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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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as the people have seen as actuators and in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story, the the hello until mccrae. this is the news. our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes, the under attack, israel's military fall is on palestinians as they gather to get food at a distribution center in northern garza types of a possible safe spot. and guys of the us presidential adviser and says, israel is for kids to stop this form and campaign. in the coming days,
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this place comes to meetings and cows are forced to live in and send a treat conditions. pricing fee is of a spread of disease and a public health disaster. us state of michigan homes, it's presidential primary, but many pro palestinian democrats say they won't vote for job. i just pulled my chest, the city can send you that reference or it saying a trouble of trophies, the writing english and european champions bound to take on formerly drivers loops . and in round 5 of the like the it's 15 gmc that is 5 pm in dallas. or with the search for food is becoming more dangerous for palestinians. is there any forces? have again, open file and people trying to get food. the crowd and the northern part of this trip came on to 5 from guns and tanks, as they gather to obtain flour on the elevator sheet road west of kansas city use
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agency footage was released on monday. a dial up to the incident as ready for us as a thought on crowds trying to get. i had several times in the past. the you ins, food i didn't see says it was supposed to suspend a deliveries in the north because of this violence. and some is released hemlocks, humanitarian ad, from getting into the kansas trip. the group lay in front of a border crossing with egypt preventing trucks from moving as a cute to get into cancer. i trucks a meant to be checked in egypt before the cross of a well dislikes person. all the unions, human to terry and office is a recent medical evacuation convoy was also stalled by his riley forces for several hours despite prior coordination for all staff members and big hills with the east right side of the story. the forces blocked the w h o l a convoy for many hours the moment it left the hospital. the east already the military forces that the certainly military forced patients and stuff out of empty lenses and stripped all
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kind of medics of the close. 3 published in a read christmas society. paramedics was subsequently detained. although that personal details had been shipped with the east really forces in advance. while the rest of the convoy stayed in place for over 7 hours. one paramedic has been released and we appeal for the immediate release of the 2 others and all the detained health personnel. us. what's erica bozer and is life for us, and rasa in southern guys are in tech, as well as not only blocking, i'd be getting into the goals and then also targeting people, trying to access the little food that has managed to get through. how difficult is it to people right now? well, it has been like lazy semester is to connect to cook clear how these are the men at trees, very keen and excessive painting the humanitarian situation. the, the number of parts have gone, but have been most clear report said the people being short and exposed to the just
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ready fire as we were waiting for humanitarian trucks to get to the ha. now, people that have been suffering from, from, and a, from a very long weeks ago as they have nothing to feed on, they have become the majority of the food items and the power for the marketplace. i don't think prices had swung out completely from the long side that people also saw depending on how the benefits for app it's not depending on animal feed, mixed with a lot to food in order to at least have one new credit for every couple of days. at least to remain, sir, but just to, to, to be able to continue for the next thing. you said? absolutely. thank you. and then the spike holding international coast to remove all the restrictions being placed on a delivery to another part of gauze. and even regarding the latest m, a, they are shooting from these are in a minute to things we did not really the majority of these sites and not really the people haven't logged onto that have been in the world that have been completely
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ruined and cannot be reading, usable, usable for human consumption, and this is absolutely terrifying them to now only excuse for it can help to mitigate the deterioration of the human survey of courses in level cost. in cherokee, you are joining us on the phone now because you yourself will tag it's as you will, making away a to the live location with a principal with very heavy here that you are okay. but can you just explain, run us through exactly what happens when? absolutely terrifying. uh, more than 20. i just see i get those coming side one bytes. but i could leave the note to there before it gets in grade dc. life location. we just came to call stop moving peacefully and then we have been a completely surprised by a true an attack. just only want me to away from the drivers side. it's going to
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prove that we managed to survive a loud explosion took place. locating the one about a didn't change it, and i thought we have been at times from the set top the up and right now suffering from pretty psychological from such terrific capacitive not right now and been completely suffering from what mine is being had to be from disability i talked to them something might be from you on april 4th, so to speak. with right now if i could, you came from the time saying that we were closed at this time. more than every single, previous time of age, ready for a piece of effect. had been carried down to one of the street being targeted before and it was full of people not at the moment of a deep attack. and right now we are trying to take full safety procedures in order to be safe for basically we have to defend of safety. we are no longer facing global, even in the area that supposed to be saved on board. that it is 1900000 pounds and be happy to believe that is very order,
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say one of the functions working from one place to another, according to their instructions. and right now you are our so being talk you said, maybe we don't know the real reason god to solve it. think is it just silence or now to prevent us from keeping, keeping revolting and informing the world's regarding formulate updates on the ground floor? absolutely. okay, you can not really think for right now we are entirely traumatized by dismiss talk . terry, you have and your team have been doing an incredible job of keeping everyone up to date with exactly what is going on there. you told me you've been taking all safety precautions as possible. that includes writing and causes a clearly marked as prius or is media doesn't just yes, that's fine. so we have, we're in the back cover helmets. i'm going to sign back in the account. it belongs to a put cost channel and this is absolutely terrifying because we have been, by the way, you have been moving with the same road for a couple of days,
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taking the same road without changing our, our, our direction. i'm but it's absolutely terrifying. like, how does it happen for joining this? to must be protected by the principles of international living. this is not new. we have most of the time. so you 0 team before you have to summer the so the difference, members of the family, one of the latest attacks i feel like for the camera, i'm right now it seems that the arch from be that tax even for doing this or trying to send the message for the international community about what is happening here on the ground. and since the beginning of this war, more than $120.00 palestinians join us of being killed. and we do not know that this was the next topic, as it was a really, really do appreciate to all you and your teams. incredible work from rougher and guys and thank you for you. as president joe biden says, an agreement for a temporary cease fund, guys that could be reached by monday. and as part of it, he says, as well as ready to hold him military activities during the most of the holy month
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of ramadan, which will begin in the coming, dies failed. is there a source to say the initial framework for the day and includes the exchange of $400.00 palestinian prisoners before he is ready, captives, health and gaza. israel has also reported they agreed to the gradual return of despised palestinians to northern garza. esl so say unto the tale, israel would re position its forces away from crowded areas and holt aerial surveillance for 8 hours a day. well, by the night, his remarks during an appearance on a light, not us torture, and the resign a lease of principal agreement, there will be a cease fire. while that takes place, ramadan is coming up and there's been an agreement by these realize that they would not engage in activities during ramadan as well. in order to give us time to get all the hostages out. that gives us time to begin to move in direction is that a lot of our countries are prepared to move in. and in the meantime,
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there are too many of us and people that are being killed and is really slow down the tax and rough or they have to and they made a commitment to me. they're going to say to it that there is a village, evacuate significant portions of rafa before they go and take out the remainder of moss. but it, but it's a process. israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations . if it keeps us up without this incredibly conservative government, they have and then give here and others most. i've known every major foreign policy leader and israel since going to may or they're going to lose support from around the world. and that is not an israel's interest will speak to the best route of a who isn't occupied with bank about what these riley's saying about all of this. but this is go to my kind of in washington d. c. for us, i'm like, over the last few days they'd been increased reports, a deal was potentially on the cards, but his buttons essentially forced as well as hand here by declaring
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a ceasefire as effectively eminence. well, it was a strange venue to a non such a late night shows a very which of these standing with an ice cream cone in his hand and certainly has put pressure on israel. now in terms of saying that there has been an agreement in principle to reach a ceasefire, but there's a lot to unpack him what the president biden said that he's speaking about a show to him, sci fi, which he says, could come into effect as soon as this coming monday, a medium to and cease 5 saying that these radios have committed to stop activities in gaza through the holy month of ramadan, which begins around the 10th of next month. but then also saying that this could create space for a new dynamic in terms of which they can be discussing about a long last being solution. referring to arab states, particularly who may recognize as well as part of what by didn't envisages as
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a longer term deal. so there's a lot of what president biden was talking about, the on a number of players. most importantly though, and most immediately saying that in principle is to cease fly in place, which could come into effect as soon as monday. okay, thanks so much for that, mike, mike, hannah, for us in washington dc. let's uh, head off it's design best for avi, who joins us from ramallah in the occupied with banking site. and we had any official reaction or confirmation from is riley at this point. while the us president laid out very clearly some very specific details, some very specific points with regards to this potential deal. it is difficult to imagine that the israeli government, that the prime minister of the war cabinet are not in the loop, but it has to be said so far. from the prime minister's office from the war cabinet . there has been no specific detail, no reaction, no response, no confirmation of any specifics of any deal in the works. now in terms of what is
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really officials are talking about in the local is really impress. they've been down playing the significance of job items remarks last evening. a prime minister netanyahu has also been reported as saying that he was surprised by what by didn't have to say, so it's still unclear exactly where the to stand on what they do agree on what they don't agree on. but so far, no official confirmation from you is really government, like i think so that's i'm good. what more do we actually know about this potential ceasefire? where exactly does this real stand? don't even using a words like pause or will cease fine as well in terms of the deals that are the details that are being discussed beyond what we've been reporting, we have to look at what israel's track record has been so far. it's important to keep in mind that since this war began, israel has not taken any comments or any criticism from any one 0, any of its allies, let alone it's closest out,
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live united states. they've not taken any of this on board or responded to any of it. a seemingly positively in terms of the ongoing conflict in terms of the ongoing war being waged in guys, in terms of the ongoing intensification of raids in the occupied westbank. israel has continued to carry on, regardless of what has come out of the us, what is come out of the white house, what requests to have come from their closest ally, whatever the u. n. a said so with that in mind, it has to be said that it is unlikely that they will adopt anything, seemingly publicly, openly or quickly whatever happens will likely be to the benefit of israel. that's at least the view here in the occupied westbank. we've been speaking the protestors who've been out in the streets again rallying today. and they all say the same thing when it comes to the idea of a cease fire. the united states may be saying the right things, but none of it is ever followed up with the actions and the feeling on the streets here. the move here is that no matter what happens going forward. what biden is
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saying now is not necessarily about helping palestinians on the ground about bringing the word to a close. it is simply about his following poll numbers, his following popularity and the domestic u. s. space ahead of upcoming elections, especially among the air of american community and the american assignment community. okay, thanks so much for, for all of that did sign best of the, for us in the occupied with bank. this is one of the country's mediating negotiations between our mazda and israel. it's foreign ministry spokesman says there's no breakthrough yet about his country remains hateful. i can't comment to the details. i'm going to go through these as they are going right now. we don't have a final agreement on any of the the issue that i have been engaging an agreement, we remain hopeful not necessarily optimistic that we can announce something today over to mobile, but to be made hopeful that we can get to add some kind of fast agreement,
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obviously we've always said that amazon is going to be a point of contention is going to be at a point of compensation that we need to make sure that we are able to push qualifies before the beginning of this is the middle of that. but most of them it is also coincides with jewish holidays and usually within the volume we think of orientation and you. ready of them and uh and uh in other areas in the palestinian territories and we've always said that we made. ready the need for the escalation before the bombing file has more from the a customer has been the hub for these negotiations since the beginning of the war. and he has to be to but there isn't, is really the ligation here in doha for that's a reason. and also the media is visiting for us in the next few days for us has been cooperating closely in terms of delivering humanitarian a to a gaza. he did not link to that to the negotiations, but she was talking about the not as you'll see. and the need for the international
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community to look at fast on top in order to bring solutions to this conflict and particularly on 2 points. one of them is related to the month of ramadan. in about 2 weeks. it will be out of my bon and he said that it is a month for heights and religious sensation sensitivities both in both on the part of the guidance of the of the palestinians. and also it's coincides with it. and these are the jewish holidays, and for that reason that there must be a cease 5 before the end the from about. well, obviously it is very desirable on the part of the companies without ceased by us to take face with is the time frame. and also he mentioned the fox that the on the question about age and the is a looking a to gauze. and he said that he's very sad about that if any age to the hungry fellow seniors and gaza should be linked to the negotiations, it shouldn't be linked to the negotiations according to him. but sadly, it is, has it has been linked to the negotiations. he said on these points,
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he said the international committee has, the responsibility is to deliver food to the hungary policy. and he mentioned as a couple of flights the popping going about 80 to about to 2 flights have been conducted so far. thousands of tons the different adapt, but on the point of easily these block units, he said it is for these ladies to also for the question. and he's, he's also very sad. but this is the situation about 8 is that it's arriving. but these ladies are walking, it's not letting you reach the victims inside, causing half a 1000000 people in guns are reportedly facing stylization, an o 2300000 a show for food hope to 0 is on also. i'm sure it has moved from the north of the strip. she has a lady called you i have you on such a dock night to the people of guys that are here in the street waiting for humanitarian a to arrive. there are some unconfirmed reports saying the aid will come to the
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northern areas of the strip of water despite the dangerous situation except for men, women and children of waiting to get a to the bottom is your leg. would you and then i have to be here and wait because my children, i'm very hungry, i'm very hungry as well. and there might be flower and we needed to bake bread up. and then we don't care anymore about the dangerous situation. we don't have hope when your child cries of hunger and you can't afford anything for them. what do you think your reaction would be? there is no food. your nose who i've met and it's not gonna touch it, is our children are hungry and we are hungry. we grass and we eat animal feed. we haven't had bread for 4 weeks. my son sleeps hungry all the time. we are exhausted . we can't tolerate this any more. we love life, but in this situation, death will be better for me and my children can go on like this any more. we need a humanitarian aid by any means.
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the price contribute to the we out is that your body of the food you camp in northern because we have we stop showing bombardment, destruction and massacre for nearly 5 months. these what use different types of weapons against us. now we suffer from starvation. i kinda know, i know somebody was in moscow, the value of these right is showing in the bottom and hasn't killed us yet, but the hunger will in northern does that hunger will kill us. we heard that i who come by us a lot of the road the we heard it would come is a round about then we heard the i would be drops by planes. so he did towards the crossing. this is the, we ate the feet of animals. we ate the fate of sparrows and pigeons. we were about to slows a cat's and ate steam. we need help. we meet lucy. how does the whole? i'm sure i will not be sure medical part of this is the situation in northern gauze
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. salvation is everywhere. well, in these railings, preventing fee of humanitarian aid to thousands and thousands of palestinians, i think desperately needed unnecessary if i just deal some of those because rarely strikes have had several towns in southern living on these pictures from near the border with israel. this comes up to his beloved most of ben raj of rockets for northern israel at least for him is also funded. is ready military science. this is the law says a targeted them world advice, the groups it, it said it would tell ya, sion, israel is a tax on eastern living on on monday we'll try the news down in the us side of michigan. the presidential primaries are being held for both the democratic and republican nomination. the ballad, as seen as a test of support for donald trump and joe biden, in a key battleground states. a bonded one michigan in the 2020 election but now face
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a strong opposition of his continued support as well as war on guns. a campaign made by the lodge, arab and muslim american population is demanding binding, negotiate spot and gaza. john henry and reports from dave on michigan. this is where the problem came in. the warren garza, his devastated i'm in of light is family. we left over 90 members of my family. 83 died in a single is really bombing to pass a world away in michigan. abu ida blames president joe biden for his support of the war. on tuesday, he and thousands of others who usually support democrats planned to vote uncommitted in michigan's democratic presidential primary. i feel i have betrayed that i bought it for bite in 2020 you know we felt it for somebody to bring us democracy and a humanity on the table. well, we see, you know, a government that aligns with
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a genocide the government to co might. people innocent people, thousands of them, hundreds of traditional democrats gathered at a rally and the majority air of american city of dearborn. they're demanding a ceasefire and gaza and pledging to vote uncommitted. dearborn, mayor of dual a mood says it's not just an arrow of american issue. so not about being out of her being must have been having an attachment to the people in full us there and are being related by blood. this is about people coming together and seeing right versus wrong. they are joined, lead, really by rashid to leave. the only pell is getting an american in the us congress . if the campaign helps trump, she says plain by visiting about is risk and another problem term over here. support for the most right wing government. most extreme is government in the history of israel. there are 300000 air of americans in michigan twice. biden's 2020 margin of victory when you've got that big of
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a population that might or might not to support the president in re is re election efforts. boy, that could really swing the outcome in the michigan primary anger, his turn to action. but the real test comes in november when those supporting the uncommitted campaign will have to decide whether it is afford president viber or risk electing donald trump. for many like i'm not a lie to the answer is simple. how do you feel about joe biden? i don't think i'm i want to hear his name again. does america have blood on his hand? yes. with polls predicting easy primary victories for trumping biting on tuesday, the war and gaza threatens to cause democrats at least one state. they've been counting on to keep fighting in office in november, john henry and l g 0 dearborn, michigan. thousands of families in poland, demonstrating against you are paying union regulations and ship ukrainian food in
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ports. scuffles broke out on the streets of the polish capital also about a license and a series of demonstrations by farms right across here. from is that demanding a streamlining of environmental regulations contains an e used common agricultural policy. the goal, jones? i know we want to increase solutions to the 10 years ahead, so we know what to do cuz i want to produce how to change all the forms in which direction and we know nothing for that. we don't even know how much we're going to gets for grade in 5 months. the don't equal, we protest not only for us bomb is the nation and the whole european union needs to be aware that with flooded with uncontrolled flows of different products from outside of the you that do not meet all your p a nodes. we farm is off a bitten from bi leasing, and that's why we cannot compete with such products a nationwide protest. so taking place in nigeria against the rising cost of living, the trade union federation is calling for 2 days of demonstrations. many unions
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blame economic reforms introduced since president bullet tentative, who took office last year. now one of the most controversial changes is the end of fuel subsidies. how many just reports from the northern city, of kind of crime i'm gonna have made is shocked by what he sees when he visits the local market to shuffle groceries. what i buy last time it was maybe 500 now is 2500. you can see it quite well about 500 percent foot prizes us paddling out of control. and the government described link to avoid hunger crisis in africa's most populous country. trade union leaders have called the nigeria as to keep the streets in 2 days of protest. at the end of the month, the government says its cracking down and companies suspected of holding foot supplies to keep prizes higher. what do you mean? google leads and corruption commission, agents in condo state to rates suspected warehouses. we were able to identify it,
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and those are places where they are holding the images and based on our patients, we look at these uh, shops oh, warehouses. and after that gives new houses we push, oh, we won't freeze you out one day. trade is now judas middle class has all but disappeared and the poor gifting porter. just a few months ago, the local currency lost around 100 percent of its value. that tells me in order to purchase and file for almost everyone who's paid in our most concerned for not getting any other item at the moment, is a rising cost of 200 kilometers from candle officials and so on. the border with the general public smugglers are making things worse to most of the content for this from nigeria to the general public so that they can sell it on my there are, you know, and a ton will come back in hell, what is safe? and they will put it to distance, you know, don't make it appropriate. so it's 7 years. it's not just shut it's line boldest to
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for the inputs to boost domestic production since then, not due to a subsidy. and the price is of rise and other staples saw by more than 400 percent . when things continues to be like this without controlling the next type, the poor one. i don't know when i didn't want to buy economies say the only way i did it can avoid major crisis is to start addressing attacks. but i'm groups preventing people from going through their farms. the demolition opened up with us, but we set him control of that on the what we need it can be brought to you and only what we have accessed can be take out of the country. the reason way houses may provide some temporarily for now, but economies say government leaders must target high inflation an interest rate, as well as investing more in the agriculture industry. how many degrees? i just need a couple nigeria. so still a head here on l. g 05 years off,
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the sure lane can any wipe down measles. the country is facing an outbreak of the disease for on the front lines in democratic republic of congo with the military has found it unlikely l i is a battles in $23.00 fighters and, and support will show you the ice diver we've reclaimed to will recorded it's a lease that's coming up within the the hello found the stones of empowering across the northern parts of option to for some time, that little plot to stones coming in, higgs say this, uh, weather front here, this room front, that's going to be the main focus with a heavy strain over the next couple of days, tuesday sees the showers running across the river, play to uruguay southeast and possibly still seeing the heaviest of the down pools
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. and they're a little more expensive. they knows a little further west, which as we go through wednesday, punish, ask us the west side of the amazon. they are running up into southern areas of venice, white lab pushing up into the southern parts of columbia and a few showers to into the caribbean. mainly across the east side of the region could already do with the rain into mexico. we do have the water crisis at present the pots of mexico know somebody went with us as we go through the next couple of days and further north, the making his way into the east, the side of the us, just around the appellation, some live the storms here for time fund we down pull, certainly possibility and some law child. but look at the type of contrast. this is the main thing so that you to self isn't that was 26 and kansas 23 in chicago on tuesday come, widens, die single fingers for chicago, half of kansas, only 12 degrees in dallas, with most of the storms for the operations. the
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president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line stuff ation is being used as a what the only way to stop phone cutting costs ation is to allow ethan, the people are surrounding it. sparks smells with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blankets, no food, and no room to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacement the
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the to watching l g 0 reminder about top stories. the ssl is riley forces, half again north and file palestinians trying to get food in northern garza. the crowd came on the fire from guns and tanks as they get the to click flour on l. rashid road, west of kansas city on monday. you as president joe biden is optimistic that a ceasefire can be reached and caused by monday. abiding says israel is ready to stop military activities during ramadan l 0. so so. so the initial frame with all the deal includes a prison exchange, has reliant schools to barrage of rockets into israel,
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saying it's invitation for the tax on eastern living on at least from team of songs for 520 it says ready military sites and the news is gloss is a targeted the more on advice the you an agency full pallets in the and refugees is warning the crisis and the profit goes beyond this friday attacks. municipal services have come to a halt because of the war and piles of rubble and garbage increasing the spread of disease. felix now war has this report. the untreated sewage flows into the open on the streets of rough or nearly 5 months of these really bumming. as left the sunday patient system in ruin clean water has become extremely hard to get denied, except that there is no interest structure. public roads, a dozy and flooded with sewage and garbage diseases if spread and if it continues like this, the situation will be reversible, especially that there are now many children and elders are already sick piles of
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golf age grow larger between the 10th erected older russell outbreaks of disease are increasing with the goals of children, especially bundle does have the value for the women. my son has contracted hepatitis virus because of the unhealthy and unclean conditions we are living and we are living in attend, that cannot protect us from cold or rain. in addition, the entire surroundings are dirty. the whole area is 30 and polluted, hunger. colds and disease are devouring our children, nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who, being forced from their homes, are suffering. the united nation says this sewage in infectious diseases, coupled with the collapsed health care system, has led to a public health disaster. and the 3rd may type of toilet, it's really hard to describe. hospitals cannot accommodate the injured and we
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cannot find treatments for the sick. what hearts insult to injury is this lauren prizes of all commodities given if we can find them. many palestinians seeking refuge and rougher are those who have escaped these really offensive. that's both indiscriminate and extensively destructive or some of the survivors say, as well as the threat from is really a tax. but any time they also fear a slow debt from preventable disease. felix new laura ologist era is riley forces have killed 3 palestinians during a ride in the occupied west bank. it happens in the northern city of to boss on monday. nice and military vehicles and full size is the same. moving through the straits, at least $410.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied with bank since the will begin on october. the 7th. in the middle of the world goes, the polls have opened and as well as municipal elections within 7000000 people are
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eligible to vote for local councils in ms. areas that have been evacuated because of the will, will hold elections later in the year. and the elections which you to take place in october last year that were delayed to, to the conflict. the may of cut the chic to mean been come out of funny is meeting with french president and manuel mccomb and, and official site visit to paris. the 2 are expected to discuss as well as the ongoing for ongoing, so the to expose the truth and prisoner exchange proposal put forward. fi is right . the us cuts out in age of several days ago in the french capital. okay. for more on this, we're going to go to ben, it's smith, who is in paris for us, and kinda as we've mentioned, to play this significant rolling previous negotiations between our mazda and as well. that will no doubt be top of the agenda of the a tom it's, it's why cut says it has been invited to this time according to the lead. i
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apologize. it's the 1st time since they made it came to power in 2013 that is active in the front, on a state visit the has of course, been a many times we pull them, but it's never been a quoted this trip to the highest level of exchange that can be between 2 countries, unofficial state visit, and the lease a says casa, is know to be working on the release of a hostages, which is a priority for us. there are 3 french citizens amongst the captives being held by how much on the sides. the discussions will focus on the ongoing efforts to obtain a safe spot. and i will not save aid to be provided to the population of gauze bodies. of course, a priority for the people in gaza on c spy, we have to say just over the weekend where the american set, the basic consoles, obviously spot agreements had been agreed upon. the americans, joe biden, we've heard earlier on suggesting that i want is eminence. but everybody else at the moment, not playing it up the categories saying there's no limit inside of any amount of
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brake fluid that on minutes or say not before the i mean is arrival this afternoon . and this riley's on the how much also indicating that there's nothing eminently through, but obviously macro believes that the hosting and media, hey, i'm gonna help concentrate lines and maybe push some sort of face far over the last topic. okay, thanks so much for that. been a bit, a smith for us at the in pairs to the quote and focus on has charge of jail full and the prime minister and run con. and his wife's allegations they receive deprives during his time and office prosecute has accused a couple of using the families charity to say that the university on land given to them as a gift in the money laundering scheme. the former prime minister has been in child since last august in connection with all the cases. a con, denies any wrong doing, and says the charges against them politically, most advises. the military and democratic republic of congo says it's now working
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with local groups to tackle in 23 fighters and the north keeper of region. until recently, local find is for battling government forces. what catherine story has spoken to me and as of one such group called ones, the lender, she sense this exclusive report? not too long ago, these kimberly's finances were actually the ami. oh they call themselves was a lender. so he was for p, just the role on groups have put aside the differences, how the government forces, the goals to defeat what they see as a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the phone lines. yeah, the sing songs critical run this president on cuz i me they accuse of bombing entity 3 rebels. c karen says, she's not afraid to die. you to go so then you know,
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my team dizzy. i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is campbell, but we had to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here, but some commanders have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions. the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda. in 1994, the deal was island f. the lower our nurse was a lender. they are based in d r. c. but they are a london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be rolanda is problem not ours. was a lenders based on fuel that overlooks goma and dwanda not run across the border. aquanda is here say their wall is to make sure that go, ma,
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is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and be new to speak. i asked them what will happen when the conflict ends? when i show up on the plan, this is over. we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can support anywhere within the country. but for now, the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your call is bold as or die trying, catching, sorry. you know, google democratic republic of congo. 2 people have been shown during confrontations with police on the 1st day of a nationwide general strike and guinea, a consideration of unions, edge to people working in public and private sectors, to strike the demand during the release of an activist low of food prices and, and in to media, censorship, school shops and markets we empty one hospitals only offered emergency services.
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there's been no official response from the government which was set out by military june to that sees pallet in a coach in 2021. the activists in hong kong have staged a public protest against government plans for a new national security loan demonstration is gathered outside the government headquarters. well, sorry, say the new legislation is needed because the territory faces secure as in frank protest and say the proposed legs, democratic or the side is human rights sites got the world health organization has raised the alarm of a rep in the spirit of measles worldwide. more than $306000.00 cases were reported last year. so that number represents and almost 80 percent increase from 2020 to the w h o is wanting that more than half of old countries globally at high risk of measles outbreaks. by the end of this year, the in charlotte and the government is rushing to control the spread of the disease
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at boost the vaccine roll out is given priority to babies. and they'll send it as reports from columbus attempting to keep to them and that community see this government clinic in a densely populated area of colombo has started administering additional measles vaccines. 5 years ago she lock, i succeeded in eliminating me those but an outbreak last me mainly affecting babies prompted health authorities to introduce an addition to those. for instance, 6 to 9 months old. the highly contagious abalone disease spreads easily, especially when an infected person costs or sneezes. the increase in infections to more than $700.00 in 10 month has many parents, worried. for my mouse is due for the vaccine because he's 2 years old and there's also a search. and this printer for me is, is that's why i brought to long kind to use the measles vaccine for 2 years ago and
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claim 99 percent coverage. a depend demik resulted in a decrease in vaccinations. recent estimates said 10000 to lumpkin children had not been vaccinated. doctors, a warning of dire consequences, is that doesn't change due to them limited in the head. the people don't understand the dangers. now. parents may think once the child's got measles, everything will be okay. the complications, like those in the brain can occur after 5 years. the children's agency, unicef, which is supporting health authorities with additional immunizations says for lock, i have almost eliminated measles, but on vaccinate and people are at risk, it's a global void now. so any family who travels doing a job or to see that the transmission just means this is happening. it's very likely that they may cause the bad thing fiction. and again that this infection and if there is a but nothing but a group of people included into what, not for the moon yet, then the waves remain in the upper denture,
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the source for the for the spending, the infection, these 5 years of under investment a crippling economic crisis and the rest of the form of health minister for fraud. the government says public health care remains the priority. having you've advocated measles once authorities here to determine to do so again, counting on a strong community health care system. but a previous drop in cases and fee is about vaccines. i'm making that difficult minutes and as a 0, colombo and then is a professor and chair and the role of g lancaster university in the united kingdom . he believes that vaccination is key to stopping outbreaks. this is really important to understand that the vaccine against music is probably one of the best vaccine that are being developed, providing 97 percent protection in children when they are given to those is and i think one of the issue with the means of a virus is that it is very contagious,
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it's a practice and you know, very lavishly, so one infected by some kinds of proud of to 18 different people. so now you will have to find this right to balance between applying a vaccine and a larger population. we have at least 95 percent of the population is vaccinated and has the amenities and on to to reduce the support of this infection, which is very contagious. this can be done very quickly and rapidly because the vaccine availability is not really a problem. accessibility is there? what is just the good will and application that needed to be enforced by the local authority. so the good thing is that a vaccine is very, very effective to facilitate ronelle to 0. we make the make is of assume that re mentions tell us tons history, removing the trauma of the false displacement of people from the land. and as long as solo certainly right, so it's kind in the world will bring you the details in school for the end of the,
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in this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash before he is the
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these business uptake. these roads thought no bundle dash football. he is the the one of the world's largest tech conferences is taking place in casa, this is the 1st time it's been held in the mid least. the web summit i'm, is to connect to entrepreneurs with investors from around the world. alexandra buys reports in front of a sold out crowd. web stomach guitar opened with a bang. i'm pleased to announce a $1000000.00 q i investment in international under agent adventure capital funds
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for day summit is the 1st of its kind in the middle east bringing together $1000.00 and technology startups for more than 80 countries. this is an amazing opportunity for them to meet with investors. we have over $500.00 investors joining us at this event, which is obviously great. they'll have a lot of exposure. they have a boost day for one of the 3 days of the conference. so an amazing exposure as well, for the $12000.00 attendees that will be joining us. they will have also opportunity to pitch on stage on the pitch competition and start of showcased at the end of the day. also an amazing opportunity to learn and to develop and to network, not only with the attendees in general, but also to learn from the amazing speakers that we have going on stage. the diverse group includes impact start ups focused on improving lives through innovations and health care, sustainable farming and recycling. a 3rd of the companies have been founded by women, while around half are coming from the middle east. say, 15 years ago we didn't have really right now, that is the hub. so all of the other countries suddenly decided they want to jump
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in the middle east. i think that's a be progressive, a major steps where the story fits each country has its own characters, every space in special talents, in special ideas. and it's really diverse. i'm so excited to see where we're going to head over the next 3 days. this center and joe, how will be a high innovation and networking? thousands of people with big ideas here's to connect with investors and partners, hoping to create profound change not only in the middle east, but the rest of the world. alexandra buyers all to 0, so says time cisco, now his andy, thank you so much. tom will try and catching up his bank so pays at castle open successful a straight sets picture of it. because i say in the 1st round of the do by open catching of one his 6 times the window hall on saturday when he meets the jacket men. 6. no problems having defined around the 321819 year old frenchman in straight sets on the murray since that it's
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a some retirement plans coming in the next few weeks or months after he went just a 2nd. not sure if the ever 3 ton grounds from champion previously told down soaks of putting the support of the guns to run up. just 2 wins in 12 matches. that's come from a sit down here and see if i can finish off of all of the 36 year old winning that side right there in the 2nd sense. you then break twice in the 1st to close out the mat. murray, the lights, it makes you, he's unsure how long he has left him. is like, obviously still loved competing and still loved the game. but yeah, get so obviously hard and hard of the the older you get to compete with the young guys and keep your bodies fit in price. so um yeah, no, no easy. uh probably don't have to long last, but i'll do is best i can these last few months. a 2nd said andre rebuff came from a set down speech upon a china sorry, genji gen and divides the russian world and the find for wellness tournaments in
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2022 will face out of it. so these lorenzo recess equal french qualify also comes out in the 2nd message for how much is the city manager pick? waudale a says john greeley is spill unimposing part of his plans, despite the wing and losing his place in the side grade his only pipe, 16 minutes to cities. last 7 league matches caught out of says the english international. these through tons of form in order to get some more planning time the sort of filed suffice, leaving town in the account. 5th round. the lights for is tied to the, sorry, make the decision to be mistakes. but so if you play a lot, a lot of mean as i see them indices, only realizing the beginning is just simply say minus same. we want to play the same, nothing change in just how you perform as a difference. and we need to say for the day one, we need to have an special quality for all or do we need to some action from them? yeah. where the mind hate beat the sacramento kings,
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but the full straight when visiting aids were missing. some of that style plants through injury is talking a lot of time out of by step something. hassan scoring 28 points. meeting mind me try $121.00 for once. and when the kings have been on a 3 game winning streak in memphis, it was also to visit a seats on the houses. jeremy, dennis schroeder had 18 points in the games, the help of brooklyn. that's 111 to 86. when it gets to the grizzlies. it was the lowest score in game this season. the nice sizing and fastball letting you're watching a paid and emotional tribute to the countries cricket funds, as he announced his retirement from the international game. the 37 year old is news aiden's, 5th highest test work. it's like it was $260.00 dismissals. the south african born plan made the decision after being left out of the 1st test against australia series spelling on 1st i didn't see the public and the fans
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kind of thank you enough for the support for making me feel welcome to make me feel like a q a. m. yes, all the jobs throughout the use left to me help when your body of soul to be able to still do return. you put a huge role. francis shall colorado. it has become the 1st when all the lights round the world setting, right? with the difference, the okay or the same challenges, the multi whole versus only 6 side is settle from from center to january. would write a cross the finish line as the winner, 50 days lights. this was curly, she's valentina, could follow, reclaiming her ice diving wills record. and it's like 36 seconds after losing it. she reads a soft spot swimming. $140.00 made the same of a single thing, and no oxygen or assistance will set 3 degrees celsius and she was under the for one minutes and 48 seconds a lot more for me in
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a couple of hours time out of high school is looking for that have pretty and thanks so much of the but what's being billed as a side find documentary about the palestinian experience of the knock about or catastrophe of 1948, his premier in london. it also has a look at an alternate history with the displacement of palestinians near the happens of the title, it is a reference to the city of law. the present day is ro. it imagines a parallel, modern day existence of a multi site. palestinian stays very full, submit the code directors of the phone and the contact issue. contact him. so this is a film in which the city of lead the rates its own story, sub office and confirmed. that's kind of a stand to them on the bottom of a session between me and it's the story is a knock, but what time has to be in school. the catastrophe is force displacement. in 1948, the israel was created but it also offers an alternative and imagined
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history in which the not been ever happened. the device saves co directors aimed at engaging audiences with a familiar subject in a new way. 7, i are huge scifi narrative and we figured ok, let's see what happens if you know, stranger things will break and marty me from behind and flushes. occupation can take many things. but one thing they can take is your ability to imagine so they can take their imagination. this alternative universe mechanism that you chose. it's the reality in which israel doesn't exist. how do you expect this conceit to land in the current circumstances? of course i'm extremely concerned about the rise and anti semitism, which i do believe is real for me it, there's so much jewish presence in our film. and so, you know, we have this independent state of, we call it the greater lavonne to which as syria,
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palestine 11 on an into this independent the palestine jewish refugees fleeing antisemitism. and europe are welcome to the real world has changed drastically since the film was finished. the how much the tax of october, the 7th and the were that this is really a sole tongue garza for rama eunice, a palestinian citizen of israel. it's a 2nd back, but they call it willingly decimating the people from gaza. but that's just another fancy name for ethnic cleansing. and the genocide that's happening in, in, in the west and goes on right now unit says october, the 7th, instead of a tech tonic shift to the right within israel impinging on free speech the palestinian, his radius of the month. so relative quiet he and his co director on now speaking out about this to him once more, i'm here. it is london premier, a fundraiser for a policy in educational charity. and later this year and more planned events in the united states were hurtful as it i'll just say around london. well, that's it from a told mccrae for this yourself. but i will be back in just
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a moment with much more. all today's news to say with us the, this is the 1st one they saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered, a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal wise life trade loses its survival skills the tree, discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing
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retirements, grapples with the prospect of freest simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to these all his really military bands. the shogun, legalese, riley settlements. and the okey point westbank, the red lines, bulk the borders of the item. you describe just new security. so we're now in the area, i think you're just saw on those laps. they're all illegal is ready. settlers living just a few 100 meters from, hey, in caravans, in that direction. and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities are around illegal is right. the sentiments suddenly is ready. soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming, they contained us for more than 2 hours. the armies confiscation of land
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around in the galleries, really central. that's charlotte stadium say is more proof of israel breaking in some national or the under attack, as well as military funds on palestinians as they can to, to get food and the distribution center in northern gone. so the, until the cry, this is out to 0, live from died, also coming up, hopes of a possible sweet spot in gaza. the us president show abundance is, is right. it was prepared to stop its pull me campaign in the coming days. but her mouse is there's no deal in.


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