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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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in deep sense that karl coverage, the residents of feeling guilty are already taking action to protect the reef. carl's come back to promote gross and replanted off the coast. it's fun for me. i do the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand the need to be a ceasefire. while that takes place, us president joe biden says, israel is ready to hold as military operations, and you guys are for the most of them. holy mugs of ramadan, the officer, this is audra 0 life and go home. also coming up the thought of syrians collecting food a force to run into their lives. is there any forces? open fire on the in northern guns by spring by the escalates present 11 on an
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israel with both sides carrying out the cost border strikes on why authorities in africa as the most populous nation on fucking down. companies suspected to forwarding the, as we begin with signals about a possible ceasefire deal between homos and israel. us president joe biden says an agreement for a temporary cease fire, and joseph should be reached by monday. and as part of that, he says israel is ready to hold military activities during the muslim holy month of ramadan, which will begin in the coming days. i'll just see the sources. so the initial framework for the daily includes the exchange of $400.00 polished indian prisoners for 40 is really captives held in garza. israel has also reportedly agreed to the gradual return of the space palestinians to northern gossip source. they say under
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the deal, israel would re position its forces away from crowded areas on hold ariel surveillance for more than 8 hours a day by made his remarks during an appearance in a late night talk show. and then we've done a recent principle agreement. there would be a cease fire while that takes place, ramadan is coming up and there's been an agreement by these realize that they would not engage in activities during ramadan as well, in order to give us time to get all the hostages out. that gives us time to begin to move in direction is that a lot of our countries are prepared to move it in. in the meantime, there are too many of us and people that are being killed and is real or slow down the tax and rough or they have to and they've made a commitment to me. they're going to say to it that there is a village, evacuate significant portions of rafa before they go and take out the remainder of moss. but it, but it's a process. israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations
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. if it keeps us up without this incredibly conservative government, they have and then give here and others most. i've known every major foreign policy leader and israel since going to may or they're going to lose support from around the world. and that is not an israel's interest a cause how there is one of the countries mediating negotiations between hamas and israel. as far the ministry spokesman says there's no breakthrough yet, but his country remains hopeful. i can't come into the details of any groceries as they are going right now. we don't have a final agreement on any of the the issues that i have been engaging an agreement. we remain hopeful not necessarily optimistic that we can announce something today or tomorrow. but we remain hopeful that we can get to add some kind of staff. again, it's obviously we've always said that come about. is it going to be a point of contention? it's going to be
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a part of consultation that we need to make sure that we are able to push the thoughts before the beginning of this development for that. but most of them i think, is also coincides with jewish holidays. and usually within the volume we think of orientation and you. ready to them and, and in other areas and the palestinian territories. and we've always said that we made. ready the need for the escalation before the but the monks is joining us. i'm walking by the east jerusalem chicago was uh, foreign ministry spokesman being cautiously optimistic there. but um, but joe biden is comments, obviously, seeming to be much stronger about the possibility of a ceasefire. what is israel saying about biden's comments? this morning we reached out to you by the ministry of foreign affairs and also the front of this is office here in israel department. us office responded saying they would not be commenting further on mr. biden's comments, but you have to remember over the course the weekend, benjamin netanyahu talking to some is really something versus television. that was
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a american television. that was to be specific. cbs and fox talking about the fight, but how mass and his was essentially operating on the planet when it came to negotiations, they would have to change that position very significantly this morning though. how mass talking to rights as the news agency. but those comments from president biden on the whole, to go the fighting premature. they do not much the choice on the ground and rub also according from a homeless official to that same reuters news agency. there are still big gaps, quotes that needs to be bridge before us the spot as possible. so a degree of pessimism that from the homicide. so let's talk about those, those big gaps and the details about the ceasefire itself. what more do we know about all of this? so the pessimism is shed at least a narrow bullet. thing of the major is really media outlets here over the course of the last 12 also hours they've been quoting unnamed is randy officials saying that
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they had received read it to be negative feedback from us by mediators like capped off in terms of some of the details that's still a little bit nebulous. different parties seemingly putting out different information, but it would of course involve a prisoner as well, but could be up to full 100 thomas and in prison is being released from is ready to send an en route, tons of 40 also is ready captives currently held in gauze of best, the possibility that these really meet ministry will be moving into specific positions to get out of the way of both the flow of civilians away from rafa. and also perhaps to allow space for some of those captives to be released as the possibility rubble. so they'll be an a top pause in aerial recognizance, something that we did see if you remember several months ago during the last series of prisoners thoughts where is ready drawings were encouraged to move away from places where captors might be reduced to a mass. fairly concerned about betraying those locations to the is raised in lights
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of a threat to the raves down the road. the possibility of a huge amount more a coming into the strip, something that the us and all the west now as a festival for many, many months now. up to 500 trucks a day. and that would, of course, be in stock from charles to some of those extraordinary images we seen from the call, the coastline of the last 12 hours also of those ad drops. and, you know, thousands of people rushed into the shoreline to pick up some of those supplies. the idea of 500 a truck today is much more in line with what you and agencies they've been pushing for as well. but i'm, thanks very much indeed, but i'm a mox talking to us from occupied east jerusalem as well just to follow on from that point. the volume was making about humanitarian aid and gaza is really forces . have again opened fire on palestinians trying to get food in northern garza. the crowds come under fire from the guns and tanks as they gather to obtain flowers on the oliver sheaves. rhodes, you guys a city on monday, is there any forces a fight and cries, trying to get a several times in the past year and screwed agencies says that recently suspended
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a deliveries to the north because of the violence. and the number of far right is really is a blockade from getting into the gaza strip. the crowd laid front in front of a border crossing with egypt, preventing the movement of trucks that of cues waiting to get into gaza. they'd trunks, i meant to be checked in egypt before the cross towards a garza off a 1000000 people in the strip of reports of late facing starvation. and all 2300000 people are short of food odyssey is on a socially has more from northern johnson. and she has a lady called you a a have you one such a dark night. so what are the people of guys that are here in the street waiting for humanitarian a to arrive? well, not there are some unconfirmed reports saying the aid will come to the northern areas of the strip of water despite the dangerous situation except for men, women and children of waiting to get a judge but major. oh yes. would you and then i have to be here and wait because my
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children, i'm very hungry, i'm very hungry as well. and there might be flower and we needed to bake bread up. and then we don't care anymore about the dangerous situation. we don't have hope when your child cries of hunger and you can't afford anything for them. what do you think your reaction would be? there is no food. you want to know who i've met and it's not that natasha is. our children are hungry and we are hungry. we grass and we eat animal feed. we haven't had bread for 4 weeks. my son sleeps hungry all the time. we are exhausted. we can't tolerate this any more. we love life, but in this situation, death will be better for me. my children can't go on like this anymore. we need a humanitarian aid by any means, the somebody good. the price comes up as a to the we out is that your body of the food, you trump in northern because we have witnessed, shilling bombardment, destruction,
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and massacre for nearly 5 months. these, what use different types of weapons against us. now we suffer from starvation. i kinda know, i know somebody was it was a bad yeah. these right is showing in the bottom and hasn't killed us yet, but the hunger will in northern does that hunger will kill us. we heard that i who come by us a lot of the road the we heard it would come is a round about, then we heard the i would be drops by planes. so we headed towards the crossing is that we ate the feet of animals. we ate the fate of sparrows and pigeons. we're about to slows a cat's and eat steam. we need help. we need to see. how does a whole lot of my shed will not be sure medical part of them? this is the situation in northern gauze. salvation is everywhere. well, in these railings, preventing fee of humanitarian aid to thousands and thousands of palestinians,
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i think desperately needed not to sherry if i just deal some of those who is joining us from rafa in guys that i'm honest or shelby's, they are pointing out some of the the desperate levels that people are reaching and guys have to try to get anything to eat, unit, and drop. of course, that's one of the key, like 2 key areas where rage is transferred into guys and just talk this through what the situation is like. yes. all the past weeks have been defined by the usual scene of seeing people in full and rubble folds roads looking for a scrap food or cuing for hours just to get bread or water supplies for their families. or even here in the market is completely deflated. people are reaching out to shop just to get do whatever they're able to provide their family. now the new norm, $4000.00 or palestinians in the northern parts is the, the 5,
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and they're waiting 4 hours for our military and his trucks. to get into the northern part of the guys a fib, derek video is showing people waiting got dark times. despite the danger involved with that had but it's happy because the people are hungry for the most part. there's actual acute famine going on there. so far we have a baby died of famine. another 17 year old girls, a died of that of the ongoing from and in the northern part here in dropbox, not only we're seeing, this is happening, but because it's all very crowded. this seems right now are everywhere. people either waiting for long dollars or they are actually begging for food everywhere, humanitarian aid. whatever have been allowed so far to the doctor is not enough, does not satisfy the reader needs. of the display of the population of, from food supplies to water supplies all the way to survival items, things that are needed, not only for the date to date life,
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but also necessarily need it for those who suffer from health complications or they are in need of immediate medical intervention, or they need to be healthy in order to combat these difficult living conditions. it's important to point out that people, the vast majority of people live in tends right now across the river city. and the living conditions are very difficult. and that's where they are. there is a serious and desperate need for an intervention to get more humanitarian aid to them. and how many of course, all the decision uh, plays against backdrop of continuing is way the way it's talk us through what's been happening over the last several hours. yes, well the ongoing intense bombing campaign is one of the major reasons that restricts the delivery of a just within the past 24 hours. we're looking at a close to 90 people have been killed across the gaza strip, barely from the since from the area. and the southern part of the gaza strip. there
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were more artillery sitting in the central area, particularly the eastern area of the central area. the eastern part of hon unit sunbrook city in what seems to be this really military has been deducted in what is called this stablish rid of a buffer zone by destroying more residential homes and raising more of agriculture land raise your f as you can. but we have, among other issues, you can 2 areas, densely populated areas with policy director use on in addition to displace families or from the northern parts and all the city food under tv areas and land bombardment and roof off within the past 12 hour. just barely hours of last night, we're looking at 8 people being killed in a residential home here, just 2 blocks away from the can wake hospital barrier. we're, we're reporting it from being a different attack this morning in the neighborhood that faced and part of the cities, one person reported killed in a side a residential, a slap, where about 7 people were critically injured, reported to unbox them. no jar,
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hospital incense from rough up. within the past hour we heard of a confirmed report said there's really a monetary pulled out of from these room part of the sun area. that's eastern part of one unit city where hundreds of people literally have to be able to buy out. and it just rushed through the area through inspect the great deal of destruction caused by the invading forces. a the intense bombing campaign on the ground, and we're looking to check if there are a survivors under the rebels and pulled to have those who have been killed and buried under the rebels within the past 2 weeks. and since the beginning of the ground invasion, how do you thank you very much indeed. how am i going talking to some of this is where the forces have killed 3 palestinians during a right in the occupied westbank that happened. and then all of this, if you have to us on monday night ministry vehicles and bulldozers have been seen moving through the streets at least 410 published and is being killed in the
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occupied westbank since october. the 7th. is there any strikes of hedge several times in southern lebanon, the last hour or so? these are pictures from, by, sorry, i'm not far from the border with israel. it comes also has ball or low some banos of rocket, so northern israel at least 4, he massaged with 5. that is really military sites there, as well as says at target at the met on air base. the groups that it's in retaliation for these really attacks on eastern 11 on, on monday. still ahead and i'll just wait on the front lines and democratic republic of congo on group say they've joined forces with the military to bottle. i'm 23 fighters, the hello. welcome to another look at the international full costs. we're still looking
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at. so when she went to adjust, affecting the fondles of japan with this, every flight pressure that's pulling out so the way so it will turn somewhat dry. and bryce was it go through the next couple of days. the always about still quite tightly packed. the so still looking at a brisk, normally when design a system makes its way away from us. a full thing sales is the top 10 percent that full rep, tokyo, losey, troy, across the korean peninsula, base and pieces of maybe the sleazy shower that to the north of sat, the boss you drive from northern parts of china, sickening cloud into central and southern areas will bring out breaks of very heavy, right. as you make away into the 2nd half of the week, i could pull some localized flooding a organize systems here, which was, well, it's way towards the fall south of japan. dry ahead of that system. try to request the good parts of india at the moments, the one or 2 showers, just up towards the far north of the country. one to 2 shows that to into spar lanka. because could, so it might be nice for you guys. well, based on whether i want to spend this way off,
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the vast kind of stop rolling across the book. this time we're looking at some very heavy down pools and that will roll this way through practice down as we go through fast. i eventually bring a heavy right back into the fond north west of india. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water should move in international law is vehicle be this model? until the discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does that affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without a 0 the
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you want to go to 0 reminder about john silver's this r u. s. president joe bible says he hopes that a cease fire can be reached and goes up by monday, 5 and says israel is ready to hold military facilities junior ramadan. obviously, the sources say it'd be in the initial framework for the video in terms of prison or exchange. is there any forces of again, opened fire upon us turnings, trying to get food? crowds come under fire from guns and time since we gather to obtain flour on road near guns and cities. as far as long as a broker center is real, estate hits in retaliation for the time on eastern level, at least for to miss owens with far towards is really mandatory sites in the know us as well as, as it targeted the middle and everybody's content has been playing
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a key role in negotiations towards the ceasefire and garza following the comments by us president jo, binding, foreign ministry spokesman says there's no breakthrough, but content remains hopeful for more not to our correspondent bahama vault is life for us here in don't mom and you are not that press conference where they have phone ministry, spokes person was speaking. he sounded cautiously optimistic, but that was about as far as he was prepared to go, the pride he did not to give the, the gentleness any relations, as you mentioned, as was very cautious. but also he assessed on the sense of urgency and everything that's going on in terms of negotiations. and as you mentioned, a couple of has been the hub for these negotiations since the beginning the walls and he agreed to, but there is any. is there any delegation here in the house for that to reason? and also the media is visiting for us in the next few days process has been
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cooperating closely in terms of the funding. do you mind detailing a to god so he did not link to that to the negotiations, but she was talking about the that thought edge and see and the need for the international community to work a fast on pause in order to bring solutions to this conflict. and particularly on 2 points, one of them is related to the month of ramadan, in about 2 weeks. it will be out of my bon and he said that's it is a month for heights and religious sensation sensitivities, both in both on the part of the guidance of the of the final scene is and also it's coincides with it and he's a jewish holidays. and for that reason that there must be a cx 5 before the end, the from about. well, obviously it is very desirable on the part of the companies without ceased by us to take face with these the timeframe. and also he mentioned the fox that the on the question about age and the is a looking a to 1000. you said that to use very sad about that. if any age to the hungry,
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apollo, seniors and gaza should be linked to the negotiations, it should be linked to the negotiations according to him. but sadly, it is, has that it has been linked to the negotiations. he said on these points, he said the international committee has, the responsibility is to deliver food to the hungary policy. and he mentioned as a cult heidi flights the popping going about 80 to a about to 92 flights have been conduct the sofa, thousands of tons different, vast spots on the point of insulated is located. he said it is for these ladies to also for the question and he's, he's also very sad. but this is the situation about 8 is that it's arriving. but these are, these are what can, you know, 15 each, the victims inside causing momma vol in the home momma. thank you very much. and dates as the going to get some, all the world news not nationwide. process that taking place in nigeria against the
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rising cost of living, a trade union, federations calling for 2 days of demonstrations. many unions blame economic reforms introduced since present depaula to newburgh to golf as last year. one of the most controversial changes is the scrapping of fuels subsidies. i'm gonna address reports from then all of those that you know kind of made is shocked by what he sees when he visits the local market to shuffle groceries. what i buy last time, it was maybe 500. now is 2500. you can see it inside about 500 percent foot prizes us paddling out of control. and the government describe linked to about a 100 crisis in africa's most populous country. trade union leaders have called the nigeria street, the streets in 2 days of protest. at the end of the month. the government says it's cracking down and companies suspected of holding foot supplies to keep prizes higher. once more he my good. do you mean good old lead and corruption,
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the commission agents in condo state to rage suspected warehouses. we were able to identify and those are places where they are holding the images and based on our patients, we look at this uh shelves. oh, warehouses. and after giving the houses we push, all we want to push out one day. trade is not just middle class has all but disappeared. and the poor gifting porter just a few months ago with a little concurrently lost around 100 percent of its value. that to 0 did the purchasing file for almost everyone who's paid in our most concerned for not yet as an item at the moment is a rising cost of who 200 kilometers from candle officials is so quick to on the border with the general public smugglers making things worse to most of the going to go to the for this from nigeria to the general public, sort of the consulate on my, there are, you know, and a ton to come back in have what they say for. and they will put it in a stench,
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you know, don't make edit appropriate. so it's 7 years. it's not just a shot. it's line boldest to for the inputs to boost domestic production since then . now, due to a subsidy and the prices of rice and other staples saw by more than 400 percent. when things continue to be like this without controlling in the next type one. i don't know when i didn't when somebody economies say the only way i did it can avoid a major crisis is just taught addressing attacks. but i'm groups preventing people from going to that farms. the dumb we should open the window, but we set in control with that on the what we need it can be brought to you and only what we have accessed can be took out of the country. the reason way houses may provide some temporarily for now, but it couldn't be say, government leaders must target high inflation an interest rate, as well as investing more in the agriculture industry. how many degrees? i just need
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a couple. nigeria in the military and democratic republic of congo says it's not working. was local on groups to tackle m. 23 fighters in the north chief who region non route till recently. local fighters were battling government forces conference . so i've spoken to the members of one group called once a lender, and she said this exclusive report not too long ago, these kimberly spices were actually the ami, how they call themselves was a lender. so he was for p just the role and groups have put aside the differences to help the government forces their goals to defeat what they see as a homeowner and to me, to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the phone lines yeah, the sing songs critical run this president, forgotten me. they accuse upon me empty sweet rebels. karen says she's not
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afraid to die. you to go so then you know my change. i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is, can luba we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here. but some commanders have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions. the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda. in 1994, you got there was island f dealer. our nurse was a lender. they are based in d r. c. but they are london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be rolanda is problem, not ours was a lenders based on fuel that overlooks goma and dwanda not run across
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the border. aquanda is here say their role is to make sure that go, ma, is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and be new to speak. i asked them what will happen when the conflict ends? when i show up on the friend this is over, we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can support anywhere within the country. but for now, the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your call is bold as or die trying, catching, sorry. you know, google democratic republic of congo, russian court is sentenced a veteran human rights campaigner to nearly 3 years in prison because he spoke out against the war in ukraine. while i go along very is one of the leaders of a human rights organization, which is won
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a nobel peace prize. it was convicted of discrediting the army officer. he did not ins to russia's invasion of ukraine, although says the case is politically motivated. the southern states as largest on the longest running multinational annual military exercise has begun in thailand. more than 95000 troops from 14 countries have taken part. the united states have sent its largest military contingent in attack. a authorities in the us state of mississippi say a wildfire that's been burning since saturday is our 50 percent contained, like smoke is still hanging above jefferson davis county. the foster commission says the place has burned through more than 520 hector's of land. now what's being billed as a sigh, find documentary about the 1948 polish sending the experience of the not from our catastrophe as premier in london, it offers
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a look at an alternate history for the displacement of palestinians never happened on the faucet that the co directors of the field contact him, so this is a film in which the city of lead the rates its own story, sub office and confirmed. that's kind of a stand to them at the bottom of a session between me and it's the story is a knock, but what time has to be in school? the catastrophe of false displacement in 1948, the israel was created. but it also offers an alternative and imagined history in which the knock that never happened. and as i say, it's co directors aimed at engaging audiences with the familiar subject in a new way. 7, i are huge scifi in there and we figured ok, let's see what happens if you know stranger things or rick and marty made connect behind them. the pleasure of talking.


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