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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the, the great ground 0 on us just the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a. this has been use our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, find the log human side of the international court of justice, which calls for the judges to rule as well. as occupation of college to the entire trees illegal, we come down with the same false. the crimes committed by israel, z o 2 polling and the centers in the west bank. pato stands waiting for the aid. come on the fire. this way the stipends targeted the crowd in gauze, the city dunked as a ship,
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a hospital increasing the injured on the floor. kinda soon followed through 5 minutes them. how much do you submit says resignation, saying new political arrangements are needed? accused of a ploy to cling on to power and send the golf opposition. leaders refuse told through the procedures this phone sunday's election and on piece of seminal go to school teens. india is crickets. it is cringed. the series of england office thrilling victory in the full text. the . now the international court of justice in the hague has held its final day of hearings examining the legality of as well as decades long occupation of palestinian lines. 50 countries and 3 international organizations have a dress for quote,
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most cold as well as occupation to be declared illegal. i'm for it to end. but it's made some folds from the hague. over 6 days is rails occupation of the palestinian territories is faced unprecedented scrutiny before the judges of the world's highest quote is what it is acting and has been allowed to act in complete disregard the international that cannot continue. it is clear that is what else you need. an occupation is also being administered in breach of the prohibition of the time pop up on israel has been consistently ups truck thing negotiated to spit solution is well, most renounce its claim to sovereignty over the palestinian territory. all settlers must be removed immediately. lawyers and i'm positive from every corner of the world, argue that israel is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by building sacraments. this is really the language of the colonization,
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the language of liberty that we've seen exercise in these reservation since the 1960s. and the other arguments have really been around the east, really violation of the international law surrounding use, the force surrounding portion odyssey and also surrounding international humanitarian. those, do you in general assembly asked the will court to consider the legality of israel is occupation fucking 2022 was right or was escaped punishment, but it's been impossible not to stop the horrors of the war and gaza impacting the proceedings here on the 1st 100 cops once a 4 countries are sort of 40. we came here to the, to the us justice for justice, for the senior people. and i think that the, the quote was, uh what linda, it's opinion that this patient is illegal. i'm do with you. if you worked opposite
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side genocide, colonialism and that is q patient is involved. it isn't for the united states since the quote shipment or the israel is unconditional withdrawal from the occupied territories. now, under the establish framework, any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west bank and gaza, that requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of those security needs on october 7 and they persist. israel isn't taking pos in the hearings saying the course involvement could be harmful to achieving and negotiated settlement with the palestinians. these hearings of late the israel international oscillation. now the court may rule, but israel must withdrawal from the occupied palestinian territories. it'll take the judges around 6 months to come back with an opinion and it'll be non binding. but his name's national court of justice says it's
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a rulings carry great legal weight on moral authority. bernard smith, alger 0, the hate when we're heading to die. yeah, she's a professor of sociology at mount royal university. you joins us now from cape town . good to have you with us. i could ask you about an aspect of this. i see j hearing that's going on. have it showcased just how much of the global opinion stands with the palestinians, right? to self determination, right? to end occupation, to thank you for having me. that hasn't been one of the critical aspects of these hearings is that he shows definitively, but the majority of the world not only stands with the palestinian struggle, but also understand the nature of the palestinian blanked words like colonial domination, a subtler colonialism apparent kind of genocide were used through our hearings by
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a number of different states, largely from the mobile. so but by a number of different speak that made it very clear that the nature of the palestinian struggle is one against the colonized vision against colonial domination. and then the aspirations of the palestinian people for liberation is the same aspirations, but millions of people around the world have a box for indeed uh for the right to self determination. so this was really important in the shaping of a mobile opinion and public discourse around the question of palestine across the world. that message may not resonate very much in the western world, but i think this is all part of the story is that the rest of the world is saying very clearly to the united states, to canada, to the united kingdom and other western european countries that they don't accept their narrative on the question of palestine and israel, but they do have
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a fundamental understanding of the issues based on the reality on the ground and a broader understanding of how this fits in with the larger the colonial struggles of the 20th century. and if we talk about the house and all the aspects of what's come out of these i, c, j hearings, always seeing the global south not only take the lead on the protestant issue, but become involved in, in defying the west to yes. and this is needed, look, it isn't that many countries in the global cells have always understood that, uh, not enough about it, but it's about many states. i've always understood that the, the, the, the west western imperialism is, is, is ongoing, that they oppose it. and that they want to try to create a different world order. many of those states are unfortunately, are still dependent on western so economic support, some military support. so, so we still have a long way to go here. but,
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but i think these hearings are sort of making very clear of all the lines in the global world order, where countries from the global so are saying to the west, enough is enough. we're not going to just go along with your, your mystification of reality with your propaganda about what is happening in palestine and we're going to call it in accordance with the reality on the ground. i mean, this is, this is a big deal, but these kinds of discourses are reaching the international court of justice and are being heard there in an open and honest way. let me be very clear here. the, the, the, the, the global south has always understood the, is there any set or color and vision of palestine has been unjust. what we're trying to do here is to make it also illegal to let the legal system catch up with justice. and hopefully this will be the start of
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a longer process of really transforming the global order and, and, and, and reconvene western imperialism. this is a necessary step step for the liberation, and rights and freedoms and sovereignty for people across the world. not just the palestinian people and it has it led to the changing of the public discourse and framing of the palestinian struggle. i mean we've heard china talk about the legitimacy of policy and resistance to occupation and rebellion against oppression to yes. so let me also be very clear here within palestine and much of the world, especially on, you know, among people in the world. we've been saying these things for decades and the palestinians have been framing their struggle as a struggle against colonization and racism in western imperialism. since the 1920, it's not new, but we are seeing more countries adopt that language. and and china statement was
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really important. china mentioned colonial domination, quite a lot in their statement. and there are a statement of specifically on our own struggling our resistance was directly speaking to the americans and to the american line. that everything that israel does is just depends against these blind terrorists who just want to kill for the sake of killing and fate is really just because they're jewish and all of this kind of propaganda, the chinese payment of others. but the chinese speaking was directly speaking to the united states, directly challenging that weak american discourse and arguing that the palestinian armed resistance in our struggle is uh recognized by international law as the right of the p to resist colonial domination that was affordable. part of this is a part of their statement is that this is done in the exercise of the palestinian right to self determination,
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of course are resistance even for the call. and i still have to abide by international mentoring law. but that, that was really the point of being of the chinese statement in regards to that. all right, thank you so much for your thoughts on that. my pleasure. the now northern gauze is riley shedding and snipers of wounded several palestinians. this, they waited for aid doctors at the ship. a hospital tracing the injured on the floor is ready troops talking through the crowds, waiting for a twins in a bowl c round about gauzy city. the civil defense cruise is recovered the bodies of how the city is killed and the latest is where the strikes on gaza. susie, at least 10 people were killed in the attacks on several areas. a city on sunday when the chosen and all those were pulled from the rubble of the destroy homes in the assembly neighborhood. a well thought
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a couple i assume is live for us in southern rough. uh. let's start with the product. then a resurgence of strikes take us through what's been targeted yes, i mean facts in the past that what has been witnessing most drink. so it's very mandatory raising the tax. of course, the goal is the straight button. one of the latest attacks has to at least 5 people in called you in a city where it had been 50 itself for the use of a minute, treat operations within the past few weeks of the parts of the study on getting to decide the tax on that city and also the civil defense teams managed to de incognito, is to recover, thought the bodies that we have feet that have been killed before and previous attacks that have been carried out. also in colorado neighborhoods, in con, you, in a city as part of the, is very ongoing, a tax on that city. but we have been seeing also that as well. i'd step up. it's a military gratian is into the know the cost of cause of where it's had also
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carries out different shooting today against people who were waiting for humanitarian supplies on coal. so using military quite cool to drugs, to open the fire against any one is moving on the ground as a oh so people, they're going through very drastically humanitarian situation. a lot of the homecoming football and then told the gaza strip. all right, we'll stay with us potty, we're going to come back to you, but we're going to pick up on another line. there's been dropping today and that's about these ready? 5 minutes. so then you mean listen, yahoo insisting a ground invasion overall will happen. he says that the potential sees file will only delay that. now is all me presented. it's operational plan to the wall cabinets on sunday. ahead of the plan defensive. at least one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering and rougher. that's more than half of the strips population will have this on how it isn't occupied. easterly so then so
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does the plan make to clear on what happens to the people we actually don't really know the details that were the make up of these plans that were presented to israel's war cabinet. but according to these early prime minister who has been speaking to american media, he says that there is a plan to evacuate the near one and a half 1000000 palestinians who are seeking refuge and gaza southern most city. he says, but he wants to quote, take the civilians out of harm's way. but it's difficult to envision where exactly these palestinians are supposed to go or be evacuated to because of the relentless bombardment all across the palestinian territory. now is really official speaking anonymously to is really media have said that they're floating, the idea of moving the one and a half 1000000 palestinians to hon. eunice. but we do know that there is still intensive bombardment. there as well as the ground invasion in hon. eunice,
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but still ongoing. these really prime minister has also said that the ground defensive instead of fox is going to happen no matter what. whether there is a deal on the table or not. if there is a deal or not is really team is expected in the heart to meet with mediators. if there is a deal, the ground invasion will be slightly delayed. but if there isn't a deal, the ground in person instead of off would be more imminent. these really prime minister has signaled that we're not yet close to a deal. there is no indication that there is one on the horizon, but he has been adamant about for more than a month. now since these plants about a fall came into circulation, he said that it is absolutely necessary in order to achieve a total victory. sammy, all right, but i think hum this on ho, let's take some of those points the bank. so thought a couple of us only joins us once again from fine southern gauze. so from when you discussed with people that i taught of say, any clara as to what's going to happen to them if a ground evasion happens,
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what is this evacuation plan if any, to where we, where we have been hearing the is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu multiple, you speak and speaks about the possibility of launching a military long to encourage and to rough our district as a pause of it's mandatory for asian that had been started and takes off in october the 7th. but till now, there was no any further details about how he will guarantee the evacuation of people where they will drive them to go in order to seek safety. specifically that within the past few weeks, we have been seeing a kind of us ground to us evacuation waves of league from rougher to the central areas of goal is a strip. and also at the same time, we have been seeing observing the increased rates of military attacks on the central areas where the doses of palestinians are being killed on the areas of the gaza strip on daily basis. and even if you are talking about a potential evacuation of residents in the south,
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the question is what to go specifically that the majority of areas become completely or partially reduced to the russell because as well how we can say it operated in the majority of areas in the gaza strip, as it had been completely a battle as, as old for the is very forces and their own getting confrontations with the policy and find the people here are completely clean the cleaning their hopes. when did you negotiations being made a body to talk on the tips between them off and it's billed to narrow all the gaps between post pots on the ground to reach out and ultimate ceasefire. that kind of bring an end for the fighting on the ground floor. people also are completely afraid and there is a clear triggering amounts and concerns regarding the collapse of such negotiations . that means that they're going to be kind of lot shipped inside dropbox specifically about more than 85 percent of goals. population being right now taking show to him off to following the old as if it is very minute treat, but they are no longer trust. what is ro saying regarding more evacuations?
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because the ongoing bottom and just unfolding the majority of the territory here. all right, thanks so much todd. a couple of assume that now palestinian prime minister, i'm a should say a has submitted his resignation. he says the escalating violence in the occupied westbank and the war and gaza lead to the decision should say, is called for a new political arrangement that takes into account the developments in gaza is resignations. yet to be accepted though by president much moved on bus be day, i've done what done, hopefully that might just have getting him. i'd like to tell the cabinet and our great people and that i submitted my resignation to the president last tuesday to say that this decision is made in relation to the economic and security circumstances regarding the oppression of our people in the cause of hopefully and the unprecedented escalation in the west bank and the city of jerusalem. okay. and
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what is being faced by our people and our cause and the genocide committed against our people under their goal is to turn the authority into a body without any political content. but we will stay resilient and strong against the occupation, what value was you? who will shop? well, now the organization policies in senegal are refusing to take part in told same that establishing a new day for the presidential election. they say the proposed tools are employed by president matthew solved to cling on to power as nicholas huck reports from the capsule that call solve caused outrage last month by canceling sunday selection hours before the start of campaigning. a cynical use epidemiologist, doctor boy associates a looming threat to his country, more dangerous than a virus. he believes people are losing their voice. president salt council, this month's presidential elections saying the electoral process was flawed booster
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. the suspect it's a ploy to rob people of their right to vote at this monk pulling station. he's taking part in a protest vote calling on solve the set and you election date as soon as possible. this vision is said i got his very tricky is, is very complex demonstration young. they're so young people. the economic situation is very difficult now and having this election and to think a new president kind of bring us as the table of contents. the election was meant to bring a break from the past after 12 years of mucky south san diego has become one of the worlds fastest growing economies. thanks to the discovery of big reserves of orland gas which has helped fuel large infrastructure projects. but last year, a record number of young city police attempted to illegally migrate to europe, typically not war, but poverty issue that urgently needs to be addressed as presidential hopeful, former prime minister, jo and i can do
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a demo of 80 percent of our population is young they don't recognize themselves in our democracy. we have to give them heart and it is possible to be born and stomach out and want to grow up in stomach i'll to make and living in san diego. i'm to prosper and stomach all. that's the responsibility of the political class. for now, the political class appears divided between those who want elections now and those who wants to restart the electoral process from the beginning, caught in the middle, or the synagogue. these people, the chance we want to move forward. we are conscious citizens or nation set. a goal is worthy of respect. they felt like the important non to the people. for guys the, there's always the, our region, 5 military after military takeovers in neighboring molly news year and regina fast so the solemn warrens,
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if politicians are not capable of getting along other organized forces will do it instead. and then will lose everything in the country too. he says, more than a warning, but a threat for boost. so and the other is it is a political crisis that can only be resolved by the vote of the people. because hawk elgin's the right, the car when the cost hunk joins us now live from that call. so nicholas, where all these talks going of the well, the talks that are about the national dialogue is about to take place in the next half an hour. we've seen early on the prime minister who is the ruling party candidate, meet with president lucky solve the other leading fig figures that former prime minister and other members of the government. but absent are those that are boycotting the talk. so they are, those that have, are part of the candidates to the presidential elections of every 25th. and then
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there are those that were rejected from the list of candidates and they want to see a restart of the whole electoral process. joining me now is john young, i know you were one of the rejected candidates, but you want to take part in the selection and you told me you met with the president just last friday. what did he have to say? what you have to say is our concerns. we have concerns and i expressed my concerns towards the entire trump process. the way it was done from the beginning candidates such as i was so, so it was blocked through a process because of a us. the key is not a serious process and a lot of other candidates was blocked in because of the double nationalities. it's a lot of, you know, regular it's is, it happened that i was putting concerns like everybody else in my sitting down with the president was about we should re organize this election in a fair and think was of election. so that way it's democratic that we fix all the issues this going on before we go into election. now i understand that our country,
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everybody want to go into the next week to including everybody. we want a election right now, but it shouldn't push us to go to do any elections where we don't even have a access to the file. for example, hold opposition leaders that's out. so i don't know what's in the file. there's a lot of complaints about people being taken out to the file that happened on the last election sort of these things. that's the reason why i'm calling for the restart of the elections and the whole process to begin again. but you seem to be divided. there are, those candidates are boycotting this talks, but say no that we should not restart the whole electrical process. this is a ploy for president microsoft to extend his time in office. where do i don't agree with that because the president is very clear about what he said in april. second, he's not he's term ends in april. second. this is why he called the call. if you don't agree as me, there's a lot of things i don't other with the with the president, but i am always going to sit down with him to express my concerns about the country that we collectively owned all of us. to me the other part for the past they
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fighting for democracy and they fighting for the law and justice. this is the place to do it where the entire country is, is watching us, us political leaders in this country to sit down in the table with people who don't agree with the confrontation of all ideas. then we can figure out what's the best in us for the betterment for the country, not only for an individual good or what's going to be better for me of my party. but we should all sit down together even with those who don't agree with, to figure out to find a solution for the continental. and i, a problem to present actually fault for making the call and making the span to make it clear that after april 2nd, he is not a president anymore, but it's on us now together to fix the date together. but also to fix what's gonna happen to do we put on it. we cannot make the elections happen to see put april 2nd . what are we going to do next? oldest things comes to this question. of course, this is going to be the month of ramadan organizing elections in just 30 days time . i don't believe it's possible. it's not possible. right. what do you expect from
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these talks at present like higher tax solutions even the end, the world war $21.00? well, one all of the wars around the world, what happened in the united states in japan, all those things happen in fox afterwards, is influx that we find solutions, especially with the people who don't disagree with. and in this country, we've got to go back in our basics, we're building consensus in our and says here. and so, so how does they always thoughts? they always went through the tree to talk about the issues in the village and, and what are we say? well, how many from the, from the get go back, where we come from to figure out how we can fix this problem because this country is not for us. it was given to us by the next generations to hold. and we have a responsibility of all responsible, a fee of urgency now is to make sure we leave it in the good hands. and we don't flip our division of political divisions. but in this country up with this out, this is why i'm here. even though i don't agree in many of these things, but i'm here at the conference. my idea is we set up the present any spot, john young. thank you very much for. thank you very much. now there are, i've,
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we've seen people from civil society, religious leaders, opposition figures, despite the boycott from the 19 or 16 candidates, there's plenty of people here who are going to go into discussion in the building right behind me to try to find a date in which the synagogue these people will decide on who the next president will be. it is in crucial efforts. and a goal that will start exporting liquefied natural gas, and whoever is in charge of this country will be in charge of it. pardon, precedents at wealth that many typically is hope will be shared with millions of senegalese sammy, well i, thanks so much. nicholas hawk. now still, i had an l. d 0. building barricades in brussels. how farm is drive that protests to the home of the you just as agricultural, this is amazing and goals and both one of the an mfc that's coming up in school with
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the the hello. we got to see the usual popcorn cloud erupt. thing across the good parts of the amazon facing them and noticing some showers just nudging up. it's a southern part. so venezuela is attending a little more unsettled here over the next day or so. they are looking by the live that you could catch a little bit of a very heavy right, which could cause some localized flooding and show as to just around the northern parts of austin, teen easing, across the river plates. so we'll see that what the weather come and get the uruguay into the southeast of the ceiling. again, the possibility of some localized flooding may monitor the carrot. been some chavez, that just around the, the eastern side of the region, some chevy, right? just pulling away from his spine, you all are from puerto rico, easing towards the lea woods, one or 2 showers towards the southern end of central america as well,
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but nothing too much to speak of. the showers across the eastern side of the region will become a little more wise, but as we go one into a tuesday, meanwhile, across the us, as long as you drive most of warm sunshine spring like an early summer, like weather across the central plains that i be towards the east with doing i came here with bell but, but got some when she was still in the mix. and this night will slide further south was denver, go some 21 celsius on monday. document 5 degrees on tuesday. and so this stones heading for the appalachians, the unique perspective that plays students up does, told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, proceed, and that's local landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations. you won't find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as
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to reveal on about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out to 0 as generations football. so swollen, french counseling for teresa bra, difficulty g, j. c, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for a roommate to open conversation. 3rd, very simple forward is that facing about child abuse is you. i am a u n. b and i think we need to help each other. and also showcase is the incredible story of the footfall. this in flight of dentist done to escape the time of the generation for the episode. one of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the only thing i'll do 0 time to recap on headlines. now, there is an actual code of justice has held its last day of hearings to examine the legality of israel decades. long occupation of protest in the lines. most spaces of the hey called for as well as occupations. we'd be glad illegal and for it to and is right. a shelves inside components of wood is several palestinians as they waited for a time to gauze with susie. thoughts of the ship. a husband was treating the engine on the floor out of sydney in 5 minutes. um, how much do you have submitted his resignation? notes yet to be accepted in school for new for the fluoride is to take into account the developments in gauze as well as here. it has a lot of targets in east and 11 and for the 1st time since the start of the war on
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garza, at least to single, attain uses. very strikes hits around is, is divided back. these really all me says the strikes when retaliation viable allows dr. downing of one of its drones in southern lebanon is below responded by firing a barrel of rockets targeting is riley metro positions near the bowl. the say the whole, the reports from beirut. the, these were the deepest strikes inside lebanese territory, since hezbollah and as well went to war in october, while back as some 70 kilometers from the capital bay boot kilometers from the border where there have been near daily exchange of fire. since the armed group opened the front to help relief pressure on garza, so above the lebanese security sources say the targets were a warehouse and a form in a known hezbollah stronghold. some of the groups fighters were reportedly killed as
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well said it hit targets belonging to the armed groups, air defense unit, in retaliation for the downing of one of its drones in southern lebanon. but that's where i was as well didn't just projects one of as well as the most sophisticated on drones. the strong has been used to carry out the series of assassinations and 11 on so result. consider this a message from has the law that states can no longer act freely and that the group used new technology that places it's ariel weapons at risk. a little off of the early on monday video circulating online showed a drone falling from the sky. after being hit by what hezbollah said was a surface to air missile as well? media called it a dangerous development. yes, it is sending a message to israel. what i'm worried about is that we are going to see an intensification of these foaming campaigns by israel over the next period and to some sort of the dean is reaching garza audit. not long after the biologic strikes
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is really drones returned to the skies. at least 2 were killed when their car was hit. and so they're living on the latest. targeted, kidding. the latest escalation came a day after, as well as defense minister your ask alons about to step up with tax on 11 on even if a ceasefire is agreed in gossip. but it wasn't the 1st time he said that and has the law has already threatened to escalate attacks if israel continues to strike 11 on after any agreement is reached with the palestinian movements come up. the situation is gradually escalating and they are re know of confrontation, is expanding those close to hezbollah. say this is still a calculated escalation, at least for now. then they're also see the beta indicate a fast. so attacks on a mosque and a charge of voltage to have killed dozens of people. a security official says
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several 1000 was the matter with killed during sunday morning prayers and eastern town of not to bonnie in the village of us economy in the north at least 15 civilians died during sunday mass as a roman catholic church. no group has claimed responsibility, not a cabinet, a, as an independent journalist who joins us now from why good to go. so any indication, 1st of all of who was behind this attack or these attacks? no, we still don't have any indication any information about those behind it is about spot to us. we know that we always have this i thought of form by all those territories of groups of kind of been acting in the country for the past 10 years. now about that, but really been also being attacked by the government forces right now and which are now looking for annual paternity to lunch. so my tax on the, on cdls and do we have any idea of why the small skin
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church was targeted? you know, we don't have a real reason for that, except they are trying to put a kind of, um, uh, to put in the city of the people. it's shown to see what is going to happen if they can be maybe it kind of a less it is the insult against the also follow the people because yeah, we can see that the that the groups of less power now on the fossils that have been really reinforced and little moment on items and even the tools i've got no partial them everywhere that they are in the country. so maybe it's a new exec informed them to try and target. you know, this social,
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let's say the regional now speak to the people to see if there is going to be a kind of reaction to the people and talk us through the security situation which has had some challenges in the recent months, hasn't it? oh, yes, yeah. that'd been a lot of challenges we. we'd notice that right now because of the, uh, the uh, the, uh, the actual of the government troops with all these, um, uh, the civilians also came into 2 of them. uh, the groups in town is bruce. uh now trying to find weight with hide. oh with to have it kind of situation where to protect them. so now they are working on the, on the boat. does, you know, because you have the bond between the book you know, has so it needs. yeah. and it's been in public right now, and you should see this to a tax galvin um in this, in this,
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um lets see areas. and it is very, it's showing that really the, the groups are trying the best right now to be reliable and to see show that they are still active in the country. thank you so much for your analysis of that. thank you so much. state funeral is being held and there may be a full full, a president, isaac, a gang bob. he died earlier this month at the age of 80 to the following cancer treatment. the heroes acres symmetry, mid the capsule vint hulk is final resting place. think ups successor is due to the office until election. the end of the task. sedans, army chief, has visited neighboring libya, where an influx of student needs refugees. the sparked warnings of an impending humanitarian disaster is manic trying to results from tripping they. many of my
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friends are worried about the families back. com to how much do it came to libya from sudan more than 30 years ago. he recently retired from his job as an accountant and enjoy spending time with his grandchildren. but since finding began to, to down between the army and paramilitary rapid support for as of last year, family time is now spent watching the news checking social media and worrying about relatives back home. see what is happening in sudan is just like what we saw here when you have lived through violence, you understand the struggling misery that comes with it. it's hard to see. it isn't people dying factories, hospitals and infrastructure destroyed. that's inexperienced millions of libyans know all too well. their nation has been in conflict for more than a decade. what has been road to recall since a ceasefire was agreed in 2020? since the fighting began in sedan, there has been
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a small. what's that the flow of student needs refugee is coming in to libya, but living in official se thousands of entered through the l cook road crossing in recent weeks. the un says there are more than a 130000 so that needs migrants already. and libya, they make up more than 20 percent of the migrant population with the fighting in some done, many fear for the safety of their families. back home. oh, how much sun but she, it says many have not been able to escape the violence in sudan and when they got any idea, it's really sad. oh, good, extremely valued about our family. the people are dying in the homes from shelling . you know, some people are dying on the streets from that tried to flee to save 80 s. how much and others in the sudanese just for a here in libya, hopes of fighting will soon come to an end. and their children may 1 day return to
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a stable and prosperous through the mouth. trina, which is 0. tripoli, the russian troops have captured the village of lots austin in east and ukraine. the crime confirmed it withdrew its troops. nami spokesman says it's an attempt to reinforce lines and nearby towns and contain the russian advance. well, this pro outcomes a week off to the nearby city of, of difficult fell to russian troops. placed in denmark of close the investigation into the 2022 explosions on the north stream pipeline. a series of bloss ruptured the pipeline in swedish, and danish economic science and the baltic sea, the multi $1000000000.00 twin pipelines count gas from russia to germany, sweden close to its own inquiry earlier this month. both countries have handed over evidence to germany who are yet to publish the findings from their own investigation. protesting farmers have again driven the tracks, isn't the brussels way european union and agriculture ministers a meeting?
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it's the farm is latest outcry against you. trade and environmental rules, high fuel costs and cheap food impulse. they say that being put as a business because farm is outside the utah have the same stringent rules. the, you have scrap some regulation designs that reducing global warming of pharma say they still face. on fact, competition in india thousands of follows, protesting against the government that demanding by the prices so that crops unions rejected over photos deal by the government. last week. the process come just months before elections, which find me to send the range of movies. speaking of the town, dotala tech to be a yeah, these $400000.00 truck to the here. and 2 and a half 1000000 protests the farm is also right here. the government i have to give firm is a minimum price guarantee will be ready for an uprising. a, a large riley is being held in brazil by so full to as
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a former president diable sonata. he's trying to avoid a jail sentences. he baffled several prosecutions. thing fluid flossing, a qu against his success, often losing the presidential election 2 years ago. okay. and again, reports from the demonstration in cell follow the, the king from all parts of brazil. some of them even writing their muse to the rally. it's the 1st time in more than a year. the crowds this speak showed up to support valuable. so now is those former president fits faced numerous legal battles since losing his 2022 bits for a 2nd term, the most serious of all midland him in jail. both so not as accused of plotting a crew to keep himself in power by spreading misinformation to discredit brazil's electrical system. it's a legit,
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the military would have taken over if all else failed to continue to accuse me of. okay. now the real cool is because there's a draft decree for a state of emergency. a cool, using the constitutions really well, so not a supporters have been largely silent since 1000 storm congress, the supreme court and the presidential palace in january last year. one week after due let us do with the carpet. got some writers have been sentenced while others wait trial. well, so natalie asked to supporters to press conference for natalie state. analysts say it's his last attempt to show political stress with the whole board. and also with them as well beautiful as they have tons of boston or i've been in prison a big and there was a lot of evidence pointing to his involvement in a plot videos, accusations for me to pull my aids documents. the raleigh showed also not a still has loyal supporters, superintendent in it's a put him in jail,
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will take to the streets and fight to show that he has to be among the people like us also now has already been bad from running for public office until 2030, but his supporters will be using videos of this rally to show folders that the former president still have political clout. and that he may help elect hundreds of mayors in this year's municipal election. monica, you're not all just there are some phone in south korea is government says it will not take what it calls, punitive action against training doctors who are on strike so long as they go back to work before friday. some hospitals have issued the red blood and i've had to turn away patients of the thousands of medical workers walked off the job. the government says the expensive enrollment to help solve a nation wide shortage of doctors. the junior emetics will argue that will reduce the quality of care for patients and the young what skirting could on doctors
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working in departments of internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, and emergency medicine which involves medical care directly related to patients' lives or carry the burden of not knowing when they might face medical lawsuits, tonin, how do i me all i want to become a doctor because i want to stand next to the people with the most vulnerable and lonely times and in pain. for this reason, i decided to work at the emergency center, but the government's only pressuring training don't just unilaterally without dialogue and threatening to arrest us. sep august, the satellite images taken over the dispute is scarborough showed in the south china sea show a floating barrier across its entrance. but i've been a number of incidents between philippine ships and chinese coast guard and navy vessels in the maritime area, both paging and they're like fine sovereignty of the show, which on the maritime law is recognized as for the entire tree. the images both are
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a fulton video distributed by the philippine coast called last week, showing 2 chinese coast called inflatable boats deploying floating barriers at the shows entrance to. so i had an al jazeera installed the super model with a skilled fi saki coming up with the the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination in due by the business latest these things that bind him to like global, your real estate destination in due by the, [000:00:00;00] the
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as well as being accused of waging lots been described as a cultural genocide in casa unesco is issue judging the pills. off the centuries old buildings have been reduced to rubble. that's one of the allegations of war crimes made by south africa and is genocide case. also in the i c j this i'm going full reports. monuments that stood for centuries, wiped off the map within seconds by israel's war. in gaza, city is rarely bombs, have reduced a palestinian heritage buildings to dust with most of a hook up jumping ahead of me. how can we rebuild this? no food and we all patient know voltage and we are patient. but now even the most square reprice, we lost is why the international council on monuments and sites which advises that you when cultural organization, unesco,
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has issued an urgent appeal. it's warning that the intentional destruction of cultural heritage is a little crime. oh, the great almighty. most was the oldest in garza built on the site of an engine temple. it was turned into byzantine church then into a mosque in the 7th century. now its medieval roof sheltering gauze, his worshippers for hundreds of years is in ruins. the on which is a level i remember the stones, they tell you the story. we feel the walls talk to us with the quote on not the image, the wall. this most doesn't launch themselves. how much has no relation to this mosque? the 700 year old structure was the last remaining active mom in the city. the turkish bass survived the various empires. it was destroyed in november, as is really tanks reached as a to neighborhood dining and doors on the way. if someone has
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a problem with his back or something they would come here, how do they justify destroying the amount, the palestinians, say the demolition of their cultural treasures is not collateral damage. they are being deliberately targeted lawyers before the us top court say this is part of these rarely occupation handbook schools and universities office and it's still just demolished. cultural heritage is usa or just destroyed the palestinian culture ministry says is really attacks of already destroyed more than $200.00 archaeological and heritage sites in gaza. following the killing of tens of thousands of palestinians, the destruction of their history will be felt for generations to come. if to some good food audra 0. all right, let's catch up on all the sports news now with pizza savvy. thank you very much. in this crickets is i've changed the series over england with a nearly finished to the full test,
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chasing 192 for victory. india were cruising on the 18th form for no loss before england spent and struck, showing the past year times 379. to add to these 5 1st endings, wickets, and media suddenly found themselves $120.00 for 5 boards ship mondale and drew jarell quickly extinguished england hopes they combined for an unbroken span of $72.00 to get it over the line to investigate. that gives them an unassailable $31.00 lead, and the 5 match series i put under pressure by them. but i think they go to woodside as well, by an openness and then obviously on the we can like this when you lose a couple of tickets. so basically that is some pressure, but i think the way edge of that it came in. we had a good partnership in the, in everyone goes in there with the best intentions to influence the guy, even in the way that they want them. and it doesn't pay off, people say we don't reset the windows payoff, we already so, so the units on site and,
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and so my point of view and we know we go out there and try and do what we thinks the best way for us to win the game and that's so it's a fun so on. so when not quite sure. so can be a throwaway comment. nothing when other people say we need to be more realistic us . what does it mean? davidson's point deduction for breaching the premium. these financial rules has been reduced from 10 points to 6 points. if it's an appeal of the game, the initial decision that was made in november last year and the phase and independent appeals board of hell, 2 of evidence, non grounds for appeal. the points change moves them from 17 to 15. in the premier league table level co manager you can top says the sides. victory of chelsea and the english lead cup final is easily the most special trophy. he's one in his career. little boy, without paying for his team players for the game. they have to put out a young side match,
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went to extra time. and they kept virgil van dyke who headed in the only goal of the game to with the chelsea. you have now lost 6 successive when the finals, including 3 against livable top and van dyke, getting the hands on the tracy. it's the teams to little to have one. this competition i go to the outside the does increase. we don't, we drove with these kids. i didn't know that i did it in my more than 20 years. easily. the most special trophy of a one is absolutely exceptional. we probably for the, for that trophy and we're in good. on a know he's, this is the same way you can come telling me that's can me, you know, to feed back to nothing and they need, they need to feed the pain like us on. and of course,
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the need to realize that we need to more, we need to, but the things we need to improve either in spain, ram, and read, restore the points advantage of the boss alone as itself of lisa newcomb, aldridge, school, the rails window against severe 7 minutes off the coming on as a substitute. so face to write up can move within 6 points of rails if they be to arrive via carlo late. may see what was the hero for into miami once again as they took on the la galaxy in major league, soccer galaxy were one little up into suffolk started when the time woke up with us for the equalizer to secure a 11 rule. it was miami's 1st away game of the season with a wrinkle 27000 fans to the galaxy stadium. close down to rinaldo kids own methods title, hopes to live in saudi arabia with a win of ownership. for now, this quote from the spot for these 22nd lead goal of the season before 2 goals from
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tim, this got helped into a 3 to win. it puts on us a full points behind beat us out. hello. they face even general, it's out. it's effect on monday. and fans packed into l momento stadium in windows i raise who the biggest game in origin sign for to the super classic code champions river play to 1st and the 2nd half through populous velocity continues to back in equalizer. thanks to christie and may be there for the remain. i'm be in believe full of, of problems rugby cats and mental and depaula has helped each country finish food at ease made and 7, series events in canada from small space any final. but the feats of the usa to capture the bronze middle point was yellow, caught in the match. don't start school to try when he would tuned into action. he is playing 7 a side this year and a bit to play a few of the big games in paris,
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argentina for the other women's in venice who's in the, in the milwaukee bucks, coach, dr. widows, ladies between 2 philadelphia. the phase funds has been hired by the 76 is off to last season for this increase. if i be somebody set up the scene, silence these products jonathan, see to come face for 30 points in diamond. literate addicts, waiting for the box tend to weigh with 11998 when the timeout and the n h l. the detroit red wings beat the she called the black coats, but one of the highlights of the night was a celebrity punctuates between periods. this was cindy crawford taking her shots from since ice. she missed the 1st 2 attempts, but on the 3rd, the supermodel found him all through the board at into one of the goals showing incredible poisoned skill, even in the high heeled boots. all right, we'll leave it there for now. both both of these dates of sammy. all right, thanks a lot of space that's it's full. this is our home back in
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a couple of minutes with another full show though. so stay with us here. well, now to see if the, the, the highest branch of chinese government, the national people's congress, is missing in the agents outlines. it's amazing. but as the economy fails to recover from the pandemic, what called the cushions of an increasingly weak outlook for the rest of the color, the latest development a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade loses its survival skills the tree discovering them is possible with the little house a park ranger facing retirements grapples with the prospect freest,
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simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to hod, hitting in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era this ship is home to survivors of losses. earthquakes, inter kia, floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers offer lessons to president, still recovering from there or 24 to 5 year olds. good note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily we have the sea and
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we are leaving on a ship bill a small well hey, we our family. and eventually they have something to look for for it to the nearest parts reopened. giving many here for the life is a loss returning to normal, their playing nothing. but the trauma is never far away. the palestinians waiting for a come on the fire is rarely stipends. dogs through the crowd in garza city, doctors of the ship, a hospital, a treat to the injured on the floor, the


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