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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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what the only way to stop the station is to allow you then people are surrounding it, sparks go with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blankets, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. war is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacement. the heavy fights again, the democratic republic of congo is forced hundreds of thousands of people to free for their lives. the conflicts between the government, the m 23 fights is escalated in recent weeks. so what's driving all this? i'm from peace be a chief. this is inside the
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hello. welcome to the program. i'm a tree instead of getting a humanitarian crisis is developing in the democratic republic of congo, an escalation and fighting between government forces and the m. 23 on the group in the northeast of the country is fueling regional tension and it's led to hundreds of thousands of people arriving in the regional capital, goma and such a food, water, and shelter. the situation is expected to watson when you and please keep us withdrawal from the country at the end of the leaving many vulnerable at risk of salvation and violence. so what's driving this conflict? i'm term lost in peace, be achieved in the democratic republic of congo. i'll just here is catherine. so a sentence, this report from a camp to displaced people in goma. we are on a comfortable display. see for us here in go mazda several. com cost to
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across the c t o. we have been talking to people who have been sleeping this conflicts between government forces and, and we, we have also been talking to aid would cuz was saying that they are overwhelmed about the needs which are so many, 1600000 people have sofa being dis, displaced and since this closely started about 2 and a half now the bible now between the rebels and government forces is in a town called sac to a. this town is very significant because it's a get to way in to go my to about to 25 kilometers away from goma. and government forces are trying to push the rebels away from that
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area that is useful for them. there's been a lot of international pressure on all sides escalate thing and go back to me da. so, and it's going to be very interesting to see how that plays out because f lost by regional sales. and what, what this means is that people in contests like this, i'm going to continue suffering with no and insight cost me story inside story. the as well to get an idea of how the conflict is likely to one soul that son to the minister of communication and media spokesman for the government of the democratic republic of congo. patrick, well, yeah, jo joins us from the capital contrasts. i could tell you with this patrick, once you'll government strategy for dealing with the m. 23 is the strategy. it simple for us, the infinity to doesn't exist, infinity treat the offer and then go ahead and match the present made that point to
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your you know, less meeting in the front office and kind of, i mean, not necessarily about the government. the company's government is working uncle can do which way we can continue to dream payments in one of the humble, which needs to your staples, what you have to do. what creates witnessing the press, the tools is anthony to fighting each was a one academy using ease as true. first started a new scene, a shilling, some myspace, a game shifting, some markins. that's what, what we have seen last week at the present. mid that point to year, we want to bring back in this part of the or cd we paint, but if you want to go back to go to the so we need to web one that i'm step was big thing the as we meant we made it especially in one that i'm 2722 as no power to decide those thoughts blamed on because for the anthony tree they've been was clear . they have to be these honored. they have to be to accept the government,
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and then they have to accept even be stationed that they own the issue. we stand, we want name, we, we live friendly, we should resend that last name to you. but the m 23 doesn't exist. you just said that they need to be dissolved. what is your government doing to stop or to advance a political settlement here and who would be involved in between the steel government? what even ations. ready for the m 23 as well as i was telling you, the full m 22 doesn't exist, is one that governments using profit and the most important for us to talk directly . we fund that and i talking to those 4, but it's clear that they did the governor position on what change on that? sorry. that's why they're present, i think is dropping tomorrow for one to to meet again. was the place up. look into what was the dimension united this that'd be about between the present just to give them your present gave me to see what else i can do to start uh, effective be implementing the agreements. anthony tree is just
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a small part of the conversation. he's a proxy use it for a while, and i to be like the face of the baltimore, the, on the waiting well from the or those massacre, the after meeting. guess, commodities populations. do i lose a very innocent people? so the all was the strongest kia be going to talk, we find that to know why present academy is continue to do an awful position is continue. what is and well, no, i mean there are resources that the main reason don't for me as well. and there to present one, to stop this time and 400. what is your government then doing for the displaced people in the northeast of the country in the east of the country, the people course out in this facing. what's your government's under contract? people, you know what, what yeah, what we're doing is really far people or used to use. one of the things we can do is to bring that piece and it goes, if you want to solve the issue of distressing distress at this present paypal is to
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get them back in the risk of just bar. yeah, the way they can continue, what they've been doing before is activities that think of assessing them. yeah, i think we some of our popular, especially in united states age. i'm going to provide e mind that the for dr. is placid, by the would seeing here is to make united states and older with some countries news, but a sanction, a guess, or one and 400. so they can start useful. and then from there they move in. when we make sure we get back, this will be the issue whether it be needing before. what they are doing now is to provide some product is to provide some assistance. but these are, these tend to want to be a really a solution for those people. they need to go back in their respective area and we think that you want to reach this one for store we for this, but actions from funding governance inside our country would be we'd be able to do that. all right, so buddies, excellent for being with us. that's perfectly either in control. so thank you so
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much. so we've heard what the government in contrast to has to say about the conflict. now let's hit some of the perspectives. lawrence, couldn't you across, is the political spokesman of the rebel march 23 movement, also known as m. 23. he jones just now from the eastern democratic republic of congo from cape town, south africa with joined by crystal oldest and a journalist of the african report from the veteran africa come and tell you to be joined from nairobi by fred boma, who is the executive director of over tele and independent congress research institute, focusing on politics, governance, and violence. let's start with your lawrence. what did you make of what we heard from the governments folks posted at our inventory, 3 just puppets, a bit of random government. this is the lack of knowledge of we are and the company they're supposed to. yes about the editor, the free is a good one of these organs. distance that's on the lifted. yes. a gun
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on december to do. ready know, we've got to the community both for the brought municipal united nation. so i think july and all the international partners we went to teach us. so we spent 14 months of videos to go with the team that present it just took a base for us to discuss it all for that and to give it up to the lady at the original sound of the governors to come today say don't be a copy of the one that we are who are these that how it goes. we've been asking yes, the government to discuss to have been done to, to resolve the causes of the cause that making the country have been a soccer. ready was working and dig into how they find the lasting piece. you know,
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let's bring in crystals and then in case what do you make of, of, of what you've heard so far. crystal, the adrian of south africa has about 3000 troops. federal heading to the d. r c, they've seen a specialist unit, and already we've had body bags returning to south africa. in fact, just the suite came to soul just that were killed in the move to attack. the bodies arrived so it's becoming a domestic issues. but of course, the south african troops, a part of a scientific mission to the d. r. c, which consists of south africa. i'm a law we and times in the. and i have spoken to south african diplomats and officials, both within the army and diplomatic officials, and they add them in south africa as part of a peacekeeping mission. they want the drug see, to have peace, but cannot afford conflict. the continent cannot afford conflict. now, one could argue at times of africa, and it might be perceived as having a non eve kind of viewpoint of peacebuilding use makes the sooner we get is time to bring different policies together. but so that's what gets really involved in the d
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r c. since the 1990s, in fact, for president nelson mandela in 1998, you know, heard the calls of lowering could be less senior, the late northern could be low cost and he had in fact, you know, dealt with the wanda and somebody who, you know, one to 2 seem to be done a full space. and so for south africa, it is absolutely pertinent that these piece in the d. r. c. piece in the east stuff, congo. they of course, um, as part of southern which is a, you know, a mule. um, one of the old regional bodies in africa, i'm so this is a sided mission and they want ultimately for the d r c and the one to come together and find a peaceful solution to what's happening in the east for from a. what is the pricing itself looked like now in the east of the country? is there a coordination between the, on the groups that are fighting in both people who's, who's facing who right now?
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i mean, how powerful is the and $23.00 is a fighting force compared to say, the congolese ami. i mean, who is fighting? who is a, is a, is a good question. um, because on one side you have to go with this government. of course we have uh the support of uh, of this admission uh of, uh, yeah, huge range of for me this is because the uh, was an endo and also the the, the you and keeping force and, and less nowadays. and the, and the other side you clearly have um, mtv drops. and um, and the quote inconvenience. so uh, several, if know, 1000 of a front end troops there at the end of the underground. but i think um, just to emphasize what i've heard and we're about to st. oh, so the, the, the, the cost request, the used to be a specify. so this valdez is on its own people and who have been displaced by media
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. and since the beginning go of this conflict and people who wants peace and people who are the last thing, as an attorney, as a temp is that we bring back a big guys back to as we have seen in 2012. and as we are seeing right now, uh and, and did the, uh, what's called a government and other group at facing. and you said you're seeing around grandma is more than entity fee. it says ronda. and it says probably other countries that are supporting the i'm 20 feet and that's uh, making all this conflict becoming slow, the uh, the list that google is config, but more and more general original config lawrence view and special representative to the regional briefing, the un security council reported that serious human rights violations being committed in areas on the m 23 control, but at least a 150 people killed since november all m. 23 fights is
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a part of that. what are you doing to stop it? so basically have to go ahead as so many things that have been said about these action against damage and decree, which i know go ahead without the motor, basically on track the dream gets it in the afternoon to pray when the next uh, the 40 for a day 10 years, you have to enter the 56. i'm groups according to not to mention the stuff is due to all the others of you talking about the end of buttons. but true, but we did it on the populations were done by the groups that i'm now part of the d . c. on that recorded what that ended up. i'm groups that when this school supposed to 5 and they are getting the d, i see. so basically, the difficult, straight, the 25th is not a sports support for all this crap. okay. that's been set by french we. i have
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about 5. okay. find out about any of the most important. what about lawrence? what about the 80 s which has been accused of, of human rights violations? how much control over the 80 asked us, the m, 23 have in the area is understandable because of the max. sometimes missing some different thinking not, but if i understand, but in the area, the answer to frequent quote, there's no guidance of, of human rights abuses the human. why does it happen? did you see that one's going to do to? yes, we seen in a go law where i'm to administer to people where your for the life, but i did by that but it, but for, for this process, oh, well, that's spring and crystal. once again, crystal, you, you mentioned fedex and the forced the south african force on, on the ground, how to regional international actress contribute to or either exhausted, basically, mitigating the conflict. i mean, what is south africa's view?
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is it committed to bringing peace to the region? a lot or who replaces this you and force which is on the ground right now is just used to leave at the end of the to absolutely, i do and, and that's, you know, why these also some confusion until, you know, when ease the forces, the wind forces withdrawing, how will the 2 missions work in sync with another? because of course, as i mentioned beside the commission, consists of south africa tends in the end, malawi, so i think so firstly again, um, so it's of the 1st time that south africa is in the d r c. it's being they since post a hot date. um 1994 of course, 1998 was told to present a nelson mandela. and then it was also part of the commission, the 2013 that actually broke the policies together and that's the spokesperson had mentioned um, but i think this time around, they facing much more the foot to right. and as we put from the various parties,
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and these are concerned domestically adrian that, um, you know, as much as we have well trained troops on the ground that might not be enough. we've already had body bags arriving back in south africa. we've also had a few weeks ago. so you know, some of our most trained, highly trained on me officials also coming under a tech when they were flying a helicopter to you in hospitals. so um, this concern domestically that sought after just entering it to writing and as all previous speakers said, that could you know, impulse the entire region. however, south african officials are still adamant that they are part of a southern commission. they've been tossed by the regional body to be part of the schools to bring about peace, south africa as long time and see what the agenda of peaceful being of getting different bodies together. but i think it's a bit more complicated. we've heard from governments spokesperson,
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we've heard from human rights organization that the human rights violations happening on the ground. just absolutely. that's the of, of stating with the continuing of displacement. and so i think the concern is that he's the south african troops, really a delete this mission west milan intends india. and the most importantly, do they have the financial resources and the adequate equipment to actually deal with the different dribble groups that are operating in the east for it. how. how dangerous is the situation right now? could it escalates into a regional? well i think we we, we own most. yeah. um we have um, it was a key involvement of rolanda. there is uh uh uh in addition to uganda being involved. so i was, i for you guys um have casualties and burundi is very involved. so. ready we, i think we uh, already um, uh, on the, on the e, both of original war and there is a need to de escalate. so they, they quickly,
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but i also like to uh to say something on, on the human rights violations in the human rights situation. and you said d r 6, i think its careful for everybody. uh, the midwest of admissions on the thing is this item there sent? yeah, i see that the m 20 for you has committed no style of human rights. not admission this uh in this um, nutrition of the movement as well as in 2013 terrace, went through with there we, we had, we had um, demarco, the documented in industry share and bundle. um there is a lot of schools that are being attacked. there is uh hospitals that been looted um and especially the women and kids who died and because of course it was as of these conflicts, isn't enough uh for, for people in this region to they've been in during this for years. i think it's
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time for this country to and, and it's time for m p t for this group does keep recycling themselves. seems at 1996 at least to, to end different lawrence, what would it take for the m $23.00 to sit down with the government in contrast to is it the interest of integrating? it's uh the c o with us for the, the da da as the government for the not with the state and that for, for, for don't to just that we need to have that done to the government to discuss some of them out to solve the causes of the companies that either or the time to sort of what country have to go back to. one of the gentleman just say just not this or this stuff. say that no. okay, this is that just put back on the voice of the government because the answer to as i say, was in a heads up from the 2013 and we came back here or the crowd. was that done before?
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that done by the people who are now in the d. c. government army. so we're talking about to share. so as you say it see wasn't, it was just one that's 4. wasn't even ship the any over any does that don't, don't defeat. i've done that kind of stuff. the defendants all. no, it's not every day. so the sort of the fee is going on international for me to come and stop or pay for the message. whether your money done in question is a bus to go to so many people are sleeping outside the d. s. a government is supporting from every single day, like a digital moisture given to the women. and they're the people. this is what we're talking about. they're really things was more about done. so we're getting an international community to act right now because the conversation, democracy is really huge. and the more for do you want to come back on that or
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there's a little bit of a desk of muscle graves in, in uh, in your own decision. and we can go on and on. and there was also, there was also every day. so we'll see these in before and all these we've a lot of the unity i said use uh no as knows exactly what i'm talking about. there is also a vanessa of of i'd be sure you keep things in, in areas where empty fee controlled and i'm not say that the go go with is government is perfect and doesn't mean human rights violation. but in, in the, in the, in this call feet key, any entity fee is responsible for many and by save human rights or listen, creating an area that it is, it is called tony. what is, what is, what makes this situation a complete yet it is also that people are tired of this. um,
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these are awesome. every time people have uh, what they call the roots causes of golfing to what they go above to take taking guns. and every time it's actually put the twist, the made people didn't and we are trying to to, to protect itself when people empty for you and other who needs to still uh, just going back to, to uh, military resources. this is ways of uh, resolving the problem and feed calls actually the way to protect defense communities in d. c for uh, for, for, for long and not only put nothing, not put in its risk. the very, very people. yeah. pretending to defend this, this gonna be because today, and they can not bring a piece tomorrow and maybe one less thing for the school sick as low as, as a, from san, to pay and, and the 1st enter defeat every time randa,
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we throw it supports to him tend to feel to send it to the group ended. so this time again to go, i think the colors governments and come with his people. right to say ronda should be pushed and pressured to re throw it into project. that will be up to you. i'll come back here in just a moment on, on this issue of orlando, but 1st crystal as we drove to a close, a lot of the some potential avenue useful or good. okay. florence very quickly. i'll give you 30 seconds. okay. yeah, i'm saying to the gentleman, i replied to the gentleman, that's fleming stopped on the outside of the country. we are going to go on. we'll have all the n g o is that guy here? that's not his every single day that did yes to go. all right, he's the one going to be plans in a moment. we stood as so many times that it yes the government should be judge but times it gets amenities. they won't crash. i'm trying to free for many, many times, for people to come to do as drug investigation, funky, she, we,
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the more we say got mobile, we're going to go to get the doors to get you all together. they never came to our discipline. i just the voice of the government put back on the end of that star, defend you in all the organs this entire house, or did you ask the gospel or get the crystal at some potential avenue? yes, rich, shaving, lasting peace and stability in the region are all there any what, what, what obstacles are standing in the way? well, listening to the inter needs we spoke smith spokesperson, adrian, you can clearly. yeah, there's a lot of opposite go. but i think on the serious note that, you know, from the south africa's a vantage point, presidential candidate is be elected president of the country. and he has cooled, that he wants peace in the east. he's also, of course, accused the one the officer boating that in $23.00 rebels and we know the one that's denied this. um, but i think, you know, from the vantage point from
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a down south is that basically the fact you have to bring the weaving parties to give us it has happened before. it's happened between the, the team. what happened the 1998. and so they do use the us that you have to bring these parties together to get lost the piece. however, the troops, the southern commission will be on the ground for one year before radiate casualties. one can only hope that the resources will be big for both the malawi in pennsylvania and the south african troops. and of course, a mission of a peace, a peacekeeping mission is to do kind of get some peace. but so far we've seen more to attacks. and so one would hope that the different parties will actually realize that the construct con, continue and the human rights violations con, continue. and the last thing piece is the over the answer for that part of the world. but i'm afraid we've, we've got a minute left and we're, we're in the, which of course continues to to deny that it supports the m $23.00. anyway what's,
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what's it going to take to bring peace to the region? i'm for when to to with drawers support for him. 23 ronda to be very simple it's, i think it needs to be pressured by, by many countries that couple of the, the, the u. k. a for us, the us, china now and, and, and other countries. that's what the president to the run the government. but to, to bring peace to the i see it is not only about sitting in the table and signing people as they, that's had been tested several times since the beginning of the door. what's the comments government? we have to do. again, it's a, it's in the going to, it needs to be in a no that's can do to those kind of things and do the same time work on, on root cause is in, in the time if it's not in 10, will be sent for the net need a solution, the entrance, if he doesn't know, given those a lot of space for, for a constructive discussion among chapters and i think would that's what happened um
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the, the support that's in 10 to 1015 right now should see is thank you all for being part of our programs with a lawrence kind of your car crystal orders on fred bama and it's part of the beginning, patrick, but yeah, yeah. and thank you for watching. so you can see the program again at any time by going to the website. i'll just do a dot com for further discussion. you can join us about facebook page, which you'll find the facebook dot com forward slash h a inside story, and you can join the conversation on x. i handle the inside story for me, adrian, for the team here. let's see again, bye for now. the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct, is exception was there should be this month on sort of
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discussions that come through the norm upfront on how to 0 record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points that of gunner and the 1st of the 2 parts investigation. 101 east meets the chinese, my friends risk and you know, the american dream on out to 0. what constitute exempt so we can talk your see, i want you to start with just the fence runs through what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education my want. we do, we don't have lead them in the policy of it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services this placement and you're saying you don't have your reports that i should just trust too much as the community off to the side,
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the cool that used to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. the u. s. president joe biden says he's hopefully this 2 spots between israel and her mouse indulgence by month. the of the clock. this is out here and like from the also coming up and is ready to strike the, the cubic hospital in southern guns that kills at least a palestinians, women and children among the dead and desperate scramble for 8 hundreds of people rushed to the sea to collect food to find the jordanian s.


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