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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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just for more than 2 hours the, all of these confiscation of land around in the galleries really central. it's charlotte standing and say is more proof of israel breaking international the palestinians collecting food or falls to run so that lives is very full. so that can fire on them in northern gone, said the phone. so robin knew what channels they were like, but headquarters here in the hall also coming up there be a cease fire. all that takes place is present, right? biden's, as is rarely is ready to hold as minute feel patients and gaza for the muslim holy month of ramadan under on 100 in dearborn michigan,
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where pro palestinian democrats are opting not to vote for joe biden. from the front lines in the democratic republic of congo, group say they've joined forces with the military to battle m. 23 finances. the welcome to the program is very full. certificate. open fire on palestinians trying to get sued in northern garza. the a crowd cable differed from guns and times as a candidate to obtain slow on the al rashid road. the cause of city view ensued. agency says it's recently suspend today. deliveries to the rules because of the violence. a sense of his varieties have brought to you by the time relates, i'm guessing into the gauze and straight. the group play in front of
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a border crossing with each of preventing trucks from moving as a cute to get into casa, via egypt, a spokesperson for the u. n. c, military and office as a recent medical evacuation coming, but was also stools buys very full, says for several hours despite prior coordination for all staff members and big hills with the east rating side of the story, the forces blocked the w h o l. a convoy for many hours the moment it left the hospital, the east really military forces that the certainly military forced patients and stuff out of ambulances and stripped all kind of medics of that close. 3 posted erect christmas society. paramedics was subsequently detained. although that personal details had been shipped with the east really forces in advance, while the rest of the convoy stayed in place for over 7 hours, one paramedic has been released and we appeal for the immediate release of the 2
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others and all the detained. so personnel will get more from roughly a little later in the program. well, the us president joe biden says that's an agreement for a temporary staffing garza could be reached by monday. and as part of it, he says, is well, is ready to hold military activities during the midst of the month of ramadan, which begins in a few days. which is the result of say that the initial framework full of the data includes exchange of full 100 palestinian prisoners. for 40 is very kept as holding garza as well as also reported. they agreed to the gradual, retentive displaced palestinians to northern garza. so say unto the deal, israel would re position its pulses away from crowded areas and hold aerial surveillance for 8 hours a day present by made the remarks during an appearance on a late night torture and then resign a lease of principal agreement. there will be a cease fire while that takes place,
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ramadan is coming up and there's been an agreement by these realize that they would not engage in activities during ramadan as well, in order to give us time to get all the hostages out. that gives us time to begin to move in direction is that a lot of our countries are prepared to move it in. in the meantime, there are too many of us and people that are being killed and is really slow down the tax and rough or they have to and they've made a commitment to me. they're going to say to it that there's a village to evacuate significant portions of rafa before they go and take out the remainder of a mouse. but it, but it's a process. israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations . if it keeps us up without this incredibly conservative government, they have and then give here and others most. i've known every major foreign policy leader and israel since going to may or they're going to lose support from around
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the world. and that is not an israel's interest. like how to join us not from washington d. c. mike, it's basically, i mean, what does by know that we don't seen says perhaps the order of the day at the moment as well. so what we do know is that they'd be numerous negotiations and recent days, and indeed weeks in doha, in paris and other centers of people attempting to get a nother ceasefire in place to get out those still being held captive in gaza. but there was a lot to unbundle in terms of what president biden was saying on that late night show, basically that he's outlining a short term policy, a medium to in projection, and a longer term theory. now what you saying is that he indicates that there will be a ceasefire in place by as soon as monday to allow the captives to be released from gaza. benny adds that there is a commitment from israel not to conduct activities during the whole of the month.
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of ramadan, which would give time full, the captives to bowie brought out of gauze ramadan starts round about march the 10th. but then the president biden says, as well that this would create a dynamic, perhaps that would lead to a longer term solution. in particular, what he's implying is why the era of recognition of israel and exchange for a more lasting agreement. that's a lot to be talking about in the late night show. but obviously president bite and this operating on information from his national security council indicating that he believes that an agreement that 1st agreement on c spy is close as soon as monday, but significantly to president biden was also strongly critical of the current is really government describing it as deeply conservative and saying that should it remain in this nature, it will lose support around the will. the red line or criticism from president biden of the current is really administration. but bottom line, what comes out of that is that the president of the united states says that an
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agreement is mia, uh, that the agreement could go into his falls as soon as this coming monday. like kind of thanks very much in washington dc. a full months of votes now from occupied east jerusalem and how the development saw being viewed it as well. is there any official speaking to is really media? are talking about the comments. they have been reports, at least saying that they don't really recognize where the optimism comes from. and over the course of the last 1516 hours overnight since the us started to make noises about the situation and run the president bite and was talking in an ice cream paula about this on camera just yesterday afternoon since that moment, a lot of his reading media really reporting very, very pessimistically about the possibility of a deal in particular reporting is randy officials having receive feedback through the mediators from
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a massive side in which seems to be some serious gaps between the 2 positions. a sense of roughly something dollars, what time it covers enjoys us though, on the sideline and topic, the reason we didn't join you right to the top of the program was because you had to flee to safety. just explained to us what's been going on. yes. so have, in fact, as we were getting ready to go for the last position me and my dry the we just try to get can because i'm to peacefully drive and suddenly a trim and attack had been carried out just one meter away from our location just for the gate of the driver's side, luckily we were not in good plus was a very loud explosion, giving the feeling about how the situation on the ground must be much more difficult. we don't know if targeting was deliberately being keeping back support for someone on the street like what terry says to the card that we using for
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transportation and we have be also having more please signs that is a fresh tv vehicle that can be used for transportation since the beginning of the complex here in about 32 p a new york much about no one has been injured and to be tried for a few procedures to go sign today, just to, to, to protect ourselves protective cover from what is happening on the ground the states about being multiple lead targets. it didn't cost the cost using right now another tax being carries out just because it has to be the closest $1.00 since the beginning of the world, we does not get the investors that restricts to covering car what relates updates from the ground that we have been getting multiple attacks when i do a cruise since the house to pick up the company. and right now we are trying to take all the safety procedures in order to be away from the bombing. in fact,
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the law school, the sense of safety as we have been missing a graduation, the use of military attacks on the, on the schools topic. the real peroration for you is a gen list and for all of the media colleagues that have that become smaller and smaller as time progresses. and as israel threatens to attack rasa. yes, we have been hearing current statements, biased, very ministry, and political officials regarding the potential encouraging for the district time the people he and roughly including told that his medical teams and teachers and every single guzman palace named community are acted up, shouldn't be terrified from all the negative consequences that will be resulting from the attack, specifically in the very light of the very deep shouldered you, you've been a target. mice would be very rapid increase of. is there any met a tree attack? so yes, so the, for example, we have
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a building that has an infinity or a point to house, so communicate california today we have more attacks on the cell. st. maybe could be a clear indication that is very seriously thinking of taking that and then a 2 step process to peeling the ground. which means that's going to be mass casualties amongst ability and some people think that to not know what you don't even know. so they told me that we do not know where to go next. where is the next place that will take show in the apartment to, to you. so that covers him that for us in rough things start now dozens of palestinians have rallied on the streets of or my line the occupied westbank. now that protesting against a number of issues including the war and garza, the demonstrations come after the resignation of the palestinian prime minister and the head of expected talks between political sanctions in the coming days. same withdrawal of a hospital from the occupied westbank. after sheltering from a passing hail storm, dozens of palestinians are out on the streets of rome. a low once again rallying at
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this central square here in the city is really the illustrative of the start and stop nature of the pursuit of palestinian rights. these protesters are out today after the resignation of the palestinian authority prime minister, how much the year, and they are demanding rights. once again, recognition for what's happening to house the needs to be occupied. westbank, the release of detainees, a ceasefire in gaza. it comes at a time when there seems to be a paradigm shift happening politically in the palestinian landscape. we're seeing a deeply unpopular political party here in the occupied westbank making changes to its leadership. thomas, a political group in gaza fighting for survival with the ongoing is really common campaign in more that is happening there ahead of costs expected in moscow this
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week to decide the fate of a future palestinian government to richard politic. gotcha, once the war is over, if and when that happens is unclear. the united states saying a ceasefire is perhaps possible ahead of the month of ramadan, but people here say you don't have a lot of space that is real, will give them any reprise that any of the circumstances being faced by posting your job or the hardware will improve as long as this is able to intimidate and attack posting in communities. large processes that we speak to say the same thing that this is the least they can do to come out onto the streets when they can and rally and protest calls for a cease fire and guns that happen immediately. more significant ones will say that this is all that they are able to do as long as the leadership remains. we and a copy of the invoice for avi, l g 0. remo us and the outside us. well, still a head, hey, although just every 5 years of this are line,
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can any eradicated measles? find out why it's facing an outbreak of the apple and the things again, the tongue counting the costs. nobody wants to make in the develops nation. how will that affect frustrated fall of your pilot slipped into recession? tenant re game is ranking is the world's largest economy foss. cocoa prices are storing chocolate levels of the page, counting the cost on. i'll just say it on their own is going to the polls. total assets, parliament is as well as 80 members of the assembly of exports, a body and power to appoint a future supreme leader of our own. with a question of succession, booming originals found off in place and one of the heaviest inflation rates in the world where the outcome of the election have an impact on the countries future. iran elections on out to 0. expo 2023.
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so the fascination joined us and let's discover a better world expo 2023 the but if you want to, i'll just bear with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top stories. dozens of palestinians have run,
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laid on the streets of them. i live in the occupied westbank that protesting against the number of issues, including the war and guns that are the cold for the release of thousands of palestinians in his writing jails. us president j button says he hopes they see fine can be reached and gone by monday. parking such as well is ready to homes, minutes. we activities during ramadan out of service. also say the initial framework sold a daily includes a prisoner exchange. is there any thoughts is have a good open file on palestinians trying to get food into northern gauze that a crowd came and defined from guns and times as they gather to obtain flour on the algebra seats road may cause a city on monday, 12000000 people in gauze reports of the facing salvation and all 2300000 all showed for food was there was an us all should be possible from the north of the strip. and she has a lady called you i have you on such
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a dock night to the people of guys that are here in the streets waiting for humanitarian a to arrive. there are some unconfirmed reports saying the aid will come to the northern areas of the strip of water despite the dangerous situation for men, women, and children of waiting to get a major leg. would you and then i have to be here and wait because my children, i'm very hungry, i'm very hungry as well. and there might be flower and we needed to bake bread up. and then we don't care anymore about the dangerous situation. we don't have hope when your child cries of hunger and you can't afford anything for them. what do you think your reaction would be? there is no food. you want to know who i've met and it's not gonna touch it is our children are hungry and we are hungry. we grass and we eat animal feed. we haven't had bread for 4 weeks. my son sleeps hungry all the time. we are exhausted. we can't tolerate this any more. we love life, but in this situation,
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death will be better for me and my children can go on like this any more. we need a humanitarian aid by any means. the price comes up as if it did, we out, is that your body of the food? you camp in northern because we have, we've been, isn't showing bombardment, destruction, and massacre for nearly 5 months. the is what use different types of weapons against us. now we suffer from starvation. i kinda know, i know somebody was in moscow. the value of these right is showing in the bottom and hasn't killed us yet, but the hunger will in northern does that hunger will kill us. we heard that i who come by us a lot of the road the we heard it would come is a round about, then we heard the i would be drops by planes. so he did towards the crossing is that we ate the feet of animals. we ate the fate of sparrows and pigeons. we were
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about to slosik cats and eat the. we need help. we need to see. how does a whole lot of much i don't, i think your medical part of them. this is the situation in northern gods. salvation is everywhere. well, in these railings, preventing fee of humanitarian aid to thousands and thousands of palestinians, i think desperately needed unnecessary if i just deal some of those in michigan's presidential primary on choose day. joe biden is old, but certain to be re nominated as the democratic candidates, but as well as well are ongoing. so look, set to make is a major test of the president strings in a state that he not really want in 20201200. how's the story now from table in michigan. this is where the problem came in. the warren garza, his devastated i'm in of light is family. we left over 90 members of my family. 83 died in a single is really bombing half
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a world away in michigan of white. a blames president joe biden, for his support of the war. on tuesday, he, in thousands of others who usually support democrats, planned to vote uncommitted in michigan's democratic presidential primary. i feel i have betrayed that i bought it for bite in 2020. so we faulted for somebody to bring us democracy and a humanity on the table. well, we see, you know, a government that aligns with a genocide of government to cold. my people, innocent people, thousands of them, hundreds of traditional democrats gathered it around and the majority air of american city of dearborn, they're demanding a ceasefire in gaza and pledging to vote uncommitted. dearborn mayor of dill, a mood says it's not just an arrow. the american issue, so not about being out of her being must have been having an attachment to people in full us there and are being related by blood. this is about people coming
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together and seeing right versus wrong. they are joined, led really by rashid to leave the only palace getting an american in the us congress. if a campaign helps trump, she says, blamed by visiting about is risk and another 12 term over here support for the most right wing government. most extreme is government in the history of israel. there are 300000 air of americans in michigan twice. biden's 2020 margin of victory when you've got that big of a population that might or might not to support the president in re is re election efforts. boy, that could really swing the outcome in the michigan primary anger, his turn to action. but the real test comes in november when those supporting the uncommitted campaign will have to decide whether it is afford president viber or risk electing. donald trump, for many like i'm in, i'd like to the answer is simple. how do you feel about joe biden?
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i don't think i'm i want to hear his name again. does america have blood on his hands? yes. with polls predicting easy primary victories for trumping biting on tuesday, the war and gaza threatens to cause democrats at least one state. they've been counting on to keep biting in office in november, john henry and l g 0 dearborn, michigan. the now the world health organization says that it's been in the law of being 80 percent increase and measles cases worldwide insur lanka, the government is rushing to control the outbreak. i'm from the admin else and then this report from colombia attempting to keep children and that community see this government clinic in a densely populated area of colombo has started administering additional measles vaccines. 5 years ago she lock,
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i succeeded in eliminating me those but an outbreak last me mainly effecting babies prompted health authorities to introduce in addition to those, for instance, 6 to 9 months old. but highly contagious abalone disease spreads easily, especially when an infected person costs or sneezes the increase in infections to more than $700.00 in 10 months. has many parents worried. my mouse is to is to for the vaccine because he's 2 years old. and there's also a search in this printer for me is that's why i brought to long trying to use the measles vaccine for 2 years ago and claim 99 percent coverage. a depend demik resulted in a decrease in vaccinations. recent estimate said 10000, so you're not going to have and had not been back to me to doctors a warning of di consequences if that doesn't change because you to them limitation and maybe people don't understand the dangers. now. parents may think once the
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child's got measles, everything will be okay. the complications, like those in the brain can occur after 5 years. it will not the children's agency . unicef, which is supporting health authorities. with additional immunizations says for lock, i have almost eliminated reserves, but unvaccinated people are at risk. it's a global voice now. so any time of the whole driver's doing a job or to see the bed transmission, nothing is happening. it's very likely that they make heavy back to infection and again that this infection and if there is a valuable group of people interested into what, not for the moon yet, then the always remain in the upper denture, the source for the for the spreading day fiction these 5 years of under investment, a crippling economic crisis, and the rest of the form, a health minister for fraud. the government says public health care remains. the priority. having you've advocated means, those ones authorities here determined to do so. again, counting on
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a strong community health care system. but a previous drop in cases and fee is about vaccines. i'm making that difficult. fernandez a 0, colombo or by the military and the democratic republic of congo size is working with local groups to tackle him. 23 finances in the knolls, key region. catherine. so he has spoken to members of one group called was a lender. she said this exclusive report not too long ago, these kimberly's finances were actually in the army. are they call themselves was a lender. so he was 4 p, just the role on groups have put aside the differences to how the government forces the goals to defeat what they see is a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the phone lines. yeah,
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the sing songs critical run this president on cuz i me they accuse of bombing entity, swede rebels. c karen says, she's not afraid to die. you to go so then you know, my team dizzy. i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is campbell, but we had to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here, but some commanders have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions. the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda. in 1994, you got there was island. after you lower our nurse was a lender. they're based in d r. c. but they are a london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be
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rolanda is problem, not ours was a lenders based on fuel that overlooks goma and dwanda not run across the border. aquanda is here say their wall is to make sure that go, ma, is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and be new to speak. i asked them what will happen when the conflict ends? when i show up on the friend this is over, we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can support anywhere within the country. but for now, the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your call is bold as or die trying, catching, sorry. you know, google democratic republic of congo of the russian colt as sentenced a veteran human rights campaign and whose vague kinds against what and you claim to
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3 years in prison or like rudolf is one of the leaders of a human rights organization which has won a nobel peace prize. he was convicted of discrediting the army from me as a whole. robin thomas, i will have more news and hot. hey, on out the next. it's counting the cost to stay with the hello. we've got some pretty nasty weather making his way to a southern pulse of japan once again at the moment is quite mean down with a merry blood pressure. just off. sure. head totally. frank talks about risk wins. but as we go through the next couple of days is the clean cloud, this low cloud, the dock us out that just spinning out the eastern china elsewhere the way it'll gather. we will push toward q certainly thinks of pretty wet weather into southern japan as we go into the 2nd half of the week going into with us day. there's that
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child on the rain coming through gradually. nothing is swept across the southern half, 1200 sheer stretching right back into central pos are trying to pick down poles coming in here to the most. is that not bad type of just wanting to knock you out 6 celsius the invasion until the south 124 celsius in hong kong with them bits and pieces of cloud and right. a possibility of one or 2 bits and pieces about them right? to intervene now, much of in that china does look dry. lots of dr. plus the philippines was southern . i received some shops as well. should i spend that way once again across malaysia, more especially into indonesia. so it's all in the process of easing off across central and eastern parts of india, but we have got more weight whether that's going to roll its way out of afghanistan in to pocket on and eventually into the phone or the west of india, of the work that out of their existence, it slowed shit as a principal present as
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a correspondence with any breaking the story we want to hear from those people who with normally not get that voice is heard on the international news channels. one language i'll be very proud of was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015, at the terrible match, all the facts. and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time. the hello i'm stymied, say that this is counting the cost analysis era. we do look at the world of business and economics this week from funds to assign to raise. india is 5 minutes . so wants to transform is countries economy. what do his plans name for.


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