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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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sends a message that andy out of bigotry that a sama slope. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront. what i'll do is here the the hello, until my credit. this is the news, our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes digging the dead and wounded from the problem with the the rescue if it's are under way and goes to city often more is rarely strikes is the final day of hearings at the international court of justice with thousands of countries, according to israel, is on compassion. hello, send the land to be declared illegal.
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to choose and make shift. classrooms managed to provide me some education for children in kansas. as i could not see if we will be strong with weapons, we will much lose. we will win. and on the 2nd end of the 3 of russia's invasion, were ukraine's president's appeals for more military s plus i monica not gifts. and we're on not being in the pony stuck in the center of the largest city for thousands of people have come to show their support the former president try you also not the we begin in northern cause of west civil defense cruise and for cause of the bodies of palestinians killed them, the licensed is rarely it strikes. at least 10 people were killed in several areas of gauze was sitting on sunday, wounded children and others were pulled from the rumble of it destroyed homes in the old summer neighborhood. the now being treated in hospital and the southern
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gaza is rarely forces have partially withdrawn from this a hustling con unice. but it'll just here a source of the site is rarely snipers. a still positioned around the medical complex is ready for us to store and in 10 days ago, forcing thousands of palestinians sheltering there to flee the widespread destruction of morn. all of his homework mutual ins us once again from ruffin. honey is being such a familiar sight of the didn't want to being dug out and foamed up buildings as it shelling continued. i have not of the yes, we're no li are seeing right now on increase. and then this usual scene has been dominating our reporting for the past weeks and, and since the beginning of the war, just within the past that go within the past hour we, we heard confirmed reports of from the to do fisher men who wear
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a shot and killed right at the shore of han, eunice, and that every once in a wide, within the past hour we hear a fire, a gun, fire going on and off it from the uh, the eastern part of uh the, the western part, the roof i city as well as hon eunice, uh, now it appears to be coming in from these really naval uh right here, very close to the shore. the shores of both. i'll go ahead and hon. you and as a city to people in to fishermen and han units as well as 2 more people to work in a car in data. bella city, that was a struck by a drawing missiles, leaving 2 people killed and different people who were a blocking by the area when the car was a targeted. and we're talking about 2 people in did it. but i do people in hon. eunice and more of the injuries all reported to a shot that a lot saw hospital and dated by a city. the usual. see, you know,
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people go in and find and search for remaining family members. under the levels is a quite visible in the northern part of the city. as we heard of from a civil defense, the crew on the ground, the people are at lucas trying to get to areas where there's really a military, a pulled out of from or withdrew. it's the, it's a, it's invading forces to other areas, trying to take advantage of the, of the, the, the not it is really military in the area and trying to get those bodies of from under the rubble. some of them have been there for weeks already. the season and do identify for, for the remaining family members, there are talks about the these really military according to a statement pulling it from the vicinity of nasir hospital as well as ending its, uh, its precise unlimited operations as the military describe it. but according to eye witness from the area, the snipers are still at the vicinity of the hospital. continue to shoot
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a move in objects within the hospital or around the adult or the surrounding areas . but we're looking at ongoing a blockade of, of the, on the injury with fuel and water supplies to the hospital. it's already uh, switched out of service or so patients inside the hospital who are a terrific of losing their lights as, as long as the power generators does not get this the, the fuel to run it to uh, in order to operate the i, c, u, and incubator, so far more than 13 people have been buried in the courtyard of the hospital. those were inside the i, c. u and the incubators and where they lost their life and ended up being buried in in the hospital. it seems like we're looking at do an, in an increase in the, the, the bombing campaign as the, the progressive. and we're waiting for more confirmation coming in from gaza city and the northern part. busy of an event that just happened, trying to make sure of that. okay, thanks honey. we will be checking back in with you throughout the day the honey
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mike went for us in rafa. well, since is rob again it's we're on gas and more than a 1000000 people have flayed from the north to the south of this trip to escape the bombardments and those who remained. and now leaving the northern areas and a desperate search for food pellets indians on the move. so that now fist of ation much more then is riley troops and don't cut already has been following the crowds making that jenny, a slick, frankly, in web. the says the, the last point that connects the not the ring with the southern gaza strip. and here are hundreds of palestinian refugees that evacuated from the another and area to the southern area of the gaza strip. we have been asking the families why did you about 2 weeks after 141 days on the some you gave me the show and i decided to leave off the 141 days because of the lack of food was like when you think animal feet and the for sure. life is not livable in the most. yeah,
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we reach the moments where we don't sphere as well anymore. and we don't sphere this each the we only fear salvation as for labor fee i can well live. i see i can order things, there was no food. there was nothing over the law on $61.00. and i've never seen such a catastrophe. well that was eating bali said this is the food for don't tease what's here on the street is hold for a palace to mean families in the southern area have been waiting for the people who evacuated from the other area and they're giving them free food and free transportation, so they can read the safe area. we talked to a lot of people who evacuated from the north today. they told us that they had to walk the hallway from the closet city to here. they said that they left their houses at 6 am in the morning and they made it here at 11. they said that there's a check point. people are a rested, are integrated,
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and people were also flores to take their clothes off. why they were integrated by the is there any forces we saw a mother that was crying because her son was arrested, she told us they took him and she said that she won't know when the next time she's gonna see her son is ralph little cabinet is expected to approve plans or ground invasion in the process from the disability mon netanyahu says the operation will happen. and data potentials the spot in gaza would only delay us as rails. it presented its operational plan to the wall cabinet on sunday, head of the plan defensive. at least $1500000.00 palestinians of sheltering and profit that's more than half of the strips population. these rarely military has conducted more of an odd rides across cities in the occupied with bank incursions. took place in nablus. janine ramallah until caught them, several palestinians reported to have been arrested at least $396.00 palestinians
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had been killed in the occupied with bank since october. the 7th member of the us air force is in critical condition off the sitting himself on fire outside these ready embassy in washington in protest against the war and gaza. video shows in chatting free palestine and saying he will no longer be complicit in genocide, security agents, respondents and protest and help extinguish the flags. well, it is the final day of public hearings at the international court of justice, which is examining the legal consequences of israel's decades long occupation of palestinian lands. the $51.00 countries and 3 international organizations have present to the arguments, most cold as well as occupation to be declared illegal. opinion smith reports from the hague over 5 days as well as occupation of the palestinian territories has
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faced unprecedented scrutiny before the judges of the world's highest court is what it is acting and has been allowed to act in complete disregard of international law that cannot continue it is clear that is what else you need. an occupation is also being administered in breach of the prohibition of the time pop up on israel has been consistently ups truck things negotiated to spit solution for how much longer do the palestinian people need to wait before they're able to exercise their legitimate rights under international lawyers and i'm positive from every corner of the world argue, but israel is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by building sacraments. and this is really the language of the colonization, the language of liberty that we've seen exercise in these reservation since the
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1960s. and the other arguments have really been around the is really violation of the international law surrounding use, the force surrounding portion odyssey and also surrounding international humanitarian. those, do you in general assembly asked the will court to consider the legality of israel's occupation fucking 20. $22.00 was right or was escaped punishment, but it's been impossible not to stop the horrors of the war and gaza impacting the proceedings here and how that would be the firs, 1st 100 cops once a 4 countries are the sort of mississippi we came here to the to the us justice for justice for the senior people. and i think that's the, the quote when uh what linda, it's opinion that this q patient is leaking and do with the new works upside genocide,
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colonialism. and that is q patient is not only the united states was willing to defend the occupation under the establish framework. any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of the security needs on october 7 and they persist. israel isn't taking pos in the hearings saying the course involvement could be harmful to achieving and negotiated settlement for the palestinians. but it's me, i'll just say about the hague. hello correspondence of covering all aspects of the story. the monks is live and so on a pellet, cindy and neighborhood, and occupied east jerusalem, which is where i live is carried out of campaign of home demolitions and forced expulsions in the occupied with bank for us. we have certain bus route, the near the a legal is riley settlement by l, often described as the heart of israel is occupation. the 1st it's,
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it's the same uh for you uh, on the final day of the historic public hearings at the i c. j with a pin, it's smith who is live for us at the high can pin it can just run us through exactly what we are expecting to happen there today. it's on these hearings have been unprecedented in scale and scope. never before have so many countries and organizations elected to offer testimony in front of the world court on a particular case hearings wrap up today with the final countries beginning with took care in a couple of hours from now. we're also hearing from the african union, the organization of islamic corporation. i'm the arab league. those are 3 institutions that will give a testimony. we're expecting really them to make very similar arguments. so those that were made last week by most of the countries that spoke here, that is that the occupation is illegal. court should rule and then they'll keep patient a legal and order. israel is withdrawal. and then once these hearings have concluded,
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can you explain what happens next? so after the cold, some judges go away and consider old testimony that they've heard. you heard a lot of pull that is only really the us that a said the call to the occupation shouldn't be, will be legal. i'm the us along with hungry u. k. and russia of. busy and said to the court shouldn't be uh, that the court shouldn't be ruling on the occupation. it should be left to international institutions to do that. it may take a few months and we have perhaps, by the end of a, some of that might be a ruling. but even 90 certainly binding it's advisory. israel cannot be forced to leave the west buying gun. indeed, his route was ignore the cold warnings before back in 22004. when the court will be occupation separation will was illegal, is relevant and take it down. in fact, is now 4 times longer than it was. but the court says that its judgements carried
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great legal weights on moral or far. okay, thanks so much. we will be just crossing back to you uh, throughout the day the uh for more updates has been smith for us at the i c j. hike . well, let's go now susan, best robbie, who joins us a lot from the by with bank near and illegal is riley simmons. and so i can just explain exactly where you are and, and what's happening there. well what we're looking at the hind me is and is really position and it was rarely settlement built on a hilltop overlooking occupied palestinian land. a constant reminder of the occupation for the palestinian communities that live are really under the shadow of the settlements. things like this, the physical landscape being changed separation walls, checkpoints, these are constant, daily, physical reminders for posting communities of the the human noise ation and ongoing
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occupation. joining me now to discuss this more is mr. jamal juma from the stop the walk campaign, sir. thank you very much for joining us. can you talk a little bit about how these constant, daily, reminders, the changing of the physical landscape? how does this affect daily post in your life? yeah, by kind of needs in the wall and stuff i've talked to is that the creating leg since 2002 on the system, it's even much more before and intensifying the system as they've looked. the 1st thing is people in the, in this isolates in them get to that this, but i'm always a good example here. like you see the 2nd month from the, from the closing and looking to the, from this area, the mean chick point theater. the me and rolled the mean. i mean, the main road that leads from allowed side is since 7 to someone was getting close to. so hold the people's dislike and being pushed to be in, in small, not little it's became a to use for the policy. you know, like, it's dangerous to won't even thing going to drive and the blessing and main streets between the city. so the thing is disappointing for documented like can badly like
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this. and this the systems as well. that's the daily launching that attacks and the processing and either the farmers or the people that i've been with them in states also to find the policy and people aiming get to, to, to, to, to do and to show the alternative. well, what does what you just set them up with the, the government, the military and people have seen in london. what we have the policy is this by selection that we have read a book, like from a lot not list the janine food cutting. it's every city has been blocked and it has a gate, know even each village, whatever you building those things, there is a gate that they put in a dentist when they get to kind of close it's 90 minutes. any time for collective punishment to twice that, that this is the collect for the people of the countries that they consider along the country to the country, moving freely between them, between the land and date of the cities or the job. so the company, so it's very complicated to see what states. absolutely, it's segregation, it's a divide, enroll policy. that is typical hallmarks of colonialism. really,
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relics of the past happening now the 21st century. everything being discussed, if the i c j is something that palestinians have heard before really that the international community has heard and discussed before. what is the possible practical benefits of these hearings? now look, if there is a, put a present technician and willing like a to, to really implement that less than a no, the ice age. it has been voting since 2004 that this, what is a legal and southern method, milligan, what's useful? and it's the international community, especially government to stop. what is the billing? because it's a league, it's, they didn't really stop the tool wouldn't end up in this get was and die for the sins if we are living today. so this is the consequences that we are leaving here because the absence of the commission and the all new, it's the infinity of his right above the international law that has been given by, by the, with many euro funds to in the united states. a no, no, like we, i don't know, but it could take some time. what is what it is, is coming thing. i mean,
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one of the best gymnast sites like in the 20 and 25th century. like so. it's been stopped, but we move to those spunk as well. that'd be awesome. oh god, what are you talking about? this lady is this front of decreases the lead lives in it. so it'd be worth talking about to be able to do the citizen for promoting it, sending leaflets, even the feeling. the thing is what to go in, which if you enjoy them, you'll have to, it'd be 16 1st, i'd have to go. so the all to prepare to be this is a plus, know what's happening. it gets it with clean for the sources of flight. it's clearly eclipsing that done with the drum site that would like for the gods that wouldn't be wouldn't be lights up and they would move the subject to those. but that's why that's why we, we so we then selection a little must implemented. this was the last time i think, and that would be even, even just to give the credit to that. it's what isn't. it is doing the united states and europe is disagree. the thing that i mentioned a little bit shows that international law. ready just like i, i told him that includes, you know, the ticket to,
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to is that against and double standards being applied to the job. so we saw what's happening and pretty and we saw a company and i went by this time, but it's fine. what's happening much with let the computer you're welcome took in a book with us to do the site. thank you, mr. john, jamal mr. jamal jamal from the stop the walk campaign. thank you very much for your thoughts. so as you can see here in the west bank, real fears and concerns by posting and residents who look to what's happening and guys in horror, and worry that communities in the west bank might be next. okay, thank you so much for all of that sudden saying best probably for us of them. well, for many palestinians the struggle to protect the property is a daily fight for one family. the israeli military occupation is only threatening to push them of the land, but is controlling each and every detail of their lives. the abraham reports from bern, village and the occupied west bank. this is the only house standing on this hill in the occupied west bank. here, there are 3 legal is really supplements and legal documents i'll post and is really
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made it through comp. and one determine policy and family to stay. they have to take extreme measures. they want to protect themselves from attack spies, really suckers. and that's what i like, we can keep the house alone. my sister's got mad and then i couldn't even go to the wedding's, not always hovering around. i can't even get to work. one of us has to stay home because they might come at any time. the most opposite, the attacks are getting more frequent and more violent and the family and has in 2002 detectors burnt. the house and my dad had a heart attack a few days after he believes these really sacrament project has one main goal to push palestinians off their lines. but this is the only land they've known. the only country they belong to the only home they own for generations that or we've been here before this up there's my grandfather built the house in the 19 seventy's
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then my father and mother inherited it. we are here protecting it as well, and we'll pass it onto our kids is illegals. really supplements and outputs have been historically established on hilltops over time. the expand further, all at the expense of public opinions is this how many needs their home the area would be filled with is really subtler, is living immediately as seen in many other places in the occupied westbank. so far, the font family says the guardians of the hills, and they want to keep it that way. did that, but he just either the occupied left bank. okay, let's go live to fill a box, who's in the palace in the neighborhood of salon and occupied east jerusalem in the can you just to get through the damage that's been done by the demolitions and forced expulsions that really so come and place there it's on law team is what it's hard to find
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a spot where we can try and illustrate some of these issues. you've just mentioned the comprehensively, through the geography. we're kind of to the south east of the old city of jerusalem in occupied east jerusalem. and we're in that area. cool. so on a 60000 palestinians live here, we're going to just try and take you on a little visual tour that makes sense. this hillside here is a neighborhood called button miller. and you can see it's incredibly crowded. lots and lots of 4 and 5 story apartment blocks. what's been happening over the last few years is that are jewish families. settlers have been using historically limits laws that these ready state has introduced, but allow them to take cove apartments, houses, properties that may have been in by product simmons for decades, but had some kind of historical link prior to 1948 in this other neighborhood down at the bottom of this valley area is called a boost on you can see some of the palm trees that are amongst the roof tops and
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those around a 100 also properties here at risk of being demolished. and on top of that, probably 1500 people who risk losing that home. so demolition across all about white east jerusalem that being $88.00 of those kinds of demolition. so it's not an empty threat. this is something that really impinges on people's lives very frequently. and of course, if we move over to this side, is what i wanted to show you the side of this hillside too. you've got 2 neighborhoods closest to us on this hillside is why the run by here we've had people just in the last couple of years having such as move into the properties while i've been out for the day. and then seeing you as me is investigation to try and when that property is back, often on successfully in the far distance. but next neighborhood, just below the old walls of jerusalem is heavy hill. why the hidden way there? again, we've seen people being forced out of the homes,
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often for archaeologically prefects. that will be historical sites of all your local interests that these ready state has said need to be developed and people have been forced out of the homes in order to make space for those. and just to leave you with a thoughts on the out. so most can see that in the distance, people living in this area. so one, it's not a long way to get all the young people in particular on a friday, particularly when they're all security concerns amongst these riley police and is ready ministry. they all blogs from just walking up that hill me every friday to say that, pres, tom. yeah, we have seen that especially since october the soon thanks so much bill them to the box for us that and so one occupied east jerusalem. it's kay, welton discussed all of this much further. we have a pen look this from in ambrose. so looks like ashley who's a former deputy here at the office of the un high commissioner for human rights and occupied palestine. he's now a professor of human rights and peace studies at osaka. you'll get to an university
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from west jerusalem minutes in klein. he's a former advisor for jerusalem affairs and as well p l o. final status talks to as well as minister of foreign affairs. he's now professor of political science at butler university and he with us and the is a template committed once again, a system pro fisher of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank you all very much for joining us. and the quotes was us 2 questions at the beginning of these hearings, what are the legal consequences of israel is continued occupation? the 2nd question, how the israel's policies and actions impact the legal situation in the occupied areas? so if i could begin with you, what do you make of the evidence that has been proven, presented sofa or well, i mean look the evidence that's been presented, not only this year, it's, but over a years and years of the documentation of his really violations is very, very clear. i mean, uh what the, the system that is realism posing on the 67 territories and i'm not even talking
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about 48 right now. i'm just talking about the west by including east jerusalem and gaza is not a, not a situation of normal belligerent occupation with, you know, some violations of technicalities of international humanitarian law here. and there know, it is a situation very clear situation of colonization, of apartheid. and that really is what the i, c, j should be, should be declared. you know, come up with spoken about this uh over the last week. and unprecedented number of countries more than 50, coming together, as well as 3 regional groups as well presenting the cases. how significant is that and how much pressure, how much extra pressure do do you think that that puts on israel here? tom, i think it's, it's very significant. i mean it's a, it's comes of etiquette to confirm when the 1st thing that people are facing is when inside the gaza. and that is a new prospect for peace has been diminished motor. this with is
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a continuous policies to, to, to, to, to keep the occupation and also to expand the supplements and thoughts of the quote in a project in the occupied territories. so i, i think, i mean, when you see 52 companies coming altogether and for the present things of the case isn't, isn't it? i'm, this follows also uh, genocide the case and will cut it by some of that by itself. actually go with all the weight and symbolism that's south africa, the present. see it as a lead the company in the global self as well. it's it's, it's extremely significant. it's very significant and that's hopeless, hopeless. i'm not sure. i mean to these mechanisms. i mean, all these companies, again, that is all the things with the national. yeah. to the i. c j. relevant is the fluids. so that's, that's the chance. now for all the companies that are back into today is it's dead winning to really use the level. does that make sense size press one is i have to say, well that's it. international is cleared about. if we cannot protect you anymore, right. let's go to israel now. i guess. what's the response be near to these
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hearings? is anyone actually been sitting up and taking notice of how they've been ignored completely, or does it feel like there was a, a sense of international pressure bearing down on israel at this point in time munition? this is right up to now it does not take into account the international no loops service was that was expressed of course, but that is why i did the note to too much attention to the international law at the fact to is right. and i have next on the west bank and gaza strip. now goes the strip is under newton. it's wright, the occupation is ready for the day that they, after as a plan off his role is to control it directly. as in the alex, the fuck, the next 3 story with all set the minutes,
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but the only rules feel the adf and the security services. but the worst breakfast is actually default to amex is through southern for by the next day. is rhodes? i ok. it's different types of rights and the lies other royce pro. oh, by the statement that's even joso are is there is really direct fraud within 48 the right tories. yeah. so it is a complete system that is right. we use this in order to control the spinners and maybe the into a super your a deep or for the old area from georgia to them any during new. yeah, we've seen that more and more, especially since october the 7th. so, i mean, as we know the, any, i see g advisory here is known binding. i mean, so is this going to have any impact you expect to see any thing actually change on
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the ground in the occupied territories? we, you know, i whole yesterday. okay. i see, go ahead. sorry, well, we'll go to soul soul if you could answer that question. say yes, yes, sure. thank you. i mean, um, but 1st of all, it is true that i see j advisory opinions in an over, in and of themselves are not binding as such. but that doesn't preclude the international community that doesn't preclude the security council, for example, from adopting a mandatory resolution imposing it on israel. and that's really the crux of the matter because we know that's probably not going to happen immediately. um, you know, israel has enjoyed international and community for decades of, for it's violations of international law. and that's truly the crux of the matter. obviously, i don't think anybody expects israel to get some kind of a unfavorable advisory opinion and all of a sudden say, oh well, we better be good boys in news from now and we're going to change the system of course. but what it is going to do,
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what these kind of legal decisions and rulings do is they just make it more. busy and more difficult for israel's western enablers and western accomplices to continuing, enabling the violations. i think it makes it more and more difficult for them to continue on with business unusual. and that's really where we have to push right away. yeah, i guess uh tell me uh that uh uh, so there was referencing the united states the only country to defend his rouse occupation. why do you think that continues to do so? a storm such, it's such a big question. i mean that it's a, i mean the so many angles to look at it's, i mean from a, from a g political aspect from is political aspect. i mean, let's start by, oh, i mean the consequences with the 2nd world war, the holocaust, the promising is that a, a land that, that, that belongs to another people? i mean it's, i mean, the so many items look at it. i don't think,
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i mean this book now just by continuing to support as well and so forcefully. so on this, this point of history i think is what it is and the us and for us have become so into link. uh lets stop by the fact that there is a strong these are, they will be in the us, the 3 to fix that control us politics, internet politics the, the us also the lies. and is that a sort disagree as an advanced minute to base an, an a key aligned them with the nice also to pursue its own interest. so the, me, the nice, i mean, i mean, i mean, these are key in the facts. now the more or less the describe, the strategic relation between the us and is that a business alliance or this and to link between the 2 countries. so that a slip is a good the most of the subject lies. i'm at this point. most of them affect each other, have leverage over each other. it's lots as it used to be in the fest with the us smallest. at some good, the conjunctions use to use it's less that is to impose or pushes right in certain
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behaviors on convex, especially if we have been that historically, i mean the, the cum david's, these, that cause i'm looking at is a needs and the junction, at some point the close to the phase, the americans jumped on and then they, they made pressure on isn't and then these happen. now at this point we don't, we don't see this contact anymore. us administrations or the president especially in elections. you are ok not 20. when i as easy, right? because whomever is running is the prime minister in shots. he or she wouldn't have lived in it's over a pack a pack is a very good that the importance will be in the us, and they want to maintain peace in these. i mean, to make sure no misunderstanding happened at this critical time. so i think at this stage, this is what's happening, especially in these times in the us. when we have this, i'm going gotten, does this more, more or less, it tries to explain the u. s. as in ability to really stop this war and the thank you for breaking that down for us. let me see if i can go back to you. i mean, just talking about the international pressure at the end, the us support. i mean,
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as well as once again in the last 24 hours come out and said that is going to continue this war with or without international support. but is it really completely immune to international pressure that is not completely meal, but say i am afraid that bite, that gets is right. wrongly they have a bite. then imagine israel and that does not exist anymore. this is the drive of the sixties and seventies in his mind and went on your legs with by to this is my interpretation of their disclose to the ongoing discussion, the ongoing relations. and i didn't get it's very, very wrong. they just run it as change is rather strange drum drum optically and the joyce of the date of the default on the section of preventing it. but this thing, i think defense and state is fully independent states is it,
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is that is supported by the branding is awareness of this is really the best publish meant by the role defense depth with somebody over it. but, but it can come and save some of them, you know, to accept the 2 state solution which i will do using american speak house and speak better just trying to not think we've changed that. thank you. oh, so much minutes and so and tom, we really do appreciate your, your time in your inside the will you credit the president has repeated his appeal to allies, to stay pump support for the war against russian speaking on the 2nd anniversary of the russian invasion for the zalinski super duty, 1000 ukrainian soldiers had been killed sofa next to the program.
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whether you clean will lose, whether it's will be very difficult for us and whether there will be a large number of casualties depends on you the, on our partners on the west and weld. if we will be strong with western national, we will not lose. we will win to change the us senate has approve the latest $60000000000.00 security package, which includes i for you crying about the legislation is stored in the house of representatives, which it's in is age here, political consultant and a former us state department official. he says, house republicans are delaying the bill because of disagreements with democrats about immigration policy. i think it's a, it's a temporary delay. the fact is that both in the republican party and the democratic parties are bi partisan. a position here is that ukraine should not fault with russia the modalities of how to get that help to ukraine, very between the 2 parties. i think the fact that the senate republicans did
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approve this $60000000000.00 is a good sign as they normally lead on foreign policy. the g o. p. house members have been a little bit more reticent because it's been tied up with a number of other domestic priorities such as the debate over how to strengthen our own southern border at the same time that were strengthening ukraine's ability to defendants or federal and border. so these are legitimate debates within the us system about how to sequence aid and what the tradeoffs and priorities are. but i think my sense from watching the both parties here in washington is that there's still a commitment to allowing ukraine to defend itself and empowering itself. to do so as well, the president of beller is alexander location kind of has announced he'll be running for a 7th to him next year. the ally of russian president vladimir putin as a pretty role for 30 years. he made his announcement wrong sizing and parliamentary and local elections. now the last presidential election 4 years ago, the to mass protest. so the accusations vote, we're getting
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a pedal. assuming ken is a form of battle. russian diplomat, he says belarus is complicit in russia's invasion of you crime to look at them because resume has survived things to military, financial and political support by must code. and lucas sound good house to pay back from moscow for the support. and he's paying back with the full ring to young independence of values and also with repression against the civil society of lucy, following the country. so those 2 retains they come together and as far as you remember, 2 years ago they launched their attack against ukraine. this was not only attacked by moscow. it was done together using the military and civil infrastructure, invalid res, and according to the international rules and laws about the race is complicit to, to this aggression. and i think that the future of those to be james, i also very tied together now that the whole region probably even the future of the
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whole world and they is the system of international relation, depends on what will reaction will be on ukraine. if we continue flights and bearings, we continue struggling for the international rules or norms help him ukraine liberal rates. there could buy territories. this would mean that valerie when bowers and people would get the 2nd chance for a guessing that freedom of it they wanted for in, in, in the elections. i see that the future of valor is very much depends on what is happening now in the battle brand new crane. this of the battle of the main ally of lucas shameka. it's a large really has been held in brazil by supporters. that before the president shaw. yep. also now or who's trying to avoid a jail sentence as he battled several prosecutions. they include posing a qu against a success after losing the presidential election 2 years ago. when i can get the key of reports from the demonstration and south pulled
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the king from all parts of brazil. some of them even writing their muse to the rally. it's the 1st time in more than a year. the crowds this speak showed up to support valuable. so now this is former president fits feast numerous legal battles since losing his 2022 bits per 2nd term, the most serious of all midland, him in jail. both so not as accused of plotting a crew to keep himself in power by spreading misinformation to discredit brazil's electro system. it's a legit, the military would have taken over if all else fails to continue to accuse me of. okay. now the real cool is because there is a draft decree for a state of emergency, a cool, using the constitution's really a full so not a supporters have been largely silent since 1000 strom congress,
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the supreme court and the presidential palace in january last year. one week after due let us do with the call pick up. some writers have been sentenced while others wait trial. well, so now i will ask to supporters to press congress for natalie state. analysts say it's his last attempt to show political stress with the whole board and also with some of the photos they have tons of boston are being imprisoned a big and there was a lot of evidence pointing to his involvement in a plot videos, accusations for me, to pull my h documents, raleigh showed also not a still has loyal supporters, super name data. yeah. it's a put him in jail will take to the streets and fight to show that he has to be among the people like us. also now has already been bad from running for public office until 2030, but his supporters will be using videos of this rally to show folders that the former president still have political clout. and that he may help elect hundreds of
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majors in this year's municipal election. monica, you're not, you, i'll just, there are some phone in the symbolic side denouncing the postponement of elections and send a goal has been held in the capital. the con presidential candidates cost, the balance on the di elections should have been held before president mbeki, so announced a delight that spied was freed protest before judges will. but to live was unconstitutional. the president tonight's, he's trying to clean power. the south careers governments, is it one take what it calls, punitive action against striking, trying to talk to so long as they go back to work before friday, a 1000 worked out last week and protest government plans to increase emissions. medical schools. the government says the expanded enrollment will help solve a nationwide shortage of doctors with you and your mid x argue that will reduce the quality of care for patients. probably to as much has been held in the philippines
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on the 30th anniversary of the uprising. the top of then lead us to and then my calls is bound to below reports demonstrates sci, his son, and current president wants to extend the michael's families hold on power a distant memory for many of these protesters. but they say the spirit of the people power revolution in 1986 lives in them 38 years on their fighting, an attempt to change the constitution by the son of the president, that earlier generation topple. remember the last ones from history? oh my gosh. because once you start to do that one and another mark on friday, the one off when i fall, where again, by providing i tried to change something, marcus and his allies in congress is just the change will all the involve economic provisions of the constitution. the protesters don't believe it. the problem is that the limit, the number is not the ones they will fit for of the assembly. you're
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not limited to the probations are open, including the presidency at the moment, limited to a single 6 year term. the current, closer to the philippines was drafted and approved after the 1986 mass uprising. the end of the 20th of ferdinand market senior father of president ferdinand fathers, junior partners here say, efforts to overhaul the constitution are part of historical revisionism that made the markers political. come back possible. marcus junior, isn't the 1st philippine president to attempt to change the constitution every president since 1992 did. so including his predecessor rodrigo to turn to. but the turkey now says he's against change, and it's called for the succession of the island of men to now into sudden philippines. a move, critics say,
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is self serving. i think it began when mark or junk came from. the goal is you know, that by itself was a clear signal, the things are finished between them. i'm the, it seems to me and that's the sides. have come out soon, including persisted reports that investigators of the international criminal court have been to the philippines to look into detroit is drug war. despite marcus junior's repeated assertion, that is, government will tell the i, c, c, barney below al jazeera, manila cutoff has helped secure the release of and all 3, and saw a ride activist who was drowned by the telephone in afghanistan for 9 months. as he landed in contact, who but fred said he'd like to visit afghanistan again, despite his wrist as i suspect it's fine. all 3 of media said the 84 year old wasn't to prove it, says candace tom was a safe country for african refugees to return to after the telephone takeover on
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the days of moment of joy, the return of the rates. and at the same time, we're working very closely with the same contact on obtaining the release of an austin hostage, gaza from gaza, as well as an austere noise. chase. a pretty big big thank you to the state of casa, facilitate rona l. just they're coming up support the ends, the financing and goals that we speak to choose in the us who are really able to pace the the
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the media associations world wide, mocking the international day for palestinian june list the committee to protect you. and this is at least 131, have been killed in israel's vote on causes. so i find solomon who she is a journalist by some garza, he tells us what it's like to report when you are considered as a target. see my head do sort of see me and on some of those top of an ice cream then hung up on the foxes, gonna send me on the people who have been we'll have the ones coming to shut off, especially from books for you cottage about us i mean, the media coming out of the play, it hasn't hasn't. that's why the photo and then uh, i mean if i'm enough with all those items,
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uh well i like what those items to come all i can think of sofie and then we're still kind of him again has done the and me is that i'm going to just see a lot of floods and solve a full postal in the commercial. how bad the on the ceiling and assuming that on the key and the outcomes, they have the obviously the crowds easily financial and some of the, at least for some of comes out and some of them. and most of the, so i've even showed up meet with the teacher, he'd be almost a lot of them. so no se noon, i will see the new send the feed. what about, i don't know why my own work, according to my own delete. and who's going to see a lot of them that can do not follow that puts us to say the 1st couple of fun. apply that instead of a minute for the post office and soon as you get them, it's wonderful. and then the amount that normally on money will come on
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a month to month. uh, luckily, i mean come on the sonoma. now what about mozilla? come on own as you can come up. like i said, i wanna know how much is the shows the wanna watch almost no, no, i have no national policy in human up from the moment. so mean the most of the fall options you've heard of so much. one of the hands of reading the book law was the sample and then she had them, you know, the drawings, sheer liquid. no. so what we're giving you some nice who, who i'm the mom of the medical install button. okay. now i'm sure that you can gather from on those by themselves almost for the old one, for the 100, the hands of the one that hold on. sure. no problem. and the who is this trans. hm. hello,
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let me know color funding among hundreds of thousands of children and goes out of school because of the war. many have had to grow up font to quickly trying to provide for their families. but in the make shift classroom intel bala, one teacher is making sure they aren't role devitt, childhood, and run lucon reports in attend from the city of bureau butler, a makeshift classroom is providing a safe space for young mind. these kids, like many their age, have emissions of becoming doctors, artists, and asked we would since october 7th, the only lesson on their mind is survival or mohammed alco dari was a teacher before the war began. these days he provides lessons to hundreds of children that go well beyond the standard textbook at the bottom, there are plenty mark is anyway, and double homes for children. living and shelters are afraid. confused and
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terrified and they wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of these really shelling. however, the one thing that gave me a positive impression is that i managed to suit the students as much as possible by means of emotional release, poetry and pros. i also managed to convince them to discuss how they're feeling very creative, very special and shining, welcoming you at them a huge box despite destruction and death permeating throughout the process. well, how many classes are providing kids the moment to step out of that darkness? and think about a future after war, queen size of the channel. and i was living in bait how noon. and once the war started, we saw a shelter of the schools in darrow below. i was happy with this initiative and i would like to thank the teacher for helping doing shit of helping a study of to law schools. for, for me, it's a good thing that it gave us a chance to study. so we can remember all the things we've learned to become doctors and engineers. it all to handle. everybody is happy because we are learning
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and living the same life we had before. when we used to go to school, i hope that we can go back to school and learn from several teachers about arabic and mathematics, english, sociology, sciences and so on. the idea around 625000 children have been out of school since november 6. that was one of the ministry of education suspended the school year due to war. the un estimates around 700 schools existed in casa, but after october, 6346 schools were destroyed or damaged. another, a 133 schools are being used to shelter for displace palestinians. mohammed classroom is out chalkboards desk and chairs. but these children are not letting circumstances define their limits. they continue to dream big for their families. those that they have lost in the land. they hold close to their hearts and run all
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the hon. i'll just hear jews around the world. i think the voices to the calls for a cease fire and cancer, and you your call into the largest population of choose outside as ro, demonstrations demanding pays have intensified and recent months, kristen saluting has more they called their group of jewish boys for peace. the when president joe biden came to new york for a campaign fundraiser, members took to the streets to protest against israel's war on gaza. and the use of us tax dollars to fund it. does this are taken away in handcuffs as a jewish person? i want it perfectly clear to people. it's not home to support the young people there. that's not in our name. never again. 74
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year old sam co products, grand parents, and much of this extended family were killed in the holocaust. the october 7th attack was horrible. but this, this is not the answer that the only solution is a political from citizens in the us capital to demonstrations in toronto and london. jewish groups are increasingly leading the costs for peace. we have rabbis in the movement. we also have people from across the entire spectrum, so everyone from kind of absolute so i cannot atheist to like very deeply religious . they've been overshadowed by more established pro israel groups like the ones behind this march attended by many us politicians in november. we put a new pool by the institute for social policy and understanding found 50 percent of american jews to support a ceasefire. new york is home to the largest population of jews outside of israel,
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and they belong to political force to be black and red. but their unconditional support for israel can be taken for granted by politicians after weekly demonstrations like this when the group is not now gathered outside the new york office of the us senate majority leader chuck schumer and sang a traditional song for peace. there are more of us than people realize young americans use, but also in more in or countries in general are not buying into this framework. that picks posted news and is rarely use and hosting and, and choose against each other anymore. they hope to shine a light on the long standing oppression of palestinians and the financial support that is allowed to continue. christian salumi alger 0 new york. well, that's the ultimate tell mccrae for this news. our as a was a website which is here thought com has all the latest on out top stories. i'll be back in just a moment for us much more on the days news, including the lights,
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us from the i c j to say the vis medical facility in on demand incidents carpet. so hard to them is a single room that provides health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapids support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound,
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or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many invest, fixing volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. hodge, i mean to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than and better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is the problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era in discussing the defining issues of our time is what military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of war?
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we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you know, the digging the data and wounded from the rubble was in their hands risky. if it's around the wind gusts, just as the optimal is really strong. the optimal craig, this is ellen to 0 line from the. so coming up, southern causes, the largest task, the lifting ruins of to is ready for this is partially withdrawal from the facility is the final day of hearings at the international court of justice with thousands of countries, a cooling for israel's occupation to tell us in the.


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