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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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us were trying to normal, they're playing and laughing, but this trauma is never far away. the palestinians waiting for a come on the fire is right, the stipends dog through the crowd in gauze and city. doctors of the civil hospital, a tree to the injured, on the floor, the on simon's a them, this is out just here, a live from dell hall. so coming up, the royal job, 80, and a half full scale resolves in a drop operation and goes into the ring much needed humanitarian aids. find the log human. so the international court of justice with clues, with judges to rule as well as occupation of palestinian territories, illegal. we condemn with the same force. the crimes committed by
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israel deal troop calling kansas in the west bank. the defendant exchange of fire across the israel, lebanon border ebony security officials say as the law sizes have been killed. the we stop in northern gauze. so where is right, the shedding and snipers of wounded several palestinians as they waited for aid doctors at the ship, a hospital of tracing the injured on the floor is ready the troops targeted crowds waiting for the aid to enter level c. round the balance in gauze, the city will serve as a defense cruise of recover the bodies of palestinians killed in the light. this is ray, the strikes and calls the city for at least 10 people were killed in the attacks on several areas. the city on sunday,
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wounded children and others were pulled from the rubble of their destroyed homes in the summer and neighborhood. meanwhile, the royal job, any of that forces carrier 1000 a drop. how peroration in golf, so delivering much needed humanitarian, a hundreds of displaced people gathered where the aid was dropped. much of it fell along the coast. palestinians had to wait thousands of the sea to obtain the packages. thought a couple, i assume is live for us in that off in southern gaza that start with the latest strikes from the sniping from the ground as a day of very gruesome images emerging from gauze to take us through the yes, send me another blow today that took place again as the huge body forces are even waging a more military attacks, of course, because of strep, and in the past hour will have the recording more military attacks in the city of
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hon. you and us were at least 5 palestinians that have her voted, killed as a part of the ongoing for bottom into of the 6 c, a sitting defense as well managed to recover 5. the bodies that were killed previously in a previous is very important for the switch and being transported to the european hospital later for burial. and we have been also hearing more loud confrontations. and finally, in the things the cost of the city or con, units has a positive on going back to its raging and the city that we think is very, very true to the it's very likely as well. we also have been seeing that the start rock trick your account had been widely attacked as we're a residential buildings was or reduced to the roku part of what is also had been reportedly happened. so i mean, within the past a few things is on getting shooting. people who are waiting for humanitarian supplies that they, they know very positive because that for the 3rd day in the roof thompson, you have to do an agent off tops being exposed to the east by the flyers. busy are
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trying to search for some. busy not to have them to survive in the northern desperate parts of the city and thought tell us what you know about this a drop by the joe. they need that full. busy yeah, send me uh just a few hours ago with been. busy getting this calling real quick and just. busy you know, it's gone, is i to damian, a military plane looking different content researching at different humanitarian needs. and it's not clear if the are being delivered to the maple or to the dns viewed hospital that had established within these were a inside garza. but we have been seeing crowds of people being got that and the close to line of the southern parts of gauze waiting for such drops to get him to land here in a ruffle or even if indeed it goes to line. part of the vast majority of such drops
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have been landed in the sea in the middle of the seats, where people cannot really manage to obtain an this is absolutely true or fine because people are in a very desperate need for humanitarian supplies. in light of the very limited number of humanitarian tools being allowed to get into gaza for out the last 2 remaining costs of a deliveries or i stay with us for a moment, thought it, we're going to come back to what we want to pick up on the line that's been breaking today that says ready, 5 minutes to ben. you mean this now insisting that a ground invasion and rough uh will happen. now, he says only a potential see that a potential seas 5 will only delay that is rails on the presented itself. operational plan to the war cabinet on sunday, head of the plan defensive, at least one of the half 1000000 palestinians, the sheltering and rough ha, that's more than half the strips population. let's go to the home this on how it because she joins us now from occupied easterly so them. so looking at this plan, is it clear hemmed up?
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what happens to the people if they go in the veins that off in the south, where a lot of palestinians have been cramming into that solving corner of the there's still a lot of unknowns when it comes to benjamin netanyahu. and his armies plans for how exactly they're going to evacuate more than a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and drop off gaza southern most city. what was supposed to be known as the last safe place for palestinians in the gaza strip. now these really prime minister says this plan is to fold the 1st involves this evacuation, and the 2nd involves the military operation as to how they're going to go in and defeat what he says are the remaining mass battalions in drop off. but despite all of the international criticism, despite all of the condemnation about going into it off off these realities are main, persistent on wanting to go in on the ground is really official speaking anonymously
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to is really media have said that perhaps one of the ideas that's being floated is moving the palestinians to hon. eunice, but this is an area where a ground invasion is already commencing, where there is relentless bombardment and then drop off. there is relentless bombardment airstrikes, and showing that it's already happening. so it's not really known exactly where they're going to go and how, but these really prime minister says they want to move civilians quote. oh yeah, i'm the 20s rock too. and we go to jump in and go back to thought a couple of as soon as you understand this, something is just happened, some kind of strike or something where you want to take us to what's happening there now. yes certainly in fact, as we've been waiting for you to return back to me to just to keep reporting about the latest updates on the ground, a sudden loud exploding beating to just a few meters away from oak await your hospital from our location right now. it was a loud explosion that took place off to
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a very intensive military movement forward. it is very so we're bringing in some fight to jump drones on the facility of the a to wait to hospital. a loud explosion allowed for i had been here, it's inside this area. we'd be hearing the sound of the me, sorry it was it was he doing to the target? we're every one. as you can see right now with the becky ground, to start to, to rush to see what is happening because there is a very big, loud explosions that just flowed with most smokes rising. as you can see right now, the horizon of the bucket ground, we're trying to check to see what will happen next is specifically that the majority of accidents is about to rate your hospital rushed to the indication of the targeting. now the attack dog, i just sent another check for right now, so i really need to let you go to take me on with a vacuum ease. we are trying to be safe as you right now, can see there is no really safe place in gauze. a compartment isn't everyone even in the area that's supposed to be as a safe zone where we are in our helmets. our best right now people here were,
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i happened got kind of a very active movement to in districts because it's up to so rush hour. yeah. trying to take what everything that they are in a very desperate needful before the just put them back to the evacuation since as the our shoot drink. and so the attack had been very loud as you can. right now here the i'm shooting says, are trying to bring if there's any casualties or victims have been resolved it from the is really military attack. and on the point which i'm the was talking about as you gathers, perhaps more information. what's happening around you taught these threats, so a ground invasion that well, that is ro will begin in that offer. what is the population that they've been informed? anything about what's going to happen to them and evacuation time, where they'll go and so of the well sammy, what you can see right now is a very telling me
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a scenario of what might be expected more if there's going to be amended treat, encourage, and monitoring cards and for palestinians in the south means that there's going to be on ryland's and intensive is very bombardment for residential neighborhoods as well. you have been hearing within the past few moments and it means that there's going to be more lot should amongst civilians and creative a raised increase of casualties amongst civilians on what policy as are also are terry findings. the collapse of negotiations being made by caetano egypt between our mazda and isabel, and times to reach full a ceasefire that might bring an end for the hospitality and release of his belly captives as well. from the inside gauze, also, palestinians talk to practically prepare for the day. next, like some of the families that you back to what you took to the central areas of garza, which had been also on the intent, is very bombardment. others refuse to leave because simply they are saying we have no what else to go? our house and the north being destroyed. and we,
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if we're going to return back to the north, we will only let's, when did the appraisal power destroyed buildings. all right, thanks so much caught a couple of assume that the now the international court of justice in the hey cause held its final day of hearings examining the legality of as well as decades loankey patient of palestinian lines. 50 countries and 3 is the actual organization. so the address, the quote, most cold results, occupation to be the clyde illegal and for it. and but it smith reports from the hague is over 6 days is rails, occupation of the palestinian territories. misplaced, unprecedented scrutiny before the judges of the world's highest quote, is what it is acting, and has been allowed to act in complete disregard the international that cannot continue. it is clear that is what else you need. an occupation is also being
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administered in breach of the prohibition of the time pop up on israel has been consistently ups truck thing negotiated to split solution is rel, must renounce its claim to sovereignty over the palestinian territory. all settlers must be removed immediately. lawyers and i'm positive from every corner of the world argue, but israel is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by building sacraments. this is really the language of the colonized ation the language of liberty that we've seen exercise in these reservation since the 1960s. and the other arguments have really been around the is really violation of the international law surrounding use of force surrounding portion odyssey and also surrounding international humanitarian. those view in general assembly asked the will court to consider the legality of israel is occupation fucking 2022 was right
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or was escaped punishment, but it's been impossible not to stop the horrors of the war and gaza impacting the proceedings here on the 1st 1st 100 cops once a 4 countries sort of we came here to the, to the us justice for justice for the senior people. and i think that's the, the quote when uh with linda. it's opinion that this q patient is leaking and do with the new works upside genocide, colonialism, and that is q patient is a little. it isn't for the united states since the quote shipment or the israel is unconditional withdrawal from the occupied territories. now, under the establish framework, any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west bank and gaza requires
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consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of those security needs on october 7 and they persist. israel isn't taking pos in the hearings saying the course involvement could be harmful to achieving and negotiated settlement with the palestinians. these hearings of late the israel international oscillation. now the court may rule, but israel must withdrawal from the occupied palestinian territories. it'll take the judges around 6 months to come back with an opinion and it'll be non binding. but his name's national court of justice says it's a rulings carry great legal weight on moral authority. bernard smith, alger 0, the hate palestinian prime minister, how much it's a it has submitted his resignation. he says, the escalating violence in the occupied west bank and the wall and gaza lead to the decision. stay is cool for new political arrangements,
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but take into account the developments in gaza. his resignation is yet to be accepted by president with the boss. the day i've done what done over that, and i just said, getting him, i'd like to tell the cabinet and our great people and that i submitted my resignation to the president last tuesday for say this decision is made in relation to the economic and security circumstances regarding the oppression of our people in the cause of hopefully and the unprecedented escalation in the west bank and the city of jerusalem. and what is being faced by our people and our cause and the genocide committed against our people on the cover. their goal is to turn the authority into a body without any political content, but we will stay resilient and strong against the occupation. what value was you, who as well as it has the law of targets in east and 11 and full. the 1st time since the styles of the war and garza, at least to some of the time he is riley strikes his around the city of battle back
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is where the army says the strikes were in retaliation for has the laws. downing of one of its drugs in southern lebanon for a long responded by firing a barrel issue of rockets targeting is randy ministry positions close to the border side holder reports from bye route. so the, these were the deepest strikes inside lebanese territory, since hezbollah and as well went to war in october, while back is some 70 kilometers from the capital bay boot kilometers from the border where there have been near daily exchange of fire. since the armed group opened the front to help relieve pressure on garza, so by the lebanese security sources, say the targets were a warehouse and a form in a known as well as strong hold. some of the groups fighters were reportedly killed as well said it hit targets belonging to the armed groups, air defense unit, in retaliation for the downing of one of its drones in southern lebanon. but that's
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where i was as the law didn't just projects, one of his world's most sophisticated on drones, the strong has been used to carry out the series of assassinations and 11 on so result. consider this a message from has the law that states can no longer act freely and that the group used new technology that places it's ariel weapons at risk. a little off of the early on monday video circulating online showed a drone falling from the sky. after being hit by what hezbollah said was a surface to air missile as well? media called it a dangerous development. yes, it is sending a message to israel. what i'm worried about is that we are going to see an intensification of these foaming campaigns by israel over the next period and to some sort of a deal is reaching garza audit. not long after the biologic strikes is really drones returned to the skies, at least 2 were killed when their car was hit. and so they're living on the latest
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targeted kidney. the latest escalation came a day after, as well as defense minister your ask alons about to step up with tax on 11 on even if a ceasefire is agreed in gossip. but it wasn't the 1st time he said that and has the law has already threatened to escalate attacks if israel continues to strike 11 on after any agreement is reached with the palestinian movements come off, the the situation is gradually escalating and the a reno of confrontation is expanding those close to it? has the law say, this is still a calculated escalation, at least for now. then there i was just the, the date of the billing thing. i'll just do a time to recap. all headlines now is right of the shells and sniper, bullets of wounded several palestinians, as they waited for a $20.60 ducks is that the ship
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a hospital had to treat the injured on full within the last few minutes. the strike is hit rough. i'm thinking more on this coming else. my correspond to roll joe with amy and asked for his car that was an ad drop corporation and southern gaza. hundreds of displaced on a simians gathered around gauze cars to obtain the much needed a packages for international court of justice as how this last day of hearings to examine the legality of israel's decades. long occupation of kind of silly of lands . most spaces of hay cold for as well as occupations to be declared illegal. i'm for it to end. i'll position policies and send a goal, are refusing to take policy and talk saying that establishing a new date for the presidential election. they say the proposed tools are employed by president microsoft to claim them to power. it's nicholas hawk reports from the capital that com sol caused outrage last month. i canceling sundays election hours
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before the stuff of campaigning. a cynical use epidemiologist, doctor bu associates a looming threat to his country more dangerous than a virus. he believes people are losing their voice. president salt council, this month's presidential elections saying the electoral process was flawed booster . the suspect it's a ploy to rob people of their right to vote at this monk pulling station. he's taking part in a protest vote calling on solve the set and you election date as soon as possible. this vision is said, i got these very tricky is, is very complex demonstration young. this offers young people. the economic situation is very difficult now and having this election and to things a new president kind of bring us as the table of contents. the election was meant to bring a break from the past after 12 years of lucky south san diego has become one of the worlds fastest growing economies. thanks to the discovery of big reserves of orland
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gas which has helped fuel large infrastructure projects. but last year, a record number of young city police attempted to illegally migrate to europe, typically not war poverty issue that urgently needs to be addressed as presidential hopeful, former prime minister, joe, and i can do a demo of 80 percent of our population as young as they don't recognize themselves in our democracy. we have to give them heart. it is possible to be born and stomach out and want to grow up in stomach i'll to make and living in san diego. i'm to prosper in stomach. all. that's the responsibility of the political class. for now, the political class appears divided between those who want elections now and those who wants to restart the electoral process from the beginning, caught in the middle, or the synagogue. these people, the chance we want to move forward. we are conscious citizens or nations set a goal is worthy of respect. they felt like the important non to the
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people. forget the way, there's always the region. 5 military after military takeovers in neighboring molly news year and regina fast so the solemn warrens, if politicians are not capable of getting along other organized forces will do it instead. and then will lose everything in the country to. he says, more than a warning, but a threat for boost. so and the other is it is a political crisis that can only be resolved by the vote of the people. because hawk elgin's the right, the car indicate a fast so a tax on a mosque and showed shower voltage. i've killed thousands of people. the security official says several 1000 and most of the men were killed during sunday morning, pres, based in town of the table on the, in the village of as a county in the north of the country. at least 15 civilians died during sunday mass
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of the roman catholic church. no group has claimed responsibility. russian troops have captured the village of last thought, skin and eastern ukraine. ukraine confirmed it withdrew its troops from the east and village along the spokesman said it's an attempt to reinforce lines and nearby towns and contain the russian advance. this comes a little over a week off to the nearby city of uh, of the of cot fell to russian troops. the hon. gary and parliament has ratified sweden's bid to join nato. the move clay is the wave of the know that country to join the west defense alliance. hungry was the last of nato's. 31 members to ratify sweet music section. nato secretary general the installed some books of sweetness. membership will make the long, safer and stronger sweetens application was made very 2 years ago. so calmer vanden
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this policy of neutrality off the roches invasion of ukraine, a place in denmark of close the investigation into the 2022 explosions and an old stream pipeline. a series of bloss ruptured the pipeline in swedish, and danish economic zones in the baltic sea. the multi $1000000000.00 twin pipelines carried gas from russia to germany, sweden closed its own inquiry earlier this month. both countries have handed over evidence to germany. we get to publish findings from the investigation the satellite images taken over the dispute to discover a shoulder in the south china sea show a floating barrier across its entrance. there been a number of incidents between philippine ships and chinese coast called a navy vessels in the maritime area. both staging and the claim sovereignty over the show, which on the marathon is always recognized as the philippine territory. the images balls through a report and video distributed by the philippine coast called last week,
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showing 2 chinese coast guard insightful boats deploying floating barriers at the shoals, entrance. the head of the world trade organization has wall and global try. it isn't a tougher place then. it was 2 years ago. is calling full consensus as do political pensions rise and goes, they are congo way out of made the remarks and via the opening of the organizations 1st conference in 2 years, cried ministers are tending that, hoping to set new global commerce rules. and w t. o is aiming for progress and fishing, agriculture and the electronic commerce. the watchdogs rules on depend 75 percent of global commerce works to strike deals by consensus, but such efforts becoming more difficult. i made signs the global economy is frank, mentoring. we uh, in need of
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a tough i placed today looking around uncertainty, a new stability everywhere. your political tensions of west and conflict has spread, as we see here in the middle east. and away from the headlines that cross spots of africa. and they are a world we must not forget the conflict and so down which has displaced close to a medium medium people internally across the board as the conflict in the east of the democratic republic of congo. well, that back confidence enough adobe as well as industry administer, met with the, with a saudi account to pop these ready minutes to voice confidence the countries can make history together. the meeting was a rarity, given the lack of formal relations between the countries. washington a sold to improve diplomatic and trade ties between israel and the kingdom. the one goes as far as in progress. in india, thousands of farm is on protesting against the government. that demanding authorities in sure. but the prices for the cross unions reject to the proposed
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bill by the government last week. the protests come just months before elections, which prime minister in the end of may, seeking us to got enough back. that'd be a yeah, these $400000.00 truck to the here. and 2 and a half 1000000 protests the farm is also right here. the government i have to give firm is a minimum price guarantee will be ready for an uprising. south korea is government says it won't take what it calls, punitive action against striking trade. the doctors, as long as i go back to work before friday, some hospitals in south korea have issued a red blood, had to turn away patients of the thousands of medical workers wilkes off the job. government says the expanded enrollment will help solve a nation wide shortage of doctors. the junior emetics argue that will reduce the quality of care for patients. hello is a website i'll just here a dot com is this,
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and the nicest little on top stories to found this is is up next. so by to the the route to you by visit coastal however we've got some quads, weather coming into japan over the next style. so we've had something of a winfrey mix recently with this larry or cloud, this area of low pressure. what. and when the weather 20 packed ice above indicate ice from wayne's, we to slide the way out into the open waters as we go through. i choose dice, still some snow. flour is a possibility, but just into northern japan, maybe into that west side of homes. you as well ranges, easing away from tokyo by that size, and the temperature started to pick up accordingly. well, if you try that for the grand finish the northern parts of china, not too bad,
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but some pieces of sherry re possibility of some snow mixed in there. but nothing too much and a little bit of whether there is a central parts of china. let's see some time conditions continuing to certainly been pretty damn recently. and indonesia, i'm a lot of the showers coming in here. charles of shops, arrow to into southern parts of the philippines as we go one, a 3, tuesday afternoon, increasing showers to just coming in to vietnam. by this stage we've seen some showers recently as a central positive and the less still in place as we go through uh tuesday, quite widespread as well. they share these off as we go on into the 2nd half of the week, mostly drive by the state. but it will allow cloud and right to move into west and pos, focused on the quote to you by visit cuts on the president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences
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for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the . the i'm so fast in the hey, a go on guys, escalates the world as know. shifting its focus to the international court of justice. well, more than 50 nations and several international bodies of convert to address is for 80, occupational policy and sour cream indonesia. as country with a long track record of advocating for palestinian rights is one of them is government has spoken out against.


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