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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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of the cool that used to produce outstanding dennis them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the u. s. president joe biden says he's hopeful that there's 2 spots between is real and how about us and goes and by month the of the clock this is out 0 and life from the also coming out and is ready to strike the the cubic hospital in southern guns that kills at least they palestinians, women and children. the money to that desperate scramble for 8 hundreds of people rushed to the sea to collect food to find the jordanian air force under. on
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entering in dearborn michigan, where pro palestinian democrats are opting not for joe biden. the us president joe biden says he hopes to see strong can be reached in gallons at by next monday. more details remind you about the framework for a potential deal sources of toll down to 0, that $400.00 palestinian prisoners could be released and return for 40 is randy captive united states, egypt, and kata mediating talks between her mouth. and israel had to go, hey and has more now from washington dc. this is an administration that has been very, quite. busy about anything to do with the ongoing talks for a ceasefire just in new york, where the president was there for a campaign to parents. he was popular into an ice cream shop and a reporter asked, what do you know about the ceasefire? and he actually answered no president's habits. and so you just simply ignore
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reporters. it's very common of it that they do that when they want to send a message though, they will take those questions and the president interestingly, because again, they've been so silent about it not being side of it all, but being very specific by next monday. so that was interesting, he also use the word cease fire. now temper ceasefire, not true. snap pauses on humanitarian pause. all the different language that the binding ministration is used in this conflict, always avoiding the term ceasefire. so let's listen to how the president said that, well, i hope my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday, the president, very purposely it seems, trying to send a message to the negotiators that he expects this to be done within days. and it is going to be interesting to see what happens next. because we've seen these really
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu come on american television and say that there will be an incursion, a military incursion into rafa. ad he said if it, there's a pause then that's fine, but it is going to happen eventually. now that is something the administration is been very concerned about. they've been very vocal saying that they have to a lot of this is the 1500000 palestinian civilians to be able to get safe passage out of rasa. they really don't want to see a full scale invasion of ruffled the things i can bear with to complicate the situation, especially with egypt, but still the prime minister of israel being very defiant and jo biden's team let it now be known that the president is growing increasingly frustrated with how this war is being handled. meanwhile, his poll numbers are falling across the board. young people, people of color are said that he's handling this badly. a recent poll, 50 percent of americans think these relays have gone too far. patty calling l g 0.
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washington on the ground in southern draws there and is really asked dry, has killed at least 8 palestinians. the attack struck a house. the que wake hospital in rough injuring dozens of people comes as is randy, allow me propose to launch a ground defensive in dallas a southern bay city tac. i've resumed reports now from rough palestinians of rough or a few ringing his very ground defensive. while the troops till comes from the scotch and is drawing kits near the great, the hospital out camera capturing the sound as for the children uphold the mind from the roots. it's an area and meant to be, say, as ro has this tip top, it's a tax, a roof in the past few days, killing and entering several women and children,
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and raising more for use of what might come next. the north, waiting for the aid has become a painful part to blowing thing goes from menu. monday's fine indicate they do. they need military drop supplies of the coast of areas that are in central council . hundreds raised to the peach wading through attempt to reach the precious cargo flight to p, and not old could be collected for the lucky ones. it was much need me, but most food aid is required in casa in another part of garza, palestinians risk palms and phillips to find the suit. the once again is really small, i presume, haven't had a city is waiting for a fish built on me wants to expand its ground offensive into roughly 1500000 palestinians are she'll treat the phonics the suit could wesson
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tarika doesn't oh, just the era russell southern guns, patients and gaza have spoken out self to is ready for us is still not the hospital and con unit. so we go is ready, forces left the building and it's for send it to him. catastrophic conditions. a policy instead of describing mistreated by his rated soldiers and surviving days without food. the old couple slices near on the 15th of february, up to one such a. and we were shocked because the shell fell in room number 4. and that was in room number 3. this someone was killed immediately. the hospital that is really set on microphones, they would enter the hospital to look for any member of from us about they would inspect every inch in the hospital, syria who would be, is really storm the place and asked us to put our hands on our heads and they asked me to show my id, they asked me about my husband and i told them he was injured and i don't know where he is. we stayed 5 days without food. and on the 6th day they brought some
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food for us. if you look around me, you will not find even a piece of bread. i hope to be treated abroad. i am alone and i can't even help myself. is there any forces have killed 3, punish pinions during your rate in the occupied westbank. it happened in the north and so you'd have to pass on monday, not mid tree vehicles and bulldozers received a 100 pounds through the streets with these 407 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october. the 2nd, the international court of justice in the hague has held its final day of hearings examining the legality of israel's decades long occupation, a product of the land, 50 countries, and 3 international organizations addressed the court, most cold as well as occupation to be declared and legal and for it to end. by not smith's reports now from the hague. this over 6 days is rails occupation of the palestinian territories. misplaced, unprecedented scrutiny before the judges of the world's highest quote,
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is what is acting and has been allowed to act in complete disregard given to a national that cannot continue. it is clear that is what else you need. an occupation is also being administered in breach of the prohibition of the time pop up law is royal, has been consistently ups truck thing negotiated to spit solution is rel, must renounce its claim to sovereignty over the palestinian territory. all settlers must be removed immediately. lawyers, and i'm baset, is from every corner of the world, argue that israel is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by building sacraments. this is really the language of the colonized ation. the language of liberty that we've seen exercise in these reservation since the 19 sixties and the other arguments have really been around the is really violation of the international law surrounding used to force surrounding portion odyssey and also surrounding international humanitarian. the view in general assembly asked the
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will court to consider the legality of israel is occupation fucking 2022. right? so it says right or was escape punishment. but it's been impossible not to stop the horrors of the war and gaza impacting the proceedings here. might have would be the firs, 1st 100 cops once a 4 conscious sort of body. we came here to the, to the us justice for justice, for the senior people. and i think that the, the court when uh what linda, it's opinion that this patient is illegal. i'm do with the new works upside genocide, colonialism. and that is q patient is involved. it isn't for the united states, says the quote shipment or the israel is unconditional. withdrawal from the
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occupied territories under the establish framework, any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west bank and gaza that requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of the security needs on october 7 and they persist. israel isn't taking pos in the hearings saying the course involvement could be harmful to achieving and negotiated settlement with the palestinians. these hearings of late, the israel's international oscillation, the now the court may rule, but his realm us withdrawal from the occupied palestinian territories. it'll take the judges around 6 months to come back with an opinion, and it will be non binding. but his name's national court of justice says it's rulings carry great legal weight on moral authority. bernard smith, alger 0, the hate within the midst of the war and draws the poles of a print. israel's municipal elections is ready,
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so just call us that balance. and the proceeds trip more than $7000000.00 as riley's are eligible to vote for local councils and mass areas that are being evacuated because of fighting will hold their elections later in the the war on dollars or has full see for statement of in the elections twice is with a modest reports, not from west jerusalem. the continuing complex is exposing think divisions in the electorate. a whole lot takes in israel right now is personal and polarized. the re energized protests against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his full showing of opinion polls and not entirely new but with the ongoing for guns at the political state, life and death of fire than ever. and after months of delay is ratings on choose day. can we add to recent events that the pilot books in the 1st municipal election since 2018 votes is the choosing town counselors and city methods and thousands of
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is really, municipalities municipality is different issues among residents. we met in west jerusalem. some told us local issues all the priority, the economic situation, the housing housing prices are really expensive. others said why the circumstances, particularly the place to is ready to captives would affect how they vote found the, let's use that to you. i vote solely good. and no, i'm quite disappointed because um, i don't typically what's happening is friend know, in municipal elections, candidates do not always belong to a national policy such as nothing. you know, who's the, could the many still draw support from them for some local leaders, any links to the could, could prove a liability on tuesday at the ballot box. of the candidates, the may is and, and you and the candidates that are affiliated with the quote and the they want to
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compete and the weight and the selections and just the fact that they belong to the local, the, or supported by the quote, a might affect the political future felt that they all thought they shut off, but that's what i 1000 on the phone. why don't pull these really minute tree announced it will operate hundreds of pulling stations across the country, including several already opened for soldiers in garza to cost the ballot. but it is really, communities neg garza. i'm the go to with lebanon emptied by the rule. that will be no chance to vote why didn't occupied east jerusalem. most palestinians will fully caught the elections. some is raised in the west of this trouble. cities recognize the challenges that could create. we have issues so many problems. and i think that if we want to solve them, then the entire country will be affected. as with many
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places, politics, it is often luthey, but an israel today, even local problems can impact national politics and ultimately gain global significance to the mark. so i'll just say to west jerusalem, united states michigan's presidential primary takes place on tuesday, and joe biden is a little bit sutton to be re nominated as a democratic candidate. but israel is more on dogs and look set to make, but you're going to major tests of the president strings. and that's the 808091 back in 2020 grand campaign led by the state lodge arab and muslim american population. it's a model that bite and negotiate a sci fi and goes to $100.00 and as the story from giblin in michigan. this is where the problem came in. the warren garza, his devastated i'm in of light, is family. we lost over 90 members of my family, 83 died and a single is really bombing half
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a world away in michigan. applewhite of blames president joe biden for his support of the war. on tuesday he and thousands of others who usually support democrats planned to vote uncommitted in michigan's democratic presidential primary. i feel i have betrayed that i bought it for bite in 2020 or so we fault it for somebody to bring us democracy and a humanity on the table. well, we see, you know, a government that aligns with a genocide, the government to cold. my people, innocent people, thousands of them. hundreds of traditional democrats gathered at a rally and the majority air of american city of dearborn. they are demanding a ceasefire in gaza and pledging to vote uncommitted. dearborn, mayor of dill, a mood says it's not just an arrow of american issue. so not about being out of her being must have been having an attachment to the people in full us there and are being related by blood. this is about people coming together and seeing right
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versus wrong. they are joined, lead, really by rashid to, to leave the only palace getting an american in the us congress. if the campaign helps. trump, she says plain by visiting about is risk and another problem term over here. support for the most right wing government. most extreme is government in the history of israel. there are 300000 air of americans in michigan twice. biden's 2020 margin of victory when you've got that big of a population that might or might not to support the president in re is re election efforts. boy, that could really swing the outcome in the michigan primary anger, his turn to action. but the real task comes in november when those supporting the uncommitted campaign will have to decide whether it is afford president viber or risk electing donald trump. for many like i'm not a lie to the answer is simple. how do you feel about joe biden?
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i don't think i'm i want to hear his name again. does america have blood on his hands? yes. with polls predicting easy primary victories for trump and vitamin on tuesday, the warren gaza threatens to cost democrats at least one state. they've been counting on to keep biding in office in november, john henry and al jazeera dearborn michigan are all right, still a head fair enough? 05 years off, the sure line. can anyone talk measles? find out why the countries facing an outbreak of the boys. he's plus i'm alexandra buyers, and joe have his heart with thousands of people have gathered web the 1st time the world's largest technology conference has ever been held in the middle of the holloway looking at some try with them now pushing in across the western pa. so
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very wrong cloud and right things know that. so making his way over towards afghanistan brought to dry weather coming back in behind. we was picking up a little around the golf as we go through tuesday into wednesday, and it will be a little cooler than a slight possibility of some showers, still affecting. i know i'm positive golf by that stage. i perhaps a little bit of wintry. why, but just stay with the high ground all around, but for most just you can see it is looking long as you drive lots the drive picture across the west, the side of the met. so it west side of the vines as well. we have got some shops. i was just around the garza full deposit choose. i brought us guys to come back to . we are going to see it staying long as you try. bright as we go on into wedding stay. so settled conditions, of course, that notation side of africa on several conditions for the north western side of africa, north america, north of mount g area. what's the weather or so just coming it's, it's an easy as we go through the next day or so with quite a brisk, we're just putting out sofa compatibility. so rocco wayne bisk on sharp shell. was
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it just around the southern parts of west africa? i'm planning a shop showers into central africa. they're running all the way across to was there and be at the was nice and bacon still unsettled for medic. jessica, the record numbers if chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us, that's double many take a dangerous route. through loss in america, a gang of people points to the color. and the 1st of a 2 parts investigation. 101 east meets the chinese, my friends risk and you know, the american dream on out to 0. what we do it all just there is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives digging into minus see the
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are you watching out 0 mind about some stories and you as president to buy it and says, you folks see spot can be reached and gone to by monday. more details are emerging about a potential sources so told out $400.00 palestinian prisoners could be released to return. 40 is randy comes and is really striking rough. it has killed, at least a palestinians, struck a house to be que wake hospital in drink thousands of people talk constant disease really army for festival inch of ground defense in the 6. so to obtaining their forces, card, automat dropping jobs, that delivering much needed humanitarian, a hundreds of people scramble to get their hands on pauses and much of the landed on the coast near a rough the israel is heads has below targets in east and lebanon for the 1st time
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since the young group opened the front to help it sound like a mouse and gauze, or at least 2 single tiny strikes hit near the city of bell. but the is ready. all me says it's in retaliation for the downing of one of its um, trends in southern lebanon has beloved responded by far you borrowed brokerage. that is really ministry positions close to the board. so in a honda reports now from favorite the, the, these were the deepest strikes inside lebanese territory, since hezbollah and as well went to war in october bald. that is some 70 kilometers from the capital bay boot kilometers from the border where there have been near daily exchange of fire. since the armed group opened the front to help relief pressure on garza. so above the lebanese security sources say the targets were a warehouse and a form in a known hezbollah stronghold. some of the groups fighters were reportedly killed.
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isabel said it hit targets belonging to the armed groups, air defense unit, in retaliation for the downing of one of its drones in southern lebanon. but that's where i was as well. they didn't just projects. one of these roles most sophisticated on drones, the strong, has been used to carry out the series of assessing nations and 11 on so result. consider this a message from has the law that states can no longer act freely. that the group used new technology that places that serial weapons at risk a little off of the early on monday video circulating online showed a drone falling from the sky after being hit by what hezbollah said was a surface to air missile as well. media called it a dangerous development. yes, it is sending a message to israel. what i'm worried about is that we are going to see an intensification of these foaming campaigns by israel over the next period. unsuited
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social to the dean is reaching garza audit. not long after the biologic strikes is ready, drones return to the skies. at least 2 were killed when their car was hit, then so they're living on the latest targeted kidney. the latest escalation came a day after, as well as defense minister your ask alons about to step up a tax on 11 on even if a ceasefire is agreed in gossip. but it wasn't the 1st time he said that and has the law has already threatened to escalate a tax if as well continues to strike loving on after any agreement is reached with the palestinian movements, how much the situation is, gradually escalating and the arena of confrontation is expanding those close that has the law say, this is still a calculated escalation, at least for now. then there was just the, the date of the
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to the democratic republic of congo where the minutes recess is joining forces with local groups to baffle m. 23 fighters in the north cuba region, until recently they were baffling government forces. and so i spoke to members of one of the groups called themselves, was a lender and send us a 6 police report. not too long ago, these kimberly spies to is we're backing the army, or they call themselves was a lender. so he was 4 peacher the role on group decides that differences, how the government forces their goals to defeat what they see is a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the front lines. yeah, the seeing phones critical and run this president on cuz i mean they accuse upon
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the entity 3 levels. c karen says, she's not afraid to die. una goes to the new quote number changes the i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is, can luba we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here. but some commanders have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions or the guy he also says the was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda, in 1994, you got there was an into after you lower our nurse was a lender. they are based in d r. c. but they are london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda to should be rolanda is problem, not ours. the was a lenders based on fuel that overlook, goma and dwanda,
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not rwanda across the border. the colanda is here say their wall is to make sure the go ma is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and very new to think i asked them what will happen when the conflict ends. so how's your obama said the friend? this is over. we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security. trouble, we can to point anywhere within the country. but for now the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your call is bold as or die trying, catching, sorry. you know, google democratic republic of congo, a neighboring burned a 1000000 people have been killed into the timeframe by the rebel group or read to borrow. it operates from bases in the d all seen in the border. cummings took place while a family was morning. soldiers among the dead and 5 others were injured for tomorrow,
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said it had a type to brood in military positions as through has declared health emergency across most of the country because of an outbreak of bank. if even health industry says a combination of a heat wave and heavy rains the such a spike in cases that meets $31300.00, have been confirmed this year so far with $32.00 fates, policies neighboring brazil is really out of right. seems to try and deal with an unprecedented search. and mr. line can government is rushing to controlling outbreak of measles. a boost of that and seeing rollouts is giving priority to 6 to 9 months old babies. know fernandez reports from columbia of the attempting to keep to them and that community see this government clinic in a densely populated area. colombo has started administering additional measles vaccines. 5 years ago sherlock i succeeded in eliminating measles as an outbreak
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last me mainly affecting babies. prompted health authorities to introduce an addition to those. for instance, 6 to 9 months old. the highly contagious abalone disease spreads easily, especially when any infected person costs or sneezes. the increase in infections to more than $700.00 in 10 months. has many parents worried. my mouse is due for the vaccine because he's 2 years old and there's also a search in this per the for me is, is that's why i brought to long trying to use the measles vaccine for 2 years ago and claimed 99 percent coverage a depend demick resulted in a decrease in vaccinations. recent estimate said 10000 to lock in children had not been vaccinated. doctors a warning of dire consequences if that doesn't change due to the unlimited internet, i mean people don't understand the dangers now. parents may think once the child's
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got meals, everything will be okay. the complications, like those in the brain can occur after 5 years. the children's agency unit, which is supporting health authorities with additional immunizations says for longer have almost eliminated measles, which unvaccinated people are at risk. it's a global void now. so any family who travelers doing a job or to see that the transmission of them is this is happening. so the likely that they make has the best thing fiction. and again, that this infection and if there is a valuable group of people interested into what, not for the moon yet, then the always remain a no, a potential source for the, for the spinning the infection to these 5 years of under investment, a crippling economic crisis and the rest of the form of health minister for fraud, the government says public health care remains the priority. having you've advocated means, those ones authorities here to determine to do so again, counting on a strong community health care system. but
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a previous drop in cases and fee is about vaccines. i'm making that difficult. fernandez. i'll just be your colombo. well, thirty's in the us state of mississippi. se awhile 5 it's been pending since saturday is now 50 percent contained fix. my cuz i'm still hanging over above jefferson davis county forestry commission says the place has been through more than 520 sectors of land no injuries being report. one of the world's largest tech conference is getting underway in concert for the 1st time. the web stomach aims to connect to entrepreneurs with investors from around the world, and he's also buys is in front of a sold out crowd. web stomach guitar opened with a bang. i'm pleased to announce a $1000000.00 q i investment in international and regional venture capital. funds
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for de summit is the 1st of its kind in the middle east bringing together $1000.00 technology startups for more than 80 countries.


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