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tv   NEWSHOUR  ALJAZ  February 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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is out standing generally some how does the integrity in the seat of the, [000:00:00;00] the single rama neil watching males that renews online from one headquarters here in the also it coming up in the next 60 minutes. the palestinians collecting food or fulls to run for the allies. this is really for us is they've been fine. roman in northern gauze that with there be a cease fire. all that takes place. he was president joe biden says, israel is ready to hold its military operations in gaza for the muslim holy month of ramadan. i'm john 100 in dearborn, michigan,
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where profile is danny and democrats are opting not to vote for joe vide and 5 years after so long. can anyone, measles find out why it's facing an outbreak of the disease? and i'm far as small with a sports. andy murray, hence he could and his tennis career within months of the world, number one was speaking after clenching. just his 2nd victory of the year. i sent you by the welcome to the news is right. the full size of again opened fire on palestinians trying to get food in northern casa. the crowd came in to find some guns in times as they gathered to obtain. so rashid road, the cause of city use agency footage was released on monday a day after. the incident is very the full sense of fund on crowds trying to get a to several times in the past. and through the agency says it's we recently
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suspended a deliveries to the knolls because of the violence and some israelis, holes a block, t monetary and aid from getting into the gaza strip. the group play in front of a border crossing with egypt, preventing trucks from moving as a cute to get into casa a truck. so meant to be checked in egypt before they crossover to the spikes person sold you and see about as heavy an office. as a recent medical evacuation come, voice was also stools biased by default is for several hours. despite prior coordination for all staff members and be killed with the east right side of the story, the forces blocked the w. h only convoy for many hours. the moment it left the hospital, the east ready, the military forces that the certainly military forced patients and stuff out of ambulances, and stripped all kind of medics of that close 3 published in a read christmas society. paramedics was subsequently detained. although the
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personal details had been shipped with the east really forces in advance, while the rest of the convoy stayed in place for over 7 hours, one paramedic has been released and we appeal for the immediate release of the 2 others and all the detained health personnel honey, my new joins as though from rough or these are desperate images. all people trying to find food despite the i c, j instruction that as well must allow humanitarian aid into goals. and just as difficult to aid agencies who are desperate to get that a of the old that is correct, then that's what we have been document documenting and reporting about within the past weeks. and since the initial weeks of the war and right after the international court of justice rolling out and the demand that it may do as well to comply and to report that it's not doing it to stop the genocide,
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the lax on the ground. that by allowing substantial amount of human turn in a to the displace population across the gas for not only is room for you to uh, to, to, to comply with the bare minimum of the steps to provide and ensure the humanitarian aid being delivered and basic supplies but also it continues to create very difficult conditions on the ground that restricting good largely the delivery of humanitarian aid to designating a points across the guthrie mainly in the northern part that suffers from acute fountains right now. and here, there is a depletion of, of food supplies and water supply, the number of age trucks being allowed into this particular area. it does not meet the actual needs of people who suffer on daily basis. on top of that, the mechanism is largely broken and is it goes it through a if there's a multi layer in 6, the security clearance of process starting from rough,
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i crossing all the way to kind of a sounding depressing and then going back to rough. i had been being allowed there also certain items that are not being allowed to for some security reason that these really military is stated are not allowed to the gods through holy to me. the situation is very difficult. the, they, the usual see it right now is either people in, in rubble fold roads. the searching for fluids or the arcs gather in larger groups in the northern part, waiting for trucks to get in. so they are able to take whatever they're able to provide for their families and to keep them alive. and of course, amongst the, the need for food, the ongoing day and night rates continue. so people are always worried about the safety. are yes indeed on we are too worried about our safety just within the past half an hour
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out of the the fact that the truck, the car that we used to drive from our homes to the side was targeted by uh, warning missiles all the way through the sides right here, no injuries reported no harm to the car, but the fact that it is happening this morning miss, i'll do, i'll just leave her a car on the ground coming all the way to the side. here is that indication that there is no safety whatsoever to what's going on right now when it's all. so i need a reminder that the role and get for it. so coming throughout by $84.00, a grounded vision and expand the ground invasion. and to target the only platforms right here that is reporting on the day to the atrocities. it's sunday morning and very concerning for us on the ground right here. early, our hours the we're a talks everywhere across the ga strip over nights here in rough city where a people killed just 2 blocks away from a to a hospital. another attack in the,
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the eastern part of the city where one person report is killed, dead 7 injuries in the central area. same situations where one person was killed in there, but another one and a rage, a as a result of heavy artillery sitting since earlier hours of to day honey. my mood and roughly thank you. a so use presence, a button says an agreement for a temporary cease file ring gauze that could be reached by monday. and as part of it, he says is right, is by the to whole military activities during the muslim holy month of ramadan, which begins in the coming days. i'll just as also say that the initial framework full dale, includes exchange of full 100 palestinian prisoners for 40 is ready, the captives holding garza as well as also report to the agreed to the gradual, retentive displaced palestinians to northern garza. sources say that under the daily as well, would re position its forces away from the crowd to the areas and hold aerial surveillance for 8 hours
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a day. the bodies and made his remarks during an appearance on the late night talk show. and then we've done a recent principal agreement, there would be a cease fire while that takes place, ramadan is coming up and there's been an agreement by the is realize that they would not engage in activities during ramadan as well, in order to give us time to get all the hostages out. that gives us time to begin to move in direction is that a lot of our countries are prepared to move it. in the meantime, there are too many of us and people that are being killed and is really slow down the attacks and rough or they have to. and they've made a commitment to me. they're going to say to it that there is a village, evacuate significant portions of rafa before they go and take out the remainder of a mouse but fit. but as a process, israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations. if it keeps us up without this incredibly conservative government,
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they have and then give here and others most. i've known every major foreign policy leader and israel since going to may or they're going to lose support from around the world. and that is not an israel's interest. it will be speaking to the bulk said ok, 5 east jerusalem about what the israelis is saying that says this concept of montana who's in washington dc. it does beg the question like what does by you know, that we don't seems to be older of the day at the moment because everybody's keeping quite tight lipped yes, i have been uh silence on the whole matter. although we know thats negotiations happening going on on various levels and in various places for a period of time. but you've got the president of the united states saying that there's an agreement in principle for a ceasefire beginning as soon as monday. now, president biden, there was referring to 3 separate elements in 1st, a short term ceasefire, which he with a to been a medium to
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a sequence of events. him saying that that at israel would, on the, the run the done a holiday, it would cease activities. he says, during that holiday which begins round march the 10th, then president biden says this into and would give a dynamic to allow longer form negotiations to take place and care. he appears to be implying some form of why the era recognition of israel in exchange for a longer to cease fire or indeed agreement. so we're looking at 3 levels of what president biden is referring to. first that show to him sci fi, which would allow the release of the number more of the goes being held captive in gaza. then the extended seas file, which would ensure that those captives are able to get out of gaza safely, would give enough time for that. and then a longer period of time in which president biden says the dynamic could be altered,
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leading to a longer term solution at the same time as well. he was a really harsh me, critical of the current is right. the government saying it is so conservative that it stands the danger of losing support around the world. so late it's comments from a president biden there, but making clear, most importantly, that he believes that that is in place in principle agreement on a cx 5 beginning in coming days, like kind of with the latest. thanks very much from washington dc. that's cool. so it was available to join us of mulkey pied, east to resubmit, that helps you with monitoring for the moment by moment what is well might or might not say about preston biden's comments. what's the latest that well, those comments now has been out for several hours. hell we've not had any response from these made a government so far. we've reached out to the prime minister's office to benjamin. i know his office no comment that they are offering them and we've reached out to
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the ministry of foreign affairs. they have not responded to request, however, is really official speaking to is really media. are talking about the comments. they have been reports, at least saying that they don't really recognize where the optimism comes from. and over the course of the last 1516 hours over night since the us started to make noises about the situation to run the president by and was talking in an ice cream paula about this on camera just yesterday afternoon. since that moment, a lot of his reading media really reporting very, very pessimistically about the possibility of a deal in particular reporting is randy officials having receive feedback through the mediators from homicide. in which that seems to be some serious gaps between the 2 positions. and of course we sort of got sent me confirmation that it is really delegation, has moved from israel to de la for those tools we did. all the makeup of the
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delegation is and whether the words pause or cease fire a positive the discussion and that really is central. those tools and power several days ago involves the head of most side, the foreign intelligence agency here in israel, the head of sion. but the domestic security agency here in israel, we don't know where the figures of that stature are in cast off for these conversations at this stage that have been reports in these writing media that it hasn't been people quite so senior going that and which might mean they have less of a significant mandate to negotiate some of these details. but at the very center of old is the hoss of the, the challenge for all of these mediators. all of these negotiate is trying to reconcile. what is relo said about absolute victory. and what, how mass is looking for, which is a permanency solve what they call them. and so the war when that's and you know, who speaks to the us television networks of the cost was we can, he repeatedly said whether or not there is
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a temporary cease fire. we will push on into rafa later on. that is not something how mass has made clear they would be happy with that a month. so for smoky potty stories and thank you. so it cuts off is one of the countries mediating those negotiations between him on sundays? well, no, it's foreign ministry spokesman said there's no breakthrough yet, but his country remains hateful. and i can't come into the details of the groceries as they are going right now. we don't have a final agreement on any of the the issues that i have been engaging an agreement. we remain hopeful not necessarily optimistic that we can announce something today or. ready tomorrow, but once we remain hopeful that we can get to add some kind of fast agreement, obviously we've always said that the line is going to be a point of contention is going to be at a point of compensation that we need to make sure that we are able to push qualifies before the beginning of this is development for that,
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but most of them it is also going sides with and you have holidays and usually within their amazon we think orientations and you. ready to them and, and in other areas and the palestinian territories and we've all. ready said that we maintain the need for the escalation before the moment valve has moved from the a couple has been the hub for these negotiations since the beginning of the war and he had to be to but there is and is really the ligation. here in doha for that's a reason and also the media is a visiting for us in the next few days for us has been cooperating closely in terms of delivering humanitarian a to a gaza. he did not link to that to the negotiations, but she was talking about the not as you'll see, and the need for the international community to look at fast on top in order to bring solutions to this conflict and particularly on 2 points. one of them is related to the month of ramadan, in about 2 weeks. it will be out of my bon and he said that's it is
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a month for heights and religious sensation sensitivities both in both on the part of the guidance of the, of the palestinians. and also it's coincides with it and he's a jewish holidays. and for that reason that there must be a cease 5 before the end. the from about was this is very desirable on the part of the companies for about 65 to take face with is a time frame. and also he mentioned the fox that the on the question about aid and the is a looking a to gaus. he said that he was very sad about that if any age to the hungry policy needs and gaza should be linked to the negotiations. it shouldn't be linked to the negotiations according to him. but sadly, it is, hasn't it has been linked to the negotiations. he said on these points, he said the international committee has a responsibility to deliver food to the hungry policy. and he mentioned as a couple of flights the popping going about 80 to about 2 flights have been
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conducted so far. thousands of tons the different adapt, but on the point of easily these block units, he said it is for these ladies to also for the question. and he's, he's also very side of this is the situation about 8 is that it's arriving. but these ladies are walking, it's not letting you reach the victims inside causing as in michigan's presidential primary on tuesday. dr. barton is old, but sudden to be re nominated as the democratic candidates, but israel's were ongoing. so look, set to make it a major test of the president strength in the states he not really within 2020 the campaign led by the large urban wisdom, american population is demanding bike and negotiate to cease firing. garza to 100. how's the story from table in michigan? this is where the problem came in. the lauren garza, his devastated i'm in of light is family. we lost over 90 members of my family. 83 died and a single is really bombing half
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a world away in michigan. applewhite of blames president joe biden for his support of the war. on tuesday, he and thousands of others who usually support democrats planned to vote uncommitted in michigan's democratic presidential primary. i feel i have betrayed that i bought it for bite in 2020. you know, we felt it for somebody to bring us democracy and a humanity on the table. well, we see, you know, a government that aligns with a genocide of government to cold. my people, the innocent people, thousands of them. hundreds of traditional democrats gathered at a rally and the majority air of american city of dearborn, they're demanding a ceasefire and gaza and pledging to vote. uncommitted dearborn mayor of dill, a mood says it's not just an error of american issue. so not about being out of her being must have been having an attachment to the people in full us there in her being violated by blood. this is about people coming together and seeing right
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versus wrong. they are joined, lead really by rashid to, to leave the only palace getting an american in the us congress. if a campaign helps trump, she says, playing by visiting about is risk and another 12 term over just support for the most right wing government. most extreme is government in the history of israel. there are 300000 air of americans in michigan twice. biden's 2020 margin of victory when you've got that big of a population that might or might not support the president in re is re election efforts. boy, that could really swing the outcome in the michigan primary anger, his turn to action. but the real test comes in november when those supporting the uncommitted campaign will have to decide whether it is afford president viber or risk electing. donald trump. for many, like i'm and i'd like to the answer is simple. how do you feel about joe biden?
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i don't think i'm. i want to hear his name again. does america have blood on his hands? yes. with polls predicting easy primary victories for trumping biting on tuesday, the war and gaza threatens to cause democrats at least one state they've been counting on to keep bite and in office. in november, john henry and al jazeera dearborn, michigan. it's called the surrounding busy coach of the abandon bite and campaigns enjoying this live, not from detroit in michigan. mr. toronto kentucky. with this on, i'll just era, i suppose that you have task. why would you want to abandon president bite and when you know exactly what the reality of a trunk administration would be for minority groups and an issue such as garza yeah, uh, thanks for the opportunity to speak to you and your viewers. our is no longer going to settle for the lowest better than the fair wonder, right off the ones you don't. what you're going to break from, you know, right now,
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9 out of $10.00 thing is have been dismissed from their homes. so the democrats are really trying to stress, and i know by that, but if you don't stick to bite in the attendance person who has not been displaced from his own is going to be displayed. so this is really ridiculous, almost insulting to us as, as the border. so we want to abandon biden and, and if they are going to be completely disconnected from their constituents, they are then the, they really have no one to blame by themselves. now that is more than 70 percent of the american population that across around there are calling for c expire 60 percent of the of the general population is fine policies, fire and 90 percent of those small voted for your mind in michigan are calling for ending the genocide as to why minute and his words do not want the best. cool. so do they ever present it on for present 90 percent of the american motors for 60
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percent of the general american booklets for 70 percent of the democrats in the united states? does you represent nothing? yeah. one big the fear a lot less cause what else does came in in terms of pulse? does that mean the calling michigan way you are about to got a boy who really is a background of 2 sides. but can you tell me how about barclays for hearts and minds and how it's developed over the last full months and find to have that conversation and have that that debate a yeah, i mean we started really lose october when we're on the phone, the listen to me is on the $8000.00 that is $1000.00 thomas demands were killed and reset it by the goal for a ceasefire and the genocide now or a risk last monday. and that is when, when i bought out the video that kind of went viral and people send it to the white house for the white house,
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continue on and use them 3 times. so that kind of gave us and, and of course, besides that, the president is the biggest megaphone in the world. that is the white house to perpetuate ally that the published. and it's been, it's, will you be just, you know, to, to kill babies is one level of evil, but to be heading a baby, 40 on the quantum, leave them to get into a bonus. and the president was perpetuating the lights, which to us was a precursor for the genocide that did take place. the president never apologize for that. and he continued to support this rate is what he said there was no reply. no, i think that kind of develop a sense the president is disconnected from our community and our community is going to punish them by making him a one term president. and couple of his boss is grace of the genocide. god. okay, so you, you have you and you say very clearly the issues that your community want yet does
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the issue of gauze wasted as more heavily with you rather than not the sort of local state wide politics. i mean, there's the cost of living crisis that was an issue of robust his way to the bush and which is a big talking point across the united states. there will be voters in michigan who do not relate on not bothered and do not care about what's going on in garza. they also are a votes bang. how do you persuade them to come around to your way of thinking if that's the best way of actually describing this as well? i really think we should give the director of the them that we are doing right now . when. when aaron, the bush now made rest in peace. when he went away, guy, it's 25 years old activity with the air force person goes to the is really embassy and said, i'm not, i'm not going to be a witness. the genocide any more. any,
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any relates themselves. i think that is a testament to this cents a month and then you know, since services we important you know, when there is a fire in my next door, neighbor's house, i'm not going to be complaining about though he doesn't move them on the where he bases the front door? no right now the top priority, the number one priority is to but out the flyers. and right now our priority is to end the genocide in doesn't really matter right now. imagine that the all of us is on board right now. i'm talking about, oh, are there only 60 concentration camp, or are there 4 to not know right now you gotta stop. the agenda started, you gotta start the beginning. and, and this president, administration seems to be completely disconnected. honest constituents that i made people over. i mean, right now with our abandoned by didn't campaign we're having to african americans, not asian americans. people from every walk. and why is the progressives and people
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who are concerned with the humanities are really on our side, sending a very strong message to the president. you got to stop the genocide, stop supporting the is really the genocide against the palestinians. it will be very interesting to see what the results of the primary i'm sure will get more comment from you as and when that happens. call it to rodney, thanks for joining us from detroit. as well as being billed as a side documentary about the posting experience or the knock about catastrophe of 1948 has premier in london. no, nope. as a look at an alternate history. but the displacement of palestinians never happened . probably full set, but the co directors of the field victim. so this is a film in which the city of lead the rates its own story, sub office and come from that's kind of a start the down at the bottom of a session between me and it's the story is a knock, but what time has to be in school, the catastrophe is force displacement. in 1948,
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the israel was created. but it also offers an alternative and imagined history in which the not, but never happened. the device, say it's co directors and, and engaging audiences with, as a media subject in a new way, satellite or huge syfy in there. and we figured ok, let's see what happens if you know, stranger things or making more to meet a deductible item. the pleasure of talking patient can take many things, but one thing they can take is your ability to imagine so they can take your imagination. this alternative universe mechanism that you chose. it's the reality in which israel doesn't exist. how do you expect this can seats to land and the current circumstances? of course i'm extremely concerned about the rise and anti semitism, which i do believe is real for me it. there's so much jewish presence in our film.
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and so, you know, we have this independent state of, we call it the greater 11th, which is a syria palestine, another 9 and into this independent of palestine. jewish refugees fleeing anti semitism in europe are welcome to the real world has changed drastically since the film was finished. the how much the tax of october, the 7th, and the way that the is rarely a sole tom, gaza, rama eunice palmer city and citizen of israel. it's a 2nd back, but they call it willingly transferring the people from gaza. but that's just another fancy name for ethnic cleansing. and the genocide that's happening in, in, in the us and goes out right now unit says october, the 7th, instead of a tech tonic shift to the right within israel impinging on free speech for the palestinian, his radius of the month. so relative quiet he and his co director on now speaking out about this to him once more, i'm here. it is london premier, a fundraiser for a policy in educational charity. and later this year and more planned events in the
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united states were hurtful as it i'll just say around london. that it's time for the weather is of it and i, we got some, some faces of private right across the middle east. at the moment, i think hearing tests always just a lousy drive, but that's a possibility of some what's the weather just to the north of us around the golf all the way up towards q 8, snow the river, the high ground of iran, some live, the showers into around west and pause, you might even catch a shower to cities in the end of a mont, as a system continues to trundle its way towards buckets done by some heavy down pools . and some snow there for afghanistan, bright disguise come back in behind and it will stay dry and practical season. the side of the mediterranean temperatures gradually picking up here as well because it goes from point to celsius on wednesday to about 23 degrees on that 1st day. unless you can see the sunshine is standing right the way up into the black sea. so some sunshine to across the northeast of africa, some shallow side for the north west of africa, northern positive algeria that could cause some localized flooding. northern areas
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of tennessee, a to sing some of that, which was quite impressed. quinn, just driving his way out til lydia scirocco when this one shows they're starting to push into the fall south of west africa and penny a shout was, wants to get rod across central africa, some big down post, just about mozambique extending into southern tents in the as well, so head hale now does it are as municipal says something garza due to his rails bombings, piles of golf and short summarizing the spread of disease and draw on the front lines in the democratic republic of congo at home groups say they've joined forces with the military, it's about 1123 fighters and it's fort, we'll show you how the einstein who reclaims how well dressed food and easily on. so coming with following the president biden says, one to 2 states solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe
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it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. salvation is being used as a what the only way to stop from going to cost ation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks go with the flow are just hard to break it and shows the level of difficult because of the shortage of human materials aid. we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to i prefer desk to this humiliation more is not killed as yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements,
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the of the deal, what you'll just, everything's out with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top stories as pull up. so as little a barrel, jerome kits into is around saying it's in retaliation for times on eastern level. at least the full human silence will find tools, is really ministry sites and an old test. the law says it's targeted them that on advice you as president j pardon, says he hates the see saw it can be reached in gaza at 5 mondays buttons as well as ready to help with a tree activities during ramadan. folks that are sol says save the initial framework for the de la, includes a prisoner exchange. and this is where the whole certificate opened fire on palestinians trying to get students to move in, garza across, came in to find from guns and tags. since i gather to obtain file the algebra sheets, right,
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because the city on monday how many people in gauze report to be facing salvation? i know 2300000 a shoulder food. how does that result also, should it be possible for the north of the strait a she has a, a lady called you a a. have you one such a dark night. so what are the people of guys that are here in the street waiting for humanitarian a to arrive? there are some unconfirmed reports saying the aid will come to the northern areas of the strip of water despite the dangerous situation except for men, women, and children of waiting to get a major over lead. would you? and then if i have to be here and wait, because my children, i'm very hungry, i'm very hungry as well. and there might be flower and we needed to bake bread up. and then we don't care anymore about the dangerous situation. we don't have hope when your child cries of hunger and you can't afford anything for them. what do you think your reaction would be?
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there is no food. you want to know who i've met and it's not that natasha is. our children are hungry and we are hungry. we grass and we eat animal feed. we haven't had bread for 4 weeks. my son sleeps hungry all the time. we are exhausted. we can't tolerate this any more. we love life, but in this situation, death will be better for me. my children can't go on like this anymore. we need a humanitarian aid by any means. the price comes up as if it did. we are in the ge, above the other few deep trump and northern because we have, we've been, is showing bombardment, destruction, and massacre for nearly 5 months. these are what use different types of weapons against us. now we suffer from starvation. i kinda know the man was it was a bad. yeah, i mean these right, it's showing in the bottom and hasn't killed us yet,
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but the hunger will in northern does that hunger will kill us. we heard that i will come vice a lot of the road. the we heard it would come is a round about, then we heard the i would be drops by planes. so we headed towards the crossing is that we ate the feet of animals. we ate the fate of sparrows and pigeons. we're about to slosik cats and eat the. we need help. we need to see. how does a whole lot of my shed will not be sure medical part of this is the situation in northern gods. salvation is everywhere. well, in these ratings prevent and fee of humanitarian aid to thousands and thousands of palestinians, i think desperately needed unnecessary if i just deal some of those the with agency full pallets of the refugees is wanting that the crisis in rasa goes beyond is really a tax municipal services have come to a halt because of the war and piles of rubble and college of increasing the spread of disease. felix,
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the water has more untreated sewage flows into the open on the streets of rough or nearly 5 months of use really bumming as left the sunday patient system in ruin clean water has become extremely hard to get the 9 executive via the there is no interest structure, public roads, a dose e and flooded with sewage and garbage diseases if spread. and if it continues like this, the situation will be reversible, especially that there are now many children and elders were already sick. piles of garbage grew larger between the 10th erected overall outbreaks of disease are increasing with the goals of children, especially vulnerable. this isn't the rule that you give her the women. my son has contracted hepatitis virus because of the unhealthy and unclean conditions we are living. and we are living in attend, that cannot protect us from cold or rain that in addition to the entire surroundings of dirty,
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the whole area is 30 and polluted in hunger. cold and disease are devouring our children. nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who have been forced from their homes are suffering. the united nation says the sewage infectious diseases, coupled with the collapsed health care system, has led to a public health disaster. the 3rd may type of toilet. it's just really hard to describe. hospitals cannot accommodate the injured and we cannot find treatments for the sick. well, how to insult to injury is a sore and prizes of all commodities. even if we can find the many palestinians seeking refuge and rougher are those who have escaped these really offensive, that's both indiscriminate and extensively destructive. some of the survivors say, as well as the print from is really a tax, but any time they also fear
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a slow debt from preventable disease. felix new laura ologist era, dozens of palestinians have violated on the streets of or my line the occupied westbank that protesting against a number of issues including the war. and also there's also a cold for the release of thousands of palestinians and is very be trails. the demonstrations come off the back of the resignation of the palestinian prime minister and the head of expected tools between fusing palestinian factions in moscow in the coming days. same sort of a has moved from the after sheltering some, a passing hailstorm, dozens of palestinians are out on the streets of rome. a low once again rallying at the central square here in the city is really the illustrative of the start and stop nature of the pursuit of palestinian rights. these protesters are out today after the resignation of the palestinian authority prime minister. how much the and
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they are demanding, right? so once again, recognition for what's happening to how soon needs to be occupied, westbank the release of detainees, a ceasefire being god. so it comes out of time when there seems to be a paradigm shift happening politically in the palestinian landscape. we're seeing a deeply unpopular political party here in the occupied westberg making changes to its leadership. thomas, a political group in gaza fighting for it survival with the ongoing is really common campaign in more that is happening there. ahead of talks expected in moscow this week to decide the fate of a future palestinian government to receive ability. garza, once the war is over and when that happens is unclear. the united states saying a ceasefire is perhaps possible ahead of the month of ramadan. but people here say you don't have a lot of space that is real,
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will give them any reprise that any of the circumstances being faced by posting your jobs or the outside west bank will improve as long as this is able to intimidate and attack posting and communities, large processes that we speak to say the same thing that this is the least they can do to come out on the streets when they can, and riley and protest calls for a cease fire and guns that happen immediately. for more significant ones, they'll say that this is all that they are able to do as long as the leadership remains weak and a copy of the invoice for avi l g 0. remo on the outside, the very souls that killed 3 palestinians during a rage and the occupied westbank. it happened in the northern city of to bounce on monday night vehicles and builders as was seen moving through the streets at least 410 pallets. jeanine's have been killed annual supplied with spring since october, the 7th. it's
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the nationwide process all taking place in nigeria against the rising cost of living. i've tried to union federation is quoting for 2 days of demonstrations. many unions blame economic reforms introduced by the president bowler to nubile who took office last year. now, one of the most controversial changes is this coughing of fuel subsidies. with interest upholstered uh, from the northern city of content i have made is shocked by what he sees when he visits the local market to shuffle groceries. what type i last time it was maybe 500. now is 2500. you can see it quite well. well, 500 percent foot prizes us paddling out of control and the government is struggling to avoid hunger crisis enough because most populous country trade union leaders have called the nigeria to keep the streets in 2 days of protest. at the end of the month, the government says its cracking down and companies suspected of holding for supplies
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to keep prices higher. monthly mortgage, if you mean google leads and corruption commission agents in condo state to rape suspected warehouse as we were able to identify it. and those are places where they are holding the images and based on our patients, we look at these uh, shops or warehouses and i've tried to get new houses. we push all we want to push out one day. trade is now judas middle class has all but disappeared and the poor getting porter just a few months ago, the local currency loss around 100 percent of its value. that tells me in order to purchase and file for almost everyone who's paid in our most concerning phone i did as an item at the moment, is a rising cost of who $200.00 can know me just from candle officials. and so go to on the border with the general public, says douglas, are making things worse to most of the content for this from nigeria to the general public so that they can sell it on my, their, i, you know, and
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a ton to come back in how, what is safe? and they will put it in a stench, you know, don't make it appropriate. so it's 7 years. it's not just shut it's line boldest to for the impulse to boost domestic production since then. now judas, i've seen the prizes of rice and other staples saw by more than 400 percent. when things continue to be like this without controlling the next type for one. i don't know when i didn't win so by economy say the only way i did it can avoid major flood crisis is to start addressing attacks. but i'm groups preventing people from going to that farms that don't. we should open the window, but we set him control of that on the what we need it can be brought to you and only what we have accessed can be take out of the country. the reason we houses may provide some temporarily for now, but it couldn't be, say, government leaders must get high inflation, an interest rate,
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as well as invested more in the agriculture industry. how many degrees? obviously a couple nigeria us now the military and the democratic republic of congo says, is uh, working with local um goods to tackle and 23 font is in the north kiva region until we send the local sizes with buckling. government forces catherine, so i have spoken to members of one group called it was a lender. she said they saw exclusive report. not too long ago, these kimberly's finances were actually the ami are they call themselves was a lender. so he was for p, just the role on groups have put aside the differences, how the government forces, the goals to defeat what they see is a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the phone lines. yeah,
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the sing songs critical run this has it in on cause i mean they accuse upon the entity 3 levels. 7 karen says, she's not afraid to die. you to go. so then the war number changes, the i'm a soldier, i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is campbell, but we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here, but some come on does have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions. the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda. in 1994, the deal was all into f deal or our nurse was a lender. they're based in new york, but they are london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be rolanda as problem, not ours. it was
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a lenders based on fuel that overlook, goma and dwanda, not rwanda across the border. the colanda is here say their wall is to make sure the go ma is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and the new to think i asked them what will happen when the conflict ends. so how's your obama said go, you have to print this is over. we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can to point anywhere within the country. but for now the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your own collins, both as or die trying caching. so i, you know, google democratic republic of congo in the world health organization is raised in the law and they have a rapid spite of measles. worldwide bowls and $306000.00 cases were reported last
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year. and that number represents that increase of maybe 80 percent from 2020 to the w h o is wanting. that's more than half of all countries are at high risk of outbreaks by the end of the. well, that's for line because the government is rushing to control the spread of measles . they boost the vaccine. rolanda is being prioritized for babies. as mental fernandez reports from the capital, columbia attempting to keep children and that community see this government clinic in a densely populated area of colombo has started administering additional measles vaccines. 5 years ago sherlock i succeeded in eliminating measles as an outbreak last me mainly affecting babies prompted health authorities to introduce an addition to those. for instance, 6 to 9 months old. the highly contagious abalone disease spreads easily, especially when an infected person costs or sneezes. the increase in infections to
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more than 700 in 10 months, has many parents, worried to my mouth is due for the vaccine because he's 2 years old. and there's also a search in this per the for me is, is that's why i brought to long trying to use the measles vaccine for 2 years ago and claim 99 percent coverage. a depend demik resulted in a decrease in vaccinations. recent estimate said 10000, so you're locked in, children had not been vaccinated. doctor's a warning of di consequences. if that doesn't change due to them if they didn't. and i mean people don't understand the dangers. now. parents may think once a child's got measles, everything will be okay. the complications, like those in the brain can occur after 5 years. the children's agency unit, which is a voting has authorities with additional immunizations says for longer have almost eliminated measles, but unvaccinated people are at risk. it's
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a global void now. so any family who, travelers doing a job or to see that the transmission of them is this is happening. so the like you that they make has the best thing fiction. and again, that this infection and if there is a valuable group of people interested into what, not for the moon yet, then the always remain a no, a potential source for the, for the spending the infection. these 5 years of under investment a crippling economic crisis. and the rest of the form of health minister for fraud . the government says public health care remains. the priority. having you've advocated means is one's authorities here to determine to do so again, counting on a strong community health care system. but a previous drop in cases and fee is about vaccines. i'm making that difficult fernandez. i'll just be your colombo taught them how many, many, or is a professor in general and they're all the deadline. gussy university in the u. k. now he believes the vaccination is the key solution to stopping those outbreaks.
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this is really important to understand that the vaccine against music is probably one of the best vaccine that are being developed. providing 97 percent protection in children when they are given to those is and i think one of the issue with the means of a virus is that it is really contagious. it's a practice or you know, very lavishly. so one infected by some kinds of proud of to 18 different people. so now you will have to find this right to balance between applying a vaccine and a larger population. we have at least 95 percent of the population is vaccinated and has the amenities and on to to reduce the subject of this infection, which is very contagious. this can be done very quickly and rapidly because the vaccine availability is not really a problem. accessibility is there, but is just the good will and application that needed to be enforced by the local authority. so the good thing is that a vaccine is very, very effective. it also had, hey, on the new use of the latest one of these spanish tried to rise
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a to run and move up to 2nd spa. it's all about coming up with follow it straight up to the break,
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the the type of support of his bar. so hell, thank you so much. and the murray has ended up retiring. that's here after he won his 2nd match of the year in the 1st round event by open the a 3 time grand slam champion had previously played down talk. so quitting this for and after going for a run just to wins and his last 12 matches and more disappointment seemed to be on its way after losing the 1st fence against the dentist should pull the lives. this
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was a reminder though, that deep, 36 year old has still got it when he needs high break and the 2nd fence against the former top 10 player scott crow twice. and the 3rd when the match and 2 and a half hours after the game, marie admitted he's unsure how long he has left in school. like, obviously still loved competing and still love the game. but yeah, get so obviously hard and hard of the the older you get to compete with the young guys and keep your body fit and fresh. so um yeah, no, no easy. uh probably don't have to long last but i'll do is best i can these last few months. manchester city manager pet for deal is jack relation is still an important part of his plans. despite the winger losing his place in the side recently, greeley shes only played 16 minutes subsidies last 7 league matches already always says the england international needs to return to form in order to get more playing time. so i placed loose newton in the f, a cab,
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5th round on tuesday to try to be sure and make the decision to be mistakes. but so if you play a lot, a lot of mean it's less is i'm indices only realizing the beginning is just simply say minus same, we want to play the same, nothing change in just how you perform as a difference. and we need to say for the one we need to have an special quantity for all the to we need to. the dream i run is over for maid stone. united in the as a coffee is 7th cheer team and low spring side left. and the competition over flashed 5 mailed by coventry city. in the 5th round, allison square the had taken the 1st half and saw the of the bar as scott, the other 2 is the 1st time coventry you have reached the quarter finals in 15 years. and the spanish football title raised your own i have leave from barcelona into a 2nd place as after a 3 know when override over, i kind of 2 of the goals were scored in out of time. my 19 year old brazilian
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winters solve jo. it ends the run of 3 games without a win and put some 2nd. still 6 points behind the leaders round, which i did a drunk that called ivory coast africa cup of nation success, a hollywood script. they won the tournament for the 3rd time despite sacking their co chapters group stage victories against senegal, mulling d, or congo. and nigeria saw them complete an incredible turn around much to the lights of their former captain drop. he said rarely for dream. uh, i mean this is the audio slip that we witness. you know, it wasn't and maybe 2 of them are what are denies, then the 40 years later we, we all see this and it was the, the footboard, the 2 of them at the most. we thought it to you and i are both good. you wise? good is the learned of us? we thought it to a new to the youth. again, we'd be so to number to and then be mind the heat beat,
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the sacramento kings for their 4th winter row. the visiting hate were missing some of their star players or injury, but them out of by it was stepped out for his size going 28 points, leading miami to a 121 to a 110 with the king's had been honest, free game when a street over in memphis, it was also the visitors who taught their house. durham needs dennis schroeder had 18 points, and the game is the help of brooklyn. next to 111 to 86. when against the grizzlies, it was the lowest scoring game this season for memphis. charles academy, a one the a korea out to challenge round the world as sailing race. and what was the 1st step for solar race? i'm? it's kind 6 sailors fell off from breast and france on the 29000 mile race. car relays crossed the finish line after 50 days, but he's been on challenge since january the 17th team canada could yet be denied a bronze medal of from the 2022 winter olympic games figure skating team event. on monday,
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the court of arbitration for sport registered for appeals and the doping case involving russia is camilla valley. 85. for now, canada will not yet be promoted to 3rd place despite valley avis for your ban. russia score even without valley, but it's still higher than the event canada, as he was russia to be stripped of the metal simply for including valley. eva, she was disqualified after testing positive for a band substance. and this was crazy, is valentino console i reclaiming her. i subbing rolls record and the italian helps . 36 hours after losing it. she took back top spot, swimming a 140 meters with a single st, and no oxygen or assistance. the water was 3 degrees celsius, who was under for a minute and 40 seconds while slowing her heart rate down to 50 beats per minutes. that is all used for, for now and back to you. so having so much fun about the moonies, all the other side of the break, that is the news are until the next time i'll see you
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a few minutes the this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. was there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal was life trade loses its survival skills. that re discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements,
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grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to these all he's really, really treat bags. the show legally is randy settlements in new york point west back the red lines loc, the borders of the army disclosure just new security. so we're now in the area, i think you're just saw on those that there are illegal is riley settlers living just a few 100 meters from hay in caravans in that direction. and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities around illegal is right. the sentiments suddenly is ready. soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. it contained us for more than 2 hours on these confiscation of land around
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in the galleys rate, the settlements charlotte standing and say, it's full proof of israel breaking international the palestinians, collecting food or polls to run so that lives is very full. so that can fire or live in northern gone. so the phone so robin what she lives there life but headquarters here in the also coming up there be a ceasefire. well that takes place us present. j biden's as israel is ready to hold


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