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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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personal link and the denial of palestinian refugees the right towards on operating through a racist distinction, privileging jewish people over non jewish, palestinian people. this has necessitated serious violations of all the fundamental yes co guns and a on these norms of international law. the rights of self determination, the prohibitions on aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity, racial discrimination, a paul tight and torture on the cold protections of i chow. today i will address 1st violations of international arising as of the regime of racial domination, a pop type perpetrated against the palestinian people across the entire land of historic palestine. and then 2nd,
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the ex essential illegality of israel is occupation of the palestinian galls. a strip on westbank, including east jerusalem since 1967 as a necessary pre requisite, i must begin with this special ride granted to the palestinian people in the li complement. the legal rights of self determination of the palestinian people originates in the sacred trust obligations of also called 22 of the li, covenant, positive side treaty a, palestine and a class monday on the butcher's colonial rule was after the 1st world war supposed to have its existence as an independent state provision leave recognized a suicide. generous right of self determination. the u. k. and other members of the lead counsel attempted to bypass this. incorporating the 1917 balfour declaration
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commitment to establishing a national home for the jewish people in palestine into the instrument stipulating how the mandate would operate. however, the council have no legal power to bypass the covenant in this way. you talked to the ultra virus and the relevant provisions were legally void. that was and is no legal basis in not mandate instrument for either a specifically jewish state in palestine or the you case failure to discharge the sacred trust obligation to implement palestinian self determination. after the 2nd world war, a self determination, right, a clickable to colonial peoples, generally crystalized in international law for the palestinian people. this
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essentially corresponded to and supplemented the pre existing covenant, right regarding the same single territory. the 1947 proposal to politician palestine was country to this. the hour of rejection, an estimation of the legal status quote. in 1948 then palestine was legally a single territory with a single population, enjoying a rise of self determination on a unit treat basis. despite this state of israel, specifically for jewish people was proclaimed in 1948 by those controlling 78 percent. move in 3 quarters of palestine accompanied by the false displacement of a significant number of the non jewish palestinian population. the knocked by
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catastrophe. this illegal succession was an egregious violation of palestinian self determination. israel statehood was recognized, an israel admitted as a un member. despite this illegality to israel is not the legal, continuation or successor of the mandate. this violation of palestinian self determination is ongoing and on resolved to key elements. first, palestinian people not displaced from the land for claim to be of israel in $48.00 . and the defendants have been forced to live as citizens. presently they constitute 17.2 percent of a state conceived to be off. and for a note the racial group onto the domination of that group necessarily treated as
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2nd class because of the race. second, palestinian people displaced from that land and their descendants cannot return these all serious breaches of the rights of self determination. the prohibitions of racial discrimination and a pol tight on the rice of return. they must end immediately as if this ongoing not uh, was not catastrophic enough. in 1967, israel captured the remaining 22 percent of historic palestine. the gaza strip in westbank, including east jerusalem. the next uh its maintains that used to force to remain in control for the 57 year period since for move in half a century, then
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a state defined to be off on for jewish people exclusively has govern the entire land of historic palestine. and the palestinian people that and the regime of racial domination, a pol site, and the 9 were ton, has been extended throughout to, in the case of palestinians living in the occupied territory. this has impulse, the same serious violations of international supplemented by serious violations of nomes of clickable in occupied territory. indeed, these people are subject to an even more extreme form of racist domination. as they aren't even citizens of the state exercising or for see over them. even in east jerusalem, which israel has proposed to annex the majority known jewish palestinian residents,
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don't have citizenship, whereas jewish residents, including illegal settlers, all citizens just as in territorial israel, in occupied territory. the serious violations concerning how israel exercises or forward over the palestinian people. most and immediately however, he a, a more fundamental matter must also be addressed. the illegality of the exercise oval farsi itself. the enduring province jeanine why? so self determination means that the palestinian people, i'm the state of palestine, not israel, all suffering over the territory. israel captured in 67 for israel, the land is extraterritorial. and given most i said about the monday territory over
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which it has no legal saw for an entitlement. despite this, israel has purported to amex, east jerusalem, and taken various actions that under the rest of the west bank constituting de your rate and a fact to pull to the next station. including implanting supplements is really policy that israel should be not only the exclusive of pharmacy over the entire land between the river and the sea, but also the exclusive suffering all for i see that this constitutes a complete repudiation of palestinian self determination as a legal right since it empties the rights entirely of any territorial content, actualizing this to de facto into your
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a propose he's on next. ation is 1st a serious violation of palestinian self determination. and 2nd, it's because it's a, a enabled through the use of false a violation of the prohibition on the purported acquisition of territory through the use of false in the law on these to false. and so an aggression series, violations of further areas of little regulating the conduct to the occupation also being perpetrated. no, simply the prohibitions on implanting supplements, an altering, unless absolutely prevented the legal, political, social, and religious status. quote. the occupation is the full ex, essentially illegal, because of its use to actualize proportionate annexation to end this
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serious legality. it must be terminated. israel must renounce all sovereignty claims. an old settlements must be removed immediately. however, this is not the only basis on which the occupations ex essentially galaxy must be addressed. we need to go deeper into both the lower of self determination and the low on the use of false beginning with self determination. these rights when applied to the palestinian people in the territory. israel captured in $67.00 is a right to be entirely self governing free from is riley domination. consequently, the palestinian people have a legal right to the immediate end of the occupation. an israel has a correlative legal duty to immediately terminate the occupation this
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right. exists and operates simply and exclusively because the palestinian people are entitled to it. it does not depend on all those agreeing to its realization. each has a right. it's a repudiation of trusteeship. whereby colonial peoples were ostensibly to be granted freedom only if and when they were deemed ready. because of the stage of development determined by the races standard of civilization. the empty colonial self determination rule replaced this with the right, based on the automatic immediate entitlement of old people to freedom without pre conditions in the woods of general assembly 1514
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inadequacy of preparedness should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence. some suggest that the palestinian people were offered and rejected deals but could have ended the occupation and that for israel can maintain it, pending a supplement. even assuming all you endo, the veracity of this account, the deals involve a further loss of the sovereign territory of the palestinian people. israel camel moved fully demand concessions on palestinian rights as the price for ending its impediment to palestinian freedom. this would mean israel using force to co, west the palestinian people to give up some of the peremptory legal rights or illegal in the law on the use of false and necessarily voiding the relevant terms of
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any agreement reached. the palestinian people are legally entitled to reject to further loss of land over which they have an exclusive legal, peremptory. right? any thoughts rejection makes no difference to israel's immediate legal obligation and the occupation turning to the law on the use of false israel's control over the palestinian territory. since 67 as a military occupation is an ongoing use of false as search. it's ex, essentially galaxy is determined by the law on the use of false as a general matter. beyond the specific issue of onyx ation, israel captured the gaza strip and westbank from egypt and jordan in the war it
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launched against them and syria. a claim to be acting in self defense anticipating a non immediately imminent attack. the war was over after 6 days. peace treaties between israel and egypt and jordan was subsequently adopted. despite this is well maintained control of the territory. continuing the use of false enabling is capture israel. 67 war was illegal in the sand bell. i'm even assuming argue, endo, it's claim of a faded attack. states con law. fully use false non immediately eminent anticipate traits, self defense. alternatively, assuming again, argue, endo, the will was low for to the justification ended after 6 days.
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however, the use of belgium requirements continue to apply to the occupation as itself a continuing use of force. in 1967, with self determination, well established in international states could not lawfully use force to retain control over a self determination unit. cap should enable unless the legal test justifying the initial use of false also justified. on the same basis, the use of force in retaining control. moreover, this justification would need to continue. not only in the immediate aftermath, but for more than half a century. manifestly, this legal test has not been met. israel's exercise of control over the cause
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a strip on westbank through the use of force has been illegal in the problem since the capture of the territory, or at least very soon after afterwards. the occupation is therefore, again ex, essentially illegal in the low on the use of force, an aggression this time as a general matter beyond legality specific to an exception. to terminate this serious violation, the occupation must like wise and immediately most of these rails current military action in gaza. this is not a war that began in october 2023. it's a drastic scaling up of the false exercise that and in the west bank on
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a continual basis. since 67. a justification for a new phase in an ongoing, illegal use of false camel be constructed solely out of the consequences of violent resistance to the illegal use of false. otherwise, an illegal use of false will be rendered little full because those subject to it violently resisted circular logic with a perverse outcome. more generally, israel cannot move fully useful to control the process to the entire tree for security purposes. pending an agreement providing security guarantees. states can only law fully use falls outside the borders in extremely narrow circumstances. beyond that, they must address,
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they must address security concerns known forcibly. the usa u. k ends. i'm the suggested here that there is a sewage, generous, a clickable legal framework. and these rarely palestinian lex specialists. this somehow supersedes the rules of international law, determining whether the occupation is ex, essentially lawful. instead, we have a new rule justifying the occupation until there is a peace agreement meeting is really secure, she needs this is the law as these states would like it to be. not the law as it is, as it has no basis in resolution to for, to also or any of the resolutions or agreements. actually,
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you are being invited to do away with the very operation of some of the fundamental peremptory rules of international law itself. as a result, the match as these rules conceive as rights vested in the palestinian people would be realized only if agreement is reached and only on the basis of such agreement. at best, if there is an agreement, this means wong but need not be compatible with palestinian peremptory legal rights . determined only by the acute power imbalance in israel's favor. at worst, if there is no agreement, this means that the indefinite continuation of his railey rule over the palestinian people in the o. p t. on the basis of racist supremacy. and
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a claim to sovereignty would be lawful. this is enough from to the international rule of law to the un shaw, so imperative to settle disputes in conformity with international law and to your traditional function as guardians of the international legal system. a final potential basis sometimes info to justify continuing the occupation should be addressed. occupation in human rights law, a clickable to a legal and law for occupations alike. obliged israel to address security threats in occupied territory to however, they only regulate the conduct of an occupation when this exists. they do also provide
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a legal basis for the existence itself. acts essentially galaxy is determined by the lord of self determination and the use of bell. i'm only that is no back to legal basis for israel to maintain the occupation through the imperatives of occupation and human rights law. in some the occupation of the palestinian cause a strip on westbank, including east jerusalem is ex, essentially illegal on 2 mutually reinforcing bases. first full on the use of false. here the occupation is illegal. both is a use of force without finally justification. and because it's enabling and then legal foot vaulted next station as search each is an aggression. second, the law of self determination. here it's
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a legal again because of the association with a legal propulsion next station. and also more generally, because it is quite simply an exercise of all for see over the palestinian people, the by its very nature violates that right to freedom. this multi faceted ex essential illegality involving serious violations. a peremptory gnomes has 2 key consequences. first, the occupation must end. israel must renounce its claim to sovereignty over the palestinian territory. all settlers must be removed immediately to this is required to end the legality to discharge the positive obligation to enable immediate palestinian self up ministration. because israel lacks any legal entitlement exercise authority. second,
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in the absence of the occupation ending necessarily everything israel does in the palestinian territory, lacks a valid international legal basis and is therefore subject to then it may be an exception invalid. not only those things violating the law, regulating the conduct of the occupation. those new homes and title and require israel to do certain things. but this doesn't alter the more fundamental position from the law or on the use of force and self determination. the israel lacks any valid or for see to do anything and was have a it does is illegal even if complying with opus 2 into the conduct regulatory rules. i will close by quoting
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palestinian academic poets, refract aaliyah from his final poem posted 36 days before he was killed by his route in casa, on the 6th of december, 2023. if i must die, you must live. to tell my story. if i must die, unless it bring hope, unless it be a story. thank you for your attention. i think the gigs of data league for this presentation stand before and by the next that edition to make his order a statement, the corporate office of a but a for 10 minutes, the sitting is suspended. you want to alter the english. it's just on $1025.00 gmc, that's $25.00 plus one here in dial hall, you have been watching dr. ralph,
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while the senior counselor advocate for the leak of arab states. he spoke shortly after abdulla keen as i see the shows you just the opponent mission, all of the league of our states in brussels, a very detailed legal setting out of exactly what the occupation means of full palestinians in the occupied garza and the west bank of what the legal obligations for israel as an occupying state. and it has been a morning of a speeches and presentations, 2 weeks of 8 days of over 50 countries and 3 human rights organizations who have been presenting the cases to the international court of justice in hague. today we had from the augusta of tacky, the solicitor general of some of the an h one we will hear from your organization is lubbock cooperation. and that starts dependent smith who's out the hague has
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been following the events over the past 2 days. certainly. but it was very detailed, a legal speech really and setting out all the facts on behalf of the league of arab states, something up really, what's been happening over the last 75 years. so yeah, they said dr. roth, while from university college, london was appointed by the arab league to make that argument in front of the i, c j as to why the court should give a ruling on the legality of israel. so keep patient and dr. wild took us right back in history to the creation of the state of israel to 1948. and he said, i to argue that before the creation of the state of israel and the british mandate, palestine that was no legal monday to allow the creation of his days of his reading . the 1st place is arguments of casting doubts on the very legality of the state of
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israel today. and then he took his on to 1967 and israel is occupation. busy what is the now the west bank of the east jerusalem and the gaza strip on arguing all way that the violence, as he called it, of israel occupation has prevented the palestinians from exercising the right to self determination. the building of the settlements preventing the out, the palestinians from their right to self. the determination because of the population transfer and all the way through his argument. the doctor dr. wiley's been saying this is all of this is a legal and the use of violence is illegal and the rights of the palestinians to self determination, he says, billing based patent, the policy agreeing to it because he's royal wilson. he makes arguments about to secure to needs, and they don't coupon westbank. that's why staying the well, hey, the arab league is saying, there is no, they still are right to the policy means have the can be no excuses,
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security or otherwise to stop them from exercising those rights. and so israel should withdraw immediately says the arab league from the occupied westberg. i should also pull out those seconds to buy this with a naked cool. so coming back to you about an additional analysis as those presentations continue on monday. let's bring it in. now is there a senior political, i'm his mom, a shower to discuss this stuff that was sitting in. i'm listening to what was being said by dr. wild. we were listening intently, but already is pretty tough on one particular statement, which was when dr. while talked about how certain countries want us to think the low is in a particular potties fav, he said the low as you like, it should not be determined by the middle as it is a very direct and an comprehensive you might say sit up and take note, don't be taken in by what's being said, the lowest written down here,
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and you've got to full 15 judges. difficult to take note of it. i thought to you took aim at uh, the united states and the united kingdom product cleverly, i should say, basically settings. and there is international law. and that is your attempt at expropriating international law for your own. and you can do that, but don't call it international law that wouldn't be international. i'm trying to treat it right. as soon as you notice as a unique issue in terms of i talk to the patient about us talking about the acceptable but i felt in general that this was the best argument, the most comprehensive argument thus far that we've heard him picked it very cleverly. just in case i think he did then i think there are 2 reasons why i'm saying that one is because he put the occupation of the palestinian territories of
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that 9267 and it says to the context, this is the best possible argument against the united states and united kingdom that say let's leave it to the parties to resolve the dispute. and this is could be by nature temporary even if it's more than 5 decades. but what the. busy dr wild has said, is that there's a pattern, there's a process, and there is context and the context page that is a, has been doing this. not since 1967. it's been doing this since 1947. and at the same thing basically that it did in the galley in that triangle and the area within is right against the palestinians. after 1948, it's during and after that kind of spins in the occupied territories, i thought ok if i ask that $96.00, so who says that that's a hands what it is doing in the occupied territories is not random. and it's not incidental. it is by design, and it is meant as an amex ation,
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hence the building of the sacraments spend the proliferation and expansion of those sacraments. the 2nd point, the thoughts, thoughts, always been very, very clear. i must remind ourselves, this is a lawyer that speaks for that. a bleak, i mean data big as an organization of reality has been kind of useless. but here, terms of representing a consensus against an, a separate colonial 1050 in and out a bridge. and i think it's key and here's the point that he made, that, that whole summarize the entire thing was say, one that he is writing in legal use of force, the occupied territories that is meant to protect its supplement since the prize or find an exploration is a form of aggression if there's no 2nd by doing that, it is denying the protestant is that right?
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first of the nation, on whatever the text, including the pretext of self defense that he took a while and explaining why this is not acceptable according to its international law. one of the issues that we've spoken to, to many contributors has been on offices here over the past 4 months with media folks, we, we speak to analysts, we speak to politicians. how important to proceed, things like this for the public who are watching. i'll just say every now to be watching this court presentation, but they listen to the facts and the historical context for themselves and make their own decisions. because we're seeing these global protests from people around the world who's got one opinion altogether. but when you see the facts and that putting context on what is legal and what is illegal. all right, mr. wallace. speak on behalf of the league of our sites, but is real, hasn't support, isn't that quote too. and they will speak as well. how important is it to listen to what these people the same? it's the end display important. not just through the, at a bleak,
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a legal advisor here, but also throughout the united states as a new, okay? because this is a very important issue that's been with us for a century now. and that has become a, an inflaming point to uh for the entire region and us throughout the world. peace and security. now, of course, and in the end, the world of global media as you know very well. so i have, since you are a seasoned journalist that we are more attached to, infotainment nowadays than we are. so something that almost resembles electra as a diversity in this case, university of london. so this might be difficult to follow up for people who are not expert in the issue. but i would suggest the following, at least that this needs to be saved. archive until i think universities that this should be used by every documentarian,
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by every journalist as a background. important factual legal, foggy mind about this issue. that vehicle is ready to occupational satisfied it is . so one argued that the soul factual. and this speaks to the spirit who move along . now, why is this important speaking to the letter and the spirit of the law? because it's conflict, like the ad up is really the conflict. in situations of aggression, a part paid colonialism. you have one of 2 solutions, either resistance, as of chinese argued, could be resistance by force or popular resistance. and that could take years, decades and months in the case of closure area of south africa. we also heard from the 1st day just to millions of casualties. and because of all julia,
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we speak about almost a 1000000 deaths in the racing. i'll just hear from the french sutler, calling us the other way. is the international community defending international law, a desktop i bought a possibility for how we couldn't send situations as in israel's occupation upon the data by the side. so either has to be local, regional, or resistance that could lead to blood should midgent blood trick as we see in guys up today. or it could be the international music coming together, not like by hypocrites and double standards, but by those possible grownups. who can see that after 75 years of dispossession, aggression bundle corporation that the 2 parties don't have a dispute. that as we've heard from dr. wild that there is one party that has been
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aggressive another party for 75 years. so it was a use of force under pressure this actual proceeding was already you might say, on the, on the time table. how don't tell you, but the 7th not happen. baldwin? would this have got the publicity would have got over 50 countries? and 3 schuman rights organizations involved in proceedings, because it does say, unfortunately, it's coincidental that this particular case was already going to be heard any way, regardless of what happened. don't type of the stuff. you know, one of the reasons, one of the sad been the unfortunate reasons for the justification for the october 7 attack was those by the city isn't guys on the likes of how much or say we have been forgotten. we had been much on the lives we had been neglected on the patient under siege under oppression for decades. now. not only that the world has forgotten this,
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the items have forgotten us. not for the items have forgotten us. the items for a good number of a good number of every genes have stopped us in the back by normalizing relations with this red o at expense or so you can imagine that god has rebooting. nationalized basically have. it's like a, it's like a little have good age sold in thrown in international law and international community saying, pension here you cannot continue to ignore this issue. and how was the 1st leader corresponded to this? but i would quote a gruesome attack against is right on the side of it. but also the subsequent many october seven's that's happened against guys. so let's press stop by the present by then that was basically a visit for so i'll just put a take a look at meeting 50 is what design is i'm and with is really aggression on
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occupation. after october 7, he said 3 weeks that i thought about the 27. he said basically sending these riley's, we cannot go back to the start the school, auntie. we cannot go back to the pre award status quotes. we must now re address. we must try to resolve this issue. we can ignore it anymore. so everything american presidents not paying attention. right? if america, then you can, everyone's have things and they come to testify here. it goes a long way to show you that suddenly unfortunately after the death of tens of thousands of palestinians over the past 4 or 5 months, that the world starting to pay attention. but i thought you saw it and i thought all of yours are on the world's attention because these dark times that go spit out there's i'm not, i think go i'm those who wish the palestinians is,
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i'm do not seek justice in them, at least are arguing against of the international law and making it says evidence then the question of his palestine and it was becoming more and more evident suddenly in those public present public demonstrations that we're seeing globally as well. people not well. so it's not believing, but they just losing trust in that lawmakers of people they vote for a we see be interesting. seeing that so many major elections coming up in 2024 agency. how about this plays into a that dialogue? what i did want to get back, because what you touched on was, you know, the countries that have presented that cases here, the i, c, j, you know, over the 2 weeks we stop, we, that, we, so, so if i forget algeria, saudi arabia just wanna bring those in, along with island, you know, we talked about south africa's apartheid. we know biology is colonialist. i passed by the french, i want to bring in the role of saudi arabia because as you just said, you know,
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it's been a political hungry, they've been thrown into them. at least they wake up. our countries you haven't supported issues stopped us in the back side, you radius presentation was incredibly strong. and it sort of made me think about the conversations before october. the 7th was sad to you, right? you're going to recognize israel. what was i do? i piece position that we thought of countries wherever in for games, what saudi arabia would do. saturday may be, takes a step, all the other arab muslim countries follow. how do you positions, how do you write being all of this now because it remained a little bit quiet, but very vocal here. well, that is in terms of analysis. there's a optimistic analysis and there is the semester analysis. let's start with the best the best analysis, the pessimistic analysis. the bad news is that a good number of a bridge games and western regimes are hoping for this for to and with
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a defeat of him as the containment of guys, especially if occasion of guys the destruction of guys in order to go back to the fiber honda accords normalization of relations is between a good number of new out of countries where there's less that's what they're hoping . how all of them are praying. that is i've finished the job already. that's why i might have tons and brits and all those are frustrated with these way. the government not because it's getting people engaged. it's not because it's not finishing the job in a bit more civil way. right. if it helps. 501-0015. $20000.00 that but about 50 plus 1000. not 100000 casualties. right. so clearly these, right, the americans and others would wish this back to and i just have to interrupt you the story mode because we've got the old ones that she is on the conference. chapman speaking, now my son is in the hall, let's just listening us express the trust we
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place in your high quote that through the advisory opinion. so you may enlighten follow the, the united nations general assembly and its task for your organization to vista and make cooperation brings together the 57 member states, and is the collective voice of the stomach world face into government. logan, always ation was founded. following re, i'll send the attack and 1969 against the alex mall scan to raise for them to us. the sean, 2 of our organization mentions among these goals of support for the right to the panelists. didn't young people to create it says so reinstate with our called search sherry visits capital. that's to say that organization is particularly attentive to the struggle of these people and is profoundly preoccupied
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by the ongoing regression which on israel, the occupying powers wage and guns have published in young people in colorado and the vital risks that this rails operations are exposing. it to as well as our organization held an extraordinary summit to re, uh on the left in november last devoted to this matter. i should like to inform you here of the position taken on that occasion by the organization that i read, present phase with the gravity of the situation. we won't against the consequences of the war being waged by the is ray, the occupier in the gauze. the trip we condemn this aggression which has for almost 5 months been causing thousands of victims and giving rise to massive war crimes under risk of genocide. as you read to acknowledge didn't your
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order of 26 of january as we come down with the same false, the crimes committed by israel z occupying power and the centers in the west bank and in the city of our called. so share a, we denounce the risk, the show by israel, the occupying power to end it's illegal occupation of pilots didn't you? entire tree, as well as the multiple violations of knowns of international law brought about by this continuing occupation on we the pro, via and ability of the security council to uphold international law, to hold the spot, a rollover, and then some to render justice to the powerless didn't young people, mr. president, members of the quote,
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it is against this backdrop that we recalled that a just last thing and comprehensive piece based on the 2 state solution is the only way of ensuring the security and stability of whole peoples in the region on protect them from the psych cooler violence and war in the same spirit we all stood. all country sees exporting on sudden new nations to the occupation authorities. knowing that the on the on the settlers are using them against the palestinian young people. on this occasion, we took pains to denounce whole forms of hatred, discrimination and all assertions that in shrine, very culture of hatred and extremism. and we proclaimed the imperative for the international community to take immediate and swift measures to
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end the massacre and the targeting of palestinian civilians. so as to confirm that there's no difference between one life and another, no discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, or religion. so the conditions without which no lasting piece is possible, we also expect your code to condemn the accelerated call of noise ation of east jerusalem as well as the is really a tax conducted against is i'm a can christian heard any place is a dog called so therefore, we hope that the advisory opinion, you will render, will be an opportunity to recall on the, you know, a, sorry, a t z imperative g u t incumbent on israel, the occupying power to end. it's up to
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a patient of palestinian territories per long for far too long them to repair all the consequences. and now council met them. show me is on the whole to whom i respectfully ask you to give the form is the president will set out the legal aspects on which the organization of islamic cooperation believes it can provide some further clarification. thank you to the data. yes, thank you very much. just somehow i now invite to monique simulation close to the but you, you have to prove that. i'm, yes, thank you. thank you. met him. mr. president is on behalf of the organization to is limit co operation that only half of the on the, to a point to this morning i'm going to look at the 3 elements of the situation. switch light, heart of your opinion. and now some of the participants. he states,
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the instant proceedings requested your courts to decline your true distinction. they were of the opinion that the request for an opinion would set, then it goes, they should propose that the underway between the protecting isn't this because the actions for the only way to more space. but let's have a look at the facts. let's establish them in the truth, because this is indispensable condition for justice to profile. so all of the negotiations underway between israel and palestine. the truth of this question is there aren't any more. this is a mist which has long been on sufficiently maintained, but which if you look at current events, has totally collapsed and even the policies info to admit this is the court in
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a position to establish truth on this point about some participants in the instant proceedings have argued that you should decline your jurisdiction or the accounts of some suppose difficulty to access the facts. but the case file that you receive from the service is if the you and themselves have all the elements only and i'm going to need on which to base the opinion requested because it is a known fact that the of the record stating back to 1993 in 1995 the the objectives were intended to be achieved by 1919 on the latest. and this timeframe is not being met. and the subsequent meetings held in the shower shave in 1999 and k tvs in 2000. soon. a fruit fruit was in on noise, the redeployment of israel, nor the consolidation of the posted in or 3rd t's or telling me has come to pass
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the outlet for the us, the courts. he's just on compliance with resolutions to 42, and 338. to the security council where they are explicit, they mentioned this compliance require the withdrawal by israel from occupied palestinian territory. 1967. archie, cool. 18. 0, the conviction that all treaties provides the policies to an agreement must abstain from acts which deprives latrice units of cheating. purpose thus, this rails accelerated settling of jewish colonies on palestinian territory has deprived the us the cause, both of the objects and of that purpose. israel's politicians have confirmed the demise of negotiations when they denounced the oslo accords as of the
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2000. that's more than 20 years ago. at that time ariel sharon did crates to the pilots. we are quite to, we're not going to continue. also. what was the us the it's finished and the quotation. more recently. on 12 december 2023 prime minister benjamin netanyahu as a tube on closing him. i shall not allow israel to repeat the mistake of the us, the codes in the quotation. you'll cool will recognize that we are confronted to you by put to the lead note where the breach of good faith, as israel, as a member of the united nations, is bound by the resolutions of this organization. as well as by specific undertakings. it made it roy, it's rough short of the entire body. the states in question
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appropriates palestinian carrot tricks, spells its people to moist palestine the right to self determination. but o means available. your record in your judgment of 2018, that when the states engage in negotiations, i quote you, they must conduct them in good faith in this quotation. well, it would appear that is rails good face vanish shortly off to engaging in the allstate negotiation spouse. no negotiation on the horizon right now, which needs protection just an ongoing role. and the refusal of is radio authorities to open any political perspective based on international law. that's why the argument with a finding of to a state should to give this opinion would in some way all the way to and negotiated
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peace is an argument wholly without merits. now, this is my 2nd point. i'd like to drill a little longer on the question of negotiations to make a substantive remark here are listed as will not recover the legitimate right spied direct bilateral negotiations with israel and the red. 2 reasons why not. the 1st relates to the, of the well being in the cold, i see between the 2 parties out of stein is and israel's, me that she don't, the nation and its representatives find themselves in a position to structure a weakness as such. any that goes to ation will be biased and the resulting treaty will necessarily be unbalanced. the 2nd of stick, who relates to the fact that in negotiations which have taken place up to now
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israel is attempted to make the tempest indians make concessions to the fundamental rights they have under international law. the principal violation, which is the source indeed of the other violations lies in israel, persistent refusal to let or to give the protestant people the rights to self determination and then limits. since the ends of demand, a british meant that in 1947 has israel sneed as admitted with sincerity that a palestinian state could co exist with them in palestine. israel's prim prime minister confirmed this on 20 january whose opposition to any palestinian sovereignty. when israel pretended to negotiate the palestinians write to state judge, it was only to see the caricature of their, of the me,
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the choice power engraved. disposed of a frank made to direct tre with reduced access to its a natural resources. and yet, are the rates of people so self determination is a just co games. no, it is not. some constituents you have right? which could only arise if recognized by israel level 2. it's a declarative right in here to the situation of the colonized people of palestine. and it exists from the moment this people that promised and young people decided to the claimant. that's purity of simply. this is not a negotiable roy. this row has oh keep part as of 1967 palestinian thirty's substitute good to minute reaction which was carried out in patient the cool rule prohibiting the use of force. so as far as occupying it to
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treat every which has no rights, israel must withdrawal. then that's not negotiable either. but color nice thing this terry tree is a breach, is the prohibition of chromosomes varying population from the occupying power into the occupied surgery. and his rails official plan is to continue this little formats from the 700000 currently on the west bank. and the interest of the settlers should cost the 1000000 number as fast as possible . according to minutes, the smoke which that's what he said on 12 july 2023. so israel has a specialized this breach, but increasing in its basic glue of 2018. the development of jewish settlements as a basic value of is ready society,
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a fist not withstanding the international request, the dismantling of all these sacraments. that he yes, again, we have before us an obligation which is no negotiable for security purposes. indians is seriously threatened that dying in thousands and is right. the bonus in garza's and 7 don't tell you. but. and then the westbank. a cool thing is ready. suicide is $367.00 palestinians have been killed since 7 o type, including $94.00 children. 2960 palestinians have be interested in posting new sources or the piano these because a high the underestimated settlers in the west bank and east jerusalem. free the re violence against the palestinians, the courage they own by the state of israel itself.
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so the disposition of their lands and the repression to which the palestinians are subject to has intensified over the last month. and at the same time, a policy of discrimination which constitutes apartheid who these violations of fundamental rights must stop. once again, it's not negotiable. to give the requested opinion, your court will have to look at the quest of teresa. now this city wasn't included in the tertiary destiny is right, but resolutions 181 of the general assembly of the un, replacing a policy. she's a politician plan for palestine. when it was admitted to the you in 1949 israel sullivan, they accepted the principles of the you and charles and the resolutions failed to
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advise organs task. there was recognition that jerusalem had not been attributed to israel. however, by taking over for the west part of the city by force in 1948 and in 1967, the east part of the city is royal made to raise them its re, you know, i see capital in 1919 since then easter is the as on the, on the forced is re los ation intended settlement. this is considered as a reversible board is right. the latest however, east jerusalem has no other state to this than that over the territory occupied minutes early by foreign power. unlike oh indeed of palestinian territory occupies its 1967. so israel has to withdrew as to
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a drew and fight for the palestinian people as the relevant resolutions of the security council. and the general assembly have required comes to of late the ot prices have to be free. the purpose of this is they'll just, they're on top of the crate. and it is that live in g m t u. i'm watching special coverage off the final day of public hearings at the international court of justice to examine the legal consequences of this ready occupation of palestinian lands. its listened backend with light to legalize its unlawful action. the switch i have just mentioned, but placing them in an agreement. if one subjects the situation to the analysis, what becomes apparent is that this row has no rights over palestine any duties.


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