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tv   Witness Monkey Man  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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many years, also i consider what is happening now. this trial is made to be part of my work. i'm doing the job, it's part of my human rights work. human development by the way, you're on your id and we'll continue doing it. so i'm not alone. and even if i end up in prison, my friends and colleagues will continue to work. the farmers in europe are not backing down and their demands for an easing of e u. trade policies. the stage, the latest protest as agriculture ministers were meeting in brussels, almost took the tractors to the belgian capital, blocking roads and demanding fair prizes for the projects imagined. kimberly reports european farm is bent the anger in brussels around 900 tractors, book entrances to the european council, building. e agricultural ministers meet in solid weeks. they've been protesting against policies. they say to them for making a decent living performance say they want,
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minimum price is set for their parties and the store to trade agreements that allow in cheap inputs. so here, such as the size, the american trade block, mercosur with phones all unrestrained by the regulations they face. all of us do what we want a definitive ends to the free trade agreement between the european union america. and we want prices that cover up production costs. they also claim the agreements, favor logical operations and businesses to create most environmental damage and the use chrome and agriculture policy. we'll see a p needs to change. so if i could get that in one of these c, i p that we have now has so many bureaucratic steps that we cannot manage to comply . we need an agricultural policy. the truly adapts to the fall of his needs and allows for profitability. and some complaints and environmental policies under what's being called green deal. hampering their ability to what some european ministers agree. sending green data zooms that some. we need to implement the
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greendale in such a way that it becomes practical and less bureaucratic. that can be done. this commission, unfortunately has not done it well. most you to, we need to reconcile farm is what they policy, the c a p. it's the policy and without the see a pay, they wouldn't be such a powerful every coat from sick during your speech. in a concession to farmers, you are paying commission scrap the low to reduce pesticides. a target to leave land on, foamed improve. biodiversity has also gone many you politicians agree. more changes has to be made to satisfy farmers. but it's not clear what they might be out is there a witness is going to be out next time rob matheson, don't forget the website. i'll just say that don't come stay with us. the on counting the costs, nobody wants to make in the developed nation. how will that affect frustrated,
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follows? your pilot slipped into recession cabinet we gain is ranking as the world's largest economy. fos, cocoa, prices a soaring and chocolate levels of feelings of change. counting the cost on al jazeera, the, the, the, the, the people get the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, i mean easy. you are the so you pay like peebles. so as i go, they don't have to get into
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a bit of money. yeah. then we gotta go, the law locates the vehicle. the unit is due to the b to be the the unit if you can use the
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the 3 color coding because the money the me i repeat the the, the uh the b to the lease or like the cov, i did go to d for notes in mind that says he already, i did call my policy the to g g or you good? good. see to oh i got a call. i gave it a to gigi, as it's only yankee,
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a little. okay. the peak we the guys k as you already got those. yeah, you told me 2 people. cool. we left the toner. cool. my cause us in the room to be we'll into mind. we're getting my your contents or the gay, your think or putting must see notated, but it will not tell you the thing. it will literally only say to life. and i'm going to that you put me to let you know who doesn't much. we are legal. porter and political and then you know, the,
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you know, you model, they need to get the money they gave. well, they need to be made out and they need to take you to do to hold up in front of the team. please go to join the line, your tanza a tom we had them excited. they called kylie s a v. yet all of the angles both
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that are less key because i'd like it. uh okay. i can i say pallet jack in another 12000 minutes and therefore it is thursday and it's how do i get up again? the guy who was insane. the only gentleman from the other, but i'm at the local guys. he needs us ideas as he has almost a little that i know i'd be a lot of task is that i'm not seeing the yep, there we go with them. yeah, the seats is expensive. plentiful side is a to is a part of the legal is what it was. data compatible. we did you guys use it this real quick? it could be okay. yeah, yeah. well, when it goes into doing that, if there's that, i'm gonna keep when i get the numbers 2000 after that it is and we look at ways to make, you know, communicate plato, give me a call visa, click on the
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the 5. 0 yeah. it'll give you the most of the needs of usually you know, we never buy the buy board in the local move. you sorry. yeah. solid. i will be less. you can use a to assess, that'll fit into i use units have been paid for this order is the late let me double name will be in the media in data will be
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able to use that will be sort of boundary to be used for that issue. you get out of st, available for you. so you go closer level and be more than the would you people use all of the things that the us let's i comes i figured, you know, some land there for me as well. i'm more can see and ask you on those on demand that you know that some of the, some of those but those as well. so that was kind of the comments as late as can as ups. i mean, think of them and thinking deanna andy and last it was almost looks to me most leave it as i live on somebody that i'm moving to chicago, the name of care certainly been there. let's go 6 way a cl again security. i believe
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it will be the deal again, i will not fix the hopefully you need to go to to handle the the vehicles not only are we and i really need to move it to the to the visually we go because you know, a course that we love a me this is ebony those so yeah, it does a good job as a way to get there before you go by the beginning and does that it gets on the
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better team. is it fair because i already meet the know not a week ago moved on the edge of the timing we didn't include the dollar isn't take you to use the. 6 ringback the email, but it didn't, we overlap the we have these that i brought up is what i give. i got to be a good deal, but a good we have we have to deal with that. i mean, you tell me that you can okay. i mean, visit intended smoking, you'll be really excited to be able to know what you mean. okay. do you think if you kind of
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a little bit of the the
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the for the day will love someone some of the same. what you can do that for me. so for a lot of you know, say when i say mama, a meal 1st, at least the thing was the goal. my thing and might be that, that i may then be like a get a get up in the where i might even would or he was are you ready? yep. h
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because you know, help you with the money order . yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. okay. here's what we usually the one of our more here and rather the, your, your, he's probably the reason for them. you go with the deal really, but over the use of me or your thing, we have got to where you live close with that. yeah,
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well let me go by mail by what's the deal? did he hold? let me see if i mean, you know what i mean by the word of a panic. a lot of the i'm in the example if we can someone to quote, i'm going to be the and i'm going to get a, i mean the
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the the degree of the that he got the number. pretty book a really busy. yeah. of the the
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moon who was here you go easy to quote it will who will get normal pool? good normal pool. okay. maybe you think on wheels is more know how much. ok, and it to remember you take away you to my my, me never that you forward. i live in the building. they're using the menu and
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then yeah, yeah. get new employer when you get a good deal for them. oh yes. and you know, they thought super brief about yes at the, you know, going towards religion. this is winning a you, it's only being able to all your through you guys will be leaving the thing when you get to a ingram, i was not really going to put it on pay the tv, the getting the money, the internet and for the rest of the night move my, you know, continue my form of the, you know, you need to know, you mean you, but again, a, get us a little different and i must move
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. so he was the go back to your part of the plan. your he said, you know, we human go for most of the 990 and with me on the most out and look in your utility for me. so if you my met woman with the committee, the table meals are going to do the know if in the you, underneath you think it's, i like to, you know, getting a new black because i was like home, me my, you know, of the me hit on the update my little braces, leave my mind. yeah, boy, a boy you'll be doing is if you just to be looking to get up on our point. okay. understand you're guilty. but
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they don't think one of the other that is the i think it's more might be less what present. thank you. the flavor of the news? the 2nd it is i moved the money to the value of the play by that or did you never deal because the
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. ready the to the yeah. to reassemble it, but oh yes. oh, that'd be the one of the input. i got to remember when boys zillow really simple, even though it doesn't take on those more or less than me. yes. once a year, before i look at the cool thing, i want to do it the way you're kind of on the theater. you're gonna use it handled if you need the something simple can. so
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the guy that looks kind of going in the da instead of or the with to be of course the cable for it is the with the teams is being new to
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the new the guy isn't here, but you know, you think we'll get them to you as a put in to you a little bit more for the you know, the stuffing the cool thing. confident. easy. ok. they want to do the sewing. so i'm getting where you guys, i'm is new guns. this idea of you suspend the p o t, which is what i want you to do. you, orlando, you'll see it all in the computer. the tea party does not, did you. what do you give me? send me the template if i'm gonna pull it up right here. they have like a, the, me, me, me, you know, you told me to put it in there. do you want your body to plug in your beautiful? you'll deal with the 5. 0, yeah. okay. we, i couldn't wait, but i mean, it would be a 6 also
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is in the, in the middle of the and when people are the people, so you can either go ahead and look at the moment though they do like the list would be less, you know, paid or is it mostly so? no the okay. and then you go on the sign, the y jobs, i even don't lease inside the single single visa and i mrs. you this because to, to do is the see. you say to see the must be with the mental to the side of the toyota. or do you tell your people plan to do you mean do, did they call it the easy way to compile your ability to go into my credentials?
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you can take care of that, but you have again, but i will and you'll get a new deal. the guy that will give you a book related to the move you over to me to get this on the the because the you and what to tuesday. did you want me for the name or do you do the upgrade? we're getting a new release of you, i'm one of them, you know, the to byers, anybody can we, can we go through the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the latest news palestinians are not only queuing to got bread and water, but they're also doing on the machine to receive their treatments from the hearts of the story. how rude works to the cemetery. there is no tombstone for them, but he's determined that the names will be never forgot. with detailed coverage, the set up and the veterans tell us that many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of the as by the army examining the impact of today's headlines. if objectivity is still possible for you, we're not only pushing the most, just look, we are moving just algae 0 sets the stage. a guy is
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a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improved it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on ologist here. this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use
1:00 pm
the this business uptake the restaurant. no bundle dash football team is the the problems that hold romney all emails that are in use of life. and the headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, there will be a cease fire. all that takes place us present, joe biden says, as well is ready to hold since middle drill fractions in garza. so the muslim holy month of ramadan,
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the palestinians run to save their lives up to is really false,


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