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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the world's largest economy costs cocoa prices a soaring and chocolate levels of meetings of change. counting the cost on al jazeera, the pricing and stuff ation. hundreds of palestinians, flame northern goes up in a desperate search for food. despite on getting his radius the, the clock this is out, is there a light from dell also coming up? southern guns as long as hospital left in ruins of to is ready for us as possibly withdrawal from the facility. 6
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making shift classroom provides and employment provides lessons or hundreds of policy and children deprived of student invoice on gods. but the, the software and health industry wants thousands of junior adults, his own strength given you reforms go back to work your life, the citizens. israel begun is more on jobs and more than a 1000000 people have fled from the north to the south of this trip to escaping, to bump bump and those remaining in northern areas. and now leaving in a desperate search for food, palestinians making the move, say they no longer affairs, rarely transcripts. they do fist of ation and delicate harry has been following the crowds, making the journey slick. frankly, in web the says the, the last point that connects the not the written with the southern gaza strip. and here are hundreds of palestinian refugees evacuated from the another and area
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to the southern area of the gaza strip. we have been asking the families why did you about 2 weeks after 141 days on the some you get me to show you how decided to leave off the 141 days because of the lack of food was like when you think animal feet and the for sure. life is most livable in the most. yeah. we reach moments where we don't sphere as well any more and we don't sphere this each . we only fist operation is. let's see. i can well, i see i can do other things. there was no food. there was nothing over the law on $61.00. i don't know. i've never seen such a catastrophe. well, if i was eating valley, this is the food for don't tease what's here. on the street is hold for a palace to mean families in the southern area have been waiting for the people who evacuated from the other area and they're giving them free food and free
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transportation. so they can read the safe area. we talked to a lot of people who evacuated from the north today. they told us that they had to walk the hallway from because of city to here. they said that they left their house is a 6 am in the morning and they made it here at 11. they said that there's a check point. people are a rested, are integrated, and people were also flores to take their clothes off. why they were integrated by the is there any forces we saw a mother that was crying because her son was arrested, she told us they took him and she said that she won't know when the next time she's going to see her son. well, is there any forces to have partially withdrawn from nasa hospital in southern gaza, but according to all to 0 sources, snipers still positions around the medical come so hospital in its facility have suffered major destruction. 10 days go is ready. troops don't that forcing
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thousands of people sheltering that to flee. is there any forces continued to strike? areas in southern goes away more than a 1000000 palestinian to seeking refuge. at least 86 people are being killed and a 100 and such weren't injured over the past 24 us target because that's the latest now from rough this is rarely, military forces are stepping up the military attacks, of course, different areas. and the goal is a strict within the past 24 hours. what been seeing a clear concentration on the southern part, specifically on at con units central 5 district where is ready military forces that targeted and i'm both residential houses and roof. and also you can call you to city as a part of their dentist only to minute treat campaign. and in terms of another part of the goals of people today you had been coming under the is very funny. as they were waiting for humanitarian supplies to be delivering to the another part, we are talking about 10 policy as being proposed killed and injured as they were waiting for humanitarian assistance that might really mitigate so that we're ready,
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aggravating humanitarian crisis. and at the same time, the solver at part witnessed a partial withdrawal by this very minute, 2 troops for an officer medical complex leading, telling a great deal of destruction that make the hospital completely on functional right now. direct of a zoom out just a rough, rough southern guns, a residence in beta has se is ready. will plains have destroyed heavy machinery crucial for such a rescue efforts and the aftermath of attacks. i'll just arizona shall show the reports from north and goes national and towards your dc college abilities. basically, i have the we are now in debate to lock your municipality garage. here was a group of the municipality, vehicles and machinery before being completely destroyed and the rate carried out by this rarely workplace. when i all of the, the, what i filled out, i'll call it this really occupation forces are trying to obstruct the work of old
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municipalities. yeah, yeah. well, similar rates were carried out by these rarely planes on the vehicles and machinery of jamalia out nationally. minnesota, allocating tread itself, but not a lot of this has added more to the misery of the palestinians here in the north. now because of strep. so basically i'm for what the next thing that the outcomes there are no vehicles or full. those aren't available at all because to help the people who refused to remove debris, i tried to open a little road to facilitate the enrollment of citizens. if i to help me, i can also with these vehicles that machinery used to work in the field of sanitation with them. yeah. the auto part of these vehicles were burnt and destroyed by these really all condition forces. you know, very systematic sage on the strength as your yvonne comma to the start ration is increasing, the, the suffering isn't more sending yet the palestinian most about these can not do anything to help the citizen they have to pocket on us to show you how does it all
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tremendously more than 625000 children and guys have been out of school due to his rails on during siege and from above. and many have had to grow up quickly. of course, trying to provide for the families within and make shift classroom in the above. one teacher is making sure they don't run to the child and run an account asus are in attends in the city of dear old paula. a makeshift classroom is providing a safe space for young mind. these kids, like many their age, have emissions of becoming doctors, artists, and asked we would since october 7th. the only lesson on their mind is survival. mohammed delta dari was a teacher before the war began. these days he provides lessons to hundreds of children that go well beyond the standard textbook at the bottom. there are plenty of mark is any way in depth of homes for children living and shelters are afraid. confused and terrified and they wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of
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these really shelling. however, the one thing that gave me a positive impression is that i managed to suit the students as much as possible by means of emotional release, poetry and pros. i also managed to convince them to discuss how they're feeling very creative, very special and shining. welcome at the use box despite destruction and death permeating throughout the process. well, how many classes are providing kids the moment to step out of that darkness? and think about a future after war. queen size of the tunnel and i was living and bait had noon and once it was started we saw a shelter at the schools in darrow below. i was happy with this initiative and i would like to thank the teacher for helping launch it and helping you study off to law schools for phones. it's a good thing that he gave his account to study. so we can remember all the things we've learned to become doctors and engineers. it all to handle. everybody is happy because we are learning and living the same life we had before. when we used to go
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to school, i hope that we can go back to school and learn from several teachers about arabic and mathematics, english, sociology, sciences and so on. the idea around 625000 children have been out of school since november 6. that was one of the ministry of education suspended the school year due to war. the un estimates around 700 schools existed in casa, but after october, 6346 schools were destroyed or damaged. another, a 133 schools are being used to shelter for displace palestinians. bahamas classroom is without chalkboards tests and chairs. but these children are not letting circumstances define their limits. they continue to dream big for their families. so is that they have lost in the land. they hold close to their hearts and run all the hon. i'll just here of israel,
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small cabinet is expected to reconvene to approve plans for an operation in rough or prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so the ground invasion will happen at a potential seas, for i would only somewhat delay it for our, for as currently sheltering more than half of the strips population. i'm the son who has moved from occupied east jerusalem is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu continuing his war cabinet on sunday evening to discuss the 2 main agenda items. the 1st is the ground invasion into the alpha. he says that he's going to present his staff members administers with a plan for not only the ground defensive, but also evaluation orders for nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge in gauze the southern most city. now the 2nd topic on the agenda for israel's war cabinet is going to be a potential deal to bring back is really captive. and it would also secure a pause in the fighting. now on saturday evening,
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israel's war cabinet convened via telephone to vote on sending and is really delegation to know how to meet with mediators and discuss what kind of concessions these really is were willing to give up in order to make a deal. it comes after the head of israel's most side and the head of israel sion that were in paris to meet with mediators and had come back with what they're calling an outline or a framework for a potential deal that would see a 6 week pause in the fighting with around 40 is really captives released as well as hundreds of palestinian prisoners in his really jails. but there's still a lot of gaps that need to be filled. still a lot of sticking points and he is really prime minister while speaking to american media on sunday morning, had said that there is no indication that we're actually anywhere near a deal. but that these conversations were ongoing and that these really delegation was going to continuously meet with mediators to see what could be done. but he
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also stressed that the ground invasion into the flash would be imminent if there was or was not a deal secured. honda central, which is just ego occupied east jerusalem to protest as of guy that enrolled at the time in the netherlands to show solidarity with palestinians in casa hundreds of demonstrate. as mentioned, a city in the center of the city has some held up small party by scripts and the height child death told during months of conflict. it's always different matters among several year. a pin, civil 7 see resign day of the government's position on israel's war on garza. she explained just why she made the decision. i. my name is on clinic i though. i'm a former that states limits. and most of us, i worked at our embassy miscast as a deputy investor, and at our middle east desk here in a given the dutch policy with regard to casa,
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i could no longer be part of the organization. that's because it was no longer in line with my both my professional and personal integrity to continue working. there was a lot in the resignation that i wrote about. and, you know, moral standing that we had lost devon's for, for example, has refused to define what's going on as for crimes or potential war crimes. a we have it states twice in the you, in general assembly where it comes to the filtering for a cease fire maybe or here in the, hey, capital of peace and justice. and you know, all of that has, has, you know, our credibility has v, a silver is an extreme blow. and i try to have a conversation with the minister and, and give a warning. and it was not just me, you know, stepping forward with concerns. but many people within the organization, civil service from the ministry of, for an for an affairs decided to have
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a sit in every week for thursday, from 12 to 12, 30 june to lunch break. and to, to make clear that that day still appealing for cease fire. it does take some coverage to, to go and sit there and be part of this. last week we had an, an joint statement that the, that the, for the house it's brought forth with our american calling some state department to european colleagues. it has never happened before the civil surface across the atlantic unites and, and to keep this kind of reflection back to their respective governments. so there was, this is rebecca that published his article this week, stating that he didn't really totally agree with. you know, our, our action in content wise, what to think was really have because of the fact that there was people surface that had the courage to, you know, a constant, ex, governance and. and he made a reference to 4045, in which the civil servants generally in this country loyally implemented policy,
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resulting in, in the middle us being the country where most jews were for the 4th. it's a still a head hit right now, is there a ukraine in need of more weapons? the defense minister says off of the promise western military support has not arrived on time. i monica inactive and we're on not being either all east in the center of some follow largest city or thousands of people have come to show their support to former president shy. you also not the hello. it is fading raw. the spring like for eastern part of the us, we have some really warm weather coming in here behind this form from this red line when it's coming in from a southerly direction. but we've got something of
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a change up towards the northwest. i put across that west inside of canada just around the space me system here. it's gonna become a little more active as we go through the next couple of days. so you minus 12 celsius that in calgary, as we go through monday. but there's a $33.00 that full balance as of $25.00 for kansas city. that plume of where the cold air gravity kind of went out. so you can see have a cold when it comes in still warm as we go through tuesday, down across the southern plains. in particular. as we got to white list a massive drop 14 celsius in dallas can be 3 degrees to in kansas. this will bring some of the live, the weather in from the west is it is a monday, as long as you find and try when she makes coming across the north west, all through us right across the rockies, pushing further southwards and those snow showers gradually, nudging they weigh a little further south. what's a nice has 10, but big open temperatures here as well as the snow comes in a fierce i was the by this stage into the eastern seaboard. appeared chavez to, into the caravan. more the west sunshine than showers. but fun and dry for mexico
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of the discussing the defining issues of our times. what military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous and check artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the other day you're watching out 0 reminder about top storage and hundreds of palestinians facing starvation, leaving northern jobs are in a desperate search for food agency. se is really a types of keeping them from delivering much need today. the head of the you ins agency for the palestinians as coolants for more 8 have been. is there any forces have partially withdrawn from national hospital in southern garza after stormy and forcing thousands of people to flee last week? according to balance is 0 sources. snipers is still positioned around the hospital, israel's prime minister. so as a potential sci fi, and it's more on dogs, or would any delay a ground invasion rough benjamin netanyahu? so it's an invasion of guns, a southern city would put israel within weeks of total victory. abraham us,
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the, the current president fundamental lensky has repeated his coal to west in our lives, to step up support for the war against russia. in a speech to mom, the 2nd anniversary of the russian invasion, acknowledged that his country as lost the 31000 soldiers the landscape. comments. com is the us congress debates a critical military, a package to the problem that i am, whether ukraine will lose, whether it's will be very difficult for us and whether there will be a large number of casualties depends on you. the one i will call is on the west, and well, if we will be strong with western national, we will not lose we will when we change. well, the senate has approved the new $60000000000.00 security package, but it stalled in the house of representatives. rich, it's, and it's a g, a political consultant, and a former us state department official. and he says, house republicans are holding up the bill. a bit disagreements about immigration,
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but says the policy is still supportive of the crating more effect. i think it's a, it's a temporary delay. the fact is that both in the republican party and the democratic party shall bipartisan the position here is that ukraine should not fault with russia the modalities of how to get that help to ukraine, very between the 2 parties. i think the fact that the senate republicans did approve this $60000000000.00 is a good sign as they normally lead on foreign policy. the g o. p. house members have been a little bit more reticent because it's been tied up with a number of other domestic priorities such as the debate over how to strengthen our own southern border at the same time that were strengthening ukraine's ability to defendants or federal and border. so these are legitimate debates within the us, a system about how to sequence aid and what the tradeoffs and priorities are. but i think my sense from watching the both parties here in washington is that there's still
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a commitment to allowing ukraine to defend itself and empowering itself to do so as well. you guys have as witnesses as possible from his west of military support to ukraine, fails to arrive on time, complicating the task of military planners and ultimately costing the lives of soldiers. meanwhile, russia is being accused. the missile attack on a railway station in east new crime, the governor of the, the next grade you said, sundays of 10th, also hit a church and other buildings in constantine gift. but pride has more from guinea pro in east new credit. reports from ukraine's eastern front, seeming to indicate that the russians are trying to capitalize on the capture of the town of, of div pressing further into ukrainian territory with claims that the troops have now taken 2 more ukrainian villages. now this has been disputed by ukraine who says that soldiers are still fighting in that area, but it does seem as though a roster is making
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a concerted effort to pushed further into the you crazy and help parts of a don't yet. region that is also being an ass strike on the train station in the town of constance and eco. now that is a strategically important crossroads. it's a gateway further into the ukranian held part of done yet. now this is old comes as we are here. we have one small claims that ukrainian force is all being hampered by a shortage of amunition in particular artillery shells. this has been echoed by real simple metal c, ukraine's defense minister. speaking of the form, saying that that have been delays in the delivery of, i'm a nation, and this is old, the more problematic, given the ramping up by russia. he says of the war effort and devoting board of the budget to the will says the situation is always dynamic. at the moment,
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commitment doesn't constitute delivery. 60 percent of commitments are not delivered on time. so which means that in the mathematics or war will look to the enemy, their economy is almost too trailing. they use up to 15 percent operational, an unofficial budget to the war, which constitutes over a $150000000000.00 us dollars. so annually it's officially. so basically whatever commit that, that doesn't come on time will lose, people will lose territories. on a more upbeat no to matter off. also indicates is that ukraine's military has in place. he says, plans for 2024 to do what he calls the post to. busy and the impossible all lamed. i tried to get the all important break through the ukraine, and it's west and back us wants to see happen in this war a. but that does seem older, more difficult to try to achieve well,
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the $60000000000.00 in a promised age from the united states remains held up in congress in washington, while mcbride dodges era dd pro ukraine. the bill of rights and president, alexander lucas shanker, has announced he will run for his 7th time as president next year. lucas jenko, his ruled the country for 30 years, maybe nonsense, well costing his votes in parliamentary and local elections. that vote has go your head despite culture boy taught by the opposition. for the 1st time, your opinion service, we're not invited to monitor. the poll. a pebble is living can, is a full, a better recent diplomat. he says better is complicit in russia's invasion of ukraine to look at them because resumed has survived things to military, financial and political support by must code. and lucas sound good house to pay back from moscow for the support. and he's paying back with the sovereignty of independence of boundaries and also with repression against the civil society of
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lucy, following the country. so those 2 retains, they come together. and as far as you remember, 2 years ago they launched their attack against you. crane this was not only attacked by moscow, it was done together using the military and sibling for structure, invalid res, and according to the insightful rules and laws about the races, complicit to, to this aggression. and i think that the future of those to be james, i also very tied together now that the whole region probably even the future of the whole world and they is the system of international relation, depends on what will reaction will be on ukraine. if we continue quite some very, if we continue struggling for the international rules or norms, help him ukraine liberal rates, they'll provide territories. this would mean that valerie when bowers and people would get the 2nd chance for a guessing that freedom or that they wanted for, in,
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in the elections i see about the future of valor is very much depends on what is happening now in the battle brought a new crane. this was the battle of the main ally of lucas shameka. an officer in nashville, held by the taliban in afghanistan for 9 months, has been freed habit fritz was flying to do ha, following successful mediation by the state of casa, at the 84 year old visited afghanistan, last may gates government travel advisories last year and media report, he was a code, find the of a bought a band far right policy and went to afghanistan to prove it was safe on the telephone to send refugees back the days of moments of joy, the return of the rates. and at the same time, working very closely with the same contact on obtaining the release of an austere and hostage, gaza from gaza as well as an austere noise chase the prison in the rock. big,
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big thank you to the state of casa supporters of former president, president, joy belton, are came out of large numbers at rollins, apollo boston are, is under criminal investigation for allegedly orchestration of to losing the 2022 election charges that he denies. monica you out of here was that the demonstration in sa, product, the, the king from all parts of brazil. some of them even writing their muse to the rally. it's the 1st time in more than a year. the crowds this speak showed up to support valuable. so now, is those former president fits feast numerous legal battles since losing his 2022 bits for a 2nd term. the most serious of all midland him in jail. both so not as accused of plotting the crew to keep himself in power by spreading misinformation to discredit brazil's electro system. it's a legit,
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the military would have taken over if all else fails to continue to accuse me of. okay. now the real cool is because there's a draft decree for a state of emergency a could you think the constitutions really a bull? so not a supporters have been largely silent since 1000 storm congress, the supreme court and the presidential palace in january last year. one week after due let us do with the carpet. got some writers have been sentenced while others wait trial. so, so now to ask to supporters to press congress for natalie state. analysts say it's his last attempt to show political stress with the whole board. and also with some of the photos they have tons of boston are being imprisoned a big and there was a lot of evidence pointing to his involvement in a plot videos, accusations for me to pull my aids documents. raleigh showed also not a still has loyal supporters, super engaging and if it put them in jail,
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we'll take to the streets and fight to show that he has to be among the people like us to talk to somebody has already been banned from running for public office until 2030, but his supporters will be using videos of this rally to show folders that the former president still have political clout. and that he may help elect hundreds of majors in this year's municipal election. monica, you're not you all just there are some phone presidential candidates instead of go have caused by that some of the day elections should have been held. the symbolic vote was organized by civil society organizations. denounce the postponement of the presidential election early this month. president, microsoft postponed to vote, sparking widespread protests. the south korean health ministry says more than 9000, you need to talk to the votes officer joe, and this morning that those who do not return by march. the license was suspended.
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doctors are protesting against the plan to increase the number of medical school admissions. the government says the changes needed to solve a shortage of doctors. you just came reports from so, or the doctor is from across the country, march to the presidential office. and so they're determined to stop government plans for 2000 additional medical school entries next year to meet the needs of the aging population. the confrontation has left people urgently searching for doctors . as short staff and large hospitals refused to accept new patients. the government is increasing pressure on the 8000 young doctors who walked out last week. they've been warrant that they could lose their medical licenses if they don't return to work. and unlike the previous 3 doctors protests since 2001, they won concessions. there will be no forgiveness this time we booked them hang boy, and we will thoroughly investigate the incorrect down most only medical professionals who participate in legal connectivity. but also those who manipulate on the card,
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subtracts from behind the scenes leaders of the medics main lobby group, say they've been threatened with arrest. so go mommy,


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