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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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teams usb too. in the security council, this is a may just something block is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does in the the arab league tell the international court of justice that the failure to end the israeli occupation. those calls taras to palestinians, amounting to tennis on the ellipse of rome. and you want to know because they were like my headquarters here in the hall. also coming up. is there any shelves inside the bullets target crowds waiting to aid in gaza? city doctors it all, ship a hospital, a sweet thing, the engine on the floor. how a single policy prime minister, how much diane submits his resignation,
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say new political arrangements on need. protesting families in brussels demand action to increase prices and lump cheap impulses, agricultural ministers from across the you discussed the crisis. the welcome to the bravo is the final day of public hearings to the international court of justice to examine the legal consequences of his randy. occupation of palestinian lands. 50 countries have presented oral arguments most cold for the decades long ago. the patient to be declared illegal to key is deputy foreign minister. i met you and it was the 1st to address the quote on the final day of hearings. he said as well as occupation of the palestinian territories was a clear violation of international a policy in people's lives next to the different conditions i'm going to is what i
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use suffocating occupation is all you just dictates the probation has not only led to the provisional funds the people of the funding amounts of the rights, but also made them dependent on is, let's see. the follow up with these are the, what is the land is uses the likelihood of confiscated although they are living in 21st century. the practices they have been subject to all means of ages. and sometimes even this does like email that i see representative of the arab league cold on the cold and what it says is rails total . impunity video, part of states attaches high importance to the present proceedings, hoping that they contribute to st. gardening, the principles of international law. to hold the native and rights of the police to
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me and people to self determination. and the last oppressive expansion is a 1st time subtler colonial occupation spin, standing in the 21st century the persistence of this occupation, x of genocide, ethnic cleansing more crimes, crimes against humanity, displacement of populations, imprisonment of philistines behind league and segregation was expansion of the leading settlements gree, anything new political reality is on the ground. aiming a complaint complicating the dismantling of the occupation or will never discourage philistines from claiming their legitimate email you have been rights. their insistence on policing is, are, and above the law through the politicized zation of accountability and
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adopting double standards in the application of justice is a dire threat to international peace and stability ending is rose to, to impunity and subject thing. it's like any other state does a universe of rules of international law. when have a moment, it's predicts to systematically rejects based initiatives. so the secretary general available as i have these, let me cooperation colds on countries to see sex. both of us and munitions. 2 is riley occupational socrates. we come down with the same false, the crimes committed by israel, the op true poing power and the centers in the west bank and in the city of all called so share a we denounce the risky show by israel, the occupying power to end it's illegal occupation of palestinian territory as
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well as the multiple violations of nodes of international law brought about by this continuing occupation on we the penalty and ability of the security council to uphold international law. to hold the spot, a rollover, and then some to rent a justice to the palestinian people as closely with the balance without corresponding to that the international call to of justice and the hey good. hi ben . it's been 2 weeks of presentations to the i. c, j culminate and some very detail, legal arguments, all these rails legal occupation on the last day. and so we've heard today from a organization that was on mac corporation, the arab league, and the african union, and took care 1st of all this morning. all of them making an argument that we heard in 5 days of testimony last week for most countries. and that is that israel is
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occupation, the palestinian territories is preventing the palestinians from my legal rights to self determination. and israel is deliberate, re population or population of the occupied westbank with jewish settlers. i mean increasing number of sacraments is stopping the palestinians, exercising the right to self determination. much of what was set to day by those organizations was essentially some sort of a, a rebuttal of what the us particularly and also the u. k. to some extent, had previously argued the base is a dispute between states, between well, between 2 to between 2 parties. and these 2 policies should set a lot dispute themselves. the problem is with the palestinians, that as the argument has been made in court over the last 6 days, it's not been possible for the palestinians to reach an agreement with israel, through international bodies. lot the when, because israel has avoided trying to talk to the palestinians about this,
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this is why the palestinians are coming to the world called on country after country organization after organization has argued in front of this quote. but it's got the jurisdiction to say that the, the occupation is illegal. i'm not, israel should withdrawal from the occupied territories. course, the court has ruled, provided an opinion against israel before in 2004 on the separation rule. when it said that should be dismantled, egypt, a israel, in fact is extended to the will. the colts rulings are known binding that advisory board, as the court says, i can tell you in a lot of narrow little pharmacy stuff. but of course the, the, these hearings was shed, you'll, even before the october, the 7th incident. again, it has to be size unprecedented. isn't it? have so many countries give their opinions, along with 3 human rights organizations to the well cold. and it's a public at law to watching this program. i've never heard of the world called they've heard of it now as well. it was the
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uh, it was in 2022 the un general assembly as the well cool as to well cool. the international court of justice to examine the legal implications of israel occupation of the west bank of east jerusalem and gaza. it was the homeless attack on october, the 7th on israel that has given this new impetus because the violence, all these rails rails war on gauze asked about how much attack and the lodge boston mounts of devastation in gauze and tens of thousands of palestinians killed. bob have added new force to the arguments being made by various, by the lawyers here it's given new inputs us to a time. we've heard a lot of arguments, a lot of criticism of israel is conduct to the war in gaza. but i'm all in the and boils down to very clear legal arguments presented by lawyer of the lawyer on the
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box of the after the after on bus to say, look, the fact solve this. israel occupies the westbank that stops the palestinians from exercising their right to so self determination is riley's continuing tobacco occupation is deliberately re populating the westbank with these rarely jewish settlers. and in doing so, preventing the policy means from forming their own states that must stop. and israel shall be able to, to pull out of the west bank and east jerusalem costs better. thanks so much for that. they've been dismissed that for us, that'd be nice. each a in the hate. well let's just take you now to the ground and garza, my, all of this is happening. why is there any shows and it's like bullets of wounded several palestinians as a way to, to aid talk to the doctor of a hospital of treating the injured on the floor is where the troops targeted crowds waiting to 8 and the blue sea round about $10.00, a city in southern gaza to fishermen have been killed by his rails on me on the shoals of con eunice. and then this riley trone has struck
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a call and it is about us getting to palestinians. and enjoying many of us holdings, all the city, simple 10 screws have recovered. the bodies of palestinians killed in the latest is rarely strikes. at least 10 people were killed in several areas of the city. on sunday, when the children and others were pulled from the rubble of that destroyed homes and the outside of the neighborhood, found not being treated in a hospital hunting monthly, which is not correspondent in southern garza, in rough estimate, something by for us. and how many it has to be said that the story hasn't changed the brutal of blood, the reality that palestinians face, day and night continues to? yes, tom, this is exactly what's going on and this is just happened at this particular hour of the day. we're seeing a storage in the relentless attacks just within the past 8 hour at the tack on varies refugee kind of descent from an area where 2 people have been killed inside
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a residential home. and more than 10 of other injuries were old reported to a laptop hospital 8. so far we're looking at within the past 24 hours more than 90 people have been killed. mostly women, children, an elderly, during inside residential home since the beginning of the war and the storage and the relentless attacks across the southern part of the city and, and of this trip and the central area 25 just within the past 10 hours. that's the overnight and the early hours of this morning as well. do the hour of this report. there is ongoing talk so days through part of the gaza strip where more artillery showing and that it is really bold. dozer are raising more agriculture, agriculture, a land in the area for the purpose of establishing a buffer zone as a now, part of the military plan is really military. so far as the situations and the
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suffering keeps to increase, that it's a by product of combined military actions as well as the, the famine that is caused by the i am going pounding across the gaza strip. the hard to break and of all of this is these people are trying to take advantage of the areas where there's been military pulled out of from trying to pull out family members full. we're missing and to seize under the levels it just so far. a lot of people are trying to reach out to loved ones and family members and another part in gaza. city. and in hon. you does a 3rd part of the city of hon. eunice, where the vast majority of the residential homes has been either completely destroyed as why people were still inside and haven't had the ability to evacuated or severely damaged, as happened in the central part of the city. as well as the western part where a mos evacuation zone have been set up for policy for evacuation. who have been
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shouldering inside there since the beginning of the war, famine, ongoing bonds just all leading into one conclusion here, the suffering is not an ending. honeymoon before us in rough, i think so the palestinian prime minister, how much of that has submitted his resignation. he says the escalating violence meal supplied westbank and jerusalem as well as long cause a letter to his decision, just as cold for new political arrangements that take into account the developments in gaza. his resignation is still to be accepted by the present mood about the day you have done it was done or believe it might just have got him. i'd like to tell the cabinet and our great people and that i submitted my resignation to the president last tuesday. for say, this decision is made in relation to the economic and security circumstances regarding the oppression of our people in the cause of hopefully and the
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unprecedented escalation in the west bank and the city of jerusalem. and what is being faced by our people and our cause and the genocide committed against our people on the cover. their goal is to turn the authority into a body without any political content, but we will stay resilient and strong against the occupation. what about the policy being 5 minutes them? how much at the was appointed in march of 2019 that his government has 18 ministers . 5 of them from gaza. the confidence was to be shuffled in 2022 when 2 ministers were added to the government. today is the 7th prime minister since the position was created in 1994. and that's when you return to palestine and prototype promoted himself. so he promoted, pardon me, self governance for the palestinian territories as well as well. cabinet is expected to approve plans for a ground invasion of rough prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that the operation will happen. and that's a potential c side and gaza would only delay it, as well as on the present to this operational plans. the will type of the home
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sunday ahead of the planned offensive. at least $1500000.00 palestinians, a sheltering and russell, a small town hall of the strips population. while these very military house conducted mores across the cities in the occupied westbank incursions took place. and novelist of the milan total could, i'm anti bron is a full size of the rest is at least 50 palestinians, including children, bold and full 100 palestinians have been killed and the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. as a member of the us, as souls isn't a critical condition after setting himself on fire outside these rarely embassy in washington, dc and protest against the warring cause of the film to video explaining why he was doing good. security agents then responded and helped extinguish the flames. is aaron bush now an active duty member of the united states air force. and i will no longer be listed in genocide. i'm about to engage in
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an extreme active protest, which is here to what people have been experiencing, and health science at the hands of their colonizers, extreme at all. this is what our ruling classes decided. the
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still as hey, i thought i'll just there. i monica not give and we're on not be in the the pony stuck in the center of some follow brazil's largest city where thousands of people have come to show their support. the former president, shy, you both are not the examining. the impact of today's headline is objectivity is still possible for you . we're not the only question the most is look, 3 ard meeting is alger 0, sets the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really
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hope that what i'm doing improved, it's possible to protect and safe different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world. today. on alex's yes, as record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points that have done that in the 1st of a 2 part investigation. one. 0, one east meets the chinese, my friends risk and you know, the american dream on out to 0 because of the war and you pre run deep. but the devastation of the country is precious. ecosystems may take the longest to hear the people in power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight, and follows the premium for prizes investigators, as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site ukraine. ground 0 on that just
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the the book about 2 weeks ago. just bear with me. so robin endo holder. why the of all the top stories the honorably because as it is a national judges to rules. so these really occupation of palestinian territories is illegal to can describe the occupation us the real obstacle to peace on the final day of hearings of the international court of justice is very shelves and sucks. bullets of wounded several palestinians as they waited for $8.10 new seats round to balancing dogs. the city doctor's adoption of the hospital, of treating me in just on the floor of assuming 5 minutes to manage it that has submitted his resignation. the schools, the new political arrangements to take into account the developments in garza,
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his resignation is to be accepted by the president, the boss, lebanese security officials say as well as talks at east and lebanon's the 1st time since the war involved. so began at least 2 attacks were reported near the city of bounce back. these very minute reset that it was striking, has blocked, tara target's deep inside level. okay, any further details up to now, southern lebanon has the most anxiety strikes on suspected hezbollah. target's $47.00 civilians have been killed in cross for the strikes since october, the 7th speedo associations worldwide marketing the international day full palestinian gen, unless the committee to protect you unless as at least a 131 being killed in israel's war on cause. and so far, so demand hayes that is the jealous, based in gaza. he tells us what it's like to report when you'll consider the target ask me to do sort of see me. and on some of those top of an ice cream then hung up
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on the functions, gonna send me on the people who have been we'll have the ones coming to shut off. especially if i'm lucky for you, cottage, for as long as the media coming out of the play, it hasn't hasn't. that's why the photo you can find me if i'm enough with the desk with the lesson, those are the items to come on. and then we're still kind of humor can, has done the and may, is just alarm and kind of run to just the alarm. and plug and solve occlusal costs will have to come to how bad the on the ceiling. and assuming that on the key in the middle of the call asking to aid them, let us know. so they know what's on the cross, jesus initial norm from the filter. summer comes out, some of them. and then the soul of what i need to show it to me or to the future he deal with a lot of them. so no se,
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noon i will see now you send this off the well, half of all, i don't know why man, i'm calling in the night of the lee and the who's going to see a lot of them that can do not follow because that was also say the 1st couple of fun of july left instead of the minute. is it funny pathologist then soon as you get them to get filled and then the amount that normally on menu will come in a month and run to see i mean coming nonsense alarm and what about mozilla? come on, come up like an assessment and i wanna know how much is it shows the was almost an hour. so i had known as the same feeling a human up i'm from the, from on. so mean the most off of all our shows. you kind of so much one of the hands of, you know, for most of us here, you need to from both law school evelyn and then she had them, you know,
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the drawings she and putting us. oh, well, we're giving you some nice who, who i'm the mom of the medical install button. okay. now i'm sure that zillow coffee can gather from on those by themselves almost for your uh winful in terms of the hands of the uh, for their financial and all of them. and that will assist you and have them let me know color funny to move on to the news. the russian troops have captured the village of les. don't stay in east and ukraine. you couldn't confirm that it withdrew its troops from the east, them that an army spokesman said that it's an attempt to reinforce lines and nearby towns and contain the russian advance. now this comes a little over a week after the nearby city of a difficult fell to russian troops. see, presence of brother roussel exams. the look of shaken co has an onset he'll be
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running for a 7th time next year. the ally of russian present document patient has already ruled full size. he has made his announcement apologizing in parliamentary, unlocked elections. the last presidential election 4 years ago let to mass protest say the accusations of faith. trucking protesting farmers have again driven the tractors into brussels by european union agriculture ministers. a meeting is the farm is latest outcry against the you trades and environmental rules, high fuel costs and cheap food impulse. they say that being puts out of business because farm is outside that you, you don't have the same stringent rules. you have scrap some regulations and reducing global warming pharmacy. they still face and competition indicate the sensor attacks all the most. and the child reported to have killed dozens of people. a security official says several dozen muslim band were killed during sunday morning prize and the eastern town of nazi abalone and at least 15
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civilians died during sunday miles to the roman catholic church in the northern village of a scanner to the new groups have yet claimed responsibility south grades, government says it won't take what it calls, punitive action, again, striking training doctors so long as they get about to work before friday. 8000 was out last week in protest. the government plans to increase admissions medical schools. the government says the expanded enrollment will help solve a nation wide shortage of doctors. a large riley has been held in brazil by supporters of the full, the president shy boston. all right. he's trying to avoid jail sentences, the back and several persecutions that include putting a 2 against his successor after losing the presidential election 2 years ago. but looking at a q ever pull, so from the demonstration is how paula of the,
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the king from all parts of brazil, some of them even writing their muse to the rally. it's the 1st time in more than a year. the crowds this speak showed up to support valuable. so now, is those former president fits feast numerous legal battles since losing his 2022 bits for a 2nd term. the most serious of all midland him in jail. both so not as accused of plotting a crew to keep himself in power by spreading misinformation to discredit brazil's electrical system. it's a legit, the military would have taken over if all else failed to continue to accuse me of. okay. now the real cool is because there's a draft decree for a state of emergency. a cool, using the constitutions really well, so not a supporters have been largely silent since 1000 storm congress, the supreme court and the presidential palace in january last year. one week after
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due let us do with the carpet. got some writers have been sentenced while others wait trial. well, so natalie asked to supporters to press conference for natalie state analysts say it's his last attempt to show political stress and with a whole both the also with them as well. beautiful as they have tons of boston are . i've been imprisoned a big and there was a lot of evidence pointing to his involvement in a plot videos, accusations for me to pull my aids documents the raleigh showed also not a still has loyal supporters, super engaging and if it put them in jail, we'll take to the streets and fight to show that he has to be among the people like us. also now has already been bad from running for public office until 2030. but his supporters will be using the videos of this rally to show folders that the former president still have political clout, and that he may help elect hundreds of mayors in this year's municipal election
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money. big enough. i'll just sierra some phone subsidies for the weather is next to the inside. story. looks at benjamin nothing. you know, he's coming. he's creating security about coming to the 2nd one, the the hello. we got to see the usual pop cold cloud erupt. thing across the good parts of the amazon facing them and noticing some showers just nothing up. it's a southern pa. so venezuela is attending a little more unsettled here over the next day or so. they are looking by the live it you could catch a little bit of a very heavy right, which could cause some localized flooding and show as to just around the northern parts of austin team it easy across the river plates that will see that what the where the come and get the uruguay into the southeast of facility. and again,
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the possibility of some localized flooding may monitor the caravan. some shabbots that just around the eastern side of the region, some chevy, right, just pulling away from his spine, you all are from puerto rico. easy to was a li, what's wanted to show us to was the southern end of central america as well. but nothing too much. the spacecraft, the showers across the eastern side of the region will become a little more wise. but it's a go one into a tuesday. meanwhile, across the u. s. as long as the drive most of warm sunshine spring like an early summer, like weather across the central plains. that over to was a gauge with doing a k here was bell, but we've got some when she was still in the mix. and this night will slide further south was denver, go some 21 celsius on monday. document 5 degrees on tuesday. and so this stones heading for the appalachians, the unique perspective that plays students up and does,
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they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tests and media attention. the stream on out to 0 is hello, send you and police escorting a trucks and gaza are being regularly attacked by israel's military. and that's as tens of thousands of people are starving in the strip. and civil order is breaking down. so is benjamin netanyahu. governments creating a security vacuum in laws us and if so, why the .


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