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tv   Witness Monkey Man  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 5:30am-6:00am AST

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peace tribunal in hope of, of lenient sentence was not a rump yet he has more from the capital bogota on the significance of his home coming after 16 years, former prior military were lowered. so that's what i'm on because a returned at to columbia, there was great expectation for this a return. he will have to face a justice also here in his home country for thousands of privacy committed a back in the early 2, thousands at the height of cologne. b as the internal civil conflicts to bodies, also hoping to be able to get a light sentence or even leaving the prison at shortly. because you will work as a piece emissary for calling on the column in a government of a gustavo fit, throwing a letter to the president's faith row and the columbia and people. he says he is ready to dedicate the rest of his life to become an instrument of peace in this country. there is great expectation for what he will be able to add in testimony to
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the peace tribunals here in columbia. the possibility also a to discover a what happened to us thousands of the victims of the paramilitaries. but the government is also hoping that he will be able to operate as a rich width, remaining good armed groups, in particular successors of the paramilitaries that trust them in many ways. and that could open the possibilities for the beginning of a new piece. negotiations between the government and those groups, he will now be transferred to transferred to a maximum security prison. here in both the and the incoming days that we are expected to know when his testimonies will start at the piece tribunal. allison that i'm get as just to you, that book that a public health emergency has been declared in peru for doing
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a fever. 32 people have died in 31000 have been diagnosed with the virus. the all new weather pattern with unusually high temperatures as being blame for the surgeon infections. the accidents in hong kong have protested against government plans for a new national security law. demonstrators and government headquarters said the proposed legislation likes democratic oversight in human rights safeguards. government liter state police need more help to combat security threats. alright, that's it for me and how much of june you can find more information on our website . i'll just here a. com witnesses next. thanks for watching the erosion is going to the polls to elected parliament. as well as 80 members of the assembly of exports, a body and power to appoint a future supreme leader of or on with the question of succession. moving a regional stand off in place one of the heaviest inflation rates in the world
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where the outcome of the election have an impact on the countries future. iran elections on l to 0. the, or the location with the little containers. the cable people. yeah. the, the, the the,
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the, the, the, i mean the easy. you are the so you pay like tables. so the gallery don't attempt to get into a bit of money. yeah. we gotta go. the
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legal law locates the vehicle. the unit is due to the the b to be the, the unit if you can use the the complete the cleaning cuz i might need the
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may i repeat the, the, the, the uh the the, to the lease or like the cov, i did go to d or nothing by that says he already i did call my policy the to g g. or you could see or get a call. i gave you a to gigi, the yankee, or the peak with the guys. k as your ticket
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though. yeah, you told me 2 people going up there totally. a couple of my cause us in the room to be real into men were getting my, your contact or the gay you think or put a must see notated. but in most cases, i would think it will literally only say to life, and i'm glad that you put me to let you go because in most we are legal porter and critical. and then you know the
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model, they need to relate the again, model it gave who they need to be made out and they need to take you to the, to hold up in front of the team. please go to to him on the line. your tanza. i get them excited for college as of yet all of the english both that are less key because like it is okay. i can i say color. yeah. can i? that's what that means and therefore it is thursday,
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and that's how do i get up again, the guy who was a gender settlement from the other, but i'm at the local guys. he needs us ideas as he uncles him, other over i know i'd be a lot of task is that i'm not seeing the oh yeah. with the yeah. the see if i transferred from this little side is a who is a part of the legal is a lot of those data compatible. legal, but did you guys use it? this will be able to give you. okay. yeah, yeah. when i, when it goes into doing the, the cheapest, when i get the numbers that i use and we look at ways to communicate with them, give me a call. the one click on the the
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5. 0 yeah. let me get okay. it's the most of the needle, usually you know where you're going to buy the buy board in the local move. you sorry. yeah. solid. i will be less. you can you say to assess that will fit into i use units have been paid for this order is, has, let me, let me double name will be in the media in a data will be able to be as that would be for the family to be part of the way that if you get out of st. annabelle long's e,
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so you go go to level and be more around the people. yes. all the teams that the us let's i comes i figured i have some land there for, for them, for me hall. i'm or can see and they asked him to send him out and that, you know, is that's coming in the us. but those are the vision so that i was in the comment was laid out, is countertops. i mean, a woman thinking in the united states because of, i mean, most leave it is. i live on somebody that i moved to chicago. the name of care certainly been there. let's close a way of seals began security. i believe.
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let me ask you who generally i will not pick so that he can the hopefully you need to go to to handle the, the bills. normally we don't really need to move it out the amount of the bill to navigate really we go because you know, a course that we love a me, this is ebony those so yeah, it is a good way to get there for you. i go by the beginning because i think it's only better to me, a favor because i never really meet the no no,
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we can move on the edge of the timing. we do me in a curriculum. did go to some take you to use the email but it didn't. we overlap the we have these that i brought up is there not give? i got to equal deal, but i get we have we have to deal with it. i mean, you tell me that you could okay. i mean, really, people believe easy didn't in their smoking, you'll be really kind of able to know what you mean. okay. do you think you can kind of go back to the uh
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the, the the, the
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full loan, someone some of the same. what you got here, like when we sell for a letter, you know, say when i say mama, me, you work at least a couple of the month and discuss all the way over those might take as much as i got. i may then be like the get a get up in the of where i might even would or he was like you like just you know,
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help you with the money to do it is going to be in the order. yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. okay. heres would be able to use the one more here and the your, your keys or does it please put them, you know, where to go with that thing underneath. amazing deal really, but i'll let you know what you think we gotta do. we is it here. we are, that's really cool. is that yeah,
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well, let me go by go by the. so did he hold? let me see if i need to know what i mean by the but he won't open to the me a minute. the example get put because i'm going to hold i'm going to be the and i'm going to get a, i mean the look on the
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degree or the you think i mean number pretty located military. yeah. of the the
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moon who was here you go easy because you're not the water you know who will get normal pool, good normal pool. okay. maybe you think on wheels is more know how much. ok and it to remind me of you take away you. i might need to move forward. i live in the building. they're using the menu and then yeah, yeah. get new employer when you get a good deal for me? no, yes. and no date though. it's super brief about yes.
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at the, you know, going towards religion is winning a you is who maybe angry you if you're through, you guys will be leaving the thing when you get to a my was not really going to put it on the face the, the getting the money the and for the rest of the really of the night to get here you've, i'm of my, you know, thing to him for many years. you know, you need to know, you mean you, but again, a, get us a little different out. i must say, may have political move over, i don't wanna give you. so he was the goes back to your part of the time your.
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he said, no, we human go for most of the and the only knowing the and listen me on the know setting up in your you're still a facility woman with the you know, the committee does take wheels or the government the know if in the you, underneath you think it's i like to you does come with a new black because i was like home, me my you know of the ladies, you know, to update my little braces, my mind, postpone it for your boy to be look at the whole point. okay. understand, you know, do you think one of the
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other that is the i think it's for my view that's what they gave us the flight i think is the the, the 2nd if i move the money to the value of the play by that it didn't the deal the the. ready the
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the the to the g 3, is that what it but oh yes. oh, that'd be a good one. 0, beautiful i got when i'm going to know that i could barely simple even though it doesn't take on those more or less any yes. once i get you pulled up with the cool thing, i will get the videos that way. you're kind of on the piano. you want me to handle that. the nice the, that sounds example. okay. so the guy that lives categories,
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the da instead of the, of the littlest, by the way of more sense, most of it is the team being, you turn in to let them go with the, you know, the guy isn't here, but you know, they will continue as i'm putting to you
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a little bit more for the cvc therapy, the good thing, confident they were to do the sewing most certainly ways on this new gun this idea of use to send the can you to which is what i want you to do. you, orlando, you know, in the, in the more data, not did you more do you use any of those inputs? i'm going to put up with you. they had like a, the, me move the, you know, you don't want to put anything that you want your body to be in. your beautiful, you'll get all the fat out of it. okay we, i couldn't wait, but i mean, it would be a 6 also is in the,
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in the mail every uh and when people, the people see really the same. i mean, do they do like the list to be less, you know, they don't is it must be so know the ok and then you go on the sign, the why job, even though it's inside will single single visa and i'm is, is you this the kid to do is the c e o, fatal. the feedback that i might be able to come into to the side of the toyota with it? or do you tell your people plan that mutual commute? do you mean you did? they call it the easy way to compile your ability to go into my credentials. you can take care of that. so you have again, but i will, and your boss is ridiculous. i knew killed the guy that will give you
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a book related to the magenta sandy the because the un what to do. ready the more the the with a new release of the need to know the story. so we can pick out the the
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a blind like police, fruits, salads and indigenous mother inbox. on an incredible jenny for justice timeless. be seeking reparation for others. like with no political background, she inspires the people to become chimneys 1st, lying sen within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. examining the impact of today's headline is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not only to question the most just looks we are moving out. is there a sense the stage, a guy is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improved,
5:59 am
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6:00 am
the kind of getting chaos enrolled in johnson is ready. so as far on palestinians collecting food from the distribution center, the on the clock, this is out 0 line from the house. it coming up 8 is a dropped into jobs or is the u. n ones that is relative, systematically preventing a truck from reaching those in need you as president joe biden.


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