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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 4:00am-4:30am AST

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a college is joe to all this is l 0 life from the also coming up and he's ready strikes the other quite hospital in southern gauze or kills at least 8 hour students including women until a desperate scramble to get paid. hundreds of palestinians rushed to the sea to collect food dropped by the jordanian efforts. and we were on the front lines with the groups of the democratic republic of congress to the see, to collect food dropped by the jordanian efforts. and we were on the front lines with the groups in the demo democratic republic of congo, say they've joined forces with the ministry to battle m $23.00 rebels. the us president joe biden says he hopes a ceasefire can be reached in gauze at by next monday. more details
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a remote doing about the framework of a potential deal sources of told l g 0 that as many as 400 pallets to new prisoners could be released in return for up to 40 is really captives the us, egypt and katara mediating talks between us and israel for more on this, let's speak to patrick call. hey, in, in washington dc, i think give us the background context to these remarks. why do you think the president made them for us now? and we haven't heard any sort of clarification. so it seems clear as by the ministration went out with those reporters with the intention of saying this. now, couple of interesting things. they have been so tied lift about this giving no details about the ongoing to negotiations. the more important thing is he used the word cease fire. that is something that this of ministration has desperately tried to avoid. so most likely, after covering a few presidents, it seems you sending the message to somebody in the negotiations that this needs to happen. and it needs to happen by monday, so let's hear what you have to say. well,
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i hope, by the week of the end of the week my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday and among the other possible avenues along which remarks like this, presumably could be aimed, patty would be a domestic one. he really needs that to be a cease 5 politically president, but as he definitely needs there to be a cease fire and he needs it sooner rather than later. just take a look at the state of michigan. it has the largest air muslim population in the country. it has a lot of young voters who are very unhappy with this president overs handling of
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israel and gaza. they're going to the primary tomorrow, and there is a very too much concern and campaign for them to write. and instead of joe biden write in uncommitted to send a message. and then in ministration is getting increasingly concerned about that they sent it envoy, congressman very well likes to michigan to meet with those act this he came out and said the status quote is, has got to change in israel and in gaza. you said has to happen soon or there's no way biden's going to in michigan. just a few weeks ago i went with fighting to michigan where he went to a campaign event. and i met with so many activists. he said that they were beyond disappointed in him. they were horribly angry and divided ministration believes that they can make the argument well president trump would be worse. and i remember speaking to one actor. busy as 3 said, tell me how president trump would be worse is going to let the israel bomb cause a more. is it even possible to do that? so they are saying that they are going to send
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a message that they have no intention of voting for him. and if he loses a big majority of the vote that he loses michigan. if he loses michigan, he loses the 2nd term. patty, thanks for that. and moving to the region now the box says more on the outlines of a potential deal from occupied east jerusalem for the last couple of days since the end of the talks in paris, the as rating media has been reporting in some detail, the potential framework for jail between us and israel, that would lead to a cease file since then the that has been no concrete response from us to any of those proposals. these ready media also reporting that a delegation from israel has arrived monday in the comforts of ca, tall and out of their arabic reporting. that has spoken to sources who outlined further details about what this framework could consist of. they included the possibility of a prisoner swap involving $400.00 palestinians currently and is ready to tension.
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being swapped in return for around 40 is really captives. that would include women, children, older men, and those who might be suffering from medical conditions. it would involve the re positioning of these right, the military to allow more people to move freely through the goals and strip it would include a cessation of aerial reconnaissance by these ready ministry for up to 8 hours a day. that's something we did see during the law series of prisoners thoughts with drones in particular, when moved away from areas where prisoners might be released, the concerns of mass and that moment was a cause that they would betray the location of wherever that holding the captives in terms of these for us details the, the one of the thing that's important to stress there is going to be great to aid coming into the gaza strip. something that the arabic soul says a telling now to 0 would involve the acquiescence of these radians, these ready to proving that increase an aid. and the people wouldn't be allowed to move back towards the north of the territory. except for those of military age. the
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months out 0 occupied histories of them as well. that's bringing steven zune is now a professor of politics and international studies at the university of san francisco. joining me from gothenburg in sweden, godaddy with us. it's quite something, isn't it? to see the us president issuing these off the cuff unsubstantiated remarks about a possible cx 5 by next monday i'm doing so while holding a vanilla ice cream. it doesn't look good, but the note is increasingly domestically biden's continued support of israel is. patty was saying that he really needs that to be a c 5 very much. so he's been chasing quite a bit politically. with this, a nearly 2 thirds of americans support a ceasefire, including 80 percent of democrats. and it is really hurting him on the polls. as the young people, our americans, muslims progressives. we're not going to vote for drugs, but uh,
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what may leave their ballot biting, stay home or vote for a 3rd party. or even if they did vote not so for the same campaign money or do the door to door kind of work, which of the democrats are dependent on to get the voter turnout out there. so he's, he's really seeing the, the impact it is happening on his re election prospects, especially an important swing states like michigan, as and this will be electoral college system. we're on a shift of only a few 1000 votes in a few states can make the difference even as a binding did when the majority of the popular vote. he also has to be concerned internationally because it has really hurt america's reputation to be increasingly isolated in the international community and there for our credibility and trying to rally the international community to support other us policy objectives. so i'd like to train ra, is, is hurt when it goes to the idea of it. so the john miscalculation somehow does not
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. i remember reporting the story in november, december last year. and people will say, look, he will continue to support his ro, for as long as i've done to, it begins to hurt him domestically in the run up to the election. that is now happening. is there any final sense that actually bite and still has the influence required to write these writers in, or has this old as a set be a joint miscalculation? the united states always had the, the ability to pressured israel. i mean, we can even look back to israel season day route. so when a president reagan who is also a very hard line, a supporter of the as role, so right. we a government to was able to force them to, to, to back off. so if the united states always had or can't keep ability, even we could always say, we'll stop a veto and un security council resolutions, we will condition that military things that buy it and has a categorically ruled out. so what i'm suspecting is that while he's still
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unwilling to publicly threaten, and that's in yahoo, that perhaps the move that we've seen in the fox in the past few days may be indicative that by and is as quiet. i'm making these kinds of threats because i think she may finally be getting the message that quote, quite persuasions is not working. they're giving you n as in yahoo essentially everything he wants in the hopes that he will see reasoning is, uh, is simply not working. and he does indeed have to exercise the, the, some of the enormous lever united states actually. and you mentioned greg in there, i mean in terms of buttons, but not just his re election hopes, but in terms of his political legacy. this has done him no favors, it puts him all, grew up in the same sort of bracket as george w bush over a rock as reagan, of the desk squads in central america. nixon indeed of vietnam. and you,
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what sort of striking actually is it, how does his desire should on god, the is even more unpopular among young americans than these other presidents, including nixon in india now. and so he has to be concerned about his legacy. indeed, if he is going to still be president by this time next year, the same soonest, we'll leave it there. thanks so much for your thoughts. professional politics at the university of san francisco coming to us from suite. thank you. now on the ground in southern gaza and he's ready to strike is killed at least 8 palestinians . the attack struck a house to the quite hospital in rough injury and dozens of people, the strike ongoing. so stuff in the city k most these way the army professed to launch a ground defensive in the city. capitalism reports from rough. the palestinians of rough. i'll see you wringing his very ground defensive. while the tutor still comes from the scotch and is drawing kits near the quite the hospital,
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how camera capturing the sound as for the children uphold the mind from the roots. it's an area and meant to be, say, as ro has this tip top, it's a tax, a roof in the past few days, killing and entering several women and children, and raising more for use of what might come next. the north, waiting for the aid has become a painful part to blowing thing. goes for menu, mondays, fine, and can they do they need military drops. it flies up the coast of the areas that are in central cancer. hundreds raised to the ph. wading through voltage to reach the precious cargo white, the not old could be collected for the lucky ones. it was much need me,
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but most food aid is required in casa in another part of garza palestinians risk palms. philips defined suit. once again, it's but it's the only place to palestinians waiting for a fish built on me wants to expand its ground defensive into rough or 1500000 palestinians, or she'll treat the phonics the suit good with tar because as in o, just 0 roughly southern guns. garrett grad lovelace is an associate professor at the american university school of international services. research focuses on the politics of hunger. she says the current situation in gaza is the culmination of a loan to process. this did not begin last fall. it got horror ethically worse, but it actually has a decades long history of the palestinians, enduring land,
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water, and food dispossession for generations from british colonialism to the 1948, not on that as displacement onto subsequent decades of subtler is rarely subtler colonialism. so these really government has been targeting guys and c food along the border of the mediterranean sea, as well as land food and the west bank targeting all of harvest. i'm putting down precious olive trees, which take 40 years to bear fruit and live for hundreds of years. um targeting sewage and major agricultural areas of the west bank. the settlements alone actually just possess palestinians, farmers and razors from access to their land, and the gods and fishers do not have access to their fisheries. just a few nautical miles is but these rarely government allows them. so already 50 percent of people in garza were food and secure before this war started 80 percent were dependent on humanitarian aid. so the minute that on october 9th, these rarely government laid out a total siege of no food or water or fuel or madison reaching the gaza strip. the
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people who were in the 8 sector knew that this would be a death sentence if carried out. so they tried to have alarms, there was the world food program, the world health organization, amnesty international ox spam, many agencies said this cannot be, we must bring food 8 in usually $500.00 a trucks come in a day to the gaza strip. there was just a trickle a few days, but the months went by and these warnings were not cheated. and so at this point you've got people who for months have not had study food or even water. a still to come here on al jazeera israel is kind of result strikes in eastern level until the 1st time since the staff and building barricade in brussels alfonze drugs of protest to the headquarters of the e. u. as agricultural minister, split between the
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pod came in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than and better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all that good cooks. i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is the problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era john so that's kind of the you know, that comes in should be a whole new look of the, i mean what up here most of the think you, the top of head are fully this. this is going to, isn't of been the go these to for sure with this one,
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still assuming most of the you're watching on to 0. a reminder about top stories this out to us president joe biden. he says he hopes to cease fire can be reached in guns or by next monday. you're watching down to 0. a reminder about top stores this hour to as president joe biden. he says he hopes to cease fire can be reached in guns or by next monday and sources of total of al jazeera that as many as $400.00 palestinian prisoners could be released from the occupied westbank in return for up to 40 is ready to capt. it's,
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it's really striking rough us killed at least 8 palestinians. the attack struck the house quite hospitably during dozens of people strike on rough happens at these rate as these really on the profess to no chick ground defensive in the city. and the royal jordanian air force has carried out an operation in cost of delivering much needed humanitarian aid from the hundreds of displaced people gathered with the english dropped much of his fellow along the coast near rough as well as he has bought our targets in east 11 and for the 1st time since the start of the war on gaza, at least 2 single tendencies, riley strikes him around the city of fall back. these ready army says the strikes were in retaliation for his ball is downing of one of the top drones in southern lebanon. has butler responded by firing a badge of rockets targeting his ready military positions close to the border. st. ahold reports from bay route or the these are the deepest strikes
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inside lebanese territory, since hezbollah and as well went to war in october, bile that is some 70 kilometers from the capital bay boot kilometers from the border where there have been near daily exchange of fire since the armed group opened the front to help relief pressure on garza, so by the lebanese security sources say the targets were a warehouse and a form in a known hezbollah stronghold. some of the groups fighters were reportedly killed. isabel said it hit targets belonging to the armed groups, air defense unit, in retaliation for the downing of one of its drones in southern lebanon. the that was as well. they didn't just projects. one of his world's most sophisticated on drones, the strong, has been used to carry out the series of assassinations and 11 on so result. consider this a message from has the law that states can no longer act freely. that the group used new technology that places that serial weapons at risk
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a little off of the early on monday video circulating online showed a drone falling from the sky after being hit by what hezbollah said was a surface to air missile as well. media called it a dangerous development. yes, it is sending a message to israel. what i'm worried about is that we are going to see an intensification of these foaming campaigns by israel over the next period. and so there's some sort of the deal is reaching garza audit. not long after the baltic strikes is really drones returned to the skies. at least 2 were killed when their car was hit. and so they're living on the latest targeted kidney. the latest escalation came a day after, as well as defense minister, your oscar lawns now to escalate attacks if as well continues to strike 11 on after any agreement is reached with the palestinian movements. hum us the situation
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escalate attacks if as well continues to strike 11 on after any agreement is reached with the palestinian movements, how much the situation is, gradually escalating and the arena of confrontation is expanding. those close to hezbollah, say this is still a calculated escalation, at least for now. then there, i'll show you the date of 9 people who've been killed in what's been described as a terrorist attack in the african nation of burgundy, the rebel group, red tavara, is accused of carrying out the killings. while a family was mourning, a soldier's among the dead and 5 others were injured, will forward his of described it as a cowardly attack in booking a fast so meanwhile, a tax on the mos kind of church. i reported it to have killed thousands of people. the security official says several does most the men were killed during sunday morning, pres, in the eastern town of not yet born a individual best economy in the north of the country. at least 15 civilians died
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during sunday mass of the roman catholic church. no group has claimed responsibility are now the democratic republic of congo, as ministry says it has joined up with several local. i'm groups to fight and 23 rebels in the countries east to north kiva region until recently they were battling government forces. catherine. so a spoke to fighters from one of the groups calling themselves was a lender then sent us this exclusive report? not too long ago, these kimberly's finances were actually the ami. oh they call themselves was a lender. so he was for p, just the role on groups have put aside the differences to how the government forces the goals to defeat what they see as a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the front lines. yeah,
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the seeing songs critical run this has it in on cause i mean they accuse upon the entity 3 levels. karen says she's not afraid to die. you to go, so then the war number changes, the i'm a soldier, i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is campbell, but we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here. but some come on . this have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions to the guy. he also says there was a lender is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland, or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda, in 1994, the deal was island. after a lower, our nurse was a lender. they are based in new york, but they are london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they
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should be rolanda is problem, not ours. it was a lenders based on fuel that overlooks goma and dwanda not run across the border. kalonde is here. say there was is to make sure that go, ma, is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that empty 35 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and be new to think of a austin. what will happen when the conflict ends? treasure obama said go, you have to print this is over. we hope that the government would create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can to point anywhere within the country. but for now the see the focus is pushing back empty. 3 young colonies, bold as or die trying, catching sight, you know, google, democratic republic of congo. the hungarian parliament has ratified sweden's bid to join nato. the move clears the way for the new countries to join the west in
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defense alliance. hungry it was the last of natives. 31 members to ratify, sweden succession, nato secretary general gen stocum. books of sweden's membership. we may feel on safer and stronger stuff abandoned. it's a policy of known alignment of to russia's invasion of ukraine, the farmers in europe, but not backing down on their demands for an easing of a new trade policies. they staged the latest protest as agricultural ministers were meeting in brussels. thomas took the tractors to the belgian capital blocking roads and demanding the prices for their produce image and came to ripples european farm is vent that and in brussels around $900.00 tractors, book entrances to the european council, building e agricultural ministers meet in solid weeks. they've been protesting against policies. they say to them for making
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a decent living. the form is say they want minimum price is set for that purchase. and the store to trade agreements that allow in cheap inputs. so here, such as the size, the american trade block, mercosur, with psalms, unrestrained by the regulations they face. all of us do what we wanted the definitive ends to the free trade agreement between the european union america. and we want prices that cover up production costs. they also claim the agreements favor larger corporations and businesses to create most environmental damage and the use column and agriculture policy will c a p needs to change. so if i could get that in one of these c, a p that we have now has so many bureaucratic steps that we cannot manage to comply . we need an agricultural policy. the truly adapts to the fall of his needs and allows for profitability. and some complaint the environmental policies under what's been called a green deal hampering their ability to what some european ministers agree,
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something green d zooms that. we need to implement the greendale in such a way that it becomes practical and less bureaucratic. that can be done. this commission, unfortunately, has not done it well, most hits, you know, we need to reconcile farms with the policy. no, the c a p, it's the policy and without the see a pay, they wouldn't be such a pen also agricultural sector in europe. in a concession to form is the european commission scrapped a little to reduce pesticides, a target to leave land on, foamed improve. biodiversity has also gone many, and you politicians agree more changes has to be made to satisfy farmers. but it's not clear what name like the image and kinda how to 0. thousands of farms in india are also protesting against the government. they're demanding that all forward has ensure better prices for the crops. unions rejected the proposed deal last week. the protests come just months before elections and which prime minister
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in their under moody is seeking us to and japan's unmanned mood elanda is awakened after a 2 week luna flights of passing expectations. the country space agency says slim re established communications on sunday night cooling it, a miracle, the touch down a month ago, but landed the wrong way up forcing it to be turned off before regaining power. 8 days later. well, that's it for me, joe. now in use continues on al jazeera with talk to al jazeera next the the, the weather brought to you by visit capital. hello, we've got a big contrast in the weather, across north america. at the moment. i can renew the temperature differences coming
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in here. we have got so much colder air across the far north, west of the comes up a down into the south. this is where we have some real hate for lisa. these weather systems here, north of that, that's where we got that cold air in place. it was 12 celsius, a top temperature in calgary, on monday. and it was something like 45 degrees warm of that and that was a cold as kind of went out. so initially that's going to sink his wife or the south with was the temperature, the same kinds of safety going from $26.00 celsius to around 3 degrees on wedding. stay cool, that wasn't making its way into dallas by the state. you know, just, but it will bounce back. it will be a little more spring lock as we go on into thursday. would that make temperature contracts? we're looking at some severe storms and over the next dial. so we've got some very low. i'd be showers pushing, i've, it was used disabled just around the midwest and we got snow the, the sliding off the rock is slipping, further south within. we can get some pretty bottom, whether they're just around the tennessee valley,
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over towards the mid atlantic states. as we go 13 way to stay most of the problems across the caravan as long as you find and try. although a few shots, but the eastern side of the region, down to mostly what's the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the colleges. when the of the stuff awesome in the have a good will and guys have escalates the world as know. shifting its focus to the
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international court of justice. well, more than 50 nations and several international bodies of converts to address is for a patient of policy. and sour cream indonesia as country with a long track record of advocating for palestinian rights is one of them is government has spoken out against israel that case long occupation and cold for international law.


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