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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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of the, to you as president j buys and says he's hopefully these 5 deal between israel and from us can be reached by monday. the around the clock. this is out 0 in life and also coming up and is ready strike hospital in southern guns. that kills at least 8 palestinian women children are among a desperate scramble for a hundreds of people rushed into the sea to collect food truck by the jordanian f plus 5 years. officer lincoln nearly what taught me to find out why the country sightseeing outbreak infinities the
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so us president joe biden says he hopes to see if i can be reached in doza by next monday. more detailed or emotional about the framework for this potential deal sources have told out 0400 palestinian prisoners could be reduced in return for 40 is ready captive united states, egypt and cut to mediation towards between a max and israel. political haine has more now from washington dc. this is an administration that has been very quiet about anything to do with the ongoing talks for a ceasefire just in new york, where the president was there for a campaign to parents. he was popular into an ice cream shop and a reporter asked, what do you know about the ceasefire? and he actually answered, no president, have a tendency to just simply ignore reporters. it's very common of it that they do that when they want to send a message though, they will take those questions and the president interestingly, because again,
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they've been so silent about it not being side of it at all, but being very specific by next monday. so that was interesting, he also use the word cease fire. now tempers these fire not truths, not pauses on humanity, very pause. all the different language that the binding ministration is used in this conflict, always avoiding the term ceasefire. so let's listen to how the president said that, well, i hope we have the, the end of the weekend. my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is why next monday, the president, very purposely it seems, trying to send a message to the negotiators that he expects this to be done within days. and it is going to be interesting to see what happens next, because we've seen these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu come on american television and say that there will be an incursion, a military incursion in to rafa ad. he said if, if there's
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a pause then that's fine, but it is going to happen eventually. now that is something the administration is been very concerned about. they've been very vocal saying that they have to a lot of the 1500000 palestinian civilians to be able to get safe passage out of rasa. they really don't want to see a full scale invasion of ruffled the things that can very much complicate the situation, especially with egypt. but still the prime minister of israel being very defiant and jo biden's team let it be known that the president is growing increasingly frustrated with how this war is being handled. meanwhile, his poll numbers are falling across the board. the young people, people of color are said that he's handling this badly. recent poll. 50 percent of americans think these relays have gone too far. patty calling l g 0. washington. scroll straight away. george white history is the most i joined us. and what do we
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hearing from these writers about the, the, well, these are the media, nick, the reporting that there is a huge degree of pessimism about this deal several different now that say overnight talking about the fact that a mass has not been taking engaged with some of the details have been proposed or at least public treat, talked about in terms of this framework. those include issues around a temporary cease 5 robin, a permanency 5. this would be 6 weeks of sci fi in return for around. the equivalent number of is really captives being released one day we knew that number the last couple days for the also that would include women, children, men who a slightly older and those have medical conditions out 0, arabic reporting according to sources. they had that they were going to be around $400.00 pallets sitting in prisoners swapped in return for those forties, ready captives. some fresh details from out of there are they supposed to have a night around? the disposition that is ready for us is inside the strip during this period as well
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as the cessation of aerial reconnaissance by these ready ministry, which would be according to opposite rabbit, 8 hours per day during this period. a big, big focus of cost around a and the amount of a that will be able to get into the gaza strip during any sci fi. and then just one of the issue, nicholas was noticing, there is of course, reporting around a delegation of israelis though ha, right now without having conversations with mediators that includes the us, egypt, and casts. as you just mentioned, those individuals, we don't know who they are. we don't know what that mandate is, so there's no guarantee of any deal in the next few days as president biden and patsy just alluded to. or i'm going to hang on there a 2nd. i'm going to come back to you in a 2nd because in the midst of the war on gallons of poles of open for israel's municipal elections is ready. so i'll just cost that balance in the besieged strip . well then the 7000000 is ready to eligible to vote for local councils,
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and some is areas that have been evacuated because of the fighting will hold the elections at later in the yeah, so been in this vote happening very much framed by the war and goes yeah, and this was something that was best buy in from late october. originally nick the is there any minute street says it has operates in around $900.00, also pulling station. some of those inside garza, some of them up with troops, so close to the lebanon border. but as you say, those communities place to those areas close to the conflict. they have been evacuated for some months. now. they will be taking phase they to, we want to get out and speak to his res, about what this municipal election means. because historically, it's been an indicator of what general elections might look like. and although there awesome significant differences and often the china is not nearly so high, we thought it was well talking to people about the subject. take a look. politics in israel right now is personal and polarized
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the re energized protests against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his full showing and opinion polls and not entirely new but with the ongoing for the political, state life and death of higher than ever. and of the month. so delay is ratings on choose day. can we add to recent events at the pilot books in the 1st municipal election since 2018 votes is the choosing town counsellors and city methods. and thousands of is really, municipalities municipality is different issues among residents. we met in west jerusalem. some told us local issues all the priority, the economic situation, the housing housing prices are really expensive. others said why the circumstances particularly the place to is ready to captives what effect how they vote found the, let's use that to you. i vote so really good. and no,
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i'm quite disappointed because um, i don't agree with that new friend no. in municipal elections. kind of the not always belong to a national policy such as nothing. you know, who's the, could the many still draw support from them for some local leaders, any links to the could, could prove a liability on tuesday at the ballot box. of the candidates, the may is and, and you and candidates that are affiliated with the quote and the they want to compete and the weight and the selections and just the fact that they belong to really cool the, or supported by the quote. it might affect the political, the future felt that's what i thought i shut off and that's why i 1000 on the phone . why don't pull these really minute tree announced it will operate hundreds of pulling stations across the country, including several already opened for soldiers in garza to cost the ballot. but it
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is really, communities neg garza. i'm the go to with lebanon emptied by the rule. that will be no chance to vote why didn't occupied east jerusalem. most palestinians will fully caught the elections. some is raised in the west of this trouble city, recognize the challenges that could create. we have issues with the many problems. and i think that if we want to solve them, then the entire country will be affected. as with many places, politics, it is often luthey, but an israel today, even local problems can impact national politics and ultimately gain global significance to the month. so i'll just say to west jerusalem on the ground in southern doctrine is really a raid has killed at least 8 palestinians near the vicinity of a major hospital. it struck a house near the q 8 hospital in
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a reference to southern may city and the strip more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians. a sheltering target boom begins coverage. the palestinians of rough uh a few ringing is very ground defensive. while the tutor still comes from the scotch and it's throwing kits near the quite the hospital out camera at capturing the sound. as for the children, i pulled the knife from the roots. it's an area and meant to be se the israel has this tip top. it's a tax so rough in the past few days, killing and entering several women and children and raising mole fees of what might come next. the north waiting for the aid has become a painful part to blowing thing goes. 2 for menu, monday's fine and can they do?
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they need military drops. it flies up the coast of areas that are in central cancer . hundreds raised to the ph. wading through attempt to reach the precious cargo. quite happy. it's not all could be collected for the lucky ones. it was much need me, but most food aid is required in casa in another part of garza, palestinians risk palms and phillips defined suit. the once again is what it's like . this would have to tell us that he is waiting for a fish built on me wants to expand its ground offensive into roughly 1500000 palestinians are. she'll treat the phonics the suit could wesson tarika doesn't oh, just the era. russell, southern guns. let's go live to run for now. honey by me,
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joins is from there and honey, the is really offensive. just grind for most of the on the good morning, nick. yeah, so this is what's going on right now with a great deal of, of frustration among people right here, particularly displays, palestinians in rough to be and the, what they're talking about is this is it's almost a month since the international court of justice ordered be, is really military or israel in general, to protect civilians here from acts of genocide ad but so far, uh, these really military fail to take the bare minimum is that to comply with that. and in fact, it continues to bomb and kill and, and main palestinians across the gauze is free. but just enlist that 24 hours in the early hours of last night. the residential home within the vicinity of the weight hospital, literally 2 blocks away from where i'm standing right now. 8 people were killed
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inside a 2 story building as it completely got destroyed by a massive air strike, including a, the, the owner of the lead, the family of the owner of the this residential building. and this place is family that was filtering inside this residential home, the breeze and a trap now could be seen fall in here within the vicinity, forcing people to duck down and take a shelter in, in, in the area. you know, shaw the refugee camp in or residential homes been targeted and this is not the 1st time since the initial week. so of the word this particular right, cuz you can densely populated with palestinian refugees was targeted hippa lee. i know i was of over nights a residential homeless, targeted, destroyed. there were footage seats where people are trying to help. those will survive the attacks pulling them from under, under the levels within the vicinity of that. there is the deluxe the
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hospitalization, but also more residential homes being targeted by air strikes that at constant artillery sitting within the vicinity. busy of the hospital just causing further internal displacement for palestinians who have been so far a lot of them. but the vast majority of people have been forced into this place. been more than one time across the gog stripping to find you. and as the situations remain terrible and only worsening in each passing the while, the israeli military, it stated that it pulled out of from the vicinity of north or has that those nightmares are still taking position in the surrounding buildings and still shooting at every moving objects in the inside, the hospital or its vicinity continue its to block. the entry of relief couldn't avoid wounding water food supplies the fuel for the power generators to get the hospital back on track. in fact, the entire city of han eunice now was lift without any health facility. what so
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ever, the conditions are continuing to worse than in each passing day. despite this talks about a league, the frameworks for is, sees fire deal a potential one, which people are very cautious in their optimism when they talk about it right now . that is the very latest situation in gaza. how do we live from rough? thanks honey. the patients in the hospital and con unice has spoken knocked off to the partial withdrawal of his ready forces. they stalled the facility a week ago, ransacking buildings, diamonds in parts of the complex palestinians of describe being mistreated in game for days without food. you'll come as far as you live on the 15th of february, up to one such a. and we were shocked because the shell fell in room number 4 and that was in room number 3. this someone was killed immediately. the hospital that is really set on microphones, they would enter the hospital to look for any member of homos. i'm but they would inspect every inch in the hospital and have
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a serial who would be is really storm the place and asked us to put our hands on our heads. and they asked me to show my id for they asked me about my husband and i told them he was injured and i don't know where. yes, we stayed 5 days without food. and on the 6th day they brought some food for us. if you look around me, you will not find even a piece of bread. i hope to be treated abroad. i am alone and i can't even help myself. a vigil has been held for a member of the us air force who died off to setting himself on file and process the gains, israel's will on gone to a small group gathered outside these rarely embassy in washington were hiring bushnell had sent him so far. monday, in a live stream video, he said he could no longer be complicit in genocide. his last words were free. still a head here and i'll just share it with on the front lines in the democratic republic of congo with on group say they've join forces with the military tobacco in 23 fights. this time building barricades in brussels. how farm is drove,
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the protest to the headquarters culture menaces are meeting the holloway looking at some try with them now. pushing in across a western pa, so very wrong cloud and gray things know that. so making his way over towards afghanistan brought to dry weather coming back in behind. we was picking up a little around the golf as we go for tuesday into wednesday, and it will be a little cooler than a slight possibility of some showers still affecting. i know i'm positive golf by that stage i perhaps a little bit of wintry why, but just stay with the high ground all around. but for most just you can see it is looking long as you drive lots to draw a picture across the west side of the med, sorry west side of the vines as well. we have got some shop showers just around the
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gaza, full deposit tuesday. practice guys do come back him. we're all going to see it staying long as you drive and bright as we go one into when stay. so several conditions, of course, that notation side of africa on several conditions for the north western side of africa, north america, north of mount g area. what's the weather or so just coming it's, it's an easy as we go through the next day or so with quite a brisk, we're just putting out sofa compatibility. so rocco wayne bisk on shop show is the just around southern parts of west africa. i'm planning a shop shala's into central africa. they're running all the way across to was there and be at the was nice and bacon still unsettled for medic. jessica. the discussing, the defining issues about time is what military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous and checked artificial
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intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen a studio b p a. i series on a just a, you the, the have a good you watching out 0. 1 of our top story is this uh and us president your advice and so she hopes she's fund can be reached and gone to by monday. more details remind you about a potential deal sole source of told dumpster the $400.00 pallets. the new president could be released to return for 40 is rarely kept and is really striking
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. a rock for has killed at least 8 palestinians. it struck house to a hospital. dozens of people to talk happened disease where the army pests and loads of ground defensive in the search field, damien, and forces carry, mounts, and ad dropping jobs or delivering much needed humanitarian, a people's rental to get the hands or 2 parcels. much of the landed on the coast and reference the democrats or republicans, congressmen latrice says it's joining forces with local groups to baffle m 235 to the north cuba region. until recently they were fighting government forces. catherine saw and spoke to members of one of the groups holding themselves by the lender and sentence this exclusive report. it's not too long ago, these kimberly spices were actually the ami are they call themselves was a lender. so he was 4 p, just the role on groups have put aside the differences, how the government forces,
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the goals to defeat what they see is a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the front lines. yeah, the seeing phones critical run this president on cuz i mean they accuse upon the entity 3 rebels. 7 karen says, she's not afraid to die. you're to go. so then you know my team disease, i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is can move, but we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here, but some come on this have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions. the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he
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states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda. in 1994, you got there was an into after you lower our knowledge was a lender. they are based in d r. c. but they are london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda to should be rolanda is problem not ours. the was a lenders based on fuel that overlook. goma and dwanda not run across the border. the colanda is here. say there war is to make sure the go ma is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and very new to think of a austin. what will happen when the conflict ends? when i show up on the friend this is over, we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can support anywhere within the country. but for now, the see the focus is pushing back empty 3,
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your own combinations board as for di, trying caching. so i, you know, google democratic republic of congo to set a goal with the president. microsoft is holding towards to set a new date for presidential elections, sites, weeks of protests and political time while since coding off the vote schedule for last sunday. most of the candidates, a boy called to the torque, saying they are an attempt by style to extend his rule. attack reports from the meeting in duck president, mikey sell making quino simmons to appease the crisis. at this national dialogue, he says he will leave office on april 2nd at the end of his term. but also that there will be a bill of am this, he passed to the parliament to free. all those have been detained in political unrest since march 2021. and this could include opposition to figure it was months ago. he says that these presidential elections will take place before the rainy seasons that starts in the month of july,
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but absence to this national dialog dialog. are the 16 presidential candidates that are boycotting the tox? willingboro? indeed, 9 and people have been killed and attacked, claimed by the rebel group, read to bar. it will freights from bases in the d. c. near the border. the killings took place while a family was morning. soldiers among the dead and 5 others were injured. for at the bar said it had attacked too burned in military positions. fisher lincoln government is russians are controlling outbreak of measles to boost the vaccine. rollouts has given priority to babies and open on this reports. now from columbus of the attempting to keep to the m that community, see this government clinic in a densely populated area. colombo has started administering additional measles vaccines. 5 years ago sherlock, i succeeded in eliminating measles as an outbreak last me mainly affecting babies.
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prompted health authorities to introduce an addition to those. for instance, 6 to 9 months old. the highly contagious abalone disease spreads easily, especially when an infected person costs or sneezes. the increase in infections to more than $700.00 in 10 months. has many parents worried. my mouse is due for the vaccine because he's 2 years old and there's also a search in this per the for me is, is that's why i brought to long trying to use the measles vaccine for 2 years ago and claim 99 percent coverage. a depend demik resulted in a decrease in vaccinations. recent estimates said 10000 to lumpkin children had not been vaccinated. doctors, a warning of diet consequences is that doesn't change due to them limited internet . i mean people don't understand the dangers. now. parents may stink once the
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child's got meals, everything will be okay. the complications, like those in the brain can occur after 5 years. the children's agency unit, which is supporting health authorities with additional immunizations says for longer have almost eliminated measles, which unvaccinated people are at risk. it's a global void now. so any family who travels doing a job or to see that the transmission of them is this is happening. so the likely that they make has the best thing fiction. and again, that this infection and if there is a valuable group of people interested into what, not for the moon yet, then the always remain in know a potential source for the, for the spinning things that to these 5 years of under investment, a crippling economic crisis and the rest of the form of health minister for fraud. the government says public health care remains. the priority. having you've advocated means is one's authorities here to determine to do so again, counting on a strong community health care system. but
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a previous drop in cases and fee is about vaccines. i'm making that difficult. mean fernandez, a 0, colombo, the hon. gary and parliament has ratified sweden's bits, joined nature, clearing the way for it to join the defense of lots hungry was the loss of nato's 31 members to approve sweden succession 6th street general a gin stilton bank says sweden's membership will make the lines safe and stronger still kind of abandoned this policy of known alignment off the russian invited to create a farm is in europe and north backing down on the bonds for an easing. if you trade policies the stage, the latest protests, agriculture ministers were meeting brussels. thomas took the tracts as to the belgian capital blocking roads and demanding fare prices for the punches. everything came back as just informed as vent the anger and brussels around 900 tractors, book entrances to the european council building
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e agricultural ministers meet in solid weeks. they've been protesting against policies. they say to them for making a decent living. the farm is say they want minimum price is set for that purchase. and the store to trade agreements that allow in cheap inputs. so here, such as the size, the american trade block, mercosur, with psalms, unrestrained by the regulations they face. all of us do what we wanted the definitive ends to the free trade agreement between the european union america. and we want prices that cover up production costs. they also claim the agreements favor larger corporations and businesses to create most environmental damage and the use column and agriculture policy will c a p needs to change if i can get that and what are the c a p that we have now has so many bureaucratic steps that we cannot manage to comply, we need an agricultural policy, the truly adapts to the fall of his needs and allows for profitability. and some
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complaint the environmental policies under what's been called a green deal hampering their ability to what some european ministers agree, something green data zooms that we need to implement the greendale in such a way that it becomes practical and less bureaucratic. that can be done. this commission, unfortunately has not done it well. most it, you know, we need to reconcile farm is what they policy. the c a p, it's the policy and without the see a pay, they wouldn't be such a powerful, ever a quote from $6.00 in europe. in a concession to form is the european commission scrapped a little to reduce pesticides, a target to leave land on, foamed improve. biodiversity has also gone many, and you politicians agree more changes has to be made to satisfy farmers. but it's not clear what name like the image and kinda how to 0. 1 of the world's largest tech conferences is getting underway here in concert for the 1st time, the web,
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some of the names to connect to entrepreneurs with investors from around the world based on the device. is that the in front of a sold out crowd web summit guitar opened with a bang. i'm pleased to announce a $1000000.00 investment in international and regional venture capital funds for day summit is the 1st of its kind in the middle east bringing together $1000.00 technology startups for more than 80 countries. this is an amazing opportunity for them to meet with investors. we have over $500.00 investors joining us at this event, which is obviously great. they'll have a lot of exposure. they have a boost date for one of the 3 days of the conference. so an amazing exposure as well for the $12000.00 attendees. i will be joining us.


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