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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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or it and type domain, the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the a us president the job i and he says israel is ready to hold its military operations in gaza for the muslim holy month of ramadan. the i don't know about this in this is on to 0 life from doha. i'm also coming up on his reading strikes. they are the coate hospital in southern gaza, kills at least 8 palestinians. women and children are among the dead. fighting escalates between 11 on an israel with both sides saying is retaliating the cross border attacks. i'm drawn 100 in dearborn, michigan. we're profiler,
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city and democrats are opting not circle for jo bite. the . we're going to begin with positive signals about a possible series. 5 deal between hom, us and israel. you as president joe biden says, an agreement for a temporary cease firing cause i could be reached by monday. and as part of it, he says, israel is ready to hold military activities during the muslim holy month of ramadan . jude to begin in the coming days. obviously the sources say the initial framework for the deal includes the exchange of $400.00 palestinian prisoners for 40 is really captives held in gaza. israel has also reported they agreed to the gradual return of displaced palestinians to northern garza. sources say that under the deal israel would repossession its forces away from crowded areas on hold aerial surveillance for 8 hours
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a day. barton was making an appearance on nbc that late night with set myers when he mentioned israel's willingness to posit. still that is driven ramadan off to the sho, biden told reporters he's optimistic that a deal is close. well, i hope, by the week of the end of the week my, my not security adviser tells me that for close costs is not done yet. my hope is by next monday, but the boxes joining us from all the bodies to is the minimum. what do we know about the details of those 2? the be laid out some of the broad, but it's important to add some extra contexts to some of this in terms of the possibility of a coming into gauze or this is something opposed to us and west not live pushed israel full for many, many months. now, it could be as many as $500.00 trucks a day according some sol says it could also entail the reopening of things like
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bakery the instruction of heavy machinery that would help to clear some of the day very. but besides the details of what this deal might look like, it's really important to focus on what both sides of saying about the likelihood of this deal. as you've mentioned that president biden talking about this being something that's very eminent, he seems very positive about it. i'm asked by speaking to those words, as these agencies of the last few minutes, saying that those comments about the whole sufficing and gaza off premature they do not much situation on the ground. one, how much the official told, right, says there is still big gaps that need to be bridge before the c spy. those conversations according to these randy media. continuing in doha, a delegation arrived that yes, that a monday, we don't know who's in that delegates and we don't know what that negotiating mandate is yet we're trying to get that information. but right now the prime minister's office in israel, not responding with any comments on that support, missed by the said. and those comments from us, echoing what we find in his writing media, about a serious degree of pessimism that that could be
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a deal between now and run the done beginning a problem. thank you very much indeed. have had a marks talking to smoking by these jerusalem, while in the middle of the war on gauze a pulse of opened and israel's municipal elections. soldiers cast their ballots and the besieged strip. more than 7000000 people are eligible to vote for local councils in mirrors. and is that have been evacuated because of the walks behold elections later in the year. the water and gaza has forced the postponement of the elections twice. here's more from the box and west of islam and have a continuing contract is exposing deep divisions and the electorate a whole lot 6 in israel right now is personal polarized, the re energized protests against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his pause showing an opinion polls and not entirely new but with the ongoing for guns at the political state, life and death of higher than ever. and after months of delay is ratings on choose
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day. can we add to recent events at the ballot box in the 1st municipal election since 2018 vote is the choosing town council. as in city methods and thousands of is really, municipalities municipality is different issues among residents. we met in west jerusalem. some told us local issues of the priority, the economic situation, the housing housing prices are really expensive. others said why the circumstances, particularly the plight is ready to captives what effect how they vote found the captive. i bought solely good. and no, i'm quite disappointed because um, i don't agree with that new friend no. in municipal elections. kind of that is not always belong to a national policy such as nothing. you know, who's the, could the many still draw support from them for some local leaders, any links to the could, could prove
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a liability on tuesday at the ballot box. of the candidates, the may is and, and you and candidates that are affiliated with the quote. and then they want to compete and the weight and the selections and just the fact that they belong to the really cool the or supported by the quote. and it might affect the political, the future failed. that's what i all thought they shut off. and that's why i 1000 on the phone. why don't pull these really minute tree announced it will operate hundreds of pulling stations across the country, including several already opened for soldiers in garza to cost the ballot. but it is really communities neg garza. i'm the voter with lebanon mt. part of that will be no chance to vote while an occupied east jerusalem. most palestinians will fully caught the elections. some is riley's in the west of this trouble city. recognize the challenges that could create. we have issues with the many problems and
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i think that if we want to solve them, then the entire country will be affected. as with many places, politics, he is often lucy, but an israel to date, even local problems, can impact national politics and ultimately gain global significance to the monks, i'll just say to west jerusalem. and is there any rate in southern guys was killed at least 8 palestinians need a major hospital. it started a house near the coate hospital in the rough uh were more than 1500000 palestinians . a sheltering kind of comp also has more palestinians. a rough, a few ringing is very ground defensive. for the tube still comes from the scotch and is throwing kits near the crate. the hospital out camera capturing the sound as for the children,
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uphold the mind from the roots and area and meant to be se the israel has this tip top. it's a tax. so rough in the past few days, killing and entering several women and children and raising more for use of what might come next. the north waiting for the aid has become a painful part to blowing thing cause. 2 for menu, monday's fine, in case they do, they need military drop supplies of the coast of areas that are in central council . hundreds raised to the peach wading through to, to reach the precious cargo white. the not old could be collected for the lucky ones. it was much need me, but most food aid is required in casa in another part of garza palestinians risk palms. pilots defined suit. once again,
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it's very similar to how the city is waiting for a fish built on me wants to expand its ground offensive into roughly 1500000 palestinians. i showed 3 flights the suit could with tarika bosom. oh, just the era, russell, southern guns. that is where the forces have again opened fire and palestinians trying to get food in northern gaza. drugs come under fire from guns and times this week job to obtain flowers and they all receive mode . your guys are sitting on monday is ready for us as a fraud and try just trying to get 8 several times in the past. few and screwed agency says it recently suspended a deliveries to the north because of the violence i my from was joining us now. from rough isotopic was just mentioned a moment ago about the kind of struggles that people have to try to get to monitor in a even if it is a job to, to focus through what is happening,
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where you are in those efforts to try to get a yes, rob, well this is not a newly warren issue. is this part of the initial weeks of the the genocidal war when the really defends necessary? impose the total fees across the gauze and for preventing anything of from coming into a gauze off in terms of food supplies and fuel and medical supplies, and other survival items needed. and i, coupled with intense bombing, can 3 and not only were seeing the great deal of devastation caused by the ongoing bombing. but also the fact that markets i have the power depleted from basic supplies. hospitals across the gospel by suffering from extreme shortage of, of medical supply center in affairs, amount of, of not necessarily then desperately needed amounts of both survival items. but oh
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wow. the, the famine founded that has been caused by the ongoing bombing kenzie and have fours fee pay doors to, to eat, crowns and eat animals. be just to see a, a live in another part and guys of city here and over its products, dropbox city and not only were seeing a children roaming, these rumbles filled the roads looking for a scraps of food. what are the same time, those who are somehow well off and have the cash flow necessary for buying food struggle to find basic supplies in the market. so it's not an issue for some people . it's not an issue of money as much as the availability of goods in the market and, but for the vast majority of people it's, they combined the issue with the lack of financial capabilities. but at the same time, the lack of
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a basic supplies in that particular when we looked at the number and the amount of a human to terry and aids being allowed into the gaza strip is just is nothing compared to the actual needs that people right now the they look forward to having an avery in each passing the just to survive these difficult conditions. i mean, time, of course these really attacks continue to focus through the latest res of the bullet. this particular time i can't really recall any, a draining time more than b is ours. is there a growing reports of, of a potential deal, but at the same time, it's growing a threat. so the ground and vision drop off city and also reports of but how much is folks 1st that target that she is lead to framework is not what the palace city . and i'm looking forward to have just mix feelings here. optimistic but very cautious about what's going to happen at the same time d,
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r in during intense bombing campaign here in rough city and the central air just within the past couple hours. and we're seeing a search in the artillery they're showing of based are in part of the central area, including dated by a res refuge account. but that has to work more than 10 people reported with different injuries do a lot. so hospitalizations, overnight attacks and rough estimate to 8 people being killed, displaced, family included in this talk and also the children of the owner of the residential homes. another uh, residential home and, and, but as the neighborhood that's eastern part of robust city where one person reported skilled dad more than 7 injury is also reported to a new job hospital. now there is this cycle of bonds. so trinity, but at the same time, the growing panic and fear as the bombing continues and the cooling continues across this trip. tiny mama in rough. uh, honey, thank you very much. what is there any voices of jo, 3 palestinians doing a right in the occupied westbank. it happened in the nose. if you have 2 of us on
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monday night entry vehicles and bulldozers were seeing moving through the streets at least $410.00 pond standing and so being killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th is where they started. so for the several times in the southern level and the last time are, these are pictures from bicycle are not far from the border with israel. it comes out to his ball, the lowest of bonner's of rockets on northern israel at least for the massage for 5, that is where the military sites they are. hezbollah says it targeted the man on air base. the group sat, it's in retaliation for as many attacks on eastern 11 on on monday a vigil has been held for a member of the us air force who died off of setting himself on fire in protest against israel's war. on garza, the small group gathered outside these really embassy in washington dc. add on bush not had set himself on fire. on monday, in a live stream video, he said he could no longer be complicit in genocide. his last words were free,
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palestine in michigan's presidential primary on tuesday, jo bivens is old, but starting to be re nominated as the democratic candidate. but israel is watering, does not look set to make it a major test of the president strength in a state. he not only want in 2020 account pain lines, but the large out of and most of the american population is demanding the bible. negotiate a ceasefire in garza john hendrick, positive story from dearborn michigan. this is where the phone came in. the warren garza, his devastated i'm in of white, is family. so we left over 90 members of my family. 83 died in a single is really bombing to pass a world away in michigan. abu ida blames president joe biden for his support of the war. on tuesday, he and thousands of others who usually support democrats planned to vote uncommitted in michigan's democratic presidential primary. i feel i have betrayed
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that i bought it for bite in 2020. you know, we felt it for somebody to bring us democracy and a humanity on the table. well, we see, you know, a government that aligns with a genocide of government to cold. my people, innocent people, thousands of them. hundreds of traditional democrats gathered at a rally and the majority air of american city of dearborn, they're demanding a ceasefire and gaza and pledging to vote uncommitted. dearborn mayor of dual a mood says it's not just an arrow of american issue. so not about being out of her being must have been having an attachment to the people in full us there and are being related by blood. this is about people coming together and seeing right versus wrong. they are joined, lead really by receipt of to leave. the only pell is getting an american in the us congress. if the campaign helps. trump, she says plain by visiting about is risk and another problem term over here support
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for the most right wing government. most extreme is government in the history of israel. there are 300000 air of americans in michigan twice. biden's 2020 margin of victory when you've got that big of a population that might or might not to support the president in re is re election efforts. boy, that could really swing the outcome in the michigan primary anger, his turn to action. but the real test comes in november when those supporting the uncommitted campaign will have to decide whether it is afford president viber or risk electing donald trump. for many like i'm not a lie to the answer is simple. how do you feel about joe biden? i don't think i'm i want to hear his name again. does america have blood on his hands? yes. with polls predicting easy primary victories for trumping biden. on tuesday, the war and gaza threatens to cause democrats at least one state. they've been
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counting on to keep fighting in office in november, john henry and l g 0 dearborn, michigan, a sort of head, and i'll just say to 5 years, officer lanka nearby is advocated measles. find that wide spacing an outbreak of the airborne disease, the the hello will say more likely showers across malaysia, indonesia push the move, full se i said, well, what a fine try. whether a few showers that coming into that eastern side of the philippines, driven in by the east level of basically wins had a similar picture to at times across the vietnam. so east, impossible to china again with the task of sink the old shower, to over the next few days. a lot of warm, dry weather coming through here. good scattering, a shower st. just around the equator, as
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a self there of joining up with the weather that we have cause northern positive australia live, the shower was continuing to rumble away. here with the big story from rose lane, with the mix style set down towards the south east, where we have some extreme heat continuing ahead of this call from this cold front, we'll slide through the by introducing some pressure as we go through the next couple of days, but at the moment the winds coming in from know the direction. and as a result of that we do have temperature is very much on the high side fi, thirty's, low forty's, a possibility into that southeastern kona. so that means extreme if don't catch of traffic a fire danger warnings in force at present, that system is not producing much rain as it flicks its way through. it will just tightly as opposed temperatures gradually making his way toward sidney. the a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade,
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loses its survival skills the tree, discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the the you want you want to 0 reminder of a top surveys this hour. and these really are stuck in rough, his killed at least age palestinians, and soccer hosted of the coin, hospital injury, dozens of people. we talk happened as the age really army prefers launch and crime
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defensive in the city as well as long as the bottles are broken. send to israel saying it's so tiny ation from attacks on eastern level, at least for him, a sizable far towards is really military science and the north and smaller size of the target at the metal air brings us president joe biden. he says he hopes to cease fire can be reached in gaza. fine monday, pardon me? says israel is ready to hold military activities during ramadan. obviously, the source has to say the initial framework for the deal includes a prisoner exchange. a button made those remarks about a potential deal during that appears on a late night talk show. and then we've got a recent principle agreement. there be a cease fire while that takes place, ramadan is coming up and there's been an agreement by the is realize that they would not engage in activities during ramadan as well, in order to give us time to get all the hostages out. that gives us time to begin to move in direction is that
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a lot of our countries are prepared to move in. and in the meantime, there too many of us and people that are being killed and is realized, slowed down the attacks and rough or they have to. and they've made a commitment to me. they're going to say to it that there is a village to evacuate significant portions of rafa before they go and take out the remainder of a mouse but fit. but as a process, israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations. if it keeps us up without this incredibly conservative government, they have and ben gavera and others most, i've known every major foreign policy leader and israel since gold. and they are, they're gonna lose support from around the world. and that is not an israel's interest. the military and democratic republic of congo size working with local on groups to
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battle m. 23 fighters in the north kiva region. until recently, many local fighters were buckling government forces, catherine, sorry, as spoken to members of one group, which calls itself was a lender. she spent this exclusive report not too long ago, these kimberly spies to is. we're packing the ami. our they call themselves was a lender, swahili. what? 4 pages. the rule on groups have proved, decides that differences, how the government forces the goals to defeat what they see is a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the front lines. yeah, the seeing phones critical and run this president on cuz i mean they accuse upon the entity 3 levels. karen says she's not afraid to die. you to go so then you know,
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my team gives me, i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is, can luba we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here. but sancho mind does have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions . the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland, or f b l r. that he shapes to have been involved in the genocide in rwanda. in 1994, you got there was island. after you lower our nurse was a lender. they are based in d r. c. but they are london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be rolanda as problem. not ours was a lenders based on fuel that overlooks goma and dwanda not run across the border. aquanda is here. say there was is to make sure that go, ma,
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is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and be new to speak. i asked them what will happen when the conflict ends? when i show up on the plan, this is over. we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can support anywhere within the country. but for now, the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your call is bold as or die trying, catching, sorry. you know, google democratic republic of congo in neighboring but owned a 9 people have been killed. and an attack claimed by a level group called a right to the bottom. it operates from bases into d r. c, near the border. cummings took place while the family was morning, soldiers among the dead and 5 others have been injured. but to bato said it had attacked too, but on the military positions. so there's
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a link in government is rushing to control and i break of measles a booster vaccine goal life has given priority to babies. but also not that supports from columbus attempting to keep children and that community see this government clinic in a densely populated area. colombo has started administering additional measles vaccines. 5 years ago sherlock i succeeded in eliminating measles, but an outbreak last me mainly affecting babies prompted health authorities to introduce an addition of those. for instance, 6 to 9 months old. the highly contagious abalone disease spreads easily, especially when an infected person costs or sneezes. the increase in infections to more than 700 in 10 months, has many parents, worried to my mouse is due for the vaccine because he's 2 years old. and there's also a search in this printer for me is,
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is that's why i brought to long kind to use the measles vaccine for 2 years ago and claim 99 percent coverage. a depend demik resulted in a decrease in vaccinations. recent estimate said 10000 freelance in children had not been vaccinated. doctors a warning of dire consequences. if that doesn't change. if i do to them limit they didn't. i mean people don't understand the dangers now. parents may think once the child's got measles, everything will be okay. the complications like those in the brain can occur after 5 years to the children's agency unit says, which is supporting health authorities, which additional immunizations says for longer have almost eliminated reserves, but unvaccinated people are at risk, it's a global voice now. so any family who drivers doing a job or to see that the transmission, nothing is this is happening. it's very likely that they make has the best thing fiction. and again that this infection and if there is
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a valuable group of people interested into what, not for the moon yet, then the always remain in the upper denture, the source for the, for the spending, the infection, these 5 years of under investment, a crippling economic crisis and the rest of the form, a health minister for fraud. the government says public health care remains the priority. having eradicate the visas, ones authorities here determined to do so again, counting on a strong community health care system. but a previous drop in cases and fee is about vaccines. i'm making that difficult. fernandez i'll just 0, colombo, health and motors has been declared across most of peru because of an outbreak of danger fees. a health, ministering says the spike in cases is died or a heat wave and heavy rains. at least 31300 people have been confirmed this year. 32 people have died. neighboring brazil is also rolling out a vaccine to cope with an unprecedented surgeon cases there. a gary in parliament
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has ratified sweden's been to join nato, cleaning the way for it to join the defense alliance. hungry was the last of nato's 31 members to approve sweden's membership secretary general gen stores in bag says sweden will make the line safer and stronger. stockholm abandoned this policy of non alignment after russia invaded ukraine. in russia, prosecutors want to present incentives for one of the leaders of human rights organization, which has won a nobel peace prize while i go along, has been charged with discrediting the army officer. he did not ins to russia's war and ukraine, prosecutors want him jailed for nearly 3 years. the veterans, human rights. com panel says the charges are politically motivated. near is really with almost done with your style silver. i see. i don't regret it because i stayed and rusher in order to continue doing my job. my work, which i've been doing for many, many years. also i consider what is happening now. this trial of me to be part of
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my work. i'm doing the job. it's part of my human rights work, human development by the way, you any idea and we'll continue doing it. so i'm not alone. and even if i end up in prison, my friends and colleagues will continue to work. farmers in europe or not, the packing done and their demands for an easing of e. u. trade policies. the stage, the latest protest as agriculture ministers were meeting in brussels, almost took the tractors to the belgian capital blocking roads and demanding fair prizes for the projects. and legend kimberly reports. european farm is bent, the anger and brussels around 900 tractors, book entrances to the european council, building. e agricultural ministers meet in solid weeks. they've been protesting against policies. they say to them for making a decent living. the form is say they want minimum price is set for the.


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