have
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a call to where it comes in, still warm as we go through, choose date down across the southern plains. in particular, as we got to where the state massive drop 14 celsius in dallas would be 3 degrees. the in kansas. this will bring some other light be weather in from the west. is it the same monday as long as you find and try when she makes coming across the northwest all through us right across the rockies, pushing further southwards and those snow showers grassy, nudging, midway. a little further south with denise was 10, but big open temperatures here as well as the snow comes into fish. i was the by the state into the eastern seaboard. appeared chavez to, into the caravan. more the west sunshine than showers, but fun and dry for mexico. the weather brought to you by visit castle. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct action. walter sheds moments. international law is v b. this model on sort of discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute impunity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how
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does it affect you? how does it affect the community a sense that message that and the out of bigotry that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without using the, the back you're watching out to 0. and these are the top stores. hundreds of palestinians facing starvation and leaving newton guys are in a desperate search for food agencies say is really attack. so keeping them from delivering much needed paid. the heads of the humans agency for palestinian says cools, for more age have been denied. he's ready, forces have partially withdrawn from national hospital in southern gaza,
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or up to storming its enforcing thousands of people to sleep last week. according to l to 0, so small, it goes a still positioned around the hospital and is rose prime minister says a potential cease fire in the war on guns or whatever the delay a ground invasion of rough benjamin netanyahu says, an invasion of cause a southern city would put israel within weeks of quotes. total victory of almost is now dues around the world are adding their voices to calls for a cease fire and gaza in new york home to the largest population of jews outside these ro, demonstrations, demanding peace, have intensified in recent months. kristen suddenly me ripples as they called their group of jewish boys for peace. the when president joe biden came to new york for a campaign fundraiser. members took to the streets to protest against israel's war
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on does the use of us tax dollars to fund it? does is were taken away in handcuffs as a jewish person. i want it perfectly clear to people that not home to support and the young people there that's not in our name. never again. 74 year old sam, co practice, grand parents and much of his extended family were killed in the holocaust. the october 7th, the attack was horrible. but this, this is not the answer. that is, the only solution is a political from citizens in the us capital to demonstrations in toronto and london. jewish groups are increasingly leading the costs for peace. we have rabbis and the movement. we also have people from across the entire spectrum. so everyone from kind of absolute site can a atheist to like very deeply religious. they've been overshadowed by more
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established pro israel groups like the ones behind this march, attended by many us politicians in november. we put a new pool by the institute for social policy and understanding found 50 percent of american jews to support a ceasefire. new york is home to the largest population of jews outside of israel, and they belong to political force to be reckoned with, with their unconditional support for israel can be taken for granted by politicians after weekly demonstrations like this right. the group is not now gathered outside the new york office of the us senate majority leader, chuck schumer and sang a traditional song for peace. there are more of us than people realize young americans use, but also in more, in our countries, in general, are not buying into this framework. that picks policy news and is rarely use and
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hosting and, and choose against each other anymore. they hope to shine a light on the long standing oppression of palestinians in the financial support that is allowed to continue. christian salumi alger 0 new york, the former us president, thought president, i think i'm donald trump, has won the latest republican primaries between nikki haley in the home state of south carolina. but haley says she will stay in the race. she had brought tons of reports from charleston in south carolina. it had been widely projected for some time, the former south carolina government nikki haley would lose the republican primary states. but haley is keeping to her pledge to go on until super tuesday on march. the 5th when 15 states and one territory. well thanks. i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my worst reason. she can say that is money,
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even though she has the prospect of winning any of the future races. deep pockets, the donors are still preferred to bank or less either because of their on typically the double trump or to keep the running in case drums, legal troubles means he has to drop out. i'm not giving up despite when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe by they have the right to a real choice. not a soviet style election with only one candidate the for the coming the know many remains a long shot and trumps. and they just victory has such a little bit on the nation price as, as far as the former president is concerned, we're going to be up here on november 5th, and we're going to look at joe biden anyway, and i left him right in the he's destroying our country and we're going to say joe
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year fired, get out, get out, show you a side or even versus more affluent. so both of charleston, south carolina who expressed a phone, this lady told us they were voting for donald trump, and it was time for her to dropouts. i like her but i don't think she's to compete with donald. i like taking kelly as well. you know, just being such a tough call care, nicky. so i think that donald trump is going to have a better opportunity to take out the current administration. the trump campaign says from now on it's not even going to mention nicky hayley's name. instead, that will concentrate fully on the presidential election against joe, but she ever time see out, is there a charleston, south carolina or ring a shot, or is a political strategist of the former republican advisors? she explains why and if you haley was staying in the race, despite losing in her home state. in her own word, she's not afraid of telling the hard truths. and many of these truths we've heard come to her in this past balls, debate season,
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in which the former president did not take part. she talked a lot about the republican party of yesteryear, a lot of values that seem to care right fit and, and those values are really a lot of them being a really strong military, focusing on kitchen table issues such as economy and crime and immigration. the seem to also demonstrate the strength of the time, the crisis of the southern border to china. she did that repeatedly. and so she really in many ways, woke up this sleeping center, right, republican that had felt left out and rather homeless, not only during trump time in the white house, but in the aftermath as well. the past 4 years in particular have felt very low lead for these type of republicans, and these are considered moderate republicans, but they tend to have a real appetite for haley because they see one thing being very true of her candidacy here is that she poses the best opportunity for republicans to take back
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the white house from joe biden. i suppose it is a form of brazilian president jeff, both sinatra of hello rally and south pilot police. are investigating both an arrow for allegedly plotting a crew to remove his successive luis enough to do the silva off to the 2022 election. also narrow is banned from public office until 2030. and his passport has been confiscated. monica, you're not q. was that the rabbit in south palo where you are not, they knew that biology is that which is the just the city. so the them have come to show support to corporate president. you both. so now they've come from many parts of brazil. this is a router he is called on for because he has also been said, 6 o whole series of legal battles. and he risk being in prison. now these people have
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come here. they're dressed all in yellow and green, which are the colors of brazil. and also a was a matter of supporters. we haven't been standing around me since january 8th, 2023. when there was an uprising and present now so little about silver had just taken often. we wonder, what do i see? so now i also now don't want to show that he is. 2 a public figure that he is still popular and there will be elections now in october, very important, municipal elections embers so, so the sonata wants to show that he can be a change, make or model cannot give all just there are some follow or no battle russian president, alexander lucas, and has announced his, we'll say that he will run for his 7th time as president next year. because shine cause rude. the country for 30,
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he is made the announcement while costing his voting, parliamentary and local elections. that vote is going ahead despite calls for a boy called by the opposition. and for the 1st time you're appealing observes, were not invited to monitor the poll. but according to provo, sloane can a form of the russian diplomat by the roost, is complicit in russia's invasion of ukraine. it looks then because resume has survived things to military, financial and political support by most code. and lucas sound good house to pay back from most go for the support and he's paying back with the full ring to young independence of boundaries and also with repression against the civil society originally following the country. so those 2 retains they come together and as far as you remember, 2 years ago they launched their attack against ukraine. this was not only attacked by moscow. it was done together using the military and civil infrastructure,
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invalid res. and according to the insightful rules and laws about the races, complicit to, to this aggression. and i think that the future of those 2 to be james. i also very tied together now that the whole region probably even the future of the whole world . and they is the system of international relation depends on what will reaction will be on ukraine if we continue place and they are, and we continue struggling for the international rules or norms, help him ukraine liberal rates of their could by territories. this would mean that valerie, when voters and people would get the 2nd transport. busy or a guessing that freedom or that they wanted for in, in, in the elections. i see that the future of valor is very much depends on what is happening now in the battle brought a new crane. this of the battle, the main ally of lucas shameka protest as a rally. the philippine capital manila are accusing president for the non mock of
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junior of trying to extend the limit on his to him and office. critics say he intends to make changes to the constitution that could alter the structure of the government. the rallies come on the anniversary of the 1986 revolution, the top of marcus's father on a be low reports now from the a distant memory for many of these protesters. but they say the spirit of the people power revolution in 1986 lives in them 38 years on their fighting and attempt to change the constitution by the son of the president, that earlier generation topple. remember the last ones from history? oh, my gosh. it's a bar once you start to see the new shows and another mark on fridays and whatnot for like fall where again, by providing i tried to change something, marcus and his allies in congress is just the change will all the involve economic provisions of the constitution the protesters don't believe it.


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